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Abstract. The aerea group of the genus Chrysobothris Eschscholtz, as characterized for the first time, includes eight species which occur in the south-western United States and in Mexico. The complicated taxonomic history and confused identity of some species is discussed in depth. Four Mexican species are redescribed in detail from type material: aerea Chevrolat, quadriplagiata Water-house, simplex Waterhouse, stellifera Waterhouse. Lectotypes are designated for the last two species. C.costifrons Waterhouse is considered to comprise three subspecies; two, C.c.rubiterga and C.c.baja are newly described. The remaining species in the group are C.bispinosa, chalcophoroides and serripes . Illustrations and keys to species and subspecies are provided.  相似文献   

The species belonging to Tychus rufus group are revised. Eleven species are recognized, described and illustrated and a key to their identification is provided. Nine taxa are new to science: Tychus carpathius n. sp. from Karpathos island (Greece); T. torticornis n. sp. from Lesbos Island (Greece); T. pisidicus n. sp. and T. inermis n. sp. from southwestern Turkey; T. antiocheus n. sp. and T. effeminatus n. sp. from southeastern Turkey; T. artvinensis n. sp. from northeastern Turkey, and T. sidonicus n. sp. and T. libanus n. sp. from Lebanon.  相似文献   

The Clytra subfasciata species group is proposed, to comprise Clytra subfasciata Lacordaire, 1848 Lacordaire, J. T. (1848): Monographie des coléoptères subpentamères de la famille des phytophages. Tome second. Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liége, 5, 1890 pp. [Google Scholar], C. hajeki Medvedev &; Kantner, 2002 Medvedev, L. N., &; Kantner, F. (2002): Some new and poorly know Clytrinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of the Old World. Entomologica Basiliensia, 24, 259269. [Google Scholar] and C. kadleci sp. n. (Yemen). The species of the group are characterised by the peculiar shape of the aedeagus, with a dorsal plate separated from the rest of aedeagus by a deep narrow slit. Colour photographs of habitus and drawings of genitalia are provided for all three species.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F6706A76-CD49-4A5A-A109-A6E6C23514A5  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):661-665
The genus Endelus Deyrolle, 1864 belongs to the subfamily Agrilinae, tribe Aphanisticini. Two new species, E. (E.) violaceithorax sp. n. from Hainan Island and E. (E.) wangi sp. n. from Guangxi and Yunnan, are herein described and illustrated. A key to separate species of the subgenus Endelus Deyrolle, 1864 from China is provided.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:CF144204-86FB-401D-AF75-B740CCD020DC.  相似文献   

本文记述中国刺蛾科1新记录属:拟线刺蛾属Caniatta Solovyev&Witt,2009及1新记录种:光拟线刺蛾Caniatta levis Solovyev&Witt,2009,并提供雄性成虫和外生殖器特征图及分布情况.  相似文献   

记述脊窄吉丁种团Agrilus japanocarinatus species-group 2新种:长脊窄吉丁Agrilus longicarinus sp.nov.(广东)和林氏窄吉丁 A.lini sp.nov.(海南).首次记录了阿氏窄吉丁 A.arsenevi Jendek,2009.编制了该种团的中国种检索表...  相似文献   

本研究利用室内饲养成虫,对柑桔爆皮虫的蛹及正常取食和交配、正常取食但未交配以及正常交配但未取食三种处理的雌成虫的卵巢发育进行了系统观察。结果显示:该虫具有1对卵巢,每侧有5根卵巢管。前两种处理的雌虫卵巢管均能正常发育,成虫寿命在30天左右; 没有取食的雌虫寿命只有7天左右,在其卵巢管的生长区和成熟区均无卵形成。根据卵巢的形状、卵的产生过程、卵巢萼内有无卵粒以及卵黄沉积情况等将卵巢发育程度分为6个级别,即发育初期(0级)、卵黄沉积前期(Ⅰ级)、卵黄沉积期(Ⅱ级)、成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)。每头雌虫最高怀卵量在140粒左右,根据雌虫怀卵量变化趋势,推测正常取食和交配的柑桔爆皮虫雌虫在出孔后10天左右开始产卵,产卵历期可达22天左右。据此提出该虫卵巢管发育到成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)之前(即羽化出孔后10天之内)为出孔成虫的防治适期。  相似文献   

吉丁科昆虫是鞘翅目中化石记录相当丰富的类群之一。本文回顾了世界吉丁科昆虫化石的研究进展,整理了已发表的化石物种名录、地层分布及地质年代,并简要推测了其与植物的协同演化关系,提出了现今有待解决的问题以及对未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

G Karagyan 《Folia biologica》2001,49(1-2):43-47
The male karyotypes of six species of the buprestid genera Sphenoptera (two species) and Acmaeoderella (four species) were studied after Ag-banding. The following karyotypes were found in individual species: n = 19-23, with predominance of 23, in Sphenoptera scovitzi Fald., 2n = 24 (22 + Xyp) in Sphenoptera mesopotamica Mars., 2n = 18 (16 + Xyr) in Acmaeoderella flavofasciata Pill. & Mitt., Acmaeoderella gibbulosa Men., Acmaeoderella boryi Brulle, Acmaeoderella vetusta Men. In Sph. scovitzi, two chromosome pairs were found to display stable argentophilous blocks. In Sph. mesopotamica, NOR-bearing is one of the large autosomal bivalents. In all species of the genus Acmaeoderella, a nucleolus-like argentophilous body is placed between the X and y chromosomes.  相似文献   

Aim  We analysed the geographical distributions of species of Buprestidae (Coleoptera) in Mexico by means of a panbiogeographical analysis, in order to identify their main distributional patterns and test the complex nature of the Mexican Transition Zone, located between the Nearctic and Neotropical regions.
Location  Mexico.
Methods  The geographical distributions of 228 species belonging to 33 genera of Buprestidae were analysed. Localities of the buprestid species were represented on maps and their individual tracks were drawn. Based on a comparison of the individual tracks, generalized tracks were detected and mapped. Nodes were identified as the areas where generalized tracks converged.
Results  Thirteen generalized tracks were obtained: one was restricted to the Mexican Transition Zone and five to the Neotropical region (Antillean and Mesoamerican dominions), a further two occurred in both the Nearctic region (Continental Nearctic dominion) and the Mexican Transition Zone, and a further five in both the Neotropical region (Mesoamerican dominion) and the Mexican Transition Zone. Seven nodes were identified at the intersections of the generalized tracks – in the Mesoamerican dominion (Mexican Pacific Coast, Mexican Gulf and Chiapas biogeographical provinces) and the Mexican Transition Zone (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Balsas Basin and Sierra Madre Oriental biogeographical provinces).
Main conclusions  We conclude that the geographical distribution of Buprestidae is mainly Neotropical, corresponding to the Mesoamerican dominion and the Antillean dominion of the Neotropical region, and the Mexican Transition Zone. Most of the generalized tracks and nodes correspond to the Mexican Transition Zone, thus confirming its complex nature. We suggest that the nodes we have identified could be particularly important areas to choose for conservation prioritization.  相似文献   

通过调查柑桔爆皮虫成虫羽化孔的分布,经空间分布型检验和聚集度指标的测定以及Taylor幂法则和m*- m(Iwao)回归分析,结果表明,柑桔爆皮虫的羽化孔在柑桔树树体内和桔园内均呈聚集分布: 在枯树内呈负二项分布,在半枯树内呈负二项分布或奈曼A型分布,在桔园内呈负二项分布,在树体内和桔园内分布的基本成分均为为个体群,个体间相互吸引。树势较差的柑桔树容易受柑桔爆皮虫危害,在树势强的树体内不能完成世代发育。因此,柑桔爆皮虫采用多次聚集攻击的策略攻击寄主。在桔园内聚集危害部分寄主,在树体内聚集危害寄主主枝的中下部,主枝的死亡导致整株树势下降,下一代虫源进而再次攻击寄主,在树势下降的树体内柑桔爆皮虫完成世代发育并羽化出孔,成虫继续为害健康的柑桔树。  相似文献   

A microsporidium was isolated from the bronze birch borer, Agrilus anxius Gory (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), collected near Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie, Canada. Light and electron microscopic investigations showed that gross pathology and ultrastructure of the investigated Cystosporogenes species was similar to those characterized and described for other Cystosporogenes species. Small subunit rRNA gene sequence data and comparative phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the microsporidian species from A. anxius is most closely related to the genus Cystosporogenes clade of microsporidia. Infection average in the Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie beetle populations was >80% and relatively stable in 2006-2007 but declined in 2008. Field prevalence of the A. anxius isolate, mechanisms that may potentially be involved in its horizontal (autoinfection) and vertical (transovarial) transmission, and disease dynamics are discussed. The congeneric relationship between Agrilus planipennis and A. anxius makes it imperative to study the virulence of this Cystosporogenes species in A. planipennis.  相似文献   

Improved detection tools are needed for the emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), an invasive forest insect from Asia that has killed millions of ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees in North America since its discovery in Michigan in 2002. We evaluated attraction of adult A. planipennis to artificial traps incorporating visual (e.g., height, color, silhouette) and olfactory cues (e.g., host volatiles) at field sites in Michigan. We developed a double-decker trap consisting of a 3-m-tall polyvinyl pipe with two purple prisms attached near the top. In 2006, we compared A. planipennis attraction to double-decker traps baited with various combinations of manuka oil (containing sesquiterpenes present in ash bark), a blend of four ash leaf volatiles (leaf blend), and a rough texture to simulate bark. Significantly more A. planipennis were captured per trap when traps without the rough texture were baited with the leaf blend and manuka oil lures than on traps with texture and manuka oil but no leaf blend. In 2007, we also tested single prism traps set 1.5 m above ground and tower traps, similar to double-decker traps but 6 m tall. Double-decker traps baited with the leaf blend and manuka oil, with or without the addition of ash leaf and bark extracts, captured significantly more A. planipennis than similarly baited single prism traps, tower traps, or unbaited double-decker traps. A baited double-decker trap captured A. planipennis at a field site that was not previously known to be infested, representing the first detection event using artificial traps and lures. In 2008, we compared purple or green double-decker traps, single prisms suspended 3-5 m above ground in the ash canopy (canopy traps), and large flat purple traps (billboard traps). Significantly more A. planipennis were captured in purple versus green traps, baited traps versus unbaited traps, and double-decker versus canopy traps, whereas billboard traps were intermediate. At sites with very low A. planipennis densities, more A. planipennis were captured on baited double-decker traps than on other traps and a higher percentage of the baited double-decker traps captured beetles than any other trap design. In all 3 yr, peak A. planipennis activity occurred during late June to mid-July, corresponding to 800-1200 growing degree-days base 10 degrees C (DD10). Nearly all (95%) beetles were captured by the end of July at approximately 1400 DD10.  相似文献   

Emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis (Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), plays a significant role in the health and extent of management of native North American ash species in urban forests. An economic analysis of management options was performed to aid decision makers in preparing for likely future infestations. Separate ash tree population valuations were derived from the i-Tree Streets program and the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers (CTLA) methodology. A relative economic analysis was used to compare a control option (do-nothing approach, only removing ash trees as they die) to three distinct management options: 1) preemptive removal of all ash trees over a 5 yr period, 2) preemptive removal of all ash trees and replacement with comparable nonash trees, or 3) treating the entire population of ash trees with insecticides to minimize mortality. For each valuation and management option, an annual analysis was performed for both the remaining ash tree population and those lost to emerald ash borer. Retention of ash trees using insecticide treatments typically retained greater urban forest value, followed by doing nothing (control), which was better than preemptive removal and replacement. Preemptive removal without tree replacement, which was the least expensive management option, also provided the lowest net urban forest value over the 20-yr simulation. A "no emerald ash borer" scenario was modeled to further serve as a benchmark for each management option and provide a level of economic justification for regulatory programs aimed at slowing the movement of emerald ash borer.  相似文献   

【目的】建立花椒窄吉丁 Agrilus zanthoxylumi 转录组数据库,挖掘其基因组数据。【方法】采用高通量测序平台Illumina NovaSeq6000对花椒窄吉丁成虫不同组织(触角、头、胸、腹、足、翅)进行转录组测序、序列组装,使用BLAST软件将花椒窄吉丁unigenes序列与公共数据库进行比对,BLAST同源性搜索的方法从中筛选出与其化学感受相关的基因,并与其他已研究发表的鞘翅目昆虫化学感受相关基因的核酸序列比对,进行系统发育分析。利用RPKM值对这些基因在花椒窄吉丁成虫不同组织中的表达量进行分析。【结果】经测序及序列拼接后共得到80 320条unigenes和 169 398 条contigs,其G+C比例分别是37.63%和39.18%,平均长度分别为828.75和1 084.33 bp;unigenes长度主要分布在200~400 bp的共有37 374条,占全部unigenes的46.53%。在NR数据库中注释的与花椒窄吉丁转录组相似基因所属物种分布为赤拟谷盗 Tribolium castaneum 所占比例26.80%,其后依次是小家鼠 Mus musculus (13.87%),蛀犀金龟 Oryctes borbonicus (5.26%),山松甲虫 Dendroctonus ponderosae (4.10%),黑蚁 Lasius niger (2.36%),其他物种所占比例是47.61%。在GO数据库中比对到27 488个unigenes,可分为分子功能、细胞组分和生物学进程三大类共59个过程;利用KOG数据库功能注释分为25类,注释到unigenes 最多功能类别的是普通功能,共 4 666个,最少的是与细胞移动相关,共40个;将80 320个unigenes映射到KEGG数据库中,21 104条unigens注释到代谢通路35个,占26.27%,注释最多的代谢途径是转录途径,共涉及到2 037条unigenes。从NR数据库中共注释到8个气味受体(odorant receptor, OR)基因、7个离子型受体(ionotropic receptor, IR)基因和6个味觉受体(gustatory receptor, GR)基因,各组织中的基因表达量分析发现,这3类化学感受相关基因在成虫触角中的表达量显著高于其他组织中的表达量,雌、雄触角中表达量差异最显著的为 AzanOR 1,而在雌、雄成虫足中这3类化学感受相关基因表达量没有差异。【结论】本研究首次获得了花椒窄吉丁转录组数据,为进一步研究花椒窄吉丁的基因功能奠定了分子基础。  相似文献   

Abstract. Investigation of the chromosomes has revealed a Helophorus species from Central and Eastern Europe, and West Siberia, here described as H.paraminutus sp.n., which often closely resembles minutus F., though some specimens are larger and resemble lapponicus Thomson. The chromosomes of paraminutus are clearly distinct from those of minutus but closely resemble those of lapponicus. In the laboratory first generation hybrids were obtained between minutus and paraminutus, lapponicus and paraminutus, and lapponicus and minutus, but in no case was it possible to breed from these hybrids. Thus there can be no doubt that these three species are distinct. Recognition of paraminutus as a distinct species, despite the fact that study of its morphology alone could suggest introgressive hybridization between lapponicus and minutus, requires the recognition of limbatus Motschulsky as a species separate from H. lapponicus and necessitates the revision of the Helophorus minutus group of species which, as here defined, includes minutus, paraminutus, hilaris Sharp, lapponicus, limbatus, mervensis Semenov, rinki Angus, fulgidicol-lis Motschulsky and asturiensis Kuwert. Types and synonymies are discussed, and a key to these species given. Two old, imperfectly known, names are discussed to clear them from the synonymy: granulans var. rufipennis Hubenthal is identified as brevipalpis Bedel, and a lectotype designated; H. griseus var. lateralis Dalla Torre is left as incertae sedis and is classed as a nomen oblitum.  相似文献   

Beetles of the genus Melanophila are able to detect infrared radiation by using specialized sensilla in their metathoracic pit organs. We describe the afferent projections of the infrared-sensitive neurons in the central nervous system. The axons primarily terminate in the central neuropil of the fused second thoracic ganglia where they establish putative contacts with ascending interneurons. Only a few collaterals appear to be involved in local (uniganglionic) circuits. About half of the neurons send their axons further anterior to the prothoracic ganglion. A subset of these ascend to the subesophageal ganglion, and about 10% project to the brain. Anatomical similarities suggest that the infrared-sensitive neurons are derived from neurons supplying mechanosensory sensilla. The arborization pattern of the infrared afferents suggests that infrared information is processed and integrated upstream from the thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   

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