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Glycation induces expansion of the molecular packing of collagen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Exposure of rat tail tendon to a reducing sugar results in covalent attachment of the sugar to collagen, a process termed glycation, and leads to the formation of stable intermolecular cross-links. We have used X-ray diffraction to study the changes in the crystalline unit cell of rat tail tendon collagen brought about by glycation. Ribose was selected as a model compound for most of the study because its reaction with proteins is faster than that of glucose, and therefore more convenient for laboratory studies, but glucose and glyceraldehyde were used as well. A kinetic model describing the process of glycation by ribose and subsequent cross-link formation has been developed. Glycation resulted in an expansion by more than 12% of the unit cell that describes the three-dimensional structure of rat tail tendon collagen. The expansion was in a direction perpendicular to the axes of the rod-shaped molecules, indicating that the intermolecular spacing of the collagen increased. Thus, the structure of collagen in rat tail tendon is significantly altered by glycation in vitro. The expansion was not isotropic, but was directed parallel to the (120) planes, one of the three major planes of the quasi-hexagonal structure that is densely populated by collagen molecules. It is hypothesized that this expansion is brought about by the formation of one, or at most a few, specific intermolecular cross-links in the overlap zone that act to push the molecules apart. It is likely that similar structural changes in collagenous tissues are caused by glycation in vivo during the natural course of aging, and that these changes are accelerated in chronic hyperglycemia such as that associated with diabetes. Analysis of the structure of glycated rat tail tendon potentially can give us new insight into the detailed molecular structure of collagen.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence in the triplet region of the α1 chain of collagen was analyzed for complementary relationships that would explain the stagger of multiples of 670 Å between the rod-like molecules in the fibril. The analysis was done by moving the sequence of 1011 amino acids past itself and scoring for complementarity between opposing amino acids allowing a range of ±2 to 3 residues. It was found that interactions between amino acids of opposite charge and between large hydrophobic amino acids in the overlapping region between two chains are maximal when the chains are staggered by 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D and 4D, where D = 234 ± 1 residues. The residue repeat derived from this value is 2.86 ± 0.02 Å. The existence of a D separation between interacting residues was shown to be reflected in the actual distribution of large hydrophobic amino acids. Surprisingly, the distribution approximates the pattern (2D11)5(D11) repeated over 4.4D intervals. The regularity may arise from structural constraints imposed by super-coiling. The distribution of charged residues is less regular and does not show a well-defined periodicity. However, positively-charged residues tend to be near negatively-charged residues, allowing intramolecular charge neutralization as well as strong intermolecular charge interactions at 0D.  相似文献   

Histochemical properties of cartilage proteoglycans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proteoglycan interaction with alcian blue at different concentrations of magnesium chloride was studied both in vitro and in histological sections of paraffin-embedded tissues. Our experiments indicate that a) proteoglycans with different contents of chondroitin sulfate and keratan sulfate, prepared under nondegradative conditions, are not distinguishable on the basis of the critical electrolyte concentrations at which staining is abolished; b) the state of aggregation of proteoglycans only very slightly affects the alcian blue affinity of the macromolecules at different concentrations of magnesium chloride; c) the interaction of proteoglycans with other components of the connective tissue matrix is an important factor in determining the strength of binding of alcian blue to the polyanionic macromolecules in histological sections. These factors should be considered in interpreting histochemical data obtained by staining tissue sections with alcian blue at different concentrations of magnesium chloride. Proteoglycans, like glycosaminoglycans, are only weakly periodic acid-Schiff-positive.  相似文献   

Synopsis The proteoglycans of cartilage are complex molecules in which chondroitin sulphate and keratan sulphate chains are covalently linked to a protein core, forming a polydisperse population of proteoglycan monomers. By interaction with hyaluronic acid and link proteins, the monomers form large macromolecular complexes.In vivo the proteoglycans mainly occur in such aggregates. In the electron microscope, the cartilaginous matrix can be seen to be made up of thin collagen fibrils and polygonal granules about 10–50 nm in diameter. Addition of the polyvalent cationic dye Ruthenium Red to glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide fixatives yields a dense selective staining of the matrix granules. Following a short digestion of cartilage slices with either of the chondroitin sulphate-degrading enzymes hyaluronidase and chondroitinase or with the proteolytic enzyme papain, the matrix granules were few in number or completely absent and the proteoglycan content, measured as hexosamine, decreased by up to 90%. Similarly, extraction of the cartilage with 4 M guanidine-HCl removed all matrix granules and most of the proteoglycans. From these findings, it can be concluded that the matrix granules represent proteoglycans, most probably in aggregate form, and that Ruthenium Red staining may be used to study the distribution of these macromolecules in thin sections. As a complement to chemical studies on proteoglycan structure, it is also possible to observe and measure individual molecules in the electron microscope after spreading them into a monomolecular layer with cytochromec. This technique has been applied in investigations on proteogly cans isolated from bovine nasal cartilage and other hyaline cartilages. The molecules in the monomer fractions appeared as an extended central core filament to which about 25–30 side-chain filaments were attached at various intervals. The core filament, averaging about 300 nm in length, was interpreted as representing the polysaccharide-binding part of the protein core and the side-chain filaments, averaging about 45 nm in length, as representing the clusters of chondroitin sulphate chains. Statistical treatment of the collected data indicated that no distinct subpopulations existed within the monomer fractions. The electron microscopic results correlated well with chemical data for the corresponding fractions and together with recent observations on various aggregate fractions strongly support present concepts of proteoglycan structure.Paper presented at a symposium The Changing directions of carbohydrate histochemistry at the Fifth International Congress of Cytochemistry and Histochemistry in Bucharest, Romania on September 1976.  相似文献   

13C nmr spectral parameters were measured for intact bovine nasal cartilage tissue, the purified proteoglycan aggregate, and chondroitin 4-sulfate. A comparison of integrated intensities obtained for four different samples of fresh tissue with an ethylene glycol standard indicated that at least 80% of the total glycosaminoglycan carbons in the tissue contributed to the spectrum. This result was confirmed by intensity measurements obtained at 56 degrees on fresh tissue and at 37 degrees after extensive papain digestion of fresh tissue. Spin lattice relaxation times and nuclear Overhauser enhancements were analyzed in terms of the following models of molecular motion: (a) single correlation time; (b) log X2 distribution of correlation times; and (c) anisotropic motion. The analysis indicates that the segmental motions of glycosaminoglycan chains are characterized by a broad distribution of correlation times centered at about 50 ns. Slow motion contributions to glycosaminoglycan line widths were reduced by dipolar decoupling (gammaH2/2pi = 65 kHz). Collagen intensity was observed in dipolar decoupled spectra, but not in scalar decoupled spectra of intact tissue, showing that the type II collagen in cartilage undergoes anisotropic motion like the type I collagen in tendon. Only glycosaminoglycan resonances were observed in spectra of a solution of proteoglycan aggregate before and after chondroitinase digestion. After subsequent digestion with papain, protein resonances were observed. These results suggest that the protein portions of the proteoglycan aggregate structure, in contrast with the glycosaminoglycan chains, have restricted backbone mobility and consequently a defined backbone structure.  相似文献   

Physical properties of cartilage proteoglycans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Heparan sulfate-modified proteoglycans (HSPGs) are important regulators of signaling and molecular recognition at the cell surface and in the extracellular space. Disruption of HSPG core proteins, HS-synthesis, or HS-degradation can have profound effects on growth, patterning, and cell survival. The Drosophila neuromuscular junction provides a tractable model for understanding the activities of HSPGs at a synapse that displays developmental and activity-dependent plasticity. Muscle cell-specific knockdown of HS biosynthesis disrupted the organization of a specialized postsynaptic membrane, the subsynaptic reticulum (SSR), and affected the number and morphology of mitochondria. We provide evidence that these changes result from a dysregulation of macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy). Cellular and molecular markers of autophagy are all consistent with an increase in the levels of autophagy in the absence of normal HS-chain biosynthesis and modification. HS production is also required for normal levels of autophagy in the fat body, the central energy storage and nutritional sensing organ in Drosophila. Genetic mosaic analysis indicates that HS-dependent regulation of autophagy occurs non-cell autonomously, consistent with HSPGs influencing this cellular process via signaling in the extracellular space. These findings demonstrate that HS biosynthesis has important regulatory effects on autophagy and that autophagy is critical for normal assembly of postsynaptic membrane specializations.  相似文献   

The weight fractions of the organic, mineral and water components of bone have been shown to be uniquely related to the wet bone density, except for a small variation possibly due to structure, for the range of bone densities from 1.7 g/cm3 for deer antler to 2.7 g/cm3 for porpoise petrosal. In this report the mathematical expression for the organic weight fraction is shown to depend on three factors, each a function of bone density. The first factor can be ralated to the mineral fraction, the second to the volume fraction of the organic component and the third to the density of the organic component. The influence of these factors is not obvious, since the change in the organic weight fraction could be due to an absolute loss of organic matter alone, or to a combination of increased mineral concentration together with some loss of organic matter. The mathematical development is based on the generalized packing model for collagen. It is demonstrated that the mineralization process requires a decrease of the organic component as well as a compaction of the collagen fibrils and these vary with the bone density.  相似文献   

M Yamauchi  E P Katz  G L Mechanic 《Biochemistry》1986,25(17):4907-4913
A trypsin digest of denatured NaB3H4-reduced native bovine periodontal ligament was prepared and fractionated by gel filtration and cellulose ion-exchange column chromatography. Prior to trypsin digestion, a complete acid hydrolysate was subjected to analyses for nonreducible stable and reducible intermolecular cross-links. Minute amounts of the former and significant amounts of the reduced cross-links dihydroxylysinonorleucine (1.1 mol/mol of collagen), hydroxylysinonorleucine (0.9 mol/mol of collagen), and histidinohydroxymerodesmosine (0.6 mol/mol of collagen) were found. The covalent intermolecular cross-linked two-chained peptides that were isolated were subjected to amino acid and sequence analyses. The structures for the different two-chained linked peptides were alpha 1CB4-5(76-90)[Hyl-87] X alpha 1CB6-(993-22c)[Lysald-16c], alpha 1CB4-5(76-90)[Hyl-87] X alpha 1CB6(993-22c)[Hylald-16c], alpha 2CB4(76-90)[Hyl-87] X alpha 1CB6(993-22c)[Lysald-16c], and alpha 2CB4(76-90)[Hyl-87] X alpha 1CB6(993-22c)[Hylald-16c]. The cross-link in each peptide was glycosylated. This is the first characterization by sequence analysis of a cross-link involving Hyl-87 in an alpha 2 chain in collagen. A stoichiometric conversion of residue 16c aldehyde to an intermolecular cross-link in each of the COOH-terminal nonhelical peptide regions of both alpha 1 chains in a molecule of type I collagen was found. The ratio of alpha 1 to alpha 2 intermolecularly cross-linked chains involved was 3.3:1, indicating a stereospecific three-dimensional molecular packing of type I collagen molecules in bovine periodontal ligament.  相似文献   

Cartilage proteoglycan aggregates are separated from collagen and other non-proteoglycan protein by preparative rate zonal sedimentation under associative conditions. Dissociative rate zonal sedimentation produces sedimented proteoglycan of lower protein content with a corresponding increase in the amount of less sedimentable protein-rich proteoglycan. An extensive number of sequential rate zonal sedimentations discloses that the proceess of disaggregation involves the separation of proteoglycans varying continuously in composition with no apparent discontinuities in distribution to indicate the presence of distinctively different macromolecules. The variations encompass proteoglycans of low protein content containing less than 2% keratan sulfate and proteoglycans with keratan sulfate as the predominant polysaccharide (present in concentrations greater than 2-fold that of the chondroitin sulfate) and more than a 10-fold increase in protein content.  相似文献   

The collagen that forms the egg case of the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula is stored in bulk in the female nidamental glands. Here the collagen molecules are thought to undergo a series of distinct pH-dependent liquid crystalline aggregation phase changes before assembling into the final arrangement encountered in the mature egg case. One liquid crystalline phase is hexagonal with the centres of two adjacent hexagons about 36 nm apart. We have collected tilt series of the hexagonal phase from plastic sections of the nidamental gland and have produced a three-dimensional reconstruction of the collagen arrangement of this phase. The reconstruction features axial columns of protein density lying regularly on the vertices of hexagonal cells of edge length 21 nm. Each column is connected to three nearest neighbours by irregular sheets of protein, but there appear to be preferred molecular directions at about 40 degrees to 50 degrees to the columns. The reconstruction has been interpreted in terms of known interactions of this collagen in other assemblies.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans of the articulating and growing zones of maximum and minimum contact of bovine fetal articular cartilage were studied and compared to proteoglycans of immature calf and adult steer. During fetal maturation, localized changes were observed as early as the second trimester of fetal life but were restricted to the most superficial zones. Proteoglycans extracted from the growing zones were purified by density-gradient ultracentrifugation. The majority of proteoglycan monomers were able to interact with endogenous hyaluronate to form aggregates. Monomers had, at all fetal stages, similar elution profiles on Sepharose 2B and similar ratios of chondroitin sulfate chains/keratan sulfate chains/O-glycosidically linked oligosaccharides. Keratan sulfate chains were of similar size at all stages, but chondroitin sulfate chain size decreased markedly with fetal maturation. In the first and second trimesters of fetal life, the proteoglycans were poorly substituted with glycosaminoglycans. A major increase in the absolute number of glycosaminoglycans and oligosaccharides attached to core protein was detected during the third trimester of fetal life. No further changes in substitution occurred in early postnatal life. Enzymatic digestion of proteoglycan monomer demonstrated that the increase in substitution with keratan sulfate occurred to the same extent in the main polysaccharide attachment region and in the keratan sulfate-rich region.  相似文献   

Two types of sialic acid-containing component are released from articular cartilage proteoglycan monomer (D1) treated with 0.05 M NaOH containing 1 M NaBH4. The smaller component, which has not been described before, contains galactosamine, glucosamine, galactose and sialic acid (Molar ratio 1:1:1:2). It is eluted from ECTEOLA-cellulose with low molarity (0.4 M) sodium formate and has a Kav of 0.70 on Bio-gel P30. Its presence on the proteoglycan monomer was demonstrated at all stages of foetal and adult life.  相似文献   

After chondroitinase digestion of bovine nasal and tracheal cartilage proteoglycans, subsequent treatment with trypsin or trypsin followed by chymotrypsin yielded two major types of polypeptide-glycosaminoglycan fragments which could be separated by Sepharose 6B chromatography. One fragment, located close to the hyaluronic acid-binding region of the protein core, had a high relative keratan sulfate content. This fragment contained about 60% of the total keratan sulfate, but less than 10% of the total chondroitin sulfate present in the original proteoglycan preparation. The weight average molecular weight of the keratan sulfate-enriched fragment was 122,000, as determined by sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation. The chemical and physical data indicate that this fragment contains an average of 10 to 15 keratan sulfate chains, if the average molecular weight of individual chains is assumed to be about 8,000, and about 5 chondroitin sulfate chains attached to a peptide of about 20,000 daltons. The other population of fragments was derived from the other end of the proteoglycan molecule, the chondroitin sulfate-enriched region, and contained mainly chondroitin sulfate chains. About 90% of the total chondroitin sulfate, but only 20 to 30% of the total keratan sulfate was recovered in these fragments. On the average, approximately 5 chondroitin sulfate chains and 1 keratan sulfate chain could be linked to the same peptide. Another 10 to 20% of the total keratan sulfate, originally found in or near the hyaluronic acid-binding region, was not separated from the chondroitin sulfate-enriched fragments. Hydroxylamine could be used to liberate a large molecular size, chondroitin sulfate-enriched fragment (Kav 0.54 on Sepharose 2B) from the proteoglycan aggregates. The remainder of the protein core, containing the keratan sulfate-enriched region, was bound to hyaluronic acid with the link proteins and recovered in the void volume on the Sepharose 2B column.  相似文献   

The turnover in vivo of proteoglycans of guinea pig costal cartilage was investigated using Na235SO4 as precursor. Proteoglycans were extracted with guanidine · HCl, at both low and high ionic strength, and purified and fractionated by ultracentrifugation in CsCl gradients under associative and dissociative conditions. The results suggest that the sulfate is incorporated into macromolecules of at least two major metabolic pools with half-lives of about 3 days and about 60–70 days, respectively. Molecules with a fast turnover were enriched in the low ionic strength extracts and in fractions containing small, nonaggregated proteoglycans. No substantial evidence was found for a precursor-product relationship between different fractions.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the cornea of newborn (two day old) and adult rats was investigated using glyoxylic-acid-induced fluorescence (GIF) for catecholamines and subsequent acetylcholinesterase reaction.Fluorescent nerves were observed around the limbal vessels and in the pericorneal nerve plexus, from which they branched towards the central parts of the cornea. The fluorescent corneal nerves were either nonvaricose or had varicosities at intervals of 10 micra. When the animals had been pretreated with nialamide, noradrenaline and propranolol, some fluorescent branching nerve terminals with numerous varicosities also appeared. All fluorescent nerves disappeared two days after ipsilateral superior cervical sympathectomy.When the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) reaction was performed subsequently to the GIF reaction the following nerve types could be identified: 1. nerves containing both catecholamine (CA) fluorescence and AChE, 2. nerves containing only AChE.  相似文献   

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