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We describe an approach for determining the degree of sink and source limitations on peach ( Prunus persica L. Batsch) fruit growth during several growth periods. Source limitations on fruit growth may be due to either a shortfall in assimilate supply within the tree (supply limitation) or to a deficiency in the capacity of the translocation system to deliver assimilates in sufficient quantity to support the maximum fruit growth rate (transport/competition limitation). To ascertain the potential maximum rate of fruit growth, fruit thinning treatments were used. One month after bloom, the number of fruits per tree was adjusted to between 50 and 700 on an early and a late maturing peach cultivar (cvs Spring Lady and Cal Red, respectively). Rates of potential sink demand, potential source supply and actual fruit growth were estimated from sequential harvests of all fruits on 42 trees on two (Spring Lady) and three (Cal Red) dates. These values were used to estimate the proportion of potential growth achieved, and the supply and transport/competition limitations on fruit growth. The results indicated that source limitations were significant on trees with moderate to high fruit numbers. These source limitations were due to supply limitations during all harvest intervals and to transport/competition limitations during the early harvest intervals. Sink limitations occurred to the greatest extent during the mid-period of fruit growth on the later maturing cultivar.  相似文献   

Ethylene, a regulator of young fruit abscission   总被引:15,自引:13,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In an earlier study we reported that detached cotton flowers produced sufficient ethylene before the period of natural abscission to suggest that ethylene might be a natural regulator of young fruit abscission. The present report explores this probability further. Intact cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fruits produced ethylene at rates as high as 36 μl ethylene/kg fresh wt·hr during the 2 days before they abscised. Direct measurements of ethylene in gas samples withdrawn from fruits indicated that production of 1 μl ethylene/kg fresh wt·hr is equivalent to an internal concentration of approximately 0.1 μl/l. Fumigation of fruiting cotton plants with only 0.5 μl/l caused 100% abscission of young fruits and floral buds within 2 days. This correlated with the estimated endogenous levels of ethylene. Reduced pressure, which reduced the internal levels of ethylene, delayed abscission of young fruits and leaves, a result which supports our conclusion from this study— that ethylene is one of the regulators of young fruit abscission in cotton.  相似文献   

基于源库生长单位的温室番茄干物质生产-分配模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱晋宇  温祥珍  李亚灵 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6527-6533
为了量化研究温室番茄果穗间干物质的分配,提高温室番茄栽培的效益,采用源库生长单位的测定方法,将经典的单叶同化物生产模型与GreenLab模型相结合,构建了干物质向源库生长单位内茎节、叶片、果实分配的动态模型,利用越冬茬、早春茬和春夏茬温室番茄各器官的干物质测定数据对模型进行了验证.结果表明:所构建的模型模拟结果与实测结果吻合性较好,不同茬口同化物生产模拟值与实测值的回归方程斜率为0.93,R~2为0.92;源库生长单位内茎节、叶片、果实以及根系的模拟值与实测值间回归方程斜率在0.85~0.89之间,其相对误差(R_e)均值分别为5.3%、5.6%、8.1%和3.6%,说明模型的模拟准确度较高,可为不同茬口温室番茄栽培管理提供理论依据和决策支持.  相似文献   

Effect of some plant growth regulator treatments on apple fruit ripening   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The activity of IAA oxidase (IAAox), peroxidases (POD), and polyphenoloxidases (PPO), as affected by different pre-harvest growth regulator treatments (ABA, AVG, NAA, PDJ), was determined in on-tree ripening apples (cv. Golden Delicious) before and during the ethylene climacteric. The production of ethylene was inhibited by AVG and delayed by NAA, whereas ABA and PDJ treatments caused, in the on-tree remaining fruits, a marked fruit drop and a decrease or a slight increase in ethylene levels respectively. While all treatments reduced POD activity, jasmonate increased IAAox and PPO activity. The inhibitory effect of NAA on all enzyme activity seems related to interference with C2H2 action or to a reduced sensitivity of the fruit abscission zone tissues to the hormone. The observed high fruit drop induced by ABA treatment made it impossible to detect differences in enzyme activity. AVG-treated fruits showed no substantial effects on IAAox and PPO activity in comparison to the control, a finding that seems to be related to a delay in all senescence processes caused by the very low level of the inhibited ethylene production. In control fruits IAAox activity increased during the initial ripening stages and decreased thereafter, POD activity increased throughout ripening and PPO showed little variation.  相似文献   

Growth and physiological responses of Pinus radiata D. Don seedlings to a combination of N supply regimes (low N = 1.78 mol m−3, high N = 7.14 mol m−3) and ammonium:nitrate ratios (80:20, 50:50 and 20:80; molar basis) were assessed in a hydroponic experiment run over the course of 105 days. Highly significant (P < 0.001) increases in seedling diameter, height, leaf area and dry mass occurred at lower ammonium:nitrate ratios and were two to fourfold greater than the non-significant (for diameter) to marginally significant (P < 0.05 for other dimensions) increases in these dimensions that occurred with greater N supply. Increases in N supply resulted in a highly significant (P < 0.001) reduction in biomass partitioning to roots and highly significant (P < 0.001) increases in allocation to foliage. The ammonium:nitrate ratio was not found to significantly change biomass partitioning to either foliage, stems or roots. Ammonium and nitrate uptake was significantly influenced by N supply and N form and conformed to ammonium and nitrate concentrations in nutrient solution. Uptake rates of ammonium were twice those of nitrate at comparable concentrations suggesting that P. radiata is in the lower end of the ratio of uptake of ammonium to nitrate reported for conifers (range from 2 to 20 mol mol−1). Despite this, plants growing in high ammonium:nitrate ratios were smaller, exhibited luxurious N consumption and lower N use efficiency. Differences in productivity among treatments were partially explained by greater rates of light-saturated photosynthesis associated with nitrate nutrition.  相似文献   

光质对温室甜椒干物质生产和分配指数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究不同光质对甜椒植株干物质生产与分配指数的影响,以甜椒茎有限生长品种"苏椒13号"为试验材料,于2010年计不同种彩色塑料薄膜(红、黄、蓝、绿、紫,白色为对照)试验。结果表明:不同光质处理的甜椒单位面积干物质生产量(Wt)与冠层截获的太阳光合有效辐射日积分(daily photosynthetic active radiation integral,PARi,MJ·m-2)之间的模型为Wt=22.07×e0.0054λPARi;单位面积植株总干重、果实的干物质分配指数、果实采收指数和单位面积果实产量均以红膜最高,紫膜最低;蓝膜的茎干物质分配指数最高,红膜最低;蓝膜、绿膜和紫膜的植株叶片干物质分配指数明显高于红膜和黄膜;不同光质处理对甜椒植株地上部分干物质分配指数的影响差异不显著;研究认为红膜和黄膜能够促进甜椒植株的干物质积累和果实发育,紫膜和蓝膜则有明显的抑制作用,该研究结果可为温室甜椒栽培的光质选择和环境调控提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Citrus ( Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) leaf explants completely abscise within 48 h when exposed to saturating amounts of ethylene at 25°C. When 2,5-norbornadiene was added, 2000 μl 1−1 reduced abscission of explants also exposed to 2 μl 1−1 of ethylene to the level of the control, and 8000 μl 1−1 reduced abscission in explants exposed to 10 μl 1−1 of ethylene to the level of the control, but abscission was complete when 1 000 μl 1−1 of ethylene was used in the presence of 8 000 μl 1−1 of 2,5-norbornadiene. When explants were exposed to 2 μl 1−1 of ethylene, 2000 μl 1−1 of 2,5-norbornadiene prevented abscission if applied up to 10 h after exposure to ethylene. After 18 h, applied 2,5-norbornadiene had little effect on abscission at 48 h. A Lineweaver-Burk plot gave a 1/2 maximum value of 0.12 μl 1−1 for ethylene on abscission, 2,5-Norbornadiene gave competitive kinetics with respect to ethylene with a K1 value of approximately 120 μl 1−1 of 2,5-norbornadiene. The presence of 2,5norbornadiene stimulated ethylene production, which progressively increased as the 2,5-norbornadiene concentration was increased from 250 to 8 000 μl 1−1 2,5-Norbornadiene also suppressed the induction of cellulase and polygalacturonase by ethylene. Together, 2,5-norbornadiene and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid were more effective than either alone in reducing abscission. 2,5-Norbornadiene also was effective in preventing the reduction of indole-3-acetic acid transport induced by ethylene.  相似文献   

By delaying harvest of fruit bunches of the oil palm Elaeis guineensis Jacq., an increase in their oil content can be obtained, but this is accompanied by increased harvesting costs and lower oil quality, as the number of detached fruit increases. Treatment of ripening bunches with auxins, gibberellic acid, or ethephon retards fruit abscission, and harvest can be delayed by up to 5 days without increase in the number of detached fruit. Indications are that oil yield might increase by more than 5% during this period, without change in harvesting costs or oil quality.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic area index (PAI), radiation interception (I) and dry matter partitioning between shoots and roots were measured for Miscanthus sinensis‘Giganteus' grown from micro-propagated transplants on a fertile peaty loam soil in eastern England. In the establishment year, Miscanthus plants produced 35 and 70 shoots plant-1 at densities of 4.0 and 1.8 plants m-2 respectively. At the higher density, there were 140 shoots m-2 with the largest reaching a height of 1.8 m; these canopies attained a maximum PAI of 5.45, intercepting 94% of incident radiation. Leaf lamina contributed c. 90% of total photosynthetic area with stems contributing the remainder. At the lower density, maximum PAI and I values were 2.88 and 86% respectively. PAI was related to I by calculating attenuation coefficients (k); these indicated that Miscanthus canopies were more effective at intercepting radiation per unit PAI at the lower density (k= -0.31) compared with the higher density (k= -0.20). Radiation interception was related to dry matter accumulated by calculating conversion efficiencies (e). At 4 plants m-2, × for shoot dry matter production was 1.17g MJ-1. Miscanthus partitioned a relatively large amount of total dry matter into below-ground biomass. By plant senescence, c. 30% of total dry matter had been partitioned into root and rhizome; rhizome biomass contributed 80% of below-ground dry matter, × increased to 1.62 g MJ-1 when calculated on a total dry matter basis (shoot + root + rhizome). Total dry matter production was increased 68% by a 2.2-fold increase in plant density.  相似文献   

The effect of phosphorus (P) concentration in barley seed on seedling growth has not been much investigated. Consequently, two experiments were conducted in the greenhouse to determine the effect of P concentration in barley seed (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Empress) on the seedlings grown in sand-filled boxes receiving a culture solution without P. Seeds were selected with three P concentrations: high-P (113.0 mmol P kg−1), medium-P (80.7 mmol P kg−1) and low-P (54.9 mmol P kg−1). At 21 days after sowing, the shoot and root yield or shoot height was the least with seedlings from low-P seed. In the other experiment, high-P and low-P seeds were wetted with distilled water or with a solution of 25.8 cmol L−1 of NaH2PO4 for 24 h, and then grown for 31 days. Solution P had been imbibed by seeds whether low or high in native P, but only the imbibed P held by low native P seed benefited seedling dry matter accumulation and shoot elongation. The lack of benefit from seed-imbibed P on seedlings grown from high-P barley seed was associated with low recovery of the imbibed P in those seedlings.  相似文献   

Application of Cu2+ (<10-2 M) and Fe3+ ions as aqueous solutions of chloride salts promoted fruit abscission, erratic rind damage, and ethylene production of various citrus species with little to no defoliation. Mixing of 10-5 M Cu2+ or Fe3+ ions with equimolar indole-3-acetic acid resulted in a reduction of the ultraviolet absorption at 220 nanometers, and an increase at 245 nanometers. Ultraviolet irradiation accelerated the change by Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions in the absorption of indole-3-acetic acid. Pretreatment of indole-3-acetic acid with Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions for 6 hours resulted in more than 90% reduction in its growth-promoting activity in the Avena bioassay, even when cations were removed by chromatography. Acceleration of abscission by Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions could be related to both promotion of ethylene production and direct inactivation of auxin.  相似文献   

Starch accumulation rate in leaves of vegetative soybeans is inversely related to the length of the daily photosynthetic period. However, it is not known whether a similar response would be observed during reproductive growth. Soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr. cv Amsoy 71) were grown to three stages of reproductive growth (beginning seed, mid seed-fill, and late seed-fill) under 12-hour daylengths, and then shifted to 6-hour photosynthetic periods (12-hour photoperiods) for 4 days. One and 4 days after treatment, a mid-canopy leaf was pulsed with 14CO2, and sampled for radiolabeled starch and water-soluble compounds at 0.5, 1, 3, 9, and 21 hours after labeling.

Plants exposed to the 6-hour photosynthetic periods at the beginning seed stage retained and incorporated significantly more label as starch than did those given 12-hour photosynthetic periods. However, plants exposed to the shortened photosynthetic periods at the late seed-fill stage partitioned less label into starch. Plants exposed at mid seed-fill gave a variable response.

Shortened photosynthetic periods resulted in preferential partitioning of recently fixed carbon to the seed at the expense of the pod wall. The results of these experiments suggest that the increased sink demand present during late reproductive growth may be of greater importance in control of leaf starch accumulation than is the length of the daily photosynthetic period.



Background and Aims

Growth imbalances between individual fruits are common in indeterminate plants such as cucumber (Cucumis sativus). In this species, these imbalances can be related to differences in two growth characteristics, fruit growth duration until reaching a given size and fruit abortion. Both are related to distribution, and environmental factors as well as canopy architecture play a key role in their differentiation. Furthermore, events leading to a fruit reaching its harvestable size before or simultaneously with a prior fruit can be observed. Functional–structural plant models (FSPMs) allow for interactions between environmental factors, canopy architecture and physiological processes. Here, we tested hypotheses which account for these interactions by introducing dominance and abortion thresholds for the partitioning of assimilates between growing fruits.


Using the L-System formalism, an FSPM was developed which combined a model for architectural development, a biochemical model of photosynthesis and a model for assimilate partitioning, the last including a fruit growth model based on a size-related potential growth rate (RP). Starting from a distribution proportional to RP, the model was extended by including abortion and dominance. Abortion was related to source strength and dominance to sink strength. Both thresholds were varied to test their influence on fruit growth characteristics. Simulations were conducted for a dense row and a sparse isometric canopy.

Key Results

The simple partitioning models failed to simulate individual fruit growth realistically. The introduction of abortion and dominance thresholds gave the best results. Simulations of fruit growth durations and abortion rates were in line with measurements, and events in which a fruit was harvestable earlier than an older fruit were reproduced.


Dominance and abortion events need to be considered when simulating typical fruit growth traits. By integrating environmental factors, the FSPM can be a valuable tool to analyse and improve existing knowledge about the dynamics of assimilates partitioning.  相似文献   

沙地云杉苗期生长与干物质生产关系的研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
本文用不同_的模型定量地研究了沙地云杉苗期的生长规律、季节动态及不同生长时期干物质在各器官之间的分配规律。1)1年生幼苗一直保持较高的生长速度,根生长尤为迅速。5年生幼苗在接近生长上限时,增长越来越慢。2)根、茎、叶干物质的生产符合理查德模型;根、茎、叶干重与全株干重之百分比表现出不同的变化趋势,反映了于物质在各器官中的分配规律。3)不同年度各器官的干重变化反映了由于自疏造成的叶的脱落和部分枝的脱落情况。4)各模型的相关系数几乎都达到了极显著的水平。  相似文献   

温室番茄干物质分配与产量的模拟分析   总被引:25,自引:7,他引:18  
根据试验资料及温室番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)作物的生长特性,构建了基于分配指数(Partitioning index,PI)和收获指数(Harvest index,HI)与辐热积(Product of thermal effectiveness and PAR,TEP)关系的番茄干物质分配和产量预测的数学模型,并利用不同品种、基质和地点的试验资料对模型进行检验.模型对番茄地上部分干重、根系干重、茎干重、叶片干重和果干重的预测结果与1∶1直线之间的决定系数(Coefficient of determination,R2)分别为0.95、0.57、0.82、0.79和0.93;统计回归标准误差(Root mean squared error,RMSE)分别为647.0、78.1、279.0、496.9和381.8 kg·hm-2;对产量的预测结果与1∶1直线之间的R2和RMSE分别为0.88和5 828.5 kg·hm-2;不仅预测精度较高,且参数少、用户易于获取,为温室番茄模型应用于温室番茄生产的优化管理奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Gavito  Mayra E.  Miller  Murray H. 《Plant and Soil》1998,199(2):177-186
We conducted a field experiment to test the hypothesis that improved phosphorus nutrition occurs in maize plants with rapid arbuscular (AM) mycorrhizae development at early developmental stages and that this also is reflected in dry matter allocation and final yield. A split-split plot design was used with previous crop (Zea mays L.-maize and Brassica napus L.-canola), tillage practices (no-tillage or conventional tillage) and P fertilization (5 levels) as factors chosen to modify mycorrhizae development at early developmental stages of maize. Previous cropping with canola resulted in decreased shoot-P concentration and shoot growth of maize at early stages. No-tillage resulted in higher shoot-P concentration but lower shoot weight than conventional tillage. Greater shoot-P uptake was related to a rapid intraradical development of mycorrhizae (previous crop of maize) or rapid connection to a mycorrhizal mycelium network (no-tillage treatments). Maize yield and harvest index were lower after cropping with canola. The yield for conventional tillage was higher than that for no-tillage but the harvest index was lower. The hypothesis was supported at early stages of maize growth by the effect of previous crop but not by results of tillage, because an unknown factor reduced growth in the no-tillage system. The hypothesis was supported at maturity by increased biomass allocation to grain relative to total shoot weight in treatments with greater shoot-P concentration at early stages.  相似文献   

Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene on ethylene-induced abscission in citrus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pre-treatment of citrus leaves and leaf explants ( Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck cv. Shamouti), with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), induced endogenous ethylene production when leaves were further incubated in air. The induction of ethylene production was 1-MCP concentration-dependent. Abscission was concomitantly delayed. In leaves pre-treated with 1-MCP followed by exposure to ethylene, abscission was significantly delayed in comparison with those without 1-MCP pre-treatment. When leaf explants were co-treated for 24 h with ethylene and 1-MCP, abscission was delayed quite efficiently. The Lineweaver-Burke plot yielded a half-maximal value of 0.234 μl l−1 for the effect of ethylene on abscission. 1-MCP−1 competed kinetically with ethylene with a Ki value of approximately 1.4−5.5 nl l−1 1-MCP. Under these experimental conditions there was some competition between 1-MCP and ethylene. However, ethylene was not able to completely counteract the inhibitory effect of 1-MCP. Pre-treatment with 1-MCP, followed by exogenous ethylene treatment, suppressed the induction of endo- β -glucanase (EG) activity at the laminar abscission zone. The ethylene-dependent accumulation of the hydrolyse gene was demonstrated by blocking the accumulation of CsCel a1 mRNA by 1-MCP. Six hours of exposure of leaves to 1-MCP at various times during a total of 24 h ethylene treatment efficiently reversed ethylene induction of CsCel a1 gene at mRNA level up to 18 h. The results demonstrate that the induction of abscission by ethylene is controlled at mRNA level at the abscission zone.  相似文献   

不同生长期干旱胁迫对刺槐幼树干物质分配的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验,分别在刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)幼树生长初期、生长盛期和生长后期进行了5种不同土壤水分含量试验,以研究不同生长阶段内干旱胁迫对该树种干物质分配的影响。结果表明:各生长阶段内刺槐幼树茎、枝分配比率并不受土壤水分含量变化的影响,短期(15d)及中轻度干旱(70%和87.8%相对土壤含水量)胁迫对刺槐叶、地上部分干物质分配比率及根冠比的影响亦不明显;而长期(45~60d)严重干旱(40%相对土壤含水量)胁迫则显著降低了刺槐叶、地上部分配比率,提高了粗根干物质分配比率及根冠比。受树木本身生长特性和气候因素的季节性变化影响,不同生长阶段之间干旱胁迫对刺槐干物质分配的影响存在明显差异,其影响程度大小为生长初期生长盛期生长后期。  相似文献   

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