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The swimming and feeding behavior of Mesocyclops   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The swimming and feeding behaviors of Mesocyclops are described from a review of the literature and personal observations. Mesocyclops exhibits considerable behavioral flexibility in response to environmental stimuli. Mesocyclops edax exhibits an increase in horizontal looping behavior at high prey densities, and performs a tight vertical looping behavior in response to the loss of captured prey. Ingestion rates by Mesocyclops are a complex function of prey density, morphology, and behavior in addition to prey size. Vertebrate predators induce a rapid escape response in Mesocyclops and may be responsible at least in part for their extensive diel vertical migrations. The complex behavioral patterns of Mesocyclops suggest that its distribution and abundance in nature will be distinctly nonrandom and influenced as much by its own behavioral responses as by other external physical factors such as water circulation patterns.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether the presence of a deleterious chemical in a preferred host plant could alter the feeding preference of a polyphagous insect. The preference of the Asian armyworm, Spodoptera litura (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) for castor, Ricinus communis (L.)(family: Euphorbiaceae) relative to cabbage, Brassica oleracea (L.) (family: Brassicaceae) was quantified by two separate two-way choice tests (without treatment and with treatment of the test chemicals used in the present study) with naive third instar larvae each time. This was followed, by continuous feeding (48 h) on the preferred host treated with the test chemicals and using naive third instar larvae for conditioning. Each treatment consisted of one of nine compounds, including seven naturally occurring allelochemicals (viz. (–)--pinene, (–)--pinene, -myrcene, {D}-limonene, cineole, rutin, and ajwain oil) and two synthetic insecticides (viz. alphamethrin and malathion). Following this, a two-way choice test was repeated with the same batch of larvae without any test chemical. Larvae continued to maintain preference for castor despite exposure to the deleterious chemicals. Among the test chemicals, {D}-limonene and alphamethrin caused significant reduction in growth. Preference for castor was not overcome by exposure to novel deleterious chemicals, suggesting that aversion, though experienced is not learned.  相似文献   

Costantini  M. Letizia  Rossi  Loreto 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):129-136
Grass shrimps are very common in various aquatic habitats, and are generally considered omnivorous. But, despite the numerous studies on interspecific trophic interactions, few studies have evaluated their feeding strategy, especially by experimental approaches.In this study, we determined, in the absence of both intra and interspecific competitive interactions, the feeding preferences of the freshwater grass shrimp Palaemonetes antennarius for the most common potential resources in its habitat. Plant and animal items were offered as food to each adult shrimp in multiple-choice laboratory experiments. Resource selection was determined under conditions of low and high food availability and related to the shrimp body size. The role of microbial colonisation in favouring detritivory was also investigated.Results of these experiments showed that P. antennarius consumed only animal items, mostly preferring the isopod Proasellus coxalis. In addition, palatability of the unselected plant remains and non-living prey was not improved by the microbial enrichment. Shrimps also resorted to cannibalism at low ration. By contrast, at high ration they specialised on a narrower range of resources, directing more their feeding efforts towards isopods. The preference ranking of the selected food types was inversely related to the average mass of the prey and varied with the shrimp body size. In particular, the number of live isopods in the diet increased exponentially with the shrimp mass at food high ration, which resulted not to be limiting. In conclusion, food availability influences the food niche of P. antennarius whose feeding strategy in the laboratory is facultative specialisation on dead and live animals rather than omnivory. Ease of handling and/or capture seems to play a role in the food preference ranking.  相似文献   

The feeding responses of newly hatched larvae of Papilio demoleus on the diet with preservatives were as high as on the diet without preservatives though less than those on the host lime leaves. However, when the larvae were reared upto the 5th instar on the host lime leaves or the diet with or without preservatives, their feeding responses towards host lime leaves and the diet without preservatives were equally high. The diet with preservatives reared larvae showed 100% response when tested on the same diet. But their response towards diet with preservatives declined to 80% when the larvae were reared on the diet without preservatives and to 10% when they were reared on the host lime leaves. The larvae seem to have an aversion against the preservatives if reared in their absence which was enhanced by their experience of feeding on the host leaves during their ontogeny.
Influence des agents de conservation sur la prise de nourriture par les chenilles de Papilio demoleus
Résumé La prise de nourriture par des chenilles néonates de P. demoleus est aussi élevée sur régime avec agents de conservation qu'en leur absence, bien qu'elle soit inférieure à celle qui est observée sur les feuilles de son hôte Citrus limettioides. Cependant, quand les chenilles ont été élevées jusqu'au 5ème stade sur des feuilles de C. limettioides, ou sur des régimes avec ou sans conservateurs, leur prise de nourriture sur feuilles de C. limettioides, et régime sans conservateur est aussi importante. Toutes les chenilles élevées sur régime avec conservateur ont consommé lorsqu'elles avaient été maintenues sur le même régime. Par contre, leurs réactions face à un régime contenant des conservateurs a entraîné une diminution de près de 20% après élevage sur un régime sans conservateur, et de près de 90% après élevage sur feuilles de C. limettioides. Les chenilles semblent manifester de l'aversion envers les conservteurs si elles ont été élevées en leur absence, aversion renforcée lorsqu'il y avait eu préalablement alimentation sur feuilles de C. limettioides.

The components of feeding behavior in rotifers   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
George W. Salt 《Hydrobiologia》1987,147(1):271-281
Feeding behavior of a rotifer can be broken into two classes of activities: the rate of successful search and the handling process. The former consists of the following components: Perceptual field (in planktonic rotifers the area of the corona), swimming rate, and attack rate. The second class consists of capture rate, handling time, rejection rate, ingestion, digestion, and assimilation. All evidence indicates that the perceptual field cannot be varied by the rotifer. Swimming rate is variable and under rotifer control, but does not appear to vary with degree of starvation. Attack rate is also under control of the rotifer, at least in the genus Asplanchna. Capture rates vary with the species of food item from zero to 100%. Handling times are longer than one would expect, as are rejection times. Digestion and assimilation appear to vary inversely with rate of ingestion. There is some suggestion in the literature that feeding behavior on very small particles differs from that on larger ones.  相似文献   

The size of cottonwood (Populus deltoides L. Bartr.) leaf discs used in insect feeding preference trials with the chrysomelid beetle, Plagiodera versicoloraLaich., was shown to affect behavior, and the outcome of the feeding trial. It is suggested that disc size has an effect because it alters the ratio of chemical signals from the cut leaf edge to those of the intact leaf center. The implications of this finding to the design of bioassays; to previously noted differences in feeding behavior for insects on discs versus leaves; and to the study of feeding preference and induction of plant defense are discussed.
Résumé Plagiodera versicolora Laich (Coléo., Chrysomelidae) a préféré significativement consommer les grandes rondelles (diamètre 17 mm) de Populus deltoides préalablement exposées à l'ozone ambiant, aux témoins exposés à de l'air filtré sur charbon de bois. Cependant, quand le diamètre a été réduit à 10 mm, les insectes n'ont plus préféré les feuilles soumises à l'ozone. Les préférences alimentaires de cet insecte consommant le centre des feuilles ont probablement changé parceque les signaux chimiques de la coupure ont surpassé ou masqué ceux des petits disques. Ainsi, le rapport périmètre sur surface du disque est un critère important de la procédure expérimentale. L'influence de la taille du disque dépend vraisemblablement du fait que l'insecte consomme le centre ou la pourtour de la feuille, de la taille de l'insecte et du type d'expérience. Nous en avons déduit que l'effet de la taille du disque est fréquent particulièrement chez les insectes consommant le centre des feuilles.Les modificatons du choix des insectes lorsque les plantes avaient été présentées sous forme de rondelles au lieu de feuilles ou plantes entières, peuvent être expliqués aussi par le changement des signaux provoqué par le découpage des rondelles, plutôt que par l'induction de modifications chimiques dues à la cueillette, comme cela a été précédemment indiqué par différents auteurs. Par ailleurs, dans les conditions naturelles, des changements dans les signaux chimiques des feuilles dus à une consommation antérieure par des insectes, peuvent être aussi importants dans le comportement alimentaire des insectes que n'importe quel changement chimique induit dans les feuilles par les dégâts.

The diet of the mangrove crab, Aratus pisonii, was assessed by determining the percent of damaged leaves at selected mangrove communities and by examining herbivore gut contents. This study compared the utility of both methods and tested if comparable levels of damage and dietary preference occurred using the methods. Percent of damaged leaves was determined for the three species of mangroves within Tampa Bay, FL, USA, including: the red, black, and white mangroves (Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, and Laguncularia racemosa, respectively) in four 5×10-m quadrats during summer 2001. For each species, in each of the quadrats, 200 leaves per tree were assessed for the presence or absence of crab damage. A. pisonii were sampled from the same quadrats from which leaf damage data were collected. Stomach contents were dissected and food items were classified into a number of categories.Species damaged and preferred were determined by comparing relative numbers of mangrove leaf stomata from the three mangrove species in gut contents. Results suggested that both methods provide similar estimates of preference. R. mangle leaves were preferred over those of A. germinans and L. racemosa. The percent of R. mangle leaves with damage was about 20-30 times greater than the other species, and R. mangle leaf stomata were 3 to 20 times more abundant in crab guts compared to leaf stomata of the other species. Gut contents indicated that A. pisonii is omnivorous, that average-sized adult crabs (1.4-1.7-cm width) prefer R. mangle, and that the diet of males is more varied than of females. While use of both percent leaf damage and crab gut contents reliably indicates preference, gut contents may describe better the actual diet and elucidate trends for different size or sex classes within a population.  相似文献   

This paper describes behaviors exhibited by mated, 3-day-old female Heliothis virescensin the presence of flowering cotton infield cages in mid-July. Females exhibit discrete periods of egg deposition, calling, and feeding during scotophase. Females exhibit behaviors such as walking while wing fanning, wing buzzing, antennal movement, bending of abdomen, and dragging of the ovipositor on the substrate before egg deposition. These behaviors are interspersed with flight and calling. The number and duration of some behaviors differ when the female is ovipositing on cotton plants versus cage screen. Egglaying occurs in several major bouts through the scotophase with periods of inactivity or other activities interspersed. Most eggs are laid before 0300 h. Significant calling is observed after 0100 h and continues until about 0430 h. Although females exhibit some feeding near sunset, the major feeding activity is seen just prior to and after sunup.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the maintenance of a fairly narrow diet breadth in monarch butterfly larvae, Danaus plexippus L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Danainae), we measured feeding preference and survival on host and non-host plant species, and sensitivity to host and non-host plant chemicals. For the plant species tested, a hierarchy of feeding preferences was observed; only plants from the Asclepiadaceae were more or equally preferred to Asclepias curassavica, the common control. The feeding preferences among plant species within the Asclepiadaceae are similar to published mean cardenolide concentrations. However, since cardenolide data were not collected from individual plants tested, definitive conclusions regarding cardenolide concentrations and plant acceptability cannot be made. Although several non-Asclepiadaceae were eaten in small quantities, all were less preferred to A. curassavica. Additionally, these non-Asclepiadaceae do not support continued feeding, development, and survival of first and fifth-instar larvae. Preference for a host versus a non-host (A. curassavica versus Vinca rosea) increased for A. curassavica reared larvae as compared to diet-reared larvae suggesting plasticity in larval food preferences. Furthermore, host species were significantly preferred over non-host plant species in bioassays using a host plant or sucrose as a common control. Larval responses to pure chemicals were examined in order to determine if host and non-host chemicals stimulate or deter feeding in monarch larvae. We found that larvae were stimulated to feed by some ubiquitous plant chemicals, such as sucrose, inositol, and rutin. In contrast, several non-host plant chemicals deterred feeding: caffeine, apocynin, gossypol, tomatine, atropine, quercitrin, and sinigrin. Additionally the cardenolides digitoxin and ouabain, which are not in milkweed plants, were neutral in their influence on feeding. Another non-milkweed cardenolide, cymarin, significantly deterred feeding. Extracts of A. curassavica leaves were tested in bioassays to determine which components of the leaf stimulate feeding. Both an ethanol extract of whole leaves and a hexane leaf-surface extract are phagostimulatory, suggesting the involvement of both polar and non-polar plant compounds. These data suggest that the host range of D. plexippus larvae is maintained by both feeding stimulatory and deterrent chemicals in host and non-host plants.  相似文献   

Food and feeding behavior of the hoplonemertean Oerstedia dorsalis   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The monostiliferous nemertean Oerstedia dorsalis was collected from eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds located along the coast of New Jersey, and feeding responses to amphipods and isopods were observed in the laboratory. Tests with 46 worms showed that they fed suctorially on Ampelisca vadorum, Ampithoe longimana, Corophium acherusicum and C. tuberculata. Corophiids were preferred. Upon contact with an amphipod, the proboscis is everted and strikes the prey on the ventral side, immobilizing it in a few minutes. The worm probes the sternal region with its head and everts its proboscis one or more times during the process. The exoskeleton is eventually penetrated by the head, and the stomach is everted into the hemocoel as a flattened funnel-like structure. Peristaltic undulations of the body signify the suctorial action that removes the living contents from the exoskeleton. The actual feeding process (from head penetration to removal of the head) takes about 7 min. O. dorsalis is only the third species within the Prosorhochmidae for which the feeding behavior has been documented. The other two are terrestrial species, and are also suctorial.  相似文献   

By the use of a fluorescent dye it was shown that, during feeding by an aquatic bug, water from the external environment passes into the prey's body though puncture holes from previous feeding sites. Such a phenomenon, resulting in the diluting of the prey's body contents, may be used as a physiological stimulus to detect the quality of the prey, leading to movement to another part of the prey's body or discarding the prey.  相似文献   

Plant secondary compounds can prevent feeding by phytophagous insects or, if ingested, can be poisonous to them. Less attention has been paid to the additional effects they have on feeding behavior when they are only weakly deterrent or not deterrent at all. Experiments were carried out on the generalist grass-hopperSchistocerca americana. Individuals were presented either with two cakes of high-quality artificial food with a single deterrent compound added or with two cakes, each with a different added deterrent compound. The deterrents consisted of single plant secondary compounds that were either marginally or strongly deterrent. There were profound differences in feeding behavior between those individuals given identical and those given different cake types, including longer feeding bouts on single cakes when a choice of different cake types was available. The behavioral effects demonstrate that the presence of secondary compounds in one food can influence the patterns of feeding on other available foods and suggest that such chemicals could impact foraging activities in a complex manner.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the relationship between deterrence and toxicity of eight secondary compounds to two acridids. The grass specialist Locusta migratoria was compared with the polyphagous Schistocerca gregaria. L. migratoria was deterred by all compounds presented at natural concentrations to which S. gregaria showed a variety of behavioral responses. Overall, L. migratoria was significantly more susceptible to toxic effects of the chemicals when injected into the hemolymph than was S. gregaria and was more sensitive behaviourally to them. There was a significant correlation in both species between deterrency and toxicity of injected compounds, but little evidence of a relationship between deterrency and oral toxicity.
Résumé La comparaison a porté sur les relations entre répulsion et toxicité de huit substances secondaires chez deux acridiens: Locusta migratoria, spécialiste de graminées, et Schistocerca gregaria, polyphage. L. migratoria est repoussé par toutes les substances proposées, aux concentrations naturelles, pour lesquelles S. gregaria a présenté des comportements trés divers. Mais surtout, L. migratoria a été significativement plus sensible que S. gregaria aux effets toxiques de ces substances quand elles sont injectées dans son haemolymphe; S. gregaria a réagi à ces substances plus par des modifications de son comportement. Il y a une corrélation significative pour les deux espèces, entre la répulsion et la toxicité des substances injectées.

Comparisons were made of the preferences shown by non-protein-fed females, protein-fed gravid females, and non-protein-fed males of the house fly, given choices between sucrose solution and either l-leucine or sodium phosphate buffer.In choice tests where non-protein-fed females showed little preference, protein-fed females and males both showed a strong preference for the sucrose solution. The findings suggest that l-leucine and sodium phosphate buffer are recognised by non-protein-fed females as indicators of nutrients for ovarian development.
Résumé Les choix alimentaires de 3 catégories de M. domestica: femelles n'ayant pas consommé de protéines, femelles à ovaires développés alimentées sur protéines, mâles n'ayant pas consommé de protéines, ont été examinés par leur absorption de solutions dans une paire de potomètres.Elles avaient le choix entre, d'une part une solution de sucrose et, d'autre part une solution de L. leucine ou d'un tampon de phosphate de soude.Pour les expériences où les femelles non préalablement alimentées sur protéines ne présentent aucune préférence, les femelles alimentées sur protéines et les mâles préfèrent nettement la solution de sucrose.Les résultats montrent que les femelles non alimentées sur protéines répondent plus que les femelles mûres et les mâles à la fois à la solution de L. leucine et au tampon de phosphate qu'au sucrose. Ceci suggère que l'impulsion sensorielle provoquée par ces deux breuvages est perçue par les femelles n'ayant pas consommé de protéines comme un indicateur d'aliments indispensables au développement ovarien.

Glycerol at 10–20 g l–1 increased clavulanic acid production by Streptomyces clavuligerus in shake-flask culture. The biosynthesis of clavulanic acid continued for longer by feeding glycerol and production increased to 250 mg l–1 compared with 115 mg l–1 without feeding. In fermenter batch culture, degradation of clavulanic acid began after 72 h. With glycerol feeding in fed-batch culture, clavulanic acid production was not only increased further to about 280 mg l–1 but also remained stable up to 130 h.  相似文献   

Glucose-averse (Glu/Glu) male German cockroaches, Blattella germanica, rejected brief exposures to glucose solutions despite food deprivation so extreme as to cause high mortality. In the 24-h period following 5 days of food deprivation, both Glu/Glu and wild-type (+/+) were given a continuous source of 1 M glucose solution. Although Glu/Glu visited the solution as frequently as +/+, feeding bouts were significantly shorter. These truncated feeding bouts were sufficient to extend Glu/Glu longevity to ca. 80 days, regardless of glucose concentration. When provided continuously, the glucose was completely rejected by Glu/Glu for the first 3 days. However, by day 9, glucose intake levels were similar to those of wild-type cockroaches. The initial feeding lag probably accounted for the lower long-term survival of the Glu/Glu vs the +/+ strain. Under the stress of food deprivation, glucose-averse B. germanica modify their feeding behavior toward glucose like many phytophagous insects provided non-host plants in no-choice situations.  相似文献   

In the course of a 4-day expedition to the island of Nosy Mangabe in northeastern Madagascar, two aye-ayes were separately sighted, observed feeding and moving, and photographed. These observations confirm recent reports of the continued existence of aye-ayes on the island following the translocation of nine individuals from the mainland in 1967. An adult male aye-aye was seen feeding on the gall-like growths covering much of the bark surface of an Afzelia bijugatree and eating the insects these contained. The same individual also fed briefly on shoots of the bamboo Bambusa vulgaris.  相似文献   

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