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Calcium was the most important of 27 environmental components affecting density for a 50 week period. Simultaneous stepwise regression accounted for more variability in total number/1 and in the number of ovigerous females/1 than did any of the lag analyses; 1-week lag accounted for the greatest amount of variability in clutch size. Total number and clutch size were little affected by measures of food.Contribution no. 93 Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Manhatten Kansas. The U.S. Department of Interior, Office of Water Resources Research provided partial support.  相似文献   

The simultaneous and lag relationships between 27 environmental variables and seven population components of a perennial calanoid copepod were examined by simple and partial correlations and stepwise regression. The analyses consistently explained more than 70% of the variation of a population component. The multiple correlation coefficient (R) usually was highest in no lag or in 3-week or 4-week lag except for clutch size in which R was highest in 1-week lag. Population control, egg-bearing, and clutch size were affected primarily by environmental components categorized as weather; food apparently was relatively minor in affecting population control or reproduction.  相似文献   

Temporal stability of pond zooplankton assemblages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. A large body of recent theory has recently developed focused on the relationship between the species diversity of competitor assemblages and the temporal stability of total competitor biomass. Many of these models predict that stability can increase with increasing diversity. 2. To explore natural relationships between zooplankton taxonomic diversity and temporal stability of total zooplankton biomass, 18 fishless, permanent ponds located in southern Michigan were surveyed over a 5 month period during a single growing season. 3. Results showed that temporal variability in total zooplankton biomass (measured as the coefficient of variation or CV) decreased with increasing mean zooplankton taxonomic richness. Thus, temporal stability increased with increasing taxonomic richness, consistent with theoretical predictions. 4. Decreases in the CV appeared to be because of portfolio effects (statistical averaging of species’ biomass fluctuations) rather than negative covariances among zooplankton taxa. 5. The CV of zooplankton biomass was also related to several environmental variables, suggesting that taxonomic richness may not be the only mediator of biomass stability. The CV decreased with increasing relative abundance of grazer‐resistant algae (algae >35 μm in size) and the CV increased with increasing pond productivity.  相似文献   

Studies on the zooplankton of a tropical fish pond   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Seasonal abundance and the pattern of fluctuations in the zooplankton of a tropical fish pond has been studied at weekly intervals for a period of two years from September 1960 to August 1962. Except for a group of ciliates, protozoa were found only in limited numbers. Coleps, Tintinnus and Difflugia were recorded during both the years, whereas Arcella and Codonella were collected in the first year only. Other members as Centropyxis, Didinium, Paradileptus, Stentor and Bursaria were seen occasionally as few individuals. The total numbers of protozoa showed their peak from January to April and the prevailing phytoplankton abundance and temperature conditions are suggested as probable causative factors. More than thirty species of rotifers were recorded during this study, although many of them were only in limited numbers. Loricate forms showed their maximum density in summer months only, when total alkalinity values were also high. Nonloricate forms were found during September, October and December to February. The effect of temperature, total alkalinity and phytoplankton on these populations have been discussed. Five species of Copepoda were recorded. The most dominant copepod Mesocyclops hyalinus was present almost throughout the year and its fluctuation pattern closely resembled that of the copepodids and the nauplii. Definite peaks in naupliar populations were probably indicative of periods of active reproduction. Among the five species of cladocera, Diaphanosoma brachyurum was present during certain months only, in both the years. Moina brachiata was present during the first year only. The total abundance of these microcrustacea showed direct relationship with phytoplankton production. The importance of these investigations in fish cultural practices is suggested.This work formed part of a thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the University of Calcutta, India in 1964.  相似文献   

The spatial insurance hypothesis predicts that intermediate rates of dispersal between patches in a metacommunity allow species to track favourable conditions, preserving diversity and stabilizing biomass at local and regional scales. However, theory is unclear as to whether dispersal will provide spatial insurance when environmental conditions are changing directionally. In particular, increased temperatures as a result of climate change are expected to cause synchronous growth or decline across species and communities, and this has the potential to erode the stabilizing compensatory dynamics facilitated by dispersal. Here we report on an experimental test of how dispersal affects the diversity and stability of metacommunities under warming using replicate two‐patch pond zooplankton metacommunities. Initial differences in local community composition and abiotic conditions were established by seeding each patch in the metacommunities with plankton and sediment from one of two natural ponds that differed in water chemistry and species composition. We exposed metacommunities to a 2°C increase in average ambient temperature, crossed with three rates of dispersal (none, intermediate, high). In ambient conditions, intermediate dispersal rates preserved diversity and stabilized metacommunities by promoting spatially asynchronous fluctuations in biomass, especially between local populations of the dominant genus, Ceriodaphnia. However, warming synchronized their populations so that these effects of dispersal were lost. Furthermore, because the stabilizing effect of dispersal was primarily due to asynchronous fluctuations between populations of a single genus, metacommunity biomass was stabilized, but dispersal did not stabilize local community biomass. Our results show that dispersal can preserve diversity and provide stability to metacommunities, but also show that this benefit can be eroded when warming is directional and synchronous across patches of a metacommunity, as is expected with climate warming.  相似文献   

Population structure of some pond Microcrustacea   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary The aestival species composition of microcrustacea of eight ponds in southwestern Kansas is described. Two benthic Ostracoda and three planktonic Copepoda and eight planktonic Cladocera were collected.On the whole, the Copepoda were more abundant than the Cladocera. Patterns of relative abundance varied from week to week and were more varied than the patterns described for the limnetic zone of lakes. There were two or three copepods in each pond. Except for one pond which had no Cladocera, there were two to five species of Cladocera per pond.There were fourteen significant affinities among the plankters. Two species showed no affinity. The relationships among four recurrent groups were established. Group I contained one cyclopoid, one calanoid and two cladocerans, a pattern not unlike the typical limnetic community.The population structure of each species that occurred in more that one pond was analyzed by analysis of variance. Significant differences between the ponds occurred from various species in per cent copepodids in the population, per cent females with eggs, and the number of eggs per egg sac. There was no significant difference among the ponds regarding the mean number of eggs per ovigerous female for any cladoceran.Interactions among the species and faunal characteristics of the ponds are discussed in relation to the environmental characteristics of the ponds.
Zusammenfassung Die Zusammensetzung der estivalen Arten von Mikrocrustacean von acht Teichen im Südwesten von Kansas wird beschrieben. Zwei benthische Ostracoden, drei planktonische Copepoden und acht planktonische Cladoceren wurden gefunden.Die Copepoden waren im allgemeinen häufiger als die Cladoceren. Die Schemen der relativen Anzahl wechselten von Woche zu Woche und waren unterschiedlicher als die Schemen für die limnische Seezone. Zwei oder drei Copepoden, sowie zwei bis fünf Arten von Cladoceren kamen in jedem Teich vor, ausser in einem Teich, in dem keine Cladoceren gefunden wurden.Vierzehn wichtige Übereinstimmungen wurden unter den Planktonern gefunden. Zwei Arten zeigten keine Affinität. Der Zusammenhang zwischen vier wiederkehrenden Gruppen wurden nachgewiesen. Gruppe I enthielt einen Cyclopoiden, einen Calanoiden und zwei Cladoceren, ein für typisch limnische Gemeinschaften übliches Schema.Die Bevölkerungsstruktur jeder Art, die in mehr als einem Teich vorkam, wurde durch Streuungsanalyse untersucht. Es wurden signifikante Unterschiede im Prozentsatz der Copepoden: Bevölkerung, der Weibchen mit Eiern, der Anzahl Eier im Brutraum für die verschiedenen Arten zwischen den Teichen gefunden. Keine signifikanten Unterschiede wurden in der Anzahl Eier pro eitragendem Weibchen der Cladoceren zwischen den Teichen gefunden.Auch der Einfluss der Umweltfaktoren der Teiche auf die Arten und auf die Fauna des Teiches wurde untersucht.

1. Climate change and other human-driven environmental perturbations are causing reductions in biodiversity and impacting the functioning of ecosystems on a global scale. Metacommunity theory suggests that ecosystem connectivity may reduce the magnitude of these impacts if the regional species pool contains functionally redundant species that differ in their environmental tolerances. Dispersal may increase the resistance of local ecosystems to environmental stress by providing regional species with traits adapted to novel conditions. 2. We tested this theory by subjecting freshwater zooplankton communities in mesocosms that were either connected to or isolated from the larger regional species pool to a factorial manipulation of experimental warming and increased salinity. 3. Compensation by regional taxa depended on the source of stress. Warming tolerant regional taxa partially compensated for reductions in heat sensitive local taxa but similar compensation did not occur under increased salinity. 4. Dispersal-mediated species invasions dampened the effects of warming on summer net ecosystem productivity. However, this buffering effect did not occur in the fall or for periphyton growth, the only other ecosystem function affected by the stress treatments. 5. The results indicate that regional biodiversity can provide insurance in a dynamic environment but that the buffering capacity is limited to some ecosystem processes and sources of stress. Maintaining regional biodiversity and habitat connectivity may therefore provide some limited insurance for local ecosystems in changing environments, but is unable to impart resistance against all sources of environmental stress.  相似文献   

Studies on spatial subsidies have overwhelmingly addressed their trophic nature. However, certain subsidies might affect recipient communities beyond the feeding pathway. Terrestrial colored dissolved organic matter (DOM) is such a subsidy providing a carbon source for bacteria and heterotrophic nanoflagellates which zooplankton can consume (trophic pathway), but also protecting zooplankton against damaging UV radiation through its color (non-trophic pathway). These mechanisms have been quantified separately, but few studies have attempted to decouple them and evaluate their effects in the context of subsidies. In this study, I experimentally isolated the trophic and non-trophic pathways by which DOM (as maple leaf leachate) affects zooplankton, and also addressed how local food resources (i.e., phytoplankton) could mediate the response of zooplankton to DOM subsidies. Terrestrial subsidies (DOM) effectively shielded zooplankton against damaging UV radiation. Local resources (i.e., phytoplankton), however, did not seem to mediate the fitness response of zooplankton to UV radiation. This study also suggested that the carbon in DOM might be slightly detrimental to zooplankton independent of the UV protection effect. High levels of local resources combined with carbon subsidies from DOM did not translate into higher zooplankton survival, presumably because of the detrimental effects of DOM on zooplankton. This study provides further support for the importance of terrestrial subsidies in affecting communities through non-trophic pathways (UV attenuation) and documents that the trophic pathway might be strongly dependent on subsidy quality. Further studies on the role of subsidies that include the less documented non-trophic pathways are needed to improve our mechanistic understanding of how communities and ecosystems respond to spatial subsidies. Handling editor: D. Bade  相似文献   

Rostock zooplankton studies off West Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the beginning of the seventies, upwelling research has become increasingly popular in the path of the Canary and Benguela Current, because of economic consideration, particularly in the relation to fisheries and marine geology. Many expeditions were carried out between 1970 and 1977, including 8 cruises of the German R. V. “A. v. Humboldt” operating from Rostock. Measurements covered scales ranging in time from minutes to several years and in space from hundreds of metres to several thousands of kilometres. Zooplankton studies focussed on quantitative, metabolic, taxonomic, and parasitological aspects. Plankton was collected with a WP-2-UNESCO standard net to a maximum depth of 200 m. The epipelagic mesozooplankton consists mainly of copepods, especially calanoids with developmental times of about 20 to 23 days. After an upwelling event, zooplankton is able to double its biomass. This typical biomass increase is independent of coastal distance and depth. The upwelling response lasts about 3 weeks in nearsurface waters, and 6 to 8 weeks in depths below 75m. A relationship was observed between the duration of seasonal upwelling (that means the numbers of single upwelling events) and the cumulative increase of biomass. This net growth rate of zooplankton biomass is most pronounced at the shelf break, the area with the highest fish biomass, and in the upper 25 m. Differences between the expected and the real rate values in conjunction with the known amount of nutritive demands of fishes allow the estimation of the fish biomass in a given area. The near coastal Ekman upwelling, which is an event in the time scale of about two weeks, also shows seasonality in some areas. Off Northwest Africa the largest expansion was recorded in the first half of the year, extending from 10° N to 24° N, more than 400 km offshore and at least down to 200 m. It contracts in the second half of the year to an area between 20°N and 22°N, 100 to 200 km off the coast and in an average depth of 25 m. These zooplankton biomass patterns are superimposed by mesoscale phenomena, originated by other than Ekman upwelling events. Those are, for example, long coastal parallel waves, producing cells of intensified upwelling and downwelling, and eddies, caused by instabilities in a frontal zone parallel to the coast. Different water masses can be distinguished by indicator species, species combinations or the significant absence of species. This was demonstrated for chaetognaths. The calanoidCalanus helgolandicus (Claus, 1863), a typical species of the North Atlantic, indicates North Atlantic Central Water, whereasCalanoides carinatus (Krøyer, 1849) is an indicator of South Atlantic Central Water. Finally, comparisons of near coastal current regimes, transport velocities, and developmental rates of calanoids allow one to conclude that a suitable mechanism is present to maintain plankton in the coastal environment.  相似文献   

In temporary pond ecosystems, it is hypothesized that the two dominant structuring forces on zooplankton communities are predation and demographic constraints due to wetland drying. Both of these forces are deterministic processes that act most strongly at opposing ends of a hydroperiod gradient. Our objective was to test how these two processes affect α‐ and β‐diversity of zooplankton communities derived from a diverse temporary pond system. We hypothesized that decreased hydroperiod length and the presence of salamander larvae as predators would decrease β‐diversity and that intermediate hydroperiod communities would have the greatest species richness. Our 1‐year mesocosm experiment (n = 36) consisted of two predation treatments (present/absent) and three hydroperiod treatments (short/medium/long) fully crossed, seeded from the resting egg bank of multiple temporary ponds. In total, we collected 37 species of microcrustacean zooplankton from our mesocosms. A reduction in hydroperiod length resulted in lower α‐diversity, with short‐hydroperiod treatments affected most strongly. Endpoint community dissimilarity (β‐diversity) was greatest in the medium‐hydroperiod treatment with regard to species presence/absence, but was greatest in the long‐hydroperiod treatment when abundances were included. Predation by salamander larvae led to reduced β‐diversity with respect to species presence/absence, but not among abundant species, and had no effect on α‐diversity. Our results suggest that environmental changes that reduce hydroperiod length would result in reduced α‐diversity; however, intermediate hydroperiod length appear to enhance β‐diversity within a group of wetlands.  相似文献   

Understanding landscape correlates of local habitat integrity and community structure and the identification of spatial scales at which these associations operate are relevant for management and conservation of unique but globally threatened temporary ponds. We use a multivariate variance decomposition approach to determine taxon-specific associations of zooplankton communities banked in dry pond soils (rotifers, cladocerans, copepods) with local habitat features and landscape characteristics across four spatial scales (100 buffer strip, 1, 5, and 10 km scales). Results show similar degrees of correlation between rotifer and cladoceran communities with local habitat conditions (chiefly water quality). This is interpreted according to life-history traits of component species of wetland propagule banks. Associations with landscape features varied between communities with rotifers correlating with landscape structural features only at the buffer scale while cladocerans showed no significant correlations with landscape characteristics across all scales. Copepods were neither significantly associated with local nor landscape characteristics. The results of this study contrast strikingly with our previous population-based study, where populations of Triops cancriformis and Branchinecta orientales were significantly correlated with landuse features at the broadest scale. The combined results suggest that a three-way management scheme could be useful for conservation of zooplankton resting egg banks in this remnant wetland complex. These schemes could focus on the restoration of wetland water quality, the establishment of vegetated buffer strips around the ponds to counteract degradation resulting from runoff, and reforestation and/or the creation of hedgerows in agricultural catchments to avoid impacts resulting from broad-scale diffuse pollution fluxes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Population dynamics ofDaphnia rosea in a small eutrophic pond   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The population dynamics ofDaphnia rosea were studied in a small, eutrophic fish-free pond during November 1986–November 1987.D. rosea showed two density peaks in 1987, a high peak in spring and a slightly lower one in autumn, but they disappeared in mid- and late summer when a smaller cladoceran,Ceriodaphnia reticulata, dominated. The rapid decline in density ofD. rosea in mid-May and the low density in June/July were preceded by or coincided with a period of increased male density, the appearance of ephippial females, smaller body length of adult females, decreased brood size, and increased frequency of empty brood chambers, all of which indicate a worsening food situation. The rapid density decline ofD. rosea in mid-May was considered attributable neither to increasing water temperature, nor predation by the dipteranChaoborus flavicans, but to insufficient food conditions for the maintenance of stable reproduction. Although edible phytoplankton was abundant in June/July, the general food situation was not suitable forD. rosea due to blooms of the large-celled dinoflagellate,Ceratium hirundinella, which probably inhibited the feeding activity ofD. rosea. TheC. hirundinella blooms might also be important for the shift of the dominant herbivore from the largerD. rosea to the smallerCeriodaphnia reticulata in August/September.  相似文献   

The seasonal succession of phytoplankton diversity, and the variations in the diel vertical distribution of phyto‐ and zooplankton were investigated in a small shallow pond (1.7 m water depth) in 2003. It was inferred that the water tended to stratify weakly in the daytime from February to June. In February and April, the green alga Golenkinia radiata Chodat dominated the phytoplankton assemblage. The cell density of G. radiata greatly decreased in April, when rotifers increased near the bottom. The vertical mixing was attenuated in June, large populations of the euglenoids (Lepocinclis salina Fritsch, Phacus acuminatus Stokes, Trachelomonas hispida (Perty) Stein et Deflandre) developed, and the cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos‐aquae var. klebahnii Elenk. appeared at low density. Euglenoids and A. flos‐aquae were mostly distributed in the bottom layer. In late September, when the water was mixed throughout the day, euglenoids and A. flos‐aquae were distributed evenly throughout the water column. The zooplankton (cyclopoid copepods and rotifers) densities in September were the lowest throughout the year. The vertical mixing increased in November, and the phytoplankton community was composed of A. flos‐aquae, P. acuminatus, T. hispida and the green alga Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs. In November, at the final stage of water bloom of A. flos‐aquae, its population density decreased with depth. The two euglenoids exhibited similar cell distributions at 0.8 m and 1.6 m during 1–3 November. A. falcatus was distributed evenly throughout the water column; however, when the vertical mixing lessened, the cells at the surface started to sink. Copepod nauplii and rotifers appeared at high densities in November. Seasonal variation in the phytoplankton community structure in the pond seemed to be related to the vertical mixing of the water. In addition, zooplankton, especially rotifers, might play an important role in initiating a spring clear‐water phase and in the bloom collapse of A. flos‐aquae.  相似文献   

Most of the freshwater component of the Earth's surface is composed of shallow tundra ponds. These high latitude ecosystems have been exposed to a variety of abiotic disturbances associated with recent environmental change. However, the biological significance of these changes remains poorly understood. Here, we characterize the abiotic disturbance to the shallow tundra ponds of northwest Alaska. We used historical aerial imagery to determine that up to 53% of the sampled ponds have formed during the recent warmer decades (since the 1970s). We discovered that two top predator species (phantom midges of the genus Chaoborus) of the freshwater zooplankton have recently undergone range expansion, forming widespread (a scale of hundreds of km) stable tundra populations. We assessed the population persistence of these boreal predators by longitudinal sampling over 14 yr. Recent thaw ponds had significantly dissimilar zooplankton communities to communities of ponds that formed before 1950. Both predator and herbivore species differed by age of pond. Younger pond ages and warmer surface temperatures were the significant predictors of the presence of temperate Chaoborus americanus in tundra ponds. Ponds containing tundra populations of C. americanus and C. cf. flavicans were associated with recent formation (83–90%). Recent ponds in river valleys appeared more important than recent ponds near roads as colonization corridors for C. americanus. Only 24% of the tundra keystone predator, Heterocope septentrionalis, populations were from recent ponds. Our results suggest that climate‐associated disturbance can lead to a widespread stable range expansion of boreal species despite the propinquity of older ponds with top‐down control exerted by an endemic keystone predator.  相似文献   

S. M. Fox  rd  W. L. Haskell 《CMAJ》1967,96(12):806-811

The aim of the study was to determine whether bacteria could be a substantial source of carbon for zooplankton and whether the grazing pressure of these metazoan filter-feeders could influence the fate of bacterial production. Eight grazing experiments using natural bacteria labelled with3H thymidine were conducted in a tropical pond (Ivory Coast) during various phases of biological colonization (rotifer-dominated and copepod-dominated phases of the colonization). Higher grazing and clearance rates were observed with rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis andHexarthra intermedia), while very low values were obtained when the cyclopoid copepodApocyclops panamensis was dominant. Less than 1% of the bacterial production was harvested when copepods were dominant, whileB. plicatilis consumed up to 36% of this production. However, this consumption of bacteria appeared to contribute only to an insignificant proportion of the daily carbon intake (e.g. 0.9 to 7.1% of body carbon for rotifers). The low contribution of bacteria in the nutrition of zooplankton is discussed in terms of their cell size and their relative abundance in the total amount of seston available.  相似文献   

1. A long-term field experiment to determine what forces structure and maintain the large-bodied zooplankton assemblages in ponds which lack visual predators was undertaken at the Toolik Lake Research Station in arctic Alaska. Predatory copepods, Heterocope septentrionalis, were introduced to a pond that lacked both fish and invertebrate predators, but contained small- to medium-sized zooplankton, Bosmina longirostris , Daphnia pulex , and Diaptomus pribilofensis. A second pond, which also lacked any predators but had a population of B. longirostris , but no other abundant species, served as a reference population for B. longirostris.
2. The introduction of H. septentrionalis caused the extinction of D. pulex within 1 year and drove B. longirostris to extremely low densities within 4 years. The population of B. longirostris in the reference pond fluctuated throughout the study period, but remained above five individuals per litre. This experiment demonstrates that H. septentrionalis , under natural conditions, made a numerical response to abundant prey and had the capacity to eliminate or reduce vulnerable prey populations of small- to medium-sized zooplankton.  相似文献   

The pattern of annual changes in zooplankton composition andabundance was investigated in Lake Mikolajskie and in a small,artificial pond. Changes in the cladoceran abundance in thelake do not accord with the competitive exclusion principle,which appears to occur in the pond. In the lake, though notin the pond, fish predation on zooplankton seems to weaken interspecificcompetition sufficiently to allow related cladocerans to achievetheir highest levels of abundance simultaneously.  相似文献   

Successful biological invasion requires introduction of a viable population of a nonindigenous species (NIS). Rarely have ecologists assessed changes in populations while entrained in invasion pathways. Here, we investigate how zooplankton communities resident in ballast water change during transoceanic voyages. We used next‐generation sequencing technology to sequence a nuclear small subunit ribosomal DNA fragment of zooplankton from ballast water during initial, middle, and final segments as a vessel transited between Canada and Brazil. Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) diversity decreased as voyage duration increased, indicating loss of community‐based genetic diversity and development of bottlenecks for zooplankton taxa prior to discharge of ballast water. On average, we observed 47, 26, and 24 OTUs in initial, middle, and final samples, respectively. Moreover, a comparison of genetic diversity within taxa indicated likely attenuation of OTUs in final relative to initial samples. Abundance of the most common taxa (copepods) declined in all final relative to initial samples. Some taxa (e.g., Copepoda) were represented by a high number of OTUs throughout the voyage, and thus had a high level of intraspecific genetic variation. It is not clear whether genotypes that were most successful in surviving transit in ballast water will be the most successful upon introduction to novel environments. This study highlights that population bottlenecks may be common prior to introduction of NIS to new ecosystems.  相似文献   

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