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Rubrocaudate projections in the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small numbers of neurons projecting to the caudate nucleus were found in the cat red nucleus using horseradish peroxidase retrograde axonal transport techniques. Rubrocaudate neurons were found in both the parvo- and magnocellular sections of the red nucleus. Organization of reciprocal connections between the red nucleus and the striopallidal system is discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 28–32, January–February, 1988.  相似文献   

Using the methods of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase and silver impregnation of degenerating axons, certain data have been obtained demonstrating that frontal, motor, orbital, insular and limbic fields of the cortex serve as sources of afferent fibers for the compact zone of the substantia nigra. The lateral zone gets projections from the same cortical areas (besides the limbic one) as the compact part and, in addition, from the parietal associative, acoustic and visual areas.  相似文献   

Boundaries of vestibular projections in the temporal cortex during stimulation of the vestibular nerve were studied in cats anesthetized with pentobarbital and chloralose or chloralose alone. The caudal boundary of the vestibular zone was shown to run along the anterior ectosylvian gyrus. A focus of evoked activity was found in the suprasylvian sulcus or 1–2 mm rostrally to it. All short-latency evoked potentials recorded during vestibular nerve stimulation in the temporal region caudally to the zone mentioned above were connected with the spread of current to auditory structures. To verify the extent of spread of the stimulating current, focal potentials were recorded in the vestibular and superior olivary groups of nuclei. Special experiments were carried out to study the topography of these potentials at the level of bulbar structures during stimulation of vestibular and auditory nerves. According to the results, there is no second vestibular area in the temporal cortex in cats. Vestibular afferentation is projected mainly into the contralateral hemisphere, and the response latency is 5.2±0.7 msec. The ipsilateral evoked potentials had a long latent period (8.4±1.3 msec), and their amplitude depended on the type of anesthesia; it was accordingly postulated that additional synaptic relays exist in this vestibulocortical pathway.  相似文献   

Neurons in the somatic pretectum receive input from the dorsal column nuclei (DCN) and project to a comparable "somatic" portion of the dorsal accessory nucleus of the inferior olive (DAO). This somatic DAO is reciprocally connected with the anterior interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum. One question that arises is whether this circuitry is further controlled by an output specifically from the anterior interpositus nucleus to the somatic pretectum. Wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase was injected into various parts of the cat pretectum. Injection sites were interpreted as including the somatic pretectum if neurons in the DCN were retrogradely labeled and if anterograde terminal labeling occurred in somatic DAO. The locations of retrogradely labeled neurons within the deep cerebellar nuclei were then compared in cases in which the injection sites included or excluded the somatic pretectum. In all cases in which the injection site included the somatic pretectum, retrogradely labeled neurons were observed in the anterior interpositus nucleus as well as in the lateral cerebellar nuclei. In some of these cases, neurons in the posterior interpositus and medial nuclei were also labeled. In contrast, in cases in which the pretectal injection site was located outside or at the border of the somatic pretectum, retrogradely labeled neurons were observed only in the lateral, posterior interpositus, and medial nuclei. Thus, the somatic pretectum appears to receive input primarily from neurons in the anterior interpositus nucleus, along with some input from neurons in the lateral nucleus. These results provide additional evidence for a pathway through the DCN in which sequentially processed somatic information has access to and is modulated by cerebellar circuitry. The existence of such a pathway supports the conclusion that neurons in the DCN convey somatic information important not only for cutaneous, kinesthestic, and other bodily sensations, but also for the control of movement.  相似文献   

Efferent neuronal projections of the mesencephalic locomotor region were investigated in cats using a horseradish peroxidase retrograde axonal transport technique. It was found that neurons located within the locomotor area form ascending and descending projections to many structures of the spinal cord and the brain but that short-axon connections running to the reticular formation of the midbrain and the medulla predominate. Small numbers of long-axon fibers may merge into the locomotor strips of the medulla and the spinal cord. The locomotor regions of the two halves of the midbrain are interlinked.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 117–125, January–February, 1986.  相似文献   

ACTH-immunoreactive neurons and their projections in the cat forebrain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The organization of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-immunoreactive (IR) cell bodies and fibers in the cat forebrain is described. ACTH-IR cell bodies are found only in and around the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH). They are not detected elsewhere even after pretreatment with colchicine. ACTH-IR fibers are present in discrete areas of the hypothalamus, the septo-limbic areas and in the paraventricular thalamic nucleus. Complete electrolytic lesions of the ARH destroy ACTH-IR cell bodies as well as fibers in all parts of the brain. These results suggest that, in the cat forebrain, the ARH is the only source of ACTH-IR fibers.  相似文献   

Stereotaxic microinjections of horseradish peroxidase (HP) were made into different parts of the rostral and caudal periaqueductal gray (PAG) in cats to study corticofugal projections to the PAG. The method of retrograde axonal transport of HP demonstrated labeled neurons in the I and II somatosensory areas, frontal, cingular and insular cortex of the brain. It was shown that the II somatosensory cortex projects to all the areas of the rostral and caudal PAG. The frontal cortex projects to the dorsolateral quadrant of the PAG. The findings obtained enabled the detection of the morphological substrate of the corticofugal effects on one of the antinociceptive brain structures--the PAG.  相似文献   

Vestibular nucleus neurons projecting to the cat bulbar lateral reticular nucleus were revealed using horseradish peroxidase axonal transport techniques. Neurons giving rise to such projections — relatively few in number — were confined to homolateral locations and nearly all occurred within Deiter's nucleus. Large as well as small and medium-sized neurons of the vestibular nucleus projected to the lateral reticular nucleus. The part played by the vestibuloreticular projections under review in the control of motor activity is discussed.Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 147–152, March–April, 1989.  相似文献   

Afferent projections to the functionally identified mesencephalic locomotor region were investigated in cats using the horseradish peroxidase retrograde axonal transport technique. Sources of afferent projections to this region were discovered in different structures of the fore-, mid-, and hindbrain. Numbers of horseradish peroxidase-labeled neurons were calculated in different brain structures after injecting this enzyme into the mesencephalic locomotor region. Apart from the endopeduncular nucleus, different hypothalamic structures, and the substantia nigra, labeled neurons were discovered in the central tegmental region, the central gray, raphe and vestibular nuclei, the solitary tract nucleus, and the brain stem reticular formation. Neurons accumulating horseradish peroxidase were also discovered in nuclei where ascending sensory tracts originate. This fact serves to bring out the structural inhomogeneity of the midbrain locomotor region; electrical stimulation of this area is an effect which may be attributed to excitation of neurons found within it and activation of accompanying fiber tracts.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 763–773, November–December, 1986.  相似文献   

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