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DNA histograms were measured by flow cytometry for 656 human solid tumors (365 primary and 291 metastatic). The proportion of aneuploid cells in cell suspensions obtained by mechanical disaggregation was significantly higher than those obtained after enzymatic disaggregation (collagenase + DNAse) of the same tumor. A strong correlation was observed between the values of DNA-indices measured after staining with propidium iodide and with 4',-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (r = 0.97). Aneuploid cells were observed in 430 tumors (66%); 30 of these had two aneuploid stemlines, and two had three aneuploid stemlines. The overall frequency of aneuploidy was 61% among primary and 71% among metastatic tumors. The median value of the DNA index was 1.67 for 224 primary aneuploid tumors and 1.68 for 206 metastatic aneuploid tumors. For most diseases, the largest proportion of aneuploid primary and metastatic tumors had DNA-indices in the hypertriploid region. No major differences in frequency and degree of aneuploidy was observed between primary and metastatic tumors. For carcinomas of the bladder and prostate, frequency of aneuploidy was higher among poorly differentiated, than among moderately and well-differentiated tumors. For carcinomas of the breast and for sarcomas, tumors with DNA-indices of greater than 2.0 were observed mostly in the poorly differentiated group. For patients with carcinomas of the bladder and prostate most tumors at earlier stages of disease were diploid; whereas most tumors at later stages of disease were aneuploid. For patients with carcinomas of the ovary, colon, and kidney, no relationship between stage of disease and aneuploidy was evident.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric studies of cellular DNA content were conducted in 26 patients with a variety of neoplasms. Cell dispersal was achieved with pepsin treatment, and a combination of ethidium bromide and mithramycin was used as DNA specific staining procedure. All measurements were conducted with a new sheath flow chamber in a PHYWE ICP 11 pulse cytophotometer. All but one patient with multiple myeloma had unimodal tumor cell DNA distributions. With human granulocytes as reference standard, 24 of 26 tumors were aneuploid; and of these, 23 showed varying degrees of hyperdiploidy. Except for one patient, ploidy abnormalities were stable on repeat examination.  相似文献   

Thrombin-induced stimulation of human platelets is accompanied by a dramatic increase in cytoplasmic calcium concentrations followed by a slow decrease. These changes are very rapid, are maximal by 10-15 s, and can be detected with probes such as Indo-1. Suspension studies using spectrofluorometry, which reflect a value which is the average of 3 x 10(7) cells per ml, indicate a thrombin dose-dependent increase in cytoplasmic calcium at doses up to 0.025 units per ml. We show here, using flow cytometry, that at less than half-saturating thrombin doses only subpopulations of platelets rather than the entire sample are responding. The extent of these responses, however, still depends on thrombin concentration. When the thrombin doses are between half and fully saturating, one subpopulation responds fully (i.e., its extent of increase in cytoplasmic calcium concentration, [Ca++]in is 100% of that seen at saturating thrombin concentrations) while the remaining platelets respond partially or not at all. There is thus evidence of positive cooperativity leading to disproportionate thrombin receptor occupancy on different subpopulations when platelets are subjected to subsaturating doses of thrombin. The existence of responding subpopulations may explain how the reported multiple stimulations of the same suspension of platelets at low thrombin doses occur.  相似文献   

The preparation of single-cell suspensions from 25 human head and neck tumors is described. Dispersal was performed overnight at 4 degrees C under slight agitation of the tissue suspensions using various combinations of enzymes and additives. The cell suspensions were examined for number of cells released, viability, amount of debris, and DNA distribution by means of flow cytometry (FCM). It was shown that both trypsin/dithioerythritol (TD) and collagenase/D Nase (CDse) were of value in dispersing single cells from tumor tissue. In contrast to CDse, incubation with TD appeared to be cytolytic to normal lymphocytes. In a number of cases, DNA-FCM revealed ploidy abnormalities in a TD-suspension, which were not discernible in the concurrent CDse-suspension. Cell culture of primary cell suspensions corroborated the reliability of the DNA-FCM measurements. Pretreatment with CDse improved tumor disaggregation by TD and indicated a different dispersal capacity. Addition of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions to the dispersal mixtures and preincubation of tumor slices in complete medium for 1 day before initiation of cell dispersion influenced favorably the quality of the cell suspension.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric DNA content in myelodysplastic syndromes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA flow cytometric analysis of unfixed bone marrow cells stained with propidium iodide was carried out in 33 patients with untreated primary myelodysplastic syndromes. Patients with stable clinical course for up to 3 years had higher fractions of cells in S and G2 phases (22.7 +/- 12.4% and 12 +/- 3.6%) than those who developed acute leukemia and/or died early in the course of disease (14.4 +/- 8.5% and 6.6 +/- 4%). Median survival was more than 36 mo in patients with S + G2 cell fraction higher than 24%, and 14 mo in the remaining 16 patients with lower values (P less than 0.01). Analyses repeated after 3-24 mo showed no major changes in cell proliferation pattern in ten out of 11 patients. The remaining patient had sharp decrease in S and G2 cell fraction 3 mo before the transition into acute leukemia. The DNA index (DI) of bone marrow cells was calculated to assess ploidy. However, comparative evaluation of cytologic, cytogenetic, and flow cytometric data suggest that, under our experimental conditions, the DI may be influenced by factors such as the degree of chromatin compactness.  相似文献   

A A Redkar  A Krishan 《Cytometry》1999,38(2):61-69
Flow cytometric analysis of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PgR) receptor expression in archival human breast tumors is relatively difficult. We have used enzyme digestion and microwave antigen retrieval procedures for multiparametric flow cytometric analysis of ER and PgR expression and DNA content in nuclei isolated from formalin-fixed/paraffin-embedded primary breast tumors. Deparaffinized rehydrated tissue sections treated with pepsin were subjected to microwave irradiation for unmasking of ER and PgR antigenic sites. Biotinylated ER antibody and streptavidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) were used for ER labeling and PgR antibody with phycoerythrin labeled goat anti-mouse antibody was used for PgR labeling. Counter staining with propidium iodide-RNase was used for determination of cellular DNA content. Our results show that enzyme digestion and microwave treatment of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded breast tumors can be successfully used for the multiparametric analysis of nuclear hormone receptor expression and DNA content by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

DNA ploidy analysis was determined on 100 consecutive tumors from a wide variety of sites using both fresh and paraffin-embedded tissue on the same specimen. The correlation coefficient (r) value between the methods was 0.85. Aneuploidy was detected by both methods in 51/100 (51%) of the cases. Fresh tissue analysis yielded 10 additional cases (overall 61% aneuploidy) not detected on corresponding paraffin-embedded sections, whereas paraffin-embedded analysis detected 4 additional cases (overall 55% aneuploidy) not revealed by fresh tissue analysis. Fresh tissue analysis produced lower coefficients of variation and resulted in a cleaner preparation with less cellular debris. Fresh tissue analysis was also superior to paraffin for the detection of hypodiploid, near-diploid and multiple peaks. Analysis of paraffin-embedded material allows examination of archival tissue and provides a more rapid means of long-term follow-up and statistical correlations for prognostic studies. Although the overall correlation of both methodologies for DNA analysis showed a minimal variation in results, in our experience fresh tissue analysis has an advantage and is preferable, when available, for ploidy analysis.  相似文献   

The nuclear DNA content and the numbers of cells in the S and G2M phases of the cell cycle were determined by flow cytometry (FCM) in fine needle aspirates of 187 thyroid tumors to evaluate the diagnostic value of nuclear DNA content determination in combination with aspiration cytology. DNA aneuploidy was present in 4 of 5 follicular carcinomas, 2 of 3 anaplastic carcinomas, 5 of 15 excised follicular adenomas and 2 of 20 excised adenomatous goiters; all 7 papillary carcinomas and 4 lymphomas were diploid in the aspirate. Aneuploid carcinomas had easily distinguishable S and/or G2M phases, unlike the benign aneuploid tumors. None of the histologically benign tumors or the nonexcised tumors had greater than 6% S-phase cells, and only one benign tumor had greater than 9% G2M-phase cells. In contrast, all lymphomas had greater than 10% S-phase cells and four of seven papillary carcinomas had greater than 9% G2M-phase cells. The use of FCM determination in combination with fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology improved the diagnostic potential of the latter technique.  相似文献   

Indigenous soil bacteria were released from a clay loam soil by repeated washing and centrifugation followed by density gradient centrifugation to remove enough soil particles to allow a flow cytometric (FC) study of cell numbers, cell sizes, and DNA content in single cells. The bacteria were suspended in liquid soil extract medium and incubated at 15°C for 60 h, during which direct fluorescence microscopic counts (acridine orange direct counts, AODC) were done along with the FC measurements. Cells of Escherichia coli with a known number of whole genomes per cell (rifampicin treated) were used as a calibration standard both for the DNA measurements (mitramycin-ethidium bromide stain) and cell volumes (light scatter). In response to the nutrients in the soil extract medium, the indigenous soil bacteria increased in numbers and respiration rate after a lag period of about 17 h. The onset of growth was seen first as an increase in respiration rate, numbers of large cells, and the amounts of DNA per cell in the large cells. Respiration and direct microscopical determination of biovolume was used to calculate the average growth yield on the basis of cell carbon, which was found to be 20–30% during the period of active growth. For separate volume groups of the indigenous cells, the DNA content ranged from 1.5 to 15 fg DNA per cell, the majority being below 4 fg DNA. During growth in soil extract medium, the numbers of large cells (volume > 0.18 m3) increased, and the frequency of cells with high DNA contents increased as well for this group. For the smallest sized cells (volumes < 0.065 m3) it was not possible to detect any increase in numbers during the 60-h incubation, and the DNA contents of these cells remained virtually unchanged. Compared with cell volumes based on microscopy (AODC), the FC-light scatter data grossly overestimated the volume for indigenous cells but apparently not for the newly formed cells during growth in the suspension. This probably reflects differences in light scatter properties due to adsorbed materials on the indigenous cells. The FC-DNA measurements confirmed earlier findings in that the average DNA content per cell was low (around 2 fg DNA per cell), but demonstrated a positive relationship between cell size and DNA content for indigenous cells.  相似文献   

We have modified an existing technique in order to perform DNA analysis by flow cytometry (FCM) of corneal epithelium from the mouse, rat, chicken, rabbit, and human. This protocol permitted an investigation of human corneal scrapings from several categories: normal, aphakic bullous keratopathy (ABK), keratoconus (KC), Fuch's dystrophy, edema, epithelial dysplasia, and lipid degeneration. No abnormal characteristic cell-kinetic profile was detected when averaged DNA histograms were compared statistically between the normal and either ABK, KC, edema, or Fuch's dystrophy groups. Abnormal DNA histograms were recorded for cell samples that were taken 1) from three individuals who had epithelial dysplasia and 2) from one individual diagnosed with lipid degeneration. The former condition was characterized by histograms that had a subpopulation of cells with an aneuploid amount of DNA or had higher than normal percentages of cells in the S and G2 + M phases of the cell cycle. Corneal cells from the patient who had lipid degeneration had an abnormally high percentage of cells in the G2 + M phases of the cell cycle. The availability of accurate DNA flow cytometric analysis of corneal epithelium allows further studies on this issue from both experimental and clinical situations.  相似文献   

The efficiency of flow cytometric (FCM) DNA analysis in the diagnosis of lung carcinoma was compared with that of conventional cytologic techniques on bronchial brushing and fine needle aspiration samples from 461 patients. The main advantage of FCM was the rapid delivery of results. Unfortunately, this was offset by a poor sensitivity in the detection of bronchial tumors. Nevertheless, DNA analysis may still prove useful in determining the prognosis and in evaluating the effects of chemotherapy on known tumor stem lines.  相似文献   

The effects of a single intraperitoneal injection of adriamycin (10 mg/kg) on a fast-growing C3H mouse mammary tumor (S102F) have been analyzed volumetrically, biochemically, autoradiographically and flow cytometrically. Mathematical simulation of the data was also used to aid in the interpretation of the recovery kinetics. This dose of adriamycin did not induce regression in tumor volume but did inhibit the growth rate for 4-5 days. 3H-TdR incorporation was gradually inhibited to reach a low of 20% of control at 24 and 36 hr and then recovered back to control by 96 hr after adriamycin treatment. The flow cytometric analysis also showed a marked reduction in the relative fraction of cells in the S-phase with a minimum of 23% of control at 72 hr; however, in contrast to the 3H-TdR incorporation data, the fraction of cells in the S-phase was only at 39% of control at 96 hr after the adriamycin injection. Since the 3H-TdR incorporation data disagreed with the flow cytometry data, autoradiographic analysis was also done at selected times after the adriamycin injections, and qualitatively, this analysis confirms the flow cytometry data in that the labeling index was 29% of control at 96 hr after adriamycin. The mitotic index also dropped from 8 to 1%, respectively, for controls and at 96 hr posttreatment. The degenerate index was about 1% in control tumors and no increase was observed in treated tumors. Adriamycin-induced cell-cycle delay occurs predominately in G1 and G2 but there is also an apparent minor delay in the transit across the S-phase and some apparent cytotoxicity in G2 and/or M. The long delay in volumetric growth appears to be due to the extended cell-cycle delay rather than extensive cell killing.  相似文献   

 Nuclear genome size variation was studied in Musa acuminata (A genome), Musa balbisiana (B genome) and a range of triploid clones differing in genomic constitution (i.e. the relative number of A and B genomes). Nuclear DNA content was estimated by flow cytometry of nuclei stained by propidium iodide. The A and B genomes of Musa differ in size, the B genome being smaller by 12% on average. No variation in genome size was found among the accessions of M. balbisiana (average genome size 537 Mbp). Small, but statistically significant, variation was found among the subspecies and clones of M. acuminata (ranging from 591 to 615 Mbp). This difference may relate to the geographical origin of the individual accessions. Larger variation in genome size (8.8%) was found among the triploid Musa accessions (ranging from 559 to 613 Mbp). This variation may be due to different genomic constitutions as well as to differences in the size of their A genomes. It is proposed that a comparative analysis of genome size in diploids and triploids may be helpful in identifying putative diploid progenitors of cultivated triploid Musa clones. Statistical analysis of data on genome size resulted in a grouping which agreed fairly well with the generally accepted taxonomic classification of Musa. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998  相似文献   

We report a double-agar clonogenic system adapted to human breast cancer. We optimized the conditions for cell growth and clonogenicity with respect to hormones (insulin, estradiol, progesterone) and components of the extracellular matrix (collagen, laminin and fibronectin). Using our experimental improvements, 67% of the breast tumor samples received were grown successfully. Tests on 21 tumors with three agents: Doxorubicin, Methotrexate and 5-Fluorouracil permit objective discrimination of the in vitro pharmacosensitivity of human breast tumors. Flow cytometric analysis reveal that 64% of the tumors were diploid and 36% were aneuploid. The aneuploid tumors grew better in the double agar layer system used for the clonogenic assay. The diploid tumors were especially rich in estrogen (ER+) and progesterone (PR+) receptors whereas the aneuploid tumors were mostly estrogen and progesterone receptors negative (ER/PR). Finally, we noted no difference in drug responsiveness depending on the tumor ploidy and steroid receptor content.Abbreviations DCC dextran coated charcoal - DI DNA index - DXB Doxorubicin - ECM extracellular matrix component - ER estrogen receptors - FCM flow cytometry - 5-FU 5-Fluorouracil - HTSCA human tumor stem cell assay - MTX Methotrexate - PBC primary breast carcinoma - PI proliferative index - PR progesterone receptors - SPF S phase fraction  相似文献   

Carbohydrate components known from biochemical analysis to be present in peripheral normal human erythrocytes so far could not be detected cytochemically. By periodic acid oxidation followed by Schiff pararosaniline (SO2) staining, however, a specific fluorescent signal can be obtained, strong enough to allow measurement by flow cytometry. Dimethylsuberimidate fixation results in low autofluorescence and low staining of unoxidized cells. By treating erythrocyte ghosts similarly, it is found that about 20% of the signal is present in the membrane, most probably due to glycophorins. The main signal resides in the matrix of the fixed erythrocyte and may be due to traces of glycogen and to the glycosylation of proteins, especially hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Summary Carbohydrate components known from biochemical analysis to be present in peripheral normal human erythrocytes so far could not be detected cytochemically. By periodic acid oxidation followed by Schiff pararosaniline (SO2 sstaining, however, a specific fluorescent signal can be obtained, strong enough to allow measurement by flow cytometry. Dimethylsuberimidate fixation results in low autofluorescence and low staining of unoxidized cells. By treating erythrocyte ghosts similarly, it is found that about 20% of the signal is present in the membrane, most probably due to glycophorins. The main signal resides in the matrix of the fixed erythrocyte and may be due to traces of glycogen and to the glycosylation of proteins, especially hemoglobin.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

An improved method for differential staining and high resolution flow cytometric measurement of human semen cells is presented. Using a mild pretreatment with citric acid/detergent and staining with DAPI, the new procedure provides excellent preservation and good discrimination of all cells which are present in normal and pathological semen samples.  相似文献   

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