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Isolation and characterization of isocitrate lyase of castor endosperm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isocitrate lyase (threo-DS-isocitrate glyoxylate-lyase, EC has been purified to homogeneity from castor endosperm. The enzyme is a tetrameric protein (molecular weight about 140,000; gel filtration) made up of apparently identical monomers (subunit molecular weight about 35,000; gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate). Thermal inactivation of purified enzyme at 40 and 45 °C shows a fast and a slow phase, each accounting for half of the intitial activity, consistent with the equation: At = A02 · e?k1t + A02 · e?k2t, where A0 and At are activities at time zero at t, and k1 and k2 are first-order rate constants for the fast and slow phases, respectively. The enzyme shows optimum activity at pH 7.2–7.3. Effect of [S]on enzyme activity at different pH values (6.0–7.5) suggests that the proton behaves formally as an “uncompetitive inhibitor.” A basic group of the enzyme (site) is protonated in this pH range in the presence of substrate only, with a pKa equal to 6.9. Successive dialysis against EDTA and phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, at 0 °C gives an enzymatically inactive protein. This protein shows kinetics of thermal inactivation identical to the untreated (native) enzyme. Full activity is restored on adding Mg2+ (5.0 mm) to a solution of this protein. Addition of Ba2+ or Mn2+ brings about partial recovery. Other metal ions are not effective.  相似文献   

Catabolite inactivation of isocitrate lyase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A reversible carbon catabolite inactivation step is described for isocitrate lyase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This reversible inactivation step of isocitrate lyase is similar to that described for fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase. Addition of 2,4-dinitrophenol, nystatin or glucose to cultures, grown in ethanol as carbon source, caused a rapid loss of the isocitrate lyase and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase activities at pH 5.5 but not at pH 7.5. These results suggest that intracellular acidification and thus a cAMP increase is involved in the catabolite inactivation mechanism of both enzymes. From results obtained by addition of glucose to yeast cultures at pH 7.5 it was concluded that others factors than cAMP can play a role in the catabolite inactivation mechanism of both enzymes.  相似文献   

Isocitrate lyase (threo-ds-isocitrate glyoxylate-lyase, EC was purified from cotyledons of Lupinus seedlings. The final preparation showed two bands after polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The optimum pH using phosphate, Tris or imidazole buffer was at pH 7.5; with triethanolamine (TRA) it was at pH 7. The enzyme required Mg2+ for maximal activity, and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) inactivated the enzyme. Activity was increased by incubation with the reducing agents, glutathione (GSH), acetylcysteine (acetylcys), dithionite (Na2S2O4), thioglycolate (TG) or 1,4-dithioerythritol (DTE). Na2S2O4 and DTE were the most active among the tested substances and DTE prevented much of the inactivation by NEM. The apparent Km value for isocitrate was ca 1 mM in phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 or 7.5 but was substantially lower (0.1–0.2 mM) using Tris, TRA or imidazole buffers. Glyoxylate, oxalate and malonate were competitive inhibitors of the enzyme. Synthase activity of the enzyme (i.e. formation of isocitrate from succinate and glyoxylate) was demonstrated. The Km values for glyoxylate and succinate were 0.05 and 0.2 mM, respectively. The addition of glyoxylate to the culture medium in which Lupinus seeds germinate resulted in a reduced development of isocitrate lyase activity during germination.  相似文献   

     The existence of a second mechanism of catabolite control of isocitrate lyase of Aspergillus nidulans, in addition to the carbon catabolite repression phenomenon recently reported was analysed. Isocitrate lyase was rapidly and specifically inactivated by glucose. The inactivation was irreversible at all stages in the presence of cycloheximide, showing that reactivation depends on de novo protein synthesis. In addition, analysis of glucose-induced inactivation of isocitrate lyase in a creA d -30 strain showed that the creA gene is not involved in this process. Received: 13 May 1994 / Accepted 12 August 1994  相似文献   

Metabolic pathways sequestered within the leucoplast of developing oilseeds ensure a balanced supply of substrates and cofactors for fatty acid biosynthesis. NADP-dependent malic enzyme (NADP-ME) may be important in supplying both carbon and NADPH for fatty acid biosynthesis in the developing endosperm of the oilseed Ricinus communis. NADP-ME was purified 5160-fold to a specific activity of 18.2 U/mg protein. NADP-ME is a homotetramer with a native mass of 254 kDa and a subunit size of approximately 63 kDa. Effectors of castor NADP-ME are typical of the NADP-malic enzymes, with the exception of acetyl-CoA and its derivatives, which were found to act as activators. This is consistent with a regulatory role for these molecules during fatty acid biosynthesis in vivo. NADP-ME was found to have maximal activity at stage 7 of endosperm development, coincident with maximal lipid accumulation.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding castor bean endosperm isocitrate lyase (ICL) was expressed under the control of the promoter of the small subunit of pea ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase in transformed tobacco. ICL protein was detected using anti-ICL antibodies on immunoblots of total leaf protein extracts. Nycodenz density gradient separation of the extracts from the transgenic tobacco leaves showed ICL co-fractionated with hydroxypyruvate reductase, a peroxisomal matrix marker protein, and away from lactate dehydrogenase, a cytosolic marker protein. Immunoelectron microscopy of ultrathin leaf sections demonstrated the location of ICL within the matrix of the leaf peroxisomes of the transgenic plants. In vitro transcribed and translated ICL was also imported into leaf peroxisomes isolated from germinating sunflower seeds. The in vivo and in vitro import of this protein into leaf peroxisomes provides strong support for the notion that the import machinery of glyoxysomes and peroxisomes is very similar.  相似文献   

A cDNA library was constructed to mRNA enriched for isocitrate-lyase mRNA from castor-bean (Ricinus communis var. zanzibarensis) endosperms. Nine clones for isocitrate lyase (EC were identified. The insert of 2.2 kb from clone ICL4 was sequenced and proved to contain the entire coding region, 1731 bp, for isocitrate lyase. The amino acid sequence of isocitrate lyase was deduced from the nucleic acid sequence. By analogy with muscle aldolase a lysine residue that possibly takes part in the binding of the substrate was identified. The 3 untranslated region contained three putative polyadenylation addition signals and two direct repeats.  相似文献   

Isozymes of pyruvate kinase (PK) have been isolated from developing castor bean endosperm. One isozyme, PKc, is localized in the cytosol, and the other, PKp, is in the plastid. Both isozymes need monovalent and divalent cations for activity, requirements which can be filled by K+ and Mg2+. Both isozymes are inhibited by citrate, pyruvate, and ATP. PKc has a much broader pH profile than PKp and is also more stable. Both have the same Km (0.05 millimolar) for PEP, but PKp has a 10-fold higher Km (0.3 millimolar) for ADP than PKc (0.03 millimolar). PKc also has a higher affinity for alternate nucleotide substrates than PKp. The two isozymes have different kinetic mechanisms. Both have an ordered sequential mechanism and bind phosphoenolpyruvate before ADP. However, the plastid isozyme releases ATP first, whereas pyruvate is the first product released from the cytosolic enzyme. The properties of the two isozymes are similar to those of their counterparts in green tissue.  相似文献   

Hydrolases in vacuoles from castor bean endosperm   总被引:22,自引:15,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Vacuoles were prepared from endosperm tissue of 4-day-old castor bean seedlings (Ricinus communis var. Hale) and purified on a stepped sucrose gradient. It was shown by assays of marker enzymes that there was only trace contamination of the final preparation by other organelles (mitochondria, glyoxysomes, nuclei, spherosomes, and plastids) and by cytoplasmic components. Hydrolytic enzymes (acid protease, carboxypeptidase, phosphodiesterase, RNAase, phytase and β-glucosidase) were present in the isolated vacuoles in amounts indicating a primarily vacuolar localization in vivo. The vacuoles also contained storage protein and high concentrations of sucrose. The over-all results indicate that the vacuoles from castor bean endosperm are the site of hydrolysis of the constituents of the protein bodies and are a temporary storage compartment for the sucrose produced from fat and protein reserves.  相似文献   

In Aspergillus nidulans, activity of the glyoxylate cycle enzyme isocitrate lyase is finely regulated. Isocitrate lyase is induced by growth on C2 compounds and long-chain fatty acids and repressed by glucose. In addition, activity of isocitrate lyase is subject to a second mechanism of catabolite control, glucose-induced inactivation. Here, we demonstrate that the catabolite inactivation of A. nidulans isocitrate lyase, a process that takes place during glucose adaptation of cells grown under gluconeogenic conditions, occurs by proteolysis of the enzyme. Ultrastructural analyses were carried out in order to investigate the cellular processes that govern the catabolite inactivation of this peroxisomal enzyme. Addition of glucose to oleate-induced cells triggered the specific engulfment and sequestration of peroxisomes by the vacuoles. Sequestration of various peroxisomes by a single vacuole was a frequently observed phenomenon. Results obtained by immunoelectron microscopy using antibodies against A. nidulans isocitrate lyase showed that degradation of this peroxisomal enzyme occurred inside the vacuole. In addition, ultrastructural studies demonstrated that microautophagy was the autophagic pathway involved in degradation of redundant peroxisomes during glucose adaptation of oleate-induced cells of A. nidulans.  相似文献   

Inhibition of isocitrate lyase from Pseudomonas indigofera by itaconate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of the inhibitor itaconate on the activity of purified isocitrate lyase from Pseudomonas indigofera was examined for the reaction in both directions. Itaconate was found to equilibrate very slowly with its enzyme-bound form, so that a rapid change in itaconate concentration produced a gradual change in reaction velocity which eventually reached a new steady state. Kinetic studies of this relaxation phenomenon indicated that itaconate inhibited by binding the enzyme only after prior binding of glyoxylate, thus mimicking the kinetic behavior of succinate. On the basis of these studies, the dissociation constants for itaconate and glyoxylate from their respective enzyme-bound forms were calculated. More than half of the isocitrate lyase was complexed by glyoxylate during cleavage of saturating isocitrate. The rate constant for release of itaconate from the enzyme was calculated to be about 0.2 min?1. Direct binding of [14C]itaconate and [14C]succinate to isocitrate lyase at pH 6.8 was measured. Some binding of both ligands was found in the absence of glyoxylate, which was stimulated by the presence of 1 mm glyoxylate. These results suggest that there are up to three or more binding sites per active subunit, but that only one of these is catalytic.  相似文献   

Characterization of glyoxysomes from castor bean endosperm   总被引:37,自引:27,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Electron micrographs are presented which establish the identity of the components of the 3 major bands observed after sucrose density centrifugation of the crude particulate fraction from the endosperm of germinating castor bean seedlings. These are: mitochondria (density 1.19 g/cc), proplastids (density 1.23 g/cc) and glyoxysomes (density 1.25 g/cc). Further evidence is provided on the enzymatic composition of the glyoxysomes. Essentially all of the particulate malate synthetase, isocitrate lyase, catalase, and glycolic oxidase is present in these organelles. The distribution of glyoxysomal enzymes on sucrose density gradients is contrasted with that of the strictly mitochondrial enzymes fumarase, NADH oxidase, and succinoxidase. Malate dehydrogenase and citrate synthetase are present in both organelles. The functional role of glyoxysomes and their relationship to cytosomes from other tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

Isocitrate lyase catalyzes the reversible cleavage of isocitrate into glyoxylate and succinate. The kinetic mechanism of bacterial isocitrate lyase has been reported to be ordered uni-bi. Moreover, it has been proposed that isocitrate lyase in higher plants may be switched on and off by a succinylation/desuccinylation mechanism. Similarly to bacterial citrate lyase, in which an acetylation/deacetylation mechanism is operative, succinylation might also play a role in the catalytic mechanism of plant isocitrate lyase. We have investigated the kinetic mechanism of isocitrate lyase from Lupinus seeds. The results reported in this paper show that the system follows a preferentially ordered uni-bi pathway in which the succinate is released first. On the basis of our results and some other recently reported data, we conclude that it is unlikely that bacterial and plant isocitrate lyases have different catalytic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Phycomyces blakesleeanus isocitrate lyase (EC is in vivo reversibly inactivated by hydrogen peroxide. The purified enzyme showed reversible inactivation by an ascorbate plus Fe(2+) system under aerobic conditions. Inactivation requires hydrogen peroxide; was prevented by catalase, EDTA, Mg(2+), isocitrate, GSH, DTT, or cysteine; and was reversed by thiols. The ascorbate served as a source of hydrogen peroxide and also reduced the Fe(3+) ions produced in a "site-specific" Fenton reaction. Two redox-active cysteine residues per enzyme subunit are targets of oxidative modification; one of them is located at the catalytic site and the other at the metal regulatory site. The oxidized enzyme showed covalent and conformational changes that led to inactivation, decreased thermal stability, and also increased inactivation by trypsin. These results represent an example of redox regulation of an enzymatic activity, which may play a role as a sensor of redox cellular status.  相似文献   

Alkylation of isocitrate lyase from Escherichia coli by 3-bromopyruvate   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The inactivation of tetrameric isocitrate lyase from Escherichia coli by 3-bromopyruvate, exhibiting saturation kinetics, is accompanied by the loss of one sulfhydryl per subunit. The substrates glyoxylate and isocitrate protect against inactivation whereas the substrate succinate does not. The modification by 3-bromopyruvate (equimolar to subunits) imparts striking resistance to digestion of isocitrate lyase by trypsin, chymotrypsin, and V8 protease as well as a major decrease in the intensity of tryptophan fluorescence. After alkylation, the sequence Gly-His-Met-Gly-Gly-Lys is found following the modified Cys residue in the tryptic peptide representing positions 196-201. Thus Cys195 is alkylated by 3-bromopyruvate.  相似文献   

Moore TS 《Plant physiology》1974,54(2):164-168
The synthesis of phosphatidylglycerol in castor bean (Ricinus communis var. Hale) endosperm tissue was found to be located in both the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial fractions separated on sucrose density gradients. The enzyme of both fractions attained maximum activity at 5 mm Mn(2+), 0.075% Triton X-100, and pH 7.3. The addition of dithiothreitol produced little effect, but sulfhydryl inhibitors reduced activity in both systems. Cytidine diphosphate-diglyceride exhibited an apparent Michaelis constant for the endoplasmic reticulum enzyme of 2.8 mum and for the mitochondrial enzyme of 2.0 mum; the maximum reaction rate was achieved at about 20 mum. For the second substrate, glycerol-phosphate, the apparent Michaelis constant for both fractions was about 50 mum and maximum velocity was reached at 400 mum. The specific activity of the mitochondrial enzyme was generally twice that of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Beta oxidation in glyoxysomes from castor bean endosperm   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  

Occurrence of RNA in glyoxysomes from castor bean endosperm   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Gerhardt BP  Beevers H 《Plant physiology》1969,44(10):1475-1477

A 6.5 kb cucumber genomic DNA fragment containing the icl gene was introduced into Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and shown to direct isocitrate lyase (ICL) mRNA synthesis in transgenic seedlings upon germination, in a temporally regulated manner. Two putative icl promoter fragments, of 2900 and 572 bp, were subsequently linked to the GUS reporter gene and introduced into N. plumbaginifolia. Both constructs directed GUS expression after transgenic seed germination, and although the 572 bp fragment gave only 1% of the activity of the 2900 bp fragment, it directed expression in the same cotyledon-specific and temporally regulated pattern. Seedlings were transferred to darkness after 18 days growth in the light, to induce a starvation response. The 2900 bp construct was activated by starvation and repressed by exogenous sucrose, whereas the 572 bp construct was not starvation-responsive. To localize the region of the 2900 bp promoter fragment which is responsible for regulation by sucrose, further deletions were make, linked to GUS, and assayed in a cucumber protoplast transient assay system. Constructs with promoters of 2900, 2142 and 1663 bp were activated by starvation and repressed by sucrose, but promoters of 1142 and 572 bp showed no such response. We conclude that the icl gene promoter contains at least two distinct cis-acting elements, one required for the response to sucrose and the other which participates in expression upon seed germination.  相似文献   

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