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Abstract.  Female animals that use sperm from a single mating to fertilize eggs over an extended period require efficient mechanisms for sperm storage and use. There have been few studies of these mechanisms in tephritid flies. Mating, copula duration, sperm storage and sperm usage patterns are assessed in an Australian tephritid, the Queensland fruit fly ( Bactrocera tryoni ; a.k.a. 'Q-fly'). In particular, the present study investigates whether each of these aspects of mating varies in relation to female size or male size, whether sperm storage patterns change over time after mating (1, 5, 10 and 15 days), and the relative roles of the ventral receptacle and the two spermathecae as sperm storage organs. Large females are more likely to mate than are small females, and are also more fecund in the first 5 days after mating. Females are more likely to store some sperm and, among those that store some sperm, store more sperm if their mate is large. Most sperm are stored in the spermathecae (median = 97%), often with high levels of asymmetry between the two spermathecae. Asymmetry of sperm storage is related to number of sperm stored, but not to male or female size. Total number of stored sperm declines over the 15 days after mating, but this decrease in sperm numbers only reflects changes in the spermathecae; numbers of sperm in the ventral receptacle remain unchanged over this period. As a consequence, the proportion of total sperm stored in the spermathecae declines relative to the ventral receptacle. These results are consistent with a system in which small numbers of sperm are maintained in the ventral receptacle for fertilizations, and are replenished by sperm from the spermathecae as required. Sperm distribution and usage patterns in Q-flies are comparable with recent findings in medflies, Ceratitis capitata , but differ markedly from patterns found in several Anastrepha species.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between the number of sperm in the seminal receptacle (spermatheca) and the receptivity of female remating in the bean bugRiptortus clavatus Thunberg. On the 21 st day after the first mating when receptivity to remating was > 70%, females receptive to remating had significantly fewer sperm ( < 40 on average) in the spermathecae than females reluctant to do (about 150 on average). However, averages of the number of eggs laid by receptive and reluctant females within 21 days were almost same. The proportion of fertilized eggs for receptive females at 15–21 days after copulation was significantly lower than that for reluctant females. Spermatozoa transferred from a male to a female’s spermatheca were detected 5 min after copulation and then increased continuously to about 500 with the first hour. When copulation durations were manipulated artificially, the shorter the copulation period (=females had less sperm in their spermathecae), the higher the remating rate became. Females may perceive the number of sperm in their seminal receptacles and then determine whether they copulate or not. These results support the hypothesis that females mate multiply in order to replenish inadequate sperm supplies to fertilize all eggs produced.  相似文献   

Females of all species belonging to the family Drosophilidae have two kinds of sperm-storage organs: paired spherical spermathecae and a single elongate tubular seminal receptacle. We examined 113 species belonging to the genus Drosophila and closely allied genera and describe variation in female sperm-storage organ use and morphology. The macroevolutionary pattern of organ dysfunction and morphological divergence suggests that ancestrally both kinds of organs stored sperm. Loss of use of the spermathecae has evolved at least 13 times; evolutionary regain of spermathecal function has rarely if ever occurred. Loss of use of the seminal receptacle has likely occurred only once; in this case, all descendant species possess unusually elaborate spermathecae. Data further indicate that the seminal receptacle is the primary sperm-storage organ in Drosophila. This organ exhibits a pattern of strong correlated evolution with the length of sperm. The evolution of multiple kinds of female sperm-storage organs and the rapidly divergent and correlated evolution of sperm and female reproductive tract morphology are discussed.  相似文献   

Females of many animal species store sperm after copulation for use in fertilization, but the mechanisms controlling sperm storage and utilization are largely unknown. Here we describe a novel male sterile mutation of Drosophila melanogaster, wasted (wst), which shows defects in various processes of sperm utilization. The sperm of wst mutant males are stored like those of wild-type males in the female sperm storage organs, the spermathecae and seminal receptacles, after copulation and are released at each ovulation. However, an average of thirteen times more wst sperm than wild type sperm are released at each ovulation, resulting in rapid loss of sperm stored in seminal receptacles within a few days after copulation. wst sperm can enter eggs efficiently at 5 hr after copulation, but the efficiency of sperm entry decreases significantly by 24 hr after copulation, suggesting that wst sperm lose their ability to enter eggs during storage. Furthermore, wst sperm fail to undergo nuclear decondensation, which prevents the process of fertilization even when sperm enter eggs. Our results indicate that the wst gene is essential for independent processes in the utilization of stored sperm; namely, regulation of sperm release from female storage organs, maintenance of sperm efficiency for entry into eggs, and formation of the male pronucleus in the egg at fertilization.  相似文献   

Promiscuous mating systems provide the opportunity for females to bias fertilization toward particular males. However, distinguishing between male sperm competition and active female sperm choice is difficult for species with internal fertilization. Nevertheless, species that store and use sperm of different males in different storing structures and species where females are able to expel all or part of the ejaculates after copulation may be able to bias fertilization. We report a series of experiments aimed at providing evidence of female sperm choice in Euxesta eluta (Hendel), a species of ulidiid fly that expels and consumes ejaculates after copulation. We found no evidence of greater reproductive success for females mated singly, multiply with the same male, or mated multiply with different males. Female E. eluta possesses two spherical spermathecae and a bursa copulatrix for sperm storage, with a ventral receptacle. There was no significant difference in storing more sperm in spermathecae 24 h after copulation than immediately after copulation. Females mated with protein-fed males had greater reproductive success than similar females mated to protein-deprived males. Protein-fed females prevented to consume the ejaculate, retained more sperm when mated to protein-fed males than when mated to protein-deprived males. Our results suggest that female E. eluta can exert control of sperm retention of higher quality males through ejaculate ejection.  相似文献   

Esterase 6 (E.C. is an enzyme in the reproductive system of Drosophila melanogaster and is transferred from males to females at mating. This enzyme is conveyed during the first 3 min of a copulation lasting approximately 20 min and remains active in the female reproductive tract for 1–2 hr after mating. Males require 24–48 hr to recover premating levels of esterase 6 activity. These results suggest that the effect of esterase 6 on the rate of sperm loss in females, which extends to 4 days after mating, is indirect since activity in the female falls rapidly after insemination. It is suggested that esterase 6 may also be a part of a pheromone system which influences female reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

Sea slugs are interesting models to study post-copulatory sexual selection in simultaneous hermaphrodites due to the enormous variation of their reproductive systems. However, the knowledge of the functional morphology of their reproductive system is limited to few species, and it is rarely discussed in the context of sexual selection theory. In this study, we investigated the functional morphology of the sperm-containing chambers (i.e., ampulla, seminal receptacle, and bursa copulatrix) of the reproductive system of Okenia polycerelloides (Ortea & Bouchet, 1983), based on light, confocal, and electron microscopy. Although the morphology of the ampulla is similar to other species, indicating that it is a site for autosperm storage, we found some sperm facing the ampullar epithelium, a feature commonly regarded as characteristic of the seminal receptacle of sea slugs. The seminal receptacle of O. polycerelloides showed secretory activity and contained sperm with distribution and orientation suggestive of stratification of allosperm from distinct mating events, a feature that would affect sperm competition. The bursa copulatrix had epithelial cells with secretory and absorptive characteristics, and contained degraded sperm and yolk granules within its lumen. Comparative analyses of the contents of each organ demonstrated that sperm digestion occurs in the bursa copulatrix and affects sperm heads first, changing their morphology from slender and curved to shorter and ellipsoid before complete lysis. Although digestion and absorption of surplus sperm are currently the main hypothesized functions for the bursa copulatrix, its role in cryptic female choice should not be ruled out. The close structural connection between the seminal receptacle and bursa copulatrix, as well as their muscular walls, would enable control over the fate of the sperm received in each mating event, that is, storage or digestion.  相似文献   

Males that copulate repeatedly may suffer from reduced sperm stores. However, few studies have addressed sperm depletion from both the female and male perspective. Here, we show that male Anastrepha obliqua (Diptera: Tephritidae) do not ejaculate all available sperm and are left with mature sperm in the seminal vesicles even after copulating as often as three times in half a day. Ejaculate size was not related to male mating history; time elapsed since the last mating, copulation duration, female thorax length or head width. Larval host origin did not affect the number of sperm stored by females. More sperm was found in the ventral receptacle compared to sperm stored in the three spermathecae. Males apparently do not suffer a cost of mating in terms of longevity, although we cannot rule out other fitness costs. Sperm production in this species may not be as costly as it is for other species. Results suggest that males strategically allocate similar numbers of sperm among successive mates without exhausting sperm reserves for future encounters. We discuss the role that differential sperm storage may have in mediating sperm competition and tie our results to the unique natural history of A. obliqua.  相似文献   

A male Drosophila melanogaster deposits many more sperm in a female''s bursa copulatrix than are stored in her ventral receptacle or paired spermathecae soon after copula has ended. The remaining sperm are expelled by the female. These observations suggest a sexual conflict over the processes involved in sperm storage. We used genetically manipulated flies to study the role of the central nervous system in sperm storage. Flies with female bodies but masculinized nervous systems, or isolated female abdomens, stored significantly fewer sperm than did control females. Furthermore, compared with control flies, there were relatively more sperm in the ventral receptacle and relatively fewer in the spermathecae. These results suggest that the female nervous input counteracts the male''s attempts to force sperm into the ventral receptacle during copula and promotes active transport of sperm to the spermathecae during and after copula. The female is clearly a very active partner in influencing processes involved in sperm competition, especially as only stored sperm can be used later to fertilize eggs. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show directly the involvement of the female nervous system in sperm storage.  相似文献   

Sperm competition studies typically identify copulation duration as an important predictor of paternity as it may determine the quantity of sperm transferred and thus paternity success. This study explores the relationship between copulation duration, male body size, male age and sperm transfer in the golden orb‐weaving spider, Nephila edulis. Paternity in this species is strongly associated with the relative frequency and duration of copulation, which is also influenced by male size. We determined the number of sperm transferred during copulation, by performing sperm counts in both the male copulatory organs (palps) and female sperm receptacle (spermatheca) of recently mated pairs. The total number of sperm recorded (the sum in the male palps and female spermathecae) was greater for younger males than older males, but did not vary with male body size. In general, younger males transferred more sperm and a greater proportion of their sperm supplies than older males and, among these younger males, larger individuals transferred more sperm. However, there were no significant size effects for older males. More sperm was transferred with longer copulations, but in contrast with previous studies, we found that larger males copulated for longer. The rate of sperm transferred was negatively correlated with the duration of copulation, suggesting that the variation in copulation duration in N. edulis may represent strategic investment by males to alter patterns of paternity, in addition to transferring additional sperm.  相似文献   

The origins and evolution of sperm storage in Brachyura are enigmatic: sperm is either stored in seminal receptacles, accessible via the vulvae on the sixth thoracic sternite, or in spermathecae at the border between the seventh and eighth sternites. Crabs with spermathecae are collectively referred to as “podotremes” while crabs with seminal receptacles belong to the Eubrachyura. The position of gonopores is the primary basis for subdividing the Eurachyura into the Heterotremata (female vulvae + males with coxal gonopores) and Thoracotremata (female vulvae + males with sternal gonopores). We present a hypothesis about the evolution of seminal receptacles in eubrachyuran female crabs and argue that the sternal gonopore has been internalized into chitin-lined seminal receptacles and the vulva is in fact a secondary aperture. The loss of some or all of the ancestral chitinous seminal receptacle lining was linked to ventral migration of the oviduct connection. Male and female strategies are to maximize gamete fertilization. The most important variable for females is sperm supply, enhanced by long-term storage made possible by the seminal receptacle. To maximize their fertilization rates males must adapt to the structure of the seminal receptacle to ensure that their sperm are close to the oviduct entrance. The major evolutionary impetus for female mating strategies was derived from the consequences of better sperm conservation and the structure of the seminal receptacle. The advantages were all to the females because their promiscuity and sperm storage allowed them to produce more genetically variable offspring, thereby enhancing variation upon which natural selection could act. We extend our arguments to Brachyura as a whole and offer a unifying explanation of the evolution of seminal receptacles, comparing them with the spermathecae found in “Podotremata”: they were independent solutions to the same problem: maintaining sperm supply during evolutionary carcinization.Explanation of eubrachyuran mating strategies requires analysis of the mating–moulting link, indeterminate vs. determinate growth format and seminal receptacle structure. Two alternatives for each of these characters means that there are eight possible outcomes. Six of these outcomes have been realized, which we term Portunoid, Majoid, Eriphoid, Xanthoid, Cancroid, and Grapsoid–Ocypodoid strategies, respectively. Mapping these characters on to a workable phylogeny (wherein some changes to the seminal receptacle + moulting–mating links are assumed to have occurred more than once) produces the following relationships: Portunoids + Majoids are a sister group to the rest of the Eubrachyura, which fall into two sister groups, Eriphoids + Xanthoids and Cancroids + Grapsoid–Ocypodoids and the “Podotremata” is sister group to all the Eubrachyura. We conclude that what began as a race to be the first to mate was turned on its head to become a race to be last, by the evolutionary changes to the seminal receptacle. Eubrachyuran females were advantaged by greater reproductive autonomy, more opportunity to mate with other males, resulting in more genetically variable progeny and leading to the evolution of much greater taxonomic diversity compared to “podotremes”.  相似文献   

Females as well as males can influence the outcome of sperm competition, and may do so through the anatomy of their reproductive tracts. Female Drosophila melanogaster store sperm in two morphologically distinct organs: a single seminal receptacle and, normally, two spermathecae. These organs have different temporal roles in sperm storage. To examine the association between sperm storage organ morphology and sperm competition, we used a mutant type of female with three spermathecae. Although the common measure of sperm competition, P(2), did not differ between females with two and three spermathecae, the pattern of sperm use over time indicated that female morphology did affect male reproductive success. The rate of offspring production by females with three spermathecae rose and fell more rapidly than by females with two spermathecae. If females remate or die before using up second male sperm, then second male reproductive success will be higher when they mate with females with three spermathecae. The results indicate that temporal patterns of sperm use as well as P(2) should be taken into account when measuring the outcome of sperm competition.  相似文献   

In internally fertilizing species, sperm transfer is not always immediately followed by egg fertilization, and female sperm storage (FSS) may occur. FSS is a phenomenon in which females store sperm in a specialized organ for periods lasting from a few hours to several years, depending on the species. Eusocial hymenopterans (ants, social bees, and social wasps) hold the record for FSS duration. In these species, mating takes place during a single nuptial flight that occurs early in adult life for both sexes; they never mate again. Males die quickly after copulation but survive posthumously as sperm stored in their mates' spermathecae. Reproductive females, also known as queens, have a much longer life expectancy, up to 20 years in some species. Here, we review what is currently known about the molecular adaptations underlying the remarkable FSS capacities in eusocial hymenopterans. Because sperm quality is crucial to the reproductive success of both sexes, we also discuss the mechanisms involved in sperm storage and preservation in the male seminal vesicles prior to ejaculation. Finally, we propose future research directions that should broaden our understanding of this unique biological phenomenon.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(7):919-935
We studied the functional morphology of the female reproductive system of the purple stone crab Danielethus crenulatus . The most remarkable feature is the relative storage capacity and extensibility of the seminal receptacles. These receptacles are a pair of simple sacs that lack internal structures dividing the internal lumen. Differences in seminal receptacle size and contents are accompanied by conspicuous changes in receptacle lining at a tissue level. Full seminal receptacles contain discrete sperm masses formed by hardened fluid and densely packed spermatophores. Different sperm masses are likely from different mates and their stratified disposition within the seminal receptacles is compatible with rival sperm displacement and last sperm precedence. Additionally, the anatomical structure of the vulva and vagina suggest active female control over copula. We discuss our results in the general context of sperm storage in brachyurans and the implications for the mating system of this species.  相似文献   

At least part of the invasive success of the slipper limpet, Crepidula fornicata, in European waters must be due to reproductive characteristics, yet the events underlying the easily-observed brooding and non-brooding periods have not yet been studied in this species. The reproductive system dynamics were therefore investigated using topological histology and quantitative histological techniques. Specimens were sampled twice monthly for 18 months from Bourgneuf Bay, France, a mid-latitudinal point in the European distribution of C. fornicata. Both the testicles and ovaries showed active and resting phases, corresponding to the brooding and non-brooding periods, respectively. Maximum spermatozoan production corresponds to the female brooding period (female incubation of oviposited eggs, mid-March to late August), and allows males to possess full spermatozoan stocks at the height of fresh mature oocyte availability. The year-round presence of mature oocytes in the female gonad is misleading, since the histological aspect reveals that they are vestigial oocytes which slowly degenerate during the brooding period, possibly providing metabolites for the developing oocytes that become increasingly abundant during this period. A complete scheme of the C. fornicata reproductive cycle is presented, showing the events in the major reproductive organs.The seminal vesicle shows high inter-month variability in sperm presence, suggesting year-round copulation and sperm storage in the seminal receptacle. The seminal receptacle shows a uniform covering of spermatozoa throughout the year, suggesting rapid renewal after fertilization, again in line with multiple copulation throughout the year. Given the limited available space on the seminal epithelium, against which all spermatozoa abut, as well as polyandrous copulation, it is postulated that sperm competition may take place.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata Weidemann, ‘medfly’), a lekking tephritid, evidence from laboratory studies of flies from laboratory strains suggests that copulation is shorter, and sperm storage more abundant, if males are large or protein‐fed, and that copulation is longer when females are large. In addition, sperm tend to be stored asymmetrically between the female’s two spermathecae and this asymmetry declines with abundance of stored sperm. The primary objective of this study was to investigate whether these trends persist in other experimental contexts that bear closer resemblance to nature. Accordingly, we carried out experiments in a field‐cage using males derived as adults from a wild population and virgin females reared from naturally infested fruit. The results of this study were consistent with laboratory studies in that copula duration increased with female size, that sperm were stored asymmetrically between the females’ spermathecae, and that this asymmetry declined with number of sperm stored. However, we also found some previously unreported effects of female size; large females stored more sperm and stored sperm more asymmetrically between their two spermathecae than did small females. Unlike the laboratory studies, copula duration and sperm storage patterns were unaffected by male size and diet. This may be due to overwhelming variation from other sources in the wild‐collected males used, as well as environmental variability in the semi‐natural setting.  相似文献   

Multiple spermathecae potentially allow selective sperm use, provided that sperm from rival males are stored differentially, that is, in different proportions across storage compartments. In the yellow dung fly, Scatophaga stercoraria, females have three spermathecae arranged as a doublet and singlet. To test whether females store the sperm of rival males actively and differentially, we mated fixed male pairs to three females. After copulation, females were (1) dissected immediately before they could start laying a clutch of eggs, (2) left awake for 30 min but prevented from oviposition, or (3) anaesthetized with carbon dioxide for 30 min to interfere with the muscular control presumably required for sperm transport from the site of insemination to the spermathecae. For each female, we estimated the proportion of the second male's sperm stored in her spermathecae (S(2)value), using sperm length as a male marker. After copulation, the S(2)values in the singlet and doublet spermathecae differed significantly, indicating differential sperm storage during copulation. Postcopulatory treatment affected differential sperm storage significantly. Females dissected immediately had lower S(2)values in the doublet than in the singlet spermatheca, while females left awake showed the reverse pattern for the same two males. This reversal did not occur when females were treated with carbon dioxide. The results indicate differential storage of sperm from different males during copulation and that female muscular activity can affect storage and separation of competing ejaculates beyond copulation. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Two fundamentally different sperm storage organs occur in Brachyura. The probably paraphyletic podotremes show intersegmental spermathecae, which are distant from oviducts and coxal gonopores. Hence, fertilization is external. In contrast to this, the seminal receptacles of Eubrachyura are directly connected with the ovaries. Thus, at least initial fertilization is internal. This pattern has been interpreted as an apomorphy of Eubrachyura. To test this hypothesis, we studied the morphology of the reproductive organs of Paradorippe granulata, a representative of the putatively early diverging eubrachyuran lineage Dorippoidea. Applying histology, 3D-reconstructions and micro-computed-tomography we revealed a novel type of sperm storage organ. Female P.granulata lack the characteristic eubrachyuran seminal receptacle. Instead sperm is stored in four cuticle-lined bursae, two on each side of the paired oviducts. The elaborate bulbous male gonopod with several terminal processes is adapted to transferring sperm into the female twin bursae. Since oviducts and twin bursae are not directly connected, spermatozoa and oocytes mix when gametes pass through the sternal vulva. Thus, fertilization in P.granulata is external. Our finding of a eubrachyuran crab that lacks seminal receptacles and exhibits external fertilization calls prevailing concepts on the evolution of sperm storage in Eubrachyura into question.  相似文献   


In many simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail species, the sperm storage organ (spermatheca) is highly structured, suggesting that the female function might be able to influence offspring paternity. Physical properties of the sperm storage organ, including its initial size and sperm storage capacity, may also affect fertilization patterns in multiply mated snails. We examined the structure, volume and tubule length of empty spermathecae in the land snail, Arianta arbustorum, and assessed differences in spermatheca size following a single copulation. The number of spermathecal tubules ranged from 2–7, but was not correlated with the volume of empty spermathecae. The volume of sperm stored in the spermatheca after a copulation was correlated with neither the number of spermathecal tubules nor copulation duration. Mean spermathecal volume more than doubled between two and thirty-six hours after sperm uptake, but the length of the spermathecal tubules did not change. Interestingly, the volume of sperm stored in the spermatheca seems not to be related to the size of the spermatophore and thus not to the number of sperm received (= allosperm). The amount of allosperm digested in the bursa copulatrix was highly variable and no significant relationship with the size of the spermatophore received was found. These findings suggest that numerical aspects of sperm transfer are less important in influencing fertilization success of sperm in A. arbustorum than properties of the female reproductive tract of the sperm receiver.  相似文献   

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