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It is shown that bacterial genes for thermostable -glucanases are expressed retaining their activity and substrate specificity. The leader peptide of the carrot extensin exerts effective secretion of the bacterial enzymes into the intercellular space of the plant tissue. Expression of the bacterial gene for -1,3-glucanase in plant tissues alters their morphogenetic potential. Regeneration of shoots from the calli of these plant lines requires a six- to eightfold increase in cytokinin (6-BAP) concentration in comparison with the control lines and the transgenic lines expressing -1,3-1,4-glucanase. Rooting of transgenic plants expressing the bacterial gene for -1,3-glucanase occurs much faster. The transgenic plants obtained in the study are proposed as model objects for investigating the role of glucanases in plants.  相似文献   

The expression of genes for synthesis of auxin (iaaM and iaaH) and cytokinins (ipt) was studied in tobacco plants transformed by two Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains C 58 and LBA 4404. The strain LBA 4404 carried binary vector plasmid pCB 1334 (ipt gene) and plasmid pCB 1349 (iaaM, iaaH and ila genes). Both plasmids carried reportered gene for npt II. Obtained plants expressed incorporated genes. New proteins with molecular masses of about 74, 40, 26, 25, 21 and 17 kDa for wild plasmid pTi C58; 60, 36, 31.5, 27, 26 and 17 kDa for binary vector plasmid pCB 1334 and 74, 49, 36, 31.5, 26 and 25 kDa for binary vector plasmid pCB 1349 were found in the patterns of soluble proteins. Significant changes in the content of chlorophylls, especially chlorophyll a, were detected in the plants carrying ipt gene and in plants transformed by the wild strain C58 of A. tumefaciens. Tobacco plants expressing ipt gene and genes from T-DNA of pTi C58 plasmid were dwarf, and in comparison to the controls, they had thicker stems, and the surface of the leaf blades was reduced to 20 - 50 %. Adventitious roots, growing from the stem, were typical for transformants overproducing auxins. Regenerants and transformants expressing genes from T-DNA of plasmid pTi C58 differed in the shape of the flowers and their fertility. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Most expression systems are based on Escherichia coli as the host strain because of the large availability of all kinds of vector plasmids. However, aside from the obvious advantages of E. coli systems, serious problems can occur during the process of heterologous gene expression and purification. Therefore, low expression rates, formation of inclusion bodies, improper protein-folding, and/or toxicity problems might enforce changing the expression host. Here we describe the construction of two new vectors, pBSMuL1 and pBSMuL2, for overexpression and secretion of heterologous proteins in Bacillus subtilis as an alternative expression host. The new plasmids combine several advantages in comparison to available Bacillus expression systems: an appropriate multiple cloning site consisting of 13 unique restriction sites, one (pBSMuL1) or two (pBSMuL2) strong constitutive promoters, a high efficient signal sequence for protein secretion, and the possibility to express proteins as His-tagged fusions for easy detection and purification. We have demonstrated the applicability of the novel vector plasmids for the production and purification of the heterologous cutinase from Fusarium solani pisi.  相似文献   

转双抗虫基因烟草的研究   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
用改造的雪花莲凝集素基因GNAmm与合成的苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)毒蛋白cry1Ac基因构建了带有双价基因的植物表达载体,在该表达载体中这两个基因的转录分别受笋瓜PP2启动子(SPP2P)和CaMV 35S启动子的调控。通过根癌土壤杆菌介导转化法,获得了一批抗卡那霉素的转化再生烟草植株。PCR检测及基因组DNA Southern blot\,Slot blot杂交分析的结果表明Gna基因和Bt基因已整合到烟草总DNA中。用Bt毒蛋白抗血清进行Western blot分析,转基因植株均有Bt杀虫蛋白的不同程度的表达。对转化再生烟草的虫试结果表明,在所受试的19株烟草中60%的植株上的棉铃虫在5天内死亡率达到100%,而且存活幼虫的生长发育受到明显抑制;蚜虫抑制生长试验表明,多数转化再生植株具有较强的抗蚜活性,平均能够抑制桃蚜50%~60%的蚜口密度,有的高达80%以上。以上结果表明利用这两个改造过的抗虫基因可以获得既抗虫又耐蚜的转双抗虫转基因植物。  相似文献   

利用真核基因表达调控的原理,以pSV2-dhfr为起始材料,构建了两个通用的真核质粒表达载体pMAML1-dhfr和pMAML2-dhfr,它们包含人巨细胞病毒立即早期启动子/增强子调控元件,由两个转录方向相同或相反的表达单元组成.以荧火虫荧光素酶基因为报道基因,β-半乳苷酶基因为内对照,借助COS-7短暂表达系统,研究了它们对荧光素酶表达的影响,并比较了它们与出发载体pSV2-dhfr的相对强弱.  相似文献   

siRNA表达载体的构建及其表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究用限制性内切酶消化质粒pCMV-tag-2B,除去巨细胞病毒(Cytomegalovirus,CMV)启动子核苷酸序列,剩下的核苷酸序列作为构建表达siRNA(Smallinterfering RNA,siRNA)载体的前体.依据文献提供的扩增H1 RNA启动子核苷酸序列的引物序列合成一对引物,以带有H1 RNA启动子序列的质粒DNA为模板扩增H1RNA启动子序列,插入前体,构建SiRNA的表达载体pCH1.另外将H1 RNA启动子插入pGEM-11fz相应位点,构建瞬时表达载体pGH1.依据EGFP的有效SiRNA抑制位点,合成两条分别为64bp的核苷酸链,通过体外退火,形成双链,然后插入已构建的两个表达载体.将这两个载体分别与表达EGFP蛋白的质粒pEGFP-N3共转染Bel-7402细胞,观察siRNA对EGFP的抑制效应.研究结果表明构建的载体有效表达了siRNA,这些载体可以用于与siRNA相关抗病毒治疗性试验研究.  相似文献   

本研究用限制性内切酶消化质粒pCMV-tag-2B,除去巨细胞病毒(Cytomegalovirus,CMV)启动子核苷酸序列,剩下的核苷酸序列作为构建表达siRNA(Small interfering RNA,siRNA)载体的前体。依据文献提供的扩增H1RNA启动子核苷酸序列的引物序列合成一对引物,以带有H1RNA启动子序列的质粒DNA为模板扩增HIRNA启动子序列,插入前体,构建SiRNA的表达载体pCH1。另外将H1RNA启动子插入pGEM.1lfz相应位点,构建瞬时表达载体pGHl。依据EGFP的有效SiRNA抑制位点,合成两条分别为64bp的核苷酸链,通过体外退火,形成双链,然后插入已构建的两个表达载体。将这两个载体分别与表达EGFP蛋白的质粒pEGFP.N3共转染Bel.7402细胞,观察siRNA对EGFP的抑制效应。研究结果表明构建的载体有效表达了siRNA,这些载体可以用于与siRNA相关抗病毒治疗性试验研究。  相似文献   


The chemical-enzymatic synthesis of several genes has been carried out with the use of a versatile approach to the assembling long DNA duplexes.  相似文献   

镰刀菌是植物的重要病原真菌,其入侵植物体可引起镰刀菌病害,给农作物和其它植物的生产带来极大的危害。植物是抗性基因的重要来源之一,随着分子生物学技术的飞速发展,大量的镰刀菌相关抗性基因和抗性候选基因从不同的植物中被分离和鉴定,并应用于抗镰刀菌基因工程育种。对植物来源的镰刀菌抗性基因的种类及其作用机理、抗病候选基因、拟南芥-镰刀菌互作机制及基因调控进行了概述。  相似文献   

Microinjecting recombinant adenoassociated viral (rAAV) vectors expressing Cre recombinase into distinct mouse brain regions to selectively knockout genes of interest allows for enhanced temporally- and regionally-specific control of gene deletion, compared to existing methods. While conditional deletion can also be achieved by mating mice that express Cre recombinase under the control of specific gene promoters with mice carrying a floxed gene, stereotaxic microinjection allows for targeting of discrete brain areas at experimenter-determined time points of interest. In the context of cocaine conditioned place preference, and other cocaine behavioral paradigms such as self-administration or psychomotor sensitization that can involve withdrawal, extinction and/or reinstatement phases, this technique is particularly useful in exploring the unique contribution of target genes to these distinct phases of behavioral models of cocaine-induced plasticity. Specifically, this technique allows for selective ablation of target genes during discrete phases of a behavior to test their contribution to the behavior across time. Ultimately, this understanding allows for more targeted therapeutics that are best able to address the most potent risk factors that present themselves during each phase of addictive behavior.  相似文献   

Several expression vector plasmids containing the tac promoter, the rrnBT1T2 terminator, and the pUC ori sequence were constructed. Some of them, the pES series, have a start codon in all three reading frames and multiple cloning sites downstream of the tac promoter and have stop codons also in all three frames and additional stop codons accompanying restriction sites. They are designed for versatile expression of truncated proteins which are produced by deleting portions of the inserted DNA.  相似文献   

The expression of the bacterial gene for thermostable -1,3-glucanase in transgenic tobacco plants was shown to induce substantial changes in plant morphogenetic potential, whereas the expression of -1,3; 1,4-glucanase did not affect essentially plant morphogenesis. Our results permit the suggestion that the expression of bacterial -1,3-glucanase in plants elevated the level of endogenous auxin.  相似文献   

转双基因烟草对棉铃虫的杀虫活性评价   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以含Bt杀虫蛋白基因(单基因)烟草和常规烟草为对照,系统测定了含Bt与豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂蛋白基因(双基因)的抗虫烟草对棉铃虫不同龄期幼虫的杀虫活性。结果表明:1 ̄3龄幼虫取食转双基因烟草3d后死亡率为80.5% ̄99.3%,取食6d后死亡率达100%,均显著高于转单基因烟草。2龄幼虫取食转基因烟草3d后死亡率为80.5% ̄99.3%,取食6d后死亡率达100%,均显著高于转单基因烟草。2龄幼虫取食  相似文献   

利用转基因植物表达药用蛋白   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着药物生物技术和植物基因工程迅速发展 ,转基因植物被用作生物反应器生产具有医疗价值的多肽和蛋白质已成为生物医学研究的热点。研究表明转基因植物表达的蛋白质能够保持原有的结构和功能 ,这预示它将为药用蛋白的生产提供一条安全和廉价的新途径。主要概述了近年来国内外转基因植物生产诸如疫苗、抗体和其他药用蛋白或多肽等的研究进展 ,并着重探讨了存在的问题和解决策略。  相似文献   

以pCAMBIA1 30 0、pBA0 0 5、pActl D和pMECA等 4个质粒载体为基础 ,根据不同需要 ,选择特定的限制性内切酶作完全或部分酶切 ,通过多步骤的酶切、连接、转化等过程 ,构建完成 2个可通过农杆菌介导转化的植物表达载体。分别命名为 :pActl GFPTALIN和pActl GFP2 MAP4BD。在洋葱表皮细胞中的瞬间表达结果显示 ,两个载体均可正常工作。  相似文献   

A new versatile mammalian vector system for protein production, cell biology analyses, and cell factory engineering was developed. The vector system applies the ligation-free uracil-excision based technique – USER cloning – to rapidly construct mammalian expression vectors of multiple DNA fragments and with maximum flexibility, both for choice of vector backbone and cargo. The vector system includes a set of basic vectors and a toolbox containing a multitude of DNA building blocks including promoters, terminators, selectable marker- and reporter genes, and sequences encoding an internal ribosome entry site, cellular localization signals and epitope- and purification tags. Building blocks in the toolbox can be easily combined as they contain defined and tested Flexible Assembly Sequence Tags, FASTs. USER cloning with FASTs allows rapid swaps of gene, promoter or selection marker in existing plasmids and simple construction of vectors encoding proteins, which are fused to fluorescence-, purification-, localization-, or epitope tags. The mammalian expression vector assembly platform currently allows for the assembly of up to seven fragments in a single cloning step with correct directionality and with a cloning efficiency above 90%. The functionality of basic vectors for FAST assembly was tested and validated by transient expression of fluorescent model proteins in CHO, U-2-OS and HEK293 cell lines. In this test, we included many of the most common vector elements for heterologous gene expression in mammalian cells, in addition the system is fully extendable by other users. The vector system is designed to facilitate high-throughput genome-scale studies of mammalian cells, such as the newly sequenced CHO cell lines, through the ability to rapidly generate high-fidelity assembly of customizable gene expression vectors.  相似文献   

高光效基因植物表达载体的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过一系列中间载体的构建 ,将来自C4作物 (甘蔗 )光合作用中的关键酶基因 (高光效基因 )RbcS和PEPCase基因插入到植物表达质粒中 ,获得了具有卡那霉素抗性的RbcS植物表达载体 pC2 0SNR和具有PPT除草剂抗性的PEPCase基因的正义 (pC30SNP)和反义 (pC30SNPr)植物表达载体。再将这 3个载体分别转入农杆菌LBA4 4 0 4和A2 81或EHA10 5中 ,获得了适于C3 植物转化的农杆菌重组工程菌株。为进一步利用C4植物高光效基因转化C3 植物 ,以期提高光合效率提供基础。  相似文献   

为了验证水稻(Oryza sativa L.)细胞质型APXs与细胞耐盐性的关系,实验分别将OsAPXaOsAPXb(基因登录号:D45423、AB053297)转化到烟草(Nictiana tabacum,N.plum)植株中。Southern结果表明,二基因分别整合到烟草的基因组;Northern分析表明,外源基因在转基因烟草中得到高效表达;在碳酸盐逆境下,T2代转基因植株与野生型对照相比,其APX活性呈现显著的提高,T2代品系的H2O2含量和叶片受害程度显著低于野生型;T2代品系分别在含有10 mmol·L-1 NaHCO3、5 mmol·L-1 Na2CO3的MS培养基上生长,根的生长受到抑制,叶片产生黄化;野生型烟草则难以存活。水稻细胞质型OsAPXs基因的过量表达提高了转基因烟草的耐盐性,揭示出OsAPXaOsAPXb在碳酸盐逆境应答过程中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

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