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To compare the generalized matching law (Baum, W.M., 1974b. On two types of deviation from the matching law: bias and undermatching. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 22, 231-242) and contingency discriminability model (Davison, M., Jenkins, P.E., 1985. Stimulus discriminability, contingency discriminability, and schedule performance. Anim. Learn. Behav. 13, 77-84) as accounts of concurrent schedule performance, we conducted a residual meta-analysis of response- and time-allocation data from 20 studies (n's=886 and 774, respectively). Both models were fitted to the individual-subject data from each study, and residuals were obtained. Polynomial regressions were then performed on the pooled residuals to determine whether systematic trends were present as a function of predicted values. For the contingency discriminability model, the cubic coefficients were positive and statistically significant for both response- and time-allocation data. By contrast, no statistically significant systematic trend was obtained in the residuals for the generalized matching law. These results suggest that the relationship between log response allocation and log reinforcer allocation does not deviate significantly from linearity over an approximate range of +1.25 to -1.25 log units, consistent with the generalized matching law. Although qualitative criteria are also important in comparing models of behavioral phenomena, residual meta-analysis provides a powerful quantitative methodology for model selection and should prove useful in future research.  相似文献   

Freidlin B 《Biometrics》1999,55(1):264-267
By focusing on a confidence interval for a nuisance parameter, Berger and Boos (1994, Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, 1012-1016) proposed new unconditional tests. In particular, they showed that, for a 2 x 2 table, this procedure generally was more powerful than Fisher's exact test. This paper utilizes and extends their approach to obtain unconditional tests for combining several 2 x 2 tables and testing for trend and homogeneity in a 2 x K table. The unconditional procedures are compared to the conditional ones by reanalyzing some published biomedical data.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to discriminate fatigue of upper limb muscles depending on the external load, through the development and analysis of a muscle fatigue index. Muscle fatigue is expressed by a fatigue index based on an amplitude parameter (calculated in the time domain) and a fatigue index based on a frequency parameter (a parameter calculated in the frequency domain). The fatigue index involves a regression function that describes changes in the EMG signal parameter, time elapsing before muscle fatigue and the probability of specific trends in changes in EMG parameters for the population under study.

The experimental study covered a group of 10 young men. During the study, they exerted force at a specific level and for a specific time in 12 load variants. During the study, EMG signals from four muscles of the upper limb were recorded (trapezius pars descendents, biceps brachii caput breve, extensor carpi radialis brevis, flexor carpi ulnaris). For each variant and for each examined muscles, the value of the fatigue index was calculated. Values of that index quantitatively expressed fatigue of a specific muscle in a specific load variant.

A statistical analysis indicated variation in the fatigue of the biceps brachii caput breve, extensor carpi radialis brevis, and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles depending on the external load (load variant) according to the task performed with the upper limb.

The study demonstrated usefulness of the fatigue index in expressing quantitatively muscle fatigue and in discriminating muscle fatigue depending on the external load.  相似文献   

Planning has long been considered a uniquely human capacity. Lately, however, it has been shown that apes and a corvid species act now to derive a material future benefit. Since primates are highly social animals and their sociality is considered a strong selective force that resulted in complex cognitive capacities, planning is also expected in social situations. Unfortunately, prompting from social partners cannot be excluded in a social setting. Therefore, we controlled for this factor by testing the capacity to plan in chimpanzees using an exchange paradigm, that involves both a material and a social component, and a tool-use paradigm, similar to the one used on two other ape species. All chimpanzees failed to plan in the exchange task, but three individuals showed planning behavior in the tool-use task. Our methods controlled for the fact that chimpanzees were not prompted by the visibility of the reward at the moment of planning and also could not repeat a previously acquired routine. The best interpretation for our results is that chimpanzees can plan. However, planning was limited to the situation where the action to attain the future benefit only depended on a chimpanzee's own behavior.  相似文献   

Understanding the environmental consequences of actions is becoming increasingly important in the field of industrial ecology in general, and in life cycle assessment (LCA) more specifically. However, a consensus on how to operationalize this idea has not been reached. A variety of methods have been proposed and applied to case studies that cover various aspects of consequential life cycle assessment (CLCA). Previous reviews of the topic have focused on the broad agenda of CLCA and how different modeling frameworks fit into its goals. However, explicit examination of the spectrum of methods and their application to the different facets of CLCA are lacking. Here, we provide a detailed review of methods that have been used to construct models of the environmental consequences of actions in CLCA. First, we cover the following structural modeling approaches: (a) economic equilibrium models, (b) system dynamics models, (c) technology choice models, and (d) agent‐based models. We provide a detailed review of particular applications of each model in the CLCA domain. The advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed, and their relationships with CLCA are clarified. From this, we are able to map these models onto the established aspects of CLCA. We learn that structural models alone are not sufficient to quantify the uncertainty distributions of underlying parameters in CLCA, which are essential components of a robust analysis of consequences. To address this, we provide a brief introduction to a counterfactual‐based causal inference approach to parameter identification and uncertainty analysis that is emerging in the CLCA literature. We recommend that one potential research path forward is the establishment of feedback loops between empirical estimates and structural models.  相似文献   

A heuristic three-step procedure for analysing multidimensional contingency tables is given to meet the requirements of a mixed analysis from both hypotheses-ruled and data-ruled type. The first-step provides the structure of relationships among the attributes by fitting an appropriate unsaturated log-linear model to the data of the given contingency table. Restriction to elementary hierarchical models allows to get them by combining pairs of conditional independence. The result of the first step may be regarded as a certain validisation of real model ideas. In the second step the significant pairs of conditional dependence are analysed in regard to the levels of the condition complex. Only such significant pairs are to be considered, in general, where the condition complex does not include the response variable. The third-step may test special subtests in that significant two-dimensional tables found in step two or may extend the general statements by partitioning, the corresponding test statistics in additive components. Application examples demonstrate the general line of action.  相似文献   

Correlative evidence suggests that high problem‐solving and foraging abilities in a mate are associated with direct fitness advantages, so it would benefit females to prefer problem‐solving males. Recent work has also shown that females of several bird species who directly observe males prefer those that can solve a novel foraging task over those that cannot. In addition to or instead of direct observation of cognitive skills, many species utilize assessment signals when choosing a mate. Here, we test whether females can select a problem‐solving male over a non‐solving male when presented only with a signal known to be used in mate assessment: song. Using an operant conditioning assay, we compared female zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) preference for the songs of males that could quickly solve a novel foraging task to the songs of males that could not solve the task. Females were never housed with the test subject males whose song they heard, and the only information provided about the males was their song. We found that females elicited more songs of problem‐solving males than of non‐solvers, indicating that song may contain information about a male’s ability to solve a novel foraging task and that naïve females prefer the songs of problem‐solving males.  相似文献   

The restoration of original range and pattern of motion is the primary goal of joint replacement and ligament reconstruction. The objective of the present work is to investigate whether or not a preferred path of joint motion at the intact human ankle complex is exhibited during passive flexion. A rig was built to move the ankle complex through its range of flexion while applying only the minimum necessary load to drive ankle flexion. Joint motion was constrained only by the articular surfaces and the ligaments. The movements of the calcaneus, talus and fibula relative to the stationary tibia in seven cadaveric specimens were tracked with a stereophotogrammetric system. It was shown that the calcaneus follows a unique path of unresisted coupled motion relative to the tibia and that most of the motion occurred at the ankle, with little motion at the subtalar level. The calcaneofibular and the tibiocalcaneal ligaments showed near-isometric pattern of rotations. All specimens showed motion of the axis of rotation relative to the bones. Deviations from the unique path due to the application of load involved mostly subtalar motion and were resisted. The ankle complex exhibits one degree of unresisted freedom, the ankle behaving as a single degree of freedom mechanism and the subtalar as a flexible structure. We deduced that the calcaneofibular and tibiocalcaneal ligaments together with the articular surfaces guide ankle passive motion, other ligaments limit but do not guide motion.  相似文献   


Soils formerly contaminated with mercury due to the implementation of amalgamation processes at two localities in the Czech Republic were analyzed to assess the impact of such contamination on both the environment and human health. One site is an abandoned gold mine at Lib?ice, where, in the past, gold was extracted from the raw ore by the mercury amalgamation technique. The second site is the environs of a small building in Prague where dental surgery was formerly undertaken. Soils were tested for total mercury (T-Hg), elemental mercury (Hg0), methylmercury (MeHg+), phenylmercury (PhHg+), and gaseous elemental mercury (GEM). The T-Hg concentrations in both localities exceeded many times the maximum permissible limit for soils in the Czech Republic. The most contaminated soils were found around the dental surgery releasing GEM at concentrations of up to 1308?ng m?3, which can represent a danger mainly for people through inhalation. Soils near the abandoned gold mine release GEM at concentrations of up to 26?ng m?3, which indicates a long-term burden on the environment and a danger for surrounding farmland.  相似文献   

【背景】螺旋粉虱是新入侵中国海南的一种危险性害虫,化学防治是目前最主要的防治手段和应急措施。【方法】采用POTTER喷雾法监测了海南各地理种群螺旋粉虱对毒死蜱、丙溴磷、高效氯氰菊酯、高效氯氟氰菊酯、吡虫啉、啶虫脒和阿维菌素等7种药剂的抗性水平,并运用Tabashnik域性状分析法估算了螺旋粉虱对毒死蜱的抗性现实遗传力。【结果】螺旋粉虱对各药剂均处于抗性敏感阶段,抗性倍数为1.03~4.29倍。螺旋粉虱对毒死蜱的抗性现实遗传力h2=0.2405;预测结果表明,当田间使用毒死蜱对螺旋粉虱的防治效果达90%时,螺旋粉虱对毒死蜱的抗性提高10倍所需代数为7.09代。田间试验表明,螺旋粉虱对毒死蜱的抗性发展速率要比模型预测缓慢。【结论与意义】本研究可为螺旋粉虱的化学防治及抗药性治理提供参考。  相似文献   

Compliant foams can be used to mitigate ground reaction forces. However, it is unknown how foam surfaces influence the modulation of leg muscle activity. Thus, the current study aimed to investigate how the neuromuscular system managed changes in expected loading due to various thickness of foam placed on the landing surface during a step down task. The surface electromyographic signal (sEMG) pre-activation duration and the root mean square (RMS) amplitude of tibialis anterior (TA), lateral gastrocnemius (LG), and vastus medialis (VM) of 10 active females were measured as they stepped-down with a single leg onto polyurethane foam slabs of varying thickness (0–50 mm). Pre-activation duration was not affected by the thickness of the foam padding. LG RMS amplitude was less in the foam conditions than the control (no– foam) condition, with the greatest reduction observed for the 50 mm foam condition. In some trials, the muscles remained active throughout the step-down task. In such instances, a sEMG onset time and thus a pre-activation duration could not be determined. All foam conditions significantly increased the odds of continuous muscle activity above that of the no-foam condition. The results indicate that foam surfaces may alter the modulation of muscle activity during step-down tasks.  相似文献   

Regal RR  Hook EB 《Biometrics》1999,55(4):1241-1246
An exact conditional test for an M-way log-linear interaction in a fully observed 2M contingency table is formulated. From this is derived a procedure for interval estimation of the total count N in a 2M contingency table, one of whose entries is unobserved. This procedure has an immediate application to interval estimation of the size of a closed population from incomplete, overlapping lists of records, as in capture-recapture analysis of epidemiological data. Data on the prevalence of spina bifida in live births in upstate New York in 1969-1974 illustrate this application.  相似文献   

A concept of the conformon as a dynamical bound state formed by a flux of particles interacting with conformational degrees of freedom is proposed. The correlation of variables of the subsystems composing such a formation are considered.  相似文献   

Crows and other birds in the family Corvidae regularly share information to learn the identity and whereabouts of dangerous predators, but can they use social learning to solve a novel task for a food reward? Here, we examined the factors affecting the ability of 27 wild-caught American crows to solve a common string pulling task in a laboratory setting. We split crows into two groups; one group was given the task after repeatedly observing a conspecific model the solution and the other solved in the absence of conspecific models. We recorded the crows’ estimated age, sex, size, body condition, level of nervousness, and brain volume using DICOM images from a CT scan. Although none of these variables were statistically significant, crows without a conspecific model and large brain volumes consistently mastered the task in the minimum number of days, whereas those with conspecific models and smaller brain volumes required varying and sometimes a substantial number of days to master the task. We found indirect evidence that body condition might also be important for motivating crows to solve the task. Crows with conspecific models were no more likely to initially solve the task than those working the puzzle without social information, but those that mastered the task usually copied the method most frequently demonstrated by their knowledgeable neighbors. These findings suggest that brain volume and possibly body condition may be factors in learning new tasks and that crows can use social learning to refine their ability to obtain a novel food source, although they must initially learn to access it themselves.  相似文献   

Summary A feature of some species of eusocial Hymenoptera is a high level of intra-colonial genetic diversity, and correlated diversity in the level of the stimulus required for individuals to initiate work. Here we explore the effects of intracolonial variability on the responsiveness of colonies to changing needs in task allocation using computer simulation. Our simulations show that colonies comprised of individuals of uniform task threshold are poor at adapting to changing colony needs – that is, they did not allocate the appropriate numbers of workers to tasks. On the other hand, colonies comprised of many groups of differing task threshold adapt quickly and more appropriately to changes in task need. Our simulations suggest that intracolonial genetic variability may be an important component of an efficient task allocation system for some species of social Hymenoptera. We speculate that the benefits of an improved task allocation system may have contributed to the high levels of polyandry and polygyny seen in some of these insects.Received 17 August 2001; revised 25 March and 13 October 2003; accepted 3 November 2003.  相似文献   

Aims: To design and validate a method of assessing complete dentures from a functional standpoint. Subjects: A random sample of 40 complete denture wearers took part in the study. Setting: A university clinical department of prosthetic dentistry. Intervention: We undertook a pilot study to refine the protocol and criteria. All participants and their dentures were examined by two authors independently, with no prior knowledge of the patients'complaints. Design: We defined nine clinical factors of functional quality and applied criteria with binary scoring. We analysed the scores for these factors for inter‐rater reliability. Results: The method proved simple to apply and took less than 5 minutes to complete. The inter‐examiner agreement for all factors was 86% to 100% giving Kappa scores of 0.64 to 1.00 (all Good or Very Good). Conclusions: This study successfully demonstrates that the technique, which we call the Functional Assessment of Dentures (FAD), can give good inter‐examiner reliability. It can therefore be used separately as a routine diagnostic tool and to investigate the relationship between denture qualities and functional ‘outcome’ such as difficulty eating or dietary selection.  相似文献   

Prediction of accurate and meaningful force sharing among synergistic muscles is a major problem in biomechanics research. Given a resultant joint moment, a unique set of muscle forces can be obtained from this mathematically redundant system using nonlinear optimization. The classical cost functions for optimization involve a normalization of the muscle forces to the absolute force capacity of the target muscles, usually by the cross-sectional area or the maximal isometric force. In a one degree of freedom model this leads to a functional relationship between moment arms and the predicted muscle forces, such that for constant moment arms, or constant ratios of moment arms, agonistic muscle forces increase or decrease in unison. Experimental studies have shown however that the relationship between muscle forces is highly task-dependent often causing forces to increase in one muscle while decreasing in a functional agonist, likely because of the contractile conditions and contractile properties of the involved muscles. We therefore, suggest a modified cost function that accounts for the instantaneous contraction velocity of the muscles and its effect on the instantaneous maximal force. With this novel objective function, a task-dependent prediction of muscle force distribution is obtained that allows, even in a one degree of freedom system, the prediction of force sharing loops, and simultaneously increasing and decreasing forces for agonist pairs of muscles.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of changing internal mechanical variables and task demands on muscle activity and torque production during high effort isometric contractions of the elbow flexors. The effect of adding a 50% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of supination to an MVC of elbow flexion was studied over a range of angles from 30° to 110° of elbow flexion. Surface EMGs were recorded from the biceps brachii (BIC), brachioradialis (BRAD) and triceps brachii (TRI) of 10 healthy subjects. BIC was the only muscle to show a consistent trend of increasing root mean square (rms) EMG with increasing elbow flexion angle. BIC activity also remained constant or increased with the addition of the supination task at all angles. In contrast, BRAD showed decreased activity when supination was added at several angular positions. Maximal flexion torque was reduced when the second task of submaximal supination was added. This torque reduction was statistically significant at all angles except 70° and appeared related to the decreased contribution from BRAD. In a small subset of subjects, however, BRAD activity did not decrease when the second degrees of freedom (df) task was added. These subjects exhibited higher flexion torques averaged over task than the majority, at all angles except 30°. These data support the view that internal mechanical considerations influence the manner in which the central nervous system (CNS) distributes activity to muscular synergists in response to altered task demands. Further, subject-specific patterns exist which must be recognized if these findings are to be incorporated in training or rehabilitation programmes.  相似文献   

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