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The approximately 150 nt tRNA-like structure present at the 3' end of each of the brome mosaic virus (BMV) genomic RNAs is sufficient to direct minus-strand RNA synthesis. RNAs containing mutations in the tRNA-like structure that decrease minus-strand synthesis were tested for their ability to interact with RdRp (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase) using a template competition assay. Mutations that are predicted to disrupt the pseudoknot and stem B1 do not affect the ability of the tRNA-like structure to interact with RdRp. Similarly, the +1 and +2 nucleotides are not required for stable template-RdRp interaction. Mutations in the bulge and hairpin loops of stem C decreased the ability of the tRNA-like structure to interact with RdRp. Furthermore, in the absence of the rest of the BMV tRNA, stem C is able to interact with RdRp. The addition of an accessible initiation sequence containing ACCA3' to stem C created an RNA capable of directing RNA synthesis. Synthesis from this minimal minus-strand template is dependent on sequences in the hairpin and bulged loops.  相似文献   

Deletion of 10 evolutionarily conserved amino acids from the beta subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase leads to a mutant enzyme that is unable to efficiently hold onto DNA. Open promoter complexes formed by the mutant enzyme are in rapid equilibrium with closed complexes and, unlike the wild-type complexes, are highly sensitive to the DNA competitor heparin (Martin, E., Sagitov, V., Burova, E., Nikiforov, V., and Goldfarb, A. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 20175-20180). Here we show that despite this instability, the mutant enzyme forms partially open complexes at temperatures as low as 0 degrees C when the wild-type complex is fully closed. Thus, the two hallmarks of the open promoter complex, the stability toward a challenge with DNA competitors and the sensitivity toward low temperature, can be uncoupled by mutation and may be independent in the wild-type complex. We use the high resolution structure of Thermus aquaticus RNA polymerase core to build a functional model of promoter complex formation that accounts for the observed defects of the E. coli RNA polymerase mutants.  相似文献   

6S RNA is an abundant noncoding RNA in Escherichia coli that binds to sigma70 RNA polymerase holoenzyme to globally regulate gene expression in response to the shift from exponential growth to stationary phase. We have computationally identified >100 new 6S RNA homologs in diverse eubacterial lineages. Two abundant Bacillus subtilis RNAs of unknown function (BsrA and BsrB) and cyanobacterial 6Sa RNAs are now recognized as 6S homologs. Structural probing of E. coli 6S RNA and a B. subtilis homolog supports a common secondary structure derived from comparative sequence analysis. The conserved features of 6S RNA suggest that it binds RNA polymerase by mimicking the structure of DNA template in an open promoter complex. Interestingly, the two B. subtilis 6S RNAs are discoordinately expressed during growth, and many proteobacterial 6S RNAs could be cotranscribed with downstream homologs of the E. coli ygfA gene encoding a putative methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase. The prevalence and robust expression of 6S RNAs emphasize their critical role in bacterial adaptation.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) mediated by expression of short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) is a powerful tool for efficiently suppressing target genes. The approach allows studies of the function of individual genes and may also be applied to human therapy. However, in many instances regulation of RNAi by administration of a small inducer molecule will be required. To date, the development of appropriate regulatory systems has been hampered by the few possibilities for modification within RNA polymerase III promoters capable of driving efficient expression of shRNAs. We have developed an inducible minimal RNA polymerase III promoter that is activated by a novel recombinant transactivator in the presence of doxycycline (Dox). The recombinant transactivator and the engineered promoter together form a system permitting regulation of RNAi by Dox-induced expression of shRNAs. Regulated RNAi was mediated by one single lentiviral vector, blocked the expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) in a GFP-expressing HEK 293T derived cell line and suppressed endogenous p53 in wild-type HEK 293T, MCF-7 and A549 cells. RNA interference was induced in a dose- and time-dependent manner by administration of Dox, silenced the expression of both target genes by 90% and was in particular reversible after withdrawal of Dox.  相似文献   

We have used systematic fluorescence resonance energy transfer and distance-constrained docking to define the three-dimensional structures of bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme and the bacterial RNA polymerase-promoter open complex in solution. The structures provide a framework for understanding sigma(70)-(RNA polymerase core), sigma(70)-DNA, and sigma(70)-RNA interactions. The positions of sigma(70) regions 1.2, 2, 3, and 4 are similar in holoenzyme and open complex. In contrast, the position of sigma(70) region 1.1 differs dramatically in holoenzyme and open complex. In holoenzyme, region 1.1 is located within the active-center cleft, apparently serving as a "molecular mimic" of DNA, but, in open complex, region 1.1 is located outside the active center cleft. The approach described here should be applicable to the analysis of other nanometer-scale complexes.  相似文献   

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