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We have recently identified in two unrelated patients with bleeding tendency a homozygous mutation causing a deletion of one of the two contiguous Lys(9)/Lys(10) residues in the A-chain of alpha-thrombin (DeltaK9). We used in vitro expression analysis to clarify the role of the deletion of Lys(9) or Lys(10) in the thrombin function. The k(cat)/K(m) value of the hydrolysis by DeltaK9 of the synthetic substrate Phe-Pip-Arg-p-nitroanilide (where Pip represents l-pipecolyl) and fibrinopeptide A was 18- and 60-fold lower, respectively, compared with wild type (WT). Interaction with antithrombin was also reduced in the mutant, the association rate being about 20-fold lower than in the WT thrombin. The sensitivity to sodium ion of DeltaK9 was found significantly attenuated compared with the WT form. DeltaK9 has a very weak platelet-activating capacity, attributed to a severely defective PAR1 interaction, whereas the binding to the platelet glycoprotein Ibalpha was unaffected. Likewise, the interaction with protein C was severely impaired, whereas interaction with thrombomodulin had a normal K(d) value. At variance with these findings, both low affinity (basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor) and high affinity (N-alpha-[2-naphthylsulfonyl-glycyl]-4-amidinophenylalanine-piperidide) thrombin inhibitors displayed a better binding to DeltaK9 than to the WT form, indicating a better accommodation of these inhibitors into the catalytic pocket of DeltaK9. A molecular dynamics simulation of the DeltaK9 thrombin in full explicit water solvent provided support to the role of the A-chain in affecting conformation and catalytic properties of the B-chain, especially in some insertion loops of the enzyme, such as the 60-loop, as well as in the geometry of the catalytic triad residues.  相似文献   

Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS) is a rare inherited disease caused by mutations in the SBDS gene. Hematopoietic defects, exocrine pancreas dysfunction and short stature are the most prominent clinical features. To gain understanding of the molecular properties of the ubiquitously expressed SBDS protein, we examined its intracellular localization and mobility by live cell imaging techniques. We observed that SBDS full-length protein was localized in both the nucleus and cytoplasm, whereas patient-related truncated SBDS protein isoforms localize predominantly to the nucleus. Also the nucleo-cytoplasmic trafficking of these patient-related SBDS proteins was disturbed. Further studies with a series of SBDS mutant proteins revealed that three distinct motifs determine the intracellular mobility of SBDS protein. A sumoylation motif in the C-terminal domain, that is lacking in patient SBDS proteins, was found to play a pivotal role in intracellular motility. Our structure-function analyses provide new insight into localization and motility of the SBDS protein, and show that patient-related mutant proteins are altered in their molecular properties, which may contribute to the clinical features observed in SDS patients.  相似文献   

Antibodies to an Mr 64,000 protein from human or rat islets have been detected at high frequency in newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetic patients. In this study, we show that the antigenic and amphiphilic properties of the rat islet Mr 64,000 protein resemble that of the human protein. We have analyzed the expression of the Mr 64,000 protein in populations of pancreatic beta and non-beta cells and in selected rat tissues by immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-radiolabeled proteins with sera from diabetic patients or from healthy control individuals. When islet cell populations enriched in beta or non-beta cells were tested for the expression of the Mr 64,000 antigen, the protein was primarily observed in the beta cells. On analyzing preparations of islets, liver, kidney, thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, spleen, and thymus, the protein could only be detected in islets. The protein was also characterized in terms of its subcellular localization by Percoll density gradient centrifugation and was recovered in a fraction enriched in the plasma membrane marker, 5'-nucleotidase. These results are consistent with a beta cell-restricted plasma membrane expression of the protein and support the hypothesis that this protein is a target antigen of beta cell-specific autoimmunity in insulin-dependent diabetes.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus mutants KOS1.1 ts756 and HFEM tsLB2 express temperature-sensitive ICP4 proteins that are not localized properly to the cell nucleus at the nonpermissive temperature. In these infected cells at the nonpermissive temperature, nuclear localization of at least two other viral proteins, ICP0 and ICP8, is impaired. Replacement of the mutated sequences in the ICP4 gene of tsLB2 restored proper nuclear localization of all of the proteins. The ICP0 and ICP8 proteins expressed in cells transfected with their individual genes were localized to the cell nucleus. Therefore, in infected cells, the mutant ICP4 gene product appears to be the primary defect which leads to the block in nuclear localization of the other proteins. One viral protein, ICP27, was not inhibited for nuclear localization in these cells. These data indicate that there are at least two pathways for nuclear localization of HSV proteins, one of which is inhibited by the mutant ICP4 protein. The mutant ICP4 protein may define a probe for one of the pathways of nuclear localization of proteins.  相似文献   

Myocilin is a 55-57-kDa protein that is a member of the olfactomedin protein family. It is expressed in the cornea, sclera and trabecular network of the eye, myelinated peripheral nerves, heart, skeletal muscle, trachea and other tissues. Myocilin binds to a domain of fibronectin, type IV collagen and laminen in the trabecular meshwork of the eye, and its expression is influenced by transforming growth factor beta. Because these extracellular matrix components also are common in the intervertebral disc, the objective of our study was to determine whether the matricellular protein myocilin could be detected in the human or sand rat intervertebral disc using immunohistochemistry and to assess its localization. We investigated 16 specimens of human disc tissue and discs from six sand rats. Three human disc cell cultures grown in three-dimensional culture also were evaluated. Immunocytochemical annulus analysis showed the presence of myocilin within the disc cell cytoplasm in some, but not all, cells. Extracellular matrix in both the human and sand rat disc was negative for myocilin localization. Myocilin is believed to play a role in cell-cell adhesion and/or signaling. Myocilin may have such functions within the disc cell population in a manner similar to tenascin, SPARC and thrombospondin, which are other matricellular proteins recently shown to be present in the disc.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The clinical and molecular data of a patient with triple A syndrome are reported. PATIENT: A 21-year-old male who was diagnosed for adrenal insufficiency at the age of 2 years after a severe attack of adrenal crisis. At the age of 4 years, achalasia and alacrima were diagnosed. Puberty started at the age of 17 years. At the same time, symptoms of central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction were noted. Later on, at the age of 20 years, a bone age delay of 6 years and severe osteoporosis was diagnosed. RESULTS: A compound heterozygous AAAS mutation consisting of two mutations was found: a C > T transition in exon 7 resulting in a change of arginine at amino acid position 194 into a stop codon (Arg194X) at one allele, and a C > T transition in exon 12 resulting in a change of glutamine at amino acid position 387 into a stop codon (Gln387X) on the other allele. CONCLUSION: The mutation in exon 7 (p.R194X) of the AAAS gene is a novel mutation which has not been found in any other family so far, whereas the second was already found in some other families. This case adds to the clinical and molecular spectrum of triple A syndrome and may provide a new insight into the functions of AAAS gene.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli strain K12S, neaR301, resistant to the antibiotic neamine was found to have an altered 30 S ribosomal protein S17. The modification involves a change in the electrophoretic mobility of this protein. S17 proteins wore purified from the mutant and the parental strain, respectively, and the amino acid compositions of all tryptic peptides were compared. The results show that the mutational alteration involves a replacement of histidine by proline in peptide T8 from mutant neaR301. The amino acid replacement is located at position 30 of the S17 protein chain. We conclude, therefore, that the mutation neaR301 affects the structural gene for protein S17 (rps Q).  相似文献   

Glu230, one of the acidic residues that cluster around the active site of the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, plays an important role in substrate recognition. Specifically, its side chain forms a direct salt-bridge interaction with the substrate's P-2 Arg. Previous studies showed that mutation of Glu230 to Gln (E230Q) caused significant decreases not only in substrate binding but also in the rate of phosphoryl transfer. To better understand the importance of Glu230 for structure and function, we solved the crystal structure of the E230Q mutant at 2.8 A resolution. Surprisingly, the mutant preferred an open conformation with no bound ligands observed, even though the crystals were grown in the presence of MgATP and the inhibitor peptide, IP20. This is in contrast to the wild-type protein that, under the same conditions, prefers the closed conformation of a ternary complex. The structure highlights the importance of the electrostatic surface not only for substrate binding and catalysis, but also for the mechanism for closing the active site cleft. This surface mutation clearly disrupts the recognition and binding of substrate peptide so that the enzyme prefers an open conformation that cannot trap ATP. This is consistent with the reinforcing concepts of conformational dynamics and the synergistic binding of ATP and substrate peptide. Another unusual feature of the structure is the observation of the entire N terminus (Gly1-Thr32) assumes an extended alpha-helix conformation. Finally, based on temperature factors, this mutant structure is more stable than the wild-type C-subunit in the apo state.  相似文献   

The mutant adenoviruses H5sub304 and H5RIr were isolated sequentially from adenovirus 5 wild type by selection for the loss of EcoRI restriction endonuclease sites by Jones and Shenk (Cell 13:181-188, 1978). sub304 lacks the site at 84.0 map units (m.u.), and RIr lacks both that and the site at 75.9 m.u. A set of derivatives of RIr that lack the site at 75.9 m.u. accumulated virus more slowly at 38.8 or 39.5 degrees C than those with the site present, as measured by low-multiplicity passage or single-step replication cycles, respectively. Since the EcoRI site at 75.9 m.u. is predicted to lie in the gene encoding the precursor to virion polypeptide VIII (pVIII), the failure to accumulate virus rapidly could lie either in some step in processing and assembly of virions or in an increased virion thermolability. The latter possibility was shown to be the case, as all strains mutated at the EcoRI 75.9 m.u. site were extremely thermolabile in vitro, even at 37 degrees C. CsCl equilibrium density centrifugation of heated crude stocks of RIr and sub304 demonstrated that loss of infectivity in RIr was accompanied by physical disruption of virions. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of infected cell extracts or of purified virions showed that pVIII of RIr had an apparent molecular weight that was slightly greater than that of sub304, and mature RIr and sub304 virions displayed polypeptide VIIIs which appeared to be of identical molecular weights. Nucleotide sequence analysis of RIr demonstrated that it contained a 9-base-pair (bp) substitution for 6 bp found in sub304, leading to a loss of the EcoRI site and a predicted insertion of a single amino acid. Comparison of the sequence of sub304 with the published sequence of adenovirus 2 revealed two changes, a single transversion at bp 1,722 and a bp deletion at 1,749, leading to the loss of a TaqI site. The predicted reading frame change would lead to a stop codon at bp 1,885. This raises the question of whether adenovirus 2 and adenovirus 5 use the same reading fame for pVIII.  相似文献   

Cellular localization of group IIA phospholipase A2 in rats.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has been known that group II phospholipase A2 (PLA2) mRNA and protein are present in the homogenates of the spleen, lung, liver, and kidney in normal rats, but the cellular origin of this enzyme has not been yet identified. At present, five subtypes of group II PLA2 have been identified in mammals. Antibodies or mRNA probes previously used for detecting group II PLA2 need to be evaluated to identify the subtypes of group II PLA2. In this study we tried to identify group IIA PLA2-producing cells in normal rat tissues by in situ hybridization (ISH) using an almost full-length RNA probe for rat group IIA enzyme. Group IIA PLA2 mRNA was detected in megakaryocytes in the spleen and Paneth cells in the intestine by ISH. These cells were also immunopositive for an antibody raised against group IIA PLA(2) isolated from rat platelets. Group IIA PLA2 mRNA-positive cells were not detected in lung, liver, kidney, and pancreas. Under normal conditions, group IIA PLA2-producing cells are splenic megakaryocytes and intestinal Paneth cells in rats.  相似文献   

Chronic granulomatous disease is a rare inherited disorder caused by non-existent or severely decreased phagocyte superoxide production that results in a severe defect in host defense and consequent predisposition to microbial infection. The enzyme responsible for superoxide production, NADPH oxidase, involves at least five components. An absence of, or a defect in, any one of four of these proteins (p47(phox), p67(phox), p22(phox) and gp91(phox)) gives rise to the known types of chronic granulomatous disease. The most common form of inheritance is X-linked and is due to mutations in the CYBB gene that encodes gp91(phox), the large subunit of flavocytochrome b, the terminal electron donor of the oxidase. We have recently reported a large number of mutations in this gene revealing a broad range of defects, including large and small deletions, and frameshift, nonsense, missense, splice region and regulatory region mutations. Here we report a patient who has an unusual type of mutation that results in the generation of a 'pseudo-exon' in the gp91(phox) mRNA and an unexpected pattern of splicing.  相似文献   

Antipeptide antibodies generated against the N terminus of the protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) binding protein sds22 detected at least four forms of the protein in a rat liver nuclear extract. Four of these immunoreactive bands likely correspond to four predicted forms of sds22 that are generated by alternative splicing. These four proteins are expressed at different levels and appear to be localized exclusively in the nucleus, and two of these proteins copurify with PPI on the protein phosphatase affinity matrix microcystin-Sepharose. Two higher molecular mass nuclear proteins that are immunoreactive with the sds22 antibodies also copurify on microcystin-Sepharose and may be novel forms of sds22 expressed in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (J. Steroid Biochem. 29 (1988) 475-480), the isolation of a 17 kDa protein that was dramatically induced in the uterus of estrogen-treated spayed rats was presented. We now describe a new purification procedure that is compatible with microsequencing of the 17 kDa protein. The protein partial N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis gave 28 residues that revealed a strong homology to the human major basic protein (MBP) of eosinophils described by Wasmoen et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 263 (1988) 12559-12563). Polyclonal rabbit antibodies were raised against this protein and used for tissue or blood cell analysis after electrophoresis and Western blotting. The 17 kDa protein was found to be constitutively present in the stomach and small intestine of the rat and guinea-pig. Estrogen treatment had a clearcut effect in guinea-pig uterus, but not as drastic as that observed in rat uterus. The protein was abundant in purified rat eosinophils. The antibodies cross-reacted with human MBP and an equivalent molecular weight human polymorphonuclear leukocyte protein. Immunohistochemical staining of rat uterus sections showed that the protein was first only associated with eosinophils that emigrate upon estrogen treatment; it then spread throughout the stroma and the deep glandular epithelium. It was not found in the myometrium. In conclusion, the appearance of a 17 kDa protein that is presumably the rat MBP is clearly regulated in the rat uterus.  相似文献   

NAD(P)H oxidases (Nox) generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) that function in host defense and cellular signaling. While analyzing the expression of Nox4 at the protein and the mRNA levels, we identified four novel Nox4 splice-variants Nox4B, Nox4C, Nox4D, and Nox4E, which are expressed in human lung A549 cell line and lung tissues. One Nox4 isoform lacks the first NAD(P)H binding site (Nox4B) while another lacks all FADH and NAD(P)H binding sites (Nox4C). Cells over-expressing NoxB or Nox4C exhibited a decrease in ROS levels. Thus, these isoforms have dominant negative characteristics for ROS generation. Two other splice-variants (Nox4D, Nox4E) lack the transmembrane domains, suggesting these as non-membrane associated isoforms. Nox4D contains all FADH and NAD(P)H binding domains and shows the same rate of ROS generation as Nox4 prototype. Taken together, we suggest that Nox4 exists as several isoforms that may have different functions in ROS-related cell signaling.  相似文献   

Summary In E. coli strain XH56 the synthesis of all RNA species is blocked upon shifting the culture to the non-permissive temperature. The decay of specific messenger RNA species coding for individual ribosomal (r) proteins was followed by measuring the rate of r-protein synthesis by pulse labelling at various times after the shift. The half-lives of the average 30S r-protein and 50S r-protein mRNA species are identical (1.75 min) and shorter than those of the average messenger coding for total cell proteins (2.75 min). Most individual r-protein messengers have a half-life in the same range (1.50–2.00). Only a few r-protein messengers have significantly longer half-lives: S1 (2.80 min), S17 (3.29 min), L29 (2.30 min), L31 (2.30 min), L32 (2.33 min) and L16 (2.60 min). The results indicate that the degradation of most individual r-protein mRNA species is not specifically controlled.After a few min at the non-permissive temperature, all protein synthesis is blocked. The restart of r-protein synthesis was followed after shifting the culture back to the permissive temperature. The recovery of cell growth is very slow. During this period preferential r-protein synthesis was observed. Moreover differential rates of biosynthesis of r-proteins was obtained, it may be indicative of specific regulatory process(es).  相似文献   

In an Escherichia coli B strain missing ribosomal protein L1, the synthesis rate of L11 is 50% greater than that of other ribosomal proteins. This finding is in agreement with the previous conclusion that L1 regulates synthesis of itself and L11 and indicates that this regulation is important for maintaining the balanced synthesis of ribosomal proteins under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

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