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Escherichia coli umuC cells were inactivated four times more rapidly than umuC+ cells by angelicin (a monofunctional psoralen) plus near-UV irradiation. With other DNA-damaging treatments, either no or much smaller differences in sensitivity were observed. These results show that functions associated with the UmuC+ phenotype contribute to the repair (or tolerance) of some categories of DNA damage more efficiently than others.  相似文献   

The photodynamic effect of a cationic Zn(II) N-methylpyridyloxyphthalocyanine (ZnPc 2) and a noncharged Zn(II) pyridyloxyphthalocyanine (ZnPc 1) has been compared in both homogeneous media bearing photooxidizable substrates and in vitro using a typical Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli. Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopic studies were analyzed in different media. Fluorescence quantum yields (varphiF) of 0.23 for ZnPc 1 and 0.22 for ZnPc 2 were calculated in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF). The singlet molecular oxygen, O2(1Deltag), production was evaluated using 9,10-dimethylanthracene (DMA) in DMF yielding values of PhiDelta=0.56 for ZnPc 1 and 0.59 for ZnPc 2. A faster decomposition of L-tryptophan (Trp), which was used as biological substrate model, was obtained using ZnPc 2 as a sensitizer with respect to ZnPc 1. In biological medium, the E. coli cultures were treated with 10 microM of sensitizer for different times at 37 degrees C in the dark. Both ZnPcs 1 and 2 are rapidly bound to E. coli cells in 5 min and the amount of cell-bound sensitizer is not appreciably changed incubating the cultures for longer times. The recovered ZnPc 2 after one washing step is approximately 3 times higher than 1, reaching a value of approximately 3 nmol/10(6) cells. After irradiation with visible light, a higher photoinactivation of cells was found for ZnPc 2. Thus, a approximately 4.5 log (99.997%) decrease of cell survival was obtained after 30 min of irradiation. On the other hand, a very low photodamage was found for cells treated with ZnPc 1 (approximately 0.5 log). Also, these results were established by stopping of growth curves for E. coli. In the structure of ZnPc 2, the cationic centers are isolated from the phthalocyanine ring by an ether bridge, which also provides a higher mobility of the charges facilitating the interaction with the outer membrane of the Gram-negative bacteria. These studies show that cationic ZnPc 2 is an efficient phototherapeutic agent with potential applications in photodynamic inactivation of bacteria.  相似文献   

Photodynamic inactivation of bioluminescent Escherichia coli in the presence of cationic chlorin and isobacteriochlorin photosensitizers (PSs) obtained from 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)-porphyrin is described. The spectroscopic data for the neutral and cationic derivatives and their photophysical characterizations, especially fluorescence and singlet oxygen generation capacity are also reported. The results show that there is a direct relation between the inactivation efficiency and the increasing number of charges on the molecules. The combined effect of higher wavelength absorption and number of positive charges on the PS shows a 6.1 log reduction during the inactivation process. Overall this study shows that the cationic isobacteriochlorin has high potential to be used as PS for the inactivation of Gram (−) bacteria.  相似文献   

Wild type Escherichia coli cells as well as some mutant strains lacking specific DNA repair systems are efficiently killed upon visible light-irradiation after 5 min-incubation with meso-tetra(4N-methyl-pyridyl)porphine (T4MPyP). The presence of oxygen is necessary for cell photoinactivation. The porphyrin appears to exert its phototoxic activity largely by impairing some enzymic and transport functions at the level of both the outer and cytoplasmic membrane. Thus, SDS-PAGE electrophoresis shows a gradual attenuation of some transport protein bands as the irradiation proceeds, while a complete loss of lactate and NADH dehydrogenase activities is caused by 15 min-exposure to light. On the other hand, DNA does not represent a critical target of T4MPyP photosensitization as suggested by the closely similar photosensitivity of the wild E. coli and E. coli strains defective for two different DNA repair mechanisms, as well as by the lack of any detectable alteration of the pUC19 plasmids extracted from photosensitized E. coli TG1 cells.  相似文献   

Light activation of photosensitizing dyes in presence of molecular oxygen generates highly cytotoxic reactive oxygen species leading to cell inactivation. Nucleic acids are molecular targets of this photodynamic action but not considered the main cause of cell death. The in vivo effect of the photodynamic process on the intracellular nucleic acid content of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus warneri was evaluated herein.Two cationic porphyrins (Tetra-Py+-Me and Tri-Py+-Me-PF) were used to photoinactivate E. coli (5.0 μM; 108 cells mL?1) and S. warneri (0.5 μM; 108 cells mL?1) upon white light irradiation at 4.0 mW cm?2 for 270 min and 40 min, respectively. Total nucleic acids were extracted from photosensitized bacteria after different times of irradiation and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. The double-stranded DNA was quantified by fluorimetry and the porphyrin binding to bacteria was determined by spectrofluorimetry.E. coli was completely photoinactivated with both porphyrins (5.0 μM), whereas S. warneri was only completely inactivated by Tri-Py+-Me-PF (0.5 μM). The hierarchy of nucleic acid changes in E. coli was in the order: 23S rRNA > 16S rRNA > genomic DNA. The nucleic acids of S. warneri were extensively reduced after 5 min with Tri-Py+-Me-PF but almost unchanged with Tetra-Py+-Me after 40 min of irradiation. The amount of Tri-Py+-Me-PF bound to E. coli after washing the cells is higher than Tetra-Py+-Me and the opposite was observed for S. warneri. The binding capacity of the photosensitizers is not directly related to the PDI efficiency or nucleic acid reduction and this reduction occurs in parallel with the decrease of surviving cells.  相似文献   

A faster and simpler method to monitor the photoinactivation process of Escherichia coli involving the use of recombinant bioluminescent bacteria is described here. Escherichia coli cells were transformed with luxCDABE genes from the marine bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri and the recombinant bioluminescent indicator strain was used to assess, in real time, the effect of three cationic meso-substituted porphyrin derivatives on their metabolic activity, under artificial (40 W m−2) and solar irradiation (≈620 W m−2). The photoinactivation of bioluminescent E. coli is effective (>4 log bioluminescence decrease) with the three porphyrins used, the tricationic porphyrin Tri-Py+-Me-PF being the most efficient compound. The photoinactivation process is efficient both with solar and artificial light, for the three porphyrins tested. The results show that bioluminescence analysis is an efficient and sensitive approach being, in addition, more affordable, faster, cheaper and much less laborious than conventional methods. This approach can be used as a screening method for bacterial photoinactivation studies in vitro and also for the monitoring of the efficiency of novel photosensitizer molecules. As far as we know, this is the first study involving the use of bioluminescent bacteria to monitor the antibacterial activity of porphyrins under environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The mechanistic aspects of Escherichia coli photodynamic inactivation (PDI) have been investigated in bacteria treated with 5,10,15-tris[4-(3-N,N,N-trimethylammoniumpropoxy)phenyl]-20-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)porphyrin iodide (A(3)B(3+)) and visible light. The photosensitization activity of A(3)B(3+) porphyrin was compared with that of 5,10,15,20-tetra(4-N,N,N-trimethylammonium phenyl)porphyrin p-tosylate (TMAP(4+)), which is an active tetracationic sensitizer to eradicate bacteria. The PDI damages on plasmid and genomic DNA were analyzed by electrophoresis. DNA photocleavage was observed after a long period of irradiation, when the bacterial cells are largely photoinactivated. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed structural changes with appearance of low density areas into the cells and irregularities in cell barriers, which could affect the normal cell membrane functionality. Also, damages on the cell-wall were not detected by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and release of intracellular biopolymers was not found after PDI. These results indicate that the photodynamic activity of these cationic porphyrins produces DNA photodamage after a long period of irradiation. Therefore, an interference with membrane functions could be the main cause of E. coli photoinactivation upon short PDI treatments.  相似文献   

The effects of pressurized CO2 on the survival of Escherichia coli and the mechanism of cell inactivation were studied. Bacterial cultures were inoculated in nutrient broth and incubated at 30 degrees C for 18 h. Exposure of the cells to CO2 under pressures ranging from 2.5 to 25 MPa and at temperatures between 8 and 40 degrees C was performed in a double-walled reactor with a 1 L capacity. The effect of the treatment on the cells was evaluated by plating and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy observation. Vapour CO2 generated a bacteriostatic effect. In liquid or supercritical state, CO2 provided a bactericidal effect. The bactericidal effect increased with pressure and temperature. The mechanism of cell inactivation by liquid CO2 involved two stages. First, cell stress caused by the CO2 penetration provoked cell wall collapse and cellular content precipitation. Second, the cell death caused by supercritical extraction of intracellular substances and cell envelope perforation resulted in leaking of intracellular constituents. In supercritical conditions, the cell inactivation process had one single phase: cellular death.  相似文献   

Alternating cycles of exposure to high pressure and outgrowth of surviving populations were used to select for highly pressure-resistant mutants of Escherichia coli MG1655. Three barotolerant mutants (LMM1010, LMM1020, and LMM1030) were isolated independently by using outgrowth temperatures of 30, 37, and 42 degrees C, respectively. Survival of these mutants after pressure treatment for 15 min at ambient temperature was 40 to 85% at 220 MPa and 0.5 to 1.5% at 800 MPa, while survival of the parent strain, MG1655, decreased from 15% at 220 MPa to 2 x 10(-8)% at 700 MPa. Heat resistance of mutants LMM1020 and LMM1030 was also altered, as evident by higher D values at 58 and 60 degrees C and reduced z values compared to those for the parent strain. D and z values for mutant LMM1010 were not significantly different from those for the parent strain. Pressure sensitivity of the mutants increased from 10 to 50 degrees C, as opposed to the parent strain, which showed a minimum around 40 degrees C. The ability of the mutants to grow at moderately elevated pressure (50 MPa) was reduced at temperatures above 37 degrees C, indicating that resistance to pressure inactivation is unrelated to barotolerant growth. The development of high levels of barotolerance as demonstrated in this work should cause concern about the safety of high-pressure food processing.  相似文献   

The possible interaction of the phosphate moiety of pyridoxal phosphate with a guanidinium group in glutamate apodecarboxylase was investigated. The holoenzyme is not inactivated significantly by incubation with butanedione, glyoxal, methylglyoxal, or phenylglyoxal. However, the apoenzyme is inactivated by these arginine reagents in time-dependent processes. Phenylgloxal inactivates the apoenzyme most rapidly. The inactivation follows pseudo-first-order kinetics at high phenylglyoxal to apoenzyme ratios. The rate of inactivation is proportional to phenylglyoxal concentration, increases with increasing pH, and is also dependent on the type of buffer present. The rate of inactivation of the apoenzyme by phenylglyoxal is fastest in bicarbonate — carbonate buffer and increases with increasing bicarbonate — carbonate concentration. Phosphate, which inhibits the binding of pyridoxal phosphate to the apoenzyme, protects the apodecarboxylase against inactivation by phenylglyoxal. When the apodecarboxylase is inactivated with [14C]phenylglyoxal, approximately 1.6 mol of [14C]phenylglyoxal is incorporated per mol subunit. The phenylglyoxal is thought to modify an arginyl residue at or near the pyridoxal phosphate binding site of glutamate apodecarboxylase.  相似文献   

Verapamil and dimethylcurine are Ca2+ entry blockers of essentially different chemical structures which presumably bind to the same arylalkylamine receptor of the L-type Ca channel. A systematic conformational analysis of methoxyverapamil (D-600) and dimethylcurine has been carried out using a molecular mechanics method. The lowest minimum-energy conformations of D-600 are predisposed to chelate Ca2+ by four oxygen atoms of the stacked methoxyphenyl moieties. Comparison of the lowest energy conformations of D-600-Ca2+ and dimethylcurine revealed a similar spatial disposition of cationic groups and methoxyphenyl moieties in the two compounds. A three-dimensional model of arylalkylamine receptor was suggested which incorporates two nucleophilic areas of the Ca channel. Dimethylcurine binds to these areas by its quaternary amine functions, whereas D-600 does so by amine function and via coordinated Ca2+. The results support the hypotheses on ternary complex formation between the ligands of Ca channel, their receptors, and Ca2+.  相似文献   

Ureolytic Escherichia coli are unusual clinical isolates that are found at various extraintestinal sites of infection, predominantly the urinary tract. The urease-positive phenotype is unstable in approximately 25% of these isolates, and urease-negative segregants are produced at a high frequency. We have studied the nature of the urease-positive-to-negative transition in one of these isolates, designated E. coli 1021. Southern hybridization experiments with genomic DNA extracted from seven independent E. coli 1021 urease-negative segregants revealed the presence of a 1.3-kb DNA insertion in the urease gene cluster. A DNA fragment containing the DNA insertion was cloned from one of the urease-negative segregants. This cloned DNA fragment was capable of mediating cointegrate formation with the conjugative plasmid pOX38, suggesting that the DNA insertion was a transposable element. The insert was identified as an IS3411 element in ureG by DNA sequence analysis. A 3-bp target duplication (CTG) flanking the insertion element was found. DNA spanning the insertion site was amplified from the other six urease-negative segregants by using the polymerase chain reaction. The DNA sequence of the amplified fragments indicated that an IS3411 element was found in an identical site in all urease-negative segregants examined. These data suggest that in E. coli 1021, IS3411 transposes at a high frequency into ureG at a CTG site, disrupting this gene and eliminating urease activity.  相似文献   

E. coli ribosomes are readily photoinactivated by methylene blue in the presence of air. A variety of singlet oxygen quenchers like NaN3, 2,5-dimethylfuran, hydroquinone and ascorbic acid provide about 60% protection against this photoinactivation indicating that a major mechanism of ribosome inactivation proceeds through the formation of singlet oxygen, with small contributions (<40%) from other mechanisms. The singlet oxygen quenchers, 1,4-diazabicyclo [2.2.2] octane and triethylamine give unexpected results, in that they show no protection against photoinactivation.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex by 3-bromopyruvate is thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP)-dependent. Inactivation with 2-14C- or 3-14C-labeled 3-bromopyruvate results in TPP-dependent covalent labeling of more than 60 sites in the complex, all of which are associated with the dihydrolipoyl transacetylase component. Inactivation by 3-bromo[1-14C]pyruvate labels up to 20 sites associated with dihydrolipoyl transacetylase, also with TPP dependence. Systemic chemical degradation of the complex inactivated by 3-bromo[2-14C]pyruvate under conditions that would convert lipoyl groups to S,S,-biscarboxymethyl dihydrolipoic acid produces S,S,-bis[14C]carboxymethyl dihydrolipoic acid. It is concluded that 3-bromopyruvate inactivates this complex by initially undergoing the first two steps of the usual catalytic pathway, TPP-dependent decarboxylation followed by reductive bromoacetylation of lipoyl moieties. The sulfhydryl groups of S-bromoacetyl dihydrolipoyl moieties generated by reductive bromoacetylation are then alkylated by 3-bromopyruvate as well as by bromoacetyl thioester groups associated with the complex.  相似文献   

R M Rakita  B R Michel  H Rosen 《Biochemistry》1990,29(4):1075-1080
Neutrophil myeloperoxidase, hydrogen peroxide, and chloride constitute a potent antimicrobial system with multiple effects on microbial cytoplasmic membranes. Among these is inhibition of succinate-dependent respiration mediated, principally, through inactivation of succinate dehydrogenase. Succinate-dependent respiration is inhibited at rates that correlate with loss of microbial viability, suggesting that loss of respiration might contribute to the microbicidal event. Because respiration in Escherichia coli can be mediated by dehydrogenases other than succinate dehydrogenase, the effects of the myeloperoxidase system on other membrane dehydrogenases were evaluated by histochemical activity stains of electrophoretically separated membrane proteins. Two bands of succinate dehydrogenase activity proved the most susceptible to inactivation with complete loss of staining activity within 20 min, under the conditions employed. A group with intermediate susceptibility, consisting of lactate, malate, glycerol-3-phosphate, and dihydroorotate dehydrogenases as well as three bands of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, was almost completely inactivated within 30 min. The relatively resistant group, including the dehydrogenases for glutamate, NADH, and NADPH and the remaining bands of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, retained substantial amounts of diaphorase activity for up to 60 min of incubation with the myeloperoxidase system. The differential effects of myeloperoxidase on dehydrogenase inactivation could not be correlated with published enzyme contents of flavin or iron-sulfur centers, potential targets of myeloperoxidase-derived oxidants. Despite the relative resistance of NADH dehydrogenase/diaphorase activity to myeloperoxidase-mediated inactivation, electron transport particles prepared from E. coli incubated for 20 min with the myeloperoxidase system lost 55% of their NADH oxidase activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

D A Feldman  P Datta 《Biochemistry》1975,14(8):1760-1767
Incubation of Escherichia coli cells with glucose, pyruvate, and certain other metabolites led to rapid inactivation of inducible biodegradative threonine dehydratase. Analysis with several mutant strains showed that pyruvate, and not a metabolite derived from pyruvate, was capable of inactivating enzyme, and that glucose acted indirectly after being converted to pyruvate. Some other alpha-keto acids such as oxaloacetate and alpha-ketobutyrate (but not alpha-ketoglutarate) were also effective. Inactivation of threonine dehydratase by pyruvate was also observed with purified enzyme preparations. The rates of enzyme inactivation increased with increased concentrations of pyruvate and decreased with increased levels of AMP. Increasing protein concentrations lowered the rates of enzyme inactivation. Dithiothreitol had a large effect on the maximum extent of inactivation of the enzyme by pyruvate; high concentrations of AMP and DTT almost completely counteracted the effect of pyruvate. Gel filtration data showed that pyruvate influenced the oligomeric state of the enzyme by altering the association-dissociation equilibrium in favor of dissociation; the Stokes' radius of the pyruvate-inactivated enzyme was 32 A as compared to 42 A for the untreated enzyme. Reassociation of the dissociated form of the enzyme was achieved by removal of excess free pyruvate by dialysis against buffer supplemented with AMP and DTT. Incubation of threonine dehydratase with [14-C]pyruvate revealed apparent covalent attachment of pyruvate to the enzyme. Strong protein denaturants such as guanidine, urea, and sodium dodecyl sulfate failed to release bound radioactive pyruvate; the molar ratio of firmly bound pyruvate was approximately 1 mol/150,000 g of protein. Pretreatment of the enzyme with p-chloromercuribenzoate and 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) (Nbs2) did not reduce the binding of [14-C]pyruvate suggesting no active site SH was involved in the pyruvate-enzyme linkage. Titration of active and pyruvate-inactivated enzyme with Nbs2 indicated that the loss in enzyme activity was not due to oxidation of essential sulfhydryl groups on the enzyme. Based on these data we propose that the mechanism of enzyme inactivation by pyruvate involves covalent attachment of pyruvate to the active oligomeric form of the enzyme followed by dissociation of the oligomer to yield inactive enzyme.  相似文献   

When beta-galactosidase reacted with 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide (EDC), activity was lost. The inhibitor, isopropyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (IPTG), decreased inactivation. Of 3 nucleophiles tested, incorporation was only decreased in the protected (IPTG added) enzyme when sulfanilic acid was the nucleophile but HPLC profiles of tryptic peptides were identical in protected and unprotected enzyme (except for magnitude). There were also no differences (except for magnitude) of HPLC profiles after 10 and 90 min of reaction and between active (soluble) and inactive (precipitated) enzyme. The data indicate that inactivation is not caused by reaction with a specific active site group. Inactivation probably occurs when a combination of groups are reacted.  相似文献   

Logarithmically growing and stationary-phase cells of Escherichia coli mutants lacking exonuclease III (xthA) were sensitive to inactivation by broad-spectrum near-UV (300- to 400-nm) radiation. The same xthA mutants were no more sensitive to far-UV wavelengths (200- to 300-nm) than was a strain bearing a functional xthA allele.  相似文献   

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