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Transformation from the bilaterally symmetric embryonic aortic arches to the mature great vessels is a complex morphogenetic process, requiring both vasculogenic and angiogenic mechanisms. Early aortic arch development occurs simultaneously with rapid changes in pulsatile blood flow, ventricular function, and downstream impedance in both invertebrate and vertebrate species. These dynamic biomechanical environmental landscapes provide critical epigenetic cues for vascular growth and remodeling. In our previous work, we examined hemodynamic loading and aortic arch growth in the chick embryo at Hamburger-Hamilton stages 18 and 24. We provided the first quantitative correlation between wall shear stress (WSS) and aortic arch diameter in the developing embryo, and observed that these two stages contained different aortic arch patterns with no inter-embryo variation. In the present study, we investigate these biomechanical events in the intermediate stage 21 to determine insights into this critical transition. We performed fluorescent dye microinjections to identify aortic arch patterns and measured diameters using both injection recordings and high-resolution optical coherence tomography. Flow and WSS were quantified with 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Dye injections revealed that the transition in aortic arch pattern is not a uniform process and multiple configurations were documented at stage 21. CFD analysis showed that WSS is substantially elevated compared to both the previous (stage 18) and subsequent (stage 24) developmental time-points. These results demonstrate that acute increases in WSS are followed by a period of vascular remodeling to restore normative hemodynamic loading. Fluctuations in blood flow are one possible mechanism that impacts the timing of events such as aortic arch regression and generation, leading to the variable configurations at stage 21. Aortic arch variations noted during normal rapid vascular remodeling at stage 21 identify a temporal window of increased vulnerability to aberrant aortic arch morphogenesis with the potential for profound effects on subsequent cardiovascular morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Arylsulfatase Activity in Salt Marsh Soils   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The presence of arylsulfatase(s) was confirmed in salt marsh soils. The temperatures of maximum activity and inactivation, the pH range over which the enzyme was active, and the Km values were similar to those of soil enzymes. Unlike soil arylsulfatases, however, the salt marsh enzymes do not appear to be repressed by sulfate. It is postulated that these enzymes may be necessary for the initiation of arylsulfate ester metabolism.  相似文献   

Complex adaptive systems provide a unified framework for explaining ecosystem phenomena. In the past 20 years, complex adaptive systems have been sharpened from an abstract concept into a series of tools that can be used to solve concrete problems. These advances have been led by the development of new techniques for coupling ecological and evolutionary dynamics, for integrating dynamics across multiple scales of organization, and for using data to infer the complex interactions among different components of ecological systems. Focusing on the development and usage of these new methods, we discuss how they have led to an improved understanding of three universal features of complex adaptive systems, emergent patterns; tipping points and critical phenomena; and cooperative behavior. We restrict our attention primarily to marine ecosystems, which provide numerous successful examples of the application of complex adaptive systems. Many of these are currently undergoing dramatic changes due to anthropogenic perturbations, and we take the opportunity to discuss how complex adaptive systems can be used to improve the management of public goods and to better preserve critical ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Tracer Analysis of Methanogenesis in Salt Marsh Soils   总被引:1,自引:10,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Differences in paths of carbon flow have been found in soils of the tall (TS) and short (SS) Spartina alterniflora marshes of Sapelo Island, Ga. Gaseous end products of [U-14C]glucose metabolism were 14CO2 and 14CH4 in the SS region and primarily 14CO2 in the TS region. Sulfate concentration did not demonstrably affect glucose catabolism or the distribution of end products in either zone. [U-14C]acetate was converted to 14CO2 and 14CH4 in the SS soils and almost exclusively to 14CO2 in the TS soils. Sulfate concentration did not affect acetate metabolism in the SS soils; however, a noticeable effect of sulfate dilution was seen in TS soils. Sulfate dilution in TS samples resulted in increased methane formation. Total glucose and acetate metabolism were similar in TS and SS soils despite differences in end products. A microbial community characterized by fermentative/sulfate-reducing processes has developed in TS soils as opposed to the fermentative/methanogenic/sulfate-reducing community found in SS soils.  相似文献   

Open marsh water management (OMWM) of salt marshes modifies grid‐ditched marshes by creating permanent ponds and radial ditches in the high marsh that reduce mosquito production and enhance fish predation on mosquitoes. It is preferable to using pesticides to control salt marsh mosquito production and is commonly presented as a restoration or habitat enhancement tool for grid‐ditched salt marshes. Monitoring of nekton, vegetation, groundwater level, soil salinity, and bird communities before and after OMWM at 11 (six treatment and five reference sites) Atlantic Coast (U.S.A.) salt marshes revealed high variability within and among differing OMWM techniques (ditch‐plugging, reengineering of sill ditches, and the creation of ponds and radial ditches). At three marshes, the dominant nekton shifted from fish (primarily Fundulidae species) to shrimp (Palaemonidae species) after manipulations and shrimp density increased at other treatment sites. Vegetation changed at only two sites, one with construction equipment impacts (not desired) and one with a decrease in woody vegetation along existing ditches (desired). One marsh had lower groundwater level and soil salinity, and bird use, although variable, was often unrelated to OMWM manipulations. The potential effects of OMWM manipulations on non‐target salt marsh resources need to be carefully considered by resource planners when managing marshes for mosquito control.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted on a coastal salt marsh in Nova Scotia, Canada, during the summer of 2000. The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of biostimulation in restoring an oil-contaminated coastal marsh dominated by Spartina alterniflora under north-temperate conditions. Three remediation treatments were tested with two additional unoiled treatments, with and without added nutrients, serving as controls. This research determined the effectiveness of nitrogen and phosphorus addition for accelerating oil disappearance, the role of nutrients in enhancing restoration in the absence of wetland plants, and the rate at which the stressed salt marsh recovered. Petroleum hydrocarbons were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Statistically significant treatment differences were observed for alkanes but not aromatics in sediment samples. No differences were evident in above-ground vegetation samples. GC/MS-resolved alkanes and aromatics degraded substantially (>90% and >80%, respectively) after 20 weeks with no loss of TPH. Biodegradation was determined to be the main oil removal mechanism rather than physical washout.  相似文献   

Nekton (fishes and decapod crustaceans) is an abundant and productive faunal component of salt marshes, yet nekton responses to tidal manipulations of New England salt marshes remain unclear. This study examined nekton use of a tidally restricted salt marsh in Narragansett, Rhode Island relative to an unrestricted marsh during summer. In addition, a before‐after‐control‐impact design was used to examine early responses of nekton to the reintroduction of natural tidal flushing. Species richness and densities of Cyprinodon variegatus, Lucania parva, Menidia beryllina, and Palaemonetes pugio were higher in the restricted marsh compared with the unrestricted marsh. The unrestricted marsh supported higher densities of Menidia menidia and Fundulus majalis. Mean lengths of Carcinus maenas and P. pugio were greater in the restricted marsh. Tidal restoration resulted in increased tidal flushing, salinity, and water depth in the restricted marsh. Densities of Fundulus heteroclitus, F. majalis, and Callinectes sapidus were higher after 2 years of restoration. Density of L. parva decreased after restoration, probably in response to a loss of macroalgal habitat. Species richness also decreased after 2 years, from 20.9 species when the marsh was restricted to 13.0 species. Total nekton density did not change with restoration, but shifts in community composition were evident. In this study restoration induced rapid changes in the composition, density, size, and distribution of nekton species, but additional monitoring is necessary to quantify longer‐term effects of salt marsh restoration on nekton.  相似文献   

Populations of Methanogenic Bacteria in a Georgia Salt Marsh   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Methanogens represented about 0.5% of the total bacteria in sediments from a Georgia salt marsh in which Spartina alterniflora is the predominant vegetation. The population of methanogens was composed of at least two groups of nearly equal size. One group was represented by cocci which were able to utilize trimethylamine and were unable to use H2 or acetate. The second group was composed of two subgroups which were able to utilize H2 but were unable to use trimethylamine or acetate. The more common subgroup included rod- or plate-shaped methanogens which could utilize isopropanol in addition to H2 and formate. The second subgroup included Methanococcus maripaludis, which utilized only H2 and formate. Other groups of methanogens were also present, including Methanosarcina sp. which utilized acetate, H2, and methylamines. In addition to the overall variability in the types of methanogens, the numbers of methanogens in sediments also exhibited significant spatial variability both within and between tall- and short-Spartina zones.  相似文献   

We augment the existing literature using the Log-Periodic Power Law Singular (LPPLS) structures in the log-price dynamics to diagnose financial bubbles by providing three main innovations. First, we introduce the quantile regression to the LPPLS detection problem. This allows us to disentangle (at least partially) the genuine LPPLS signal and the a priori unknown complicated residuals. Second, we propose to combine the many quantile regressions with a multi-scale analysis, which aggregates and consolidates the obtained ensembles of scenarios. Third, we define and implement the so-called DS LPPLS Confidence and Trust indicators that enrich considerably the diagnostic of bubbles. Using a detailed study of the “S&P 500 1987” bubble and presenting analyses of 16 historical bubbles, we show that the quantile regression of LPPLS signals contributes useful early warning signals. The comparison between the constructed signals and the price development in these 16 historical bubbles demonstrates their significant predictive ability around the real critical time when the burst/rally occurs.  相似文献   

阐述医院检验危急值预警防控系统的设立及运行模式,通过科学遴选预警项目、构建信息化平台、建立临床反馈机制等措施,优化系统流程设计。分析评价预警防控系统的运行效果,指出系统紧贴临床实际,缩短检验结果的周转时间,有效降低医疗风险,对提高医疗质量和管理水平起到重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

Amylase Variation in the Salt Marsh Amphipod, GAMMARUS PALUSTRIS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
There are two common alleles at the Amylase-2 locus in populations of Gammarus palustris, the salt marsh amphipod. Intensive sampling of individuals from two localities at Jamaica Bay revealed a consistent pattern of heterozygote deficiency.—Five possible sources of heterozygote deficiency were examined in this study. Four of them—selection against heterozygotes, null alleles at the locus, assortative mating for amylase genotype and inbreeding—are inconsistent with the evidence and are rejected. The fifth possibility, Wahlund effects due to genetic differentiation of the population, is tentatively accepted. Although there is no direct evidence for differentiation within this population, separate populations along the Eastern seaboard are highly differentiated in a nonclinal pattern. Furthermore, the Wahlund hypothesis is consistent with observations on differences in degree of deficiency exhibited among collections at Jamaica Bay.—Animals from this population exhibit feeding preferences correlated with genotype. Given the choice of two green algae, Enteromorpha or Ulva, the frequency of the slow allele among individuals choosing Enteromorpha was higher than among those choosing Ulva. This suggests that the animals assort themselves in the field into subpopulations with different allelic frequencies. This assortment could contribute to the maintenance of the polymorphism and to the observed heterozygote deficiency. We hypothesize that genotype influences behavior in this system through the action of enzyme on substrate, which determines the nature of the oligosaccharide pool liberated early in amylolysis.  相似文献   

The common mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, functions as bothpredator and prey in the trophic structure of east coast tidalmarshes. Although mummichogs are generally considered importantto energy transformations within marshes, few studies have convincinglydemonstrated that predation by F. heteroclitus affects the abundanceof salt marsh benthic invertebrates. Thus far investigationsof this type have dealt only with the direct effects of adultmummichogs. The results of recent experiments have suggestedthat by controlling smaller predators, mummichogs may indirectlyhave a positive effect on the densities of some infaunal marshinvertebrates. Our current knowledge of larval and juvenilemummichogs in their natural habitat is minimal. Unlike the adults,which can utilize the intertidal zone only when it is flooded,the young remain on the marsh even at low tide, inhabiting shallowpuddles of residual tidal water that form between clumps ofvegetation and around fiddler crab (Uca sp.) burrows. The importanceof F. heteroclitus in salt marsh communities will remain incompletelyunderstood unless future studies consider the role of larvaland juvenile mummichogs. Although many species of fishes andwading birds feed on mummichogs, the blue crab (Callinectessapidus) is probably the major predator of adult F. heteroclitusin the intertidal salt marsh. Predation by adult mummichogsand xanthid crabs (e.g., Eurytium limosum) may contribute tothe high mortality of larval and juvenile Fundulus.  相似文献   

Populations of soil amoebas were monitored in two salt marshes in Staten Island, NY for 2 years. One site, Gulfport Reach on the Arthur Kill, has been highly impacted by numerous oil spills. In particular, in 1990 a massive no. 2 fuel oil spill from a ruptured pipe flooded the area; its sediments had total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentrations in the range 800-46,000 ppm. A reference site 11 km away, on the Atlantic coast, had low TPH levels. Amoeba population densities were in general higher in the impacted sediments. In laboratory microcosm experiments, sediment samples from unimpacted sites were treated with added fresh (unweathered) hydrocarbons (no. 2 fuel oil) and cultured; these also yielded higher amoeba numbers than untreated controls. Four distinct amoeba morphotypes were monitored. Changes in population levels of total amoebas were correlated in the two sites, particularly for morphotype 2 (r = 0.83). The ratios of total amoebas to total bacterial numbers were also correlated (r = 0.85) between the sites. This suggests the amoebas may function as generalists, and that their trophic relation to bacterial prey is not much affected by the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons, but rather may reflect regional parameters such as ambient temperature or other physical factors.  相似文献   

The morphometry of tidal channels in a back-barrier salt marsh in New Jersey was investigated. Characteristics of the tidal channel drainage network plan form (order, bifurcation ratio, length, sinuosity) and cross section channel form (width:depth ratio, hydraulic geometry) are compared with data from other studies. Drainage patterns follow Horton’s Law of Stream Numbers and Law of Stream Lengths. Mitigation sites should be designed in accordance with these laws. The degree to which site-specific substrate, vegetation, and flow conditions constrain or facilitate the development of sinuous, meandering channel reaches should be estimated to provide information for the design of tidal channel geometries and dimensions that will accommodate predicted discharges. Drainage networks in created and restored wetlands should reflect the spatial distribution of width and depth properties (width:depth ratios, cross-sectional areas, longitudinal slopes, hydraulic geometry) found in similar natural systems. Reproducing these characteristics will lessen the practice of oversizing channels. Hydraulic geometry relationships can facilitate the sizing of channels at Atlantic coast salt marsh mitigation sites. Recommendations are given to promote the development of drainage networks that function like the coastal back-barrier Avalon/Stone Harbor marsh in New Jersey.  相似文献   

A number of social-ecological systems exhibit complex behaviour associated with nonlinearities, bifurcations, and interaction with stochastic drivers. These systems are often prone to abrupt and unexpected instabilities and state shifts that emerge as a discontinuous response to gradual changes in environmental drivers. Predicting such behaviours is crucial to the prevention of or preparation for unwanted regime shifts. Recent research in ecology has investigated early warning signs that anticipate the divergence of univariate ecosystem dynamics from a stable attractor. To date, leading indicators of instability in systems with multiple interacting components have remained poorly investigated. This is a major limitation in the understanding of the dynamics of complex social-ecological networks. Here, we develop a theoretical framework to demonstrate that rising variance—measured, for example, by the maximum element of the covariance matrix of the network—is an effective leading indicator of network instability. We show that its reliability and robustness depend more on the sign of the interactions within the network than the network structure or noise intensity. Mutualistic, scale free and small world networks are less stable than their antagonistic or random counterparts but their instability is more reliably predicted by this leading indicator. These results provide new advances in multidimensional early warning analysis and offer a framework to evaluate the resilience of social-ecological networks.  相似文献   

Habitat-simulating media were used with the Hungate anaerobic roll tube technique to enumerate culturable anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria in sediment, tidal waters, and Spartina alterniflora plant samples collected from the salt marsh at Sapelo Island, Ga. No phototrophs were detected in samples of creekside (low marsh) sediment or in tidal waters in creekside regions. In the high marsh region, 90% of anaerobic phototrophic bacteria occurred in the top 5 mm of sediment and none were detected below 6 mm. There was a seasonal variation, with maximal populations occurring in summer and fall (mean, 4.4 × 105 phototrophs g of dry sediment−1) and minimal numbers occurring in winter (mean, 3.9 × 103 phototrophs g of dry sediment−1). During winter and late spring, phototrophs had a patchy distribution over the high marsh sediment surface. In contrast, during late summer they had a random uniform distribution. Tidal water collected over high marsh sediment contained an average of 8.7 × 102 phototrophs ml−1, with no significant seasonal variation. Anaerobic phototrophic bacteria were also cultured from the lower stem tissue of S. alterniflora growing in both the high (4.3 × 104 phototrophs g of dry tissue−1) and creekside (4.9 × 104 phototrophs g of dry tissue−1) marsh regions. Chromatium buderi, Chromatium vinosum, Thiospirillum sanguineum, Rhodospirillum molischianum, and Chlorobium phaeobacteroides were the predominant anaerobic phototrophic species cultured from high marsh sediment. The two Chromatium species were dominant.  相似文献   

Denitrifying microbial communities and denitrification in salt marsh sediments may be affected by many factors, including environmental conditions, nutrient availability, and levels of pollutants. The objective of this study was to examine how microbial community composition and denitrification enzyme activities (DEA) at a California salt marsh with high nutrient loading vary with such factors. Sediments were sampled from three elevations, each with different inundation and vegetation patterns, across 12 stations representing various salinity and nutrient conditions. Analyses included determination of cell abundance, total and denitrifier community compositions (by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism), DEA, nutrients, and eluted metals. Total bacterial (16S rRNA) and denitrifier (nirS) community compositions and DEA were analyzed for their relationships to environmental variables and metal concentrations via multivariate direct gradient and regression analyses, respectively. Community composition and DEA were highly variable within the dynamic salt marsh system, but each was strongly affected by elevation (i.e., degree of inundation) and carbon content as well as by selected metals. Carbon content was highly related to elevation, and the relationships between DEA and carbon content were found to be elevation specific when evaluated across the entire marsh. There were also lateral gradients in the marsh, as evidenced by an even stronger association between community composition and elevation for a marsh subsystem. Lastly, though correlated with similar environmental factors and selected metals, denitrifier community composition and function appeared uncoupled in the marsh.  相似文献   

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