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1. The kinetics of milk clotting by asclepain, the protease of Asclepias speciosa, were investigated. At higher concentrations of enzyme, the clotting time was inversely proportional to the enzyme concentration. 2. The digestion of casein and hemoglobin in 6.6 M urea by asclepain follows the second order reaction rate. The rate was roughly second order for casein in water. 3. Evaluation of the nature of the enzyme-substrate intermediate indicates that one molecule of asclepain combines with one molecule of casein or hemoglobin in urea solution. 4. Inhibition by the reaction products was deduced from the fact that the digestion velocity of hemoglobin in urea solution varied with the asclepain concentration in agreement with the Schütz-Borissov rule.  相似文献   

1. The rates of heat inactivation of papain, bromelin, and asclepain were determined at several different temperatures. Papain was by far the most resistant to heat. 2. The destruction of papain at 75–83° and bromelin at 55–70° followed the course of a first order reaction, except that for longer times of heating, bromelin (at 60–70°) was inactivated more rapidly than the first order equation required. 3. The rate of inactivation of asclepain at 55–70° followed the second order equation. 4. The critical thermal increments of inactivation of papain and bromelin, calculated with the van''t Hoff-Arrhenius equation, were of the same high order that has been found for protein denaturation. The increment for asclepain was somewhat lower.  相似文献   

A new crystalline protein, chymo-trypsinogen, has been isolated from acid extracts of fresh cattle pancreas. This protein is not an enzyme but is transformed by minute amounts of trypsin into an active proteolytic enzyme called chymo-trypsin. The chymo-trypsin has also been obtained in crystalline form. The chymo-trypsinogen cannot be activated by enterokinase, pepsin, inactive trypsin, or calcium chloride. There is an extremely slow spontaneous activation upon standing in solution. The activation of chymo-trypsinogen by trypsin follows the course of a monomolecular reaction the velocity constant of which is proportional to the trypsin concentration and independent of the chymotrypsinogen concentration. The rate of activation is a maximum at pH 7.0–8.0. Activation is accompanied by an increase of six primary amino groups per mole but no split products could be found, indicating that the activation consists in an intramolecular rearrangement. There is a slight change in optical activity but no change in molecular weight. The physical and chemical properties of both proteins are constant through a series of fractional crystallizations. The activity of chymo-trypsin decreases in proportion to the destruction of the native protein by pepsin digestion or denaturation by heat or acid. Chymo-trypsin has powerful milk-clotting power but does not clot blood plasma and differs qualitatively in this respect from the crystalline trypsin previously reported. It hydrolyzes sturin, casein, gelatin, and hemoglobin more slowly than does crystalline trypsin but the hydrolysis of casein is carried much further. The hydrolysis takes place at different linkages from those attacked by trypsin. The optimum pH for the digestion of casein is about 8.0–9.0. It does not hydrolyze any of a series of dipeptides or polypeptides tested. Several chemical and physical properties of both proteins have been determined.  相似文献   

嗜盐隐杆藻胞外多糖的分离、纯化及理化特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
嗜盐隐杆藻(Aphanothece hatophytica)培养液经离心,浓缩、透析、有机溶剂沉淀得胞外多糖(Exopolysaccharides,EPS)粗品,经DEAE-纤维素二次柱层析纯化得EPS精品。葡聚糖G-200凝胶过滤表明其为单一组份。对其进行理化测试并对各组分进行定量分析,多糖、已糖醛酸、硫酸根含量分别为40.96%23.27%和34.46%,元素分析你测得C、H、N、S含量分别为  相似文献   

附子多糖FI的分离纯化及部分理化性质研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白附片经热水抽提、Sevag法脱蛋白、乙醇沉淀、DEAE- C32柱层析分离 ,再通过 Sephadex G- 2 0 0柱层析进一步纯化 ,得到一种纯白色粉末状多糖 ,糖含量为 97% ,平均分子量为 2 .6× 10 5,熔点为 2 70℃。经完全酸水解、薄层层析、红外光谱分析 ,证明为葡聚糖。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of developing and mature nonarticulated laticifers in Asclepias syriaca L. (the common milkweed) was studied by conventional fixation and staining techniques and by osmium impregnation techniques. The mature laticifer protoplast in A. syriaca possesses a large central vacuole with an intact vacuolar membrane. Formation of this vacuole apparently results from dilation and subsequent enlargement of endoplasmic reticulum and possibly in part by fusion of smaller vacuoles and limited cellular-lytic autophagy. Widespread digestion or autophagy of cytoplasm within vacuoles is not evident. Nuclei, mitochondria, dictyosomes, and small vesicles are the most prominent components distributed in the peripheral cytoplasm. Plastids appear to degenerate as the laticifer matures. The specialized cellular component, latex, which is the vacuolar content of the laticifer, is interpreted to be produced in the cytoplasm and subsequently incorporated into the large central vacuole. Rubber globules, the most prominent latex component, are surrounded by a membrane that does not have a trilaminate structure. Globules are associated with an electron-dense fibrillar component in the vacuole.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase from bovine brain caudate nucleus has been purified to a specific activity of 25–30 μmol ACh formed per min and mg protein. Disc electrophoresis at pH 9.5 of the purified enzyme showed two protein bands localized close to each other. We were not able to show if ChAT was linked to one or both bands. In SDS disc electrophoresis the enzyme preparation showed one major and one minor protein band with molecular weights of 69,000 and 34,000, respectively. Heterogeneity of the enzyme preparation was also demonstrated by immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis. After ammonium sulphate precipitation no aggregation of the enzyme could be detected by gelfiltration on Ultrogel AC-34 whilst a high molecular weight fraction was occasionally observed by gelfiltration on Sephadex G-200. The enzyme was, however, separated into two molecular forms (A and B) on CM-Sephadex chromatography. Both molecular forms had the same S220w but differed in heat stability and affinity for acetyl-CoA. Both forms were inactivated by an antibody preparation raised against either a purified preparation of ChAT, or A and B separately. The highly purified enzyme preparation was inactivated more than 98% by immunoprecipitation. The antibody crossreacted with ChATs from several mammalian species, but only slightly with ChAT from pigeon. The results of binding studies with affinity columns, suggest that the enzyme contains a hydrophobic lobe and a dinucleotide fold, and that a free purine rather than a free ribosyl ring of acetyl-CoA is important for the binding of the substrate to the active site. The hydrophobic lobe may be the same as the dinucleotide fold.  相似文献   

  1. Formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (E. C. 6. 3. 4. 3) was foundto be widely distributed in higher plants and the high enzymeactivity was observed in green leaves of Brassica and Alliumspecies, spinach, and in pea seedlings. In pea seedlings, theenzyme activity changed during the course of germination, andmost of the enzyme activity was located in a soluble fractionof the cytoplasm.
  2. The enzyme was labile and lost the activityrapidly, even whenstored at 5 in the presence of 0.1 M mercaptoethanol.It was,however, found that ammonium sulfate was very effectivein stabilizingthe enzyme activity.
  3. The enzyme has been purifiedapproximately 500-fold from extractsof pea seedlings by treatmentswith ammonium sulfate, protaminesulfate, hydroxylapatite, calciumphosphate gel, and DEAE-cellulosecolumn chromatography.
  4. Thepurified enzyme was specific for formate, ATP and FAH4,andthe Michaelis constants for these reactants were 2.1 10–2M, 5.1 10–4 M, and 5.6 10–3 M, respectively.
  5. The optimum pH was found to be 8.0, and the optimal temperaturewas observed at 37. Both NH4$ and a divalent cation (MgSS orMnSS) were required for the optimal activity.
1 Studies on the Enzymatic Synthesis and Metabolism of FolateCoenzymes in Plants. II. (For the previous paper see reference(8)) A part of this paper was presented at the Meeting of theKansai Division of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan,Kyoto, January 29, 1966.  相似文献   

Abstract— Both soluble and insoluble fractions of rat pineal glands catalyze the dephosphorylation of phosphohistone. The phosphoprotein phosphatase in cytosol as well as in insoluble fraction is inhibited by ZnCl2 and NaF. Guanosine triphosphate, ATP and MnCl2 activate the soluble enzyme but not the enzyme in the insoluble fraction suggesting that with solubilization from membranes some unfunctional changes of the enzyme may occur. Fractionation of the soluble enzyme preparation revealed the existence of two forms of enzyme differing in molecular weight. These two forms can be further differentiated by their sensitivities to MnCl2 and deoxycholate. A thermostable factor which activates the soluble but not the insoluble enzyme was demonstrated in both beef and rat pineal glands. The thermostable factor is protein in nature because it is nondialyzable and trypsin labile. Whether in vivo the endogenous activator mediates the regulation of the phosphoprotein phosphatase in pineal remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Purification of horse-liver polyoi dehydrogenase (PDH) on DE52 anion-exchange cellulose reveals the presence of three fractions with enzyme activity. These appear in the breakthrough volume (PDH-3) and the salt gradient (PDH-1, -2) respectively. The major band of activity (< 90%) is found in the PDH-2 fraction. A reexamination of sheep-liver polyol dehydrogenase also reveals the presence of three bands of activity, with the dominant fraction (PDH-3) corresponding to the preparation described by Smith (Biochem. J., 83, 135–144, (1962))3. The interaction between horse-liver (and sheep-liver) PDH and Blue Sepharose CL-6B is found to be endothermic. This property is utilized in the final purification step. Horse-liver PDH-2 has a molecular/subunit weight of 85, 000/28, 000, a Stokes' radius of 3.8 nm, and an isoelectric point of 7.4.  相似文献   

1. Whole bovine albumin, homogeneous in diffusion and sedimentation, and essentially homogeneous in electrophoresis, has been prepared by a method involving ammonium sulfate precipitation of the globulins in the cold and of the albumin at room temperature, isoelectric precipitation of the euglobulins, and reprecipitation of the albumin. 2. The product has been characterized by chemical analysis and by viscosity, diffusion, sedimentation, and electrophoresis measurements. The carbohydrate content is 0.38 per cent, the nitrogen content, 15.2 per cent. The molecular shape approximates that of a prolate ellipsoid with an axial ratio of 3.1, assuming 33 per cent hydration; the average molecular weight is 65,000. 3. Bovine albumin is readily denatured by concentrated solutions of urea or guanidine hydrochloride, gross changes in molecular shape resulting. 4. Regeneration of bovine albumin denatured in solutions of 8 M urea or guanidine hydrochloride yields a material closely resembling the native in carbohydrate content, in molecular size and shape, and in electrophoretic properties. However, the regenerated protein differs from the native in susceptibility to tryptic digestion, and, in this respect, appears to be in a denatured state. 5. In 8 M solutions of guanidine hydrochloride a limiting yield of regenerated albumin equivalent to 95 per cent of the original protein is approached. 6. Bovine crystalbumin, a crystalline carbohydrate-free fraction of the whole albumin, appears to be more susceptible to denaturation than whole bovine albumin.  相似文献   

The properties of RNA-polyphosphate isolated from Anabaena orsynchronously grown Chlorella were examined. Changes in theseproperties at intervals in the life cycle of Chlorella werestudied by the metachromatic reaction for polyphosphate, acid-labilephosphorus, ultraviolet absorption, enzymatic digestion, andcharcoal adsorption. These analyses were made before and afterexhaustive dialysis against distilled water. Before dialysis the polyphosphate gave little metachromaticreaction. Denaturation, induced by dialysis, released the polyphosphatechains for the metachromatic reaction, but the polyphosphatestill was not dialyzable. Dialysis against salt caused no denaturation.Alkaline hydrolysis reduced specific metachrernasy without releasingorthaphosphate. Yeast polyphosphatase destroyed RNA-polyphosphatemetachromasy without releasing much polyphosphate for dialysis.These properties of the RNA-polyphosphate indicate that bothweak bonding and covalent linkages may be involved in the unionof the two substances. Each DEAE-cellulose fraction of RNA-polyphosphate changed inproperties during stages of synchronous Chlorella growth. RNA-polyphosphatein the three areas eluted by highest salt concentration exhibitedthe most striking characteristics for linkage by both weak andcovalent bonds during the first 9-hr of algae growth when thesecomplexes were being synthesized. 1Journal article number 2909 of the Michigan Agricultural ExperimentStation. Present address: Division of Radiation and Organisms, SmithsonianInstitution, Washington 25, D. C.  相似文献   

We conducted a cetacean survey in the pelagic western tropical Indian Ocean (WTIO) aboard an 85-m research vessel from March to July 1995, covering 9,784 linear km. Using 25 × binoculars and line-transect methods, we recorded 589 sightings of 21 species. Stenella longirostris was the most abundant cetacean, in terms of number of individuals sighted, by an order of magnitude above any other species, while Physeter macrocephalus was the most frequently sighted, in terms of number of schools. Twelve species were widespread, seven were rare, and two were localized; our sightings include new distributional records for 12 species. Significant observations included the following: (1) Delphinus cf. tropicalis was abundant off the coast of Oman (16 sightings) and readily distinguishable in the field from D. delphis and D. capensis, (2) Balaenoptera musculus was fairly common and localized in the area of the Maldives (17 sightings), and (3) three sightings were made of an unidentified bottlenose whale tentatively referred to as Indopacetus (i. e., Mesoplodon) pacificus. We recorded 26 mixed-species cetacean schools, 43 schools with which seabirds associated, and 17 schools associated with tuna. Notable among these were mixed aggregations of Stenella attenuata, S. longirostris, yellowfin tuna, and seabirds. The cetacean community of the WTIO was similar to that of the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) and the Gulf of Mexico (GM) in several respects. First, differences in abundance rank of individual species were small, with the result that common species were common and rare species were rare, regardless of ocean. Second, these differences in abundance were due primarily to differences in encounter rate, which varied with ocean by as much as 3,000%, and less so to school size, which generally varied less than 100%. Third, regardless of ocean, three species comprised the majority of cetaceans in the community, Stenella attenuata, S. longirostris, and S. coeruleoalba, representing 62%-82% of all individuals for all species. However, the rank order of abundance for these three species differed with ocean. Most notably, S. attenuata was abundant in the ETP and GM (abundance rank = 2 and 1, respectively) but much less common in the WTIO (abundance rank = 6). Although habitat preferences for S. attenuata appear to overlap considerably with those of S. longirostris in the ETP, our results suggest there may actually be significant differences between these two species. Detailed analysis of oceanographic correlates of distribution will be necessary in order to understand fully the habitat requirements of these pelagic dolphins, often the most conspicuous elements of tropical cetacean communities around the world.  相似文献   

The effect of salts on hatching enzyme and protease from the embryo of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , was investigated. The culture medium containing hatching enzyme secreted from the hatched blastula was dialyzed against Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) with or without salts. Both hatching enzyme and protease were activated and stabilized by CaCL2, NaCI and KCI, while inhibited by MgCI2. Protease activity was maximal at about 0.25 M NaCI. KCI, NH4, CI and LiCI. Maximal activity of hatching enzyme was obtained at 0.5 M NaCl, KCI and NH4 CI, while activity was inhibited by any concentration of LiC1. Among monovalcnt cations, the order of activation was NaCI, KCI > NH4Cl. The activity of hatching enzyme was stabilized by dialysis against 1 M NaCI or KCI in the presence of CaCl.2, but was rapidly lost by dialysis against lower concentrations of salts. Reactivation of hatching enzyme was not achieved by redialysis against I M NaCI. On the other hand, protease was reactivated by I M NaCI or KCI. From these results, hatching enzyme of the sea urchin may be called a moderate halophilic enzyme. It was assumed that at least two enzymes exist in the crude enzyme preparation and that they may have different functions.  相似文献   

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