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The curve connecting mean critical illumination (Im) and flicker frequency (F) for response of the sunfish Lepomis (Enneacanthus gloriosus) to flicker is systematically displaced toward lower intensities by raising the temperature. The rod and cone portions of the curve are affected in a similar way, so that (until maximum F is approached) the shift is a nearly constant fraction of Im for a given change of temperature. These relationships are precisely similar to those found in the larvae of the dragonfly Anax. The modifications of the variability functions are also completely analogous. The effects found are consistent with the view that response to flicker is basically a matter of discrimination between effect of flashes of light and their after effects,—a form of intensity discrimination. They are not consistent with the stationary state formulation of the shape of the flicker curve. An examination of the relationships between the cone portion and the rod portion of the curves for the sunfish suggests a basis for their separation, and provides an explanation for certain "anomalous" features of human flicker curves. It is pointed out how tests of this matter will be made.  相似文献   

For the sunfish Enneacanthus the mean value of the critical illumination for response to visual flicker at constant flash frequency (with light time = dark time) is related to temperature by the Arrhenius equation. The temperature characteristic for 1/Im is different above and below 20°C. In each range (12° to 20°; 20° to 30°) the temperature characteristic is the same for rod and cone segments of the duplex flicker response contour: 8,200 and 14,400. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to consider that the two groups of elements are organized in a significantly different way chemically. For the presumptively rod-connected elements implicated in response to flicker, the curve is markedly discontinuous, so that the high and low temperature parts are dislocated; whereas for the cones they are not. This is entirely consistent with other (e.g., genetic) evidence pointing to their separate physical substrata. The uncommon exhibition of a higher µ over a higher range of temperature, previously found, however, in a few cases, together with the different relations of rod and cone effects to the critical temperature, explain aspects of these data which in earlier incomplete measurements were found to be puzzling.  相似文献   

The curve of mean critical illumination (Im) for response to flicker as a function of flicker frequency (F) for the larvae of the dragonfly Anax junius is progressively shifted toward higher intensities the lower the temperature. The maximum flicker frequency (one half the cycle time of light and no light) and the maximum intensity with which it is associated are very little if at all affected by change of temperature. These facts are in agreement with the requirements of the conception that recognition of critical illumination for reaction to flicker involves and depends upon a kind of intensity discrimination, namely between the effects of flashes and the after effects of these flashes during the intervals of no light. The shift of the F-Im curve with change of temperature is quite inconsistent with the stationary state conception of the determination of the shape of the curve. The dispersion (P.E. II1) of the measurements of I 1 is directly proportional to Im, but the factor of proportionality is less at high and at low temperature than at an intermediate temperature; the scatter of the values of P.E. II1 is also a function of the temperature. These facts can also be shown to be concordant with the intensity discrimination basis for marginal recognition of flicker.  相似文献   

At fixed flash frequency (F = 20, F = 55) and with constant light time fraction (50 per cent) in the flash cycle, the critical illumination I for response of Anax nymphs to visual flicker falls continuously as the temperature rises. The temperature characteristic µ for the measure of excitability (1/I) increases continuously with elevation of temperature. The form of the F - log I curve does not change except at quite high temperature (35.8°), and then only slightly (near F = 55); Fmax. is not altered. The very unusual form of the 1/I curve as a function of temperature is quantitatively accounted for if two processes, with respectively µ = 19,200 and µ = 3,400, contribute independently and simultaneously to the control of the speed of the reaction governing the excitability; the velocities of these two processes are equal at 15.9°.  相似文献   

For the teleosts Xiphophorus montezuma, Platypoecilius maculatus, and their F 1 hybrids the temperature characteristics (µ in Arrhenius'' equation) are the same for the shift of the low intensity and the high intensity segments of the respective and different flicker response contours (critical intensity I as a function of flash frequency F, with light time fraction constant, at 50 per cent). The value of µ is 12,500 calories or a very little less, over the range 12.5 to 36°. This shows that 1/I can be understood as a measure of excitability, with F fixed, and that the excitability is governed by the velocity of a chemical process common to both the classes of elements represented in the duplex performance curve (rods and cones). It is accordingly illegitimate to assume that the different shapes of the rod and cone branches of the curves are determined by differences in the chemical mechanisms of excitability. It is also forbidden to assume that the differing form constants for the homologous segments in the curves for two forms (X. and P.) are the reflections of a difference in the chemical factors of primary excitability. These differences are determined by statistical factors of the distribution of excitabilities among the elements implicated in the sensory effect vs. intensity function, and are independent of temperature and of the temperature characteristic. It must be concluded that the physicochemical nature of the excitatory process cannot be deduced from the shape of the performance contour. The form constants (σ''log I and Fmax.) for F vs. log I are specifically heritable in F 1, although µ is here the same as for X. and P. In an intergeneric cross one cannot in general expect Mendelian simplicity of segregation in subsequent generations, and in the present case we find that F 2 individuals are indistinguishable from F 1, both as regards F vs. log I and as regards the variation of I within a group of 17 individuals. The result in F 2 definitely shows, however, that certain specific statistical form constants for the F-log I contour are transmissible in inheritance. It is pointed out that there thus is provided an instance in which statistical (distribution) factors in performance characteristics involving the summating properties of assemblages of cellular units are heritable in a simple manner without the implication of detectable differences in chemical organization of the units involved. This has an important bearing upon the logic of the theory of the gene.  相似文献   

The curve of mean critical flicker frequency as a function of illumination has been determined for the reaction of the sunfish Lepomis to flicker. It exhibits expected quantitative disagreements with the curve of mean critical illumination as a function of flicker frequency in the same organism. The form of the dependence of the variation of critical frequency of flicker upon illumination can be predicted from a knowledge of the way in which variation of critical illumination depends upon flicker frequency. It is pointed out that these findings have an important bearing upon the interpretation of the data of intensity discrimination.  相似文献   

From the relations between critical illumination in a flash (Im) and the flash frequency (F) for response of the sunfish to visual flicker when the proportion of light time to dark time (tL/tD) in a flicker cycle is varied at one temperature (21.5°) the following results are obtained: At values of tL/tD between 1/9 and 9/1 the F - log Im curves are progressively shifted toward higher intensities and lower Fmax.. Fmax. is a declining rectilinear function of the percentage of the flash cycle time occupied by light. The rod and the cone portions of the flicker curve are not shifted to the same extent. The cone portion and the rod region of the curve are each well described by a probability integral. In terms of F as 100 F/Fmax. the standard deviation of the underlying frequency distribution of elemental contributions, summed to produce the effect proportional to F, is independent of tL/tD. The magnitude of log Im at the inflection point (r''), however, increases rectilinearly with the percentage light time in the cycle. The proportionality between Im and σII1 is independent of tL/tD. These effects are interpreted as consequences of the fact that the number of elements of excitation available for discrimination of flicker is increased by increasing the dark interval in a flash cycle. Decreasing the dark interval has therefore the same kind of effect as reducing the visual area, and not that produced by decreasing the temperature.  相似文献   

Determinations of the flicker response curve (F – log Im) with larvae of Anax junius (dragonfly) for various ratios tL/tD of light time to dark time in a flash cycle provide relations between tL/tD and the parameters of the probability integral fundamentally describing the F – log I function, including the variability of I. These relations are quantitatively of the same form as those found for this function in the sunfish, and are therefore non-specific. Their meaning for the theory of reaction to visual flicker is discussed. The asymmetry of the Anax curve, resulting from mechanical conditions affecting the reception of light by the arthropod eye, is (as predicted) reduced by relative lengthening of the fractional light time in a cycle.  相似文献   

Curves relating flicker frequency (F) to mean critical illumination (Im) for threshold response to flickered light, with equal durations of light and no light intervals, and relating illumination (I) to mean critical flicker frequency (Fm) for the same response, have been obtained from homogeneous data based upon the reactions of dragonfly larvae (Anax junius). These curves exhibit the properties already described in the case of the fish Lepomis. The curve for Fm lies above the curve of Im by an amount which, as a function of I, can be predicted from a knowledge either of the variation of Im or of Fm. The law of the observable connection between F and I is properly expressed as a band, not as a simple curve. The variation of Im (and of Fm) is not due to "experimental error," but is an expression of the variable character of the organism''s capacity to exhibit the reaction which is the basis of the measurements. As in other series of measurements, P.E. I is a rectilinear function of Im; P.E. F passes through a maximum as F (or I) increases. The form of P.E. F as a function of I can be predicted from the measurements of P.E. I. It is pointed out that the equations which have been proposed for the interpretation of curves of critical flicker frequency as a function of intensity, based upon the balance of light adaptation and dark adaptation, have in fact the character of "population curves;" and that their contained constants do not have the properties requisite for the consistent application of the view that the shape of the F - I curve is governed by the steady state condition of adaptation. These curves can, however, be understood as resulting from the achievement of a certain level of difference between the average effect of a light flash and its average after effect during the dark interval.  相似文献   

The relation between flash duration and mean critical intensity (white light) for threshold recognition of visual flicker, as a function of flash frequency, was investigated by means of measurements at five values of the light-time fraction: 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90, with flash frequencies of the interrupted beam ranging from 2 to 60 per second. A square area, 6.1 x 6.1°, centrally fixated) was viewed monocularly; the discriminometer used provides automatically an artificial pupil 1.8 mm. in diameter. Except for the slight day-to-day fluctuation in the magnitudes of the parameters, the data for the observer used are shown to form an essentially homogeneous group. As for other animals tested, the F - log Im curve is enlarged and moved toward lower flash intensities as the light-time fraction is decreased. The high intensity segments of the duplex curves are fitted by normal probability integrals for which F max. and the abscissa of inflection are rectilinear functions of tL(tL + tD), with opposite slopes. The third parameter, (σ''log I, is invariant. The low intensity segments are composites, their shapes determined by the summation of the lower part of the high intensity curve with an overlapping low intensity population of effects. Both the rising and the declining branches of this latter assemblage suffer competitive partial suppression by the effects in the high intensity population. The detailed analysis shows that these results are consistent with the theory of the central, rather than peripheral, location of the dynamically recognizable elements in the determination of flicker.  相似文献   

For spectral regions associated with violet, blue, green, and red the relation between mean critical flash intensity Im for visual flicker and the flash frequency F is modified as already found with white light when the light time fraction tL in the flash cycle is changed. For a square image 6.13° on a side, foveally fixated, the "rod" and "cone" contributions to the duplex contour are analyzed in the way already used for white. It is pointed out that several customary qualitative criteria for cone functioning do not necessarily give concordant results. The analysis shows that the three parameters of the probability summations giving the "rod" and "cone" curves are changed independently as a function of wave-length composition of the light, and of the light time fraction. The correlation of these changes, and of those found in the associated variability functions, can be understood in terms of differences in (1) the numbers of neural units potentially excitable and (2) in the numbers of elements of neural effect obtained from them. In a multivariate situation of this kind it is necessary to compare intensities of luminous flux required to activate half the total population of potentially available elements when this total size is held constant for the different conditions. The results of this comparison, for the filtered lights used, are discussed in relation to certain aspects of excitation vs. wave-length. The problem is a general one, arising where the effects produced as a function of a particular variable are concerned. In the distinction between (1) units excited and (2) the actions they produce may be found the clue for the curious fact that with certain wave-lengths the critical intensities are lower than for white. The extension of the observations to other parts of the retina may be expected to further this analysis.  相似文献   

Arthropods with large convex eyes provide curves of critical illumination for response as a function of flicker frequency (or of visual acuity) which depart from the probability integral type characteristically found for F – log I with vertebrates. By means of experiments with Anax nymphs in which various parts of the eye have been opaqued it is shown that the special shape of the flicker curve is due to the mechanical disadvantage of the periphery of the eye in the reception of light, which is overcome by higher intensities. It is not due to a fixed spatial pattern of intrinsic individual excitabilities of the ommatidia. Reduction of retinal area decreases Fmax., and increases log I for F/Fmax. = 50 per cent. The direct proportionality of Im to P.E.1I is independent of area. Certain relations of these facts to the theory of response to flicker have been discussed.  相似文献   

羊草呼吸作用与温度、光照和土壤水分的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道了两种土壤水分条件下羊草明呼吸速率与光照和温度的关系,以及暗呼吸速率与温度的关系。结果表明,羊草的明呼吸速率与光强呈非线性函数关系。在低光强下,明呼吸速率随光强升高而有较快的增加;随着光强的增高,其增加速度减慢。在温度低于羊草光合的高温补偿点的条件下,明呼吸速率在一定温度范围内随温度升高而增大;当温度达到一定限度时,有一个下降阶段,而后又回升。羊草的暗呼吸速率随温度增加而升高,且在一定限度内,其升高速度随温度增高而加快。当土壤干旱时,明呼吸速率显著降低,而暗呼吸速率仅略有减小。  相似文献   

From the data of experiments with bees in which threshold response is employed as a means of recognizing visual discrimination between stripes of equal width alternately illuminated by intensities I 1 and I 2, it is shown that the detectable increment of intensity ΔI, where ΔI = I 2 - I 1, is directly proportional to σI2 (I 1 being fixed). From tests of visual acuity, where I 1 = 0 and the width of the stripes is varied, σI2 = kI 2 + const.; here I 2 = ΔI, and ΔI/I 2 = 1. When the visual excitability of the bee is changed by dark adaptation, λIkΔI (= k'' σΔI) = k'''' I + const. For the measurements of critical illumination at threshold response to flicker, σI2 (= σΔI) = k I 2 = k'' ΔI + const. The data for critical illumination producing threshold response to flicker in the sun-fish Lepomis show for the rods σI2 = K I 2 for the cones σI2 = K''(I 2 + const.). The data thus indicate that in all these experiments essentially the same visual function is being examined, and that the recognition of the production of a difference in effect by alternately illuminated stripes takes place in such a way that dI)/dI2) = const., and that ΔI is directly proportional to I (or "I 2," depending on the nature of the experiment). It is pointed out that the curve for each of the cases considered can be gotten equally well if mean I or σI is plotted as a function of the independent variable involved in the experiment. Certain consequences of these and related facts are important for the treatment of the general problem of intensity discrimination.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described in which stomatal sensitivityto low-intensity white light was studied for Xanthium pennsylvanicumWall. In the first experiment a daylength extension for 7, 9, or 15hrs. was given using 10, 40, or 160 lux to shorten a basic 16-hr.night, which was also given at its full length as a tenth treatment.Measurements were made of stomatal opening ability on the morningfollowing the different treatments. With a 15-hr. extensionthere was at all intensities a significant response, shown bya reduced rate of opening in the morning. With a 9-hr. extensionusing 40 or 160 lux, opening ability was reduced, but 9 hrs.of 10 lux was insufficinet to produce a detectable effect. The7-hr. extension was ineffective at all three intensities. In the second experiment stomatal behaviour was observed during20 hrs. of either darkness or 10 lux at four temperatures (15,22, 29, and 36°C.). During 20 hrs. of darkness there wasnight opening at all temperatures, but at lower temperaturesit began sooner and lasted longer. These responses to temperaturedid not fit a simple linear relationship, there being a significantcubic term revealed by non-linear regression analysis. Thiscould be explained if the response was considered in terms ofthe magnitude of the change in temperature (from 25°C.)at the beginning of the experiment; there appeared to be sometemperature compensation over a limited range. in 10 lux, nightopening was suppressed at 29° and 36°, but at 15°it was apparently unaffected by the light; at 22° it wasnot completely suppressed by 10 lux but the time of its occurrencewas delayed. Effects of light and temperature are discussed in relation toan endogenous rhythm in darkness which was previoulsy shownto operate in Xanthium pennsylvanicum (Part IX). It is considered that to explain effects of very low intensitylight it will be necessary to recognize a ‘low intensityresponse’ by stomata, which does not operate via changesin guard-cell carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

The effects of different temperatures and light intensities on growth, pigments, sugars, lipids, and proteins, as well as on some antioxidant and proteolytic enzymes of Trachydiscus minutus (Bourr.) H. Ettl, were investigated. The optimum growth temperature and light intensity were 25°C and 2 × 132 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1, respectively. Under these conditions, proteins were the main biomass components (33.45% dry weight [dwt]), with high levels of carbohydrates (29% dwt) and lipids (21.77% dwt). T. minutus tolerated temperatures between 20°C and 32°C, with only moderate changes in cell growth and biochemical composition. Extremely low (15°C) and high (40°C) temperatures decreased chl and RUBISCO contents and inhibited cell growth. The biochemical response of the alga to both unfavorable conditions was an increase in lipid content (up to 35.19% dwt) and a decrease in carbohydrates (down to 13.64% dwt) with much less of a change in total protein content (in the range of 30.51%–38.13% dwt). At the same time, the defense system of T. minutus was regulated differently in response to heat or cold treatments. Generally, at 40°C, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and proteases were drastically elevated, and three polypeptides were overexpressed, whereas the glutathione reductase (GR) and peroxidase (POD) activities were reduced. In contrast, at 15°C, all these enzymes except GR were suppressed. The effect of light was to enhance or decrease the temperature stress responses, depending on intensity. Our studies demonstrate the broad temperature adaptability of T. minutus as well as the potential for the production of valuable algal biomass.  相似文献   

Acclimation refers to reversible, nongenetic changes in phenotype that are induced by specific environmental conditions. Acclimation is generally assumed to improve function in the environment that induces it (the beneficial acclimation hypothesis). In this study, we experimentally tested this assumption by measuring relative fitness of the bacterium Escherichia coli acclimated to different thermal environments. The beneficial acclimation hypothesis predicts that bacteria acclimated to the temperature of competition should have greater fitness than do bacteria acclimated to any other temperature. The benefit predicted by the hypothesis was found in only seven of 12 comparisons; in the other comparisons, either no statistically demonstrable benefit was observed or a detrimental effect of acclimation was demonstrated. For example, in a lineage evolutionarily adapted to 37°C, bacteria acclimated to 37°C have a higher fitness at 32°C than do bacteria acclimated to 32°C, a result exactly contrary to prediction; acclimation to 27°C or 40°C prior to competition at those temperatures confers no benefit over 37°C acclimated forms. Consequently, the beneficial acclimation hypothesis must be rejected as a general prediction of the inevitable result of phenotypic adjustments associated with new environments. However, the hypothesis is supported in many instances when the acclimation and competition temperatures coincide with the historical temperature at which the bacterial populations have evolved. For example, when the evolutionary temperature of the population was 37°C, bacteria acclimated to 37°C had superior fitness at 37°C to those acclimated to 32°C; similarly, bacteria evolutionarily adapted to 32°C had a higher fitness during competition at 32°C than they did when acclimated to 37°C. The more surprising results are that when the bacteria are acclimated to their historical evolutionary temperature, they are frequently competitively superior even at other temperatures. For example, bacteria that have evolved at either 20°C or 32°C and are acclimated to their respective evolutionary temperatures have a greater fitness at 37°C than when they are acclimated to 37°C. Thus, acclimation to evolutionary temperature may, as a correlated consequence, enhance performance not only in the evolutionary environment, but also in a variety of other thermal environments.  相似文献   

For plants, light availability is an important environmental factor that varies both within and between populations. Although the existence of sun and shade “ecotypes” is controversial, it is often assumed that trade-offs may exist between performance in sun and in shade. This study therefore investigated variation in reaction norms to light availability within and between two neighboring natural populations of the annual Impatiens capensis, one in full sun and the other in a forest understory. Seedlings were collected randomly from both populations and grown to maturity in a greenhouse under two light conditions: full light and 18% of full light. Selfed full-sib seed families were collected from plants from both populations grown in both parental light environments. To characterize family reaction norms, seedlings from each family were divided into the same two light treatments and individuals were scored for a variety of morphological and life-history traits. The maternal light environment had little impact on progeny reaction norms. However, the two study populations differed both qualitatively and quantitatively in plastic response to light availability (indicated by significant population x environment interactions in mixed-model ANCOVA). Much of this difference was attributable to population differences in light sensitivity of axillary meristem allocation patterns, which produced concurrent differences in reaction norms for a suite of developmentally linked traits. Within each population, different sets of traits displayed significant variation in plasticity (indicated by significant family x environment interactions). Thus, the genetic potential for evolutionary response to selection in heterogeneous light environments may differ dramatically between neighboring plant populations. Between-environment genetic correlations were largely positive in the woods population and positive or nonsignificant in the sun population; there was no evidence for performance trade-offs across environments or sun or shade “specialist” genotypes within either population. There was little evidence that population differences represented adaptive differentiation for sun or shade; rather, the results suggested the hypothesis of differential selection on patterns of meristem allocation caused by population differences in timing of mortality and intensity of competition.  相似文献   

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