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1. After a consideration of the existing data and of the sources of error involved, an arrangement of apparatus, free from these errors, is described for measuring the relative energy necessary in different portions of the spectrum in order to produce a colorless sensation in the eye. 2. Following certain reasoning, it is shown that the reciprocal of this relative energy at any wave-length is proportional to the absorption coefficient of a sensitive substance in the eye. The absorption spectrum of this substance is then mapped out. 3. The curve representing the visibility of the spectrum at very low intensities has exactly the same shape as that for the visibility at high intensities involving color vision. The only difference between them is their position in the spectrum, that at high intensities being 48 µµ farther toward the red. 4. The possibility is considered that the sensitive substances responsible for the two visibility curves are identical, and reasons are developed for the failure to demonstrate optically the presence of a colored substance in the cones. The shift of the high intensity visibility curve toward the red is explained in terms of Kundt''s rule for the progressive shift of the absorption maximum of a substance in solvents of increasing refractive index and density. 5. Assuming Kundt''s rule, it is deduced that the absorption spectrum of visual purple as measured directly in water solution should not coincide with its position in the rods, because of the greater density and refractive index of the rods. It is then shown that, measured by the position of the visibility curve at low intensities, this shift toward the red actually occurs, and is about 7 or 8 µµ in extent. Examination of the older data consistently confirms this difference of position between the curves representing visibility at low intensities and those representing the absorption spectrum of visual purple in water solution. 6. It is therefore held as a possible hypothesis, capable of direct, experimental verification, that the same substance—visual purple—whose absorption maximum in water solution is at 503 µµ, is dissolved in the rods where its absorption maximum is at 511 µµ, and in the cones where its maximum is at 554 µµ (or at 540 µµ, if macular absorption is taken into account, as indeed it must be).  相似文献   

Primates show activity patterns ranging from nocturnality to diurnality, with a few species showing activity both during day and night. Among anthropoids (monkeys, apes and humans), nocturnality is only present in the Central and South American owl monkey genus Aotus. Unlike other tropical Aotus species, the Azara''s owl monkeys (A. azarai) of the subtropics have switched their activity pattern from strict nocturnality to one that also includes regular diurnal activity. Harsher climate, food availability, and the lack of predators or diurnal competitors, have all been proposed as factors favoring evolutionary switches in primate activity patterns. However, the observational nature of most field studies has limited an understanding of the mechanisms responsible for this switch in activity patterns. The goal of our study was to evaluate the hypothesis that masking, namely the stimulatory and/or inhibitory/disinhibitory effects of environmental factors on synchronized circadian locomotor activity, is a key determinant of the unusual activity pattern of Azara''s owl monkeys. We use continuous long-term (6–18 months) 5-min-binned activity records obtained with actimeter collars fitted to wild owl monkeys (n = 10 individuals) to show that this different pattern results from strong masking of activity by the inhibiting and enhancing effects of ambient luminance and temperature. Conclusive evidence for the direct masking effect of light is provided by data showing that locomotor activity was almost completely inhibited when moonlight was shadowed during three lunar eclipses. Temperature also negatively masked locomotor activity, and this masking was manifested even under optimal light conditions. Our results highlight the importance of the masking of circadian rhythmicity as a determinant of nocturnality in wild owl monkeys and suggest that the stimulatory effects of dim light in nocturnal primates may have been selected as an adaptive response to moonlight. Furthermore, our data indicate that changes in sensitivity to specific environmental stimuli may have been an essential key for evolutionary switches between diurnal and nocturnal habits in primates.  相似文献   

Summary The schematic eye ofStrix aluco, a nocturnal owl species, is described. A comparative and ecological context is used to examine the relationships between optical parameters of the eye and its light gathering and resolving powers. It is concluded that the essentially nocturnal feature of the owl eye does not lie in either its light gathering power or the sensitivity of individual rod receptors. Differences in visual performance at low light levels between the owl and the diurnal pigeon appear to be attributable to differences in the retinal neural integration mechanisms of the two species. However, it is hypothesised that the neural mechanisms which mediate the extraction of spatial information from the retinal image throughout the nocturnal luminance range, can function in the owl eye only because of its absolutely large sized retinal image. Thus the primarily nocturnal feature of the owl eye is its absolutely large posterior nodal distance, retinal image brightness is maximised only as a secondary feature.Abbreviation PND posterior nodal distance  相似文献   

Birds rely mainly on their vision when foraging. Many diurnal raptors use ultraviolet (UV) vision and ultraviolet‐reflecting vole scent marks to find suitable hunting areas, whereas nocturnal owls seem to lack this ability. We studied if the diurnal pygmy owl Glaucidium passerinum that uses voles and birds as its food can detect vole scent marks using UV‐vision. We conducted a laboratory experiment with eleven owls. Each individual owl had four options to choose from: (1) scent marks with UV light, (2) scent marks without UV light, (3) clean arena with UV light and (4) clean arena without UV light. The owls scanned the scent mark arena more often in the presence of UV light than other arenas. However, owls did not spend more time above the UV arena. We suggest that pygmy owls can detect near UV and use UV to gain information about prey like other diurnal raptors.  相似文献   

1. The responses of the pupil of a nocturnal gecko (Gekko gekko) to external light stimulus were studied. 2. The responses of the pupil are determined by light entering the pupil and not by light acting directly on the iris. 3. The responses of the pupil are very uniform in sensitivity including spectral sensitivity for light coming in different directions to the eye. 4. The possible change in area of the pupil is more than 300-fold and probably represents an effort to shield the pure rod retina from saturating light intensities. 5. The pupil continues to contract sharply for changes in external light intensity which give retinal illuminations corresponding to 106 quanta/sec. striking a retinal rod. 6. There is a large degree of spatial summation of the response; circular external light fields subtending 5 and 140° giving the same illumination at the pupil give approximately the same pupil response. 7. The spectral sensitivity curve agrees with the absorption curve of an extracted pigment from a closely related gecko described by Crescitelli in the followig paper. It is similar to the human scotopic curve but its maximum is displaced about 20 to 30 mµ towards the red end of the spectrum. The fall in sensitivity towards the red end of the spectrum is described by the equation See PDF for Equation  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Adult Common Terns ( Sterna hirundo ) reportedly respond to nocturnal predation by deserting colonies from the time of disturbance until dawn the following morning. However, direct evidence for this behavioral response is limited because the nocturnal behavior of individual terns is difficult to monitor due to low visibility and the vulnerability of terns to disturbance at night. We monitored the nocturnal incubation behavior of 10 pairs of nesting Common Terns using continuously recording temperature sensors disguised in dummy eggs and placed in the nests. Changes in egg temperature during the night suggested that a range of desertion behaviors occurred in response to visits by a Great Horned Owl ( Bubo virginianus ) that preyed on chicks and adult terns. As many as three desertion events (desertion at one or more nests in a single 12-min period) were detected on a single night and nests were unattended for an average of 54 min (range 8–352 min) per desertion event. Nest temperature sensors allowed us to detect individual responses to nocturnal predators and to determine that desertion behavior was more varied than previously assumed. Desertion events were most frequent when physical evidence indicated the presence of an owl in the colony and during nights after owl predation, suggesting that desertion is a response to the actual risk of predation as well as to the possibility of predation.  相似文献   

Urbanization exposes wild animals to increased levels of light, affecting particularly nocturnal animals. Artificial light at night might shift the balance of predator–prey interactions, for example, of nocturnal echolocating bats and eared moths. Moths exposed to light show less last‐ditch maneuvers in response to attacking close‐by bats. In contrast, the extent to which negative phonotaxis, moths’ first line of defense against distant bats, is affected by light is unclear. Here, we aimed to quantify the overall effect of light on both types of sound‐evoked antipredator flight, last‐ditch maneuvers and negative phonotaxis. We caught moths at two light traps, which were alternately equipped with loudspeakers that presented ultrasonic playbacks to simulate hunting bats. The light field was omnidirectional to attract moths equally from all directions. In contrast, the sound field was directional and thus, depending on the moth''s approach direction, elicited either only negative phonotaxis, or negative phonotaxis and last‐ditch maneuvers. We did not observe an effect of sound playback on the number of caught moths, suggesting that light might suppress both types of antipredator flight, as either type would have caused a decline in the number of caught moths. As control, we confirmed that our playback was able to elicit evasive flight in moths in a dark flight room. Showing no effect of a treatment, however, is difficult. We discuss potential alternative explanations for our results, and call for further studies to investigate how light interferes with animal behavior.  相似文献   

Diurnality, associated with enhanced visual acuity and color vision, is typical of most modern Primates. However, it remains a matter of debate when and how many times primates re-acquired diurnality or returned to nocturnality. We analyzed the features specific to nocturnal and diurnal vision that were recently found in the nuclei of mammalian rod photoreceptor cells in 11 species representing various groups of the Primates and related tree shrew and colugo. In particular, heterochromatin in rod nuclei of nocturnal mammals is clustered in the center of rod nuclei (inverted architecture), whereas rods of diurnal mammals retain rods with peripheral heterochromatin (conventional architecture). Rod nuclei of the nocturnal owl monkey have a state transitional to the inverted one. Surprisingly, rod nuclei of the tarsier have a conventional nuclear architecture typical for diurnal mammals, strongly implying that recent Tarsiiformes returned to nocturnality from the diurnal state. Diurnal lemurs retain inverted rod nuclei typical of nocturnal mammals, which conforms to the notion that the ancestors of all Lemuroidea were nocturnal. Data on the expression of proteins indispensable for peripheral heterochromatin maintenance (and, respectively, conventional or inverted nuclear organization) in rod cells support the view that the primate ancestors were nocturnal and transition to diurnality occurred independently in several primate and related groups: Tupaia, diurnal lemurs, and, at least partially independently, in Simiiformes (monkeys and apes) and Tarsiiformes.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the nestlings of nocturnal cavity-nesting species has relatively rarely been studied in detail because of problems connected with use of the technical devices required to provide long-term monitoring of individuals. However, long-term observation of nestling behaviour is crucial in order to identify different types of behaviour which may be caused by sibling competition at the end of nesting period. We studied behaviour of 43 Tengmalm''s owl (Aegolius funereus) nestlings at 14 nests using a camera and a chip system. The nestlings perched at the nest box entrance from an average age of 28 days from hatching (range 24–34 days) until fledging, spending around 2 hours per day here in total, in periods ranging from a few seconds to 147 min (7.6±10.9 min, mean ± SD). We found that individual duration of perching at the nest box entrance was significantly influenced by nestlings'' age and wing length and that the duration of perching at the nest box entrance significantly decreased with time of night. However, during daylight hours, time of day had no effect on either probability or duration of nestlings'' perching. We suggest daylight perching at the nest box entrance results from nestlings'' preparation for fledging, while individuals perching here during the night may gain an advantageous position for obtaining food from the parents; another possibility at all times of day is that nestlings can reaffirm their social dominance status by monopolizing the nest box entrance.  相似文献   

The apposition compound eye of a nocturnal bee, the halictid Megalopta genalis, is described for the first time. Compared to the compound eye of the worker honeybee Apis mellifera and the diurnal halictid bee Lasioglossum leucozonium, the eye of M. genalis shows specific retinal and optical adaptations for vision in dim light. The major anatomical adaptations within the eye of the nocturnal bee are (1) nearly twofold larger ommatidial facets and (2) a 4–5 times wider rhabdom diameter than found in the diurnal bees studied. Optically, the apposition eye of M. genalis is 27 times more sensitive to light than the eyes of the diurnal bees. This increased optical sensitivity represents a clear optical adaptation to low light intensities. Although this unique nocturnal apposition eye has a greatly improved ability to catch light, a 27-fold increase in sensitivity alone cannot account for nocturnal vision at light intensities that are 8 log units dimmer than during daytime. New evidence suggests that additional neuronal spatial summation within the first optic ganglion, the lamina, is involved.B.G. is thankful for travel awards from the Royal Physiographic Society, the Per Westlings Fond, the Foundation of Dagny and Eilert Ekvall and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. E.J.W. is grateful for the support of a Smithsonian Short-Term Research Fellowship, the Swedish Research Council, the Crafoord Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund for their ongoing support  相似文献   

作为昆虫种群的重要组成部分,夜行性昆虫成功进化出了与其生存环境相适应的感觉机制,普遍认为夜行性昆虫主要依靠嗅觉和机械性感受等来探索环境,其视觉器官发生了退化或功能丧失。近年来,随着红外夜视、视网膜电位(electroretinogram, ERG)和视觉神经等生物新技术的应用,昆虫视觉生态学研究出现了突破性进展,自2002年以来陆续发现蛾类、蜜蜂和蜣螂等夜行性昆虫进化出了非凡的微光视觉(dim-light vision)能力,在夜晚(光照强度低于0.3 lx)依然可以如同在明亮的白天一样清晰、准确地感知目标物体特定的视觉特性,如明暗、颜色、形状、大小、对比度、偏振光和运动状态等,展现出视觉调控夜行性昆虫行为活动的巨大潜力。此外,这些夜行性昆虫复眼瞳孔、小眼焦距、视杆和色素颗粒等方面进化出了一些相应的形态生理特征,以提高光学灵敏度适应夜间微光环境。鉴于夜行性昆虫微光视觉行为及其视觉适应机制的研究尚处于起步阶段,仅见于少数访花昆虫或粪食性昆虫,建议加强以下几个方面的研究:(1)重大夜行性农业害虫的微光视觉及其应用的研究;(2)非典型重叠复眼的光学结构特征及其应对微光环境的适应机制研究;(3)夜行性昆虫响应微光环境的视觉适应机制研究;(4)基于夜行性昆虫微光视觉行为研发新型害虫防控技术。  相似文献   

1. A method has been described whereby the intensity of the light of luminous bacteria may be measured in a quantitative manner. 2. It is pointed out that the temperature coefficients for light intensity do not follow the van''t Hoff rule, but are higher and vary with each 10° temperature interval. 3. From a comparison with other data it is found that the process is not a simple one, but that the observed curve is the resultant of several reactions which proceed simultaneously. 4. The discrepancies in the temperature coefficients in the neighborhood of the "optimum temperature" may be due to a process of coagulation of the colloidal particles of the enzyme. This coagulation will tend to cause a deviation of the curve away from that normal for chemical reactions.  相似文献   

Aotus is a platyrrhine primate that has been classically considered to be nocturnal. Earlier research revealed that this animal lacks a color vision capacity because, unlike all other platyrrhine monkeys, Aotus has a defect in the opsin gene that is required to produce short-wavelength sensitive (S) cone photopigment. Consequently, Aotus retains only a single type of cone photopigment. Other mammals have since been found to show similar losses and it has often been speculated that such change is in some fashion tied to nocturnality. Although most species of Aotus are indeed nocturnal, recent observations show that Aotus azarai, an owl monkey species native to portions of Argentina and Paraguay, displays a cathemeral activity pattern being active during daylight hours as frequently as during nighttime hours. We have sequenced portions of the S-cone opsin gene in A. azarai and Aotus nancymaae, the latter a typically nocturnal species. The S-cone opsin genes in both species contain the same fatal defects earlier detected for Aotus trivirgatus. On the basis of the phylogenetic relationships of these three species these results imply that Aotus must have lost a capacity for color vision early in its history and they also suggest that the absence of color vision is not compulsively linked to a nocturnal lifestyle.  相似文献   

Underwater video cameras can be used for fisheries, aquacultures, and marine ecology to monitor the existence of fish. In order to assess marine structures, monitoring is also important to understand the effects on the local fish community. Underwater vision is sometimes degraded due to the condition of the water and sunlight. In particular, horizontal visibility is not easily obtained with regard to water quality. So far, an empirical relationship with horizontal visibility has been described according divers' vision, and it states that divers' horizontal visibility is approximately equal to 0.7 times the Secchi depth (Wright and Colling, 1995). If the video camera has a high resolution, visibility may be similar, however, if the camera has a low resolution, detectable distance can deteriorate. For practical usage, a video camera with low resolution has the advantage of reducing storage of data and it is easy to transmit video remotely, in other words, real-time monitoring. Real-time data will provide a prompt understanding of aquatic environmental changes. In order to obtain such data, a low-resolution video camera is still required for usage in a field. There are few models that describe horizontal visibility using a camera in water, therefore this study aims to model one. This paper showed a new approach to model horizontal visibility by water depth and Secchi depth, which are practical and obtainable parameters for underwater monitoring. In addition to this, global solar radiation is adopted for modeling. The model is expressed as relative contrast between target and background. Based on two observations near the sea surface (less than Secchi depth), the model is created. The model showed plausible horizontal visibility using an underwater video camera for real-time monitoring of fish and marine environment.  相似文献   

Earlier studies yielded conflicting conclusions on the types of photoreceptors and photopigments found in the eyes of nocturnal prosimians. In this investigation a noninvasive electrophysiological procedure, electroretinogram flicker photometry, was employed to measure scotopic and photopic spectral sensitivity in the thick-tailed bushbaby (Otolemur crassicaudatus). The scotopic spectral sensitivity function of the bushbaby has a peak of about 507 nm. Under photopic test conditions, spectral sensitivity shifts toward the longer wavelengths. The results from a series of adaptation experiments indicate that the cones of the bushbaby retina contain only a single type of cone photopigment (peak sensitivity at about 545 nm). One implication from this result is that these animals do not have color vision. The photopigment arrangement of the bushbaby is different from that earlier found in diurnal and crepuscular prosimians but is similar to that of the owl monkey, the only nocturnal simian. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) vision exists in several animal groups. Intuitively, one would expect this trait to be favoured in species living in bright environments, where UV light is the most present. However, UV sensitivity, as deduced from sequences of UV photoreceptors and/or ocular media transmittance, is also present in nocturnal species, raising questions about the selective pressure maintaining this perceptual ability. Amphibians are among the most nocturnal vertebrates but their visual ecology remains poorly understood relative to other groups. Perhaps because many of these species breed in environments that filter out a large part of UV radiation, physiological and behavioural studies of UV sensitivity in this group are scarce. We investigated the extent of UV vision in Caudata, the order of amphibians with the most nocturnal habits. We could recover sequences of the UV sensitive SWS1 opsin in 40 out of 58 species, belonging to 6 families. In all of these species, the evidence suggests the presence of functional SWS1 opsins under purifying selection, potentially allowing UV vision. Interestingly, most species whose opsin genes failed to amplify exhibited particular ecological features that could drive the loss of UV vision. This likely wide distribution of functional UV photoreceptors in Caudata sheds a new light on the visual ecology of amphibians and questions the function of UV vision in nocturnal animal species.  相似文献   

The sun-fish Lepomis responds to a moving system of stripes by a motion of its body. By changing the velocity of motion of the stripe system different flicker frequencies can be produced and thus the relation of flicker frequency to critical intensity of illumination can be studied. Threshold illumination varies with flicker frequency in such a way that with increasing flicker frequency the intensity of illumination must be increased to produce a threshold response in the fish. The curve of critical illumination as a function of frequency is made up of two distinct parts. For an intensity range below 0.04 millilambert and flicker frequencies below 10 per second, the rods are in function. For higher intensities and flicker frequencies above 10, the cones come into play. The maximum frequency of flicker which can be perceived by the fish''s eye is slightly above 50 per second. The flicker curve for the eye of Lepomis can easily be compared with that for the human eye. The extent of the curve for the fish is greater at low illuminations, the fish being capable of distinguishing flicker at illuminations lower than can the human eye. The transition of rod vision to cone vision occurs for the fish and for the human eye at the same intensity and flicker frequency. The maximum frequency of flicker which can be perceived is for both about the same.  相似文献   

Nocturnal species may communicate by visual signals more frequentlythan previously thought. In fact, such species are habituallyactive around sunset and sunrise, when light conditions arestill suitable for visual communication. We investigated thecommunication function of a visual cue in the eagle owl Bubobubo, a nocturnal predator. In this species, territorial andcourtship displays peak during the sunset and sunrise periodsand involve the display of a white badge located on the throatwhose reflectance properties are sex and period dependent. Experimentalintrusions were conducted at 30 eagle owl territories in orderto understand the function of the white badge during contests.We analyzed the reactions of both male and female owners towarda taxidermic mount with a normal brightness and a brightness-reducedwhite badge, with both male and female territorial calls. Ourresults indicate that the white badge of eagle owls plays animportant role in visual communication during contests. Malesdisplayed more frequently toward male low-brightness mounts,which were also approached more closely or attacked. Femalebehavior did not differ between experimental groups. Furthermore,a positive relationship between male badge brightness and breedingoutput suggested a potential role of the white badge as an honestsignal of male quality. The need to convey information by visualcommunication in a nocturnal species may have promoted the evolutionof visual signals employed at crepuscule.  相似文献   

Predators can strongly influence disease transmission and evolution, particularly when they prey selectively on infected hosts. Although selective predation has been observed in numerous systems, why predators select infected prey remains poorly understood. Here, we use a mathematical model of predator vision to test a long‐standing hypothesis about the mechanistic basis of selective predation in a Daphnia–microparasite system, which serves as a model for the ecology and evolution of infectious diseases. Bluegill sunfish feed selectively on Daphnia infected by a variety of parasites, particularly in water uncolored by dissolved organic carbon. The leading hypothesis for selective predation in this system is that infection‐induced changes in the transparency of Daphnia render them more visible to bluegill. Rigorously evaluating this hypothesis requires that we quantify the effect of infection on the visibility of prey from the predator''s perspective, rather than our own. Using a model of the bluegill visual system, we show that three common parasites, Metschnikowia bicuspidata, Pasteuria ramosa, and Spirobacillus cienkowskii, decrease the transparency of Daphnia, rendering infected Daphnia darker against a background of bright downwelling light. As a result of this increased brightness contrast, bluegill can see infected Daphnia at greater distances than uninfected Daphnia—between 19% and 33% further, depending on the parasite. Pasteuria and Spirobacillus also increase the chromatic contrast of Daphnia. These findings lend support to the hypothesis that selective predation by fish on infected Daphnia could result from the effects of infection on Daphnia''s visibility. However, contrary to expectations, the visibility of Daphnia was not strongly impacted by water color in our model. Our work demonstrates that models of animal visual systems can be useful in understanding ecological interactions that impact disease transmission.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of Northrop''s pure crystalline pepsin has been determined. The curve of calculated molecular extinction coefficients is given. There is noted a general resemblance of the absorption curve for pepsin to that for urease and tyrosine; the absorption band is maximum at 2750–2800 Å.µ., minimum near 2500. A slight hump on either side of the peak of the extinction curve may be significant.  相似文献   

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