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From the solubility minimum the value of the basic ionization constant of sulfanilic acid is shown to lie probably between the values 1.7 x 10–15 and 3.2 x 10–15. From solubility measurements the value of this same constant is shown to lie probably between 2.0 and 2.2 x 10–15, and the isoelectric point of sulfanilic acid is thus at a cH of 0.056 or a pH of 1.25. From conductivity ratios the acid ionization constant of sulfanilic acid is shown to be 7.05 x 10–4 at room temperature (21°C.). Calculations are made, from data published in preceding papers, of the ionization constants of glycine, Ka being 2.3 x 10–10, and Kb being 2.2 x 10–12.  相似文献   

1. The sedimentation constant of hog thyroglobulin is 19.2ċ10–13. That of human thyroglobulin is essentially the same. 2. The specific volume of hog thyroglobulin is 0.72. 3. The isoelectric point of native hog thyroglobulin is at pH 4.58, that of denatured thyroglobulin at pH 5.0. 4. The molecular weight of hog thyroglobulin is, in round numbers, 700,000, as calculated from the sedimentation and diffusion constants, or 650,000, as calculated from the sedimentation equilibrium data. 5. The thyroglobulin molecule deviates markedly from the spherical.  相似文献   

The results of this investigation show that a gelatin solution consists of a considerable number of constituents. At a particular temperature, certain gelatin constituents tend to aggregate and to flocculate from solution. When these particular gelatin constituents have completely flocculated, no further change occurs in the system and an apparent equilibrium exists. This is not a dynamic equilibrium between the gelatin flocculate as a whole and the gelatin remaining in the solution but a steady state determined for that system by the temperature. It is also shown that gelatin can be separated into fractions in which the gelatin constituents are more nearly uniform and tend to flocculate over a much narrower temperature range. It should be possible to obtain a number of fractions in which all of the gelatin would flocculate at a definite temperature. The aggregation of the various gelatin constituents is presumably due to loss of thermal energy, and the temperature at which this occurs must be some function of the mass of the constituent. It is natural to assume, then, that the constituents which flocculate at a given temperature are larger than those which remain in solution at that temperature. Recently, Krishnamurti and Svedberg (1930) have obtained evidence with the ultra-centrifuge that the constituents of a gelatin solution are heterogeneous as to mass, even at a pH value at which there is no tendency toward aggregation. There is much reason to suppose that the gelatin constituents do not differ very greatly chemically since different fractions have the same refractive index and the same isoelectric point. The data as a whole are best explained by considering the gelatin constituents to be different degrees of association of the same or very similar molecular structural units. This is in agreement with Sheppard and Houck (1930), who consider that "the molecules of gelatin are fundamentally identical with those of collagen, the difference being only in the degree of association and orientation". Meyer and Mark (1928) have interpreted the x-ray data obtained from collagen as indicating that the micelles of the collagen fiber are built up of main valency chains of anhydro-amino acids. It may be supposed that during peptization of these fibers, the amino acid chains become separated, disorientated, and partially broken up, so producing the heterogeneous system which we know as gelatin. It is evident that the manner in which this breaking-up proceeds depends upon the chemical treatment previous to the peptization process and the gelatin produced from lime-treated collagen would be expected to differ from that from acid-treated collagen. From the results herein reported it seems evident that the technique of isoelectric flocculation of electrolyte-free gelatin offers a profitable method for the study of gelatin and an extended investigation along these lines should yield much valuable information concerning the nature of gelatin. It is possible that this method may also be extended to other hydrophilic colloids.  相似文献   

1. The movement of normal and sensitized red blood cells in the electric field is a function of the hydrogen ion concentration. The isoelectric point, at which no movement occurs, corresponds with pH 4.6. 2. On the alkaline side of the isoelectric point the charge carried is negative and increases with the alkalinity. On the acid side the charge is positive and increases with the acidity. 3. On the alkaline side at least the charge carried by sensitized cells is smaller and increases less rapidly with the alkalinity than the charge of normal cells. 4. Both normal and sensitized cells combine chemically with inorganic ions, and the isoelectric point is a turning point for this chemical behavior. On the acid side the cells combine with the hydrogen and chlorine ions, and in much larger amount than on the alkaline side; on the alkaline side the cells combine with a cation (Ba), and in larger amount than on the acid side. This behavior corresponds with that found by Loeb for gelatin. 5. The optimum for agglutination of normal cells is at pH 4.75, so that at this point the cells exist most nearly pure, or least combined with anion and cation. 6. The optimum for agglutination of sensitized cells is at pH 5.3. This point is probably connected with the optimum for flocculation of the immune serum body.  相似文献   

李世贵  陈明杰 《菌物学报》2003,22(2):335-338
草菇是我国食用菌主要栽培品种之一,属典型高温真菌。低温将诱导草菇细胞内的蛋白质降解,导致草菇菌丝自溶、死亡。蛋白酶在草菇低温自溶过程中起了重要作用。在分离、纯化草菇蛋白酶的基础上,采用等电点聚焦电泳测定了蛋白酶的等电点,为草菇低温自溶与蛋白酶之间的关系的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

草菇是我国食用菌主要栽培品种之一,属典型高温真菌。低温将诱导草菇细胞内的蛋白质降解,导致草菇菌丝自溶、死亡。蛋白酶在草菇低温自溶过程中起了重要作用。在分离、纯化草菇蛋白酶的基础上,采用等电点聚焦电泳测定了蛋白酶的等电点,为草菇低温自溶与蛋白酶之间的关系的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

1. Cooper''s gelatin purified according to Northrop and Kunitz exhibited a minimum of osmotic pressure and a maximum of opacity at pH 5.05 ±0.05. The pH of solutions of this gelatin in water was also close to this value. It is inferred that such gelatin is isoelectric at this pH and not at pH 4.70. 2. Hydrogen electrode measurements with KCl-agar junctions were made with concentrated solutions of this gelatin in HCl up to 0.1 M. The combination curve calculated from these data is quite exactly horizontal between pH 2 and 1, indicating that 1 gm. of this gelatin can combine with a maximum of 9.35 x 10–4 equivalents of H+. 3. Conductivity titrations of this gelatin with HCl gave an endpoint at 9.41 (±0.05) x 10–4 equivalents of HCl per gram gelatin. 4. E.M.F. measurements of the cell without liquid junction, Ag, AgCl, HCl + gelatin, H2, lead to the conclusion that this gelatin in 0.1 M HCl combines with a maximum of 9.4 x 10–4 equivalents of H+ and 1.7 x 10–4 equivalents of Cl- per gram gelatin.  相似文献   

研究了杂交水稻青优159和广优四号及其亲本功能叶片的光合速率、叶绿素含量、叶绿素-蛋白复合物及诱导荧光动力学特性.这二个杂交水稻的光合速率分别高于其亲本,其超亲优势分别为18.72%和18.2%,平均优势分别为29.6%和26.2%.杂交水稻功能叶片的叶绿素-蛋白复合物在650nm和675nm处光密度扫描峰面积具有明显的杂种优势,并与光合速率之间有较密切的正相关关系;叶绿素诱导荧光动力学特征参数Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo比值超过其高值亲本,具有杂种优势;杂交水稻功能叶片的叶绿素含量没有明显的杂种优势,光合速率与叶绿素含量之间没有明显的相关关系。而杂交水稻功能叶片的叶绿素a/b比值均低于其亲本,并且叶绿素a/b比值与光合速率呈较为密切负相关.  相似文献   

运动后尿液蛋白质分子量与等电点的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对9名男性受试者在分别完成100-200m,400-800m和1 500-3 000m跑步间歇训练后尿蛋白分子量和等电点的测定发现:①运动时尿液高、低分子量蛋白质排泄率均较运动前明显增加,但以高分子量蛋白质排泄为主;②运动时尿液高、低分子量蛋白质排泄率均以400-800m间歇训练时最高,100-200m间歇训练时次之,1 500-3 000m间歇训练时最低;③运动时尿液排出的蛋白质以负离子为主  相似文献   

1. It had been noticed in the previous experiments on the influence of the hydrogen ion concentration on the P.D. between protein solutions inside a collodion bag and aqueous solutions free from protein that the agreement between the observed values and the values calculated on the basis of Donnan''s theory was not satisfactory near the isoelectric point of the protein solution. It was suspected that this was due to the uncertainty in the measurements of the pH of the outside aqueous solution near the isoelectric point. This turned out to be correct, since it is shown in this paper that the discrepancy disappears when both the inside and outside solutions contain a buffer salt. 2. This removes the last discrepancy between the observed P.D. and the P. D. calculated on the basis of Donnan''s theory of P.D. between membrane equilibria, so that we can state that the P.D. between protein solutions inside collodion bags and outside aqueous solutions free from protein can be calculated from differences in the hydrogen ion concentration on the opposite sides of the membrane, in agreement with Donnan''s formula.  相似文献   

The swelling of isoelectric gelatin in water has been found to be in agreement with the following assumptions. Gelatin consists of a network of insoluble material containing a solution of a more soluble substance. Water therefore enters owing to the osmotic pressure of the soluble material and thereby puts the network under elastic strain. The process continues until the elastic force is equal to the osmotic pressure. If the temperature is raised or the blocks of gelatin remain swollen over a period of time, the network loses its elasticity and more water enters. In large blocks this secondary swelling overlaps the initial process and so no maximum can be observed. The swelling of small blocks or films of isoelectric gelatin containing from .14 to .4 gm. of dry gelatin per gm. of water is defined by the equation See PDF for Equation in which Ke = the bulk modulus See PDF for Equation. Ve = gm. water per gm. gelatin at equilibrium; Vf = gm. water per gm. gelatin when the gelatin solidified.  相似文献   

1. While crystalline egg albumin is highly soluble in water at low temperature at the pH of its isoelectric point, it is coagulated by heating. It has long been known that this coagulation can be prevented by adding either acid or alkali, whereby the protein is ionized. 2. It is shown in this paper that salts with trivalent or tetravalent ions, e.g. LaCl3 or Na4Fe(CN)6, are also able to prevent the heat coagulation of albumin at the isoelectric point (i.e. pH 4.8), while salts with a divalent ion, e.g. CaCl2, BaCl4, Na2SO4, or salts like NaCl, have no such effect. 3. This is in harmony with the fact shown in a preceding paper that salts with trivalent or tetravalent ions can cause the ionization of proteins at its isoelectric point and thus give rise to a membrane potential between micellæ of isoelectric protein and surrounding aqueous solution, while the above mentioned salts with divalent and monovalent ions have apparently no such effect.  相似文献   

用 SDS-PAGE 方法分离了菠菜叶绿体制剂、放氧光系统Ⅱ制剂和放氧光系统Ⅱ反应中心核心复合物的色素蛋白质复合物,对它们的 CPa 带进行的光谱特性的对比研究表明,在前两种制剂中 CPa 带不仅含有 Chl a 的蛋白质复合物带,它还含有少量 Chl b。且叶绿体制剂的 CPa 带中的 Chl b 含量高于放氧光系统Ⅱ制剂中的含量。此外,根据光系统Ⅱ反应中心核心复合物只有一条叶绿素蛋白质复合物带(CPa)的实验结果,我们认为光系统Ⅱ反应中心叶绿素蛋白质复合物即在 CPa 带中。但在叶绿体制剂和放氧光系统Ⅱ制剂的情况下,CPa 带还含有其它组分。  相似文献   

Two samples of a standard gelatin were studied, both prepared according to published specifications and washed free from diffusible electrolytes. The isoelectric point of this material was determined in four ways. 1. The pH values of solutions of gelatin in water approached the limit 4.86 ± 0.01 as the concentration of gelatin was increased. 2. The pH values of acetate buffers were unchanged by the addition of gelatin only at pH 4.85 ± 0.01. This gives the isoionic point of Sørensen, which is the isoelectric point with respect only to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. 3. Gels of this gelatin made up in dilute HCl or NaOH, or in dilute acetate buffers, exhibited maximum turbidity at pH 4.85 ± 0.03. 4. Very dilute suspensions of collodion particles in 0.1 per cent gelatin solutions made up in acetate buffers showed zero velocity in cataphoresis experiments only at pH 4.80 ± 0.01. No evidence was found for the assumption that gelatin has two isoelectric points at widely separated pH values. It is concluded that the isoelectric point of this standard gelatin is not far from pH 4.85.  相似文献   

1. This paper contains experiments on the influence of acids and alkalies on the osmotic pressure of solutions of crystalline egg albumin and of gelatin, and on the viscosity of solutions of gelatin. 2. It was found in all cases that there is no difference in the effects of HCl, HBr, HNO3, acetic, mono-, di-, and trichloracetic, succinic, tartaric, citric, and phosphoric acids upon these physical properties when the solutions of the protein with these different acids have the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. 3. It was possible to show that in all the protein-acid salts named the anion in combination with the protein is monovalent. 4. The strong dibasic acid H2SO4 forms protein-acid salts with a divalent anion SO4 and the solutions of protein sulfate have an osmotic pressure and a viscosity of only half or less than that of a protein chloride solution of the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. Oxalic acid behaves essentially like a weak dibasic acid though it seems that a small part of the acid combines with the protein in the form of divalent anions. 5. It was found that the osmotic pressure and viscosity of solutions of Li, Na, K, and NH4 salts of a protein are the same at the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. 6. Ca(OH)2 and Ba(OH)2 form salts with proteins in which the cation is divalent and the osmotic pressure and viscosity of solutions of these two metal proteinates are only one-half or less than half of that of Na proteinate of the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric gelatin. 7. These results exclude the possibility of expressing the effect of different acids and alkalies on the osmotic pressure of solutions of gelatin and egg albumin and on the viscosity of solutions of gelatin in the form of ion series. The different results of former workers were probably chiefly due to the fact that the effects of acids and alkalies on these proteins were compared for the same quantity of acid and alkali instead of for the same pH.  相似文献   

1. It is shown by volumetric analysis that on the alkaline side from its isoelectric point gelatin combines with cations only, but not with anions; that on the more acid side from its isoelectric point it combines only with anions but not with cations; and that at the isoelectric point, pH = 4.7, it combines with neither anion nor cation. This confirms our statement made in a previous paper that gelatin can exist only as an anion on the alkaline side from its isoelectric point and only as a cation on the more acid side of its isoelectric point, and practically as neither anion nor cation at the isoelectric point. 2. Since at the isoelectric point gelatin (and probably amphoteric colloids generally) must give off any ion with which it was combined, the simplest method of obtaining amphoteric colloids approximately free from ionogenic impurities would seem to consist in bringing them to the hydrogen ion concentration characteristic of their isoelectric point (i.e., at which they migrate neither to the cathode nor anode of an electric field). 3. It is shown by volumetric analysis that when gelatin is in combination with a monovalent ion (Ag, Br, CNS), the curve representing the amount of ion-gelatin formed is approximately parallel to the curve for swelling, osmotic pressure, and viscosity. This fact proves that the influence of ions upon these properties is determined by the chemical or stoichiometrical and not by the "colloidal" condition of gelatin. 4. The sharp drop of these curves at the isoelectric point finds its explanation in an equal drop of the water solubility of pure gelatin, which is proved by the formation of a precipitate. It is not yet possible to state whether this drop of the solubility is merely due to lack of ionization of the gelatin or also to the formation of an insoluble tautomeric or polymeric compound of gelatin at the isoelectric point. 5. On account of this sudden drop slight changes in the hydrogen ion concentration have a considerably greater chemical and physical effect in the region of the isoelectric point than at some distance from this point. This fact may be of biological significance since a number of amphoteric colloids in the body seem to have their isoelectric point inside the range of the normal variation of the hydrogen ion concentration of blood, lymph, or cell sap. 6. Our experiments show that while a slight change in the hydrogen ion concentration increases the water solubility of gelatin near the isoelectric point, no increase in the solubility can be produced by treating gelatin at the isoelectric point with any other kind of monovalent or polyvalent ion; a fact apparently not in harmony with the adsorption theory of colloids, but in harmony with a chemical conception of proteins.  相似文献   

1. It is shown that a neutral salt depresses the potential difference which exists at the point of equilibrium between a gelatin chloride solution contained in a collodion bag and an outside aqueous solution (without gelatin). The depressing effect of a neutral salt on the P.D. is similar to the depression of the osmotic pressure of the gelatin chloride solution by the same salt. 2. It is shown that this depression of the P.D. by the salt can be calculated with a fair degree of accuracy on the basis of Nernst''s logarithmic formula on the assumption that the P.D. which exists at the point of equilibrium is due to the difference of the hydrogen ion concentration on the opposite sides of the membrane. 3. Since this difference of hydrogen ion concentration on both sides of the membrane is due to Donnan''s membrane equilibrium this latter equilibrium must be the cause of the P.D. 4. A definite P.D. exists also between a solid block of gelatin chloride and the surrounding aqueous solution at the point of equilibrium and this P.D. is depressed in a similar way as the swelling of the gelatin chloride by the addition of neutral salts. It is shown that the P.D. can be calculated from the difference in the hydrogen ion concentration inside and outside the block of gelatin at equilibrium. 5. The influence of the hydrogen ion concentration on the P.D. of a gelatin chloride solution is similar to that of the hydrogen ion concentration on the osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity of gelatin solutions, and the same is true for the influence of the valency of the anion with which the gelatin is in combination. It is shown that in all these cases the P.D. which exists at equilibrium can be calculated with a fair degree of accuracy from the difference of the pH inside and outside the gelatin solution on the basis of Nernst''s logarithmic formula by assuming that the difference in the concentration of hydrogen ions on both sides of the membrane determines the P.D. 6. The P.D. which exists at the boundary of a gelatin chloride solution and water at the point of equilibrium can also be calculated with a fair degree of accuracy by Nernst''s logarithmic formula from the value pCl outside minus pCl inside. This proves that the equation x2 = y ( y + z) is the correct expression for the Donnan membrane equilibrium when solutions of protein-acid salts with monovalent anion are separated by a collodion membrane from water. In this equation x is the concentration of the H ion (and the monovalent anion) in the water, y the concentration of the H ion and the monovalent anion of the free acid in the gelatin solution, and z the concentration of the anion in combination with the protein. 7. The similarity between the variation of P.D. and the variation of the osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity of gelatin, and the fact that the Donnan equilibrium determines the variation in P.D. raise the question whether or not the variations of the osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity are also determined by the Donnan equilibrium.  相似文献   

1. Photosynthetic bacteria in water suspension break open when treated with supersonic vibration thus liberating the cell contents, including a water soluble protein to which is attached the otherwise water insoluble pigments, bacteriochlorophyll and carotinoids. Both types of pigments appear to be combined with the same protein. 2. The protein pigment compound is insoluble in the region of pH 3.0 to 4.5 and in neutral solution can be completely precipitated by 0.5 saturated (NH4)2SO4. It is soluble in distilled water and adsorbable on fullers'' earth. 3. Supersonic extracts of photosynthetic bacteria do not have the ability to carry on photosynthesis, but will act as a photocatalyst for the oxidation of ascorbic acid with visible or infrared radiation. The rate of the photochemical oxidation is proportional to the light intensity.  相似文献   

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