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Seven of nine pericentric inversions that distinguish human (HSA) and chimpanzee karyotypes are chimpanzee-specific. In this study we investigated whether the two extant chimpanzee species, Pan troglodytes (common chimpanzee) and Pan paniscus (bonobo), share exactly the same pericentric inversions. The methods applied were FISH with breakpoint-spanning BAC/PAC clones and PCR analyses of the breakpoint junction sequences. Our findings for the homologues to HSA 4, 5, 9, 12, 16, and 17 confirm for the first time at the sequence level that these pericentric inversions have identical breakpoints in the common chimpanzee and the bonobo. Therefore, these inversions predate the separation of the two chimpanzee species 0.86-2 Mya. Further, the inversions distinguishing human and chimpanzee karyotypes may be regarded as early acquisitions, such that they are likely to have been present at the time of human/chimpanzee divergence. According to the chromosomal speciation theory the inversions themselves could have promoted human speciation.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees are presently classified into three subspecies: Pan troglodytes verus from west Africa, P.t. troglodytes from central Africa, and P.t. schweinfurthii from east Africa. A fourth subspecies (P.t. vellerosus), from Cameroon and northern Nigeria, has been proposed. These taxonomic designations are based on geographical origins and are reflected in sequence variation in the first hypervariable region (HVR-I) of the mtDNA D-loop. Although advances have been made in our understanding of chimpanzee phylogenetics, little has been known regarding the subspecies composition of captive chimpanzees. We sequenced part of the mtDNA HVR-I region in 218 African-born population founders and performed a phylogenetic analysis with previously characterized African sequences of known provenance to infer subspecies affiliations. Most founders were P.t. verus (95.0%), distantly followed by the troglodytes schweinfurthii clade (4.6%), and a single P.t. vellerosus (0.4%). Pedigree-based estimates of genomic representation in the descendant population revealed that troglodytes schweinfurthii founder representation was reduced in captivity, vellerosus representation increased due to prolific breeding by a single male, and reproductive variance resulted in uneven representation among male P.t.verus founders. No increase in mortality was evident from between-subspecies interbreeding, indicating a lack of outbreeding depression. Knowledge of subspecies and their genomic representation can form the basis for phylogenetically informed genetic management of extant chimpanzees to preserve rare genetic variation for research, conservation, or possible future breeding.  相似文献   

Pan and Gorilla taxonomy is currently in a state of flux, with the number of existing species and subspecies of common chimpanzee and gorilla having been recently challenged. While Pan and Gorilla systematics have been evaluated on the basis of craniometric and odontometric data, only a handful of studies have evaluated multivariate craniometric variation within P. troglodytes, and none have evaluated in detail mandibular variation in either P. troglodytes or Gorilla gorilla. In this paper, we examine ontogenetic and adult mandibular variation in Pan and Gorilla. We test the hypothesis that patterns and degrees of mandibular variation in Pan and Gorilla closely correspond to those derived from previous analyses of craniometric variation. We then use these data to address some current issues surrounding Pan and Gorilla taxonomy. Specifically, we evaluate the purported distinctiveness of P.t. verus from the other two subspecies of Pan troglodytes, and the recent proposals to recognize Nigerian gorillas as a distinct subspecies, Gorilla gorilla diehli, and to acknowledge mountain and lowland gorillas as two separate species. Overall, patterns and degrees of multivariate mandibular differentiation parallel those obtained previously for the cranium and dentition. Thus, differences among the three conventionally recognized gorilla subspecies are somewhat greater than among subspecies of common chimpanzees, but differences between P. paniscus and P. troglodytes are greater than those observed between any gorilla subspecies. In this regard, the mandible does not appear to be more variable, or of less taxonomic value, than the face and other parts of the cranium. There are, however, some finer differences in the pattern and degree of morphological differentiation in Pan and Gorilla, both with respect to cranial and dental morphology, and in terms of the application and manner of size adjustment. Mandibular differentiation supports the conventional separation of bonobos from chimpanzees regardless of size adjustment, but size correction alters the relative alignment of taxa. Following size correction, intergroup distances are greatest between P.t. verus and all other groups, but there is considerable overlap amongst chimpanzee subspecies. Amongst gorillas, the greatest separation is between eastern and western gorillas, but adjustment relative to palatal vs. basicranial length results in a greater accuracy of group classification for G.g. gorilla and G.g. graueri, and more equivalent intergroup distances amongst all gorilla groups. We find no multivariate differentiation of the Nigerian gorillas based on mandibular morphology, suggesting that the primary difference between Nigerian and other western lowland gorillas lies in the nuchal region. Though intergroup distances are greatest between P.t. verus and other chimpanzee subspecies, the degree of overlap amongst all three groups does not indicate a markedly greater degree of distinction in mandibular, as opposed to other morphologies. Finally, mandibular differentiation corroborates previous craniodental studies indicating the greatest distinction amongst gorillas is between eastern and western groups. Thus, patterns and degrees of mandibular variation are in agreement with other kinds of data that have been used to diagnose eastern and western gorillas as separate species.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that gene gain and loss may contribute significantly to the divergence between humans and chimpanzees. Initial comparisons of the human and chimpanzee Y-chromosomes indicate that chimpanzees have a disproportionate loss of Y-chromosome genes, which may have implications for the adaptive evolution of sex-specific as well as reproductive traits, especially because one of the genes lost in chimpanzees is critically involved in spermatogenesis in humans. Here we have characterized Y-chromosome sequences in gorilla, bonobo, and several chimpanzee subspecies for 7 chimpanzee gene-disruptive mutations. Our analyses show that 6 of these gene-disruptive mutations predate chimpanzee-bonobo divergence at approximately 1.8 MYA, which indicates significant Y-chromosome change in the chimpanzee lineage relatively early in the evolutionary divergence of humans and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Primates - The western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus), a subspecies of the common chimpanzee, is currently listed as Critically Endangered. Human-driven habitat loss and infectious diseases are...  相似文献   

Here, we report the sequencing and analysis of eight complete mitochondrial genomes of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) from each of the three established subspecies (P. t. troglodytes, P. t. schweinfurthii and P. t. verus) and the proposed fourth subspecies (P. t. ellioti). Our population genetic analyses are consistent with neutral patterns of evolution that have been shaped by demography. The high levels of mtDNA diversity in western chimpanzees are unlike those seen at nuclear loci, which may reflect a demographic history of greater female to male effective population sizes possibly owing to the characteristics of the founding population. By using relaxed-clock methods, we have inferred a timetree of chimpanzee species and subspecies. The absolute divergence times vary based on the methods and calibration used, but relative divergence times show extensive uniformity. Overall, mtDNA produces consistently older times than those known from nuclear markers, a discrepancy that is reduced significantly by explicitly accounting for chimpanzee population structures in time estimation. Assuming the human–chimpanzee split to be between 7 and 5 Ma, chimpanzee time estimates are 2.1–1.5, 1.1–0.76 and 0.25–0.18 Ma for the chimpanzee/bonobo, western/(eastern + central) and eastern/central chimpanzee divergences, respectively.  相似文献   

Dental variability was studied in a collection of Liberian chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) crania from one geographic area of Central Liberia. Morphological and metric data were compared to another population of the same subspecies studied by Schuman and Brace (1955) as well as to other pongid taxa. It appears that of all living pongids, chimpanzees are the most derived in their lower molar patterns, particularly, P. t. verus. It is clear, however that the mandibular molar patterns of contemporary chimpanzees are more similar to other pongids that to humans which is contra to the suggestions of Schuman and Brace. Hypocone reduction from M1 to M3 is the common pattern in all hominoids. Complete absence of the M3 hypocone is rare in pongids but it is present in the Frankfurt collection. Of living pongids, the gorilla expresses the least amount of hypocone reduction from M1 to M3. A cusp of Carabelli is recorded bilaterally in one P.t. verus. There is less odontometric variation in P.t. verus than in other pongids as indicated by the CV’s which may suggest the greater dental variability present when different geographic groups are included in the sample.  相似文献   

In spite of its evolutionary significance and conservation importance, the population structure of the common chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, is still poorly understood. An issue of particular controversy is whether the proposed fourth subspecies of chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes ellioti, from parts of Nigeria and Cameroon, is genetically distinct. Although modern high-throughput SNP genotyping has had a major impact on our understanding of human population structure and demographic history, its application to ecological, demographic, or conservation questions in non-human species has been extremely limited. Here we apply these tools to chimpanzee population structure, using ~700 autosomal SNPs derived from chimpanzee genomic data and a further ~100 SNPs from targeted re-sequencing. We demonstrate conclusively the existence of P. t. ellioti as a genetically distinct subgroup. We show that there is clear differentiation between the verus, troglodytes, and ellioti populations at the SNP and haplotype level, on a scale that is greater than that separating continental human populations. Further, we show that only a small set of SNPs (10-20) is needed to successfully assign individuals to these populations. Tellingly, use of only mitochondrial DNA variation to classify individuals is erroneous in 4 of 54 cases, reinforcing the dangers of basing demographic inference on a single locus and implying that the demographic history of the species is more complicated than that suggested analyses based solely on mtDNA. In this study we demonstrate the feasibility of developing economical and robust tests of individual chimpanzee origin as well as in-depth studies of population structure. These findings have important implications for conservation strategies and our understanding of the evolution of chimpanzees. They also act as a proof-of-principle for the use of cheap high-throughput genomic methods for ecological questions.  相似文献   

The character of arthritis has not received the same attention in Pan paniscus as it has in P. troglodytes. Reactive arthritis (a form of spondyloarthropathy) in the latter has been considered to be either a sexually transmitted or an infectious-agent diarrhea-related disorder. The unique sexual promiscuity of P. paniscus enables us to distinguish between those hypotheses. The macerated skeletons of 139 adult P. paniscus, P. troglodytes troglodytes, and P. troglodytes schweinfurthii were macroscopically analyzed for osseous and articular pathologies. The sex of the animal was recorded at the time of acquisition. Twenty-one percent of the P. paniscus, 28% of the P. t. troglodytes, and 27% of the P. t. schweinfurthii specimens had peripheral and central joint erosive disease characteristic of spondyloarthropathy. Subchondral pauciarticular distribution and reactive new bone clearly distinguish this disease from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and direct bone/joint infection. The fact that P. paniscus and P. t. troglodytes were similar in terms of disease frequency makes the notion of sexual transmission unlikely. While the frequencies of spondyloarthropathy were indistinguishable among all species/subspecies studied, the patterns of joint involvement were disparate. The Pan paniscus and P. t. troglodytes home ranges are geographically separate. We assessed possible habitat factors (e.g., exposure to specific infectious agents of diarrhea) by comparing P. paniscus and P. t. troglodytes with P. t. schweinfurthii. The latter shared similar patterns and habitats (separated by the Congo River) with P. paniscus. The explanation offered for habitat-specific patterns is differential bacterial exposure-most likely Shigella or Yersinia in P. paniscus and P. t. schweinfurthii.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene epoch was a period of dramatic climate change that had profound impacts on the population sizes of many animal species. How these species were shaped by past events is often unclear, hindering our understanding of the population dynamics resulting in present day populations. We analyzed complete mitochondrial genomes representing all four recognized chimpanzee subspecies and the bonobo to infer the recent demographic history and used simulations to exclude a confounding effect of population structure. Our genus-wide Bayesian coalescent-based analysis revealed surprisingly dissimilar demographic histories of the chimpanzee subspecies and the bonobo, despite their overlapping habitat requirements. Whereas the central and eastern chimpanzee subspecies were inferred to have expanded tenfold between around 50,000 and 80,000 years ago and today, the population size of the neighboring bonobo remained constant. The changes in population size are likely linked to changes in habitat area due to climate oscillations during the late Pleistocene. Furthermore, the timing of population expansion for the rainforest-adapted chimpanzee is concurrent with the expansion of the savanna-adapted human, which could suggest a common response to changed climate conditions around 50,000–80,000 years ago.  相似文献   

Primates - Intercommunity competition in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) has been widely studied in eastern (P. t. schweinfurthii) and western (P. t. verus) communities. Both subspecies show...  相似文献   

Dental measurements and 23 anatomical dental features are observed on 151 Pan troglodytes and 69 Pan paniscus of both sexes, preserved in the Museum of Tervuren (Belgium). Odontometric investigations confirm the reality of the two species in the genus Pan, but do not show any difference between subspecies in Pan troglodytes. Correspondence analysis demonstrates that the qualitative anatomical features are differently distributed in the two chimpanzee species.  相似文献   

The endangered great ape, Pan paniscus (bonobo) has the smallest range of the African apes. Virtually nothing is known about the genetic diversity or genetic structure of this species, while substantial amounts of polymorphism have been reported for the bonobo’s widespread congener, the chimpanzee (P. troglodytes). Given its restricted range, what is the extent of genetic variation in the bonobo relative to the chimpanzee, and is the bonobo genetically depauperate? To investigate patterns of genetic polymorphism, bonobos of wild origin were genotyped for 28 microsatellite loci. The mean number of alleles per locus (5.2) and the mean observed heterozygosity (0.52) in bonobos were similar to variation observed in a wild chimpanzee community (P. t. schweinfurthii). The rarer bonobo is not genetically depauperate and may have genetic diversity comparable to the eastern chimpanzee subspecies. Bonobos have approximately 55% of the allelic diversity and 66% of the observed heterozygosity exhibited by all three chimpanzee subspecies sampled across equatorial Africa. Resampling techniques were used to quantify the effects of sample size differences and number and choice of loci between bonobos and chimpanzees. The examination of these variables underscores their importance in accurately interpreting interspecific comparisons of diversity estimates.  相似文献   

The isolation of phylogenetically distinct primate immunodeficiency viruses from at least seven wild-born, captive chimpanzees indicates that viruses closely related to HIV-1 may be endemic in some wild chimpanzee populations. The search for the chimpanzee population or populations harbouring these viruses is therefore on. This paper attempts to answer the question of whether or not such populations of chimpanzees are likely to exist at all, and, if so, where they are likely to be found. We summarize what is known about gene flow in wild populations of chimpanzees, both between major phylogeographical subdivisions of the species, and within these subdivisions. Our analysis indicates that hitherto undocumented reproductively isolated chimpanzee populations may in fact exist. This conclusion is based on the observation that, despite limited geographical sampling and limited numbers of genetic loci, conventional notions of the nature and extent of chimpanzee gene flow have recently been substantially revised. Molecular genetic studies using mitochondrial DNA sequences and hypervariable nuclear microsatellite markers have indicated the existence of heretofore undocumented barriers to chimpanzee gene flow. These studies have identified at least one population of chimpanzees genetically distinct enough to be classified into a new subspecies (Pan troglodytes vellerosus). At the same time, they have called into question the long-accepted genetic distinction between eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) and western equatorial chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes). The same studies have further indicated that gene flow between local populations is more extensive than was previously thought, and follows patterns sometimes inconsistent with those documented through direct behavioural observation. Given the apparently incomplete nature of the current understanding of chimpanzee gene flow in equatorial Africa, it seems reasonable to speculate that a chimpanzee population or populations may exist which both harbour the putative HIV-1 ancestor, and which have remained reproductively isolated from other chimpanzee populations over the time-scale relevant to the evolution of the SIVcpz-HIV-1 complex of viruses. Continued extensive sampling of wild chimpanzee populations, both for their genes and their viruses, should be performed quickly considering the high probability of extinction that many wild chimpanzee populations face today. The history of human-chimpanzee contacts is discussed.  相似文献   

We present a hidden Markov model (HMM) for inferring gradual isolation between two populations during speciation, modelled as a time interval with restricted gene flow. The HMM describes the history of adjacent nucleotides in two genomic sequences, such that the nucleotides can be separated by recombination, can migrate between populations, or can coalesce at variable time points, all dependent on the parameters of the model, which are the effective population sizes, splitting times, recombination rate, and migration rate. We show by extensive simulations that the HMM can accurately infer all parameters except the recombination rate, which is biased downwards. Inference is robust to variation in the mutation rate and the recombination rate over the sequence and also robust to unknown phase of genomes unless they are very closely related. We provide a test for whether divergence is gradual or instantaneous, and we apply the model to three key divergence processes in great apes: (a) the bonobo and common chimpanzee, (b) the eastern and western gorilla, and (c) the Sumatran and Bornean orang-utan. We find that the bonobo and chimpanzee appear to have undergone a clear split, whereas the divergence processes of the gorilla and orang-utan species occurred over several hundred thousands years with gene flow stopping quite recently. We also apply the model to the Homo/Pan speciation event and find that the most likely scenario involves an extended period of gene flow during speciation.  相似文献   

Of the living apes, the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and bonobo (Pan paniscus) are often presented as possible models for the evolution of hominid bipedalism. Bipedality in matched pairs of captive bonobos and chimpanzees was analyzed to test hypotheses for the evolution of bipedalism, derived from a direct referential model. There was no overall species difference in rates of bipedal positional behavior, either postural or locomotory. The hominoid species differed in the function or use of bipedality, with bonobos showing more bipedality for carrying and vigilance, and chimpanzees showing more bipedality for display.  相似文献   

A review of past work on the taxonomic status of the bonobo chimpanzee is presented. It is suggested that differences in size and morphology of the common and the bonobo chimpanzees have been exaggerated or poorly understood. It is concluded that not enough data from the field on both bonobo and rainforest-living common chimpanzees exist to classify the bonobo. However, using Simpson's ('61) evolutionary species definition and the preliminary ecological data available, a subspecies designation for the bonobo chimpanzee is supported. Resolution of this taxonomic question through extensive field studies of both the bonobo and rainforest-dwelling common chimpanzees may greatly aid our interpretation of the hominoid fossil record.  相似文献   

The chimpanzee populations of the Bossou and Nimba regions in West Africa were genetically surveyed to 1) reveal the genetic relationship between the Bossou and Nimba populations, and 2) elucidate the evolutionary relationship between the Bossou-Nimba and other West African populations. The chimpanzee group at Bossou is characterized by its small population size, no evidence of contact with neighboring populations, and no female immigration. It is believed that most females and adolescent males emigrate from this population. To reveal the genetic signature of these characteristics, we examined the genetic diversity of Bossou and two neighboring populations (Seringbara and Yealé) in the Nimba Mountains by sequencing approximately 605 bp of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. A total of 20 distinct mtDNA variants were observed from 56 sequences of noninvasively collected, anonymous samples. Nucleotide diversity in the Nimba Mountain populations was 0.03-0.04, and did not differ significantly from that in the Bossou population. Very few mitochondrial variants are shared among the sites sampled, which suggests that there is little gene flow involving mtDNA. Nevertheless, no clear population structures were revealed in either population. A comparison with published sequences from West African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) indicates that the variants observed in the Bossou and Nimba regions are scattered throughout the subspecies, rather than clustered according to geographic region. This suggests that the Bossou-Nimba populations derived only recently from the common ancestral population of the West African chimpanzees, and did not pass through a bottleneck.  相似文献   

Two hundred and sixty eight DNA sequences (hypervariable region 1 of the mitochondrial control region) were obtained from chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ) in 19 natural populations within the range of the easternmost subspecies, P. t. schweinfurthii. Methods of phylogenetic reconstruction were applied at both the haplotype and population levels. Chimpanzee haplotypes do not sort into location-specific clades on any haplotype trees, indicating that the subspecies is free of major phylogeographic subdivisioning. Trees of populations in which geographic structure was imposed on the data lacked phylogenetic resolution in that interpopulational relationships were poorly supported statistically. These results indicate either a near simultaneous origin for the chimpanzee populations sampled, or an obscuring of interpopulational phylogenetic relationships by gene flow. In contrast, area cladograms of the forests from which chimpanzees were sampled (constructed using lists of endemic taxa) were robust and statistically well-supported. Chimpanzee population history is apparently decoupled from the history of the forests which the populations inhabit. Eastern chimpanzee data are also used to draw phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary comparisons to humans.  相似文献   

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