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We argue that there is a continuum of cases without any demarcation between more individual and more cultural information, and that therefore “culture” should be viewed as a property that human mental representations and practices exhibit to a varying degree rather than as a type or a subclass of these representations and practices (or of “information”). We discuss the relative role of preservative and constructive processes in transmission. We suggest a revision of Richerson and Boyd’s classification of the forces of cultural evloution.  相似文献   

This paper describes, analyzes, and critiques the construction of separate “male” and “female” genomes in current human genome research. Comparative genomic work on human sex differences conceives of the sexes as like different species, with different genomes. I argue that this construct is empirically unsound, distortive to research, and ethically questionable. I propose a conceptual model of biological sex that clarifies the distinction between species and sexes as genetic classes. The dynamic interdependence of the sexes makes them “dyadic kinds” that are not like species, which are “individual kinds.” The concept of sex as a “dyadic kind” may be fruitful as a remedy to the tendency to conceive of the sexes as distinct, binary classes in biological research on sex more generally.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish culture is generally considered the largest sector in world aquaculture. Several of the leading species consume “green water” plankton. This plankton—mostly microalgae (phytoplankton) and also bacteria, protozoa and zooplankton—grows in man-made fertilized water impoundments. The quantity of “green water” microalgae consumed by fish and shrimp is estimated here at a quarter billion ton fresh weight a year, about three and a half times as much as the entire recognized aquaculture. This estimate is based on the quantities of the microalgae consumed and the efficiencies of their use for growth by the main species in aquaculture. The cost of producing “green water” microalgae by the aquaculturists—mostly in SE Asia—is low. The populations in “green water” are biologically managed by the cultured fish themselves. The fish with their different feeding habits help “manage” the composition of the plankton and the overall water quality as they grow. The aquaculturists further manage “green water” through simple means, including water exchange and fertilization. Cost is remunerated partially by the income from sales of the fish and partially by bio mitigation services that “green water” polyculture ponds provide the aquaculturists in treating farm and household waste. A comprehension of the scale and importance of the microalgae sector to world aquaculture should lead to more research to improve understanding of algal population dynamics, growth factors, and efficiency of food chains. The consequent improved control of the plankton’s interaction with fish and shrimp production in “green water” will undoubtedly contribute much to the expansion in production of seafood.  相似文献   

Introduced species, those dispersed outside their natural ranges by humans, now cause almost all biological invasions, i.e., entry of organisms into habitats with negative effects on organisms already there. Knowing whether introduction tends to give organisms specific ecological advantages or disadvantages in their new habitats could help understand and control invasions. Even if no specific species traits are associated with introduction, introduced species might out-compete native ones just because the pool of introduced species is very large (“global competition hypothesis”). Especially in the case of intentional introduction, high initial propagule pressure might further increase the chance of establishment, and repeated introductions from different source populations might increase the fitness of introduced species through hybridization. Intentional introduction screens species for usefulness to humans and so might select for rapid growth and reproduction or carry species to suitable habitats, all which could promote invasiveness. However, trade offs between growth and tolerance might make introduced species vulnerable to extreme climatic events and cause some invasions to be transient (“reckless invader hypothesis”). Unintentional introduction may screen for species associated with human-disturbed habitats, and human disturbance of their new habitats may make these species more invasive. Introduction and natural long-distance dispersal both imply that species have neither undergone adaptation in their new habitats nor been adapted to by other species there. These two characteristics are the basis for many well-known hypotheses about invasion, including the “biotic resistance”, “enemy release”, “evolution of increased competitive ability” and “novel weapon” hypotheses, each of which has been shown to help explain some invasions. To the extent that biotic resistance depends upon local adaption by native species, altering selection pressures could reduce resistance and promote invasion (“local adaptation hypothesis”), and restoring natural regimes could reverse this effect.  相似文献   

Autonomic regulation and mental activity were studied in first-grade 7-year-old children under the Middle Ob climatic conditions. The study disclosed some features peculiar to adaptive alterations in children’s organisms and revealed both the degree of tension of the regulatory systems and changes in mental activity that described the “cost” of adaptation to school studies. Adaptation to school process depended on alteration of the regulatory mechanisms which had different expression at certain school periods and on changes in the relationship between sympathico-parasympathetic effects and the central regulation system, which were accompanied by different changes in mental activity. The adaptation mechanisms in most northern children were rather tense due to the unfavorable climatic effect on their organism.  相似文献   

In this paper architectural forms are presented as symbolic forms issued from the complex semiosis that characterises human cognition (Ferreira (2007, 2010)). Being semiotic objects, these symbolic forms are, consequently, context- dependent_they emerge and have meaning, i.e., they are assigned a functional and/or aesthetic value, in particular physical, social and cultural frameworks. As it happens with all semiotic objects, architectural forms, whatever their nature, are not static but highly interactive. In fact, they act as agents of specific semiotic processes, engaged in a permanent dialectic relationship with the environment they are embedded in. From this dialectics important physical, social, cultural and economic changes frequently arise, redefining this way the original framework for decades to come. As Pallasmaa (2009) points out: “Architecture is existentially rooted, and it expresses fundamental existential experiences, the complex condensation of how it feels to be human being in this world. Architecture grounds and frames existence and creates specific horizons of perception, understanding and identity.” Architecture happens in the context of particular landscapes both natural and man-made, individuating spaces, assigning them an identity, turning the frequently undifferentiated physical environment into “locus”, “place”, “site”, “ort”, definitely contributing to the definition of the mental map that individual minds are able to share collectively. The fundamental role played by architectural forms in the definition of “place” and identity and in the shaping or reshaping of a physical, social and cultural environment is analysed in this paper through a case study that observes the consequences of this dynamics in the development of the social and cultural tissue of a particular city.  相似文献   

Fruiting body production in basidiomycetes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Mushroom cultivation presents an economically important biotechnological industry that has markedly expanded all over the world in the past few decades. Mushrooms serve as delicacies for human consumption and as nutriceuticals, as “food that also cures”. Mushrooms, the fruiting bodies of basidiomycetous fungi, contain substances of various kinds that are highly valued as medicines, flavourings and perfumes. Nevertheless, the biological potential of mushrooms is probably far from exploited. A major problem up to now is that only a few species can be induced to fruit in culture. Our current knowledge on the biological processes of fruiting body initiation and development is limited and arises mostly from studies of selected model organisms that are accessible to molecular genetics. A better understanding of the developmental processes underlying fruiting in these model organisms is expected to help mushroom cultivation of other basidiomycetes in the future. Received: 17 January 2000 / Received revision: 7 March 2000 / Accepted: 3 April 2000  相似文献   

Scholars studying the globalization of Australian trees have previously emphasized the rapid natural propagation of Australian trees outside of their native habitats, believing their success to be a reversal of “ecological imperialism” from the “new world” to the “old world.” This article argues that the expansion of Australian trees should not be viewed as a biological phenomenon, but as the result of a long-term attempt by powerful states and state-sponsored scientists to select and breed Australian species that could grow in a variety of climates and ecological conditions. Five non-biological factors largely determined the success of these attempts to grow Australian trees: the abundance or paucity of natural forests, state power, the amount of scientific research directed to planting Australian trees, the cost of labor, and the ability to utilize hardwood timbers and bark. This paper compares the use of Australian trees in Australia, India, and South Africa to demonstrate that biology was not the determining factor in the long-term success of many Australian genera and species.  相似文献   

This cultural case study investigates one U.S. psychosocial rehabilitation organization’s (Horizons) attempt to implement the recovery philosophy of the U.S. Recovery Movement and offers lessons from this local attempt that may inform global mental health care reform. Horizons’ “recovery-oriented” initiatives unwittingly mobilized stressful North American discourses of valued citizenship. At times, efforts to “empower” people diagnosed with schizophrenia to become esteemed self-made citizens generated more stressful sociocultural conditions for people whose daily lives were typically remarkably stressful. A recovery-oriented mental health system must account for people diagnosed with schizophrenia’s sensitivity to stress and offer consumers contextually relevant coping mechanisms. Any attempt to export U.S. mental health care practices to the rest of the world must acknowledge that (1) sociocultural conditions affect schizophrenia outcomes; (2) schizophrenia outcomes are already better in the developing world than in the United States; and (3) much of what leads to “better” outcomes in the developing world may rely on the availability of locally relevant techniques to address stress.  相似文献   

The intentional introduction of exotic species can increase the level of local biodiversity, enrich people’s material lives, and bring significant social and economic benefits that are also the symbols of human progress. However, along with the frequent intercourse among countries and regions, the frequency of uncontrolled crossregional migration of species is increased and there is a lack of scientific management strategy for the intentional introduction of exotic species. Exotic species invasion, which is behind habitat fragmentation, has become the second largest threatening factor to the maintenance of the global-scale level of biological diversity. Exotic species invasion can destroy the structure of an ecosystem, disturb the economic life of a society, and do harm to human health. In this paper, the authors review some of the ecological explanations for issues such as “what causes or mechanisms have led to the successful invasion of exotic species”, including the “ideal weeds characteristics”, “biodiversity resistance hypothesis”, “enemies release hypothesis”, “evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis”, “niche opportunity hypothesis”, and “novel weapon hypothesis”. The authors also analyze and evaluate the background and theoretical basis of the hypotheses, providing explanations for some phenomena, as well as the deficiencies of these explanations.  相似文献   

This article examines the critique of the biological species concept advanced by protozoan geneticist Tracy Sonneborn at the 1955 AAAS symposium on “the species problem,” published subsequently in 1957. Although Sonneborn was a strong proponent of a population genetical conception of species, he became critical of the biological species concept for its failure to incorporate asexual and obligatory inbreeding organisms. It is argued that Sonneborn's intimate knowledge of the ciliate protozoan Paramecium aurelia species complex brought him into conflict with a growing pressure in the biological sciences to emphasize universal principles of life. Faced with the need to defend the value of P. aurelia as an investigative tool, Sonneborn argued that the sharp break in nature between sexual and asexual organisms posited by proponents of the biological species concept was not an existential feature of the living world, but rather the misleading consequence of an operational definition of species based only upon sexual organisms. Drawing upon his knowledge of the immense variability of P. aurelia, he proposed instead a continuum of breeding systems from obligatory outbreeding to asexual organisms, and a more broadly unifying definition of species that incorporated asexual as well as sexual organisms. Paradoxically, the push for unification that then characterized the evolutionary synthesis served to debar critical consideration of Sonneborn's more unificatory alternative, and his underlying contention that biological anomaly could serve as an important source of conceptual unification. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Organisms are surrounded by their predators, parasites, hosts, and mutualists, being involved in reciprocal adaptation processes with such “biotic environment”. The concept of “coevolution”, therefore, provides a basis for the comprehensive understanding of evolutionary and ecological dynamics in biological communities and ecosystems. Recent studies have shown that coevolutionary processes are spatially heterogeneous and that traits mediating interspecific interactions can evolve rapidly in natural communities. Here, I discuss factors promoting the geographic differentiation of coevolutionary interactions, the spatial scales of the geographic structuring, and the pace of coevolutionary changes, reviewing findings in the arms race coevolution involving a long-mouthed weevil and its host camellia plant. Evolutionary, ecological, and population genetic studies on the system illuminated that viewpoints from the aspect of “coevolving biosphere” were important for predicting how ongoing anthropogenic change in global environment alter the spatiotemporal dynamics of biological communities.  相似文献   

We summarize the ethnographic literature illustrating that “abnormal birth” circumstances and “ill omens” operate as cues to terminate parental investment. A review of the medical literature provides evidence to support our assertion that ill omens serve as markers of biological conditions that will threaten the survival of infants. Daly and Wilson (1984) tested the prediction that children of demonstrably poor phenotypic quality will be common victims of infanticide. We take this hypothesis one stage further and argue that some children will be poor vehicles for parental investment yet are not of demonstrably poor quality at birth. We conclude that when people dispose of infants due to “superstitious beliefs” they are pursuing an adaptive strategy in eliminating infants who are poor vehicles for parental investment. Catherine Hill lectures in biological anthropology/human sciences at Durham University’s University College, Stockton. She trained in biological anthropology at University College, London. Her current research interests include human and nonhuman primate socioecology and human resource ecology and development issues. Helen Ball lectures in biological anthropology/human sciences at Durham University’s University College, Stockton. She trained in biological anthropology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Her current research interests include nonhuman primate behavior and socioecology, reproductive biology, and evolutionary issues.  相似文献   

It is a popularly held view that Darwin was the first author to draw a phylogenetic tree diagram. However, as is the case with most popular beliefs, this one also does not hold true. Firstly, Darwin never called his diagram of common descent a tree. Secondly, even before Darwin, tree diagrams were used by a variety of philosophical, religious, and secular scholars to depict phenomena such as “logical relationships,” “affiliations,” “genealogical descent,” “affinity,” and “historical relatedness” between the elements portrayed on the tree. Moreover, historically, tree diagrams themselves can be grouped into a larger class of diagrams that were drawn to depict natural and/or divine order in the world. In this paper, we trace the historical roots and cultural meanings of these tree diagrams. It will be demonstrated that tree diagrams as we know them are the outgrowth of ancient philosophical attempts to find the “true order” of the world, and to map the world “as it is” (ontologically), according to its true essence. This philosophical idea would begin a fascinating journey throughout Western European history. It lies at the foundation of the famous “scala naturae,” as well as religious and secular genealogical thinking, especially in regard to divine, familial (kinship), and linguistic pedigrees that were often depicted by tree images. These scala naturae would fuse with genealogical, pedigree thinking, and the trees that were the result of this blend would, from the nineteenth century onward, also include the element of time. The recognition of time would eventually lead to the recognition of evolution as a fact of nature, and subsequently, tree iconographies would come to represent exclusively the evolutionary descent of species.  相似文献   

Several theorists have tried to model anorexia on Wasser and Barash’s (1983) “reproductive suppression model” (RSM). According to the RSM, individual females adaptively suppress their reproductive functioning under conditions of social or physiological stress. From this perspective, mild anorexia is viewed as an adaptive response to modern conditions; more severe anorexia is viewed as an adaptation gone awry. Previous models have not, however, examined the full richness of the RSM. Specifically, Wasser and Barash documented not only self-imposed reproductive suppression, but also manipulative reproductive suppression of subordinate females by dominants. I propose that the modern “epidemic” of anorexia is explained neither by adaptive self-suppression nor by environmental mismatch (an adaptation gone awry); I propose that the “epidemic” levels of anorexia seen in modern western society are a direct consequence of intrasexual competition, the scope of which has been enhanced by the power and reach of modern communications media. According to this perspective, anorexia, even in its mild forms, is a manipulative strategy imposed on subordinates by dominants. Anorexia is, in both senses, a “losing” strategy. Linda Mealey developed the intrasexual manipulation model of anorexia while on a three-year stint in the psychology department of the University of Queensland; she is currently at the College of St. Benedict in central Minnesota, where she is associate professor of psychology. She is President of the International Society for Human Ethology, a councilor of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, on the editorial board of Politics and the Life Sciences, and chair of the 1999 and 2000 Aaron Beck New Investigator Award Committee (sponsored by ASCAP: Across Species Comparisons and Psychiatry).  相似文献   

Data on the species diversity of spiders in the world fauna and in Russia are presented. Advance in the knowledge of the species diversity is discussed. The most productive arachnologists who described over 1000 species are listed, as well as all the Russian specialists who described over 30 species. A brief historical summary of classification of spiders is given. Based on the prevalent methodology, the history of the spider classification can be conventionally subdivided into four partly overlapping periods: “ecological” (1678–1886), morphological (1864–2009), synthetic (since 1967), and cladistic (since 1976).  相似文献   

The recent recommendation that it is preferable to recognize too many rather than too few species in the fossil record has led to a growing proliferation of specific names. Single specimens are being referred to different species by different authors, and new species are being proposed based on the juxtaposition of specimens from different sites and time levels representing different anatomical parts. In part this may represent the continuity of the Medieval assertion that a multitude of species is a better demonstration of the goodness of a divinely created world than a multitude of individuals in a single species. This has apparently accompanied the resurgence of the Medieval faith that species relationship are best demonstrated by the application of hierarchical Aristotelean logic. On the other hand, the suspicion remains that the vanity of the namer is frequently involved in the creation of new nomina. In general, anthropologists do not exhibit the “wide experience” and consequent “sound judgment” that Darwin recommended as necessary for those giving specific names. If the same criteria used to assign specific fossil names were applied to modern Homo sapiens, the different regional human populations would have to be recognized as specifically distinct. In opposition to the recommendation that we should recognize ever more specific names, there should be a moratorium called and no new species names should be proposed at all. The continuation of patterns of trivial trait configurations associated with the various inhabited regions of the world clearly indicates genetic continuity through time but, unless it can be shown that there is no reproductive continuity between one region and another, these differences do not warrant taxonomic recognition. Major adaptive changes such as significant increases in relative brain size do warrant formal named recognition.  相似文献   

The adult feeding behavior of Liriomyza huidobrensis and L. trifolii was studied in beans of the variety “Catarino.” The insects were placed on a bean leaf and its behavior observed and recorded on DVD for a period of 30 min. An ethogram was constructed based on the different behavior parameters that were identified. The time that each species used in each behavior parameter was registered and compared between the two species. When placed in the arena the two species behaved in a similar manner, although some differences were observed. The adaptation of the leafminers species to the “Catarino” bean variety under these experimental conditions and the possibility to use some behavioral parameters as indicators of the preference of these insects in relation to the host plant are discussed.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of the rock catfish Silurus lithophilus (Siluriformes: Siluridae), a species endemic to the Lake Biwa system, was observed from May to July in 1989–1994 along the rocky shore of the lake's outlet, the Seta River. The mating behavior of S. lithophilus involved a certain behavioral sequence: “chasing,”“clinging,” and “enfolding” while “squeezing” by the male; and “circling” by the spawned pair. The mating behavior of this species was basically similar to that of S. biwaensis, but greatly different from that of S. asotus, which spawns in running water (in ditches). The mating behavior of S. lithophilus (and S. biwaensis) might have developed as an adaptation to lentic environments such as the shores of the large river or the lake. Received: October 25, 2000 / Revised: February 25, 2001 / Accepted: March 8, 2001  相似文献   

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