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Tang  Cindy Q.  Ohsawa  Masahiko 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):221-233
Altitudinal distribution of evergreen broad-leaved trees and changes in their leaf sizes were studied on a humid subtropical mountain, Mt. Emei (3099 m a.s.l., 29°34.5 N, 103°21.5 E), Sichuan, China. Among the total woody flora of ca. 540 species, evergreen broad-leaved trees account for 88 species in 39 genera and 23 families, corresponding to the northern limit of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved trees. The number of evergreen broad-leaved tree species greatly decreased from the low-altitudinal, evergreen broad-leaved forest zone (600–1500 m) to the mid-altitudinal, mixed forest zone (1500–2500 m), and to the high-altitudinal, coniferous forest zone (2500–3099 m). The overall trend of reduced leaf size toward upper zones was analyzed and documented in detail. The 88 species were assigned to three leaf-size classes: notophylls (48%), microphylls (36%), and mesophylls (16%). The leaf size was relatively small and the specific leaf weight (SLW, mg cm–2) was much larger in high altitude as compared to low altitude. No overall correlation was found between leaf size and SLW, but leaf size decreased as SLW increased toward high altitude for certain species having relatively wide altitudinal ranges. Moreover, leaf size varied with forest stratification: canopy trees were predominantly notophyllous species, while subcanopy and understorey trees were mainly microphyllous species. The tendency is compatible with the trend found in other mountains of East Asia.  相似文献   

The floristic characteristics, age structure and survival modes of Tertiary-relic deciduous forests were analyzed at 1600 m on Mt. Emei (3099 m), Sichuan, China. Three plots were selected to represent typical topographies: Plot 1 at 1620 m on a scree slope, Plot 2 at 1640 m on a slope with moderately rocky soils, and Plot 3 at 1616 m on a gentle slope with less rocky soils. At Plot 1, on the scree slope, the forest was rich in species and dominated by Tertiary remnants and other deciduous trees (Davidia involucrata, Styrax hemsleyana, Cercidiphyllum japonicum var.sinense, Pterocarya hupehensis, Prunus brachypoda, Prunus padus, Tetracentron sinense andStaphylea holocarpa). The relic deciduous tree taxaDavidia, Cercidiphyllum, Tetracentron andEuptelea occupied the unstable concave slopes, where evergreen broad-leaved trees (Castanopsis platycantha andMachilus pingii) were rarely able to survive. On the relatively stable convex slopes of this plot, evergreen trees with small diameter mainly appeared in the subcanopy and shrub layers.Davidia involucrata was the dominant species in this forest. On the slope with moderately rocky soils (Plot 2), the forest was co-dominated by relicDavidia and other deciduous (Styrax andPterocarya), and evergreen trees (Castanopsis andMachilus). On the gentle slope with less rocky soils (Plot 3),Davidia trees were found only in the subcanopy and shrub layers, and the forest was dominated byMachilus, Castanopsis, Styrax andPrunus trees. Regeneration ofDavidia occurs mainly on the scree slope where landslides are most common. The age structure of theDavidia stands indicates that this species is able to survive on the unstable scree habitat due to its strong sprouting ability. The Tertiary-relic deciduous forest on the scree slope is seen to be a topographic climax forest.  相似文献   

Tang  Cindy Q.  Ohsawa  Masahiko 《Plant Ecology》2002,161(2):215-230
Structure and regeneration of a mid-montane (2200 m a.s.l.)mixed forest codominated by evergreen (Lithocarpuscleistocarpus), deciduous (Acer flabellatum)andconiferous (Tsuga chinensis, Abies fabri, andTaxus chinensis) trees were analyzed in a 40m× 60 m plot on Mt. Emei, Sichuan, China. Plant communitystructure and composition varied depending on topographic micro-habitat withinthe plot. Four topographic communities (topo-communities) were distinguishedwith dominant species corresponding to topography: (1)Abies – valley bank, (2) Acer– lower steep slope, (3) Lithocarpus – uppergentle slope, and (4) Tsuga – ridge. The coexistencemechanisms of the evergreen, deciduous, and coniferous trees were determined byidentifying the regeneration process characteristic of each dominant species,asrepresented by their seedling dispersion patterns and seedling establishmentalong the topographic gradients. The saplings and seedlings of the dominantswere distributed differently according to the topography:Lithocarpus under the canopy of parent trees and in gapsofthe upper gentle slope and ridge, Acer mainly in bothwell-lit and shady sites on the lower steep slope and on fallen logs,Abies on the valley bank but only in well-lit sites,Tsuga on the ridge, Taxus mostly onrock and well-lit sites on the slopes. Distribution of surviving saplings andseedlings was also related to the species of nearby canopy trees. We suggestthat Lithocarpus, Tsuga and Acer tendto be self-replacing in their own topographic habitats, andAbies survives as a fugitive by occupying occasionalsuitable gaps. The variation in soil conditions, particularly nutrients, withtopography affected seedling establishment and the growth of trees. Thesuccessional change of quantitative species composition, as predicted by theMarkovian model, shows the mixed forest to be in a sustained climax stage.  相似文献   

利用福建黄岗山东南坡30个样方和西北坡13个样方的资料,研究该地区乔木物种丰富度的垂直变化;东南坡共记录到乔木物种151种,隶属于42科73属;西北坡102种,隶属于32科54属。两坡面的乔木树种组成相差不大。物种丰富度随海拔的变化趋势是:随海拔升高,科、属、种的数量呈下降的趋势;东南坡科、属、种的数量在海拔800—1000m达到最大值,西北坡在海拔1500—1600m达到最大值。东南坡乔木物种Shannon—Wiener指数(H’)与海拔呈负相关;西北坡在海拔1200—1800m范围内H’高于东南坡;Screnson指数(IAc)在不同植被类型交替时出现上下波动,从常绿阔叶林向针阔混交林转化时,物种更替强烈,Screnson指数明显下降。乔木物种生长特征的分析表明,最大树高(Hmax)和最大胸径(DBHmax)出现在中海拔,在相同海拔范围内西北坡的Hmax和DBHmax高于东南坡;东南坡Hmax和DBHmax的峰值出现在海拔800—900m,西北坡出现在海拔1800m。东南坡立木密度在海拔1500m处达最高值,而西北坡立木密度变化不明显,仅在海拔1900m以上明显下降。将全部乔木种划分为常绿阔叶、针叶和落叶阔叶等三种生活型,分析不同生活型的生长特征发现,常绿阔叶种类的胸高断面积和(total basal area,TBA)在低海拔占比例大;针叶种类沿海拔出现两个峰值,与分布两种不同针叶林种类有关;落叶阔叶林的TBA在各海拔段均占一定比例,但在西北坡的比例要高于东南坡。两坡三种生活型的TBA沿海拔梯度变化特征基本上相似。  相似文献   

Altitudinal variations in temperature and soils were analysed on a humid subtropical mountain, Mt Emei (3,099 m a.s.l., 29°34.5N, 103°21.5E), in Sichuan, China, to see how the vegetation varies with the environmental factors. As a principal finding, the coldest mean monthly temperature –1°C, rather than the warmth index of 85°C·months, emerged as the primary factor that delimited the evergreen broadleaved forest. With regard to soils, properties such as organic C, total N, available P, exchangeable K tended to increase with altitude. The highest values in organic C (26.6%), total N (1.34%) and available P (45.39 ppm) were recorded in surface soils of the mixed forest (2,210 m a.s.l.) including all three tree life forms, i.e. evergreen/deciduous broadleaved and coniferous trees. The high pH and contents of exchangeable Ca and Mg in the surface soils derived from the parent material, limestone and dolomite, between 900 and 1,200 m, where several Tertiary tree species existed. The C/N ratios of surface soils in the coniferous forests (2,500–3,099 m) were higher than those of the evergreen broadleaved forests (600–1,500 m) and the mixed forests (1,500–2,500 m).  相似文献   

The upper montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yunnan occurs mainly in the zone of persistent cloud and has a discontinuous, island-like, distribution. It is diverse, rich in endemic species, and likely to be sensitive to climate change. Six 1-ha sampling plots were established across the main distribution area of the upper montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yunnan. All trees with d.b.h. > 1 cm in each plot were identified. Patterns of seed plant distributions were quantified at the specific, generic and family levels. The forests are dominated by the families Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Theaceae and Magnoliaceae, but are very diverse with only a few species shared between sites. Floristic similarities at the family and generic level were high, but they were low at the specific level, with species complementarity between plots. Diversity varied greatly among sites, with greater species richness and more rare species in western Yunnan than central Yunnan. The flora is dominated by tropical biogeographical elements, mainly the pantropic and the tropical Asian distributions at the family and genus levels. In contrast, at the species level, the flora is dominated by the southwest or the southeast China distributions, including Yunnan endemics. This suggests that the flora of the upper montane forest in Yunnan could have a tropical floristic origin, and has adapted to cooler temperatures with the uplift of the Himalayas. Due to great sensitivity to climate, high endemism and species complementarity, as well as the discontinuous, island-like, distribution patterns of the upper montane forest in Yunnan, the regional conservation of the forest is especially needed.  相似文献   

Variations of tree species composition and community structure and their relationship with environmental variables are described for five sites of the Atlantic rain forest in Picinguaba, southeastern Brazil, distributed along an elevation gradient sampled by plots located at the altitudes of 2, 100, 300, 600 and 1000 m a.s.l. Sampled trees with DBH ≥ 5 cm were identified to species level and their diameter and height were measured. Environmental variables obtained for each plot included 11 topsoil variables and altitude. The residuals of all linear models were tested for spatial structure and multivariate analyses were performed to seek for relationships between the overall species’ abundances and selected environmental variables. Although both forest physiognomy and species’ abundances did change with altitude, this was clearly sharp only from the coastal plain (2 m) to 100 m, and from 600 m to the summit (1000 m). The three mid-slope sites (100, 300 and 600 m) were rather undifferentiated, though they were richer in species and had taller canopy trees. The altitude and the edaphic variables silt, clay, pH and total exchangeable bases (TEB) presented significant correlations with the variations in species’ abundances, while only pH and TEB were significantly correlated with species richness. The present study demonstrates for the first time that the composition and structure of Atlantic Forest can change accompanying the soil and altitude variations over short distances.  相似文献   

神农架不同海拔典型森林凋落物的分解特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用凋落物分解袋法,研究了神农架不同海拔3种典型森林凋落物的分解动态.结果表明: 依据分解速率,常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林和落叶阔叶林3种典型森林凋落物的分解过程明显分为两个阶段,前期(0~360 d)凋落物的质量损失率为后期(361~720 d)的2.62~4.08倍,前期的分解速率分别为后期的2.71、1.72和2.69倍.凋落物分解95%所需的时间分别为3.84、4.54和4.16 a.分解后期凋落物的分解速率与C/N及N、半纤维素、纤维素、木质素含量均呈显著相关关系.

张玲  方精云 《生物多样性》2004,12(1):123-130
本文通过野外植被调查和室内试验,采用物理方法从1220份土样中挑选种子,进行分类统计,研究了秦岭太白山南坡土壤种子库物种组成与优势成分的垂直格局。主要研究结果有:(1)从种子数量上看,在不同的海拔段,优势科不同;从物种数来看,海拔1600m和海拔2600m处的优势科数相对较多,有4个科;蔷薇科是种数最多的优势科。(2)桦木科的糙皮桦(Betula utilis)在16个海拔样地(海拔样地共有21个)中都是优势成分之一。糙皮桦和巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)的种子储量在中等海拔呈现峰值;较高海拔处,糙皮桦作为优势成分之一所占的比例较大;而在低海拔则相对较小。(3)从种子库中种类组成上来看,草本种类占优势;从各样地土壤种子库的生活型组成并结合优势种类来看,乔木不仅在个体组成上占优势,大部分单优种类也是来自于乔木种类。灌木种类在土壤种子库中无论是种类组成,还是在个体组成上都没有表现出优势。本文为研究太白山南坡植物群落演替动态及其沿海拔梯度的变化提供了基础。  相似文献   

Epiphytic lichen vegetation was studied in 10 sites along an altitude gradient from 750 to 1510 m on NW-facing slopes of Mount Olympos, Greece to assess the main spatial heterogeneity of microhabitats affecting communities and species composition. Community structure along the gradient was studied by using multivariate techniques. The critical factor for spatial heterogeneity seems to be the height at which the lichen community develops on the tree trunks. Changes in the community structure of the epiphytic lichen vegetation were also detected along the altitudinal gradient and the altitude of 1200 m is considered to be an ecotone. A comparative study of epiphytic lichen communities on Mt. Olympos and in the Thessaloniki area revealed species indicators of air pollution.  相似文献   

Community structure and leaf traits are important elements of terrestrial ecosystems. Changes of community structure and leaf traits are of particular use in the study of the influence of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems. Patterns of community structure (including species richness, above- and below-ground biomass) and leaf traits (including leaf mass per area (LMA), nitrogen content both on mass and area bases (N mass and N area), and foliar δ13C) from 19 grassland plots along an altitudinal transect at Hongchiba in Chongqing, China, were analyzed. Species richness along the altitudinal transect had a hump-shaped pattern. Above-ground biomass had a quadratic decrease along the altitudinal gradient whereas below-ground biomass had the opposite pattern. Change of above-ground biomass of various taxonomic groups with altitude was also studied. Poaceae showed strong negative relationships and Asteraceae showed a hump-shaped relationship with increase of altitude. Five common species of the grassland, Trifolium pratense, Geranium wilfordii, Aster tataricus, Leontopodium leontopodioides, and Spiraea prunifolia, were particularly studied for variation of leaf traits along the altitudinal gradient. Averaged for all species, LMA, N area and foliar δ13C had positive correlations with altitude. N mass did not change significantly as altitude increased. LMA and N area showed significant positive relationships with foliar δ13C. The adaptive features of leaf traits among different species were not consistent. The study highlights specific adaptation patterns in relation to altitude for different plant species, provides further insights into adaptive trends of community structure and leaf traits in a specific ecological region filling a gap in the definition of global patterns, and adds to the understanding of how adaptive patterns of plants may respond to global climate change.  相似文献   

为了弄清四川天全县红灵山亚热带常绿阔叶林的群落类型及结构特征,在红灵山中山地段(海拔1700~2000 m)设置6个20 m×30 m的代表性样地,采用典型群落调查法,对其物种组成、群落结构、生物量和自然更新能力等进行研究。结果显示:(1)样地内调查到182个物种,属72科117属,显示出典型亚热带常绿阔叶林的植物区系组成特征;(2)以扁刺栲群系为主,可分为3个群丛组、5个群丛;(3)乔木层密度为2583~5383株/hm2,生物量为2.42×105~4.26×105 kg/hm2,冠层藤本植物地上生物量为1.01×103 kg/hm2,死木质残体生物量为1.65×105 kg/hm2,次生性特征明显;(4)幼苗丰富,其种类组成与乔木层的相似度为88.89%,说明其自然更新良好,群落结构正渐趋稳定。综合分析表明,红灵山的常绿阔叶林以扁刺栲群系为主,虽次生性明显,但目前保存较为完好,值得进一步强化生态保育。  相似文献   

Patterns of plant diversity along the altitudinal gradient of Tianshan in central Xinjiang, China were examined. Plant and environment characteristics were surveyed from higher, south of Bogeda peak, to lower, north of Guerbantonggute desert. There were a total of 341 vascular plant, 295 herbage, 41 shrub, and seven tree species in the sampled plots. The plant richness of vegetation types generally showed a unimodal pattern along altitude, with a bimodal change of plant species number at 100-m intervals of altitudinal samples. The two belts of higher plant richness were in transient areas between vegetation types, the first in areas from dry grass to forest, and the second from forest to sub-alpine grass and bush. The beta diversity varied with altitudinal changes, with herbaceous species accounting for most species, and thus had similar species turnover patterns to total species. Matching the change of richness of plant species to environmental factors along altitude and correlating these by redundancy analysis revealed that the environmental factors controlling species richness and its pattern were the combined effects of temperature, precipitation, soil water, and nutrition. Water was more important at low altitude, and temperature at high altitude, and soil chemical and physical characters at middle altitudes. This study provides insights into plant diversity conservation of Bogeda Natural Reserve Areas in Tianshan Mountain. Nomenclatures: the scientific name for plants follows Flora of China (Compiling Committee of Flora of China).  相似文献   

刘蕾  申国珍  陈芳清  罗璐  谢宗强  喻杰 《生态学报》2012,32(7):2142-2149
研究神农架地区典型森林凋落物现存量及其养分动态对认识我国北亚热带森林生态系统养分循环过程及森林碳循环的机理具有重要的参考价值。通过对神农架海拔梯度上4种典型森林常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林及亚高山针叶林凋落物年凋落量及其养分归还量的研究,发现:森林凋落物量随海拔增加呈现先上升后降低的趋势,由低海拔到高海拔,凋落物年凋落量分别为6807.97、7118.14、6975.2和4250.67 kg/hm2。各森林类型凋落物量年变化呈双峰型,高峰期出现在4-5月份、11月份。凋落物养分归还以N 最高(132.06、162.29、157.12和185.77 kg/hm2),以P最少(4.62、4.39、8.24和4.15 kg/hm2),养分归还总量随海拔高度增加而减少。  相似文献   

Liu  Qi-Jing 《Plant Ecology》1997,132(1):97-105
The composition and structure of the subalpine coniferous forest communities on Changbai mountain, China, were studied. Two mixed-conifer forest types, indicated by different combinations of Picea jezoensis var. komarovii, Picea koraiensis, Abies nephrolepis, Pinus koraiensis, and one type dominated by Larix olgensis and Abies nephrolepis were sampled. The number of woody species become less towards the higher elevation, while the herb layer was richer in the upper part due to the lower crown density. The Larix-dominated stand was established in a large gap presented as a building phase, and its composition and structure were simpler than the other two types. The dynamics of the forest zone, which had a mosaic structure consisting of Picea- and Larix-dominated patches, is characterized by patches transforming from one to another. This mosaic structure, with patch interchanging, is defined as the climax of the forest zone. Larix played an important role in sustaining the coniferous forest communities as a gap revegetator and a conditioner for the regeneration of Picea and Abies. Windfall was considered to be a frequent disturbance factor which caused the vegetation to become more heterogeneous and offered opportunities for Larix to establish.  相似文献   

Mt. Teide (Tenerife, Spain) is a high volcanic island mountain with an unusually low tree line elevation (2000–2100 m). While searching for the causes of this tree line depression, we analysed the concentrations of total N, available P, and salt-exchangeable Ca, K and Mg in three soil horizons, and the foliar N, P, Ca, K and Mg concentrations in six abundant plant species (trees, shrubs, forbs) along a transect from 1400 (1600) to 3100 m a.s.l. The objective of the study was to detect altitudinal trends in soil and plant nutrient status below and above the tree line. For characterising elevational changes in microclimate and hydrology, we also conducted measurements of air and soil temperatures (Ta and Ts), atmospheric water vapour saturation deficit (D), potential evaporation (E) and soil moisture (θ) on 3–4 occasions along the transect.Ta and Ts did not linearly decrease with elevation but were highest at or immediately below the tree line and were relatively low in the closed Pinus canariensis forest at 1600 m. Ts reached maxima at about 70 °C near the tree line. The absence of a linear temperature decrease with elevation was caused by a stable temperature inversion at about 2000 m and by canopy shading in the forest canopy below the tree line. In June, the topsoil (10 cm) dried out almost completely between 1800 and 3100 m, but remained moist in the pine forest at 1600 m. This gradient reflects the transition from the montane cloud belt to the dry alpine belt higher upslope. The subsoil (30 cm) contained >30 vol% of soil water at all elevations even in June except for the uppermost site (3100 m). Potential evaporation increased with elevation despite a decrease in D. We assume that this is mainly due to the air pressure-dependent increase with elevation in the diffusion coefficient for water vapour in air.The concentrations of N and ‘available’ P (after Olsen) in the mineral topsoil were by far smaller than in alpine soils of other humid mountains which is thought to be a consequence of a very dry and biologically inactive topsoil in the semi-arid alpine belt of Mt. Teide. In contrast to many other mountains, foliar N, P and cation concentrations in the plants did not increase with elevation but either remained unchanged, or decreased as in the tree line species P. canariensis. Nevertheless, P. canariensis probably is not limited by nutrient deficiency at the tree line despite rather low N and P needle concentrations. Rather, drought and heat stress effects on seedling establishment are thought to be the causes of the tree line depression.  相似文献   

During the period fromlate May through December 1981, tree-dwelling beetles were regularly surveyed at three deciduous oak and two evergreen forests in the vicinity of Gifu City. Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae were abundant in these forests. The species diversity and the seasonal succession of species were most apparent in May and June. The three deciduous oak forests, with many species and high equitability, showed more diverse community structure, but fewer individuals, when compared with the two evergreen forests. Furthermore, the species compositions of the deciduous oak forests were seasonally and spatially more heterogeneous than those of the evergreen forests. A few dominant species, however, had a strong influence on the community structure. The relationship between the diversity index and sample size was examined. The diversity index changed with the sample size, and the range of the variation diminished as the sample size increased. However, equilibrium was not reached even in the largest sample size used in this study (20 samples). There was a significantly high correlation (P<0.001) in diversity index between the smaller sample sizes (5, 10, 15) and the largest. It was, therefore, shown that community structures can be compared on the basis of the diversity indices from samples of constant size, even when the samples are small. Contribution No. 108 from Lab. Ent., Fac. Agr., Gifu Univ.  相似文献   

Species replacements along freshwater permanence gradients are well documented, but underlying mechanisms are poorly understood for most taxa. In subalpine wetlands in Colorado, the relative abundance of caddisfly larvae shifts from temporary to permanent basins. Predators on caddisflies also shift along this gradient; salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum) in permanent ponds are replaced by predaceous diving beetles (Dytiscus dauricus) in temporary habitats. We conducted laboratory and field experiments to determine the effectiveness of caddisfly cases in reducing vulnerability to these predators. We found that larvae of a temporary-habitat caddisfly (Asynarchus nigriculus) were the most vulnerable to salamanders. Two relatively invulnerable species (Limnephilus externus, L. picturatus) exhibited behaviors that reduced the likelihood of detection and attack, whereas the least vulnerable species (Agrypnia deflata) was frequently detected and attacked, but rarely captured because cases provided an effective refuge. Vulnerability to beetle predation was also affected by cases. The stout cases of L. externus larvae frequently deterred beetle larvae, whereas the tubular cases of the other species were relatively ineffective. Two of these vulnerable species (A. nigriculus and L. picturatus) often co-occur with beetles; thus, case construction alone is insufficient to explain patterns of caddisfly coexistence along the permanence gradient. One explanation for the coexistence of these two species with beetles is that they develop rapidly during early summer and pupate before beetle larvae become abundant. One species (L. picturatus) pupates by burying into soft substrates that serve as a refuge. The other (A. nigriculus) builds stone pupal cases, which in field experiments, more than doubles survival compared to organic pupal cases. The combined results of these experiments suggest that caddisfly distributions along permanence gradients depend on a suite of primary and secondary predator defenses that include larval and pupal case structure, predator-specific escape behaviors, and the phenology of larval development.  相似文献   

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