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Utility of HBME-1 immunostaining in serous effusions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Utility of HBME-1 immunostaining in serous effusions
HBME-1 is an anti-mesothelial cell monoclonal antibody derived from human mesothelioma cells. We investigated 227 body cavity effusions to test its utility in differentiating mesothelioma from adenocarcinoma. HBME-1 outlined cell membranes in non-neoplastic mesothelial cells. Thick surface staining was observed on all mesotheliomas. HBME-1 reactivity was also detected in 24% of metastatic carcinomatous effusions. Most ovarian carcinomas (83%) reacted with this antibody, showing surface staining. Cytoplasmic HBME-1 immunoreactivity was observed in a small proportion of non-ovarian adenocarcinomas (14%). Despite its limited specificity, HBME-1 might be added to the battery of other markers of epithelial and/or mesothelial differentiation to be used in cases of suspected mesothelioma. Evaluation of suspicious cells should include careful study of the pattern of immunostaining.  相似文献   

In order to assess the value of immunocytochemical staining as a method of discriminating between benign reactive mesothelial cells and malignant epithelial cells in serous effusions, we have studied the reactions of a panel of commercially available antibodies on cells harvested from 83 pleural and peritoneal fluids and compared the results with the clinical and cytological diagnoses. The antibodies used were raised against cytokeratin (PKK1), epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), carcino-embryonic antigen (CEA), pregnancy specific B1-glycoprotein (SP1) and leucocyte common antigen (LCA). Anti-CEA was positive in 16 of 39 effusions (41%) containing carcinoma cells. Pregnancy specific B1-glycoprotein (SP1) was positive in 33% of the same samples. Mesothelial cells did not stain with these antibodies. Thus anti-CEA and SP1 can be used to discriminate between benign mesothelial and malignant epithelial cells in effusions. Anti-PKK1 stained both benign reactive mesothelial cells and malignant epithelial cells and cannot be used to discriminate between these two cell types. Strong positive staining of malignant cells was noted with anti-EMA. However, as occasional weak staining of mesothelial cells was also noted, strong staining with this antibody may be regarded as suspicious but not conclusive of malignancy.  相似文献   

High molecular weight mucins were isolated and purified from human middle ear effusions of children with Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) classified into three groups, (1) thick and (2) thin from anatomically normal children and (3) effusions from cleft palate patients. Amino acid analyses of the purified mucins from the three pools were similar but not identical with characteristic contents of serine threonine and proline (32%, 28%, and 38% for pools (1) (2) and (3) respectively). Proteinase resistant glycopeptide fragments corresponding to the tandem repeat domains of cloned mucin genes showed marked differences both between the three mucin pools and with the composition of the tandem repeat sequences of the cloned mucin genes expressed in the airways. Studies on the antigenic identity of middle ear mucins found an epitope likely to be present on MUC5AC, but only accounting for a maximum of 15% by weight and no reactivity was found with antibodies to MUC2 or MUC1. A polyclonal antibody raised to thick effusion mucins reacted strongly with human salivary mucin suggesting the presence of MUC5B epitopes. These studies suggest that more than one mucin gene product is secreted by the human middle ear mucosa and that there may be further mucin genes expressed by the middle ear that have yet to be cloned.  相似文献   

In chronic inflammatory airway diseases, mucins display disease-related alterations in quantity, composition and glycosylation. This opens the possibility to diagnose and monitor inflammatory airway disorders and their exacerbation based on mucin properties. For such an approach to be reasonably versatile and diagnostically meaningful, the mucin of interest must be captured in a reliable, patient-independent way. To identify appropriate mucin-specific reagents, we tested anti-mucin antibodies on mucin-content-standardized, human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples in immunoblot assays. All commercially available monoclonal antibodies against the major airway mucin MUC5AC were screened, except for those with known specificity for carbohydrates, as glycosylation patterns are not mucin-specific. Our results indicated considerable inter-patient and inter-antibody variability in mucin recognition for all antibodies and samples tested. The best results in terms of signal strength and reproducibility were obtained with antibodies Mg-31, O.N.457 and 45M1. Additional epitope mapping experiments revealed that only one of the antibodies with superior binding to MUC5AC recognized linear peptide epitopes on the protein backbone.  相似文献   

Summary Swine tracheal epithelium has been cultured as explants in a chemically defined medium for periods of up to 2 wk. The viability of the explants was shown by the preservation of the ultrastructural features of cells in the epithelial layer and by the active incorporation of radioactive glucosamine and sulfate into secreted mucin glycoproteins. The rate of secretion of mucin glycoprotein was about 0.035 mg per cm2 per d. After initial 24 h lag period was shown to be due to the equilibration of intracellular mucin glycoprotein pools with radioactive precursors. The rate of secretion of glycoprotein showed a linear dependence on the area of the explant, and maximal incorporation was observed at 200 μM glucosamine. A higher concentration of35SO4, 1000 μM, was required for maximal incorporation of the precursor. Insulin at 0.1 to 1 μg/ml increased the rate of secretion twofold, whereas 0.1 to 100 μg/ml of hydrocortisone and 0.1 to 100 μg/ml of epinephrine significantly decreased the rate of secretion. Vitamin A had little or no effect of normal trachea explants at low concentrations, and, at higher concentrations, 10−5 M, it decreased the secretion of mucin glycoproteins. Vitamin A, at a concentration of 10−9 M, increased the rate of synthesis of glycoprotein at least fourfold in trachea explants from vitamin A-deficient rats. Mucus secretions collected from the surface of swine trachea and from the culture medium of trachea explants were purified. The mucus was solubilized by reduction and carboxymethylation, and the high molecular weight mucin glycoproteins were purified by chromatography on Sepharose CL-6B columns under dissociating conditions in 2M guanidine HCl. The mucin glycoproteins purified from swine trachea and from the culture medium of trachea explants were virtually indistingushable. They showed the same properties when examined by gel electrophoresis and immunoprecipitation. The purified glycoproteins contained about 25% protein, and serine, threonine, and proline were the principal amino acids present. More than 80% of the carbohydride chains in both samples were released by treatment with alkaline borohydride. Nearly the same molar ratio ofN-acetylgalactosamine,N-acetylglucosamine, galactose, fucose, sulfate, and sialic acid was found in both preparations. This investigation was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grants HL 20868, HL 24688, and HL 24718 from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD, and AM 28187 from the National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the value of calretinin and cytokeratin (CK) 5/6 in discriminating mesothelioma from adenocarcinoma in serous effusion specimens. Methods: A total of 101 recent, histologically or clinically confirmed malignant effusions with immunostained cell block preparations were reviewed. The cases consisted of 34 mesotheliomas and 67 adenocarcinomas. This included 17 ascitic fluid and 84 pleural fluid samples. The adenocarcinomas included metastatic carcinomas from the breast (12), lung (19), stomach (3), colon (1), pancreas (2), ovary (6) endometrium (1) and 23 histologically confirmed metastases from unknown primary sites. The cases were assessed as negative or positive (>5% of cells stained). The staining pattern was recorded as cytoplasmic, cell membrane, nuclear or cytoplasmic and nuclear staining. Results: Calretinin staining was present in 97% (33/34) of the mesothelioma cases with a majority of them showing both cytoplasmic and nuclear staining (29/33). Only 3% (2/67) of adenocarcinomas were positive for calretinin, one being a lung adenocarcinoma and the other an adenocarcinoma of unknown primary site in an ascitic fluid. Cytokeratin 5/6 staining was also present in 33/34 (97%) of mesothelioma cases. Six (9%) adenocarcinomas were positive, including metastases from the lung (1), breast (1), ovary (2) and unknown primary site (2). Four of the six adenocarcinoma cases positive for CK5/6 were in ascitic fluids. No cases of mesothelioma were negative for both calretinin and CK5/6. Only one adenocarcinoma case, (which was from unknown primary site in an ascitic fluid sample), was positive for both markers. Conclusions: The results confirm that calretinin and CK 5/6 are useful markers for mesothelioma in effusion specimens. CK5/6 staining may be less useful for peritoneal fluid specimens where metastatic adenocarcinomas may be more likely to express the antigen. Further study of ascitic/peritoneal specimens is warranted. However, positive staining, particularly for both antigens, is highly indicative of a mesothelial origin for cells. The two markers make a useful addition to EMA and the panel of adenocarcinoma markers routinely applied to effusion specimens.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical diagnosis of lymphoma in serous effusions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An immunoalkaline phosphatase technique was used to examine the lymphoid cells in serous effusions from five patients with malignant lymphoma. The results were interpreted along with the morphologic studies and retrospective assessments of the clinical conditions of the patients. Two patients had no involvement of the serous cavities, and two had proven involvement. The fifth patient was studied while his lymphoma was evolving from inapparent to disseminated disease. In the two patients without involvement of the serous cavities, the effusion lymphocytes were predominantly monoclonal T cells, comparable to those in six patients with diseases other than lymphoma. In those with involvement of the serous cavities, the effusion lymphocytes were predominantly monoclonal B cells. In the patient with lymphoma in evolution, immunocytochemical studies accurately reflected the progression of disease. We conclude that immunocytochemical studies of the lymphocytes in serous effusions help not only to differentiate reactive from neoplastic lymphoproliferation but also to assess the status of lymphomatous involvement of the serous cavities. The immunocytochemical studies are most effective when correlated with clinical and cytologic studies.  相似文献   

The MUC1 mucin is an important tumor-associated antigen that shows extensive glycosylation in vivo. The O-glycosylation of this molecule, which has been well characterized in many cell types and tissues, is important in conferring the unusual biochemical and biophysical properties on a mucin. N-Glycosylation is crucial to the folding, sorting, membrane trafficking, and secretion of many proteins. Here, we evaluated the N-glycosylation of MUC1 derived from two sources: endogenous MUC1 isolated from human milk and a recombinant epitope-tagged MUC1F overexpressed in Caco2 colon carcinoma cells. N-Glycans on purified MUC1F/MUC1 were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and CAD-ESI-MS/MS. The spectra indicate that MUC1F N-glycans have compositions consistent with high-mannose structures (Hex(5-9)HexNAc(2)) and complex/hybrid-type glycans (NeuAc(0-3)Fuc(0-3)Hex(3-8)HexNAc(3-7)). Many of the N-glycan structures are identical on MUC1F and native MUC1; however, a marked difference is seen between the N-glycans on membrane-bound and secreted forms of the native molecule.  相似文献   

Human respiratory mucin glycoproteins from patients with cystic fibrosis were purified and oligosaccharide chains were released by treatment with alkaline borohydride. A neutral oligosaccharide alditol fraction was isolated from mucin obtained from a patient with A blood group determinant by chromatography on DEAF-cellulose and individual oligosaccharide chains were then isolated by gel filtration on BioGel P-6 columns and high performance liquid chromatography with gradient and isocratic solvent systems. The structures of the purified oligosaccharides were determined by methylation analysis, sequential glycosidase digestion and H-NMR spectroscopy. The amount of each chain was determined by compositional analysis. A wide array of discrete branched oligosaccharide structures that contain from 3 to 22 sugar residues were found. Many of the oligosaccharides are related and appear to be precursors of larger chains. The predominant branched oligosaccharides which accumulate contain terminal blood group H (Fuc2Ga14) or blood group A (Fuc2(Ga1NAc3) (Ga14) determinants which stop further branching and chain elongation. The elongation of oligosaccharide chains in respiratory mucins occurs on the 3-linked G1cNAc at branch points, whereas the 6-linked GlcNAc residue ultimately forms short side chains with a Fuc2 (Ga1NAc3) Gal4 G1cNAc6 structure in individuals with A blood group determinant.The results obtained in the current studies further suggest that even higher molecular weight oligosaccharide chains with analogous branched structures are present in some human respiratory mucin glycoproteins. Increasing numbers of the repeating sequence shown in the oligosaccharide below is present in the higher molecular weight chains. {ie75-1} This data in conjunction with our earlier observations on the extensive branching of these oligosaccharide chains helps to define and explain the enormous range of oligosaccharide structures found in human and swine respiratory mucin glycoproteins. Comparison of the relative concentrations of each oligosaccharide chain suggest that these oligosaccharides represent variations of a common branched core structure which may be terminated by the addition of a2-linked fucose to the 3/4 linked galactose residue at each branch point. These chains accumulate and are found in the highest concentrations in these respiratory mucins.  相似文献   

The structures of high molecular weight sulfated oligosaccharide chains in mucins purified from the sputum of a patient with cystic fibrosis and blood group H determinant were established. Reduced oligosaccharides released by treatment with alkaline borohydride were separated by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-Agarose and a fraction containing multisulfated chains was further purified by lectin affinity chromatography to completely remove small amounts of sialylated chains. A major sulfated oligosaccharide fraction containing chains with an average of 160 to 200 sugar residues was isolated by gel filtration on BioGel P-10 columns and individual subfractions were characterized by methylation analysis, periodate oxidation and sequential glycosidase digestion before and after desulfation. Carbohydrate analysis yielded Fuc, Gal and GldNAc in a ratio of 1:2:2.1 and only one galactosaminitol residue for every 160-to 200 sugar residues. The average molecular weight of oligosaccharide chains in these fractions was between 27,000 and 40,000 daltons. Structural analysis showed that these high molecular weight chains contained varying amounts of the repeating unit shown in the following oligosaccharide. Only one in about every 10 repeating units contained sulfate esters.Several shorter chains which contain 2 to 3 sulfate esters were also isolated from this multisulfated oligosaccharide fraction. The structures proposed for these oligosaccharides indicate that they are lower molecular weight chains with the same general structure as those found in the high molecular weight sulfated oligosaccharides. Taken collectively, the results of these studies show that a major sulfated oligosaccharide fraction in resporatory mucin purified from the mucus of patients with cystic fibrosis contains high molecular weight branched chains that consist of a repeating oligosaccharide sequence with sulfate linked to the 6 positions of galactose and possibly GlcNAc residues in the side chains.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To cytologically evaluate a large series of serous effusions associated with malignant lymphoma (ML), identify the immunoreaction patterns of the cells from selected positive cases and to investigate the correlation of cytomorphology with tissue section diagnosis. STUDY DESIGN: From 1966 to 1990, a review of the files of the Department of Anatomic Pathology, A. C. Camargo Hospital, disclosed 4,297 cases of serous effusions, 256 of which were associated with ML. Cytopathologically positive cases were selected for immunocytochemical study. All paraffin sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin were reviewed to confirm the malignancy of the cases. Immunostaining was performed on both cytocentrifuge slides previously stained with Papanicolaou stain and new sections of the biopsy samples using the immunoperoxidase method and avidin-biotin complex with monoclonal mouse antihuman B-cell marker L-26 and monoclonal (mouse) antihuman T-cell marker UCHL-1. RESULTS: Immunocytochemical reactions were performed in 54 cases: 22 were pan-B positive and 10 pan-T positive; 24 cases showed no reactivity for either monoclonal antibody. Immunohistochemical reactions were performed in 24 available cases: 15 were pan-B positive and pan-T positive; 3 cases showed no reactivity for either monoclonal antibody. Cytohistoimmunoreactions were similar in 11 pan-B positive cases and 2 pan-T positive cases. Three cases were negative for both markers, 4 cases were pan-T positive in tissue samples and negative in cytocentrifuge smears, 3 cases were pan-B positive in tissue and negative on cytology and 3 cases were negative for both markers in both tissue and cytologic specimens. CONCLUSION: Cytology is an effective method of evaluating serous effusions associated with malignant lymphoma: no false positive diagnosis was observed in this series. Immunophenotyping of lymphoid cells is useful to classify and confirm the cytologic diagnosis.  相似文献   

Objective:  To assess the diagnostic value of clot examination for satisfactory processing and confirmation of malignancy in serous effusions in routine cytological evaluation and compare the results with those of conventional smear and cell block preparations.
Methodology:  Body cavity fluids ( n  = 600) received in our laboratory were processed according to a pre-designed protocol for the study as follows: Day1: on receipt of the specimen, smears were made and a cell block was prepared from the sediment. Day2: after overnight sample storage of the remaining specimen at 2–8 °C all fluids were examined for the presence of a clot at the bottom of the container. Fluids in which clot had formed were fixed in formalin. The clot was then placed on a lens paper, wrapped and processed routinely. Diagnostic yields were compared.
Results:  In this study, we included 600 cases of serous fluids from pleural, pericardial and peritoneal effusions. In 73% ( n  = 437) of samples, clot formation was seen, while in 27%, ( n  = 163) no clot had formed. Routine smear and cell block preparations showed malignant cells in 9.6% ( n  = 42). However, with the addition of the clot preparation, the number of cases in which atypical/malignant cells were seen increased from 42 to 85 (19.4%), with a P  < 0.001. Special stains and immunohistochemistry (IHC) were also performed on clot preparations in 10 difficult cases.
Conclusion:  Clot preparation from body cavity fluids on the second day can be used as an adjunct to smear and routine cell block preparation to improve the accuracy and yield of the cytological diagnosis and may also be of great help for special studies such as IHC staining.  相似文献   

The mucin found in the nodal region of the weed, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), is a heteropolysaccharide composed of d-xylose, l-galactose and l-arabinose in the mol ratio of 1.3:1.2:1.0. Partial hydrolysis with acid gave four oligosaccharides which were characterized as: d-Xylp-(1 → 3)-l-Ara, l-Galp-(1 -→ 2)-l-Ara, d-Xylp-(1 → 3)-l-Galp-(1 → 2)-l-Ara, and d-Xylp-(1 → 2)-d-Xylp-(1 → 3)-l-Galp-(1 → 2)-l-Ara. These, together with the results of methylation analysis using GC and GC/MS and periodate oxidation, indicated that the trisaccharide repeating unit, → 4)-d-Xylp-(1 → 3)-l-Galp-(1 → 2)-l-Araf-(1 →, constitutes the backbone of the polysaccharide. Further, all the d-xylopyranosyl residues of the backbone are substituted at O-2 and, in addition, one out of seven such residues is also substituted at O-3; the substituents being l-Araf-(1 →, d-Xylp-(1 →, l-Galp-(1 →, d-Xylp-(1 → 3)-l-Araf-(1 →, residues.  相似文献   

The mucus layer covering the gut epithelium is pivotal to host defence and is affected by various dietary components. Part of the reported beneficial effect of dietary immunoglobulins (Igs) on gut health may be due to effects on the gut mucus layer. The aim was to determine whether orally administered ovine serum Ig influence goblet cell count, mucin gene expression and digesta mucin protein content in the gut of the growing rat. Fourteen Sprague-Dawley male growing rats were used in a 21-day study and were fed either a casein-based control diet (CON; no Ig) or a similar diet but containing freeze-dried ovine Ig (FDOI). Daily food intake and growth rate were not affected by the dietary treatments. When compared to the rats consuming CON diet, those consuming the FDOI diet had significantly (P < 0.05) more intact and cavitated goblet cells in the intestinal villi. A similar result was found for crypt goblet cells in the small intestine and colon. Ileal Muc2, Muc3, Muc4 and stomach Muc5Ac mRNA expressions for the FDOI animals were higher (P < 0.05) compared to the the CON animals. Mucin protein content was higher (P < 0.05) in the stomach, ileum and colonic digesta of rats fed the FDOI diet. In conclusion, orally administered FDOI influenced gut mucins in the growing rat as evidenced by increased mucin gene expression and digesta mucin protein concentrations as well as an increased goblet cell count.  相似文献   

Invasion of epithelial cells by Shigella is an early step in their pathogenesis. Adherence is generally presumed to be a prerequisite for invasion. This study examined the possibility of intestinal mucins serving as initial binding sites for clinical isolates of S. boydii and S. sonnei. The interactions of Shigella with rat and human small intestinal and colonic mucin were investigated. In solid phase binding assays, [35S] labelled Shigella did not show any preferential binding to rat/human small intestinal mucin or to rat colonic mucin. On the other hand, Shigella bound specifically to human colonic mucin in a concentration-dependent manner. This specific binding to human colonic mucin was not by weak hydrophobic interactions and could not be attributed to the presence of contaminating glycolipids in the mucin preparation. The human colonic mucin receptor was sensitive to periodate treatment suggesting the involvement of the carbohydrate portion of the mucin. Reduction and alkylation of mucin enhanced adherence probably by exposing buried binding sites. The monosaccharides present in mucins were ineffective as hapten inhibitors as was the lectin wheat germ agglutinin suggesting that the mucin receptor is a more complex one. This study identifies, for the first time, the presence of a specific Shigella-binding site on the carbohydrate portion of human colonic mucin, which is not present in rat colonic mucin or in rat/human small intestinal mucin.  相似文献   

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