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侧沟茧蜂属二新种记述(膜翅目,茧蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了采自福建武夷山、浙江(龙王山、百山祖)、湖北神农架、山东崂山和黑龙江镜泊湖等地的侧沟茧蜂属Microplitis Foerster 2新种。两色侧沟茧蜂Microplitis bicol-oratus sp.nov.(♀)和长径侧沟茧蜂Microplitis longiradiusis sp.nov.(♀)。两色侧沟茧蜂Microplitis bicoloratus与M.obscuripennis Xu and He相似,但以下特征与之区别:1)前后单眼间距与单眼直径等长(后者小于单眼直径);2)中胸盾片具一宽而深的中纵沟,且内具小脊(后者无中纵沟);3)后翅后小脉直(后者明显弯向翅基);4)翅半透明,淡烟褐色,前翅翅痣下方具一暗色斑(后者翅不透明,一致暗烟褐色);5)后足胫节中部具1黄白色环(后者为一致黑色)。采自福建、浙江、湖北和山东。长径侧沟茧蜂Microplitis longiradiusis与M.marshalli Kokujev相似,但以下特征与之区别:1)后单眼间距与单复眼间距等长(后者短于单复眼间距);2)腹部第2~3背板红黄色(后者黑色);3)后足基节红黄色(后者黑色);4)前翅r脉短于2-SR脉(后者与2-SR脉等长);5)前翅1-R1脉特别短,约与翅痣等长(后者明显长于翅痣长)。采自黑龙江。本文附中国侧沟茧蜂属种类检索表。模式标本均保存在浙江大学植保系寄生蜂标本室。  相似文献   

Abstract The present paper describes two new species of Microgaster Latreille, 1804, viz: M. longiterebra sp. nov. (♂) and M. longicaudatus sp. nov. (♂). M. longiterebra sp. nov. is described from Kunming, Yunnan Prov. in China closely related to M. subcompletus, but differs from the latter in the combination of the following features: 1) APOL as long as OD; 2) Mesonotum strongly punctate on anterior 2/ 3) r shorter than width of stigma; 4) cu‐a of hind wing medially curved; 5) Apex of hypopygium ending far beyond apex of abdomen. M. longicaudatus sp. nov. is described from Tianmushan, Zhejiang Prov. in China closely related to M. ductilis, but differs from the latter in the combination of the following features: 1) middle and hind femora reddish yellow only with apical 1/4 blackish; 2) 1‐SR 0.5 times as long as 1‐M; 3) the hairy part of ovipositor sheath 0.5 times as long as hind tibia; 4) tergite 3 with slightly weaker rugosity. The type specimens are deposited in Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals with six new species of the genus Microterys, collected from Zhejiang, Fujian, Yunnan and Guangdong Provinces. They are M. metaceronemae Xu, sp. n. M. nuticaudatus Xu, sp. n. M. postmarginis Xu, sp. n. M. pseudonietneri Xu, sp. n. M. unicoloris Xu, sp. n. and M. zhaoi Xu, sp. n. The host of these parasitoids are Metaceronema japonica on Camellia oleosa Cerococcus muratae on Magnolia officinalis, Coccus hesperidum on citrus, Ceroplastes japonicus on citrus, Chloropulvinaria aurantii, Laccifer lacca Ceroplastes japonicus and Kerria lacca (Homoptera: Coccidoidea)  相似文献   

Abstract Two new genera and six new species of Palaeontinidae are named and described: Liaocossus hui gen. et sp. nov., L. beipiaoensis gen. et sp. nov., L. exiguus gen. et sp. nov., L. fengningensis gen. et sp. nov., L. pingquanensis gen. et sp. nov., and Miracossus ingentius gen. et sp. nov., The entire body of these new fossils are perfectly preserved and enable us to fix accurately the body characteristics of primitive palaeontinids. All the specimens were collected from Late Jurassic Yixian Formation of Northern Hebei and Western Liaoning Provinces in China.  相似文献   

Abstract  Two new species of Tetracneminae, Encyrtidae, collected from Heilongjiang, Liaoning, and Yunnan, China are described, i.e. Dusmetia latiscapa Xu, sp. nov, and Gyranusoidea yunnanensis Xu, sp. nov. Dusmetia latiscapa Xu, sp. nov differs from Dusmetia cardinalis Hoffer, 1969 in the coloration of the apical forth funicular segment and the fifth-sixth funicular segments of antennae; (2) length of scape; (3) having undeveloped fore wing and (4) the coloration of body. Gyranusoidea yunnanensis Xu, sp. nov. can be distinguished from the Gyranusoidea hecale Noyes et Hayat 1988 by (1) 1 brown match between antennal scrobe and orbit; (2) scape 5.0 times as long as wide, and (3) antennal scape without white ring subapically. Both two genara of Dusmetia Mercet, and Gyranusoidea Compere are recorded for the first time in China. All specimens examined are deposited in Institute of Applied Entomology, Agriculture & Biotechnology College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.  相似文献   

报道了采自辽宁阜新,黑龙江镜泊湖和云南昆明的跳小蜂,即阔柄杜丝跳小蜂,新种Dusmetia latiscapa Xu,sp.nov、云南蚧狼跳小蜂,新种Gyranusoidea yunnanensis Xu,sp.nov.。对新种进行了详细描述。本也是杜丝跳小蜂属Dusmetia Mercet和蚧狼跳小蜂属Gyranusoidea Compere在我国分布的首次记录。阔柄杜丝跳小蜂,新种Dusmetia latiscapa Xu,sp.nov.寄主:粉蚧。分布:黑龙江(镜泊湖),辽宁(阜新)。本种与Dusmetia cardinalis Hoffer,1969相似,有以下几点区别:(1)本种索节第4节端部和第5、6节为白色,后索节3-6节为白色;(2)本种柄节长为宽的2.7倍,后柄节长为宽的5倍;(3)本种前翅完全退化,呈翅芽状,后前翅退化,末端尖;(4)前头胸腹呈现黑褐色,后呈红褐色。云南蚧狼跳小蜂,新种Gyranusoidea yunnanensis Xu,sp.nov.寄主:粉蚧。分布:云南(昆明)。本新种与Gyranusoidea hecale Noyes et Hayat 1988很相似,主要区别是新种:(1)触角窝与复眼之间有1褐色斑,后触角窝与复眼之间有1褐色线相连;(2)触角柄节细长,长为最宽处的5倍,后柄节膨大,长为最宽处的2.5—2.8倍;(3)触角柄节近端无白色环斑,后触角柄节近端有白色环斑。  相似文献   

Abstract Scarabaeoidea are known from the Lower Jurassic and may have originated in the Triassic based on fossil evidence and phylogenetic research. However, the early diversification of Scarabaeoidea remains unclear due to the lack of high‐quality fossil evidence. Here we describe an exceptionally well‐preserved new fossil of Scarabaeoidea, Alloioscarabaeus cheni gen. et sp. nov from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia, China. Based on a morphometric analysis using 17 landmarks of the hind wing of Alloioscarabaeus and 10 scarabaeoid families, we found that Alloioscarabaeus cheni gen. et sp. nov clearly does not belong to any of the known scarabaeoid families and, consequently, is a new family, Alloioscarabaeidae fam. nov., was erected. The discovery of Alloioscarabaeus brought further evidence for the early diversification of major scarab lineages which could allow more detail in the palaeobiogeography of the Scarabaeoidea and Northeast of China which might be one of the originating places or an important radiation place during the evolution of Scarabaeoidea. Alloioscarabaeidae were very likely not good diggers and might have fed on decaying organic materials. Based on the evidence we have now, we tend to believe that most families and some subfamilies of Scarabaeoidea were present in the Jurassic period.  相似文献   

报道采自福建福州、吉林长春的3种跳小蜂,即桔小食甲跳小蜂Cerchysiella citricola Xu,sp.nov.,寄主为日本方头甲Cybocephalis nipponicus Endr.-Younga,初级寄主为柑橘类;扁角尼克跳小蜂Neocladella platicornis Xu,sp.nov.寄主不明和短翅思奇跳小蜂,其触角扁平膨大;短翅思奇跳小蜂Schilleriella brevipterus Xu,sp.nov.寄主为粉蚧,其前翅退化缩短.对新种进行了详细描述.本文也是尼克跳小蜂属Neocladella Girault和思奇跳小蜂属Schilleriella Ghesquiere在我国分布的首次记录.标本保存在浙江大学农业与生物技术学院应用昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Psen Latreille from China are described: Psen yunnanensis Ma et Li, sp. nov., from Yunnan Province; Psen lacuniventris Ma et Li, sp. nov., from Zhejiang and Sichuan Provinces; and Psen spinitibialis Ma et Li, sp. nov., from Zhejiang Province. Two species of the genus Psen are recorded from China for the first time. Modifications to the key to species of the genus Psen, as developed by van Lith in 1968, are presented.  相似文献   

拟爪绵蚜新属及三新种记述 (同翅目:蚜总科:瘿绵蚜科)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文记述了瘿绵蚜科一新属拟爪绵蚜属SiciunguisZhangetQiaogen.nov.和这个属的二个新种,即十绵蚜S.decimaZhangetQiao,sp.nov.,九绵蚜S.novenaZhangetHu,sp.nov.,另外还记述了爪绵蚜属AphidounguisTakahashi,1963一个新种,苹果根爪绵蚜A.pomiradicolaZhangetHu,sp.nov.,模式标本存放在中国科学院动物研究所.拟爪绵蚜新属SiciunguisZhangetQiaogen.nov.模式种:十绵蚜SiciunguisdecimaZhangetQiao,sp.nov.本新属与爪绵蚜属AphidounguisTakahashi,1963和绵蚜属EriosomaLeach,1818有较近的亲缘关系,不同在于:有翅孤雌蚜腹管位于腹部背片Ⅵ,隆起,周围有毛环绕(前者:位于背片Ⅵ,不隆起,无毛环绕;后者:位于背片Ⅴ,隆起,有毛环绕);触角稍长,至少为体长0.35,具有线形次生感觉圈;后者:稍长,至少为体长0.40,具有环形次生感觉圈)。十绵蚜SiciunguisdecimaZhangetQiao,sp.nov  相似文献   

对中国小叶蝉属栎小叶蝉种团研究进行了追溯。记述栎小叶蝉种团3新种:周氏小叶蝉T.choui sp.nov.,大理小叶蝉T.daliensis sp.nov.,三斑小叶蝉T.trimaculata sp.nov.及1中国新记录种:栎小叶蝉T.quercus(Fabricius,1777),并提供中国栎小叶蝉种团雄虫检索表。模式标本及观察标本存放于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

记述采自云南省突眼蚱属 1 新种,即龙陵突眼蚱 Ergatettix longlingensis sp. nov.。该新种近似于拟齿股突眼蚱。主要区别为:1)触角着生于复眼下缘之下;2)前胸背板沟前区侧隆线略收缩;3)前胸背板后突到达后足股节顶端;4)后翅到达后突顶端;5)后足股节上侧中隆线具二叶状突;6)后足股节下侧外面非黑色;7)后足胫节暗褐色。文中附有中国突眼蚱属分种检索表。模式标本现保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

广西稻田螯蜂三新种记述(膜翅目: 螯蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文记述了广西稻田螯蜂3新种:广西双距螯蜂Gonatopus guangxiensis Xu et He, 殃叶蝉双距螯蜂Gonatopus euscelidivorus Xu et He和褐飞虱双距螯蜂Gonatopus nilaparvatae Xu et Yang。模式标本存于浙江农业大学。  相似文献   

Abstract Rudiaeschna limnobia gen. et sp. nov. (Aeshnidae), Liogomphus yixianensis gen. et sp. nov. (Gomphidae) and Mesocordulia boreala gen. et. sp. nov. (Corduliidae) are described and figured. All the specimens are recovered from the Upper Jurassic deposits of Beipiao City, Liaoning Province, China, and now housed in the Geological Museum of China, Beijing.  相似文献   

记述采自宁夏六盘山区的寄蝇亚科2新种,宁夏透翅寄蝇Hyalurgus ningxiaensis sp. nov.和周氏密克寄蝇Mikia choui sp. nov.,分别隶属埃内寄蝇族Ernestini 和寄蝇族Tachinini。宁夏透翅寄蝇外形与分布中国、俄罗斯和欧洲的亮透翅寄蝇H. lucidus 相似,但新种额较窄,触角和足股节均黑色,翅r4+5室不闭合,无短柄,明显不同于后者;此外,新种也近似于分布我国的黄足透翅寄蝇H. flavipes,但新种额和颊均较窄,触角基节和梗节黑色,足股节也黑色,腹部第3、4 背板均具多对侧心鬃,可区别于后者。周氏密克寄蝇外形与分布我国、印尼及印度的毛缘密克寄蝇M. apicalis 相似,但新种雌、雄胸部背板中鬃均2+3,翅前缘端半部无黑色斑.R4+5脉从基部到r-m脉段全部具小鬃,后足端位背鬃3 根,腹部第1+2 合背板无中缘鬃,可区别于后者。新种模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Abstract Two new species of water mites, Pionopsis (s.s.)longicosta sp. nov. and Pionopsis (s.s.) zhaoi sp. nov. are described in the present paper. This is the first record of the genus of the subfamily Tiphyinae in the family Pionidae from China.  相似文献   

记述采自中国四川省网翅蝗科雏蝗属Chorthippus(Altichorthippus)1新种:周氏雏蝗Chorthippus(Altichorthippus)choui sp.nov.。本新种同昌都雏蝗Chorthippus(A.)changtunensis Yin,1984近似,其区别特征为:后足股节和胫节桔红色;雄性腹部末端桔红色;前翅中脉域宽为肘脉域宽的1.2倍;本新种同西藏雏蝗Ch.(A.)tibetanus Uvarov,1935也近似,其区别特征为前胸背板侧隆线在沟前区明显,呈角状弯曲,在前横沟和后横沟之间不消失。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the East Asian species of the apodemata and sinuata species groups of the genus Amiota were investigated based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene. A total of 23 samples of 12 species were employed as in‐group taxa, and one sample for each of four other Amiota species were used as out‐groups. The results suggested with strong confidence the monophyly of both the apodemata and the sinuata groups, whereas the monophyly of the ‘apodemata group + sinuata group’ cluster was less supported. Based on its geographical distribution, the origin of the sinuata group is supposed to be southern China. Four new species were described from Guangxi and Yunnan, China: Amiota reikae Xu & Chen sp. nov. , Amiota guiensis Xu & Chen sp. nov. , Amiota hesongensis Xu & Chen sp. nov. , and Amiota polytreta Xu & Chen sp. nov. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

印象初  叶保华  党琰 《昆虫学报》2015,58(9):1012-1018
记述了中国台湾小车蝗属Oedaleus Fieber,1853的3新种。新种夏氏小车蝗Oedaleus xiai sp.nov.前翅短,刚到达后足股节顶端,可同本属所有已知种相区别。新种高雄小车蝗Oedaleus kaohsiungensis sp.nov.与台湾小车蝗Oe.formosana(Shiraki,1910)近似,不同之处为后足股节内侧具黑色斑纹和后足胫节黄褐色,非红色。新种南投小车蝗Oedaleus nantouensis sp.nov.与台湾小车蝗Oe.formosana(Shiraki,1910)近似,不同之处为复眼较大,纵径等于眼下沟的长度;中胸腹板中隔很宽,最小宽度为长的1.8倍。新种南投小车蝗Oedaleus nantouensis sp.nov.与高雄小车蝗Oedaleus kaohsiungensis sp.nov.也近似,不同之处为后足股节下缘红色,后足胫节红色。列出了产于中国的小车蝗属13个种的检索表。模式标本存于自然科学博物馆,台中,台湾,中国。  相似文献   

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