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Hurricane Joan struck the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua in October 1988 causing extensive damage to the lowland rain forest of the zone. Six permanent plots were established in 1990 and the growth rates of all individuals in a total area of 6000 m2 monitored for six years. Eighteen of the species were abundant enough to measure species-specific growth rates. The post hurricane successional process included a great deal of resprouting of pre-existing individuals and the current state of the forest includes a low but very dense canopy, suggesting that competition is entering an intensive phase. Specific growth rates between the time of the hurricane and the present thus represent establishment or regenerative growth rates and provide an indication of whether or not distinct regeneration niches exist. Three distinct patterns of growth rate seem apparent, fast-growing heliophyles (eight species), slow-growing resprouters (nine species), and vochysia ferruginea, which seems to have a special pattern.  相似文献   

Survival and growth of seedlings and sprouts were assessed in three plots for 16 mo following the slashing and burning of a tropical deciduous forest in Jalisco, Mexico. We encountered a total of 47 species: 21 seedling species and 35 sprout species. Calliandra formosa and Piptadenia flava were the most common seedling species; Bursera arborea, Cordia alliodora, and Piptadenia constricta were the most common sprouts. Colubrina triflora, Diphysa occidentalis, and Cnidoscolus spinosus had limited sprouting ability. Twenty-six species were represented by one seedling or one sprout. Thirty-eight percent of the seedlings were tree species, 59 percent were shrub species, and 2 percent were vines species. In contrast, 86 percent of the sprouts were from trees and 13 percent from shrubs. One year after the initial measurements, 29 percent of the seedlings and 13 percent of the sprouts were dead. Each of the seedling means (number of stems/individual, height and diameter of the tallest stem, and elliptical crown area) was significantly smaller (P < 0.05) than that of sprouts at all three measurement periods, but relative growth rates were similar. Total canopy area of seedlings had a larger relative increase than did the canopy area of sprouts. The presence of seedlings increased species diversity compared to calculated diversity excluding seedlings. Timing of fruit dispersal in relation to the date of burning and the high number of Leguminosae species in the forest appeared to favor seedling establishment for some species.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(5):2143-2158
Forecasted increase drought frequency and severity may drive worldwide declines in forest productivity. Species‐level responses to a drier world are likely to be influenced by their functional traits. Here, we analyse forest resilience to drought using an extensive network of tree‐ring width data and satellite imagery. We compiled proxies of forest growth and productivity (TRWi, absolutely dated ring‐width indices; NDVI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) for 11 tree species and 502 forests in Spain corresponding to Mediterranean, temperate, and continental biomes. Four different components of forest resilience to drought were calculated based on TRWi and NDVI data before, during, and after four major droughts (1986, 1994–1995, 1999, and 2005), and pointed out that TRWi data were more sensitive metrics of forest resilience to drought than NDVI data. Resilience was related to both drought severity and forest composition. Evergreen gymnosperms dominating semi‐arid Mediterranean forests showed the lowest resistance to drought, but higher recovery than deciduous angiosperms dominating humid temperate forests. Moreover, semi‐arid gymnosperm forests presented a negative temporal trend in the resistance to drought, but this pattern was absent in continental and temperate forests. Although gymnosperms in dry Mediterranean forests showed a faster recovery after drought, their recovery potential could be constrained if droughts become more frequent. Conversely, angiosperms and gymnosperms inhabiting temperate and continental sites might have problems to recover after more intense droughts since they resist drought but are less able to recover afterwards.  相似文献   

We studied the spatial heterogeneity of tree diversity, and of forest structure and productivity in a highly diverse tropical mountain area in southern Ecuador with the aim of understanding the causes of the large variation in these parameters. Two major environmental gradients, elevation and topography, representing a broad range of climatic and edaphic site conditions, were analyzed. We found the highest species richness of trees in valleys <2100 m. Valleys showed highest values of basal area, leaf area index and tree basal area increment as well. Tree diversity also increased from ridges to valleys, while canopy openness decreased. Significant relationships existed between tree diversity and soil parameters (pH, total contents of Mg, K, Ca, N and P), and between diversity and the spatial variability of pH and Ca and Mg contents suggesting a dependence of tree diversity on both absolute levels and on the small-scale heterogeneity of soil nutrient availability. Tree diversity and basal area increment were positively correlated, partly because both are similarly affected by soil conditions. We conclude that the extraordinarily high tree species richness in the area is primarily caused by three factors: (1) the existence of steep altitudinal and topographic gradients in a rather limited area creating a small-scale mosaic of edaphically different habitats; (2) the intermingling of Amazonian lowland plant species, that reach their upper distribution limits, and of montane forest species; and (3) the geographical position of the study area between the humid eastern Andean slope and the dry interandean forests of South Ecuador.  相似文献   

杨树--林木基因组学研究的模式物种   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
林木植物是大多数生态系统中的主要生命形式,在所有陆地生态系统中具有最大的生物量和生物生产力,因此它具有重要的经济及生态价值。林木植物特有的多年生习性使其生物学研究相对困难,因此需要寻找一种适用于遗传学及分子生物学方法做精细分析的模式植物。杨属(Populus)植物作为林业研究的模式植物,具有优良的实验特性:容易进行种间杂交和无性繁殖;生长迅速,并已建立完善的遗传转化系统;基因组相对较小,约450~550Mbp;易于进行遗传研究;适应性强,生长速度快,丰产性强。自2002年起,美国能源部与多家研究机构正式启动了杨属植物基因组计划,目前已接近完成。本文综述了模式植物杨树及其基因组学的研究进展。  相似文献   

Many experimental studies show that a decline in species number has a negative effect on ecosystem function, however less is known about this pattern in natural communities. We examined the relative importance of environment, space, and diversity on ecosystem function, specifically tree carbon storage in four plant types (understory/canopy; trees/palms), in a tropical forest in central Panama. The objectives of this study were to detect the relationship between tree diversity and carbon storage given the environmental and spatial variation that occur in natural forests and to determine which species diversity measure is more important to tree carbon storage: richness or dominance. We used redundancy analyses to partition the effect of these sources of variation on tree carbon storage. We showed that together, environment, space, and diversity accounted for 43 percent of tree carbon storage, where diversity (19%) alone is the most important source of variation and explained more variation than space (13%) and environment (1%) together. Therefore, even in natural forests where substantial environment and spatial variation can be found, it is still possible to detect the effect of diversity on ecosystem function at scales relevant to conservation. Moreover, both richness and dominance are important to explain the variation on tree carbon storage in natural forests suggesting that these two diversity measures are complementary. Thus, tree diversity is important to predict tree carbon storage in hyperdiverse forests.  相似文献   

Tetramerista glabra has a remarkable combination of life history traits. It is a dense-wooded, large, common canopy tree in primary peat swamp rain forest. Its seedlings, although shade tolerant, can grow rapidly in high light conditions, but frequently lack structural stability. Most juvenile stems (94% in the understory and 38% in canopy gaps) collapse under their own weight or from branchfalls. Fallen stems then ramify into vegetative sprouts, which in turn may collapse, perpetuating a vegetative juvenile cycle. Most recruitment is from sprouts rather than from seed. Structural analysis of stem dimensions shows that stems 2–8 cm DBH (diameter at breast height) are close to the theoretical buckling limit, especially for those dependent on neighboring vegetation to maintain vertical form. Trees > 4 cm DBH persisting as upright stems develop stilt root support and become structurally independent at ca 8 cm DBH. Eventually, as stems thicken, stilt roots anastamose and trees adopt the cylindrical growth form of mature canopy trees (up to 150 cm DBH). Thus, the vegetative life history strategy of the species is to: (i) regenerate a large “ramet bank” from the majority of juveniles that fail structurally while suppressed in the understoty, and (ii) to maximize height growth at the expense of diameter growth in high light conditions. The growth pattern and plastic form of T. glabra shows how a shade tolerant species may adapt to utilize the ephemeral light resource in canopy gaps. The growth strategy of this species allows it to circumvent the normal trade-off between shade tolerance and rapid growth in canopy gaps.  相似文献   

We tested the relationship between the length of pasture use and the density, richness, and composition of naturally regenerating tropical seasonal deciduous forest in pastures. We sampled regenerating trees in 25 pastures distributed in four age classes ranging from < 6 to 40 yr of use. Density and composition of regenerating trees did not change with pasture age, but richness was lower in 25- and 40-yr-old pastures. Nonetheless, a number of species seem to be able to resprout even after 40 yr of ranching.  相似文献   

We monitored seventy-two 1 ha permanent plots spread over 64 km2 of terra firme forest at Reserva Ducke (Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil) over 2-yr intervals to assess the effects of a soil and topographic gradient on the rate of change in the aboveground tree live biomass (AGLB). AGLB increased significantly over the 2-yr intervals, exhibiting a mean rate of change of 1.65 Mg/ha/yr (bootstrapped 95% CI: 1.15, 2.79). The rate of change varied according to tree size class; understory and sub-canopy trees exhibited higher rates of change. Over the whole period, the rate of change was not related to soil or topographic features of the plots, but there was evidence that the relationships varied depending on the year of measurement. In the plots monitored between 2001 and 2003 we found a significant relationship between AGLB change and the soil textural gradient, but this relationship was not evident in plots monitored between 2002 and 2004. This suggests that both the temporal variation in the soil–biomass change relationship and the size structure of the forest need to be included in models of biomass change in Amazonia. We also noted that the rate of biomass change is sensitive to the equation used to estimate AGLB. Allometric models that incorporate wood-density data provide higher per plot AGLB estimates, but lower rates of change, suggesting that variations in floristic composition have important implications for carbon cycling in diverse tropical forests.
Abstract in Portuguese is available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

对泡桐,春椿,木蝴蝶,枳Ju扁斗青冈和罗浮柿等亚热带森林乔木树种在不同强条件下的种子萌发及其幼苗生长进行观察,泡桐和枳Ju种子在光(100%)条件下的萌发率最高,香椿和罗浮肺种子在轻阴(62.2%)条件下的萌发率最高,木蝴蝶和扁斗青冈种子在中阴(34.4%)条件下萌发率最高,阳性树种泡桐,香椿,木蝴蝶和枳Ju幼苗生长速度较快,属速生型树种,其幼苗在自然光条件下的总生物量最大;扁斗青冈和罗浮柿幼苗生  相似文献   

We analyzed successional patterns in a very dry tropical deciduous forest by using 15 plots differing in age after abandonment and contrasted them to secondary successions elsewhere in the tropics. We used multivariate ordination and nonlinear models to examine changes in composition and structure and to estimate forest recovery rates and resilience. A shrub phase characterized early succession (0–3 yr); afterwards, the tree Mimosa acantholoba became dominant. Below its canopy, sprouts and seed-regenerated individuals of mature forest species slowly accumulated. Canopy height, plant density, and crown cover stabilized in less than 15 yr, whereas species richness, diversity, and basal area continued to increase. The pioneer species group has very low diversity and the long-lived pioneer phase typical of humid forests is absent; species composition may therefore recover soon as suggested by convergence toward mature forest species composition. The time trend of plant density also differed from humid forests for it lacked its characteristic density decline, presumably because of differences in regeneration mechanisms between very dry and other less water-stressed forest types. As opposed to the prevailing hypothesis, resilience was not higher than in moister forests, and thus factors other than structure relative simplicity must be accounted for when assessing resilience.  相似文献   

Growth rates for 44 species of trees in a posthurricane forest in Nicaragua were measured. The pattern is consistent with the interpretation of succession as a two stage process: an initial building phase after the hurricane followed by a thinning phase. Localities that were damaged less from the hurricane are now entering the thinning phase of postdisturbance succession, while those subjected to the most severe damage appear to remain in the building phase.  相似文献   

Distress calls are loud, harsh calls given by some species of birds when they are captured by a predator or handled by humans. We recorded the frequency of distress calls and struggling behavior in 40 species of birds captured in mist nets during the dry season in a Costa Rica cloud forest. We tested the following hypotheses proposed to explain the function of distress calls: (1) calling for help from kin or reciprocal altruists; (2) warning kin; (3) eliciting mobbing behavior; (4) startling the predator; and (5) distracting the predator through attraction of additional predators. Our results did not support the calling‐for‐help, warning kin, or mobbing hypotheses. Indeed, genera that regularly occurred with kin or in flocks were not more likely to call than non‐flocking genera. There was no relationship between calling frequency and struggling behavior as predicted by the predator startle hypothesis. Genera of larger birds tended to call more than smaller birds, providing some support for both the predator distraction hypothesis and predator startle hypotheses. Calls of higher amplitude may be more effective in startling the predator. Distress calls of larger birds may also travel greater distances than those of smaller birds, supporting the predator manipulation hypothesis, but this requires further testing.  相似文献   

海南霸王岭热带山地雨林森林循环与树种多样性动态   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
通过对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林的调查 ,研究了热带山地雨林树种多样性特征随森林循环的动态变化规律。结果表明 :( 1 )热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段斑块在森林景观中所占的面积比例分别是 :林隙阶段 ( G)占 38.5 0 % ,建立阶段 ( B)占 2 8.5 0 % ,成熟阶段 ( M)占 2 7.0 0 % ,衰退阶段 ( D)占 6 .0 0 %。 ( 2 )热带山地雨林中乔木树种的密度随森林循环的变化趋势是由 G→B→M呈现出逐渐增加的趋势 ,以成熟阶段达到最大 ,而到衰退阶段又趋于下降。灌木树种则表现出 G阶段斑块的密度最大 ,B阶段的最小 ,从 B到 M有所增加 ,到 D又稍有下降。 ( 3)热带山地雨林中不同高度级和不同径级的树木的密度在森林循环的不同阶段表现出不同的增减趋势 ,其随森林循环过程呈现出的动态变化可能与不同阶段斑块内的空间、环境及物种生物学特性有关。 ( 4 )热带山地雨林中树木的平均胸径、平均高、平均胸高断面积、平均单株材积随森林循环过程呈现出不断增加的趋势 ,其中平均胸径和平均高随森林循环的变化较为平缓 ,而平均胸高断面积和平均单株材积之变化较为陡急。 ( 5 )热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段的物种多样性指数不同 ,其中 G和 B阶段的物种丰富度和多样性指数值较接近 ,M阶段的物种丰富度达到最大 ,D阶段则最小。  相似文献   

The composition of plant species in fragmented landscapes may be influenced by the pattern of visitation by birds to fruiting trees and by the movement of seeds among and within fragments. We compared bird visitation patterns to two tree species (Dendropanax arboreus, Araliaceae; Bursera simaruba, Burseraceae) in continuous forest and remnants of riparian vegetation in a region dominated by pasture in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. We quantified frequency of visitation, fruit consumption, consistency of visitation (percentage of total tree observation periods during which a given bird species was recorded), and species composition of birds at individuals of both tree species in continuous forest and riparian remnants. Bird visitation rate, species richness, and fruit consumption rates were similar within both tree species in the two habitats. Species assemblages at D. arboreus were different between continuous forest and remnants. Species assemblages at B. simaruba did not differ by habitat. Our results demonstrate that habitat disturbance may influence avian visitation patterns, which may in turn affect subsequent recruitment patterns in some tree species. Our results, however, were not consistent between the tree species, suggesting that it is difficult to generalize concerning the effects of forest disturbance on avian species assemblages in fruiting trees.  相似文献   

基于GIS技术,选取坡度、相对景点距离、相对游道距离、景点视觉几率和游道视觉几率5个指标分别对猴石森林公园进行敏感度评价,并建立了综合敏感度评价模型,运用层次分析法(AHP)确定各指标权重,进而确定了公园内各区域的综合敏感度等级,将公园相应地划分为4个等级的敏感区.结果表明:研究区Ⅲ级敏感区的面积最大,为495.80 hm2,占公园总面积的38.3%.这一区域在强调保护自然景观的同时,可进行适度开发,提倡利用人文景观美化和衬托自然景观.Ⅳ级敏感区的面积最小,为142.80 hm2,占研究区总面积的11.0%.这一区域的开发潜力最大,可开展大规模的综合性旅游设施和游道布设.Ⅰ、Ⅱ级敏感区的面积依次为297.24和359.72 hm2,分别占研究区总面积的22.9%和27.8%,Ⅰ级敏感区内景观应严格保护,禁止任何人为开发建设,维持自然景观的本色,Ⅱ级敏感区内除简易的林间小道和石阶山道外,严禁开山取石、破坏植被和水体.  相似文献   

Soil characteristics are important drivers of variation in wet tropical forest structure and diversity, but few studies have evaluated these relationships in drier forest types. Using tree and soil data from 48 and 32 1 ha plots, respectively, in a Bolivian moist and dry forest, we asked how soil conditions affect forest structure and diversity within each of the two forest types. After correcting for spatial effects, soil‐vegetation relationships differed between the dry and the moist forest, being strongest in the dry forest. Furthermore, we hypothesized that soil nutrients would play a more important role in the moist forest than in the dry forest because vegetation in the moist forest is less constrained by water availability and thus can show its full potential response to soil fertility. However, contrary to our expectations, we found that soil fertility explained a larger number of forest variables in the dry forest (50 percent) than in the moist forest (17 percent). Shannon diversity declined with soil fertility at both sites, probably because the most dominant, shade‐tolerant species strongly increased in abundance as soil fertility increased.  相似文献   

用巴拿马50 hm2森林动态监测样地内直径≥1 cm的树种资料,分析了该样地树种多度(个体数)和丰富度(物种数)及其方差和变异系数在6个取样尺度(5 m×5 m,10 m×10 m,20 m×20 m,25 m×25 m,50 m×50 m,100 m×100 m)的变化规律.结果显示:(1)由于多度的可加性,不同取样尺度在样地内树种多度的变化表现出一致性;随取样尺度的增加,多度方差呈线性增加,而变异系数呈线性减小.(2)丰富度随取样尺度的变化较为复杂,随取样尺度的增加,丰富度方差呈非线性变化,在取样尺度为25 m×25 m时方差最大;变异系数随取样尺度的增加而呈线性减小.研究表明,大尺度的多度值可以由小尺度的多度值通过外推法估计,而丰富度却不能,在生物多样性的保护和管理中不能简单地从一个取样尺度的生物丰富度推测另一个取样尺度丰富度.  相似文献   

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