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Measuring biodiversity is a key issue in ecology to guarantee effective indicators of ecosystem health at different spatial and time scales. However, estimating biodiversity from field observations might present difficulties related to costs and time needed. Moreover, a continuous data update for biodiversity monitoring purposes might be prohibitive. From this point of view, remote sensing represents a powerful tool since it allows to cover wide areas in a relatively low amount of time. One of the most common indicators of biodiversity is Shannon's entropy H′, which is strictly related to environmental heterogeneity, and thus to species diversity. However, Shannon's entropy might show drawbacks once applied to remote sensing data, since it considers relative abundances but it does not explicitly account for distances among pixels’ numerical values. In this paper we propose the use of Rao's Q applied to remotely sensed data, providing a straightforward R-package function to calculate it in 2D systems. We will introduce the theoretical rationale behind Rao's index and then provide applied examples based on the proposed R function. 相似文献
R. K. Jain 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1988,30(6):755-757
In this paper, Shannon's measure of uncertainty is explored in the analysis of cancer data. The term ‘cancer diversity’ is defined and its potential application is illustrated. 相似文献
The land use and land cover pattern of landscapes are key elements of basic landscape structure; accordingly, this pattern has an important role in landscape management, nature conservation and preservation. In Hungary, the naturalness of the vegetation was surveyed between 2003 and 2006, and the vegetation-based Natural Capital Index (NCI) was calculated for almost the entire area of the country. This field-based database gave us the unique opportunity to analyse the statistical connection between the naturalness of the vegetation and the landscape (land cover) pattern on a regional scale. In our study, we analysed the efficiency of the regional-level CORINE Land Cover (CLC) database for the estimation of the naturalness of the vegetation. This connection was analysed at the country scale using every (2272) Flora Mapping Unit (FMU), or 5.5 × 6.5 km quadrate, of Hungary. We calculated the shape-, edge- and size-related landscape indices for all FMUs on a landscape level (including all CLC patches) and a class level (the land cover polygons were classified according to their land cover characteristics and their level of hemeroby). We determined the Spearman’s correlations to reveal the statistical connections between the landscape metric parameters and the NCI values. All of the investigated area-weighted landscape indices: Main Patch Size, (MPS), Main Fractal Dimension Index, (MFDI), Total Edge (TE), Main Shape Index (MSI) and Number of Shape Characteristic Points (NSCP) on the landscape level showed a significant statistical connection with the NCI, but the sign of its correlation with the NCI contrasted with the findings from previous studies on a larger scale. Our study shows that scale has a strong impact on the sign of the correlation between the naturalness of the vegetation and the landscape structure. On a class level, particularly the shape-related landscape indices of the “Forest and semi-natural areas” showed statistically significant correlations with the NCI. The correlation strongly depended on the method of classification of the CLC polygons. Furthermore, the spatial pattern of the land-cover-type-based CLC polygon categories showed higher correlation values with the NCI than CLC polygon classes, which were categorized according to their hemeroby state. These results show that although the sign of the spatial pattern change in the main land cover classes is scale-dependent, they can be used to estimate the increase or decrease in the naturalness of the vegetation better than the spatial changes of the hemeroby-level-based landscape pattern. We can predict the change in the naturalness of vegetation based on the spatial changes in the land cover pattern. 相似文献
Carlo Ricotta 《植被学杂志》2005,16(2):223-226
Abstract. Question: According to Whittaker's proposal, ecologists have traditionally viewed β‐diversity as the ratio between γ‐diversity and average α‐diversity. More recently, an alternative way of partitioning diversity has been ‘rediscovered’for which β‐diversity is obtained as the difference between γ‐diversity and average α‐diversity. This additive way of partitioning diversity has rapidly become a very popular framework for hierarchical diversity decomposition at various spatial scales. The question for this study is: Can we highlight any relation between these two ways of partitioning diversity, or do these methods really capture different facets of spatial turnover in species composition? Methods: First the properties that a diversity measure should possess for enabling additive decomposition into α‐, β‐, and γ‐components are reviewed. Next, attention is drawn to the relationships between additive and multiplicative diversity decomposition. Results: It is shown that the additive model is closely related to its multiplicative counterpart through a simple logarithmic transformation. Conclusions: Contrary to the current assumption, both methods for partitioning diversity are not as different as they appear. Hence, the supposed superiority of additive diversity partition over multiplicative diversity decomposition is largely unjustified. 相似文献
定量分析景观格局及其变化对于监测和评价城市化的生态后果十分重要。该研究应用基于GIS的梯度分析与景观指数相结合的方法定量分析了上海市城市化的空间格局。沿一条自西向东64 km长6 km宽和另一条自南向北66 km长6 km宽的样带,应用移动窗口计算了一系列景观指数。结果表明,城市化的空间格局可以用梯度分析与景观指数来定量,不同的土地利用类型沿景观格局梯度确实表现出明显的“空间特征”。多项景观指数可准确地、定量地指示上海地区东西和南北发展轴线上城市化的前沿和城市景观梯度分异的特征。城市化的总体格局是随着城市化程度增加,景观在组分上更多样化,形状上更为复杂以及生态学上更破碎化。此外,该文显示的上海市城市化景观格局比较符合同心圆论的城市发展理论,研究结果支持斑块密度随城市化程度而增加,斑块大小和景观连接度则下降的假说,但与随人类干预程度增强,斑块形状变得更规则的假说不相符和,因此,需要进一步研究来证实该发现。 相似文献
Herbaceous plants contribute much to plant diversity in Mediterranean-type ecosystems though mostly occupying relatively small patches within the dense woody vegetation. While studying species diversity in the herbaceous patches, we hypothesized that grazing, soil seed bank, and spatial properties of the patch affect plant diversity and composition at different spatial scales. The study site was in an LTER site located in the Mediterranean region in north Israel. We determined herbaceous species composition in: (1) randomly sampled quadrats in herbaceous patches in grazed and un-grazed plots; (2) soil seed bank samples taken from the same patches and germinated under optimal greenhouse conditions; (3) quadrats in the same patches sown with a homogenous mixture of local soil samples. Using GIS methods, we determined small-scale spatial characteristics of the herbaceous patches. Alpha and beta diversities were calculated at the patch and plot scales using Shannon's entropy H. Grazing increased alpha diversity of local untreated seed bank samples but decreased alpha diversity of the artificial homogenous soil seed bank mixture at both patch and plot scales. Positive relation between alpha diversity and patch area was detected only under grazing. Grazing increased beta diversity in all three treatments at the patch scale. Grazing decreased the similarity in species composition between above-ground vegetation and soil seed bank. The results indicate that moderate cattle-grazing affects species diversity in the herbaceous patches within the dense maquis. This effect is scale-dependent, and interacts with the effects of soil seed bank and patch spatial-properties: without grazing soil seed bank plays a more important role than patch spatial properties, but under grazing the size and the accessibility of the patch are more important in the determination of herbaceous species composition. 相似文献
Landscape similarity search involves finding landscapes from among a large collection that are similar to a query landscape. An example of such collection is a large land cover map subdivided into a grid of smaller local landscapes, a query is a local landscape of interest, and the task is to find other local landscapes within a map which are perceptually similar to the query. Landscape search and the related task of pattern-based regionalization, requires a measure of similarity – a function which quantifies the level of likeness between two landscapes. The standard approach is to use the Euclidean distance between vectors of landscape metrics derived from the two landscapes, but no in-depth analysis of this approach has been conducted. In this paper we investigate the performance of different implementations of the standard similarity measure. Five different implementations are tested against each other and against a control similarity measure based on histograms of class co-occurrence features and the Jensen–Shannon divergence. Testing consists of a series of numerical experiments combined with visual assessments on a set of 400 3 km-scale landscapes. Based on the cases where visual assessment provides definitive answer, we have determined that the standard similarity measure is sensitive to the way landscape metrics are normalized and, additionally, to whether weights aimed at controlling the relative contribution of landscape composition vs. configuration are used. The standard measure achieves the best performance when metrics are normalized using their extreme values extracted from all possible landscapes, not just the landscapes in the given collection, and when weights are assigned so the combined influence of composition metrics on the similarity value equals the combined influence of configuration metrics. We have also determined that the control similarity measure outperforms all implementations of the standard measure. 相似文献
以三工河流域为例,讨论了植被动态及其地貌、水资源利用、河流廊道和排碱渠等景观要素的变化对植被产生的影响.结果表明,随着景观格局的变化,流域内的植丛高度、盖度及生物量均表现出较大变异性.以河流廊道为核心,通常荒漠绿洲景观格局呈带状分布,且由内向外随水热条件的改变,植被类型由乔灌木林依次向灌丛草甸、盐化草甸、荒漠化草甸和荒漠层次结构过渡.人类活动影响强烈的景观要素,其斑块多样性、破碎度、分离度和斑块密度等指数值较高,而人类活动影响较小的,其优势度和均匀度较高.各景观要素的稳定性不同,其大小顺序为:荒漠>沙砾石地>城镇用地>水体>农田>牧草地>菜地>林地>居民点>盐碱地>荒草地>水浇地>果园.梭梭群落的净生长量高峰值出现在8月,而博乐蒿、琵琶柴群落的净生长量高峰值出现时间各年度不同.博乐蒿群落与海拔相关系数最大,而琵琶柴群落则与土壤水含量、地下水位关系密切,梭梭群落与4~9月降雨量相关系数最大. 相似文献
The abandonment of traditional anthropogenic activities is an important driver shaping landscape patterns. Therefore, multi-scale pattern analysis over time is needed to identify appropriate scales for biodiversity conservation and monitoring of abandoned landscapes. We compared spatial and temporal changes in a pair of alpine watersheds in Italy (Cajada and Tovanella), which are similar in size, geo-climatic conditions, and land-use histories; but have had divergent anthropogenic abandonment processes since the 1950s. We hypothesize that this divergence has led to corresponding dissimilarities in multi-scale patterns of landscape change. To examine this hypothesis, we analyzed land cover maps from three years (1954, 1980/83, 2006) and described the changes using transition matrices. For each year and watershed, landscape heterogeneity and a set of class-level metrics (i.e. percentage of the landscape, area-weighted mean patch size, patch density, area-weighted mean shape index, edge density, and aggregation index) were also measured at different scales using random sampling techniques, and the results were summarized by using scalograms. Woodland expansion occurred mainly at the expenses of grasslands, meadows, and shrublands. These changes were greater during the first time-period (1954-80/83) than in the more recent period (1980/83-2006), with a mean annual value that decreased from +5.18 to +1.33 ha/year and from +4.08 to +1.96 ha/year in the abandoned and managed watersheds, respectively. Landscape heterogeneity decreased over time with a similar pattern in both watersheds, which indicates a general process of homogenization. Management regime affected the spatial-scale response of class-level metrics; these metrics showed a variety of multi-scalar responses, which were not always consistent over time and under different management regimes. When considering the response of the indices across spatial-scales for both watersheds, certain historical curves showed a scale break, representing a significant change in the shape and slope of the curve (i.e. scale divergence). The presence of scale breaks in the scalograms can potentially reveal important thresholds for biodiversity. For example, grassland and meadow patch density at small spatial scales (<200 m radius), which was found to be important for protected butterfly species, had a greater reduction over time in the managed watershed when compared to the abandoned watershed. In conclusion, the findings of this study indicate that there is good potential for understanding changes in landscape patterns under different management abandonment regimes by combining spatial and temporal analysis of class-level metrics. 相似文献
景观格局分析是景观生态学中揭示景观变化及其生态效应的主要方法,而景观指数是景观格局分析中广泛使用的工具。土壤侵蚀是土壤物质在景观中的迁移和再分配过程,受地形、植被和人类活动及其空间格局的调控。运用景观格局分析揭示景观格局变化特别是土地利用/覆被格局变化对土壤侵蚀的影响是土壤侵蚀研究中应用景观生态学原理和方法的典型。在当前的研究中,斑块-廊道-基质范式下建立的景观指数对侵蚀过程的解释能力不断受到质疑,建立筛选适用的景观指数的原则和方法十分必要。以延河流域碾庄沟小流域为例,利用WATEM/SEDEM模型模拟多个年份流域侵蚀产沙和输沙量;基于土地利用/覆被数据,利用Fragstat4.2软件,计算了相应年份流域斑块、边界密度、形状、集聚与分散和斑块类型多样性4个方面的代表性景观指数。在此基础上,分析了景观指数与流域侵蚀产沙和输沙之间的关系,讨论了景观指数在土壤侵蚀研究中的有效性,在景观和斑块类型水平上分析了景观指数表达\"源\"、\"汇\"两大类景观类型的空间格局与侵蚀产沙和输沙之间的关系的一致性。结果表明:斑块-廊道-基底范式下发展的景观指数在指示景观格局的土壤侵蚀效应时存在局限。相对而言,斑块类型尺度的景观指数更能有效表达景观格局与土壤侵蚀的关系。基于景观类型在土壤侵蚀过程中的\"源\"、\"汇\"功能,提出了在土壤侵蚀研究中筛选适用的景观指数的原则:(1)对\"源\"、\"汇\"两类景观类型,景观指数与土壤侵蚀状况表征变量的相关系数符号相反;(2)对同为\"源\"或\"汇\"景观类型的多个景观类型,景观指数与土壤侵蚀表征变量的相关系数应具有符号一致性。尽管景观指数在斑块类型水平上具有一定的有效性,但用其预测景观格局变化的侵蚀效应有很大的不确定性。因此,基于土壤侵蚀过程与景观格局的作用机制发展新型的景观指数是增强景观格局分析预测土壤侵蚀过程的能力的途径。 相似文献
三工河流域荒漠绿洲植被动态及其成因分析 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
以三工河流域为例,讨论了植被动态及其地貌、水资源利用、河流廊道和排碱渠等景观要素的变化对植被产生的影响.结果表明,随着景观格局的变化,流域内的植丛高度、盖度及生物量均表现出较大变异性.以河流廊道为核心,通常荒漠绿洲景观格局呈带状分布,且由内向外随水热条件的改变,植被类型由乔灌木林依次向灌丛草甸、盐化草甸、荒漠化草甸和荒漠层次结构过渡.人类活动影响强烈的景观要素。其斑块多样性、破碎度、分离度和斑块密度等指数值较高,而人类活动影响较小的,其优势度和均匀度较高.各景观要素的稳定性不同,其大小顺序为:荒漠>沙砾石地>城镇用地>水体>农田>牧草地>莱地>林地>居民点>盐碱地>荒草地>水浇地>果园.梭梭群落的净生长量高峰值出现在8月,而博乐蒿、琵琶柴群落的净生长量高峰值出现时间各年度不同.博乐蒿群落与海拔相关系数最大,而琵琶柴群落则与土壤水含量、地下水位关系密切,梭梭群落与4~9月降雨量相关系数最大。 相似文献
Abstract. In this paper, we present a short overview of neutral landscape models traditionally adopted in the landscape ecological literature to differentiate landscape patterns that are the result of simple random processes from patterns that are generated from more complex ecological processes. Then, we present another family of models based on Tuxen’ s definition of potential natural vegetation that play an important role, especially in Europe, for landscape planning and management. While neutral landscape models by their very nature do not take into account vegetation dynamics, nor abiotic constraints to vegetation distribution, the concept of potential natural vegetation includes the effects of vegetation dynamics in a spatially explicit manner. Therefore, we believe that distribution maps of potential natural vegetation may represent an ecological meaningful alternative to neutral landscape models for evaluating the effects of landscape structure on ecological processes. 相似文献
Nidhi KAKKAR 《Entomological Research》2010,40(6):298-303
A total of 8306 individuals as 29 species from 3 subfamilies (Hybosorinae, Aphodiinae, Scarabaeinae) were trapped by pitfall bait trapping. The maximum number of species of Scarabaeinae (68.97%) and number of individuals of Aphodiinae (56.84%) take part in the formation of a community. The number of species, number of individuals, diversity and dominance changes throughout the season. Seasonal prevalence of 82.76% of species and 50.81% of individuals was found in June. Aphodius campestris was found to be more attracted to the pitfall bait traps. The beetle community found in May shows the maximum Shannon's Diversity Index (2.46) but Margalef's Diversity Index was highest in August (3.06). Environmental factors play an important role in the occurrence and abundance of dung beetles. In the present study non-significant but positive correlations between temperature and species richness, abundance and diversity were found. Percent relative humidity showed a positive correlation with abundance only, and negative correlations with species richness and diversity. 相似文献
Islands are vulnerable ecosystems worldwide, increasingly exposed to human pressure, global climate change and invasive species. Thus, understanding island species diversity is key for nature conservation. Recent studies on insular plant communities indicated that habitat-specific species composition and richness might largely affect diversity patterns observed at the island scale. In consequence, habitat-based approaches are needed to (i) estimate how environmental changes at the habitat scale may affect island diversity, and to (ii) estimate the contribution of different patches of the same habitat to island diversity with respect to habitat-specific environmental constraints.In the present study, we tested these habitat-to-island diversity relationships for shoreline habitats (brackish reeds, salt marsh, rocky shore, tall herbs) and island interior habitats (rocks, semi-natural grassland, pioneer forest, coniferous forest, mixed forest) using 108 islands of three Baltic archipelagos in Sweden. These islands differed in terms of island-scale variables describing effects of island configuration and distance, and habitat-scale variables representing the effects of habitat area, abiotic environment and land-use.The studied habitats differed in their contribution to island species diversity, called habitat specificity. Shoreline habitats shared many common specialist species adapted to extreme conditions like sea salt or bird grazing, while habitats of the island interior harbored mainly species adapted to the specific conditions of a single habitat. We found high variability in habitat specificity as a consequence of habitat-specific environmental factors. Variability was highest for grasslands, where it was related to abandonment and soil fertility, stressing the importance of grassland management for maintaining island biodiversity. Habitats with high habitat specificity through either high species richness or many habitat-specific specialists should be the primary targets for biodiversity management. 相似文献
Missing data are commonly encountered using multilocus, fragment‐based (dominant) fingerprinting methods, such as random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) or amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Data sets containing missing data have been analysed by eliminating those bands or samples with missing data, assigning values to missing data or ignoring the problem. Here, we present a method that uses random assignments of band presence–absence to the missing data, implemented by the computer program famd (available from http://homepage.univie.ac.at/philipp.maria.schlueter/famd.html ), for analyses based on pairwise similarity and Shannon's index. When missing values group in a data set, sample or band elimination is likely to be the most appropriate action. However, when missing values are scattered across the data set, minimum, maximum and average similarity coefficients are a simple means of visualizing the effects of missing data on tree structure. Our approach indicates the range of values that a data set containing missing data points might generate, and forces the investigator to consider the effects of missing values on data interpretation. 相似文献
Entropy-related biodiversity indices deriving their conceptual basis from Shannon’s information theory have a long history of use in ecology for quantifying community structure and diversity. In addition, in the last two decades, numerous information–theoretical indices, such as the landscape dominance index, have been extensively applied to characterize landscape diversity in space and time. In this contribution, we offer a simple analytical relation between Pielou’s evenness J and landscape dominance D within the broader context of Hill’s parametric diversity family. Within this context, we recommend the use of Hill’s diversity number evenness E1,0 to overcome the shortcomings both of Pielou’s evenness J and the landscape dominance index D. 相似文献
Assessing the spatial variability of ecosystem structure and functioning is an important step towards developing monitoring systems to detect changes in ecosystem attributes that could be linked to desertification processes in drylands. Methods based on ground-collected soil and plant indicators are being increasingly used for this aim, but they have limitations regarding the extent of the area that can be measured using them. Approaches based on remote sensing data can successfully assess large areas, but it is largely unknown how the different indices that can be derived from such data relate to ground-based indicators of ecosystem health. We tested whether we can predict ecosystem structure and functioning, as measured with a field methodology based on indicators of ecosystem functioning (the landscape function analysis, LFA), over a large area using spectral vegetation indices (VIs), and evaluated which VIs are the best predictors of these ecosystem attributes. For doing this, we assessed the relationship between vegetation attributes (cover and species richness), LFA indices (stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling) and nine VIs obtained from satellite images of the MODIS sensor in 194 sites located across the Patagonian steppe. We found that NDVI was the VI best predictor of ecosystem attributes. This VI showed a significant positive linear relationship with both vegetation basal cover (R2 = 0.39) and plant species richness (R2 = 0.31). NDVI was also significantly and linearly related to the infiltration and nutrient cycling indices (R2 = 0.36 and 0.49, respectively), but the relationship with the stability index was weak (R2 = 0.13). Our results indicate that VIs obtained from MODIS, and NDVI in particular, are a suitable tool for estimate the spatial variability of functional and structural ecosystem attributes in the Patagonian steppe at the regional scale. 相似文献
中性景观模型与真实景观的一致性 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用RULE和SimMap中性景观模型,使其形成模拟景观的图幅大小、景观内各类型数目以及各类型之间的比例等项与真实景观相同,通过不同景观指标对中性模型系列的反应,看其在多大程度上代替真实景观.研究发现,中性景观模型在斑块数、斑块周长、聚集度、蔓延度以及孔隙度等指标所反映的格局特征方面,能很好地代替真实景观,而在校正斑块周长面积比、分维数以及边界分布均匀度等指标所反映的格局特征方面,并不能很好地代替真实景观,说明中性景观模型只能在一定的范围内可以代替真实景观。而不能完全取而代之. 相似文献
沈阳城区绿地生态系统景观结构与异质性分析 总被引:34,自引:6,他引:34
对沈阳城区绿地生态系统景观结构和异质性进行了分析。结果表明,沈阳城区绿地景观斑块以街头绿地斑块最多,占城区绿地块数的50%以上,但绿地面积只占4.45%,斑块大小以防护绿地和公园绿地斑块平均值最大,分别为66.97hm^2和59.21hm^2。而街头绿地和游园绿地斑块平均值最小,为0.71hm^2和0.38hm^2。景观多样性指数以街头绿地最高,而公园绿地最低,在沈阳城区的7个区中不同绿地类型中的优势度和均匀度都比较小,但斑块绿地优势度高于廊道绿地的10倍多,绿地分布不均衡,应增加绿地斑块数量,均匀配置公共绿地(公园绿地、道路绿地),增加绿色廊道,建立城区与城郊自然生态系统绿色通道和充分发挥沈阳城区3条人工运河带状绿地美化环境、泄洪排涝和调节气候功能作用。 相似文献