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Abstract. We measured tree damage and mortality following a catastrophic windthrow in permanent plots in an oak forest and a pine forest in central Minnesota. We monitored changes in forest structure and composition over the next 14 years. Prior to the storm, the oak forest was dominated by Quercus ellipsoidalis, and the pine forest by Pinus strobus. The immediate impacts of the storm were to differentially damage and kill large, early‐successional hardwoods and pines. Subsequent recovery was characterized by the growth of late‐successional hardwoods. In both forests the disturbance acted to accelerate succession. Ordination of tree species composition confirmed the trend of accelerated succession, and suggested a convergence of composition between the two forests.  相似文献   

Abstract. We compared vegetation establishment in 25 treefall pits and mounds along a hillside elevational gradient in a fourth-year catastrophic windthrow in eastern North America. Plant communities differed greatly between pits and mounds, with pit microsites having significantly greater species richness, total biomass, and total tree stem density. Species richness in pits and on mounds decreased with increasing elevation from the bottom of the hillside, although the effect of elevation on mound species richness was less than that of elevation on pit species richness. Biomass of Erechtites hieraciifolia decreased significantly, while that of Betula alleghaniensis increased significantly with elevation. However, total biomass of both pit and mound microsites was unrelated to elevation. Total stem density decreased with elevation in pits, but was unaffected by elevation on mounds. This study shows that both small-scale (microsite) effects and intermediate-scale effects influence the re-establishment of plant communities within this catastrophic windthrow. Consideration of both microsite and position along intermediate-scale gradients may allow more precise prediction of plant community composition and dynamics in recovery of disturbed areas.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated changes in the composition and abundance of understory species after fire in the southern boreal forest around Lake Duparquet, Québec. Ten plots of 100 m2 were sampled in each of eight sites varying in post-fire age from 26 to 230 yr, with 20 1-m2 quadrats in each of these 80 plots. Variation in the understory was described by DCA ordination and interpreted as a regeneration succession series. Thickness of the organic layers, stand age and canopy composition were all correlated with vegetational change. This change was not constant throughout succession; some old sites showed an increase in the diversity and abundance of certain pioneer species. This was partly related to openings in the canopy resulting from a major outbreak of spruce budworm, which affected sites dominated by Abies balsamea. The ordinations were performed on both the 100-m2 plots and the 1-m2 quadrats. Heterogeneity within sites was larger at the 1-m2 scale and there was a great deal of overlap in the position of the quadrats in ordination space. At the smaller scale of analysis, stand age and thickness of the organic layers were not correlated with the changes observed in the understory.  相似文献   

Abstract. The percentage of above-canopy Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (%PPFD) was measured at 0, 50 and 100 cm above the forest floor and above the main understory vegetation in stands of (1) pure Betula papyrifera (White birch), (2) pure Populus tremuloides (Trembling aspen), (3) mixed broad-leaf-conifer, (4) shade-tolerant conifer and (5) pure Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) occurring on both clay and till soil types. %PPFD was measured instantaneously under overcast sky conditions (nine locations within each of 29 stands) and continuously for a full day under clear sky conditions (five locations within each of eight stands). The percentage cover of the understory layer was estimated at the same locations as light measurements. Mean %PPFD varied from 2% at the forest floor under Populus forests to 15% above the understory vegetation cover under Betula forests. Percent PPFD above the understory vegetation cover was significantly higher under shade intolerant tree species such as Populus, Betula and Pinus than under shade tolerant conifers. No significant differences were found in %PPFD above the understory vegetation cover under similar tree species between clay and till soil types. The coefficient of variation in %PPFD measured in the nine locations within each stand was significantly lower under deciduous dominated forests (mean of 19%) than under coniferous dominated forests (mean of 40%). %PPFD measured at the forest floor was positively correlated with %PPFD measured above the understory vegetation and negatively correlated with cumulative total percent cover of the understory vegetation (R2 = 0.852). The proportion of sunflecks above 250 and 500 mmol m–2 s–1 was much lower and %PPFD in shade much higher under Populus and Betula forests than under the other forests. Differences in the mean, variability and nature of the light environment found among forest and soil types are discussed in relation to their possible influences on tree succession.  相似文献   

Cao  K.-F.  Ohkubo  T. 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):281-290
Beech forests occur widely in the mountains on the main island of Japan. Wind storm is the major regime that causes canopy disturbances in these forests. Fagus crenata Blume is a dominant, and Acer mono Maxim., also a canopy species, co-occurs in these forests. It has been suggested that A. mono is less shade-tolerant than F. crenata. Using dendrochronological data, this study describes suppression and release histories during canopy recruitment for these two species in two old-growth beech forests (at Takahara and Kaname) and provides support for the shade tolerance suggestion given above. In addition, disturbance histories over the past 130 or 160 yr in the two forests have been reconstructed. At Takahara, the forest experienced more frequent wind storms, was about 10–15 m shorter and less dense than that at Kaname. Kaname is in a heavy snow region. On average, F. crenata experienced 1.4 and 2.5 definable episodes of suppression during canopy recruitment at Takahara and Kaname, respectively. At Kaname, the average length of total suppression was 66 yr, and 34 yr at Takahara. On average, at final release, the beech trees had a diameter of 25 cm and an age of about 125 yr old, which were twice as large and twice as old as those at Takahara. In contrast, at the two sites, A. mono experienced similar average numbers of episodes (1.6 episodes at Takahara and 1.8 episodes at Kaname) and similar average length of total suppression (37 yr at Takahara and 30 yr at Kaname) during canopy recruitment. At both sites, at final release, the maple had an average diameter of about 18 cm and an average age of some 70 yr. Our results have revealed that F. crenata is able to be tolerant of a longer shade suppression than A. mono. At Kaname, the canopy disturbances deduced from tree-ring data were more intense or frequent than those at Takahara, This contrasted with occurrences of wind storms at the two sites.  相似文献   

Dyer  James M.  Baird  Philip R. 《Plant Ecology》1997,129(2):121-134
Strong winds are an important disturbance agent in northern Minnesota forests. On June 19, 1994, strong winds (>160 km h(-1)) associated with a tornado damaged forested areas within the Rydell National Wildlife Refuge, situated in Polk County Minnesota along the prairie-forest boundary. Field sampling was conducted immediately following the storm to quantify the type and extent of damage in four different community types, and to project future composition based on the nature of the storm damage and current understory characteristics, including the impact of overbrowsing by deer. Basal area in six sampled remnant forest stands was reduced by 33.5%, although the damage was heterogeneous; basal area in one stand was reduced by 68.1%. The overall effect of the storm was the removal of early- successional species (primarily Populus tremuloides) in larger size classes. Trees situated at stand edges were not more susceptible to snapping or uprooting than interior trees. Projections of future stand composition indicate that wind disturbance, unlike other agents of disturbance such as fire, may accelerate succession on the Refuge, such that early-successional stands will assume a later-successional character, while Acer-Tilia stands should maintain their late-successional character. Overbrowsing and preferential foraging by deer may significantly alter stand recovery patterns.  相似文献   

Peter M. Kotanen 《Oecologia》1996,108(4):652-662
Revegetation following a disturbance event initially should be constrained by the abundance and types of propagules available at the disturbed site. I tested this idea by conducting two experiments in which I created artificial soil disturbances by excavating or burying pre-existing grassland vegetation. In the first experiment, I varied disturbance intensity (depth), to investigate the consequences for revegetation when numbers of surviving propagules (dormant seeds and bulbs) were altered. In the second experiment, I varied the timing of disturbance, to investigate the consequences when disturbed sites experienced differing exposures to seasonal patterns of clonal growth and seed dispersal. I sampled these experiments from 1991 to 1993, and have interpreted their results using measurements of the seed bank, the bulb bank, and the seed rain. In the first (depth) experiment, bulbs declined in abundance with burial depth and were scarcer in deeper excavations. In contrast, numbers of annual graminoids initially showed no trends with respect to disturbance depth. These results reflect the depth distributions of the seed and bulb banks. Since bulbs occur deeply in the soil, progressively deeper disturbances left fewer survivors. Similarly, perennial graminoids could grow through the shallowest burials. In contrast, since the annual-graminoid-dominated seed bank is concentrated near the soil surface, disturbance depth mattered less to these species: any disturbance removing the surface layer was equally destructive. In the second (timing) experiment, more annual graminoids initially occurred in older plots. This result reflects seasonal patterns of seed production: plots exposed to more of the annual-graminoid-dominated seed rain supported higher densities of annual graminoids as a result. In subsequent years, the vegetation of most plots in both experiments was increasingly dominated by annual graminoids, again as a consequence of their great abundance in the seed rain. These results indicate that interactions between soil disturbances and sources of propagules play an important role in controlling early stages of succession in newly created gaps. They also suggest that disturbance may play different roles in communities characterized by species with different reproductive strategies. Understanding sources of colonists will improve our ability to predict the effects of disturbance.  相似文献   

Questions: Do plant characteristics predict microsite colonization in severe habitats dominated by abiotic factors? Specifically, does colonization of microsites differ among shrubs, forbs and grasses or between wind‐ and water‐dispersed plants, non‐native and native plants, or N‐fixing and non‐N‐fixing plants? Location: Kowhai River floodplain, Kaikoura, South Island, New Zealand. Methods: Five microsite characteristics were measured for > 1000 individuals representing 27 colonizing plant species on a two‐year old surface of a primary succession on a New Zealand floodplain. The microsite characteristics included surface contour (convex, concave, or flat), the position of the plant (e.g., upstream, downstream) relative to the closest rock with > 20 cm maximum dimension, the distance to that same rock, the depth of the base of the stem below the surface of a plane resting on the adjacent microrelief, and soil particle size (gravel, pebbles or sand). Results: All plants preferred concave microsites near large rocks relative to systematically placed null points. We found no clear preferences for microhabitats by dispersal mode, native vs. non‐native status, or plants with or without nitrogen‐fixing symbionts, but grasses preferentially colonized fine soil particles. Highly variable responses among species contributed to these results. Better predictability of microsite preference was obtained for individual species than forplants grouped by characteristics. Conclusions Our results suggest that in severe habitats with strong abiotic filters and low microsite availability, such as found in early primary succession, coarse categories of species characteristics are poor predictors of colonization success.  相似文献   

Abstract. Data from three forest stands for the past 2000 yr show how the shade-intolerant species Pinus sylvestris and Betula pubescens maintain significant populations in the Swedish boreal landscape. Age structure data from a northern stand close to the range limits of Picea abies and Pinus complement a local pollen diagram, and reveal cyclic population fluctuations which can be related to periods of climatic stress and fire. Pollen data from two southern stands show that high fire frequencies in the past prevented the expansion of Picea populations. Reduction of the fire frequency during the last 200 yr has favoured Picea. A long time perspective reveals the population dynamics of long-lived species and indicates the controlling factors. Such knowledge permits assessment of the current status and likely future of forest stands.  相似文献   

A. Beeftink 《Plant Ecology》1985,61(1-3):33-44
Limonium vulgare and Plantago maritima are growing together over large areas and in varying proportions on the Boschplaat salt marsh. The question is how both species interact and which environmental factors play a role in those interactions.There are indications of different measures of niche differentiation in the Plantagini-Limonietum association related to differences in flooding frequency and substrate. Interactions between both species are described according to three models (related to de Wit's competition model). Mechanisms that may cause niche differentiation are: differences in growth rhythm, in salt tolerance, in rooting depth, in preference to types of substrate, in morphology, in mycorrhizae and diseases.On a small scale (spatial heterogeneity in the marsh and variation in subsequent seasons) Limonium can achieve a bigger portion in the vegetation by occupying open sites faster than Plantago. On a larger scale (the whole marsh, decades) the impossibility of Plantago to germinate and rejuvenate after sedimentation of silt and salinisation of the soil is the determining factor causing an overall decrease of this species (compared with Limonium) and increase of Limonium.The life cycle of both species, criteria for scale in space and time, and the question whether the Plantagini-Limonietum should be considered a syntaxon, are discussed.Nomenclature follows Heukels-van Ooststroom (1977).I like to thank Dr. P. Ketner and Dr. C. J. T. Spitters for their accompaniment and their ideas, so that I was aware of the wood (Boschplaat) for the trees. I also like to thank Drs. A. J. M. Roozen and Prof. Dr. E. van der Maarel for their discussions about this subject on many occasions. Finally I would like to thank Dr. W. G. Beeftink for his ideas and support and Ron Don, Wim van Hooff, Sjef Jansen, Alex Jonker, Annemiek Demon, Wim Heijligers, Marlie Becks and Frans Wilms for providing the basic concept (the Plantagini-Limonietum) and for their help.  相似文献   

In this study we examined seed supply (seed banks and seed rain) and vegetation of seeded cultivated grasses and naturally occurring native grasses following a wildfire in northern New Mexico, USA. We specifically examined density of native and cultivated grass seeds and plants in areas of high, moderate, and low fire severity. We also examined the similarity between density of native and cultivated grass seeds to density of above ground plants. Density of native grass seed per square meter was higher in areas that burned under low fire severity (85.18 ± 44.83) compared to areas of moderate (18.52 ± 11.26) and high (7.41 ± 4.90) fire severity; however, differences were not statistically significant due, in part, to the high error associated with estimates. Density of cultivated grass seed per square meter was higher than that of native grass seed in areas of high (439.60 ± 117.98) and moderate (437.02 ± 146.50) fire severity, areas that were seeded with cultivated grasses after the wildfire for erosion control. Density of seeded grass plants per square meter was also higher than that of native grass plants in areas of high (18.78 ± 4.59 versus 0.33 ± 0.24) and moderate (8.22 ± 1.76 versus 0.22 ± 0.15) fire severity. There was a higher correspondence between the density of cultivated grass seeds and plants (highest value 0.32 ± 0.11) compared to density of native grass seeds and plants (highest value 0.05 ± 0.04). The high density of seeds, plants, and correspondence indicated that seeds from cultivated grasses are more likely to establish as post-fire vegetation than seeds from native grasses. Seeding with cultivated grasses following a wildfire may slow or inhibit recovery of native grasses in the short term. Longer-term implications for site occupancy deserve further study.  相似文献   

Question: In the boreal forest of eastern Canada, how does forest vegetation change in the sustained absence of fire? Location: Eastern boreal forest in Quebec's North Shore region, Canada (49°30′–50°00′N; 67°30′–68°35′W). Methods: Aerial photos from three different periods (1930, 1965 and 1987) were used to characterize changes in vegetation composition in 23 scenes of 200 ha. Time since fire, presence of secondary disturbances and data on soil and topographic variables were obtained. Ordination and clustering techniques were used to define compositional trajectories of change over the 57‐yr period. These trajectories were further grouped into pathways based on compositional changes, time since fire and preferential deposit‐drainage types. Results: Among the 26 compositional trajectories, three successional pathways were distinguished. Two start post‐fire succession with a dominance of intolerant hardwood. In one of these, this is followed by an increase in Abies balsamea, while in the second the importance of Picea mariana increases with time. In the third pathway P. mariana is an important component from the outset. In this pathway, we observed modest fluctuation in the relative dominance of P. mariana and A. balsamea and variation in stand structure. Conclusion: The boreal forest vegetation of Eastern Canada is diverse and dynamic even in the absence of fire, notably under the influence of partial disturbances. Such disturbances can be associated with changes in composition or stand structure. The development of management strategies aimed at maintaining stand diversity by emulating a broader variety of partial and secondary disturbances should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Properties of the soil and sand-binding vegetation were measured at five sites plus a control on dunes of the Tengger Desert stabilized for periods of up to 50 years. In the topsoil, fine particles, total N, P, K and organic matter increased significantly with increasing site age. However, there were no significant changes in deeper soil profiles (>0.4 m depth). Soil pH, calcium carbonate content, and total salt content tended to increase with age. Soil water in the topsoil changed little with increasing age, but was closely related to rainfall during the 50-year period. For deeper soil layers (0.4–3.0 m) soil water decreased significantly with age. After revegetation, the number of herbaceous species increased up to 30 years and then levelled off to 12–14 species, whereas the number of shrub species decreased from the 10 initial sand-binding species to only 3 species. Shrub cover decreased from a highest average of about 33% to the current 9%, whereas cover and biomass of herbaceous species increased throughout succession from 1956 to 2006. The development of soil and cryptogamic crusts on the surface of stabilized dunes enhanced the colonization and establishment of herbaceous plants due to increasing water availability, clay and silt content and soil nutrients. We propose that changes in properties of the surface soil led to increased interception of water, favoring shallow rooted grasses and forbs over perennial shrubs.  相似文献   

Abstract. The cessation of coppicing and grazing in Quercus woodlands, with its subsequent changes in the structure, composition and functioning of vegetation communities, is becoming more frequent throughout the Mediterranean Basin. In southern France, we have studied successional changes in Quercus pubescens woodlands by visiting previously studied sites 18 yr later. Changes in vertical structure, species richness, floristic composition, life form and dispersal type were analysed and compared between woodlands that had previously been grazed or ungrazed. Both successions showed a decline in vegetation cover in the 0–25 cm height class and in the height class immediately under the canopy layer, due to oak litter accumulation and tree ageing. In post‐grazing succession, the abandonment of grazing and associated burning has allowed the vegetation cover to increase in the 0.25‐2 m height class. In both successions, grassland species decreased in frequency and forest species increased, a trend which was stronger in undisturbed succession. Species richness decreased with time in the undisturbed succession, but remained stable in the post‐grazing succession mainly because of the slow decline of plants linked to grazing. In undisturbed succession, therophytes and hemicryptophytes decreased. In contrast, therophytes and hemicryptophytes remained stable in post‐grazing succession. In both successions, endozoochorous species (notably Ruscus aculeatus) increased. Plants dispersed by non‐animal vectors decreased in undisturbed succession, but stability was observed in most of the dispersal types in post‐grazing succession. These results showed that a time‐lag existed between undisturbed succession and post‐grazing succession, the latter remaining at a younger stage of successional development due to more recent impact of grazing. However, both successions have converged suggesting that most of the traces of grazing on vegetation will disappear within a few years. The vegetation of these coppices, regardless of the previous grazing regime, will become increasingly similar to the vegetation of undisturbed woodlands. However, their floristic composition will probably never be identical to that of undisturbed woodlands, mainly because of the rarity of these undisturbed woodlands and of the short‐distance dispersal of many forest plant species.  相似文献   

Hölzel  Norbert  Otte  Annette 《Plant Ecology》2004,174(2):279-291
Persistent soil seed banks are presumed to play a significant role in bridging and exploiting the effects of major flood disturbances in riparian systems. However, presently there is little empirical data on the correlation between flooding and seed bank dynamics. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of inter-annual flooding variation on soil seed bank dynamics in flood-meadows. We analysed seed bank composition at 46 plots along the northern Upper Rhine River, Germany, after two periods with contrasting flooding conditions (1996–1997: low and rare flooding; 1998–1999 high and very frequent flooding). Between both sampling occasions the total number of seedlings emerging from the seed bank decreased by 50% and average species-richness per sample by 30%, irrespective of the sampling depth. Similar decline occurred in mesophytes and wetland species as well as over different functional groups, with the exception of legumes. Considerable compositional changes in the seed bank were also indicated by shifts in DCA ordination and by the comparison of similarity matrices from both years with the Mantel test. The Mantel test also confirmed that compositional changes were more pronounced in the seed bank than in aboveground vegetation. There was poor correlation between the decline in total seed densities and species in the soil seed bank and environmental variables such as flooding duration and ecological groupings such as floodplain compartment and seed bank community types. Further distinct patterns of decline and persistence were evident only at the species level. While 21 species displayed a significant decline, only two species increased. Annual arable weeds and perennial ruderals with high temperature or nutrient requirements to break dark dormancy were amongst the most significantly declining species. In contrast, there was no decline in typical winter annuals and certain perennials that preferably germinate in autumn and fall into dormancy at the beginning of the warm period. Generally, differences in germination requirements and dormancy cycles of species gave the best explanation for the patterns of decline and persistence after intense flooding. Given these findings, the heavy depletion of the persistent soil seed bank we observed is most likely attributed to a post-flood germination flush due to very favourable recruitment conditions prevailing during the draw-down period after early summer flooding in 1999. The results of our study suggest that persistent soil seed banks are of outstanding importance to bridge and exploit the highly variable hydrological conditions that are typical of flood-meadows. Thus, they play a significant role in maintaining the floristic diversity of this habitat type over time and space. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Question: What was the role of fire during the establishment of the current overstory (ca. 1870–1940) in mixed‐oak forests of eastern North America? Location: Nine sites representing a 240‐km latitudinal gradient on the Allegheny and Cumberland Plateaus of eastern North America. Methods: Basal cross‐sections were collected from 225 trees. Samples were surfaced, and fire scars were dated. Fire history diagrams were constructed and fire return intervals were calculated for each site. Geographic patterns of fire occurrence, and fire‐climate relationships were assessed. Results: Fire was a frequent and widespread occurrence during the formation of mixed‐oak forests, which initiated after large‐scale land clearing in the region ca. 1870. Fire return ranged from 1.7 to 11.1 years during a period of frequent burning from 1875 to 1936. Fires were widespread during this period, sometimes occurring across the study region in the same year. Fires occurred in a variety of climate conditions, including both drought and non‐drought years. Fires were rare from 1936 to the present. Conclusions: A variety of fire regime characteristics were discerned. First, a period of frequent fire lasted approximately 60 years during the establishment of the current oak overstory. Second, fire occurred during a variety of climate conditions, including wet climates and extreme drought. Finally, there was within‐site temporal variability in fire occurrence. These reference conditions could be mimicked in ongoing oak restoration activities, improving the likelihood of restoration success.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose and test a classification of plant functional types for tropical trees based on demography, growth form, phenology, and moisture requirements, using data from a 50-ha forest dynamics plot in Panama. Correlations among demographic variables for individual species - mortality, growth, and the tendency to colonize light gaps - were strong, and a single principal component (PC) accounted for a large fraction of the demographic variability. Most species - shade-tolerants - were clustered at the low end of the PC axis (low growth, low mortality), while the rest were continuously distributed over a wide range. Three demographic guilds could be defined from scores on this axis: we call these pioneer, building phase, and shade-tolerant trees, following earlier terminology. Leaf lifetime correlated negatively with the demographic axis, and there was a weak relationship between demography and moisture-preference: no species with high demographic scores also had high moisture requirements. There was no significant relationship between deciduousness and the demographic axis, but deciduousness was negatively correlated with leaf lifetime and moisture index. Altogether, 11 different combinations of demographic variables, deciduousness, moisture needs, and growth form (canopy vs. understory species) were identified. We evaluated how these functional types changed in abundance between 1982 and 1995. Because of a recent run of dry years and long dry seasons, we predicted that deciduous species, canopy species, pioneers, and drought-tolerant species would be increasing at the expense of their counterparts. Only one aspect of this prediction was borne out: moisture- demanding species declined sharply in abundance relative to drought-tolerant species. Neither deciduousness nor growth form was associated with population change, and pioneer species declined in abundance more often than shade-tolerants. The overall structure of the forest - the density of deciduous, pioneer, and understory species - did not change much, but the decline of the moisture-demanding guild indicates that a change in composition is preceding a structural change.  相似文献   

The primary growth plate of the fetal bovine tibia was studied in order to determine whether changes in the structure, abundance and expression of the leucine-rich repeat proteoglycans were occurring during tissue maturation from reserve cartilage to hypertrophic cartilage. The proteoglycans under study were decorin, biglycan, fibromodulin and lumican. Decorin was readily detectable in both the reserve and proliferating zones of the growth plate, but its abundance decreased markedly in the zones of maturation and hypertrophy where it could not be detected under the same conditions of analysis. In contrast to decorin, fibromodulin and biglycan could be detected throughout the growth plate, though their abundance was decreased in the proliferative and hypertrophic zones. Unlike the other proteoglycans, lumican could not be detected throughout the growth plate. At the message level, the expression of decorin shows a similar trend to that of protein abundance in the extracellular matrix, with its expression dropping markedly in the proliferative and hypertrophic zones. In the case of both biglycan and fibromodulin, message expression continued at a similar level throughout the growth plate. Thus, the leucine-rich repeat proteoglycans are different in the way they behave during growth plate maturation.  相似文献   

Pauly M  Qin Q  Greene H  Albersheim P  Darvill A  York WS 《Planta》2001,212(5-6):842-850
Xyloglucans were isolated by sequential extraction of the cell walls of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) with a xyloglucan-specific endoglucanase and KOH. The xyloglucan content and xyloglucan-oligosaccharide composition were determined for fractions obtained from the elongating and non-elongating segments of pea stems grown in the light and in darkness. The results were consistent with the hypothesis that regulated growth of the cell wall depends on xyloglucan metabolism. Furthermore, the characterization of xyloglucan extracted from leaves of light-grown pea plants indicates that xyloglucan metabolism is tissue specific. Changes in xyloglucan subunit structure observed in elongating stems are consistent with the in muro realization of a metabolic pathway that was previously proposed solely on the basis of the in vitro activities of plant glycosyl hydrolases. Received: 21 May 2000 / Accepted: 7 June 2000  相似文献   

Three permanent plots (P1, P2, and P3) were established in the Pinus luchuensis-Schima mertensiana forest on Chichijima in the Ogasawara Islands. The complete process of the mass-dieback of the pine trees in the early 1980s and the consequences of the typhoon damage in 1983 were surveyed for 20 years (1980–1999) together with the vegetation recovery following these disturbances. The stem height and the growth condition of all the seedlings and saplings (P1: 1,632, P2: 1,681, and P3: 931) were recorded, and the relative light intensity and the weight of the A0 layer were measured each year. Dead pine trees fell down and rotted gradually. In P1 and P2, the 1983 typhoon inflicted extensive damage to the canopy; the gap area ratio in the canopy was 60.1% and 58.1%, respectively. Trema orientalis seedlings emerged from buried seed concurrently in 1984, but they almost all died within a few years in P2. Many seedlings of S. mertensiana germinated in 1985 and 1986 in P1 and P2, and Psidium cattleianum (an introduced species) followed, especially in P2. Psidium attained a dominant position in the canopy of P2 as a result of the disturbances. In contrast, the structure and composition of the forest in P3, which consisted of emergent trees of Casuarina equisetifolia, did not change to any large extent. All of the individuals found in the plots, with the exception of the parent trees, were classified as advanced saplings (existing from 1980) and new seedlings (germinated during the survey period), and survival rates at 1, 10, and 20 years and growth following the disturbances were compared between them. By 1999, the advanced saplings, but not the new seedlings, overwhelmingly occupied the vacant spaces created in the canopy. Some seedlings became new advanced saplings following the disturbances. Based on these results, a two-step regeneration model that is related to the disturbances is proposed.  相似文献   

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