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Question: What is the relative influence of forest continuity, environmental differences and geographical context on vegetation and species richness in ancient and recent forests? Location: Himmerland and Hornsherred in Denmark. Methods: Lists of forest species from deciduous forests were subjected to CCA with variation partitioning to quantify the relative amount of variation in species composition attributable to historical, present geographical and environmental variables. GLM was used to estimate the importance of the variables to species richness. Results: The importance of temporal forest continuity in one region was negligible but was considerable in the other. The variation in species composition explained by geographical, environmental and historical variables showed little overlap in both regions, particularly at the fine scale. Conclusions: This paper does not support the idea that differences in the flora between ancient and recent forests is mainly caused by environmental differences. Furthermore, species richness seemed unaffected by isolation and forest connectivity.  相似文献   

Abstract The reduction and fragmentation of forest habitats is expected to have profound effects on plant species diversity as a consequence of the decreased area and increased isolation of the remnant patches. To stop the ongoing process of forest fragmentation, much attention has been given recently to the restoration of forest habitat. The present study investigates restoration possibilities of recently established patches with respect to their geographical isolation. Because seed dispersal events over 100 m are considered to be of long distance, a threshold value of 100 m between recent and old woodland was chosen to define isolation. Total species richness, individual patch species richness, frequency distributions in species occurrences, and patch occupancy patterns of individual species were significantly different among isolated and nonisolated stands. In the short term no high species richness is to be expected in isolated stands. Establishing new forests adjacent to existing woodland ensures higher survival probabilities of existing populations. In the long term, however, the importance of long‐distance seed dispersal should not be underestimated because most species showed occasional long‐distance seed dispersal. A clear distinction should be made between populations colonizing adjacent patches and patches isolated from old woodland. The colonization of isolated stands may have important effects on the dynamics and diversity of forest networks, and more attention should be directed toward the genetic traits and viability of founding populations in isolated stands.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have documented declines in plant diversity in response to habitat loss in fragmented landscapes. However, determining the mechanisms that lead to species loss is challenging using solely a correlative approach. Here we link correlative assessments of plant community composition with seed additions for a focal species to test the hypothesis that distributions of forests plants within a fragmented landscape are limited by seed dispersal. Woody plant species richness of fragments declined as fragments (n=26) became more isolated by agricultural fields. We predicted that if these isolation effects were driven by poor dispersal rather than other effects associated with habitat loss, then plants should vary in their response to isolation in relation to their seed size (i.e., stronger effects for plants with larger seeds). As predicted under this dispersal limitation hypothesis, sensitivity of bird-dispersed shrubs to isolation was related to their seed mass, with species with heavy seeds (e.g., Lindera benzoin) exhibiting stronger declines in presence across isolation gradients than species with light seeds. Seed addition experiments were performed for Lindera benzoin in two high isolation forest fragments (nearest neighbor mean distance=803 m) where Lindera was naturally absent, and two low isolation fragments (nearest neighbor mean distance=218 m) with naturally occurring Lindera populations. Seed addition and control plots (n=50 1 m2 plots per fragment) were monitored for 13 censuses over 3 years. Across all four fragments, seed additions resulted in significant increases in Lindera seedling recruitment with no differences in final seedling establishment among fragments. However, insect herbivory was higher on Lindera seedlings in high isolation compared to low isolation fragments and was negatively correlated with seedling survival over some years. Consistent with prior work, our results confirm that seed dispersal plays a significant role in affecting plant diversity in fragmented landscapes. However, results also suggest the need for a better understanding of how additional processes, such as herbivory, may be altered as habitat is lost and what effects such changes have for forest plants.  相似文献   

Aim To address the relative role of adjacent land use, distance to forest edge, forest size and their interactions on understorey plant species richness and composition in perimetropolitan forests. Location The metropolitan area of Barcelona, north‐eastern Spain. Methods Twenty sampling sites were distributed in two forest size‐categories: small forest patches (8–90 ha) and large forest areas (> 18,000 ha). For each forest‐size category, five sites were placed adjacent to crops and five sites adjacent to urban areas. Vascular plant species were recorded and human frequentation was scored visually in 210 10 × 10 m plots placed at 10, 50 and 100 m from the forest edge, and additionally at 500 m in large forest areas. Plant species were grouped according to their ecology and rarity categories. A nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination was carried out to detect patterns of variation in species assemblage, and to explore the relationships between these patterns and the richness of the species groups and the studied factors. Factorial anovas were used to test the significance of the studied factors on the richness of species groups. Relationships between human frequentation and the studied variables were assessed through contingency tables. Results Forest‐size category was the main factor affecting synanthropic species (i.e. those thriving in man‐made or man‐disturbed habitats). Synanthropic species richness decreased with increasing distance from the forest edge and, when forests were adjacent to crops, it was higher in small forest patches than in large forest areas. Richness of rare forest species was lower in small forest patches than in large forest areas when forests were adjacent to urban areas. Richness of common forest species and of all forest species together were higher close to the forest edge than far from it when forests were adjacent to urban areas. Forests adjacent to urban areas were more likely to experience high human frequentation, particularly in those plots nearest to the forest edge. Main conclusions Forest‐size category and adjacent land use were the most important factors determining species richness and composition. The preservation of large forests adjacent to crops in peri‐urban areas is recommended, because they are less frequented by humans, are better buffered against the percolation of nonforest species and could favour the persistence of rare forest species.  相似文献   

Ancient forests are of considerable interest for strategies for biodiversity conservation. However, in European forest landscapes fragmented and harvested for a long time forest continuity might be no longer a key driver for flying organisms such as saproxylic beetles. In a study based on paired samples (n = 60 stands, p = 180 traps) of ancient and recent forests, we investigated the effects of forest continuity on saproxylic beetle assemblages in two French regions. Mean species richness was significantly related with deadwood volume in ancient forests, but not in recent forests. This loss of relationship between assemblages and their environment suggests that dispersal limitation is at work, at least for some species. Forest continuity had a significant effect on mean species richness and on the mean number of common species, but not on rare species. Forest continuity had a significant effect on assemblage composition in one out of the four cases tested. In both regions, we identified species associated with either recent or ancient forests. Finally, mean body size of species was significantly smaller in recent forests compared with ancient ones, as was their tree diameter preference, despite a higher volume of large deadwood in recent forests. These results lend support to using forest continuity as a criterion to identify sites of conservation importance, even in highly fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

The destruction and fragmentation of tropical forests are major sources of global biodiversity loss. A better understanding of anthropogenically altered landscapes and their relationships with species diversity and composition is needed in order to protect biodiversity in these environments. The spatial patterns of a landscape may control the ecological processes that shape species diversity and composition. However, there is little information about how plant diversity varies with the spatial configuration of forest patches especially in fragmented tropical habitats. The northeastern part of Puerto Rico provides the opportunity to study the relationships between species richness and composition of woody plants (shrubs and trees) and spatial variables [i.e., patch area and shape, patch isolation, connectivity, and distance to the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF)] in tropical forest patches that have regenerated from pasturelands. The spatial data were obtained from aerial color photographs from year 2000. Each photo interpretation was digitized into a GIS package, and 12 forest patches (24–34 years old) were selected within a study area of 28 km2. The woody plant species composition of the patches was determined by a systematic floristic survey. The species diversity (Shannon index) and species richness of woody plants correlated positively with the area and the shape of the forest patch. Larger patches, and patches with more habitat edge or convolution, provided conditions for a higher diversity of woody plants. Moreover, the distance of the forest patches to the LEF, which is a source of propagules, correlated negatively with species richness. Plant species composition was also related to patch size and shape and distance to the LEF. These results indicate that there is a link between landscape structure and species diversity and composition and that patches that have similar area, shape, and distance to the LEF provide similar conditions for the existence of a particular plant community. In addition, forest patches that were closer together had more similarity in woody plant species composition than patches that were farther apart, suggesting that seed dispersal for some species is limited at the scale of 10 km.  相似文献   

In present day European landscapes many forest plant species are restricted to isolated remnants of a formerly more or less continuous forest cover. The two major objectives of this study were (1) to determine the relative importance of habitat quality (mainly in terms of soil parameters), habitat configuration (patch size and isolation) and habitat continuity for the distribution of herbaceous forest plant species in a highly fragmented landscape and (2) to examine if groups of species with different habitat requirements are affected differently. Deciduous forest patches in northwestern Germany were surveyed for the presence of a large set of forest species. For each patch, habitat quality, configuration and continuity were determined. Data were analysed by Redundancy Analysis with variation partitioning for effects on total species composition and multivariate logistic regression for effects on individual species, for two different data sets (base‐rich and base‐poor forest patches). Overall, we found strong effects of habitat quality (particularly of soil pH, water content and topographic heterogeneity in the base‐rich forest patches; and of calcium content and disturbance in the base‐poor patches), but only relatively weak effects of habitat configuration and habitat continuity. However, a number of species were positively affected by patch area and negatively affected by patch isolation. Furthermore, the relative importance of habitat configuration tended to be higher for species predominantly growing in closed forests compared to species occurring both in the forest and in the open landscape.  相似文献   

The transition zone between forest and savanna is typically characterized by a dynamic patchwork of forest and savanna. We studied the woody plant species composition of 49 forest islands, 18 savanna, and 3 gallery forest plots in the Comoé National Park (Ivory Coast), West Africa's largest savanna reserve. TWINSPAN makes a clear distinction in vegetational composition between these three major habitat types but, nevertheless, more than 50% of the 292 species occur in at least 2 of them. The gallery forest is dominated by Cynometra megalophylla (Caesalpiniaceae), a genus known to dominate humid forests in other afrotropical regions. Ordination reveals four distinct categories of forest islands, (1) humid forests comparable to the gallery forest in their species composition, (2) dry disturbed and (3) dry undisturbed forests and (4) forests formerly inhabited by humans. Disturbed forests harbor more savanna species but also a distinct group of disturbance-tolerant forest species. Compared to other forest species, in this latter group we found an exceptionally high fraction of animal dispersed species (80% vs. 58%), while wind dispersed species or species lacking long distance seed dispersal mechanisms were correspondingly rare. This pattern occurs in spite of the fact that the frequency of wind dispersed species in general increases from dense humid forests to open dry forests and savanna. Species lacking long distance dispersal mechanisms are most abundant among those specialized on humid forests. These observations suggest that the species composition of forest islands is to some extent determined by the seed dispersal abilities of the different species.  相似文献   

Deforestation has resulted in the fragmentation of forests. Remnant fragments are widely assumed to be sources of seeds for forest regeneration in abandoned pastures. The seed rain in 12 pastures at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, their relationship with riparian vegetation adjacent to them, and their closeness to the reserve is described. For all the species found in the seed rain, we classified them by typical habitat (pasture or rain forest), life form, dispersal syndrome, and plant strategy (pioneer or non-pioneer species). In addition, germinability was evaluated for all seeds. We also assessed the correlation in composition of the seed rain and the riparian vegetation. Only 11% of the total species that occur in the Los Tuxtlas region reach pastures via dispersal from forest fragments. However, nearly 80% of the species in the seed rain did not come from the fruiting individuals in the adjacent riparian vegetation. The proportion of dispersal syndromes, life forms and plant strategies of the species in the seed rain was similar to those observed in the rain forest. On average, the germinability of forest species was less than 30%.The forest species richness was similar in the seed rain in pastures and inside the forest, but the pasture seed rain contained fewer seeds per species. Pastures have a high potential for natural regeneration because of seed dispersal from adjacent forest. However, the forest that regenerates in pastures close to the reserve is expected to contain different species than the forest regenerating far away from it.  相似文献   

Summary Seed availability is a major factor limiting the recruitment of rain forest to cleared land, but little is known about the composition of the soil seed bank under different reforestation pathways. We quantified changes in the viable soil seed bank following rain forest clearing and pasture establishment and subsequent reforestation in subtropical eastern Australia. Major reforestation pathways in the region include planting of a diverse suite of native trees for ecological restoration purposes, autogenic regrowth dominated by the non‐native tree Camphor Laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) and management of this regrowth to accelerate the development of a native tree community. These pathways differ considerably in cost: restoration plantings are expensive, autogenic regrowth is free, whilst managing regrowth generally costs much less than restoration plantings. We surveyed five sites within each of three reforestation pathways as well as reference sites in remnant rain forest and pasture. The composition of the seed bank was determined by germinating plants from soil samples collected from each site. Germinants were classified into several functional groups according to life form, origin, dispersal mode and successional stage. The majority of functional groups varied significantly in abundance or richness between rain forest and pasture sites. Most of the functional groups that varied between rain forest and pasture were restored to values similar to rain forest by at least one of the three reforestation pathways examined. The species richness of native woody plants in the soil seed bank was slightly higher in restoration plantings than in autogenic or managed regrowth; nevertheless, the species richness and abundance of native woody plants and vines were higher in the seed bank of autogenic regrowth than pasture, and both attributes were enhanced by the management of regrowth sites. The results of this study show that autogenic regrowth can make an important contribution to rain forest restoration at a landscape scale. The optimal reforestation approach or mix of approaches will depend on the desired rate of recovery and the resources available for restoration.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Do relationships among forest plant traits correspond to dispersability‐persistence trade‐offs or other inter‐trait correlations found in the literature? 2. Do species groups delineated by trait similarity, differ in occurrence in ancient vs. new forests or isolated vs more continuous forest patches? 3. Are these patterns consistent for different forest types? Location: Central Belgium, near Leuven. Methods: We investigate the distributions of a large set of plant traits and combinations among all forest species occurring in patches with varying forest continuity and isolation. Through calculation of Gower's similarity index and subsequent clustering,‘emergent’ species groups are delineated. Then, the relative occurrence of these different groups in forest patches of different age and size, sustaining different forest types (alluvial vs. Quercion), and having different isolation status is compared through multivariate GLM analysis. Results: Correlations among several life history traits point towards trade‐offs of dispersability and fecundity vs. longevity. We distinguished three species groups: 1= mainly shrubs or climbers with fleshy or wind dispersed fruits and high dispersal potential; 2 = dominated by small, mainly vegetatively reproducing herbs; 3 = with spring flowering herbs with large seeds and mainly unassisted dispersal. Relative occurrence of these groups was significantly affected by forest age, area, isolation and forest type. Separate analyses for alluvial and Quercion forests indicated that the relative importance of these factors may differ, depending on forest type and species group. Both forest continuity and isolation are important in restricting the relative occurrence of forest species in alluvial forests, whatever their group membership. In Quercion forests forest patch area was the primary determinant of relative occurrence of species groups. Conclusions: It is very important to preserve the actual forest area including the spatial setting and the dispersal infrastructure within the landscape. Next, forest connectivity may be restored, but it is inherently a long process.  相似文献   

In agricultural landscapes in central Europe, species richness of the herbaceous plant community may be compromised by processes associated with forest fragmentation, habitat loss, and management practices. We examined variability in species richness and composition of the herbaceous layer in 229 plots located in 23 forest fragments (0.1 to 255 ha), in a representative upland agricultural landscape in central Bohemia, in relation to the most important site environmental factors, edge effects, and site history. The influence of environmental factors on the composition of vegetation in the herb layer was evaluated using generalized additive models, which enabled us to analyze highly non-linear and non-monotonic relationships. Total species richness and number of red-listed and ancient forest species were significantly influenced by type of forest vegetation, light quality, soil pH, slope aspect, and distance from the forest edge. Implications of the significant explanatory variables corresponded well to previous findings, with the exception of distance from the forest edge, for which we found a positive relationship with species richness for distances up to 200 m toward the forest interior. Plant species with low colonization ability occupied plots with increasing frequency from edge to forest interior, while fast-colonizing species showed the opposite trend. Apart from the edge effect, forest continuity should be considered for its important contribution to the richness of ancient forest and red-listed species, whereas the effect of forest fragment size appeared to be generally weak. These results do not negate the importance of large forest fragments for the maintenance of herb layer species richness, but specifically emphasize the essential contribution of the core habitats of these forests. In summary, we showed that the negative effects of habitat fragmentation on the richness of ancient forest and red-listed species and on herb layer species in total can be largely attributed to either the edge effect itself or to aggregate effects of forest edge and forest continuity.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the effects of forest fragmentation on ant communities in an Amazonian landscape that has been fragmented for over a century. Location The region surrounding the village of Alter do Chão in the Brazilian Amazonian state of Pará (2°30′ S, 54°57′ W). Methods Collection of ants and measurements of tree density were performed along transects established in eight sites in continuous forest and in 24 forest fragments surrounded by savanna vegetation. Data on size, perimeter, and degree of isolation (distance to continuous forest and distance to nearest area of forest > 5 ha) of each fragment were obtained from a georeferenced Landsat image of the study area. Results There were significant differences in species richness and composition between fragments and continuous forest, and these differences were not related to intersite variation in vegetation structure (tree density). Fragments supported fewer ant species per plot, and these species tended to represent a nested subset of those found in continuous forests. Fragments had significantly fewer rare species and fewer ant genera. However, fragments and continuous forest had similar numbers of species that also occur in the savanna matrix (i.e. that are not forest specialists). Multiple linear regression analyses indicated that species richness and composition in the fragments are significantly affected by fragment area, but not by fragment shape and degree of isolation. More species were found in larger fragments. Main conclusions Forest fragmentation influences the organization of ant communities in Amazonian savanna/forest landscapes. Forest fragments harboured, on average, 85% of the species found in continuous forest. That these fragments, despite their long history of isolation, support a relatively large complement of the species found in continuous forest is surprising, especially given that in some recently fragmented landscapes the proportion of species surviving in the fragments is lower. Differences in inter‐fragment distance and type of matrix between Alter do Chão and these other landscapes may be involved. The fact that fragments at Alter do Chão are surrounded by a natural (rather than an anthropogenic) habitat, and that most of them are less than 300 m from another forest area, may have helped to ameliorate the adverse effects of forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

The archipelago-like coastal forest of East Africa is one of the highest priority ecosystems for biodiversity conservation worldwide. Here we investigate patterns of species richness and biogeographic distribution among birds, mammals and reptiles of these forests, using distribution data obtained from recently published reviews and information collated by the WWF Eastern Africa Coastal Forest Ecoregion Programme. Birds and mammals species were divided into forest specialists and generalists, and forest specialist reptiles into ‘coastal’ and ‘forest’ endemics. The species richness of birds and generalist mammals increased with area, and is probably a result of area-dependent extinction. Only in birds, however, species richness increased with decreasing isolation, suggesting possible isolation-dependent colonization. Forest diversity, associated to altitudinal range, is important for specialist birds and mammals, whose species richness increased with wider altitudinal range. The number of relict coastal endemic and forest endemic reptiles was higher in forests with wider altitudinal ranges and on relatively higher altitude, respectively. Such forests have probably provided a suitable (and perhaps stable) environment for these species through time, thus increasing their persistence. Parsimony analysis of distributions (PAD) and cluster analyses showed geographical distance and general ecological similarity among forests as a determinant factor in bird distribution patterns, with compositional similarity decreasing with increasing inter-forest distance. Compositional similarity patterns of mammals among the forests did not show a strong geographical correspondence or a significant correlation with inter-forest distance, and those of reptiles were not resolved, with very low similarity levels among forest faunas. Our results suggest that the relative importance (and causal relationship) of forest attributes affecting the distribution of the East African coastal forest vertebrate fauna varies depending on life history traits such as dispersal ability and forest specialization. The groupings in PAD are partly congruent with some of the previous classifications of areas of endemism for this region, supporting the ‘naturalness’ of these regions.  相似文献   

Particularly in the temperate climate zone many forests have, at some moment in their history, been used as agriculture land. Forest cover is therefore often not as stable as it might look. How forest plant communities recovered after agriculture was abandoned allows us to explore some universal questions on how dispersal and environment limit plant species abundance and distribution. All studies looking at the effects of historical land use rely on adequate land use reconstruction. A variety of tools from maps, archival studies, and interviews to field evidence and soil analyses contribute to that. They allow us to distinguish ancient from recent forests and many studies found pronounced differences in forest plant species composition between them. A considerable percentage of our forest flora is associated with ancient forests. These ancient forest plant species (AFS) all have a low colonization capacity, suggesting that dispersal in space (distance related) and time (seed bank related) limit their distribution and abundance. However recent forests generally are suitable for the recruitment of AFS. There is clear evidence that dispersal limitation is more important than recruitment limitation in the distribution of AFS. Dispersal in time, through persistent seed banks, does not play a significant role. Ancient forests are not necessary more species-rich than recent forest, but if diversity is limited to typical forest plant species then ancient forests do have the highest number of plant species, making them highly important for nature conservation. The use of molecular markers, integrated approaches and modelling are all part of the way forward in this field of historical ecology.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are seriously threatened by fragmentation and habitat loss. The impact of fragment size and forest configuration on the composition of seed rain is insufficiently studied. For the present study, seed rain composition of small and large forest fragments (8–388 ha) was assessed in order to identify variations in seed abundance, species richness, seed size and dispersal mode. Seed rain was documented during a 1‐year period in three large and four small Atlantic Forest fragments that are isolated by a sugarcane matrix. Total seed rain included 20,518 seeds of 149 species of trees, shrubs, palms, lianas and herbs. Most species and seeds were animal‐dispersed. A significant difference in the proportion of seeds and species within different categories of seed size was found between small and large fragments. Small fragments received significantly more very small‐sized seeds (<0.3 cm) and less large‐seeded species (>1.5 cm) that were generally very rare, with only one species in small and eight in large fragments. We found a negative correlation between the inflow of small‐sized seeds and the percentage of forest cover. Species richness was lower in small than in large fragments, but the difference was not very pronounced. Given our results, we propose changing plant species pools through logging, tree mortality and a high inflow of pioneer species and lianas, especially in small forest fragments and areas with low forest cover. Connecting forest fragments through corridors and reforestation with local large‐seeded tree species may facilitate the maintenance of species diversity.  相似文献   

We characterize the bird assemblage of an isolated relict temperaterainforest (Santa Inés) in terms of its structure, composition anddynamics. The relict character and long-term isolation of this forest remnant,immersed in a matrix of semiarid scrub, provide a natural experiment to assessthe consequences of long-term isolation and forest area reduction for temperatebird species. Bird surveys were conducted in a forest fragment and thesurrounding scrub matrix between April 1999 (austral autumn) and October 2000(austral spring) on a seasonal basis. Within the forest fragment wedistinguished two microhabitat types: creeks and areas far from creeks (i.e.slopes). A total of 36 species were recorded in the study site, of which 21were inside the relict forest. Highest bird abundance and richness wererecorded during winter and spring, and these were always higher in creek plotsrather than slope plots. Comparisons between this assemblage and thosedistributed in the continuous temperate forest (located more than 900km southwards) indicate that this bird assemblage shares moresimilarities, with regard to bird species composition, to southern temperateforest localities and to other relict forests, than to nearer scrub habitats.However, there are eight species, endemic to temperate forests in southern SouthAmerica, missing from our system. In this regard, our analyses indicate thatthese eight endemic species should be of great conservation concern and willlikely be the ones that will go extinct first if the fragmentation of thetemperate forest continues.  相似文献   

We used a highly replicated study to examine vegetation characteristics between patches of intervened forest, abandoned agroforestry systems with coffee and actively managed agroforestry systems with coffee in a tropical landscape. In all habitats, plant structural characteristics, individual abundance, species richness and composition were recorded for the three plant size classes: adult trees, saplings and seedlings. Furthermore, bird species richness and composition, and seeds dispersed by birds were recorded. Tree abundance was higher in forest habitats while saplings and seedlings were more abundant in abandoned coffee sites. Although species richness of adult trees was similar in the three habitats, species richness of saplings and seedlings was much higher in forest and abandoned coffee than in managed coffee sites. However, in spite of their relatively low species richness, managed coffee sites are an important refuge for tree species common to the almost disappeared mature forest in the area. Floristic similarity for adult trees was relatively low between land use types, but clearly higher for seedlings, indicating homogenizing processes at the landscape level. More than half of the saplings and seedling were not represented by adults in the canopy layer, suggesting the importance of seed dispersal by birds between habitats. Our results show that each of the studied ecosystems plays a unique and complementary role as seed source and as habitat for tree recovery and tree diversity.  相似文献   

We provide total vascular plant species counts for three 1-ha plots in deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen forests in central Bolivia. Species richness ranged from 297 species and 22,360 individuals/ha in the dry deciduous forest to 382 species and 31,670 individuals/ha in the evergreen forest. Orchidaceae, Pteridophyta and Leguminosae were among the most species-rich major plant groups in each plot, and Peperomia (Piperaceae), Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae) and Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae), all epiphytes, were the most species-rich genera. This dominance of a few but very diverse and/or widespread taxa contrasted with the low compositional similarity between plots. In a neotropical context, these Central Bolivian forest plots are similar in total species richness to other dry deciduous and humid montane forests, but less rich than most Amazonian forests. Nevertheless, lianas, terrestrial herbs and especially epiphytes proved to be of equal or higher species richness than most other neotropical forest inventories from which data are available. We therefore highlight the importance of non-woody life-forms (especially epiphytes and terrestrial herbs) in Andean foothill forest ecosystems in terms of species richness and numbers of individuals, representing in some cases nearly 50% of the species and more than 75% of the individuals. These figures stress the need for an increased inventory effort on non-woody plant groups in order to accurately direct conservation actions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In tropical regions, many studies have focused on how vegetation and ecosystem processes recover following the abandonment of anthropogenic activities, but less attention has been given to the recovery patterns of vertebrates. Here we conduct a meta‐analysis (n = 147 studies) of amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal recovery during tropical secondary forest succession (i.e. natural regeneration). For each taxonomic group, we compared changes in species richness and compositional similarity during natural secondary succession to reference forests (mature or old growth forest). In addition, we evaluated the response of forest specialists and the change in bird and mammal functional groups during natural secondary succession in the tropical moist forest biome. Overall, species richness of all groups reached levels of the reference forests during natural secondary succession, but this was not the case for species compositional similarity. The delay in recovery of forest specialists may be the reason for the delay in recovery of species compositional similarity. Overall, vertebrate recovery increased with successional stage, but other potential predictors of diversity recovery, such as, the geographical setting (amphibian and reptile species compositional similarity recovered more rapidly on islands), rainfall (mammal species richness and compositional similarity recovered faster in regions of low rainfall), and the landscape context (amphibian, reptile and mammal species compositional similarity recovered faster in regions with more forest patches) influenced vertebrate recovery. These results demonstrate the important role of secondary forests in providing habitat for many vertebrates, but the slow recovery of species compositional similarity, forest specialists and some functional groups (e.g. insectivorous birds) highlighted the challenge of secondary forest persistence, and strongly argues for the continued protection of old growth/mature forest as habitat for forest specialists and as sources for secondary forest sites.  相似文献   

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