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Abstract. We compared the effects of late dormant-season and late growing-season prescribed fires on herbaceous species in restored shortleaf pine- (Pinus echinata) grassland communities in the Ouachita Highlands of western Arkansas. Herbaceous species richness, diversity, and total forb and legume abundance increased following fire. Late growing-season burns reduced distribution and abundance of panicums (primarily Panicum boscii, P. dichotomum, and P. linearifolium) while late dormant-season burns increased Panicum distribution and abundance. Density of legumes (such as Stylosanthes biflora) increased following frequent or annual dormant-season fires. However, season of fire influenced the distribution and abundance of fewer than 10 % of the species. Fire plays an essential role in pine-grassland communities by creating and maintaining open canopy conditions that perpetuate understory herbaceous plant communities.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined woody species composition and its relation to environmental variables in native forest growing on four limestone islands in the southern Cook Islands: Atiu, Mangaia, Ma'uke, and Miti'aro. Relative dominance (percent basal area) of woody species in 74 sites was sampled using the point-centered quarter method, and the data were analyzed using clustering and ordination techniques. These tropical forests have a relatively low diversity of native woody species (32 native and 10 introduced species occurred in our sites). Four forest types were recognized: Pandanus/Guettarda littoral forest (with several subtypes), Hernandia nymphaeifolia littoral forest, Barringtonia littoral forest, and makatea forest (dominated by Elaeocarpus tonganus and Hernandia moeren-houtiana). These types were related, using canonical correspondence analysis, to geographical attributes (wind-wardness, elevation, and proximity to the coast or roads) that served as surrogates for environmental variables (maritime influence, soil variation, and degree of human disturbance). The eigenvalues for this direct ordination were much lower than for indirect ordination (0.32 vs. 0.71 for the first axis), indicating that the measured geographical attributes could explain only a modest portion of the compositional variation.  相似文献   

Abstract. This is the first quantitative study of seed bank characteristics in North American alvar habitats. We assessed seed bank density, species richness, and species composition in 75 plots distributed among five alvar sites in Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ontario, Canada, each of which displayed areas of high and low vegetation cover within the alvar and a fully forested perimeter area. Forested habitats immediately adjacent to alvar patches contained minimal seed banks for species restricted to the alvar patches. Open alvars contained less than 1% seeds from woody forest species. This suggests that forest is not invading adjacent alvar habitat via seeds and that adjacent forest does not contain a reservoir of alvar seeds. When compared to areas on the alvar with high vascular plant cover, areas with low cover contained a slightly smaller viable seed bank, but seed banks from high and low vegetation cover plots had similar species composition and species richness. High vegetation cover plots had slightly higher mean and maximum soil depths compared with low cover plots, but no differences in other physical and chemical parameters. Thus, spatial heterogeneity in plant cover is associated only weakly with heterogeneity in below‐ground factors. Despite the availability of seed and soil resources, vegetation dynamics are constrained in areas with low plant cover, and thus alvar community development seems to respond non‐linearly to resource availability.  相似文献   

Abstract. Understorey vegetation changes in a South Norwegian old-growth coniferous forest were studied between 1988 and 1993 in 200 1-m2 vegetation plots. Our aims were to quantify the amount of between-year compositional change, and to elaborate the environmental basis for long-term vegetation change, including the previously identified gradient structure with a major gradient related to topography (and soil nutrient status and soil depth) and a minor gradient reflecting paludification and canopy coverage. Species richness (yearly mean and cumulative species number) and change in species richness differed between vascular plants and cryptogams, and between forest types. The number of vascular plant species decreased in pine forest in dry years; bryophyte species number increased in spruce forest. Statistically significant vegetation change, as tested by constrained ordination (CCA) with time as the constraining variable, is demonstrated for most one-year periods and for the five-year period in most forest types. Vegetation change along identified gradients, measured as plot displacement along DCA ordination axes, also occurred. The magnitude of year-to-year vegetation change was related neither to forest type nor to one-year period; different responses to climatic and environmental change were observed in each forest type. The largest average displacement observed, from medium-rich spruce forest towards poor spruce forest, was interpreted as a long-term trend. Humus-layer pH decreased by ca. 0.25 units from 1988 to 1993, most strongly in medium-rich spruce forest where exchangeable Ca decreased and Al and Mn increased strongly. Our study supports the hypothesis that vascular plants show a long-term and broad-scale response to soil acidification. Change in bryophyte composition is linked to some very long growing-seasons. Detailed analysis of short-term vegetation dynamics enhances the interpretation of long-term changes and stresses the complementarity of univariate and multivariate methods in the analysis of vegetation change.  相似文献   

Abstract. The vegetation of central Arizona is a mosaic of four vegetation types: chaparral, chaparral grassland, woodland, and woodland grassland. We analysed ten environmental variables, three disturbance variables, and five disturbance indicators to answer the question: What is the relative importance of environment and disturbance in explaining the vegetation pattern of our study area? We found that chaparral, chaparral grassland, and woodland are differentiated primarily by environmental factors and have high stability in the landscape. In contrast, woodland grassland is differentiated primarily by disturbance and is likely an early‐successional stage of woodlands. Although other researchers have indicated that semi‐arid vegetation is generally unstable, the vegetation of central Arizona is composed of two systems: those with a more stable landscape position determined primarily by environmental factors and those with a less stable landscape position determined primarily by disturbance factors.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationships between environmental factors and community patterns. In 60 plots in the Malan Forest Region of the Loess Plateau, 17 variables were used as indicators of spatial position, soil and topography characteristics. Plant community types were analyzed by TWINSPAN (Two-way Indicator Species Analysis). Significant environmental factors were selected by forward selection and Monte Carlo tests. The relationship between communities and environmental factors was identified by DCCA (Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis). Partial CCA (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) partitioned observed compositional variation into components explained by environment, locality and covariation between them. The results showed that: (1) the plant communities can be divided into 13 types including 4 different successional stages. (2) Salt and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen are the significant factors related to plant community distribution at early stage. Elevation and humus thickness are the significant factors in the transitional stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, thickness of forest floor, humus thickness and pH are the significant factors for the sub-climax stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, pH and available phosphorus are the significant factors for the climax stage. (3) The ecological characters and the distribution patterns of plant communities in different successional stages are consistent with environmental gradients. (4) As succession proceeds, the impact of environmental conditions on plant communities increases, while the total influence of spatial location, and the interaction between the spatial location and environmental factors decrease.  相似文献   

Li G Q  Wang X A  Guo H  Zhu Z H 《农业工程》2008,28(6):2463-2471
This paper explores the relationships between environmental factors and community patterns. In 60 plots in the Malan Forest Region of the Loess Plateau, 17 variables were used as indicators of spatial position, soil and topography characteristics. Plant community types were analyzed by TWINSPAN (Two-way Indicator Species Analysis). Significant environmental factors were selected by forward selection and Monte Carlo tests. The relationship between communities and environmental factors was identified by DCCA (Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis). Partial CCA (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) partitioned observed compositional variation into components explained by environment, locality and covariation between them. The results showed that: (1) the plant communities can be divided into 13 types including 4 different successional stages. (2) Salt and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen are the significant factors related to plant community distribution at early stage. Elevation and humus thickness are the significant factors in the transitional stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, thickness of forest floor, humus thickness and pH are the significant factors for the sub-climax stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, pH and available phosphorus are the significant factors for the climax stage. (3) The ecological characters and the distribution patterns of plant communities in different successional stages are consistent with environmental gradients. (4) As succession proceeds, the impact of environmental conditions on plant communities increases, while the total influence of spatial location, and the interaction between the spatial location and environmental factors decrease.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mechanical damage by floodwaters is frequently invoked to explain the distribution of riparian plant species, but data have been lacking to relate vegetation to specific estimates of flood damage potential. This research uses detailed estimates of unit stream power (an appropriate measure of the potential for mechanical damage) in conjunction with vegetation cover data to test this relationship at 37 valley-bottom sites in the Transverse Ranges of Southern California. A computer program, HEC-2, was used to model the slope and the variation in flow depth and velocity of the 20-yr flood across the sites. Regression models tested the influence of stream power (and of height above the water table) on the woody species composition of 393 4-m cross-section segments of the valley-bottom sites. Results indicate that unit stream power does have a significant effect on the riparian vegetation, but that the amount of that influence and its importance relative to the influence of height above the water table varies between watersheds. Some species are found primarily in locations of high stream power, while others are limited to portions of the valley bottom that experience only low stream power.  相似文献   

Abstract. The response to prescribed burning of plant communities ranging from dry to wet habitats was monitored using permanent plots sampled from 1989 to 1993. Temporal controls for fire effects were provided by matched sets of plots protected from fire by newly constructed fire breaks. Changes in species composition were studied by ordination of strata of trees (> 5 cm DBH), small trees (2–5 cm DBH), large saplings (1–2 cm DBH), and small saplings and seedlings (50–140 cm tall). Results show that changes occurred largely in the small tree stratum, in which xeric species increased in importance. Although there were changes in sapling and seedling strata, no clear direction of change was recognized. Fire had little effect on the tree stratum. Of the seven community types under study, three types, sandhill, upland pine, and upperslope pine-oak, were most strongly affected, as indicated by post-fire change in positions of samples representing these communities in ordination space and reduction in understory species abundance. Samples representing the other four mesic and wet communities showed little or no change in their positions. These short-term results indicate that changes in vegetation resulting from fire were small and were mostly restricted to the dry types in which possible compositional change is expected to occur. This differential effect of fire suggests that the influence of fire is secondary to that of topographical and soil gradients in determining vegetation pattern under current fire regimes. Fire seems to reinforce an overall vegetation gradient controlled by soil in southeastern Texas.  相似文献   

Abstract. Despite international recognition that alvar habitats are important reservoirs of biodiversity, they remain little studied in North America. In this paper, the results are reported on an investigation of alvars in the central portion of their known distribution on this continent. 210 plots were distributed among seven sites and were quantitatively sampled for vascular plants, lichens, bryophytes and a suite of environmental variables. Detrended and Canonical Correspondence Analyses and other methods were used to investigate differences among alvars, within alvars and between alvars and adjacent forested habitats. The plant communities and environmental conditions were highly similar among sites in the study region, yet very different from surrounding habitats. There were abrupt changes in vegetation and environmental conditions from alvar to forest, without the presence of transition zones in the vegetation or environmental gradients as the forest was approached. The environmental factors associated with the change from alvar to forest and with variation within alvar habitat were examined. Some alvars in the study were found to contain stunted, slow-growing trees reaching ages of 524 yr. These same sites appear to have remained unburned for several centuries, while other sites likely burned 90 yr ago. The plant communities were very similar between the alvars that lacked a major, biomass-removing disturbance in centuries and alvars that had experienced catastrophic fire relatively recently. Maintenance of the plant communities and open nature of alvars appears site-specific rather than habitat specific.  相似文献   

邱杨  张金屯 《生态学报》2000,20(2):199-206
首次在DCCA排序的基础上使用排序轴分类法(OAC),将其发展为一个新的典范分类方法,并应用这种方法对山西关帝山八水沟的植物群落进行了数量分类,共划分出5类,效果较好。方差分析与多重比较表明,环境与群落结构因子在不同群落之间存在较为显著的差异,表明DCCA排序轴分类法能较好地反映群落与环境的变异。因为DCCA排序轴分类同时结合了植被因子与环境因子,所以它能较好地表达植物群落的环境梯度和结构梯度,反  相似文献   

Abstract. Vegetation and its correlation with environment has been traditionally studied at a single scale of observation. If different ecological processes are dominant at different spatial and temporal scales, the results obtained from such observations will be specific to the single scale of observation employed and will lack generality. Consequently, it is important to assess whether the processes that determine community structure and function are similar at different scales, or whether, how rapidly, and under what circumstances the dominant processes change with scale of observation. Indeed, early work by Greig-Smith and associates (Greig-Smith 1952; Austin & Greig-Smith 1968; see Greig-Smith 1979; Kershaw & Looney 1985; Austin & Nicholls 1988) suggested that plant-plant interactions are typically important at small scales, but that the physical environment dominates at large scales. Using a gridded and mapped 6.6 ha portion of the Duke Forest on the North Carolina piedmont for a case study, we examined the importance of scale in vegetation studies by testing four hypotheses. First, we hypothesized that the correlation between vegetation composition and environment should increase with increasing grain (quadrat) size. Our results support this hypothesis. Second, we hypothesized that the environmental factors most highly correlated with species composition should be similar at all grain sizes within the 6.6-ha study area, and should be among the environmental factors strongly correlated with species composition over the much larger extent of the ca. 3500 ha Duke Forest. Our data are not consistent with either portion of this hypothesis. Third, we hypothesized that at the smaller grain sizes employed in this study (< 256 m2), the composition of the tree canopy should contribute significantly to the vegetation pattern in the under-story. Our results do not support this hypothesis. Finally, we predicted that with increased extent of sampling, the correlation between environment and vegetation should increase. Our data suggest the opposite may be true. This study confirms that results of vegetation analyses can depend greatly on the grain and extent of the samples employed. Whenever possible, sampling should include a variety of grain sizes and a carefully selected sample extent so as to ensure that the results obtained are robust. Application of the methods used here to a variety of vegetation types could lead to a better understanding of whether different ecological processes typically dominate at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

A nested sampling design was used to describe the spatial patterns for the species richness and composition in the seed bank and vegetation of three Mediterranean old-fields (1, 7, and 15 yr after the last ploughing). Three scales were examined hierarchically: sampling units within plots of 0.25 m2 for the vegetation and of 0.05 m2 for the seed bank, 100 m2 plots within fields, and fields of 1000 m2. In spite of the strong spatial variation among sampling units, species richness and composition of both seed bank and vegetation showed hierarchically structured patterns of heterogeneity, while each old-field was a homogeneous entity. These spatial patterns tended to be partially masked when the data were aggregated at the scale of the plot. Such results stress the use of a nested sampling design for studying variation in species richness and taxonomic composition in both vegetation and seed bank. This design, in combination with CCA, also showed that the vegetation showed a coarser grain than the seed bank, probably in relation to seed clumping.  相似文献   

Abstract. On Tenerife, the occurrence of environmental gradients over short distances provides a unique opportunity to investigate the relationship between vegetation and environmental factors. In the semi‐arid coastal region of Tenerife, floristic composition, species richness and vegetation structure of perennial plants have been studied in 67 locations covering the existing precipitation gradient. On the island as a whole, variation in species composition could be best explained by mean annual precipitation; at coastal sites, substrate age and soil characteristics also played a significant role. On the other hand, substrate chemistry and the type of eruptive material explained little of the floristic variation. Stand biomass was strongly correlated with mean annual precipitation and was, on the youngest lava flows studied, also affected by substrate age. The native stem succulent species made up the bulk of total biomass along the whole precipitation gradient. Disturbed and undisturbed sites differed significantly in stand biomass and cover. Species richness was correlated with precipitation and substrate age. Distribution of plant functional types was also related to the precipitation gradient. The relative abundance of hemicryptophytes and shrubs with non‐hairy leaves increased with increasing precipitation whereas the ratio of shrubs with hairy/non‐hairy leaves and succulent plants decreased. Some alien plants were quite frequent at disturbed sites but, on the whole, they contributed little to the species spectrum and to the stand biomass. Undisturbed sites remained almost free of introduced species not considering annuals.  相似文献   

Abstract. Multivariate analysis was used to describe the composition and distribution of vegetation types on the slopes of the volcanoes Tláloc and Pelado, Mexico. These volcanoes are situated in the transitional zone between the Holarctic and Neotropical floristic regions, which offers a partial explanation for the relatively high α and β diversities. Previous research argued that human activities, i.e. burning and grazing, rather than abiotic factors, play a major role in determining the distribution and floristic composition of the vegetation. TWINSPAN, Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis were used to test this hypothesis. Floristic and environmental data from 138 relevés and seven explanatory environmental variables were included: elevation, soil depth, soil moisture, percentage litter cover, percentage cover of bare ground, burning and grazing were included in the analysis. Soil moisture and elevation accounted for ca. 63% of the residual inertia and none of the remaining explanatory variables proved to be correlated significantly with the first two axes. The present results suggest that burning and grazing operate on a finer scale. In conclusion, soil moisture and elevation are the most relevant variables to explain the distribution of the vegetation under study.  相似文献   

Questions: Do ordination patterns differ when based on vegetation samples recorded in plots of different size? If so, how large is the effect of plot size relative to the effects of data set heterogeneity and of using presence/absence or cover‐abundance data? Can we combine plots of different size in a single ordination? Methods: Two homogeneous and two heterogeneous data sets were sampled in Czech forests and grasslands. Cover‐abundances of plant species were recorded in series of five or six nested quadrats of increasing size (forest 49‐961 m2; grassland 1‐49 m2). Separate ordinations were computed for plots of each size for each data set, using either species presences/absences or cover‐abundances recorded on an ordinal scale. Ordination patterns were compared with Procrustean analysis. Also, ordinations of data sets jointly containing plots of different size were calculated; effects of plot size were evaluated using a Monte Carlo test in constrained ordination. Results: The results were consistent between forest and grassland data sets. In homogeneous data sets, the effect of presence/absence vs. cover‐abundance was similar to, or larger than, the effect of plot size; for presence/absence data the differences between ordinations of differently sized plots were smaller than for cover‐abundance data. In heterogeneous data sets, the effect of plot size was larger than the effect of presence‐absence vs. cover‐abundance. The plots of smaller size (= 100 m2 in forests, = 4 m2 in grasslands) yielded the most deviating ordination patterns. Joint ordinations of differently sized plots mostly did not yield patterns that would be artifacts of different plot size, except for plots from the homogeneous data sets that differed in size by a factor of four or higher. Conclusions: Variation in plot size does influence ordination patterns. Smaller plots tend to produce less stable ordination patterns, especially in data sets with low ß‐diversity and species cover‐abundances. Data sets containing samples from plots of different sizes can be used for ordination if they represent vegetation with large ß‐diversity. However, if data sets are homogeneous, i.e. with low ß‐diversity, the differences in plot sizes should not be very large, in order to avoid the danger of plot size differences distorting the real vegetation differentiation in ordination patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract. In a rural landscape, scale vegetation patterns of woody species are controlled by both abiotic and land use factors. The woody species composition in 126 sample plots was analysed and land use factors and some abiotic parameters were quantified using land register data. The relative importance of land use and abiotic factors was differentiated using a partial Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA); the influence of land use in neighbouring areas was explored by changing the scale of land use sampling. The woody species composition appears to be controlled equally by land use and abiotic factors. The fraction of floristic variation in tree species composition explained by land use variables was 33.2 % in 1980 and 30.8 % in 1992, while abiotic variables accounted for 31.2 %. Part of the 17 % of the floristic variance explained is related to the surrounding land use. Thus, when the land use of the sampled plots and the surrounding land use are considered simultaneously, up to 36.9 % of the species variation may be explained. Partial CCA enabled us to quantify the respective proportion of floristic variance which could be explained by land use (36.9 %), abiotic variables alone (20.2 %), shared variance (12.0 %) and unexplained variance (31.2 %). Our results indicated that a delayed effect of variation in land use on plant populations may exist. This delay may result either from population characteristics or from inadequate land use assessment. This study indicates the need for simultaneously examining land use and abiotic patterns in ecological studies, as many Mediterranean-type ecosystems have been shaped by these patterns.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵小流域土壤水分时空分异与环境关系的数量分析   总被引:63,自引:3,他引:63  
邱扬  傅伯杰  王军  陈利顶 《生态学报》2000,20(5):741-747
采用DCCA排序,研究了流域尺谍上土壤水分的时空分异类型及环境因子的关系。研究结果表明,丰水年土壤水分垂直的分布呈降低型、波动型和增长型3种类型,主要影响因子为土地利用与地形(地貌类型、坡度、坡位与海拔高度);土壤水分的季节变化表现为三峰型、四峰同步型与四峰滞后型3种类型,主要影响因子为降雨与地形(坡度、海拔高度、坡向与坡位)。分析得出,降低型与波动型的土壤水分利用率较高;从丰水年到欠水年,降低型  相似文献   

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