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The mechanisms that structure plant diversity and generate long-range correlated spatial patterns have important implications for the conservation of fragmented landscapes. The ability to disperse and persist influences a plant species’ capacity for spatial organization, which can play a critical role in structuring plant diversity in metacommunities. This study examined the spatial patterns of species diversity within a network of patches in Cabo de Gata Natural Park, southeastern Spain. The objectives were to understand how the spatial heterogeneity of species composition (beta diversity) varies in a structured landscape, and how the long-range spatial autocorrelation of plant species is affected by the spatial configuration of patches.The mechanisms underlying the spatial distribution of plants acted at two scales. Between patches, spatial variation in species distributions was greater than that expected based on spatial randomization, which indicated that movement among patches was restricted. Within patches, diffusion processes reduced spatial variability in species distributions, and the effect was more prominent in large patches. Small patch size negatively influenced the long-range spatial autocorrelation of characteristic species, whereas inter-patch distance had a stronger effect on species frequency than it had on the disruption of spatial organized patterns.The long-range spatial autocorrelation was evaluated based on the dispersal abilities of the species. Among the 106 species evaluated, 39% of the woody species, 17% of the forbs, and 12% of the grasses exhibited disrupted long-range spatial autocorrelation where patches were small. The species that are more vulnerable to the effects of fragmentation tended to be those that have restricted dispersal, such as those that have short-range dispersal (atelechoric), e.g., Phlomis purpurea, Cistus albidus, Teucrium pseudochamaepytis, Brachypodium retusum, and the ballistic species, Genista spartioides. Helianthemum almeriense is another vulnerable species that has actively restricted dispersal (antitelechory), which is common in arid regions. Wind dispersers such as Launaea lanifera were less vulnerable to the effects of fragmentation. Long-distance dispersers whose persistence depends on facilitative interactions with other individuals, e.g., allogamous species such as Thymus hyemalis, Ballota hirsuta, and Anthyllis cytisoides, exhibit disrupted long-range spatial autocorrelation when patch size is reduced.  相似文献   

Very little is known about how spatial effects influence invasive species throughout the invasion sequence. We propose here two mechanisms to explain the changes in spatial effects throughout the stages of invasion, using the soybean aphid (Aphis glycines) as a model. First, the “hierarchical spatial effect” hypothesis, based on a change in the relative importance of the spatial scales throughout the invasion process, with main effect at broad scale during the first years of invasion, and main effect at local scale during the subsequent years. Second, the “host-switching spatial effect” hypothesis, stating that the spatial effect is driven by a switch in the effect of the host/habitat throughout the invasion process, from effect of main summer host/habitat during the first years of invasion to effect of overwintering host/habitat during the subsequent years. Data from governmental archives and field samplings enabled to investigate the spatial effects on aphid density at three scales (regional, landscape, local) during a 7 year period (2006–2012). Our results demonstrate that the hierarchical spatial effect hypothesis is not an adequate model for the soybean aphid, aphid density being more affected by landscape-scale factors irrespective of years. In contrast, our results are in accordance with the host-switching spatial hypothesis, with positive effect of the main summer host/habitat (soybean) during the first steps of invasion (2006–2008), followed by a positive effect of overwintering habitats (buckthorn, woodland) during the subsequent years (2010–2012). Overall, investigating these hypotheses in other systems would determine whether the same tendency is observed for other invasive species.  相似文献   

We explored the relationship between soil processes, estimated through soil respiration (R soil ), and the spatial variation in forest structure, assessed through the distribution of tree size, in order to understand the determinism of spatial variations in R soil in a tropical forest. The influence of tree size was examined using an index (I c ) calculated for each tree as a function of (1) the trunk cross section area and (2) the distance from the measurement point. We investigated the relationships between I c and litterfall, root mass and R soil , respectively. Strong significant relationships were found between I c and both litterfall and root mass. R soil showed a large range of variations over the 1-ha experimental plot, from 1.5 to 12.6 gC m?2 d?1. The best relationship between I c and R soil only explained 17% of the spatial variation in R soil . These results support the assumption that local spatial patterns in litter production and root mass depend on tree distribution in tropical forests. Our study also emphasizes the modest contribution of tree size distribution–which is mainly influenced by the presence of the biggest trees (among the large range size of the inventoried trees greater than 10 cm diameter at 1.30 m above ground level or at 0.5 m above the buttresses)–in explaining spatial variations in R soil .  相似文献   

Spatial and social behaviour are fundamental aspects of an animal's biology, and their social and spatial environments are indelibly linked through mutual causes and shared consequences. We define the ‘spatial–social interface’ as intersection of social and spatial aspects of individuals' phenotypes and environments. Behavioural variation at the spatial–social interface has implications for ecological and evolutionary processes including pathogen transmission, population dynamics, and the evolution of social systems. We link spatial and social processes through a foundation of shared theory, vocabulary, and methods. We provide examples and future directions for the integration of spatial and social behaviour and environments. We introduce key concepts and approaches that either implicitly or explicitly integrate social and spatial processes, for example, graph theory, density-dependent habitat selection, and niche specialization. Finally, we discuss how movement ecology helps link the spatial–social interface. Our review integrates social and spatial behavioural ecology and identifies testable hypotheses at the spatial–social interface.  相似文献   

We organize our behavior and store structured information with many procedures that require the coding of spatial and temporal order in specific neural modules. In the simplest cases, spatial and temporal relations are condensed in prepositions like “below” and “above”, “behind” and “in front of”, or “before” and “after”, etc. Neural operators lie beneath these words, sharing some similarities with logical gates that compute spatial and temporal asymmetric relations. We show how these operators can be modeled by means of neural matrix memories acting on Kronecker tensor products of vectors. The complexity of these memories is further enhanced by their ability to store episodes unfolding in space and time. How does the brain scale up from the raw plasticity of contingent episodic memories to the apparent stable connectivity of large neural networks? We clarify this transition by analyzing a model that flexibly codes episodic spatial and temporal structures into contextual markers capable of linking different memory modules.  相似文献   

In animals, competition for space and resources often results in territorial behaviour. The size of a territory is an important correlate of fitness and is primarily determined by the spatial distribution of resources and by interactions between competing individuals. Both of these determinants, alone or in interaction, could lead to spatial non-independence of territory size (i.e. spatial autocorrelation). We investigated the presence and magnitude of spatial autocorrelation (SAC) in territory size using Monte Carlo simulations of the most widely used territory measures. We found significant positive SAC in a wide array of competition-simulated conditions. A meta-analysis of territory size data showed that SAC is also a feature of territories mapped based on behavioural observations. Our results strongly suggest that SAC is an intrinsic trait of any territory measure. Hence, we recommend that appropriate statistical methods should be employed for the analysis of data sets where territory size is either a dependent or an explanatory variable.  相似文献   

The stability of models of age-dependent predation in continuous time with predators exhibiting a functional response are analyzed. A number of new features of biological importance emerge that are not present in simpler models. These include limits to the length of juvenile periods (both upper and lower) for stability, and the possibility that increases or decreases in any of the model parameters can be stabilizing or destabilizing. Hence, increased delays are not necessarily destabilizing. The variance in the length of the juvenile period is shown to be an important factor determining stability. Additionally, the relative stability of predation only on juveniles or only on adults is compared.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of adult plants are a consequence of several ecological processes related to seed dispersal and recruitment. Dispersal limitation, mediated by dispersal syndrome, is considered a key factor in the formation of adult plant spatial patterns. Although this initial pattern determined by dispersal has been thoroughly studied, the subsequently modification by the effect of additional ecological factors, such as habitat heterogeneity is less understood. We explored the relative importance of dispersal syndrome and spatial heterogeneity on the realization of spatial patterns of adult trees in an Ecuadorian tropical dry forest. The spatial distribution of 28 species was modeled with four different spatial point processes each: homogeneous Poisson (HPP), inhomogeneous Poisson (IPP), homogeneous Poisson cluster (HPCP), and inhomogeneous Poisson cluster process (IPCP). These models allowed us to discern between effects of random processes, habitat heterogeneity, limited dispersal, and joint effects of habitat heterogeneity and limited dispersal. We employed Akaike's information criterion (AIC) to select the model which best fit the spatial pattern of each species. The best model of each species was used to analyze differences in cluster size and degree of aggregation, between dispersal syndromes. Seventy‐five percent of the species showed inhomogeneous patterns. IPCP yielded the best fit for the spatial distribution of 50% of species in the studied forest and was the prevalent model for the three dispersal syndromes. Thus, the effect of spatial heterogeneity was prevalent in the distribution of most species in this dry tropical forest. Only 21% of species had spatial patterns compatible with random mechanisms associated to limited dispersal around parent sources. Clearly, ignoring habitat heterogeneity could bias the analysis of relationships between dispersal syndrome and species patterns.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that biodiversity decreases the spatial variability of biomass production between subplots taken within experimental grassland plots. Our findings supported this hypothesis if functional diversity (weighted Rao's Q ) was considered. Further analyses revealed that diversity in rooting depth and clonal growth form were the most important components of functional diversity stabilizing productivity. Using species or functional group richness as diversity measures there was no significant effect on spatial variability of biomass production, demonstrating the importance of the biodiversity component considered. Moreover, we found a significant increase in spatial variability of productivity with decreasing size of harvested area, suggesting small-scale heterogeneity as an important driver. The ability of diverse communities to stabilize biomass production across spatial heterogeneity may be due to complementary use of spatial niches. Nevertheless, the positive effect of functional diversity on spatial stability appears to be less pronounced than previously reported effects on temporal stability.  相似文献   

The chemostat theory on two species competition has shown that the dilution rate where transition of dominance occurs – transition-dilution rate – is independent of limiting-nutrient concentration. However, we obtained the experimental data indicating that the transition-dilution rate changed with variations in limiting-ammonium concentrations, using the chemostat mixed-culture of the cyanobacterium Microcystis novacekii and the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. The transition-dilution rate was dependent on the concentration of limiting ammonium in the influx culture medium. We tried to simulate the experimental results. Though the dilution rate has been considered independent of nutrient concentration, we introduce the effective dilution rate that depends on nutrient concentration (ammonium concentration in this study). A hyperbolic Monod-type function is used to represent the effective dilution rate for each species. The maximum dilution rate of the function is set to be the mechanical dilution rate (nominal dilution rate) of the chemostat culture. The calculation shows that the nominal transition-dilution rate where transition of dominance occur decreases with increased concentration. This simulation is well consistent with our experimental data. These results may suggest that the species-specificity of limiting nutrients, here nitrogen. Or they may imply that the depreciation of nitrogen becomes critical when both dilution rate and concentration are very low, especially for the green algae. In the latter case, spatial effects are induced internally in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that aposematic signals should be conspicuous, but in nature, they vary from highly conspicuous to near cryptic. Current theory, including the honest signal or trade‐off hypotheses of the toxicity–conspicuousness relationship, cannot explain why adequately toxic species vary substantially in their conspicuousness. Through a study of similarly toxic Danainae (Nymphalidae) butterflies and their mimics that vary remarkably in their conspicuousness, we show that the benefits of conspicuousness vary along a gradient of predation pressure. Highly conspicuous butterflies experienced lower avian attack rates when background predation pressure was low, but attack rates increased rapidly as background predation pressure increased. Conversely, the least conspicuous butterflies experienced higher attack rates at low predation pressures, but at high predation pressures, they appeared to benefit from crypsis. Attack rates of intermediately conspicuous butterflies remained moderate and constant along the predation pressure gradient. Mimics had a similar pattern but higher attack rates than their models and mimics tended to imitate the signal of less attacked model species along the predation pressure gradient. Predation pressure modulated signal fitness provides a possible mechanism for the maintenance of variation in conspicuousness of aposematic signals, as well as the initial survival of conspicuous signals in cryptic populations in the process of aposematic signal evolution, and an alternative explanation for the evolutionary gain and loss of mimicry.  相似文献   

The processes associated with the dispersal of fleshy-fruited species have been an important focus of ecological research during the last two decades. These processes include fruit removal, seed rain, seed predation, seed bank dynamics, germination and establishment. Some of them interfere with the mutualistic interaction of frugivorous birds and fleshy-fruited plants. We might expect such interference to be most pronounced where the intensity of the different processes has a spatial distribution similar to that of the original seed shadow. The central theme of this review is that the main processes associated with dispersal and recruitment act at different spatial scales. To investigate this idea, about 140 publications on dispersal of fleshy-fruited species from 1980 to 2000 were screened for the spatial scaling of these processes. Microhabitat, habitat, landscape, region and biome were the five spatial scales most commonly used. However, the representation of the different scales was not fully balanced; large-scale studies were scarce and most publications considered only one scale.The review reveals some trends in scaling of the main processes of plant dispersal and recruitment. Seed dispersal by birds and seed predation by rodents are strongly determined at the habitat level, and several studies report negative results for contrasts between microhabitats. Germination and seedling establishment, on the other hand, appear to be mainly influenced by differences between microhabitats, though information on larger scales is scarce. Genetic differentiation and phenology of fruiting have mostly been investigated at the habitat, landscape and regional scale, whereas information on the abundance of frugivorous birds and patterns in plant distribution results are available across the full range of scales from the level of the microhabitat to the region and biome. Future research should be directed to the major gaps in our knowledge, i.e. regional and zonal comparisons of the processes associated with dispersal. They should also be more sensitive to scale issues and ideally should have a multi-scaled design.  相似文献   

 We consider a spatial neuron model in which the membrane potential satisfies a linear cable equation with an input current which is a dynamical random process of the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) type. This form of current may represent an approximation to that resulting from the random opening and closing of ion channels on a neuron's surface or to randomly occurring synaptic input currents with exponential decay. We compare the results for the case of an OU input with those for a purely white-noise-driven cable model. The statistical properties, including mean, variance and covariance of the voltage response to an OU process input in the absence of a threshold are determined analytically. The mean and the variance are calculated as a function of time for various synaptic input locations and for values of the ratio of the time constant of decay of the input current to the time constant of decay of the membrane voltage in the physiological range for real neurons. The limiting case of a white-noise input current is obtained as the correlation time of the OU process approaches zero. The results obtained with an OU input current can be substantially different from those in the white-noise case. Using simulation of the terms in the series representation for the solution, we estimate the interspike interval distribution for various parameter values, and determine the effects of the introduction of correlation in the synaptic input stochastic process. Received: 5 March 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 7 August 2001  相似文献   

We have investigated the discriminability of gratings which simultaneously vary in spatial frequency and orientation. Thirteen and nine reference gratings were used with two observers, and bivariate discrimination probability surfaces were determined around each grating. These data were then fitted to a general bivariate Gaussian function. The results clearly demonstrate local separability in this log frequency and orientation discrimination domain. Our results also show that the factor contributing most to the non-Euclidean nature of such frequency/orientation discrimination is orientation anisotropia, although we also find some evidence for smaller changes in the associated Riemannian line-element at different frequency ranges. These results cast doubt upon claims for a pseudo line-element for frequency discrimination based upon the nonlinear outputs of a fixed set of detectors.Study supported by Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Grant INSAN I 0784-V-6385 and Guest Professorship Mu 93/103-1 for TC by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Spatial aggregation of plants of high nectar production, receiving an enhanced pollinator service is known to occur in Echium vulgare. Moreover, an emanating effect of nectar production on pollinator visits may occur, i.e. many pollinator visits may be observed around high nectar patches. Consequently, gene flow within patches of plants of high nectar production and their close neighbours may result in genetic structure. In this study, we investigated whether aggregation of total nectar production (nectar production per flower×number of flowers) and its emanating effect resulted in genetic structure in a natural E. vulgare population. We compared the spatial structure of total nectar production, pollinator visits and microsatellite markers using spatial autocorrelation analysis. Increased geitonogamy, caused by longer boutlengths in plants of high nectar production may generate genetic structure. We estimated selfing rates of plants of the highest and lowest total nectar production. Spatial aggregation of total nectar production occurred on a relatively small scale up to 2.83 m. A significant emanating correlation between total nectar production and pollinator visits was observed on a relatively large scale up to a 4.24 m. Thus, around patches of high nectar production numbers of pollinator visits were relatively high, while few visits were observed around patches of low nectar production. Weak genetic structure was present on a small scale up to 2.20 m. This corresponded with the scale of aggregation of total nectar production. High gene flow around the patches of high nectar production seems to weaken genetic structure. This is supported by the relatively low selfing rates. The average selfing rate of the plants of highest nectar production was 8.8% and that of the plants of lowest nectar production 5.0%. Low gene flow within and around low nectar patches sustain a weak genetic structure or, conversely, may have caused it in the first instance. Results indicate the importance of spatial structure of nectar production for pollinator movement.  相似文献   

Mechanisms and scenarios of pattern formation in predator–prey systems have been a focus of many studies recently as they are thought to mimic the processes of ecological patterning in real-world ecosystems. Considerable work has been done with regards to both Turing and non-Turing patterns where the latter often appears to be chaotic. In particular, spatiotemporal chaos remains a controversial issue as it can have important implications for population dynamics. Most of the results, however, were obtained in terms of ‘traditional’ predator–prey models where the per capita predation rate depends on the prey density only. A relatively new family of ratio-dependent predator–prey models remains less studied and still poorly understood, especially when space is taken into account explicitly, in spite of their apparent ecological relevance. In this paper, we consider spatiotemporal pattern formation in a ratio-dependent predator–prey system. We show that the system can develop patterns both inside and outside of the Turing parameter domain. Contrary to widespread opinion, we show that the interaction between two different type of instability, such as the Turing–Hopf bifurcation, does not necessarily lead to the onset of chaos; on the contrary, the emerging patterns remain stationary and almost regular. Spatiotemporal chaos can only be observed for parameters well inside the Turing–Hopf domain. We then investigate the relative importance of these two instability types on the onset of chaos and show that, in a ratio-dependent predator–prey system, the Hopf bifurcation is indeed essential for the onset of chaos whilst the Turing instability is not.  相似文献   


Nontoxic, low surface free energy silicone coatings having reduced biofouling adhesion strength have been developed as an alternative to antifouling paints. Silicone coatings permit macrofouling to adhere; however, fouling can be removed easily by water pressure or light scrubbing. One of the current methods used to evaluate the performance of non‐toxic silicone fouling‐release coatings relies heavily on fouling coverage. The organismal community structure as well as total coverage can affect the ease of fouling removal from these coatings. This paper explores fouling coverage and organismal adhesion over time. Long‐term fouling coverage data were collected at four sites (in Massachusetts, Hawaii and Florida) using static immersion panels coated with silicone and oil‐amended silicone systems. Inter‐site differences in fouling coverage and community structure were observed for each coating. Intra‐site variation and temporal change in coverage of fouling was minimal, regardless of coating formulation. The extent of coverage was affected by the duration of immersion and the local environmental conditions; these factors may also have an impact on the foul‐release capability of the silicone coatings. Organismal adhesion data was collected in Hawaii and Florida. These adhesion measurements were used as a tool to discriminate and rank fouling release coatings.  相似文献   

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