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Ionizing radiation induces variety of structural lesions in DNA of irradiated organisms. Their formation depends largely on the degree of cell oxygenation, the level of endogenous antioxidants, on DNA-protein complexes and compactization of DNA in the chromatin and activity of DNA repair systems. All ionizing radiation-induced DNA lesions can arbitrarily be divided into two groups. Group 1 includes singly damaged sites (single-sites): base modification, single-strand breaks, alkaline-labile sites (including a basic sites). Group 2 contains: locally multiply damaged sites (clustered lesions), double-strand breaks, intermolecular cross-links. The yields of lesions of group 2 increases with high linear energy transfer of radiation and these lesions play a dominant role in the radiation death, formation of chromosome and gene mutations, cell transformation.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments examining the effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 290-400 nm) on DNA damage were carried out using the embryos of three species of sea urchins from different habitats; Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis from the Gulf of Maine, Sterechinus neumayeri from the Antarctic, and Evechinus chloroticus from New Zealand. All three species exhibited significant amounts of accumulated DNA damage, measured as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) photoproducts, when exposed to UVR in the laboratory. Biological weighting functions (BWFs) revealed that S. neumayeri has significantly higher sensitivity to UVR-induced DNA damage across most of the UVR spectrum compared to the other two species, and all species were observed to have weightings in the ultraviolet-A (UVA, 320-400 nm) portion of the spectrum. The increased sensitivity to ultraviolet-B (290-320 nm) and UVA in S. neumayeri is correlated with the lowest concentration of UVR absorbing compounds observed in the embryos of the three species of urchin used in this study. Sea urchin embryos and larvae in the respective habitats of the species tested are known to occur within 5 m of the surface of the ocean where both UVB and UVA wavelengths occur. Solar irradiances of UVR at a depth of 5 m, weighted using the urchin DNA damage BWFs, show that E. chloroticus receives the greatest amount of biologically effective UVR despite having the lowest wavelength dependent weightings for DNA damage when compared to the other two species.  相似文献   

Tyrosinemia type 1 (HT1) is an autosomal recessive disorder of the tyrosine metabolism in which the fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase enzyme is defective. This disease is clinically heterogeneous and a chronic and acute form is discerned. Characteristic of the chronic form is the development of cellular hepatocarcinoma. Although p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (pHPPA) is used as one of the diagnostic markers of this disease, it was suggested that it is unlikely to be involved in the pathophysiology of HT1 as it is present in other disorders that does not have hepatorenal symptoms. It was the aim of this study to investigate the possible effect of pHPPA on DNA damage and repair in mammalian cells. The comet assay was used to establish the genotoxicity of pHPPA in human peripheral blood lymphocytes and isolated rat hepatocytes after their exposure to pHPPA. At first glance the damage to DNA caused by pHPPA seemed reparable in both cell types, however, after challenging the DNA repair capacity of metabolite-treated cells with treatment with H(2)O(2), a marked impairment in the DNA repair capability of these cells was observed. We suggest that the main effect of pHPPA is the long-term impairment of the DNA repair machinery rather than the direct damage to DNA and that this effect of pHPPA, together with the other characteristic metabolites, e.g., FAA and MAA, causes cellular hepatocarcinoma to develop in the chronic form of HT1.  相似文献   

Upon UV-B irradiation, Chlorella vulgaris cells and isolated chloroplasts increased in size and starch accumulation . Photosynthetic capacity and chlorophyll content of chloroplasts isolated from irradiated algae decreased by 72 and 66%, as compared to chloroplasts isolated from control cells. Dihydrorhodamine 123 conversion to rhodamine 123 was used as a sensitive method for detection of peroxide (presumably hydrogen peroxide) formation in isolated chloroplasts. The accumulation of rhodamine 123 is higher in irradiated than in nonirradiated chloroplasts and the increased accumulation of rhodamine 123 depended on the UV-B dose. Quantitation of alkyl radical-EPR signals in chloroplasts indicated that UV-B exposure significantly increased radical content in the membranes. The content of an oxidized DNA base (8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine) in chloroplasts was increased by 72 and 175% after irradiation of the algal culture with 17.3 and 42.6 kJ m−2, respectively. The chloroplastic activity of superoxide dismutase decreased by 50% as compared with control values after irradiation with 42.6 kJ m−2 and no changes in ascorbate peroxidase activity and ascorbic acid content were detected at the irradiation doses tested. The β-carotene content in chloroplasts was not affected by the irradiation, but the α-tocopherol content increased approximately 4-fold after UV-B irradiation. The results suggest that oxidative damage related to UV-B exposure is responsible for alterations in chloroplasts function and integrity, and that an antioxidant response is triggered in chloroplasts through an increase in α-tocopherol content.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aims to assess the effects of low-dose benzene on DNA damage and O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) methylation in occupational workers.

Materials and methods: We recruited 96 nonsmoking male petrochemical industry workers exposed to low-dose benzene and 100 matched control workers. Urinary S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA) and S-benzylmercapturic acid (SBMA) were measured for indicating internal exposure of benzene and toluene. The degree of DNA damage was determined by the Comet assay. The levels of MGMT methylation were detected quantitatively by bisulphite-PCR pyrosequencing assay.

Results: The benzene-exposed workers had significantly higher levels of urinary SPMA, degree of DNA damage but decreased MGMT methylation than the controls (all p?<?0.05). In contrast, the level of urinary SBMA does not differ between benzene-exposed workers and the controls. In all participants, MGMT methylation was negatively associated with the urinary SPMA and the degree of DNA damage, indicating that epigenetic regulation might be involved in response to low-dose benzene exposure-induced genetic damage.

Discussion and conclusion: MGMT methylation could be a potent biomarker associated with low-dose benzene exposure and benzene-induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

An empirical model was developed to simulate photosynthetic responses of leaves to highly fluctuating light, with a special focus on the functional role of photosynthetic induction and capacity. Based on diurnal courses of light as input data, which were recorded at natural plant sites, we applied this model to simulate the corresponding course of net photosynthesis (output data) for leaves of two neotropical tree species. All six model input parameters (leaf-specific) were obtained via measurements of leaf gas exchange. The model was tested for leaves in their natural environments, characterized by frequent light-flecks. We compared measured carbon gains with computed ones, using a standard steady-state and our induction model. Simulation runs with the steady-state model can result in an immense overestimation of the true situation, by 13.4% at open sites [pioneer species Heliocarpus appendiculatus (Turczaninow)] and by 86.5% at low light environments of the understorey [mid to late successional species Billia colombiana (Planchon and Lindley)]. These significant overestimations, particularly in the understorey, are mainly the consequence of neglecting a dynamic photosynthetic induction under fluctuating light conditions. The model presented here resulted in clearly improved predictions; in open and understorey sites the true carbon gain of leaves was computed with a mean error of less than 7%. As most leaves at natural plant sites are exposed to light environments allowing for dynamic rather than steady-state CO2 assimilation, the significance of such induction models is evident and is discussed in relation to scaling-up from leaf to canopy and to the whole plant indicating a large potential for errors. Received: 3 May 1999 / Accepted: 9 July 1999  相似文献   

Quantitation of UV-induced DNA damages in nanogram quantities of non-radiactive DNA from irradiated plants by gel electrophoresis requires a prompt, efficient, high-yield method of isolating DNA yielding high-molecular-weight, enzymatically digestible DNA. To meet these criteria we devised a high-yield method for isolating from plant tissue, DNA whose single-strand molecular length is greater than about 170 kb. Leaf tissue is embedded in agarose plugs, digested with Proteinase K in the presence of detergent, and treated with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). The agarose plugs are then soaked with buffer appropriate to the desired enzyme treatment. Evaluation of the DNA on neutral and alkaline gels indicates its high molecular length and low frequency of single-strand breaks. The DNA can be digested with damage-specific and other endonucleases. The method is especially suitable for DNA damage quantitation, as tissue processing is carried out immediately after harvesting (allowing DNA lesion measurement at precisely known times after irradiation), and many samples can be easily handled at once. It should also be useful for molecular analysis of large numbers of plant samples available only in small quantities. We here use this method to quantitate DNA damage induced by 297 and 365 nm radiation, and calculate the relative damaging effects of these wavebands in today's solar spectrum.  相似文献   

Drought is a major cause of losses in crop yield. Under field conditions, plants exposed to drought are usually also experiencing rapid changes in light intensity. Accordingly, plants need to acclimate to both, drought and light stress. Two crucial mechanisms in plant acclimation to changes in light conditions comprise thylakoid protein phosphorylation and dissipation of light energy as heat by non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). Here, we analyzed the acclimation efficacy of two different wheat varieties, by applying fluctuating light for analysis of plants, which had been subjected to a slowly developing drought stress as it usually occurs in the field. This novel approach allowed us to distinguish four drought phases, which are critical for grain yield, and to discover acclimatory responses which are independent of photodamage. In short-term, under fluctuating light, the slowdown of NPQ relaxation adjusts the photosynthetic activity to the reduced metabolic capacity. In long-term, the photosynthetic machinery acquires a drought-specific configuration by changing the PSII-LHCII phosphorylation pattern together with protein stoichiometry. Therefore, the fine-tuning of NPQ relaxation and PSII-LHCII phosphorylation pattern represent promising traits for future crop breeding strategies.  相似文献   

Summary The incorporation of tritiated thymidine into the DNA ofAmphidinium carterae in synchronized cultures has been analyzed by nucleic acid separation and CsCl centrifugation. The phases of the cell cycle are well defined In spite of an unusual characteristic: superimposed on the S phase, synchronous for nuclear and plastidal DNA's, a residual incorporation is observed whenever a labelling pulse is given. The corresponding continuous DNA replication is insensitive to ethidium bromide.Abbreviations BET ethidium bromide - CPM radioactive counts per minute - HAP hydroxylapatite - J1, J2, ..., J9: 1st 2d, ... 9th day of a culture - L, D Light, Dark periods - mM milli-moles - pM picomoles - MF macromolecular fractionation - PB phosphate buffer - SSC standard saline citrate (0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M Na citrate, pH 7).  相似文献   

Purpose: The main goal of the present study was to determine DNA damage in pesticide-exposed greenhouse workers and pesticides non-exposed controls.

Materials and methods: The DNA damage was measured by alkaline comet assay method (pH?>?13) in 41 greenhouse workers and 45 non-exposed individuals as the control. Pesticide exposure was assessed by duration of working in the greenhouse and pesticide application in the greenhouse time. DNA damage was estimated by arbitrary unit and damage frequency.

Results: Arbitrary unit and damage frequency were consistently significantly higher in greenhouse workers than those of the controls (p?=?0.001). In terms of gender in greenhouse, DNA damage of female workers was significantly higher than those in male workers (p?<?0.05). We found significant correlation between DNA damage and working hours spent. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that working hours in the greenhouse as an indication of pesticide exposure were significantly associated with the DNA damage, which can be attributed to the genotoxic potential of the pesticide mixture.

Conclusions: The comet assay is sensitive to detect the damage exposed to chronic effect of pesticides in greenhouse workers. Significant DNA damage was obtained for the exposed group, which was associated with the pesticide exposure.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments utilizing ecologically relevant irradiances of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) known to occur in shallow Gulf of Maine waters were conducted on the planktonic embryos and larvae of two common benthic echinoids; the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and the sand dollar Echinarachnius parma. Significant decreases in survivorship were observed in freshly fertilized embryos of both species with greater mortality in E. parma that was associated with the absence of UVR-absorbing compounds, the mycosporine-like amino acids. Experiments on blastula, gastrula, and prism larval stages of S. droebachiensis also showed significant decreases in survivorship, delays in development, and abnormal embryos and larvae associated with exposure to UVR. Additionally, all developmental stages of S. droebachiensis experimentally exposed to UVR resulted in significant increases in DNA damage, measured as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer photoproducts. The observed delays in early cleavage and subsequent developmental stages for S. droebachiensis are correlated with DNA damage. It is postulated that cell cycle arrest at critical checkpoints after DNA damage, mediated by a suite of cell cycle genes, is a component of the observed UVR induced developmental delays.  相似文献   

DNA damage of peripheral lymphocytes in 60 workers occupationally exposed to trivalent chromium [Cr(III)] in a tannery was studied using comet assay. The urinary and blood chromium levels were detected as a biomarker of internal exposure. The 90 subjects were divided into three groups: (i) exposure group I included 30 tannery workers highly exposed to chromium from tanning department; (ii) exposure group II included 30 tannery workers with moderate chromium exposure from finishing department; (iii) control group included 30 individuals without exposure to physical or chemical genotoxic agents. No significant difference was found among the three groups for age and smoking. The results showed that the medians of blood and urinary Cr of two exposure groups were significantly higher than those of control group (P < 0.01). And the medians of blood and urinary Cr of exposure group I were significantly higher than those of exposure group II (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The medians of mean tail length (MTL) of the three groups were 5.33 (2.90–8.50), 3.43 (2.31–8.29) and 2.04 (0.09–3.83) μm, respectively; The medians of mean tail moment (MTM) of the three groups were 6.28 (2.14–11.81), 3.41 (1.25–11.07) and 0.53 (0.13–3.29), respectively. The MTL and MTM of two exposure groups were significantly higher than those of control group (P < 0.01). The MTL and MTM of exposure group I were significantly higher than those of exposure group II (P < 0.01). The results of the present investigation suggest that occupational exposure to trivalent chromium can lead to a detectable DNA damage of human peripheral lymphocytes. Moreover, DNA damage was associated with chromium levels in blood. DNA damage may serve as a valuable effective biomarker and total chromium in blood may serve as a useful internal exposure biomarker in the population occupationally exposed to trivalent chromium.  相似文献   

A close correlation between stomatal conductance and the steady-state photosynthetic rate has been observed for diverse plant species under various environmental conditions. However, it remains unclear whether stomatal conductance is a major limiting factor for the photosynthetic rate under naturally fluctuating light conditions. We analysed a SLAC1 knockout rice line to examine the role of stomatal conductance in photosynthetic responses to fluctuating light. SLAC1 encodes a stomatal anion channel that regulates stomatal closure. Long exposures to weak light before treatments with strong light increased the photosynthetic induction time required for plants to reach a steady-state photosynthetic rate and also induced stomatal limitation of photosynthesis by restricting the diffusion of CO2 into leaves. The slac1 mutant exhibited a significantly higher rate of stomatal opening after an increase in irradiance than wild-type plants, leading to a higher rate of photosynthetic induction. Under natural conditions, in which irradiance levels are highly variable, the stomata of the slac1 mutant remained open to ensure efficient photosynthetic reaction. These observations reveal that stomatal conductance is important for regulating photosynthesis in rice plants in the natural environment with fluctuating light.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood samples collected from three healthy human volunteers were exposed in vitro to pulsed-wave 2450 MHz radiofrequency (RF) radiation for 2 h. The RF radiation was generated with a net forward power of 21 W and transmitted from a standard gain rectangular antenna horn in a vertically downward direction. The average power density at the position of the cells in the flask was 5 mW/cm(2). The mean specific absorption rate, calculated by finite difference time domain analysis, was 2.135 (+/-0.005 SE) W/kg. Aliquots of whole blood that were sham-exposed or exposed in vitro to 50 cGy of ionizing radiation from a (137)Cs gamma-ray source were used as controls. The lymphocytes were examined to determine the extent of primary DNA damage (single-strand breaks and alkali-labile lesions) using the alkaline comet assay with three different slide-processing schedules. The assay was performed on the cells immediately after the exposures and at 4 h after incubation of the exposed blood at 37 +/- 1 degrees C to allow time for rejoining of any strand breaks present immediately after exposure, i.e. to assess the capacity of the lymphocytes to repair this type of DNA damage. At either time, the data indicated no significant differences between RF-radiation- and sham-exposed lymphocytes with respect to the comet tail length, fluorescence intensity of the migrated DNA in the tail, and tail moment. The conclusions were similar for each of the three different comet assay slide-processing schedules examined. In contrast, the response of lymphocytes exposed to ionizing radiation was significantly different from RF-radiation- and sham-exposed cells. Thus, under the experimental conditions tested, there is no evidence for induction of DNA single-strand breaks and alkali-labile lesions in human blood lymphocytes exposed in vitro to pulsed-wave 2450 MHz radiofrequency radiation, either immediately or at 4 h after exposure.  相似文献   

During October to December 2003 we carried out experiments to assess the impact of high solar radiation levels (as normally occurring in a tropical region of Southern China) on the cyanobacteria Nostoc sphaeroides and Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis. Two types of experiments were done: a) Short-term (i.e., 20 min) oxygen production of samples exposed to two radiation treatments (i.e., PAR+UVR—280–700 nm, and PAR only—400–700 nm, PAB and P treatments, respectively), and b) Long-term (i.e., 12 days) evaluation of photosynthetic quantum yield (Y) of samples exposed to three radiation treatments (i.e., PAB; PA (PAR+UV-A, 320–700 nm) and P treatments, respectively). N. sphaeroides was resistant to UVR, with no significant differences (P>0.05) in oxygen production within 20 min of exposure, but with a slight inhibition of Y within hours. A fast recovery of Y was observed after one day even in samples exposed to full solar radiation. A. platensis, on the other hand, was very sensitive to solar radiation (mainly to UV-B), as determined by oxygen production and Y measurements. A. platensis had a circadian rhythm of photosynthetic inhibition, and during the first six days of exposure to solar radiation, it varied between 80 and 100% at local noon, but cells recovered significantly during afternoon hours. There was a significant decrease in photosynthetic inhibition after the first week of exposure with values less than 50% at local noon in samples receiving full solar radiation. Samples exposed to PA and P treatments recovered much faster (within 2–3 days), and there were no significant differences in Y between the three radiation treatments when irradiance was low (late afternoon to early morning). Long-term acclimation seems to be important in A. platensis to cope with high UVR levels however, it is not attained through the synthesis of UV-absorbing compounds but it seems to be mostly related to adaptive morphological changes.  相似文献   

The levels of apparent DNA single-strand breaks (ssb) were measured, following a 0-20 h incubation of normal human skin fibroblasts exposed to the solar uv wavelengths produced by a fluorescent sunlamp. The ssb were determined using the alkaline elution assay, which was performed either without proteinase K (proK) or in its presence, so as to eliminate any DNA-protein crosslinks that may be present in the cells. Cells were irradiated with either 3 kJ/m2 of sunlamp uv greater than 295 nm, 150 kJ/m2 of sunlamp uv greater than 315 nm, or 150 kJ/m2 of sunlamp uv greater than 320 nm. These treatments resulted in the production of 5-10 ssb/10(10) Da. For the two shorter wavelength irradiations, the levels of ssb decreased rapidly upon incubation of the cells. However, when the elutions were performed using proK, the number of ssb increased about twofold following a 2-4 h incubation. In contrast, the levels of ssb decreased in the sunlamp uv greater than 320 nm irradiated cells for elutions performed with or without proK. These results suggest that under certain irradiation conditions, ssb are formed in cells upon incubation, which are hidden by the crosslinking of protein to DNA.  相似文献   

Excision repair capacity was measured in young and old Turbatrix aceti (phylum Nematoda) following exposure to ionizing radiation. Both repair synthesis and removal of 5,6-dihydroxydihydrothymine type (glycol) base damage were quantitated. At least two-fold higher glycol levels were produced in the DNA of young than of old nematodes for the same radiation dose. Young worms also excised glycol damage more rapidly and completely than old worms. Both peak repair synthesis activity and completion of repair synthesis occurred at earlier times during post-irradiation incubation in young nematodes. The data indicate there is a significant age-associated difference in both the incidence and removal of ionizing radiation damage in T. aceti which is used as a model of the ageing process.  相似文献   

The comparison of temperature responses of two mytilids from the high (Brachidontes purpuratus) and low (Semimytilus algosus) intertidal zone of the Peruvian coast was carried out focusing on the production of micronucleus and nuclear abnormalities in gill tissue. Two temperatures (23 and 11°C) were evaluated, in presence of three mitomycin C concentrations as a stressor (0.02, 0.04 and 0.06 × 10?6), simulating hypothetical El Niño and La Niña conditions. Responses to extreme temperatures between both species were significantly different (P = 0.008). Frequency of micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities in S. algosus did not differ statistically among the temperature treatments, whereas in B. purpuratus there was an observed significant decrease in nuclear abnormalities (P = 0.012) and micronuclei frequencies (P = 0.002) between both temperature treatments. The low frequency of micronuclei observed at high temperature and mitomycin C suggests a better efficiency to stress resistance, as occurs during El Niño events, of the species from the higher intertidal zone of B. purpuratus compared to S. algosus from the lower intertidal zone.  相似文献   

Juvenile English sole were exposed intramuscularly to nitrofurantoin (NF) and the levels of 8-hydroxy-2′deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) in liver, kidney and blood were determined using reversed-phase HPLC with electrochemical detection. Identification and quantitation of the 8-OH-dG in the samples was accomplished by comparison with standard 8-OH-dG, which was characterized by UV spectroscopy and fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry. The levels of hepatic 8-OH-dG increased (r2 = 0.59, P = 0.015) with the dose of NF (0.10 – 10 mg NF/kg fish). In kidney and blood, however, the levels of 8-OH-dG were significantly higher than controls only at the highest dose tested. The level of binding in liver ranged from 0.37 to 0.76 fmol 8-OH-dG/μg DNA. The levels of hepatic 8-OH-dG reached a maximum (approx. 1 fmol 8-OH-dG/μg DNA) between 1 and 3 days after exposure, followed by a decrease to control levels (approx. 0.25 fmol 8-OH-dG/μg DNA) at 5 days post-exposure. These data demonstrate the first direct evidence for the formation of oxidized DNA bases resulting from the metabolism of a nitroaromatic compound by fish.  相似文献   

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