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The objective of this study was to examine the effect of donor age on progression of spermatogenesis in dog (Canis lupus familiaris) testis tissue after xenografting. In Experiment 1, canine testes were obtained by surgical castration. Based on developmental pattern of spermatogenesis at the time of grafting, donors were categorized as immature, young, and adult (<4, 4 to 6, and >6 mo old, respectively). Fragments of testis tissue were implanted subcutaneously on the back of immunodeficient mice; xenografts were retrieved and analyzed 4, 6, or 8 mo later. At 4 mo postgrafting, immature and young groups had higher graft recovery rates, graft weights, vesicular gland indices, seminiferous tubule numbers, and larger seminiferous tubular diameters compared with those of adult donor xenografts. At 8 mo postgrafting, immature donor xenografts had maintained growth and development as exhibited by greater graft weights, vesicular gland indices, seminiferous tubule numbers, and tubular diameters compared with those of adult donor xenografts. At this time point, growth and development of xenografts did not differ between immature and young donors, whereas those from young donors had greater seminiferous tubule numbers and diameters compared with those of adult donor xenografts. Elongated spermatids were the most advanced germ cell type present at 4 and 8 mo postgrafting in xenografts of immature age groups. In Experiment 2, the longer-term efficiency of spermatogenesis and the potential sperm production in xenografts from immature donor dogs were determined. Testis tissue from 2-mo-old donor dogs were grafted into recipient mice, and xenografts were retrieved after 13 mo. Complete spermatogenesis was present in 5 of 29 recovered xenografts, with isolation of fully formed sperm (up to 36.3 × 106 per gram tissue). In conclusion, immature and young donors (<6 mo of age) were the most promising donors for dog testis tissue xenografting. This strategy may offer an alternative for male germ-line preservation for canids that die prematurely or must be castrated before maturation.  相似文献   

Bovine testis tissue xenografts contain elongating spermatids 6 mo after grafting. The percentage of seminiferous tubule cross sections with elongating spermatids at the time of graft removal varies depending on donor age and rarely exceeds 10%. These data indicate significant changes are occurring to bovine testicular cells during the first weeks of life. The objective of this research was to xenograft testis tissue from multiple ages of bull calves for 24 or 36 wk in order to gain a better understanding of early bovine testis development. Testis tissue from 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-wk-old calves was grafted onto the backs of castrated immunodeficient mice. Testis tissue from all donor ages grew, differentiated, and produced testosterone and elongating spermatids. Testis tissue grafts from 1- and 8-wk-old calves had elongating spermatids in greater than 5.5% of seminiferous tubule cross sections at the time of graft removal regardless of grafting period. Four-week-old donor tissue never had more than 5.2% of seminiferous tubule cross sections with elongating spermatids. Extending the grafting period from 24 to 36 wk resulted in an increase in the percentage of seminiferous tubule cross sections with elongating spermatids from 2% to 10% in 2-wk donor tissue. These data demonstrate that both donor age and grafting period may be important factors regulating the maturation of bovine testis xenografts, indicating that intrinsic differences exist within testis tissue at these donor ages. These data provide the framework for further study of bovine spermatogenesis using ectopic testis xenografting.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify factors that contribute to bovine testis development and donor age-dependent differences in the abilities of bovine ectopic testis tissue grafts to produce elongated spermatids. We used real-time RT-PCR and microarrays to evaluate and to identify the expression of genes that are involved in Sertoli and germ cell development in bovine testis tissues. Testis tissues were obtained from 2-, 4-, and 8-wk-old bull calves and were grafted immediately. Grafted bovine testis tissue was removed from mice, RNA was isolated from the grafts, and real-time RT-PCR was used to evaluate gene expression during the grafting period. In addition, the gene expression in the donor tissue was analyzed using Affymetrix Bovine GeneChips, to identify differentially expressed genes. Examination of the testis tissue grafts indicated that Sertoli cell-specific gene expression was lower in 8-wk donor tissue grafts compared to the donors of other ages. Furthermore, the expression of KIT, which is a germ cell-specific gene, was low in testis tissue grafts. Microarray analysis of the donor tissue showed that several genes that are involved in angiogenesis or tissue growth were differentially expressed in 2-, 4-, and 8-wk-old bovine testes. The levels of expression of the genes for angiogenin, transgelin, thrombomodulin, early growth response 1, insulin-like growth factor 2, and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 were lower in testis tissues from older animals. Using these data, it will be possible in the future to manipulate the testis xenograft microenvironment so as to improve the efficiency of sperm production within the graft.  相似文献   

Bovine ectopic testis tissue grafting is a technique that can be used to study bovine spermatogenesis and for the production of germ cells for a variety of applications. Approximately 10% of seminiferous tubule cross sections in testis grafts contain spermatids, providing a unique tool to investigate what regulates germ cell differentiation. We hypothesized that manipulation of testis tissue grafts would increase the percentage of seminiferous tubule cross sections undergoing complete germ cell differentiation. To test this hypothesis, bovine testis tissue was treated with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) at the time of grafting or explant cultured for 1 wk prior to grafting. For the VEGF experiment, 8-wk donor tissue and graft sites were treated with 1 microg of VEGF in order to increase angiogenesis at the graft site. For the testis tissue culture experiment, 4-wk-old donor testis was cultured for 1 wk prior to grafting to stimulate spermatogonial stem cell proliferation. Testis tissue grafts were removed from the mice 24 wk after grafting. VEGF treatment increased graft weight and the percentage of seminiferous tubule cross sections with elongating spermatids at the time of graft removal. Cultured testis tissue grafts were smaller and had fewer seminiferous tubules per graft. However, there was no difference in the percentage of seminiferous tubule cross sections that contained any germ cell type between groups. These data indicate for the first time that bovine testis tissue can be manipulated to better support germ cell differentiation in grafted tissue.  相似文献   

Restoration of male fertility associated with use of the cryopreserved testicular tissue would be a significant advance in human and animal assisted reproductive technology. The purpose of this study was to test the effects of four different cryoprotectant agents (CPA) on spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in cryopreserved and allotransplanted neonatal mouse testicular tissue. Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS) with 5% fetal bovine serum including either 0.7 M dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 0.7 M propylene glycol (PrOH), 0.7 M ethylene glycol (EG), or glycerol was used as the cryoprotectant solution. Donor testes were collected and dissected from neonatal pups of CD-1 mice (one day old). Freezing and seeding of the testicular whole tissues was performed using an automated controlled-rate freezer. Four fresh (non-frozen) or frozen–thawed pieces of testes were subcutaneously grafted onto the hind flank of each castrated male NCr nude recipient mouse and harvested after 3 months. Fresh neonatal testes grafts recovered from transplant sites had the most advanced rate of spermatogenesis with elongated spermatid and spermatozoa in 46.6% of seminiferous tubules and had higher levels of serum testosterone compared to all other frozen–thawed-graft groups (p < 0.05). Fresh grafts and frozen–thawed grafts in the DMSO group had the highest rate of tissue survival compared to PrOH, EG, and glycerol after harvesting (p > 0.05). The most effective CPA for the freezing and thawing of neonatal mouse testes was DMSO in comparison with EG (p < 0.05) in both pre-grafted and post-grafted tissues based on histopathological evaluation. Likewise, the highest level of serum testosterone was obtained from the DMSO CPA group compared to all other cryoprotectants evaluated (p < 0.05). The typical damage observed in the frozen–thawed grafts included disruption of the interstitial stroma, intercellular connection ruptures, and detachment of spermatogonia from the basement membrane. These findings indicate that neonatal mouse testes were most effectively preserved when frozen with HBSS medium with DMSO and that the type of CPA is a significant factor to obtain the most advanced stages of spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis after cryopreservation, thawing, and transplantation of neonatal mouse testes.  相似文献   

The loss of genetic diversity due to premature death of valuable individuals is a significant problem in animal conservation programs, including endangered felids. Testis tissue xenografting has emerged as a system to obtain spermatozoa from dead immature animals, however protocols to store this tissue before xenografting are still lacking. This study focused on testis tissue cryopreservation and storage from the domestic cat (Felis catus) classified as “pre-pubertal” and “pubertal” according to spermatogenesis development. Grafts from testis tissue cryopreserved with DMSO 1.4M, recovered after 10 weeks xenografting, presented seminiferous tubules with no germ cells. On the contrary, testis tissue from pre-pubertal animals preserved in ice-cold medium for 2 to 5 days presented no loss of viability or spermatogenic potential, while the number of grafts of pubertal cat testis tissue with germ cells after 10 weeks of xenografting decreased with increasing storage time. Nevertheless, even grafts from pre-pubertal cat testis tissue presented lower anti-DDX4 and anti-BOULE staining (proteins necessary for the meiosis completion), when compared with adult cat testis. Finally, a strong correlation found between testis weight and xenograft outcome may help choose good candidates for xenografting.  相似文献   

Grafting of cryopreserved testicular tissue is a promising tool for fertility and testicular function preservation in endangered species, mutant animals, or cancer patients for future use. In this study, we aimed to improve the whole neonatal mouse testicular tissue cryopreservation protocols by comparing cryosurvival, spermatogenesis, and androgen production of grafted testicular tissue after cryopreservation with three different vitrification protocols and an automated computed controlled-rate freezing. Whole neonatal mouse testes were vitrified with various vitrification solutions (V1) 40% EG + 18% Ficoll + 0.35 M Sucrose, (V2) DAP 213 (2 M DMSO + 1 M Acetamid + 3 M PG), or (V3) 15% EG + 15% PG + 0.5 M Sucrose (total solute concentration V1:74.34%, V2:44.0%, and V3:49.22% wt/vol). Alternatively, neonatal testicular tissue was also frozen in 0.7 M DMSO +5% fetal bovine serum using controlled-rate freezing and compared to fresh grafted testicular tissue, sham grafted controls, and the vitrification protocol groups. Fresh (n = 4) and frozen-thawed (n = 4) testes tissues were grafted onto the flank of castrated male NCr Nude recipient mouse. The grafts were harvested after three months. Fresh or frozen-thawed grafts with controlled-rate freezing had the highest rate of tissue survival compared to other vitrified protocols after harvesting (p < 0.05). Both controlled-rate freezing and V1 protocol groups displayed the most advanced stages of spermatogenesis with elongated spermatids and spermatozoa in 17.6 ± 1.3% and 16.3 ± 1.9% of seminiferous tubules based on histopathological evaluation, respectively. Hosts of the testicular graft from controlled-rate freezing had higher levels of serum testosterone compared to all other vitrified-thawed graft groups (p < 0.05). This study shows that completed spermatogenesis from whole neonatal mouse testes were obtained when frozen with controlled-rate freezing and V1 vitrification solution and that testicular cryopreservation efficacy vary with the protocol and vitrification technique.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates preservation of tissue integrity, maintenance of proliferating spermatogonia and Leydig cell functionality after vitrification and transplantation of non-human primate immature testicular tissue. The objective was to assess the potential of vitrification of non-human primate immature testicular tissue (ITT) in an in vivo xenotransplantation model. Testicular tissue was obtained from one immature rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) aged 4 years. Collection and vitrification of testicular tissue, followed by short-term xenografting (3 wks) to nude mice were performed to evaluate and compare vitrified/warmed and fresh tissue. Fresh ungrafted tissue was used for control purposes. Cell density and seminiferous tubule (ST) integrity were assessed by light microscopy. Presence of spermatogonia (SG) (MAGE-A4), proliferation (Ki-67) and Leydig cell (LC) functionality (3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; 3β-HSD) were evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Qualitative analysis revealed preservation of the histologic characteristics of SG and Sertoli cells (SCs), as well as cell-cell cohesion and cell adhesion to the basement membrane, in both vitrified and fresh grafted tissues. Survival of SG able to proliferate and functional LCs was confirmed by IHC in fresh and vitrified grafts. In conclusion, vitrification appears to be a promising approach, representing an alternative strategy to slow-freezing in the emerging field of ITT cryopreservation and cryobanking.  相似文献   

Grafting of immature testicular tissue provides a tool to examine testicular development and may offer a perspective for preservation of fertility in prepubertal patients. Successful xenografting in mice, resulting in mature spermatids, has been performed in several species but has failed with testicular tissues from the common marmoset, Callithrix jacchus. Previous data indicate that the hormonal milieu provided by the mouse host might cause this failure. We conducted autologous ectopic transplantation of testicular fragments under the back skin in newborn marmoset monkeys. Seventeen months after transplantation, we found viable transplants in 2 out of the 4 grafted animals. In the transplants, tubules developed up to a state intermediate between the pregraft situation and adult controls. Dividing spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes were present. Boule-like positivity and CDC25A negativity indicated that spermatogenesis was arrested at early meiosis. Immunohistochemistry revealed normal maturation of Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and peritubular cells. Serum testosterone values were not restored to the normal range and bioactive chorionic gonadotropin levels increased to castrate levels. Meiotic arrest could have occurred in the grafts because of lack of sufficient testosterone or because of hyperthermia caused by the ectopic position of the grafts. We conclude that autologous transplants of immature testicular tissues in the marmoset can mature up to meiosis but that normal serum testosterone levels are not restored. Further studies have to be performed to overcome the meiotic arrest to explore the model further and to develop therapeutic options.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of age on hand preference in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Twenty-two capuchins, aged 6 months to 30 years, were presented with a task that involved reaching for food and a task that involved using sponging tools to absorb juice. Adults exhibited a greater percentage of right-handed actions in each task than did immature subjects. Adults also exhibited a stronger lateral bias than did immature subjects in the sponging task. These results are consistent with hypotheses: a) adult capuchin monkeys are biased toward use of their right hand for reaching; b) adult capuchins exhibit a greater incidence of right-hand preference than do immature capuchins; and c) primates exhibit age-related differences in the strength and direction of hand preference in tasks that involve the use of tools.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the development of spermatogenesis and utility of using electroporation to stably transfect germ cells with the beta-galactosidase gene in neonatal bovine testicular tissue ectopically xenografted onto the backs of recipient nude mice. Bull testicular tissue from 4-wk donor calves, which contains a germ cell population consisting solely of gonocytes or undifferentiated spermatogonia, was grafted onto the backs of castrated adult recipient nude mice. Testicular grafts significantly increased in weight throughout the grafting period and the timing of germ cell differentiation in grafted tissue was consistent with postnatal testis development in vivo relative to the bull. Seminiferous tubule diameter also significantly increased with advancing time after grafting. At 1 wk after grafting, gonocytes in the seminiferous cords completed migration to the basement membrane and differentiated germ cell types could be observed 24 wk after grafting. The presence of elongating spermatids at 24 wk confirmed that germ cell differentiation occurred in the bovine tissue. Leydig cells in the grafted bovine tissue were also capable of producing testosterone in the castrated recipient mice from 4 wk to 24 wk after grafting at concentrations that were similar to levels in intact, nongrafted control mice. The testicular tissue that had been electroporated with a beta-galactosidase expression vector showed tubule-specific transgene expression 24 wk after grafting. Histological analysis showed that transgene expression was present in both Sertoli and differentiated germ cells but not in interstitial cells. The system reported here has the potential to be used for generation of transgenic bovine spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Environmental DNA (eDNA) approaches contributing to species identifications are quickly becoming the new norm in biomonitoring and ecosystem assessments. Yet, information such as age and health state of the population, which is vital to species biomonitoring, has not been accessible from eDNA. DNA methylation has the potential to provide such information on the state of a population. Here, we measured the methylation of eDNA along with tissue DNA (tDNA) of Lymnaea stagnalis at four life stages. We demonstrate that eDNA methylation varies with age and allows distinguishing among age classes. Moreover, eDNA was globally hypermethylated in comparison to tDNA. This difference was age-specific and connected to a limited number of eDNA sites. This differential methylation pattern suggests that eDNA release with age is partially regulated through DNA methylation. Our findings help to understand mechanisms involved in eDNA release and shows the potential of eDNA methylation analysis to assess age classes. Such age class assessments will encourage future eDNA studies to assess fundamental processes of population dynamics and functioning in ecology, biodiversity conservation and impact assessments.  相似文献   

The establishment of spermatogenesis in the guinea-pig was studied by a microscopic method. The spermatogenesis starts before day 16 and the first spermatozoa appear on day 55. Spermatozoa are seen in the tail of the epididymis on day 60 and in the ductus deferens between day 70 and day 80. Relations exist between increase of testicular testosterone and setting of spermatogenesis in the guinea-pig.  相似文献   

Administration of supraphysiologic doses of androgen to male rats within the first few neonatal days markedly suppresses subsequent testicular maturation; this effect diminishes as androgen is injected on succeeding postnatal days. Testosterone propionate (TP) administered neonatally at dosages up to 3.5 mg appreciably diminished postnatal testicular growth; postpubertal androgen secretion, as assessed by accessory sex organ weights and serum testosterone concentrations and as reflected by a castrationlike developmental pattern of the hepatic enzyme, histidase; spermatogenesis; and fertility. Beyond three mo of age testicular growth rates and androgen secretion--but not fertility--tended to be restored. These effects of neonatal androgen do not require aromatization to estrogen; indeed 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone elicited more profound testicular suppression than TP, which was sustained until at least 100 days of age. Testes of neonatally androgenized rats were capable of responding to gonadotropins administered at three wk of age with increases in weight and androgen secretion. These findings suggest that a developmental event, suppressible by pharmacologic doses of androgen, occurs at a nontesticular site during the first few post partum days in the male rat; this event programs subsequent testicular maturation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to make a correlative study between spermatogenesis and testicular acid and alkaline phosphatase activities in mature prostatectomized animals at different post-operative periods. The results demonstrate that there was a significant augmentation in the activity of testicular acid and alkaline phosphatases subsequent to 14 and 21 days of prostatectomy. A parallel quantitative study of spermatogenesis at stage VII of the seminiferous cycle, namely, type A spermatogonia (ASg), preleptotene spermatocytes (pLSc), mid-pachytene spermatocytes (mPSc) and step 7 spermatids (7sd), revealed that there was a significant reduction in the number of step 7 spermatids after 14 and 21 days. No change was observed in the above testicular enzymes and spermatogenesis after 7 days of prostatectomy. Therefore, it is concluded that prostatectomy can alter the above testicular enzyme activities and spermatogenesis in chronic prostatectomized state.  相似文献   

1. As trees age, they undergo significant physiological and morphological changes. Nevertheless, tree ontogeny and its impacts on herbivores are often overlooked as determinants of plant–herbivore population dynamics and the strength of plant–herbivore interactions. 2. Juniperus (Cupressaceae) is a dominant, long‐lived conifer that serves as the sole host to a specialised assemblage of caterpillars. Over the past 150 years, several juniper species in western North America have expanded their geographic occupancy at local and regional scales, which has resulted in an increase in the number of immature trees on the landscape. Using assays in the laboratory, the effects of tree ontogeny on caterpillar performance and oviposition preference for two juniper specialist caterpillars, Callophrys gryneus (Lycaenidae) and Glena quinquelinearia (Geometridae), were examined. The study considered whether responses to tree ontogeny were consistent across caterpillar species and juniper host species. 3. Tree age was found to be a reliable predictor of caterpillar performance, with caterpillars developing more quickly and growing larger when fed foliage from young trees. Differences in the phytochemical diversity between foliage from trees of different ages might help to explain observed differences in caterpillar performance. Interestingly, the specialist butterfly, C. gryneus, displayed an oviposition preference for foliage from old‐growth Juniperus osteosperma trees, despite the fact that larvae of this species performed poorly on older trees. 4. It is concluded that young juniper trees are an important resource for the specialised Lepidopteran community and that tree ontogeny is an important component of intraspecific variation, which contributes to the structure of plant–herbivore communities.  相似文献   

Chronic inflammation promotes the formation of ectopic lymphoid tissue morphologically resembling secondary lymphoid tissues, though it is unclear whether this is a location where Ag-specific immune responses develop or merely a site of lymphocyte accumulation. Ectopic lymphoid tissue formation is associated with many humoral autoimmune diseases, including lupus induced by tetramethylpecadentane in mice. We examined whether an immune response to 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (NP-KLH) and NP-OVA develops within ectopic lymphoid tissue ("lipogranulomas") induced by tetramethylpecadentane in C57BL/6 mice. Following primary immunization, NP-specific B cells bearing V186.2 and related heavy chains as well as lambda-light chains accumulated within ectopic lymphoid tissue. The number of anti-NP-secreting B cells in the ectopic lymphoid tissue was greatly enhanced by immunization with NP-KLH. Remarkably, the H chain sequences isolated from individual lipogranulomas from these mice were diverse before immunization, whereas individual lipogranulomas from single immunized mice had unique oligo- or monoclonal populations of presumptive NP-specific B cells. H chain CDR sequences bore numerous replacement mutations, consistent with an Ag-driven and T cell-mediated response. In mice adoptively transferred with OT-II or DO11 T cells, there was a striking accumulation of OVA-specific T cells in lipogranulomas after s.c. immunization with NP-OVA. The selective colocalization of proliferating, Ag-specific T and B lymphocytes in lipogranulomas from tetramethylpecadentane-treated mice undergoing primary immunization implicates ectopic lymphoid tissue as a site where Ag-specific humoral immune responses can develop. This has implications for understanding the strong association of humoral autoimmunity with lymphoid neogenesis, which may be associated with deficient censoring of autoreactive cells.  相似文献   

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