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1. The 1-P-fructokinase (1-PFK) and 6-P-fructokinase (6-PFK) from Pseudmonas doudoroffii were partially purified by a combination of (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography. The pH optima of these enzymes were 9.0 and 8.5, respectively. 2. When the concentrations of the substrates of the 1-PFK reaction were varied, Michaelis-Menten kinetics were observed. The Kms for D-fructose-1-P (F-1-P) and ATP were 3.03 X 10(-4) M and 3.39 X 10(-4) M, respectively. Variation of MgCl2 at fixed concentrations of F-1-P and ATP resulted in sigmoidal kinetics; about 10 mM MgCl2 was necessary for maximal activity. Activity of 1-PFK was inhibited when the ratio of ATP:Mg++ was higher than 0.5, suggesting that ATP:2Mg++ was the substrate and that free ATP was inhibitory. Although an absolute requirement for K+ or NH4+ could not be demonstrated, these cations stimulated the rate of the reaction. Activity of 1-PFK was not significantly affected by 3 mM AMP, cyclic-AMP, Pi, D-fructose-6-P (F-6-P), ADP, P-enolpyruvate (PEP), pyruvate, citrate, or L-gluamate. 3. Sigmoidal kinetics were observed for 6-PFK when the concentration of F-6-P was increased and the level of ATP was kept constant. Activity of 6-PFK was increased by ADP, inhibited by PEP, and unaffected by 3 mM AMP, cyclic-AMP, Pi, F-1-P, pyruvate, or citrate.  相似文献   

  1. The 1-P-fructokinase (1-PFK) and 6-P-fructokinase (6-PFK) from Pseudomonas doudoroffii were partially purified by a combination of (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography. The pH optima of these enzymes were 9.0 and 8.5, respectively.
  2. When the concentrations of the substrates of the 1-PFK reaction were varied, Michaelis-Menten kinetics were observed. The Kms for d-fructose-1-P (F-1-P) and ATP were 3.03×10-4 M and 3.39×10-4 M, respectively. Variation of MgCl2 at fixed concentrations of F-1-P and ATP resulted in sigmoidal kinetics; about 10 mM MgCl2 was necessary for maximal activity. Activity of 1-PFK was inhibited when the ratio of ATP: Mg++ was higher than 0.5, suggesting that ATP: 2Mg++ was the substrate and that free ATP was inhibitory. Although an absolute requirement for K+ or NH + 4 could not be demonstrated, these cations stimulated the rate of the reaction. Activity of 1-PFK was not significantly affected by 3 mM AMP, cyclic-AMP, Pi, d-fructose-6-P (F-6-P), ADP, P-enolpyruvate (PEP), pyruvate, citrate, or l-glutamate.
  3. Sigmoidal kinetics were observed for 6-PFK when the concentration of F-6-P was increased and the level of ATP was kept constant. Activity of 6-PFK was increased by ADP, inhibited by PEP, and unaffected by 3 mM AMP, cyclic-AMP, Pi, F-1-P, pyruvate, or citrate.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa PACI grows poorly on L-lysine as sole source of carbon but mutant derivatives which grow rapidly were readily isolated. Studies with one such mutant, P. aeruginosa PAC586, supported the existence of a route for L-lysine catabolism which differes from those reported previously in other species of Pseudomonas. The postulated route, the cadaverine or decarboxylase pathway, is initiated by the decarboxylation of L-lysine and involves the following steps: L-lysine leads to cadverine leads to I-piperideine leads 5-aminovalerate leads to glutarate semialdehyde leads glutarate. Evidence for this pathway is based on the characterization of the pathway reactions and the induction of the corresponding enzymes by growth on L-lysine. The first three enzymes were also induced by growth on cadaverine and to a lesser extent by 5-aminovalerate. No evidence was obtained for the presence of pathways involving L-lysine 2-monooxygenase or L-pipecolate dehydrogenase, but another potential route for L-lysine catabolism initiated by L-lysine 6-aminotransferase was detected. Studies with mutants unable to grow on L-lysine supported the existence of more than one catabolic pathway for L-lysine in this organism and indicated that all routes converge on a pathway for glutarate catabolism which generates acetyl-CoA. Pipecolate catabolism also appeared to converge on the glutarate pathway in P. AERUGINOSA. The results suggested that the growth rate of the parental strain is limited by the rate of transport and/or decarboxylation of L-lysine. The cadaverine pathway was present, but not so highly induced, in the parental strain P. aeruginosa PACI. Pseudomonas fluorescens contained enzymes of both the cadaverine (decarboxylase) and oxygenase pathways, strains of P. putida (biotypes A and B) contained enzymes of the oxygenase pathway but not the decarboxylase pathway and P. multivorans appeared deficient in both. All these species possessed L-lysine aminotransferase activity.  相似文献   

Summary Pseudomonas sp. NCIB 10643 grew on a range of n-alkylbenzenes (C2-C7) and on several branched species within this chain size (isopropylbenzene, isobutylbenzene, sec-butylbenzene, tert-butylbenzene and tert-amylbenzene). All of the alkylbenzenes were catabolized via ring attack, rather than side-chain attack, proceeding via initial dioxygenase activity resulting in the corresponding 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxyalkylbenzene, which underwent reduction to the corresponding 2,3-dihydroxyl-intermediate (3-alkyl-substituted catechols). The 3-substituted catechols were ring-cleaved by an extra-diol type enzyme between C1 and C2 resulting in characteristic meta ring-fission products. Further catabolism was by hydrolytic attack to give alkyl-chain dependent carboxylic acids and, presumably, 2-oxopenta-4-enoate. Details of the intermediates and enzymes involved in alkylbenzene catabolism are given. This is the most versatile aromatic, ring-cleaving, alkylbenzene-utilizing bacterium thus far reported.Offprint requests to: C. Ratledge  相似文献   

D-核糖高产菌株的选育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以肌苷产生菌B3为出发菌株,通过硫酸二乙酯,紫外线及原生质体紫外线等复合诱变处理,获得一株核糖高产积累突变株B1916,对突变株B1916遗传进行了研究,结果发现该突变株对碳水化合物的利用能力发生了变化,如对葡萄糖利用能力下降,不能利用阿拉伯糖和葡萄糖酸,丧失了解子形成能力;在培养过程中细胞形态呈链状,数字状等。  相似文献   

Naphthalene and two naphthalenesulfonic acids were degraded by Pseudomonas sp. A3 and Pseudomonas sp. C22 by the same enzymes. Gentisate is a major metabolite. Catabolic activities for naphthalene, 1-naphthalenesulfonic acid, and 2-naphthalenesulfonic acid are induced by growth with naphthalene, 1-naphthalenesulfonic acid, 2-naphthalenesulfonic acid, methylnaphthalene, or salicylate. Gentisate is also an inducer in strain A3. Inhibition kinetics show that naphthalene and substituted naphthalenes are hydroxylated by the same naphthalene dioxygenase. Substrates with nondissociable substituents such as CH3, OCH3, Cl, or NO2 are hydroxylated in the 7,8-position, and 4-substituted salicylates are accumulated. If CO2H, CH2CO2H, or SO3H are substituents, hydroxylation occurs with high regioselectivity in the 1,2-position. Thus, 1,2-dihydroxy-1,2-dihydronaphthalene-2-carboxylic acids are formed quantitatively from the corresponding naphthalenecarboxylic acids. Utilization of naphthalenesulfonic acids proceeds by the same regioselective 1,2-dioxygenation which labilizes the C—SO3 bond and eliminates sulfite.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts of taurine-grown Pseudomonas aeruginosa catalyze the transamination of taurine and pyruvate resulting in the formation of L-alanine and sulfoacetaldehyde. The enzyme responsible for this activity has been partially purified in order to demonstrate its participation in a pathway of taurine degradation. Ethyl methane sulfonate treatment of Ps. aeruginosa yielded a mutant deficient in taurine transaminase and incapable of growing on taurine indicating that the enzyme is of physiological significance in this organism.  相似文献   

Abstract A Pseudomonas sp. strain JWS was isolated from an enrichment culture with 3,5-dichlorosalicylate as the sole source of carbon and energy. Additionally, 3-chloro-, 5-chloro-, and 3,5-dibromosalicylate, but not 4-chlorosalicylate were mineralized by the organism. During growth on the chlorosalicylates, stoichiometric amounts of chloride were released into the culture medium. In the presence of both salicylate and 3,5-dichlorosalicylate, high activities were induced for the turnover of non-halogenated as well as halogenated salicylates. Enzyme activities assayed in crude cell extracts which are responsible for the oxidation of catechol and its halogenated derivatives as well as those for cycloisomerization of cis,cis -muconate and its 2,4-dichloro derivative provided indications for the involvement of inducible type II catechol 1,2-dioxygenase and muconate cycloisomerase in biodegradation of halogenated salicylates.  相似文献   

Summary The metabolism of biphenyl by Pseudomonas sp. NCIB 10643 is reported in detail; that of Nocardia sp. NCIB 10503 is briefly investigated. Both organisms dissimilate biphenyl by the same route via oxidation to 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl, meta cleavage to a product identified as 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoate which is then cleaved to give benzoate. Benzoate is a deadend metabolite in the pseudomonad but in the nocardia is further catabolised to catechol and thence to cis, cis-muconate. The enzymes involved in the individual steps of the proposed pathway have been assayed. The proposed pathway differs from that previously suggested for Pseudomonas sp. NCIB 10643 but is the same as found in other pseudomonads. This is the first report of catabolism of biphenyl in an actinomycete.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) lyase enzymatically cleaves DMSP, an algal metabolite, to produce acrylate, a proton, and dimethyl sulfide (DMS), the most abundant volatile sulfur compound emitted from oceans. The physiology of DMS production by DMSP lyase was studied in vivo in an Alcaligenes-like organism, strain M3A, a salt marsh bacterial isolate, and in a marine strain, Pseudomonas doudoroffii. Enzymes from both strains were induced at optimum rates by 1 mM DMSP and vigorous aeration. P. doudoroffii was very sensitive to continued aeration and lost activity rapidly; the enzyme was more stable when aeration ceased. In addition to DMSP, acrylate and several of its analogs acted as inducers of DMSP lyase in Alcaligenes sp. strain M3A but not in P. doudoroffii. Turnover of DMSP by P. doudoroffii was enhanced by 3.5% NaCl or seawater, whereas the Alcaligenes sp. strain M3A enzyme was not salt dependent and salt did not greatly affect its activity. The pH profile showed two peaks of DMSP lyase activity (6.5 and 8.8) for Alcaligenes sp. strain M3A and a single peak at pH 8 for P. doudoroffii. Enzyme activity in both organisms was inhibited by methyl-3-mercaptopropionate and homocysteine. Cyanide, azide and p-chloromercuribenzoate inhibited only the P. doudoroffii DMSP lyase. The apparent K(infm) values for DMSP for cell cultures of Alcaligenes sp. strain M3A and P. doudoroffii were ca. 2 mM and <20 (mu)M, respectively. The differences in the physiology of DMSP metabolism in these two bacterial isolates may enable them to exist in diverse ecological niches.  相似文献   

Growth of temperature-sensitive mutant Bacillus cereus T JS22-C occurred normally at the restrictive temperature (37 degrees C), but sporulation was blocked at stage 0. The production of extracellular and intracellular proteases and of alkaline phosphatase occurred at 37 degrees C, but the expression of a functional tricarboxylic acid cycle did not. At the permissive temperature (26 degrees C), the mutant sporulated at a slightly lower frequency (60%) and at a lower rate than the parent strain. The oxidation of organic acids, which accumulate in the growth medium began at T0 in cultures of the parent strain but was delayed until about T3 in cultures of the mutant. Later events in sporulation were also delayed in the mutant by about 3 h. Experiments in which the temperature of growth was shifted from 37 to 26 degrees C or from 26 to 37 degrees C at various times showed that the temperature-sensitive event began approximately 1 h after the end of exponential growth and ended when the cells reached the end of stage II (septum formation). The absence of a functional tricarboxylic acid cycle in cells of the mutant grown at 37 degrees C or shifted from 26 to 37 degrees C before T1 did not appear to be due to a lesion in one of the structural genes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle but was more likely due to the inability of the cells to derepress the synthesis of some of the enzymes of that cycle.  相似文献   

The kinetics of beta-lactamase induction in Pseudomonas maltophilia IID1275/873 were investigated. Upon induction with beta-lactam antibiotics, a correlation was seen between the increase in specific beta-lactamase activity and the generation time, as well as the concentration of inducer in the medium. The specific beta-lactamase activity increased slowly within the first 0.5 generation and then more rapidly; it decreased regularly after about 2 generations of growth in the presence of inducer. This decrease could presumably be attributed to the continuous breakdown of inducer by beta-lactamases in the culture medium. In a chemostat culture with continuous supply of fresh inducer-containing medium, the specific beta-lactamase activity could be stabilized at a high level over several generations. Removal of the beta-lactam after a certain induction time showed that a short exposure of the bacteria to inducer caused induction kinetics comparable to those resulting from continuous exposure of the cells to inducer. The two beta-lactamases of P. maltophilia, L1 and L2, were induced simultaneously under various experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary A presumed single site mutation designated leu-500, affects both the basal expression and response to the leucine repression signal by the leucine operon of Salmonella typhimurium. The distantly located supX mutation suppresses the leucine auxotrophy imposed by the leu-500 mutation by raising the level of basal expression while maintaining the abnormal regulation. An additional type of suppressor mutation which is closely linked to the leu-500 locus restores essentially normal regulation but maintains the low repressed expression characteristic of the leu-500 strain. The leucine sufficiency of the leu-500 strain with the linked suppressor and the supX leu-500 strains is temperature conditional in that both types require leucine for growth at 42° but not at 37°. These results, which indicate that a single site mutation can simultaneously affect promoter-like and operator-like function, are discussed in terms of DNA superstructure.This investigation was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Research Grant GM-12551 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, and is a portion of the work submitted by Lloyd H. Graf in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the hP. D. degree from Duke University. Lloyd H. Graf was the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship award from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. R. O. Burns is the recipient of a Research Career Development Award from the National Institutes of General Medical Sciences.  相似文献   

The distribution of the arginine succinyltransferase pathway was examined in representative strains of Pseudomonas and related bacteria able to use arginine as the sole carbon and nitrogen source for growth. The arginine succinyltransferase pathway was induced in arginine-grown cells. The accumulation of succinylornithine following in vivo inhibition of succinylornithine transaminase activity by aminooxyacetic acid showed that this pathway is responsible for the dissimilation of the carbon skeleton of arginine. Catabolism of citrulline as a carbon source was restricted to relatively few of the organisms tested. In P. putida, P. cepacia and P. indigofera, ornithine was the main product of citrulline degradation. In most strains which possessed the arginine succinyltransferase pathway, the first step of ornithine utilization as a carbon source was the conversion of ornithine into succinylornithine through an ornithine succinyltransferase. However P. cepacia and P. putida used ornithine by a pathway which proceeded via proline as an intermediate and involved an ornithine cyclase activity.  相似文献   

Biogenic amines (BAs; 2-phenylethylamine, tyramine, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, octopamine, histamine, tryptamine, serotonin, agmatine, cadaverine, putrescine, spermidine, spermine and certain aliphatic amines) are widely distributed organic molecules that play basic physiological functions in animals, plants and microorganisms. Pseudomonas species can grow in media containing different BAs as carbon and energy sources, a reason why these bacteria are excellent models for studying such catabolic pathways. In this review, we analyse most of the routes used by different species of Pseudomonas (P. putida, P. aeruginosa, P. entomophila and P. fluorescens) to degrade BAs. Analysis of these pathways has led to the identification of a huge number of genes, catabolic enzymes, transport systems and regulators, as well as to understanding of their hierarchy and functional evolution. Knowledge of these pathways has allowed the design and collection of genetically manipulated microbes useful for eliminating BAs from different sources, highlighting the biotechnological applications of these studies.  相似文献   

The relative significance of the pathways for the conversion of d-fructose to d-fructose 1,6-diphosphate via d-fructose 1-phosphate or d-fructose 6-phosphate in Aerobacter aerogenes PRL-R3 was assessed by observing growth patterns of mutants lacking either d-fructose 6-phosphate kinase or d-fructose 1,6-diphosphatase. The mutant lacking d-fructose 6-phosphate kinase grew well on d-fructose or glycerol but not on d-glucose, whereas the mutant lacking d-fructose 1,6-diphosphatase grew on d-glucose but not on d-fructose or glycerol. The data indicate that the pathway of d-fructose metabolism is primarily through d-fructose 1-phosphate rather than d-fructose 6-phosphate.  相似文献   

E Odier  C Rolando 《Biochimie》1985,67(2):191-197
Pseudomonas cepacia 122 can grow on several lignin model compounds including the arylglycerol-beta-aryl ethers guaiacylglycerol-beta-coniferyl ether and guaiacylglycerol-beta-guaiacyl ether. Non-phenolic lignin model compounds are not degraded by this bacterium. The enzyme system catalyzing guaiacylglycerol-beta-guaiacyl ether dissimilation in Pseudomonas cepacia 122 is inducible and repressed by glucose. Guaiacylglycerol and guaiacylglycerol-beta-guaiacyl ether were identified as intermediates in guaiacylglycerol-beta-coniferyl ether catabolism. Guaiacol, guaiacoxyethanol, vanillin and vanillic acid were identified as intermediates of guaiacylglycerol-beta-guaiacyl ether breakdown indicating that a C alpha-C beta splitting mechanism is involved in the degradation of aryl-alkyl ethers by this bacterium.  相似文献   

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