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中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS)感染是指由病毒、细菌或真菌等侵染中枢神经系统引起的急性或慢性炎症性(或非炎症性)疾病,致死率高,易引发严重后遗症。由于检测通量及灵敏度的限制,一半以上的中枢神经系统感染患者无法通过常规检测方法确定病原体。宏基因组测序是一种新兴的病原检测技术,能够极大地提升病原检出率。当前部分临床医生及相关从业人员对宏基因组测序的认识存在不足,限制了其在临床诊疗中的快速推广和应用。本文系统介绍了宏基因组测序整体流程,综述了该技术在中枢神经系统感染性疾病诊疗中的发展历程和最新研究进展,希望为中枢神经系统感染性疾病的诊断和治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

Autozygosity, or the inheritance of two copies of an ancestral allele, has the potential to not only reveal phenotypes caused by biallelic mutations in autosomal recessive genes, but to also facilitate the mapping of such mutations by flagging the surrounding haplotypes as tractable runs of homozygosity (ROH), a process known as autozygosity mapping. Since SNPs replaced microsatellites as markers for the purpose of genomewide identification of ROH, autozygosity mapping of Mendelian genes has witnessed a significant acceleration. Historically, successful mapping traditionally required favorable family structure that permits the identification of an autozygous interval that is amenable to candidate gene selection and confirmation by Sanger sequencing. This requirement presented a major bottleneck that hindered the utilization of simplex cases and many multiplex families with autosomal recessive phenotypes. However, the advent of next-generation sequencing that enables massively parallel sequencing of DNA has largely bypassed this bottleneck and thus ushered in an era of unprecedented pace of Mendelian disease gene discovery. The ability to identify a single causal mutation among a massive number of variants that are uncovered by next-generation sequencing can be challenging, but applying autozygosity as a filter can greatly enhance the enrichment process and its throughput. This review will discuss the power of combining the best of both techniques in the mapping of recessive disease genes and offer some tips to troubleshoot potential limitations.  相似文献   

BM-map: Bayesian mapping of multireads for next-generation sequencing data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ji Y  Xu Y  Zhang Q  Tsui KW  Yuan Y  Norris C  Liang S  Liang H 《Biometrics》2011,67(4):1215-1224
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology generates millions of short reads, which provide valuable information for various aspects of cellular activities and biological functions. A key step in NGS applications (e.g., RNA-Seq) is to map short reads to correct genomic locations within the source genome. While most reads are mapped to a unique location, a significant proportion of reads align to multiple genomic locations with equal or similar numbers of mismatches; these are called multireads. The ambiguity in mapping the multireads may lead to bias in downstream analyses. Currently, most practitioners discard the multireads in their analysis, resulting in a loss of valuable information, especially for the genes with similar sequences. To refine the read mapping, we develop a Bayesian model that computes the posterior probability of mapping a multiread to each competing location. The probabilities are used for downstream analyses, such as the quantification of gene expression. We show through simulation studies and RNA-Seq analysis of real life data that the Bayesian method yields better mapping than the current leading methods. We provide a C++ program for downloading that is being packaged into a user-friendly software.  相似文献   

High-fidelity 'proofreading' polymerases are often used in library construction for next-generation sequencing projects, in an effort to minimize errors in the resulting sequence data. The increased template fidelity of these polymerases can come at the cost of reduced template specificity, and library preparation methods based on the AFLP technique may be particularly susceptible. Here, we compare AFLP profiles generated with standard Taq and two versions of a high-fidelity polymerase. We find that Taq produces fewer and brighter peaks than high-fidelity polymerase, suggesting that Taq performs better at selectively amplifying templates that exactly match the primer sequences. Because the higher accuracy of proofreading polymerases remains important for sequencing applications, we suggest that it may be more effective to use alternative library preparation methods.  相似文献   

There has been a growing interest in using next-generation sequencing (NGS) to profile extracellular small RNAs from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with neurological diseases, CNS tumors, or traumatic brain injury for biomarker discovery. Small sample volumes and samples with low RNA abundance create challenges for downstream small RNA sequencing assays. Plasma, serum, and CSF contain low amounts of total RNA, of which small RNAs make up a fraction. The purpose of this study was to maximize RNA isolation from RNA-limited samples and apply these methods to profile the miRNA in human CSF by small RNA deep sequencing. We systematically tested RNA isolation efficiency using ten commercially available kits and compared their performance on human plasma samples. We used RiboGreen to quantify total RNA yield and custom TaqMan assays to determine the efficiency of small RNA isolation for each of the kits. We significantly increased the recovery of small RNA by repeating the aqueous extraction during the phenol-chloroform purification in the top performing kits. We subsequently used the methods with the highest small RNA yield to purify RNA from CSF and serum samples from the same individual. We then prepared small RNA sequencing libraries using Illumina’s TruSeq sample preparation kit and sequenced the samples on the HiSeq 2000. Not surprisingly, we found that the miRNA expression profile of CSF is substantially different from that of serum. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the small RNA fraction from CSF has been profiled using next-generation sequencing.  相似文献   

Immunologic effects of interleukin 2 in primary immunodeficiency diseases   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Five children with primary deficiencies of T cell function were studied to assess the effects of highly purified exogenous Interleukin 2 (IL 2) on their in vitro T cell responses. The lymphocytes from one child with Nezelof's T cell deficiency demonstrated absence of endogenous IL 2 production and improved proliferative responses to mitogen or alloantigen in the presence of exogenous IL 2. Moreover, during in vitro mixed lymphocyte culture in the presence of exogenous IL 2, his lymphocytes were able to develop into cytotoxic effector cells. A second child with Nezelof's syndrome demonstrated a different type of defect. The lymphocytes from this child had less impairment of endogenous IL 2 production. Although IL 2 increased the proliferation of his cells in response to PHA, similar augmentation was not seen after stimulation with OKT3 or alloantigen. In cell-mediated cytotoxicity assays, after mixed lymphocyte culture, natural killer-like activity was strongly boosted in the cultures that contained IL 2, but T cell-mediated cytotoxicity was not. The lymphocytes from three patients with severe combined immunodeficiency did not show improved proliferative responses in the presence of IL 2. Thus, only one of the five patients demonstrated the combination of defective endogenous IL 2 production, but preservation of the ability to respond appropriately to exogenous IL 2. This child may therefore have suffered from a T cell defect pathophysiologically similar to that seen in nude or aged mice.  相似文献   

The differentiation status of T and B cells was evaluated in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVI), selective IgA deficiency (IgA), X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA), and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) with the use of conventional lymphocyte markers and four new monoclonal antibodies that identify lymphocyte subpopulations. These antibodies are HB 4, which identifies a subpopulation of resting B cells; HB 5, which identifies the C3d/EBV receptor on mature B cells; HB 7, which identifies immature B lymphocytes; and HB 10, which reacts with virgin but not activated or memory T cells. T and B cells from the IgA patients typically had normal phenotypic profiles, whereas diverse patterns of lymphocyte maturation were observed in CVI. In 11 of 16 CVI patients, B cells had normal antigenic phenotypes. Although B cells from four other CVI patients had normal frequencies of HB 5 and HB 7 antigen expression, few expressed the HB 4 antigen, suggesting that they were activated. In contrast, a large percentage of B cells from one CVI patient were of an immature phenotype. The expression of the HB 10 antigen by T cells in CVI patients was also variable, being normal in 10 of 16 patients, yet significantly decreased in six others. The vast majority of the limited numbers of IgM B cells from five XLA patients (greater than 100-fold reduction) has an immature phenotype (HB 4-5-7+). Interestingly, the circulating T cells in XLA patients were phenotypically similar to those in normal newborns, suggesting that T cell immaturity or defective T cell activation may occur in these B cell-deficient individuals. Circulating B cells from AIDS patients were mostly HB 7-, with variable expression of the HB 4 antigen and significantly decreased expression of the HB 5 antigen. Most of the T cells from AIDS patients were HB 10-, and thus appeared to be activated.  相似文献   

Q fever is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Coxiella burnetii (Cb). From January 2018 to November 2019, plasma samples from 2,382 patients with acute fever of unknown cause at a hospital in Zhuhai city of China were tested using metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS). Of those tested, 138 patients (5.8%) were diagnosed with Q fever based on the presence of Cb genomic DNA detected by mNGS. Among these, 78 cases (56.5%) presented from Nov 2018 to Mar 2019, suggesting an outbreak of Q fever. 55 cases with detailed clinical information that occurred during the outbreak period were used for further analysis. The vast majority of plasma samples from those Cb-mNGS-positive patients were positive in a Cb-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction (n = 38) and/or indirect immunofluorescence assay (n = 26). Mobile phone tracing data was used to define the area of infection during the outbreak. This suggested the probable infection source was Cb-infected goats and cattle at the only official authorized slaughterhouse in Zhuhai city. Phylogenic analysis based on genomic sequences indicated Cb strains identified in the patients, goat and cattle were formed a single branch, most closely related to the genomic group of Cb dominated by strains isolated from goats. Our study demonstrates Q fever was epidemic in 2018–2019 in Zhuhai city, and this is the first confirmed epidemic of Q fever in a contemporary city in China.  相似文献   

呼吸系统感染发病率高,早期明确感染的病原体是提高治愈率、降低死亡率的关键.目前病原体培养仍是临床病原学诊断的主要方式,但其敏感性低、耗时较长,不利于早期诊断和治疗.宏基因组学测序技术具有覆盖病原体广泛、快速、无偏倚、无需特异性扩增的优势,在鉴定罕见、混合感染、免疫抑制患者感染和常规检测方法难以检测到病原体的诊断中有较高...  相似文献   

Biological monitoring has failed to develop from simple binary assessment outcomes of the impacted/unimpacted type, towards more diagnostic frameworks, despite significant scientific effort over the past fifty years. It is our assertion that this is largely because of the limited information content of biological samples processed by traditional morphology-based taxonomy, which is a slow, imprecise process, focused on restricted groups of organisms. We envision a new paradigm in ecosystem assessment, which we refer to as ‘Biomonitoring 2.0’. This new schema employs DNA-based identification of taxa, coupled with high-throughput DNA sequencing on next-generation sequencing platforms. We discuss the transformational nature of DNA-based approaches in biodiversity discovery and ecosystem assessment and outline a path forward for their future widespread application.  相似文献   

Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important food legume crop with a huge genome. Development of genetic markers for faba bean is important to study diversity and for molecular breeding. In this study, we used Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology for the development of genomic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A total of 14,027,500 sequence reads were obtained comprising 4,208 Mb. From these reads, 56,063 contigs were assembled (16,367 Mb) and 2138 SSRs were identified. Mono and dinucleotides were the most abundant, accounting for 57.5 % and 20.9 % of all SSR repeats, respectively. A total of 430 primer pairs were designed from contigs larger than 350 nucleotides and 50 primers pairs were tested for validation of SSR locus amplification. Nearly all (96 %) of the markers were found to produce clear amplicons and to be reproducible. Thirty-nine SSR markers were then applied to 46 faba bean accessions from worldwide origins, resulting in 161 alleles with 87.5 % polymorphism, and an average of 4.1 alleles per marker. Gene diversity (GD) of the markers ranged from 0 to 0.48 with an average of 0.27. Testing of the markers showed that they were useful in determining genetic relationships and population structure in faba bean accessions.  相似文献   

Evan Johnson W  Welker NC  Bass BL 《Biometrics》2011,67(4):1206-1214
Summary Next‐generation sequencing technologies are poised to revolutionize the field of biomedical research. The increased resolution of these data promise to provide a greater understanding of the molecular processes that control the morphology and behavior of a cell. However, the increased amounts of data require innovative statistical procedures that are powerful while still being computationally feasible. In this article, we present a method for identifying small RNA molecules, called miRNAs, which regulate genes by targeting their mRNAs for degradation or translational repression. In the first step of our modeling procedure, we apply an innovative dynamic linear model that identifies candidate miRNA genes in high‐throughput sequencing data. The model is flexible and can accurately identify interesting biological features while accounting for both the read count, read spacing, and sequencing depth. Additionally, miRNA candidates are also processed using a modified Smith–Waterman sequence alignment that scores the regions for potential RNA hairpins, one of the defining features of miRNAs. We illustrate our method on simulated datasets as well as on a small RNA Caenorhabditis elegans dataset from the Illumina sequencing platform. These examples show that our method is highly sensitive for identifying known and novel miRNA genes.  相似文献   

Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) is an important pharmaceutical crop with very few genetic marker resources. To expand these resources, we sequenced genomic DNA using pyrosequencing technology and examined the DNA sequences for simple sequence repeats (SSRs). A total of 1,244,412 sequence reads were obtained covering 474 Mb. Approximately half of the reads (52 %) were assembled into 166,724 contigs representing 105 Mb of the opium poppy genome. A total of 23,283 non-redundant SSRs were identified in 18,944 contigs (11.3 % of total contigs). Trinucleotide and tetranucleotide repeats were the most abundant SSR repeats, accounting for 49.0 and 27.9 % of all SSRs, respectively. The AAG/TTC repeat was the most abundant trinucleotide repeat, representing 19.7 % of trinucleotide repeats. Other SSR repeat types were AT-rich. A total of 23,126 primer pairs (98.7 % of total SSRs) were designed to amplify SSRs. Fifty-three genomic SSR markers were tested in 37 opium poppy accessions and seven Papaver species for determination of polymorphism and transferability. Intraspecific polymorphism information content (PIC) values of the genomic SSR markers were intermediate, with an average 0.17, while the interspecific average PIC value was slightly higher, 0.19. All markers showed at least 88 % transferability among related species. This study increases sequence coverage of the opium poppy genome by sevenfold and the number of opium poppy-specific SSR markers by sixfold. This is the first report of the development of genomic SSR markers in opium poppy, and the genomic SSR markers developed in this study will be useful in diversity, identification, mapping and breeding studies in opium poppy.  相似文献   

Genotyping of multilocus gene families, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), may be challenging because of problems with assigning alleles to loci and copy number variation among individuals. Simultaneous amplification and genotyping of multiple loci may be necessary, and in such cases, next-generation deep amplicon sequencing offers a great promise as a genotyping method of choice. Here, we describe jMHC, a computer program developed for analysing and assisting in the visualization of deep amplicon sequencing data. Software operates on FASTA files; therefore, output from any sequencing technology may be used. jMHC was designed specifically for MHC studies but it may be useful for analysing amplicons derived from other multigene families or for genotyping other polymorphic systems. The program is written in Java with user-friendly graphical interface (GUI) and can be run on Microsoft Windows, Linux OS and Mac OS.  相似文献   

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