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CD4+T细胞对病原微生物可产生有效免疫应答,依据其产生细胞因子不同分为辅助Ⅰ型T细胞(Th1)和辅助Ⅱ型T细胞(Th2),目前其他亚型已被鉴定,包括Th17、调节性T细胞(Treg),滤泡型T细胞和Th9细胞等.调节性T细胞既抑制Th1,也抑制Th2发育.最近研究报道,在过敏性疾病和哮喘患者中Treg细胞数量减少,并认为是通过下调Th1和Th2细胞以外的其他亚类细胞而抑制过敏和哮喘发作的.在这篇综述中,我们将进一步探讨Th1、Th2、Th17、Th9以及Treg在过敏性和哮喘疾病中的作用.  相似文献   

Chromosomal region 17q12-q21 is one of the best-replicated genome-wide association study (GWAS) hits and associated with childhood-onset asthma. However, the mechanism by which the genetic association is restricted to childhood-onset disease is unclear. During childhood, more boys than girls develop asthma. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that the 17q12-q21 genetic association was sex-specific. Indeed, a TDT test showed that in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean familial collection, the 17q12-q21 association was significant among male, but not among female asthmatic subjects. We next hypothesized that the bias in the genetic association resulted from sex-specific and/or age-dependent DNA methylation at regulatory regions and determined the methylation profiles of five 17q12-q21 gene promoters using the bisulfite sequencing methylation assay. We identified a single regulatory region within the zona pellucida binding protein 2 (ZPBP2) gene, which showed statistically significant differences between males and females with respect to DNA methylation. DNA methylation also varied with age and was higher in adult males compared to boys. We have recently identified two functionally important polymorphisms, both within the ZPBP2 gene that influence expression levels of neighboring genes. Combined with the results of the present work, these data converge pointing to the same 5 kb region within the ZPBP2 gene as a critical region for both gene expression regulation and predisposition to asthma. Our data show that sex- and age-dependent DNA methylation may act as a modifier of genetic effects and influence the results of genetic association studies.  相似文献   

Lymphopenia has been associated with autoimmune pathology and it has been suggested that lymphopenia-induced proliferation of naive T cells may be responsible for the development of immune pathology. In this study we demonstrate that lymphopenia-induced proliferation is restricted to conditions of extreme lymphopenia, because neither naive nor memory T cells transferred into T cell-depleted hosts proliferate unless the depletion exceeds 90% of the peripheral repertoire. Memory CD4 T cells as well as regulatory CD4 T cells proved to be relatively resistant to depletion regimes, and both subsets restrict the expansion and phenotypic conversion of naive T cells by an IL-7R-dependent mechanism. It therefore seems unlikely that lymphopenia-induced proliferation of peripheral T cells causes deleterious side effects that result in immune pathology in states of partial and transient lymphopenia.  相似文献   

Naive T cells undergo robust proliferation in lymphopenic conditions, whereas they remain quiescent in steady-state conditions. However, a mechanism by which naive T cells are kept from proliferating under steady-state conditions remains unclear. In this study, we report that memory CD4 T cells are able to limit naive T cell proliferation within lymphopenic hosts by modulating stimulatory functions of dendritic cells (DC). The inhibition was mediated by IL-27, which was primarily expressed in CD8(+) DC subsets as the result of memory CD4 T cell-DC interaction. IL-27 appeared to be the major mediator of inhibition, as naive T cells deficient in IL-27R were resistant to memory CD4 T cell-mediated inhibition. Finally, IL-27-mediated regulation of T cell proliferation was also observed in steady-state conditions as well as during Ag-mediated immune responses. We propose a new model for maintaining peripheral T cell homeostasis via memory CD4 T cells and CD8(+) DC-derived IL-27 in vivo.  相似文献   

目的检测幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)感染阳性的胃部疾病患者外周血中CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞(Treg细胞)的百分含量及转化生长因子-β1(transforming growth factor-β1,TGF-β1)的水平,探讨CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞在H.pylori感染中的免疫调节作用及意义。方法采用流式细胞术检测H.pylori感染的慢性浅表性胃炎、胃癌前病变和胃癌患者外周血中CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞的含量、CD4+CD25+T细胞中表达FOXP3的细胞比例;并采用ELISA方法检测H.pylori感染者血清中TGF-β1的含量,无H.pylori感染的患者作为阴性对照。结果 H.pylori感染的患者外周血中CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞的百分含量及TGF-β1的水平较不伴有H.pylori感染的患者显著升高(P<0.05);H.pylori感染的浅表性胃炎、胃癌前病变及胃癌患者外周血中CD4+CD25+T淋巴细胞的百分含量及CD4+CD25+T细胞中表达FOXP3的细胞比例随病变严重程度的进展逐渐升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);H.pylori感染的患者血清中TGF-β1水平也随病变严重程度的进展逐渐升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 H.pylori感染可增加CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞的含量和TGF-β1的水平;随着病变严重程度的进展,CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞的含量和TGF-β1的水平逐渐升高,CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞百分含量和TGF-β1水平可作为临床判断病情进展的指标。  相似文献   

CCL21 (SLC/6Ckine) is constitutively expressed by secondary lymphoid tissue and attracts CCR7-expressing mature dendritic cells and naive T cells. Recent studies demonstrated that intra-tumoral delivery of CCL21 induces tumor regression in a T cell dependent manner. CCL21 is known to mediate T cell trafficking but little is known about its function as a costimulatory molecule. Herein, we demonstrate that CCL21 costimulates expansion of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and induces Th1 polarization. These effects were specific for naive T cells, and we show that CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells were hyporesponsive to CCL21 induced migration, and unresponsive to CCL21 costimulation. These unique functions of CCL21 to both attract naive T cells as well as costimulate their proliferation and differentiation, suggests that CCL21 is a pivotal molecule for priming T cell responses and has therapeutic implications for local delivery of CCL21. The coordinated effects of CCL21 on T cell migration and activation may also represent a more comprehensive paradigm for the activity of other chemokines as well.  相似文献   

Prior reports have shown that CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells suppress naive T cell responses by inhibiting IL-2 production. In this report, using an Ag-specific TCR transgenic system, we show that naive T cells stimulated with cognate Ag in the presence of preactivated CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells also become refractory to the mitogenic effects of IL-2. T cells stimulated in the presence of regulatory T cells up-regulated high affinity IL-2R, but failed to produce IL-2, express cyclins or c-Myc, or exit G(0)-G(1). Exogenous IL-2 failed to break the mitotic block, demonstrating that the IL-2 production failure was not wholly responsible for the proliferation defect. This IL-2 unresponsiveness did not require the continuous presence of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. The majority of responder T cells reisolated after coculture with regulatory cells failed to proliferate in response to IL-2, but were not anergic and proliferated in response to Ag. The mitotic block was also dissociated from the antiapoptotic effects of IL-2, because IL-2 still promoted the survival of T cells that had been cocultured with CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. IL-2-induced STAT5 phosphorylation in the cocultured responder cells was intact, implying that the effects of the regulatory cells were downstream of receptor activation. Our results therefore show that T cell activation in the presence of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells can induce an alternative stimulation program characterized by up-regulation of high affinity IL-2R, but a failure to produce IL-2, and uncoupling of the mitogenic and antiapoptotic effects of IL-2.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare survival characteristics of transgenic and polyclonal CD4 and CD8 T cells. Transgenic CD4 T cells have an intrinsically lower capacity for survival, reflected in their gradual disappearance in thymectomized hosts, their increased sensitivity to apoptosis in vitro, and fewer divisions during homeostatic proliferation upon transfer into syngeneic lymphopenic hosts compared with CD8 T cells. Homeostatic proliferation, however, does not generally result in phenotypic conversion of activation markers unless cognate or cross-reactive Ag is present. T cells from the A18 TCR transgenic strain normally selected into the CD4 lineage are fragile as CD4 T cells, yet display the typical robust survival pattern of CD8 T cells when diverted into the CD8 lineage in a CD4-deficient host. Polyclonal CD4 and CD8 T cells also show distinctive patterns of survival, emphasizing that survival signals are relayed differently in the two lymphocyte subpopulations. However, expression levels of Bcl-2 in either transgenic or polyclonal naive CD4 and CD8 T cells are similar, excluding a role for this molecule as a key factor in differential survival of CD4 vs CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

Interleukin-7 (IL-7) regulates T-cell homeostasis, and its availability is augmented in lymphopenic hosts. Naive CD8+ T cells transferred to lymphopenic mice acquire a memory-like phenotype, raising the possibility that IL-7 is the biological mediator of this effect. Here, we provide direct evidence that IL-7 induces the acquisition of memory-cell markers not only in CD8+ T cells but also in CD4+ T-cell subsets in immune-competent Indian rhesus macaques. The increase of these memory-like populations was dependent on the dose of the cytokine, and these cells were found in the blood as well as secondary lymphoid organs. Memory-like CD4+ and CD8+ T cells acquired the ability to secrete tumor necrosis factor alpha and, to a lesser extent, gamma interferon following stimulation with a cognate antigen. The phenotypic change observed in naive T cells was promptly reversed after discontinuation of IL-7. Importantly, IL-7 induced cycling of both CD4+ and CD8+ central memory and effector memory T cells, demonstrating its contribution to the maintenance of the entire T-cell pool. Thus, IL-7 may be of benefit in the treatment of iatrogenic or virus-induced T-cell depletion.  相似文献   

Foxp3 functions as a lineage specification factor for the development of naturally occurring thymus-derived CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells. Recent evidence suggests that naive Foxp3-CD4+CD25- T cells can be converted in the periphery into Foxp3+ Treg cells. In this study, we have identified the G protein-coupled receptor (GPR)83 to be selectively up-regulated by CD4+CD25+ Treg cells of both murine and human origin in contrast to naive CD4+CD25- or recently activated T cells. Furthermore, GPR83 was induced upon overexpression of Foxp3 in naive CD4+CD25- T cells. Transduction of naive CD4+CD25- T cells with GPR83-encoding retroviruses did not confer in vitro suppressive activity. Nevertheless, GPR83-transduced T cells were able to inhibit the effector phase of a severe contact hypersensitivity reaction of the skin, indicating that GPR83 itself or GPR83-mediated signals conferred suppressive activity to conventional CD4+ T cells in vivo. Most strikingly, this in vivo acquisition of suppressive activity was associated with the induction of Foxp3 expression in GPR83-transduced CD4+ T cells under inflammatory conditions. Our results suggest that GPR83 might be critically involved in the peripheral generation of Foxp3+ Treg cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells play a critical role in controlling autoimmunity and T cell homeostasis. However, their role in regulation of lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP), a potential mechanism for generation of autoaggressive T cells, has been poorly defined. Currently, two forms of LIP are recognized: spontaneous and homeostatic. Spontaneous LIP is characterized by fast, burst-like cell-cycle activity, and may allow effector T cell differentiation. Homeostatic LIP is characterized by slow and steady cell cycle activity and is not associated with the acquisition of an effector phenotype. In this study, we demonstrate that CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells suppress the spontaneous, but not homeostatic, LIP of naive CD8 and CD4 T cells. However, selective inhibition of spontaneous LIP does not fully explain the tolerogenic role of Tregs in lymphopenia-associated autoimmunity. We show here that suppression of LIP in the lymphoid tissues is independent of Treg-derived IL-10. However, IL-10-deficient Tregs are partially defective in their ability to prevent colitis caused by adoptive transfer of CD4 T cells into RAG(-/-) mice. We propose that Tregs may inhibit emergence of effector T cells during the inductive phase of the immune response in the secondary lymphoid tissues by IL-10-independent mechanisms. In contrast, Treg-mediated inhibition of established effector T cells does require IL-10. Both Treg functions appear to be important in control of lymphopenia-associated autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Modulation of dendritic cell function by naive and regulatory CD4+ T cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The consequences of interactions between dendric cells (DCs) and either naive CD4+ T cells or regulatory CD4+CD25+ T cells on the expression of proinflammatory IL-6 and anti-inflammatory IL-10 in DC were examined over a period of 12 h, spanning the time frame during which stable T cell-DC interactions shape the development of tolerance and immunity in vivo. We demonstrate that the basal production of IL-6 and IL-10, which is initiated following DC stimulation with LPS, is modified in distinctly different ways by interaction with the two T cell populations. Naive CD4 T cells skew DC cytokine production toward IL-6 and suppress IL-10, whereas CD4+CD25+ T cells have the opposite effect. CD8 T cells or memory CD4 T cells do not influence basal cytokine production by stimulated DC. The effect of CD4+CD25+ T cells is dominant in coculture with naive CD4 T cells as long as inflammatory LPS is absent; the addition of LPS abrogates the suppression of IL-6. However, the modulating influence of CD4+CD25+ T cells remains evident in the enhancement of IL-10 production. Thus, mutual interactions between DC and CD4+ T cell subpopulations following contact with pathogens are likely to influence the strength and quality of incipient immune responses in the local microenvironment.  相似文献   

The repeated injection of low doses of bacterial superantigens (SAg) is known to induce specific T cell unresponsiveness. We show in this study that the spleen of BALB/c mice receiving chronically, staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) contains SEB-specific CD4(+) TCRBV8(+) T cells exerting an immune regulatory function on SEB-specific primary T cell responses. Suppression affects IL-2 and IFN-gamma secretion as well as proliferation of T cells. However, the suppressor cells differ from the natural CD4(+) T regulatory cells, described recently in human and mouse, because they do not express cell surface CD25. They are CD152 (CTLA-4)-negative and their regulatory activity is not associated with expression of the NF Foxp3. By contrast, after repeated SEB injection, CD4(+)CD25(+) splenocytes were heterogenous and contained both effector as well as regulatory cells. In vivo, CD4(+)CD25(-) T regulatory cells prevented SEB-induced death independently of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. Nevertheless, SEB-induced tolerance could not be achieved in thymectomized CD25(+) cell-depleted mice because repeated injection of SEB did not avert lethal toxic shock in these animals. Collectively, these data demonstrate that, whereas CD4(+)CD25(+) T regulatory cells are required for the induction of SAg-induced tolerance, CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells exert their regulatory activity at the maintenance stage of SAg-specific unresponsiveness.  相似文献   

The effects of inflammatory cytokines on naive T cells have been studied using MHC protein/peptide complexes on microspheres, thus avoiding the use of APCs whose functions may be affected by the cytokines. IL-1, but not IL-12, increased proliferation of CD4+ T cells in response to Ag and IL-2, which is consistent with effects on in vivo priming of CD4+ cells. In contrast, proliferation of CD8+ T cells to Ag and IL-2 required IL-12, and IL-12 replaced adjuvant in stimulating an in vivo response to peptide. These results support a model in which distinct inflammatory cytokines act directly on naive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to provide a third signal, along with Ag and IL-2, to optimally activate differentiation and clonal expansion.  相似文献   

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