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Recognition that delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions, such as contact sensitivity (CS) in mice, are initiated by Ly-1+ T cell-derived, antigen-specific factors has led to identification of a new kind of suppressor T cell that regulates this initiation phase of CS. Regulation by these suppressor T cells is T cell isotype-like in that initiation of DTH of various antigenic specificities is suppressed, whereas, Ly-1+ T cells mediating the antigen/major histocompatibility complex-restricted, classic delayed phase of CS responses are not affected, nor are other T cell activities. This study shows that these isotype-specific suppressor T cells probably act by release of soluble, isotype-specific, suppressor factors. These isotype-specific T cell factors bind to and can be eluted from columns linked with antigen-specific Ly-1+ T cell factors that initiate CS, and are of different antigen specificities. These T cell regulating, anti-isotypic suppressor factors are derived from Lyt-2+ I-J- T cells and suppress CS-initiating T cells, but do not affect the delayed-acting T cells of CS. This is in contrast with antigen-specific T cell suppressor factors that affect the late-acting and not the early-acting T cells of CS. It is suggested that the antigen-binding, CS-initiating, T cell factors, and their regulatory, anti-isotypic T cell factors are, respectively, T cell analogues of immunoglobulin(Ig)E antibody, and IgE-binding factors, that regulate IgE antibody production by IgE+ B cells.  相似文献   

Upon antigenic stimulation with OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages, the mouse T cell hybridoma 231F1 produced glycosylation inhibiting factor (GIF) having affinity for OVA and IgE-suppressive factors, whereas another T cell hybridoma, 12H5, cells produced OVA-binding glycosylation enhancing factor (GEF) and IgE-potentiating factor. The OVA-binding GIF from the 231F1 cells is an Ag-specific Ts cell factor, whereas OVA-binding GEF from the 12H5 cells is an Ag-specific augmenting factor. Both hybridomas express CD3 complex and functional TCR-alpha beta. Cross-linking of TCR-alpha beta or CD3 molecules on the hybridomas by anti-TCR-alpha beta mAb or anti-CD3 mAb and protein A resulted in the formation of the same factors as those obtained by the stimulation of the cells with OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages. It was also found that both the 231F1 cells and 12H5 cells formed IgE-binding factors upon incubation with H-2d and H-2b APC, respectively, with a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 307-317 in the OVA molecules (P307-317). Six other synthetic peptides, including those containing the major immunogenic epitope, i.e., P323-339, failed to stimulate the hybridomas in the presence of APC. Indeed, all of the 10 T cell hybridoma clones, which could produce either OVA-binding GIF or OVA-binding GEF, responded to P307-317 and APC for the formation of IgE-binding factors. In contrast, GIF/GEF derived from six other hybridoma clones, whose TCR recognized P323-339 in the context of a MHC product, failed to bind to OVA-coupled Sepharose. The results indicate the correlation between the fine specificity of TCR and the affinity of GIF/GEF to the nominal Ag. The amino acid sequence of P307-317 suggested that TCR on the cell sources of Ag-binding factors are specific for an external structure of the Ag molecules.  相似文献   

To study T cell idiotype expression at the functional level, we developed a hapten-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) system by which we avoid the complication of anti-hapten antibody and which is specific only for the immunizing hapten, and not for conjugate specific determinants. Immunization with ABA-Tyr and challenge with ABA diazonium induced footpad swelling with the characteristics of DTH. Anti-ABA antibodies did not contribute to this reaction, as they were undetectable in mice immunized with ABA-Tyr. Furthermore, this ABA-Tyr-specific DTH was under Ir gene control identical to that reported for ABA-Tyr-specific lymphocyte proliferation. All mouse strains tested responded to ABA-Tyr except those of the b haplotype across the entire Ia region. In contrast, contact sensitivity induced by ABA diazonium was not under apparent Ir gene control, probably reflecting 1) different specificities of the induced T cells and 2) the production of anti-ABA antibodies that contribute to the footpad swelling via an Arthus reaction. Having shown that ABA-Tyr can induce T cells mediating DTH, we then examined ABA-Tyr-reactive T cell clones, propagated in vitro, for their ability to mediate DTH. Such clones elicited a response identical to that seen with in vivo immunization with respect to dose dependency, I-Ak restriction, and antigen specificity.  相似文献   

Colchicine has been recently shown to inhibit delayed hypersensitivity reactions (DHR). In the present study we investigated the effects of colchicine on contact sensitivity (CS) to dinitrofluorobenzene. Colchicine, at a dosage level of 15 micrograms/mouse, inhibited the elicitation of the contact response only when given on the day of ear challenge. Administration of the drug during the induction phase did not have any effect on the CS reaction. By using adoptive transfer experiments, we could demonstrate that CS was suppressed only when colchicine was given to the recipient mice, while treating the donors of immune lymph node cells (I-LNC) did not affect their ability to transfer a significant DHR. These findings were observed also when I-LNC were directly injected into the ears, a result which indicated that there was no effect of the drug on the ability of effector cells to migrate to the site of antigen challenge. Neither was there any effect on the distribution of T cell subsets in peripheral lymph nodes. The proliferative response of LNC to antigenic or mitogenic stimulation in vivo or in vitro was also not affected by colchicine pretreatment. These findings raise major questions about the mechanism of action of colchicine in vivo and suggest that more experimentation is required to probe the mechanism of colchicine-induced suppression of DHR.  相似文献   

The T cell hybridomas 231F1 and 12H5 constitutively secrete glycosylation-inhibiting factor (GIF) and glycosylation-enhancing factor (GEF), respectively, which lack affinity for OVA-coupled Sepharose. When the 231F1 and 12H5 cells were stimulated by OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages, however, GIF and GEF produced by the cells had affinity for OVA. Both the OVA-binding GIF from the 231F1 cells and OVA-binding GEF from the 12H5 cells bound to a mAb against TCR-alpha beta and a mAb against TCR-alpha, suggesting a serologic relationship between TCR and OVA-binding factors. However, the OVA-binding GIF and GEF bound to mAb 14-12 and 14-30, respectively. Because these mAb do not bind TcR alpha beta-chains, it appears that the Ag-binding factors are different from TCR itself. The OVA-binding factors from both 12H5 cells and 231F1 cells do not bind to urea-denatured OVA. The binding of the factors to OVA Sepharose was inhibited by a peptide corresponding to residues 307-317 (P307-317) in the native OVA, but not by the peptide corresponding to residues 323-339 (P323-339). Furthermore, the OVA-binding factors bound to P306-319-coupled Sepharose but not to P323-339-coupled Sepharose, and were recovered by elution of the former Sepharose at acid pH. The binding of OVA to anti-OVA antibodies was not inhibited by either peptide. Inasmuch as the 231F1 cells and 12H5 cells can be stimulated by P307-317 in the context of a MHC product, it appears that the Ag-binding factors and TCR-alpha beta on the cell sources of the factors may recognize the same epitope in the OVA molecules. The results also showed that Ag-binding factors and antibodies recognize distinct epitopes in the Ag molecules.  相似文献   

The idiotypes of B cell lymphomas represent tumor-specific antigens. T cell responses induced by idiotype vaccination in vivo are directed predominantly against CDR peptides, whereas in vitro T cells also recognize framework-derived epitopes. To investigate the mechanisms regulating the specificity of idiotype-specific T cells, BALB/c or B10.D2 mice were immunized with mature dendritic cells loaded with H-2Kd-restricted peptides from influenza hemagglutinin, or from shared (J region) or unique (CDR3) structures of the A20 lymphoma idiotype. Antigen-specific T cells were induced in vivo by the CDR3 and influenza epitopes, but not by the J peptide. Gene expression profiling of splenic regulatory T cells revealed vaccination-induced Treg activation and proliferation. Treg activity involved J epitope-dependent IL-10 secretion and functional suppression of peptide-specific effector T cells. Vaccination-induced in vivo proliferation of transgenic hemagglutinin-specific T cells was suppressed by co-immunization with the J peptide and was restored in CD25-depleted animals. In conclusion, Treg induced by a shared idiotype epitope can systemically suppress T cell responses against idiotype-derived and immunodominant foreign epitopes in vivo. The results imply that tumor vaccines should avoid epitopes expressed by normal cells in the draining lymph node to achieve optimal anti-tumor efficacy.  相似文献   

Classical 24- to -48 hr delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin reactions are preceded by an early skin swelling reaction that peaks 2 hr after challenge. The ability to elicit this early component of DTH is T cell dependent and is also dependent on tissue mast cells and release of serotonin, mainly from these mast cells. The current study presents pharmacologic and kinetic evidence that the late response depends on the occurrence of the early response. A variety of pharmacological agents known to deplete, prevent release of, or block the activity of serotonin, when given just before skin challenge, blocked both the early and late components of DTH, but had no effect when given (even repeatedly) after the occurrence of the early component. Thus, the serotonin-dependence of the 24-hr component of DTH represents a dependence on the early component in which serotonin release is required. A temporal dependence of the late component of DTH on the early component was also demonstrated. The early and late phases occur at different times in recipients of sensitized T cells, depending on the interval between transfer and challenge, but there is a fixed 10- to 12-hr gap. Delayed onset of the late component occurs in recipients challenged immediately after transfer and appears to be due to a delay in the onset of the early component. This delay can be abolished by adoptive cell transfer into mice that are able to elicit a normal early component because of prior transfer of T cells that are able to mediate just an early component. On the basis of these findings, we conclude that DTH consists of a cascade of events. T cells mediating the early aspect of DTH release antigen-specific factors that, upon encountering antigen activate local serotonin-containing cells, such as mast cells, to release serotonin, which opens gaps between adjacent endothelial cells. Through these interendothelial gaps a second T cell population enters the extravascular space and interacts with local antigen to induce the late response by releasing the chemoattractant lymphokines that are classically associated with DTH and that cause recruitment of bone marrow-derived circulating leukocytes to infiltrate the reaction site. The ability of the second T cell population to mediate the late component of DTH is independent of further release of serotonin.  相似文献   

Intragastric administration of the hapten trinitrochlorobenzene (TNCB) suppresses development of contact sensitivity (CS) to attempted epicutaneous sensitization with TNCB. Suppression induced by feeding TNCB is hapten specific and can be transferred to normal animals with lymphoid cells from fed mice. The lymphoid cells in hapten-fed mice that cause suppression of CS have been identified as Thy-1.2-positive cells in spleen and mesenteric nodes. The suppression with Peyer's patch cells from hapten-fed mice appears to be attributable to cells bearing Thy-1.2 antigen (T cell) and to cells with surface Ig (B cell). Feeding TNCB induces an efferent-acting suppressor T cell (Ts eff), as well as an intermediary acceptor T cell (T acc) with which it interacts to block adoptive transfer of CS with immune cells. Ts eff emanating from hapten-fed mice was identified by its specificity for the hapten, insensitivity to pretreatment with cyclophosphamide (CY), ability to produce soluble suppressor factor (SSF), and requirement for T acc to be functional. The presence of T acc in hapten-fed mice, on the other hand, was confirmed by its sensitivity to treatment with CY, interaction with Ts eff or SSF, and the ability to produce nonspecific inhibitor of TDTH cells. Thus, the suppressor T cells that are induced by administering the hapten intragastrically appear to function much like the cells of the suppressor T cell cascade that are induced by giving hapten via parenteral routes.  相似文献   

Fibrosarcoma-bearing BALB/c mice were assessed for 2,4-dinitroflurobenzene (DNFB)-induced contact sensitivity by a quantitative radioisotopic ear assay. Measurement of contact sensitivity was based on the localization of intraperitoneally injected iodinated-human serum albumin ([125I]HSA) in the challenged ear. Normal and tumor-bearing mice (TBM) had optimal localization 4 days after sensitization, as determined by challenging with DNFB ear application and measuring increased vascular permeability of the challenged ear over the unchallenged ear. However, at all times TBM responsiveness to challenge was significantly lower than that of the normal population. Kinetic experiments indicated that the most dramatic decrease in TBM primary and secondary cell-mediated immune response to the contact sensitizing agent occurred 15 to 19 days post tumor transplant, flattening out to a consistently low level during the fourth and fifth week of tumor growth. Results from these in vivo experiments strongly corroborate our previous in vitro inhibition data from tumor-induced nonspecific suppressor cells.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that at least two types of Lyt-1+, Lyt-2-, L3T4+ helper T cell clones can be distinguished in vitro by different patterns of lymphokine secretion and by different forms of B cell help. Evidence is presented here to show that one type of helper T cell clone (TH1) causes delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) when injected with the appropriate antigen into the footpads of naive mice. The antigen-specific, major histocompatability complex (MHC)-restricted footpad swelling reaction peaked at approximately 24 hr. Footpad swelling was induced by all TH1 clones tested so far, including clones specific for soluble, particulate, or allogeneic antigens. In contrast, local transfer of TH2 cells and antigen did not produce a DTH reaction, even when supplemented with syngeneic spleen accessory cells. Similarly, local transfer of an alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte clone into appropriate recipients did not produce DTH. The requirements for the DTH reaction induced by TH1 cells were investigated further by using TH1 clones with dual specificity for both foreign antigens and M1s antigens. Although these clones responded in vitro to either antigen + syngeneic presenting cells, or M1s disparate spleen cells, they responded in vivo only to antigen + MHC and did not cause footpad swelling in an M1s-disparate mouse in the absence of antigen. Moreover, in vitro preactivation of TH1 or TH2 cells with the lectin concanavalin A was insufficient to induce DTH reactions upon subsequent injection into footpads. From these results, we conclude that the lack of DTH given by TH2 clones in vivo could be due to the inability of the TH2 cells to produce the correct mediators of DTH, or to a lack of stimulation of TH2 clones in the footpad environment.  相似文献   

Soon after rats are infected with Listeria monocytogenes (LM), Listeria antigen- (LMA) responsive lymphocytes are delivered to the animal's thoracic duct. These LM-responsive lymphocytes can be restimulated in vitro by LMA to generate cells that have a potent cytolytic capability. The activation of LMA responsive lymphocytes is immunologically specific and dependent upon the activity of histocompatible accessory cells. Neither cell-free LMA nor LMA-pulsed allogeneic accessory cells can promote a significant cytotoxic response by negatively selected responder lymphocytes. LM-dependent cytolytic lymphocytes differ from natural killer (NK) cells inasmuch as their activation is not facilitated by interferon (IF). Likewise, supernatants from cultures containing specifically sensitized thymus-derived (T) lymphocytes and histocompatible LMA-pulsed accessory cells fail to augment (day 2 and day 3 supernatants actually inhibit) the activation process. The results imply that the successful activation of LM dependent cytolytic lymphocytes requires the cooperative interplay of responder T cells and specific-antigen-pulsed accessory cells.  相似文献   

Antigen-binding cells (ABC) from spleens of HGG-immunized, bursectomized agammaglobulinemic (Bx) chickens were detected by direct autoradiography with 125I-HGG and by sandwich autoradiography with HGG plus 125I-goat-anti-HGG. The specificity of antigen binding was demonstrated by 1) inhibition of binding of 125I-HGG by preincubation with unlabeled HGG and 2) a specific increase in ABC after immunization. The ABC from Bx chickens were not B cells, as shown by the virtual absence of immunoglobulin-bearing cells in this population and by the lack of inhibition of antigen binding by anti-immunoglobulin sera. The ABC were not macrophages and did not bind HGG via Fc receptors because their frequency was unchanged after passage over nylon wool or incubation with antigen-antibody complexes. The temperature dependence and azide stabilization of the ABC were characteristic of antigen-binding T cells. Therefore, T cells capable of binding soluble antigen were demonstrated in Bx chicken spleen, which is free of contamination by B cells and passively adsorbed antibody.  相似文献   

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