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Parameters of cortical interactions depending on the level of creative achievements were studied in 40 right-handed subjects (22 men and 18 women). EEG was recorded at rest and during performance of a verbal creativity task (the Cognitive Synthesis test). The subjects were divided (by the median split) into groups with high and low originality scores (OSs). EEG coherence was computed within a range of frequencies from 4 to 30 Hz. The total values of coherence were determined separately for intra- and interhemispheric coherent connections using each of 16 electrode sites. Unlike subjects with a low OS, those with a high OS values were characterized by a decrease in the interhemispheric coherence of the θ1,2-rhythm bioelectric potentials, which was especially pronounced in frontal cortical regions, and by an increased β1-rhythm interhemispheric coherence in the occipital and temporal-parietal brain regions. The results are discussed in the context of right- and left-hemisphere contributions into the top-down and bottom-up regulation mechanisms during creative thinking.  相似文献   

Humans have an impressive ability to augment their creative state (i.e., to consciously try and succeed at thinking more creatively). Though this “thinking cap” phenomenon is commonly experienced, the range of its potential has not been fully explored by creativity research, which has often focused instead on creativity as a trait. A key question concerns the extent to which conscious augmentation of state creativity can improve creative reasoning. Although artistic creativity is also of great interest, it is creative reasoning that frequently leads to innovative advances in science and industry. Here, we studied state creativity in analogical reasoning, a form of relational reasoning that spans the conceptual divide between intelligence and creativity and is a core mechanism for creative innovation. Participants performed a novel Analogy Finding Task paradigm in which they sought valid analogical connections in a matrix of word-pairs. An explicit creativity cue elicited formation of substantially more creative analogical connections (measured via latent semantic analysis). Critically, the increase in creative analogy formation was not due to a generally more liberal criterion for analogy formation (that is, it appeared to reflect “real” creativity rather than divergence at the expense of appropriateness). The use of an online sample provided evidence that state creativity augmentation can be successfully elicited by remote cuing in an online environment. Analysis of an intelligence measure provided preliminary indication that the influential “threshold hypothesis,” which has been proposed to characterize the relationship between intelligence and trait creativity, may be extensible to the new domain of state creativity.  相似文献   

Adolescence and early adulthood are developmental time periods during which creative cognition is highly important for adapting to environmental changes. Divergent thinking, which refers to generating novel and useful solutions to open-ended problems, has often been used as a measure of creative cognition. The first goal of this structural neuroimaging study was to elucidate the relationship between gray matter morphology and performance in the verbal (AUT; alternative uses task) and visuo-spatial (CAT; creative ability test) domain of divergent thinking in adolescents and young adults. The second goal was to test if gray matter morphology is related to brain activity during AUT performance. Neural and behavioral data were combined from a cross-sectional study including 25 adolescents aged 15–17 and 20 young adults aged 25–30. Brain-behavior relationships were assessed without a priori location assumptions and within areas that were activated during an AUT-scanner task. Gray matter volume and cortical thickness were not significantly associated with verbal divergent thinking. However, visuo-spatial divergent thinking (CAT originality and fluency) was positively associated with cortical thickness of the right middle temporal gyrus and left brain areas including the superior frontal gyrus and various occipital, parietal, and temporal areas, independently of age. AUT brain activity was not associated with cortical thickness. The results support an important role of a widespread brain network involved in flexible visuo-spatial divergent thinking, providing evidence for a relation between cortical thickness and visuo-spatial divergent thinking in adolescents and young adults. However, studies including visuo-spatial divergent thinking tasks in the scanner are warranted.  相似文献   

An important component of creativity is divergent thinking, which involves the ability to generate novel and useful problem solutions. In this study, we tested the relation between resting-state functional connectivity of brain areas activated during a divergent thinking task (i.e., supramarginal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, medial frontal gyrus) and the effect of practice in 32 adolescents aged 15–16. Over a period of two weeks, an experimental group (n = 16) conducted an 8-session Alternative Uses Task (AUT) training and an active control group (n = 16) conducted an 8-session rule switching training. Resting-state functional connectivity was measured before (pre-test) and after (post-test) training. Across groups at pre-test, stronger connectivity between the middle temporal gyrus and bilateral postcentral gyrus was associated with better divergent thinking performance. The AUT-training, however, did not significantly change functional connectivity. Post hoc analyses showed that change in divergent thinking performance over time was predicted by connectivity between left supramarginal gyrus and right occipital cortex. These results provide evidence for a relation between divergent thinking and resting-state functional connectivity in a task-positive network, taking an important step towards understanding creative cognition and functional brain connectivity.  相似文献   

The psychometric assessment of different facets of creative abilities as well as the availability of experimental tasks for the neuroscientific study of creative thinking has replaced the view of creativity as an unsearchable trait. In this article we provide a brief overview of contemporary methodologies used for the operationalization of creative thinking in a neuroscientific context. Empirical studies are reported which measured brain activity (by means of EEG, fMRI, NIRS or PET) during the performance of different experimental tasks. These tasks, along with creative idea generation tasks used in our laboratory, constitute useful tools in uncovering possible brain correlates of creative thinking. Nevertheless, much more work is needed in order to establish reliable and valid measures of creative thinking, in particular measures of novelty or originality of creative insights.  相似文献   

That creativity and psychopathology are somehow linked remains a popular but controversial idea in neuroscience research. Brain regions implicated in both psychosis-proneness and creative cognition include frontal projection zones and association fibers. In normal subjects, we have previously demonstrated that a composite measure of divergent thinking (DT) ability exhibited significant inverse relationships in frontal lobe areas with both cortical thickness and metabolite concentration of N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA). These findings support the idea that creativity may reside upon a continuum with psychopathology. Here we examine whether white matter integrity, assessed by Fractional Anisotropy (FA), is related to two measures of creativity (Divergent Thinking and Openness to Experience). Based on previous findings, we hypothesize inverse correlations within fronto-striatal circuits. Seventy-two healthy, young adult (18–29 years) subjects were scanned on a 3 Tesla scanner with Diffusion Tensor Imaging. DT measures were scored by four raters (α = .81) using the Consensual Assessment Technique, from which a composite creativity index (CCI) was derived. We found that the CCI was significantly inversely related to FA within the left inferior frontal white matter (t = 5.36, p = .01), and Openness was inversely related to FA within the right inferior frontal white matter (t = 4.61, p = .04). These findings demonstrate an apparent overlap in specific white matter architecture underlying the normal variance of divergent thinking, openness, and psychotic-spectrum traits, consistent with the idea of a continuum.  相似文献   

Creativity can be defined the capacity of an individual to produce something original and useful. An important measurable component of creativity is divergent thinking. Despite existing studies on creativity-related cerebral structural basis, no study has used a large sample to investigate the relationship between individual verbal creativity and regional gray matter volumes (GMVs) and white matter volumes (WMVs). In the present work, optimal voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was employed to identify the structure that correlates verbal creativity (measured by the verbal form of Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking) across the brain in young healthy subjects. Verbal creativity was found to be significantly positively correlated with regional GMV in the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), which is believed to be responsible for language production and comprehension, new semantic representation, and memory retrieval, and in the right IFG, which may involve inhibitory control and attention switching. A relationship between verbal creativity and regional WMV in the left and right IFG was also observed. Overall, a highly verbal creative individual with superior verbal skills may demonstrate a greater computational efficiency in the brain areas involved in high-level cognitive processes including language production, semantic representation and cognitive control.  相似文献   

The interrelations between the level of creativity and both the baseline power and event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ED/ES) of θ and β rhythms during a figural creative task (Torrance’s “Incomplete Figures” test) were studied under the conditions of different motivations. A higher motivation was caused by instruction “to create most unique images” as opposed to the instruction “to create images.” The subjects, right-handed students (14 males and 14 females), were divided into two groups with high and low originality scores (OSs). The baseline power and the ED/ES of the θ2 and β rhythms of the subjects were found to depend on the level of creativity and person’s sex only in response to the instruction “to create images.” Male subjects with higher OSs differed from those with lower OSs in a stronger ED of the θ2 rhythm in temporal-parietal-occipital brain regions, whereas these differences were absent in female subjects. Task performance was accompanied by ED of β1 rhythm in men with higher OSs, whereas in women with higher OSs, ES was recorded in the same band. Only in women with high OSs did analysis of β1, 2 reference power show a higher β1 power in the caudal hemispheric regions as compared to the frontal ones. High-OS subjects of different genders also differed in the lateral patterns of activity in the electrode loci Fp1/21) and Fp1/2, F7/82). Our results suggest that a high level of creativity in men and women is related to sex-dependent specific patterns of frontal-occipital and lateral activities of θ and β rhythm oscillators in the brain cortex.  相似文献   

Male provisioning ability may have evolved as a “good dad” indicator through sexual selection, whereas male creativity may have evolved partly as a “good genes” indicator. If so, women near peak fertility (midcycle) should prefer creativity over wealth, especially in short-term mating. Forty-one normally cycling women read vignettes describing creative but poor men vs. uncreative but rich men. Women’s estimated fertility predicted their short-term (but not long-term) preference for creativity over wealth, in both their desirability ratings of individual men (r=.40, p<.01) and their forced-choice decisions between men (r=.46, p<.01). These preliminary results are consistent with the view that creativity evolved at least partly as a good genes indicator through mate choice.  相似文献   

Sex differences in electroencephalographic (EEG) correlates of creativity were studied using verbal and figural divergent tasks to be performed in accordance with the instructions to “give any solution” or “give an original solution.” The common effect was a greater activity of the right hemisphere, which did not depend on the sex, task type, or instructions for performance of the tasks. The α2 and β2 rhythms were the main EEG frequency correlates of creative thinking; the degree and sign of their reactivity depended on the aforementioned factors. Although the creative abilities in men and women were similar under test conditions, the EEG correlates of both figural and verbal tasks were sex-dependent. A high reactivity of the α2 rhythm was more marked during verbal creative thinking in women; and that of the β2 rhythm, during figural creative thinking in men. The instruction-related improvement of the critical selection of solutions was to a greater extent reflected by changes in the cortical activity, more pronounced in the frontal cortex in the women. Thus, the same creative productivity in men and women was mediated by different strategies of performance of both figural and verbal tasks, and the sex-related differences in these strategies remained even when the motivation for creativity was changed.  相似文献   

Glutamatergic activity of hypothalamus and hippocampus of young (3 months) male albino rats having normal diet [protein (20%)–carbohydrate (68%)] was increased with the increase of age. Long-term (60 consecutive days) feeding of low protein (8%)–high carbohydrate (80%) diet (LP–HC) increased glutamatergic activity in these brain regions of young rats and decreased that in aged (18 months). On the contrary, supplementation of high protein (50%)–low carbohydrate (38%) diet (HP–LC) under similar condition decreased glutamatergic activity in those brain regions of young and increased that in aged brain regions. Thus, prolonged exposure of LP–HC diet may damage young brain; whereas, HP–LC diet under similar condition causes excitotoxicity to aged brain. Therefore, considering the present scenario in relation to metabolism and receptor activity of glutamatergic system, it may be suggested that long-term consumption of LP–HC and HP–LC diets modulate the brain regional glutamatergic activity reversibly with age.  相似文献   

What is the link between art and creativity? The purpose of this study was to determine the role of art education in creative thinking. A causal-comparative research design was used. Arts and science high school students (N = 162) participated. Results showed that creative thinking in visual arts students in Grade 10 with high scores differed significantly from that in music and science students; however, this difference was not found among students in Grade 11. A main reason for this result in Grade 10 students might be the non-routine problem-solving process in visual arts education, in which artwork production is an important component in creative thinking development. Considering this result, it was concluded that the effect of different education disciplines—called education department effect—on creative thinking can be significant.  相似文献   

The results of neuropsychological analysis of 808 children and adolescents 7–18 years of age were studied. Among the test subjects, 689 children were patients with local brain lesions (tumors, arachnoid cysts, vascular pathology, and congenital hydrocephaly) and 119 children were healthy. Both patients and healthy subjects were divided into four age groups: junior school age (7–9 years), prepubertal age (10–12 years), pubertal age (13–15 years), and senior school age (16–18 years). Cognitive defects were found and demonstrated to depend on the test subject’s age and the type of brain pathology.  相似文献   

SUMMARY This study was designed to investigate the effect of acute and chronic high-intensity treadmill exercise on changes in plasma lactate and brain neuropeptide (NPY), leucine-enkephalin (L-ENK), and dynorpin A1–13 (DYN A1–13). Avidin–biotin complex (ABC) immunohistochemistry and image pattern analysis were used to observe the effect of chronic (total 7 weeks) and acute treadmill exercise (an initial speed of 15 m min−1 gradually increased to 35 m min−1 with 0°, 20–25 min per day duration) on the changes of NPY, L-ENK, and DYN A1–13 in different areas of rat brain. Plasma lactate was also measured in response to such exercise. Compared with preexercise control (P < 0.01), plasma lactate concentration significantly increased in the immediate postexercise; but it returned to the normal level soon after the 30 min postexercise. The content of NPY in paraventricular (PVN), dorsomedial (DMN), and ventromedial (VMN) hypothalamic nuclei continued to increase in 0, 30, and 180 min postexercise compared with preexercise control (P < 0.01). The content of L-ENK in caudate-putamen (CPu) significantly increased in the immediate postexercise compared with preexercise control (P < 0.01), but it gradually returned to the normal level after the 180 min postexercise. However, the content of DYN A1–13 in PVN rose substantially only in 30 min postexercise in comparison with the preexercise control (P < 0.01). Thus, different changes of NPY, L-ENK, and DYN A1–13 in response to such high-intensity exercise depend on the brain region and the time examined, especially, the contents of NPY in different brain regions continuously remain at a high level after such high-intensity exercise. And this high level might reduce energy expenditure and thus contribute to the stimulation of brain NPY neurons.  相似文献   

Apart from the well-known biologically active angiotensin II, other biologically active angiotensins have been discovered, including angiotensin IV and angiotensin-(1–7). Some years ago, we and others discovered that the Mas proto-oncogene encodes a receptor that is essential for angiotensin-(1–7) signaling. Angiotensin-(1–7) is not only expressed in the periphery but also within the brain. Based on that, we examined the distribution of Mas within the murine brain, using an antibody directed against the 3rd cytoplasmic loop of the receptor protein. Strongest Mas protein expression was detected in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and within the piriform cortex. However, Mas protein expression is not restricted to these areas, since Mas immunopositive neurons were also seen in different parts of the cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, basal ganglia, thalamus and hypothalamus. Based on the expression of Mas protein in the cortex and the limbic system, angiotensin-(1–7) signaling may play a role in synaptic plasticity, learning, memory and emotion, as has been described for angiotensin II and IV.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) reduces cadmium (Cd) toxicity in adult animals, but its effects in newborn animals are still unknown. This study investigated Cd (as CdCl2) absorption, distribution, and retention in suckling rats receiving oral Se supplementation (as Na2SeO3) in equimolar doses (8 μmol Cd and/or Se per kg b.w./day). Selenium was given either before and during Cd exposure (Sepre + Cd group; pre-treatment group) or only during Cd exposure (Se + Cd group). Rats were treated from postnatal day (PND) 6–14 as follows: controls (H2O, PND 6–14), Se (PND 10–14), Cd (PND 10–14), Sepre + Cd (Se PND 6–14 + Cd PND 10–14) and Se + Cd (Se + Cd PND 10–14). Selenium supplementation, especially pre-treatment, decreased Cd levels in the blood, brain, liver and kidney of suckling rats. Selenium levels in plasma, brain, and kidney also decreased. These findings suggest that higher Se intake could efficiently reduce Cd retention during the suckling period.  相似文献   

Brain is a target of stress along with the immune, metabolic, and cardiovascular systems of the body. In the present work, the preventive roles of a multivitamin–mineral supplement and vitamins (E + C) in chronic unpredictable stress (CUS)-induced oxidative damage were studied in the brain and heart of Swiss albino mice. Thirty-two mice were randomized to one of the following groups: control + vehicle, CUS + vehicle, CUS + multivitamin–mineral, and CUS + vitamins (E + C). CUS was applied for 4 weeks, and multivitamin–mineral and vitamins (E + C) were administered orally for the same period. CUS led to a negative impact on all the biochemical parameters analyzed. Elevation in malondialdehyde and reduction in glutathione levels were found. The activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione S-transferase, and glutathione reductase were decreased. Treatment with multivitamin–mineral and vitamins (E + C) brought these parameters to near normal levels. Multivitamin–mineral was found more restitutive than combined vitamins (E + C) doses. The present study hypothesizes that supplementation with a multivitamin–mineral may prove more effective than vitamin treatment alone in the alleviation of oxidative damage in brain and heart during periods of chronic stress.  相似文献   

In this article, a polymethodological approach was applied to the analysis of the brain organization of creative thinking. The electroencephalographic studies and the investigation of the local cerebral blood flow by means of positron-emission tomography in the same testing conditions substantially validate and supplement each other. The physiological indices of subjects were recorded during the composition of stories with the given words belonging to the same or different semantic fields. The reconstruction of correct grammatical forms in a presented text and memorizing of a set of words were used as control tasks. The fundamental importance of the processes taking place in both frontal lobes (Brodmann's areas (BA) 8–11 and 44–47) and the interhemispheric interaction was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Mapping of the power and coherence of α2 bioelectric potentials was used to detect a common effect of rhythm desynchronization in two types of convergent verbal thinking (generation of any words beginning with the given letter or simple associations) with more pronounced left-hemispheric activation predominantly in the temporo-parieto-occipital cortical area. In addition, there were specific functional changes in α2 bioelectric potentials depending on the subjects’ sex and verbal creativity level, which was estimated by the capacity for divergent thinking (finding associations for triads of semantically remote words). The dynamics of the regional activation of the cortex depending on the verbal operation type was more characteristic of men compared to women and of creative persons compared to noncreative ones. In creative persons of both sexes, more original associations were accompanied by a decreased α2-rhythm coherence. In noncreative women, interhemispheric interaction was, conversely, increased.  相似文献   

For the investigation of neurological disorders, a development of simple and accessible methods for determining selenium in human brain samples is required. We devised a method of determining selenium using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). An electrodeless discharge lamp provided the sufficient sensitivity to determine brain selenium. The matrix interferences were avoided by using high temperature, a prolonged pyrolysis step, and a palladium matrix modifier. The technique of standard addition was used to evaluate the sample concentrations. The accuracy of the method was confirmed by a bovine liver reference material. The detection limit of selenium was 0.04 ng. The determined selenium concentrations of human brain cortex and white matter were higher than those of putamen (115–155 and 206–222 ng/g wet wt, respectively). These GFAAS values agreed with those obtained by fluorometric analysis (r=0.91,n=10). Moreover, the GFAAS values were compatible to those reported by other researchers (99–274 ng/g wet wt), in which selenium concentrations in putamen also tended to be higher than the other two regions. We conclude that GFAAS is useful for selenium analysis in brain samples.  相似文献   

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