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An isopycnic gradient technique is described by which interstrand cross-linking of DNA in mammalian cells resulting from treatment with difunctional alkylating agents can be quantitated.  相似文献   

In vitro transcription analysis of DNA alkylation by nitrogen mustard   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Mustard gas induces inactivation and mutation in yeast. Both effects are dose-proportional, indicating single-hit events. Induction of both effects is influenced by the cell's capacity for DNA dark-repair, whereby the probability of reversion is highest in repair-proficient cells. Binding of mustard gas to cells and probably to DNA is independent of DNA-repair systems. The number of inter-strand cross-links, as determined by assaying for renaturability of alkalidenatured DNA, increases in a dose-proportional manner. At 37% survival an excision-deficient strain contains 55 inter-strand cross-links. Chromatographic analysis yields several alkylation products of DNA. Their relative frequencies resemble the values reported for E. coli and bacteriophage T7.  相似文献   

Summary Radiation sensitive mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were exposed to the action of nitrogen mustard (HN2) and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). Sensitivity to HN2 was found to be correlated with sensitivity to ultraviolet light, whereas sensitivity to MMS was found to be correlated with sensitivity to X-rays. One mutant strain that is sensitive to both UV and X-rays was found to be sensitive also to HN2 and MMS. The latter result shows that there exists a locus in yeast that controls the repair of DNA damaged by all four of these mutagens.  相似文献   

Zhu Y  Yang H  Chen Q  Lin J  Grossman HB  Dinney CP  Wu X  Gu J 《DNA Repair》2008,7(2):141-148
XPC, a key protein in the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway, recognizes damaged DNA and initiates NER. Genetic variations in the XPC gene might be associated with altered DNA repair capacities (DRC). In this study, we genotyped three XPC polymorphisms, Ala499Val (C-->T), PAT (-/+) and Lys939Gln (A-->C), and measured the DNA damage/DRC by alkaline comet assay challenged by BPDE and gamma-radiation in 476 healthy subjects. We also evaluated the associations between DNA damage/DRC and genotypes of XPC polymorphisms. Compared with the XPC Lys939Gln homozygous wild type (AA) subjects, subjects with the variant alleles (AC and CC) had significantly higher DNA damages induced by BPDE (Median and 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.16 (3.01-3.44) vs. 2.88 (2.51-3.05), P=0.01), and gamma-radiation (4.18 (3.94-4.44) vs. 3.71 (3.49-4.04), P=0.01). However, subjects with the variant alleles (CT and TT) of Ala499Val exhibited a 8.6% and 13.1% decrease in DNA damages induced by BPDE (P=0.05) and gamma-radiation (P=0.001), respectively. Significant correlations were found between genotypes and induced DNA damages in XPC Lys939Gln (For BPDE: R=0.12, P=0.01; for gamma-radiation: R=0.094, P=0.046) and Ala499Val (For BPDE: R=-0.11, P=0.03; for gamma-radiation: R=-0.16, P=0.0009). The haplotypes "T-A" (in the order of Ala499Val-PAT-Lys939Gln) was associated with the lowest DNA damages. Our results suggested that the DRC of host cells might be modulated by specific XPC polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Chronic ethanol consumption causes a DNA repair deficiency. This was demonstrated in Sprague-Dawley rats injected with 14C-labeled dimethylnitrosamine after being pair-fed isocaloric, ethanol, or carbohydrate control diets for 4 weeks. Hepatic DNA was isolated from rats killed at intervals over a 36 hour period after administration of the nitrosamine and concentrations of alkylated guanine derivatives were measured. While N7-methylguanine was lost at equivalent rates from the DNA of both diet groups, 06methylguanine, a promutagenic lesion, persisted at higher levels for longer periods of time in the DNA from the alcohol-fed animals.  相似文献   

DNA damage is unavoidable, and organisms across the evolutionary spectrum possess DNA repair pathways that are critical for cell viability and genomic stability. To understand the role of base excision repair (BER) in protecting eukaryotic cells against alkylating agents, we generated Schizosaccharomyces pombe strains mutant for the mag1 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase gene. We report that S. pombe mag1 mutants have only a slightly increased sensitivity to methylation damage, suggesting that Mag1-initiated BER plays a surprisingly minor role in alkylation resistance in this organism. We go on to show that other DNA repair pathways play a larger role than BER in alkylation resistance. Mutations in genes involved in nucleotide excision repair (rad13) and recombinational repair (rhp51) are much more alkylation sensitive than mag1 mutants. In addition, S. pombe mutant for the flap endonuclease rad2 gene, whose precise function in DNA repair is unclear, were also more alkylation sensitive than mag1 mutants. Further, mag1 and rad13 interact synergistically for alkylation resistance, and mag1 and rhp51 display a surprisingly complex genetic interaction. A model for the role of BER in the generation of alkylation-induced DNA strand breaks in S. pombe is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen mustard (HN2) mutagenesis of a plasmid-borne copy of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SUP4-o gene was examined in a repair-proficient yeast strain and isogenic derivatives defective for excision (radl) or DNA double-strand break (rad52) repair. The excision repair deficiency sensitized the cells to killing by HN2 and abolished mutation induction. Inactivation of RAD52 had no influence on the lethality of HN2 treatment but diminished the induced mutation frequency by 50% at all doses tested. DNA sequence analysis of HN2-induced SUP4-o mutations suggested that RAD52 contributed to the production of basepair substitutions at G·C sites. The rad52 defect appeared to alter the distribution of G·C A·T transitions in SUP4-o relative to the distribution for the wild-type strain. This difference did not seem to be due to an effect of RAD52 on the relative fractions of HN2-induced transitions at localized (flanked by A·T pairs) or contiguous (flanked by at least one G·C pair) G·C sites but instead to an influence on the strand specificity of HN2 mutagenesis. In the repair-proficient strain, the transitions showed a small bias for sites having the guanine on the transcribed strand and this preference was eliminated by inactivation of RAD52.  相似文献   

Analysis of production brewing strains of yeast by DNA fingerprinting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P. WIGHTMAN, D.E. QUAIN AND P. G. MEADEN. 1996. Production brewing strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were analysed by DNA fingerprinting, using a Southern blotting and hybridization procedure and employing the Tyl-15 transposon as a probe. The ability to differentiate readily between strains was very dependent on the restriction enzyme used to digest the DNA prior to Southern blotting and hybridization; the enzymes Eco RI, Pst I and Sal I were found to be particularly useful in this respect. The method was applicable to the differentiation of both ale and lager yeasts, and was sufficiently sensitive to distinguish between very closely related strains. DNA fingerprinting by this approach confirmed, for example, that a flocculent strain isolated during a production-scale fermentation with a lager yeast was genotypically different from the parent.  相似文献   

DNA repair mechanisms fulfil a dual role, as they are essential for cell survival and genome maintenance. Here, we studied how cells regulate the interplay between DNA repair and mutation. We focused on the adaptive response that increases the resistance of Escherichia coli cells to DNA alkylation damage. Combination of single-molecule imaging and microfluidic-based single-cell microscopy showed that noise in the gene activation timing of the master regulator Ada is accurately propagated to generate a distinct subpopulation of cells in which all proteins of the adaptive response are essentially absent. Whereas genetic deletion of these proteins causes extreme sensitivity to alkylation stress, a temporary lack of expression is tolerated and increases genetic plasticity of the whole population. We demonstrated this by monitoring the dynamics of nascent DNA mismatches during alkylation stress as well as the frequency of fixed mutations that are generated by the distinct subpopulations of the adaptive response. We propose that stochastic modulation of DNA repair capacity by the adaptive response creates a viable hypermutable subpopulation of cells that acts as a source of genetic diversity in a clonal population.  相似文献   

We have identified two fission yeast homologs of budding yeast Rad4 and human xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C (XP-C) correcting protein, designated Rhp4A and Rhp4B. Here we show that the rhp4 genes encode NER factors that are required for UV-induced DNA damage repair in fission yeast. The rhp4A-deficient cells but not the rhp4B-deficient cells are sensitive to UV irradiation. However, the disruption of both rhp4A and rhp4B resulted in UV sensitivity that was greater than that of the rhp4A-deficient cells, revealing that Rhp4B plays a role in DNA repair on its own. Fission yeast has two pathways to repair photolesions on DNA, namely, nucleotide excision repair (NER) and UV-damaged DNA endonuclease-dependent excision repair (UVER). Studies with the NER-deficient rad13 and the UVER-deficient (Delta)uvde mutants showed the two rhp4 genes are involved in NER and not UVER. Assessment of the ability of the various mutants to remove cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) from the rbp2 gene locus indicated that Rhp4A is involved in the preferential repair of lesions on the transcribed DNA strand and plays the major role in fission yeast NER. Rhp4B in contrast acts as an accessory protein in non-transcribed strand (NTS) repair.  相似文献   

Four isogenic strains of Escherichia coli with the same auxotrophic marker (arg Fam--namely wild-type, uvrA-, polA- and recA-) were used for testing the lethalities and mutagenicities of 1-naphthyl N-methyl-N-nitrosocarbamate (nitroso-NAC), 3-methylphenyl N-methyl-N-nitrosocarbamate (nitroso-MTMC), and 3,4-dimethylphenyl N-methyl-N-nitrosocarbamate (nitroso-MPMC). The strains recA- and polA- showed a similarly higher sensitivity to killing than wild-type and uvrA- after treatments with each of the three chemicals, whereas the strains wild-type, uvrA-, and polA- were equally mutable by these compounds at equal doses. The strain recA- was hardly mutable by nitroso-NAC, but significant levels of Arg+ mutations were observed after treatments with nitroso-MTMC and nitroso-MPMC. These and previous results suggest that both nitroso-MTMC and nitroso-MPMC are similar in their mutagenicity pattern to N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine whereas nitroso-NAC is similar to methyl methanesulfonate or X-rays, and that the major damage to DNA of the three agents is not excisable by the uvrA+-dependent excision repair, probably methylation in DNA.  相似文献   

The induction of flocculation of Pediococcus damnosus by a proteineous factor, purified from the yeast culture supernatant, was strongly dependent on the yeast strain used. The measurement of flocculation inducing activity can be used to examine the affinity of yeast strains toward eventual bacterial contaminants or to evaluate the stability of cocultures in mixed culture fermentations.  相似文献   

A M Doweyko  W B Mattes 《Biochemistry》1992,31(39):9388-9392
The sequence specificity of DNA alkylation by uracil mustard was examined using a novel three-dimensional QSAR method known as HASL, or the hypothetical active site lattice. The structures of a variety of 4-mer sequences obtained from pBR322 and SV40 were related to their degree of guanine-N7 alkylation by uracil mustard. The resulting correlations were found to point to a significant contribution from bases on the 3' side of the target guanine nucleotide. The HASL models derived from the analysis of 52 guanine-containing 4-mer sequences were used to highlight those atomic features in the favored TGCC sequence that were found most important in determining specificity. It was found that the NH2-O systems present in the two GC base pairs on the 3' side of the target guanine were significantly correlated to the degree of alkylation by uracil mustard. This finding is consistent with a prealkylation binding event occurring between these sites along the major groove and the uracil mustard O2/O4 system.  相似文献   

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