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 Christmas (Kiritimati) Island is an unusually large coral atoll, of which a large proportion of the surface is presently subaerial. Extensive outcrops of in situ branching Acropora corals, together with Porites microatolls, Tridacna, and other shallow marine biota, indicate that the present low-lying area of interconnecting lakes in the island interior formed as a reticulate lagoon. Radiocarbon dating indicates that these lagoonal reefs flourished between 4500 and 1500 radiocarbon years BP, and surveying confirms that sea level was 0.5–1.0 m above present at that time, with subaerial exposure resulting from Late Holocene emergence. Boreholes undertaken for a water resources survey of the island penetrated near-surface Pleistocene limestones on the northern, southern, and eastern sides of the island. These are highly weathered and fractured, and although aragonitic clasts are preserved, U-series dating indicates a Middle Pleistocene or older age. At one location flanking the Bay of Wrecks, an outcrop of limestone, with an erosional notch, 1–2 m above present sea level, yielded a U-series age of 130 ka, and is interpreted as Last Interglacial in age. In contrast to previous interpretations which have suggested that Christmas Island comprised an atoll superstructure that is entirely Holocene, or the layer-cake interpretation appropriate for many mid-ocean atolls, Christmas Island appears to have had a form similar to its present in the Middle Pleistocene or earlier. It has undergone karstification during lowstands. Interglacials, particularly the Last Interglacial and the Holocene, appear to have resulted in only a minor veneer of coral over older limestone surfaces. Christmas Island is considered characteristic of an atoll that has not experienced significant subsidence through the Late Quaternary. Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   

Late Jurassic reefs are generally assumed to lack “cement crusts”. In the present paper, microencruster frameworks with variable amounts of cement are described from Late Jurassic to Earliest Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates of the Northern Calcareous Alps of Austria. The boundstones are characterized by a specialized and highly diverse community of microencrusters, partly occupying cryptic habitats. Volumetrically of minor importance compared to similar Permo-Triassic examples, Late Jurassic to Earliest Cretaceous microframeworks here reported compare well with cement reefs or cement-supported counterparts of other time intervals. The assumed depositional setting is that of a fore-reef slope environment. Generally, this peculiar microfacies can be integrated in current concepts of Late Jurassic reef classifications. Although more details are still needed for comparison, Late Jurassic microencruster-cement frameworks seem to be typical, but not restricted to the margins of Neotethyan isolated platforms. This work is dedicated to Erik Flügel, former professor of the University of Erlangen, for his fundamental pioneer research on various aspects of microfacies, including poorly known phenomena of ancient cement reefs.  相似文献   

Coastal mixed carbonate-siliciclastic and carbonate deposits of Late Barremian to Early Aptian age from the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) are compared with a deep-sea succession (ODP 641) off the coast of Portugal. The coastal deposits show an abrupt cessation of rudist-dominated carbonate deposition marked by an emersion horizon and followed by the deposition of orbitolinid-rich marls during the Early Aptian. The subsequent development of the carbonate platform during the Late Aptian is masked by a hiatus. For this time interval shallow-water debris deposits of the deep-sea succession ODP 641 indicate that carbonate production in shallow-water areas resume in the early Late Aptian. Carbon-isotope stratigraphy in combination with available biostratigraphic data is used for intrabasinal correlation and for the correlation of the Portuguese with shallow-water successions from Switzerland, France, Oman and the Pacific. The correlation reveals that during the Early Aptian similar changes in their sedimentary patterns occur at the beginning of a marked negative shift of carbon-isotope values associated with the global deposition of organic rich black shales in the deep sea (OAE 1a). In all compared sections rudist-dominated carbonate deposition is stopped and followed either by orbitolinid-rich deposits, the deposition of microbial carbonates or by the drowning of the carbonate platform. The comparison shows that the deterioration for carbonate platform growth conditions during the Early Aptian occurred essentially simultaneously at the various localities. During this episode the ocean waters were in a preconditioned state of acidification stressing biocalcifying organisms. Sea level change combined with local effects like elevated nutrient levels and higher temperatures, were probably determining the nature of sedimentary change in shallow-water environments during the carbonate crisis. In the sections studied in Portugal the high abundance of orbitolinids overlying rudist limestones indicates that increased nutrient input may have played an important local role among the factors that caused an overall deterioration for carbonate producers during the late Early Aptian.  相似文献   

The Moravo-Silesian Basin (MSB; eastern Czech Republic and southern Poland) hosted an extensive shallow-water carbonate platform in the Middle Devonian to Frasnian interval. The platform drowned in a stepwise fashion from the Palmatolepis hassi to the Pa. linguiformis zone. Three types of drowning successions were revealed from conodont biostratigraphy, facies, microfacies and gamma-ray spectrometry data: (A) drowning to periplatform turbidite setting; (B) drowning to (hemi)pelagic seamount setting and (C) drowning associated with the stratigraphical gap. In the lower Pa. hassi zone, rapid subsidence caused the platform to drown locally along the N–S to NW–SE trending faults (type A drowning). In the upper Pa. rhenana to the Pa. linguiformis zone, the drowning accelerated in the western part of the MSB due to locally higher subsidence rates combined with the Late Frasnian biotic crisis (type B). In the southern part of the basin, the platform emerged shortly before the Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) boundary and drowned in the Early to Late Famennian (type C). The primary cause of drowning was differential subsidence at the Laurussian passive margin. Eustatic sea-level fluctuations, if any, contributed only to a minor extent to the Late Frasnian drowning, but were effective in type C drowning during the Famennian. The drowning boundaries are associated with increased contents of K and Th, reflecting the deceleration of carbonate production. Uranium contents display isolated peaks that roughly correlate with the drowning boundaries or the stratigraphic gaps associated with the F/F boundary. The uranium contents are considered to reflect local depositional conditions and are not suitable for stratigraphic correlation. On the other hand, from the K and Th contents, we can infer Late Frasnian sea-level fluctuations with duration on the order of 1 Myr. These cyclic variations in K and Th contents proved to be useful in platform-to-basin stratigraphic correlation.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of Albian ammonites of the North Pacific Province is described on the basis of several sections located in Northern California. Nine Albian ammonite assemblages are identified, compared to the 4 previously described by Murphy in 1956. Owing to several gaps of observation possibly more assemblages could exist. In the North California Albian history, the first results show a succession of confinement periods - with numerous endemic faunas - followed by periods of open communications with other faunal provinces. As an example, the base of the Middle Albian is marked by exotic ammonites coming from the Tethyan realm (Oxytropidoceras, Lyelliceras) and from the Arctic Province of the Boreal realm (Gastroplites, Pseudopulchellia). These ammonites - except Oxytropidoceras - were not known in that area and are described relatively to their palaeobiogeographical interest. Although rare these migrant faunas give valuable elements to correlate these various provinces. Planktonic foraminifera confirm the existence of open sea communications during the uppermost Albian.With such faunal links, a comparison is proposed between the Albian ammonite zonation of Northern California and the standard and phyletic ones of Europe. This attempt suggests that the major connections between the three faunal provinces are established at second order peak transgressions in the Early and Middle Albian, and during the sea-level high of the Late Albian transgressive period. So, it seems that the vertical distribution of Albian non-endemic ammonites of North California and Europe is largely controlled by global eustatic events. Two palaeobiogeographic maps for Early and Middle Albian and one map for the late Late Albian show the migration outer of these exotic ammonites.  相似文献   

The disastrous effects of the intense 1982–83 El Niño-SouthernOscillation (ENSO) bring new insight into the long-term developmentof eastern Pacific coral reefs. The 1988–83 ENSO sea surfacewarming event caused extensive reef coral bleaching (loss ofsymbiotic zooxanthellae), resulting in up to 70–95% coralmortality on reefs in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador.In the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), most coral reefs experienced>95% coral mortality. Also, several coral species experiencedextreme reductions in population size, and local and regionalextinctions. The El Niño event spawned secondary disturbances,such as increased predation and bioerosion, that continue toimpact reef-building corals. The death of Pocillopora colonieswith their crustacean guards eliminated coral barriers now allowingthe corallivore Acanthaster planci access to formerly protectedcoral prey. Sea urchins and other organisms eroded disturbedcorals at rates that exceed carbonate production, potentiallyresulting in the elimination of existing reef buildups. In otherreefbuilding regions following extensive, catastrophic coralmortality, rapid recovery often occurs through the growth ofsurviving corals, recruitment of new corals from nearby sourcepopulations, and survival of consolidated reef surfaces. Inthe eastern Pacific, however, the return of upwelling conditionsand the survival of coral predators and bioeroders hamper coralreef recovery by reducing recruitment success and eroding coralreef substrates. Thus, coral reef growth that occurs betweendisturbance events is not conserved. Repeated El Niñodisturbances, which have occurred throughout the recent geologichistory of the eastern Pacific, prevent coral communities fromincreasing in diversity and limit the development and persistenceof significant reef features. The poor development of easternPacific coral reefs throughout Holocene and perhaps much ofPleistocene time may result from recurrent thermal disturbancesof the intensity of the 1982–83 El Niño event.  相似文献   

The diversity of Cretaceous gymnosperms from the Alchan Depression in northwestern Primorye is discussed. The pike of gymnosperm diversity is restricted to the middle of the Late Albian, and a sharp decline took place in the terminal Albian. A new species, Dictyozamites serafimae sp. nov., is described.  相似文献   

Reef corals of Johnston Atoll: one of the world's most isolated reefs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Johnston Atoll lies 800 km southwest of the nearest reefs of Hawaii and over 1,500 km from other shallow reefs to the south and west. Only 33 species and 16 genera and subgenera of shallow water stony corals have been reported from the atoll. Endemic species are absent despite Johnston's great age and favorable environment. With few exceptions, only species with broad geographic distribution are represented. Factors contributing to the low number of species are remoteness, the atoll's small size, lack of favorable currents to transport larvae from the southwest Pacific, lack of reef stepping stones in the region since the Cretaceous, possible defaunation during eustatic sea-level rise and fall, and possible drowning from tectonic subsidence or tilting. The species list shows strongest affinity with that of Hawaii, but some unexpected discontinuities occur. Despite low species diversity, coral coverage is extremely high in most environments.  相似文献   

Most last interglacial (MIS 5.5) coral reef deposits in the Caribbean are emergent. However, in St. Croix, these are found mainly at depth, underneath Holocene material and confirmed by TIMS U–Th dated corals from eight cores through Holocene reefs. The only emergent MIS 5.5 marine deposit peaks at +1.5 m MSL at the northwestern end of the island. The Late Pleistocene surface decreases at least 9.25 m (based on reef crest elevations) in elevation over 15 km along a 0.62 m/km eastward (alongshore) slope. Neither differential erosion nor a naturally sloping deposit is likely, thus the directional elevation decrease requires the influence of tectonic processes. Platform tilting or differential subsidence increasing in rate to the east probably operated both during and since the last interglacial and created progressively greater accommodation space for increasingly thicker overlying Holocene reefs in an eastward direction. Rates of subsidence since MIS 5.5 increase from west to east, from 0.02 mm/year to 0.1 mm/year, assuming a MIS 5.5 +6-m sea level and +4 m initial reef elevation. St. Croix’s association with extensional shelf faulting from the northern part of the Virgin Islands Basin, the Anegada Fault to the east and the Puerto Rico Trench to the north may be significant in terms of identifying mechanisms for, or past events resulting in, directional tilting. Identification of differential elevations of MIS 5.5 reefs adds substantially to the information on Late Quaternary tectonism of the area.  相似文献   

On coral reefs in Palmyra—a central Pacific atoll with limited fishing pressure—total fish biomass was 428 and 299% greater than on reefs in nearby Christmas and Fanning Islands. Large apex predators, groupers, sharks, snappers, and jacks larger than 50 cm in length, accounted for 56% of total fish biomass in Palmyra on average, but only 7 and 3% on Christmas and Fanning. These biomass proportions are remarkably similar to those previously reported for the remote and uninhabited Northwest Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) and densely populated Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI), although Palmyra’s reefs are dominated in biomass by sharks (44% of the total), whereas the NWHI by jacks (39%). Herbivorous fish biomass was also greater on Palmyra than on Christmas and Fanning (343 and 207%, respectively). These results and previous findings indicate that remote, uninhabited islands support high levels of consumers, and highlight the importance of healthy coral reef ecosystems as reference points for assessment of human impacts and establishment of restoration goals.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed facies analysis and paleo-depth reconstruction of a latest Early Carnian platform drowning-sequence from the Anatolian terrane (Turkey, Taurus Mountains). A total of eight sedimentary microfacies zones were recorded. An open platform margin passes through a deeper shelf margin setting into a basinal environment influenced by more open-marine conditions. The analysis demonstrates an unexpected, pure carbonate depositional system through the so-called Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE), which has previously been associated with dramatic climate changes throughout the Tethys region. One main finding, based on sedimentological and paleontological analyses, is a much later drowning of the carbonate platforms in Turkey than in other places. The termination of the Kartoz platform postdates the onset of the CPE in the western Tethys by one ammonite zone, corresponding to about 2 million years. The distinctly earlier demise of (north)western Tethyan carbonate platforms and reefs points to a diachrony of this event throughout the Tethys. The decline of carbonate productivity clearly occurs earlier at higher paleolatitudes and later in equatorial areas. Interpreting the CPE as the result of a global or at least Tethys-wide climatic event is therefore highly ambiguous. The described facies changes at Aşağiyaylabel probably mirror different coupling effects and, only minimally, the Tethyan-wide climate changes during the Carnian Pluvial Episode.  相似文献   

A kilometer-sized block in the Sirogojno carbonate-clastic mélange provides a complete succession of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform evolution. The platform starts its progradation in Early Carnian times over hemipelagic Late Ladinian cherty limestones with fine-grained allodapic limestone intercalations. Shallow-water reef-slope, reefal to back-reef/lagoonal limestones evolved in the Early Carnian. The top of the platform is recrystallized and partly slightly dolomitized, and in parts karstification is visible. After a period of omission caused by uplift, new subsidence started in the early Late Carnian. This is documented by a flooding respectively drowning sequence of the same age, starting with reefal carbonates and rapidly followed by hemipelagic-influenced limestones. The evolution of the onset and the drowning of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform prove a paleogeographic derivation of this block from the outer shelf-area facing the Neotethys Ocean, but still in a shallow-water carbonate platform position transitional to the Hallstatt facies zone. This paleogeographic position is especially confirmed by the new pulse of subsidence in the Late Carnian after a long lasting phase of omission. The evolution of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform in the Inner Dinarides corresponds to successions known from the Northern Calcareous Alps or the southern Western Carpathians. In the Late Triassic both regions belong to the same northeast–southwest striking shelf area facing the Neotethys Ocean to the east and southeast, respectively.  相似文献   

The Brilon-reef complex is one of the biggest Devonian carbonate buildups (~80 km2) of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge. The Burgberg section is located in the southeastern fore-reef area of the Brilon Reef Complex and exposes a succession of strata (117 m thick), which extends from the Middle Givetian (middle varcus conodont Zone) to the Viséan (bilineatus conodont Zone). Field and microfacies observations led to the definition of nine microfacies that are integrated into a sedimentary model divided into off-reef, intermediate fore-reef, and proximal fore-reef sedimentary domains (SD). The off-reef domain (SD1) is the most distal setting observed and is characterized by fine-grained sediments, dominated by pelagic biota and the local occurrence of gravity-flow deposits. The intermediate fore-reef (SD2) is characterized by a mixture of biota and sediments coming from both deeper-water and shallow-water sources and is influenced by storm and gravity-flow currents. In this domain, Renalcis mound-like structures developed locally. Finally, the proximal fore-reef (SD3) corresponds to the most proximal setting that is strongly influenced by gravity-flow currents derived from the Brilon Reef Complex. The temporal evolution of microfacies in the fore-reef setting of the Burgberg section show five main paleoenvironmental trends influenced by the onset, general development, and demise/drowning of the Brilon Reef Complex. Fore-reef to off-reef lithologies and their temporal changes are from the base to the top of the section: (U1)—fine-grained sediments with large reef debris, corresponding to the initial development of the reef building upon submarine volcaniclastic deposits during the Middle Givetian (middle varcus Zone) and first export of reef debris in the fore-reef setting; (U2)—high increase of reef-derived material in the fore-reef area, corresponding to a significant progradation of the reef from the Middle Givetian to the Early Frasnian (maximum extension of the Brilon Reef Complex to the south, disparilis to the falsiovalis conodont biozones); (U3)—progressive decrease of shallow-water derived material and increase of fine-grained sediments and deep-water biota into the fore-reef setting, corresponding to the stepwise withdrawal of the reef influence; from the Middle to the Late Frasnian (jamieae conodont Zone); (U4)—development of a submarine rise characterized by nodular and cephalopod-bearing limestones extending from the Late Frasnian to the Late Famennian corresponding to the demise and drowning of the Brilon Reef Complex as a result of the Late Frasnian Kellwasser events (upper rhenana and triangularis conodont biozones); (U5)—significant deepening of the Burgberg area starting in the Late Famennian, directly followed by an aggrading trend marked by pelagic shales overlying the nodular limestone deposits.  相似文献   

A series of surveys were carried out to characterize the physical and biological parameters of the Millennium Atoll lagoon during a research expedition in April of 2009. Millennium is a remote coral atoll in the Central Pacific belonging to the Republic of Kiribati, and a member of the Southern Line Islands chain. The atoll is among the few remaining coral reef ecosystems that are relatively pristine. The lagoon is highly enclosed, and was characterized by reticulate patch and line reefs throughout the center of the lagoon as well as perimeter reefs around the rim of the atoll. The depth reached a maximum of 33.3 m in the central region of the lagoon, and averaged between 8.8 and 13.7 m in most of the pools. The deepest areas were found to harbor large platforms of Favia matthaii, which presumably provided a base upon which the dominant corals (Acropora spp.) grew to form the reticulate reef structure. The benthic algal communities consisted mainly of crustose coralline algae (CCA), microfilamentous turf algae and isolated patches of Halimeda spp. and Caulerpa spp. Fish species richness in the lagoon was half of that observed on the adjacent fore reef. The lagoon is likely an important nursery habitat for a number of important fisheries species including the blacktip reef shark and Napoleon wrasse, which are heavily exploited elsewhere around the world but were common in the lagoon at Millennium. The lagoon also supports an abundance of giant clams (Tridacna maxima). Millennium lagoon provides an excellent reference of a relatively undisturbed coral atoll. As with most coral reefs around the world, the lagoon communities of Millennium may be threatened by climate change and associated warming, acidification and sea level rise, as well as sporadic local resource exploitation which is difficult to monitor and enforce because of the atoll''s remote location. While the remote nature of Millennium has allowed it to remain one of the few nearly pristine coral reef ecosystems in the world, it is imperative that this ecosystem receives protection so that it may survive for future generations.  相似文献   

A gently undulating to flat erosion surface with shallow-water borings and burrows is present in the midst of a Sangamonian (Eemian; marine oxygen isotope substage 5e) reefal facies on the islands of San Salvador and Great Inagua, Bahamas. Precise U/Th dating of corals above and below this surface show that it formed around 125-124 ka, and that the sea-level regressive-transgressive cycle which produced it lasted for 1500 years or less. The surface occurs on entirely carbonate rocks and has a low relief punctuated by erosional channels and karstic caves formed during the sea-level lowstand. A terra rossa paleosol, developed during that lowstand, partially fills a set of large lithophagid bivalve borings ( Gastrochaenolites torpedo ), showing that they were excavated during the regression. Rhizomorphs formed by plant roots occur on the erosion surface at Great Inagua. Extensive boring of the upward-facing surfaces occurred during the ensuing transgression, including a smaller G. torpedo and a clionid sponge boring ( Entobia ovula ). The bored surface is encrusted by a variety of shallow-water corals and, eventually, the re-established bank-barrier coral reefs. A sparse assemblage of serpulid worm and vermicularid gastropod tubes encrusted the channel and cave walls. Robust Ophiomorpha burrow systems occur within pockets of sediment in the coral facies both below and above the erosion surface. The channels and caves are filled with transgressive calcarenitic sediments in which occur numerous Ophiomorpha and Skolithos burrows. The ichnofossils on, below, and above this erosion surface are prominent indicators of a short-lived but significant global sea-level event.  相似文献   

A new polyconitid rudist, Magallanesia canaliculata gen. et sp. nov., of probably late Albian age, is described from the Pulangbato area, central Cebu Island, the Philippines in the western Central Pacific and Takuyo‐Daini Seamount, now located in the Northwest Pacific. It is similar to Praecaprotina Yabe and Nagao, 1926, a Japanese–Central Pacific endemic genus of late Aptian – early Albian age, but differs in having canals that developed by partitioning of the large ectomyophoral cavity in the posterior part of the left valve. Its discovery strengthens the evidence for Pacific endemism in Albian times. Several other clades of canaliculate rudists flourished or evolved at the same time in different regions of the Tethyan Realm, suggesting the presence of common global biological and/or environmental factors stimulating the evolution of the canals despite such endemism. Furthermore, the finding of a canaliculate polyconitid provides evidence in favour of the evolutionary hypothesis of a polyconitid origin for the Late Cretaceous canaliculate rudist family Plagioptychidae Douvillé, 1888.  相似文献   

Priohybodus arambourgi d'Erasmo, 1960 is redescribed on the basis of nearly 200 teeth and a dorsal fin spine from the Chicla Sandstone (Aptian to Albian, Early Cretaceous) near Nalut in northwestern Libya. The generic distinction of Priohybodus is confirmed; its geological record is so far confined to the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of Africa.  相似文献   

The 125-ka sea level, which was approximately 6 m above present-day sea level, led to the partial flooding of many Caribbean islands. On Grand. Cayman, this event led to the formation of the large Ironshore Lagoon that covered most of the western half of the island and numerous, small embayments along the south, east, and north coasts. At that time, at least 33 coral species grew in waters around Grand Cayman. This fauna, like the modern coral fauna of Grand Cayman, was dominated byMontastrea annularis, Porites porites, Acropora polmata, andA. cervicornis. Scolymia cubensis andMycetophyllia ferox, not previously identified from the Late Pleistocene, are found in the Pleistocene patch reefs.Madracis mirabilis, Colpophyllia breviserialis, Agaricia tenuifolia, A. lamarcki, A. undata, Millepora spp., Mycetophyllia reesi, M. aliciae, andM. danaana, found on modern reefs, have not been identified from the Late Pleistocene reefs. Conversely,Pocillopora sp. cf.P. palmata, which is found in Late Pleistocene reefs, is absent on the modern reefs around Grand Cayman. The corals in the Ironshore Formation of Grand Cayman have been divided into 10 associations according to their dominant species, overall composition, and faunal diversity. Many of these associations are similar to the modern associations around Grand Cayman. Each of the Pleistocene coral associations, which can be accurately located on the known Late Pleistocene paleogeography of Grand Cayman, developed in distinct environmental settings. Overall trends identified in the modern settings are also apparent in the Late Pleistocene faunas. Thus, the diversity of the coral faunas increased from the interior of the Ironshore Lagoon to the reef crest. Similarly, the coral diversity in the Pleistocene patch reefs was related to the size of the reefs and their position relative to breaks in the barrier reef. The barrier reef included corals that are incapable of sediment rejection; whereas the patch reefs lacked such corals.  相似文献   

Henderson Island, in the Pitcairn Group, preserves a Pleistocene atoll physiography with the rim of the raised reef structure, supporting spur and groove topography, enclosing a central lagoon. Excellent preservation of coral reef communities occurs along the ancient atoll rim and within the central lagoon. The previously interpreted depositional nature of the fossil atoll structure is herein corroborated with geomorphologic and stratigraphic evidence from previously un-visited portions of the island. Stratigraphic and lateral facies relationships indicate a physiographic zonation which includes spur and grooves, outer reef flat, lagoon margin, and an interior lagoon with patch reefs. The in situ occurrence and zonation of reef coral communities around the periphery and within the interior of the island appear to reflect the original physiography of the atoll lagoon, with the most pronounced reef development on the SE side of the original atoll. Stratigraphic units which comprise the raised atoll lagoon structure represent different time intervals, so the atoll lagoon structure formed during various sea level fluctuations. The modern atolls of the Pitcairn Group, Oeno and Ducie, provide some comparisons (similarities and differences) with the fossil lagoon on top of Henderson Island.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a field survey designed to test the prediction that the density of benthic juveniles of shallow-reef fishes is greater on wind-wave “exposed” sectors of a pair of isolated oceanic atolls (Kure, Pearl and Hermes) at the far northwestern end of the Hawaiian Islands, an archipelago in which east-northeasterly trade winds dominate onshore water flow and transport by surface currents. The densities of recruits (juveniles ≤5 cm total length) were higher overall on windward versus leeward sectors of carbonate rock-rubble back reefs at both atolls, and the pattern was stronger for smaller (likely younger, more recently settled) recruits of four of the five most abundant species and the remainder pooled as an “Other” taxon. The windward-leeward disparity was four-fold greater at Pearl Hermes (the atoll with a three-fold longer perimeter) than at Kure. Resident predator biomass also was correlated with recruit densities, but habitat (benthic substratum) effects were generally weak. The distribution and abundance of recruits and juveniles of the primarily endemic reef fishes on shallow back reefs at these atolls appear partly influenced by relative rates of water flow over windward vs. leeward sectors of barrier reef and by the size, shape, and orientation of habitat parcels that filter out postlarval fishes with relatively weak swimming capabilities like labroids. Whole-reef geomorphology as well as fine-scale habitat heterogeneity and rugosity should be considered among the suite of many factors used to interpret observed spatial patterns of post-settlement juvenile fish distribution at atolls and perhaps some other tropical reefs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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