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Cells of Escherichia coli possess high-affinity active transport systems of vitamin B12 and iron-siderophore complexes. Specific outer-membrane proteins carry out the energy-dependent transport across the outer membrane, in conjunction with the TonB coupling protein. Mutagenesis experiments have identified a conserved region near the amino-terminus of the outer-membrane transporters that is necessary for energy-coupled transport. The ability of extragenic suppressor mutations in tonB to correct the transport defect indicates that TonB couples the proton-motive force to the outer-membrane proteins by direct contact.  相似文献   

The vitamin B12-producing capacity of micro-organisms isolated from baboon faeces and gastric contents was measured using Lactobacillus leichmannii . The animals were fed either a diet deficient in or supplemented with vitamin B12 (controls). Samples of gastric and small intestinal contents, obtained at laparotomy from two young vitamin B12-deprived baboons, contained varying quantities of vitamin B12. Many of the organisms isolated from these aspirates produced vitamin B12 in vitro . The highest levels of vitamin B12 were produced by anaerobic organisms. Gastric juice samples from vitamin B12 deprived and control baboons contained similar types of organisms with like vitamin B12-producing capacity. The vitamin B12 content, pH and total bacterial counts of gastric juice samples aspirated after a 6 h fast from vitamin B12 deprived baboons were not significantly different from those of the control animals. The pH values of gastric juice samples aspirated 18 h after feeding, however, were significantly lower than those of 6 h fasting samples in both groups. The mean vitamin B12 levels in the total volumes of gastric juice aspirated after each fasting period were similar. The possible involvement of the gastrointestinal flora in the vitamin B12 status of the baboon is discussed.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of one riboflavin (vitamin B2) molecule requires one molecule of GTP and two molecules of ribulose 5-phosphate. The imidazole ring of GTP is hydrolytically opened, yielding a 2,5-diaminopyrimidine that is converted to 5-amino-6-ribitylamino-2,4(1 H ,3 H )-pyrimidinedione by a sequence of deamination, side chain reduction and dephosphorylation. Condensation of 5-amino-6-ribitylamino-2,4(1 H ,3 H )-pyrimidinedione with 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate obtained from ribulose 5-phosphate yields 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine. Dismutation of the lumazine derivative yields riboflavin and 5-amino-6-ribitylamino-2,4(1 H ,3 H )-pyrimidinedione, which is recycled in the biosynthetic pathway. Characteristic architectural features of most enzymes involved in the plant riboflavin pathway resemble those of eubacteria, whereas the similarities between plants and yeasts are less pronounced. Moreover, riboflavin biosynthesis in plants proceeds by the same reaction steps as in eubacteria, whereas fungi use a somewhat different pathway.  相似文献   

When rabbit serum labelled with vitamin B12[57Co] was subjected to starch gel electrophoresis and au;oradiography, three phenotypes of proteins capable of binding vitamin B12 were observed. Family data revealed that these phenotypes (called TC-A, TC-AB and TC-B) are controlied by two codominant alleles (TCA and TCB), at an autosomic locus. Proteins capable of binding vitamin B12 both in vivo and in vitro are commonly referred to as Transcobalamins and can be found in the serum of numerous animal species (for a review, see Glass, 1974; Allen, 1975; Stenman, 1975). Furthermore, Daiger et al. (1975a) have described seven different patterns of vitamin B12 binding proteins which occur in human plasma and which are presumably controlled by four alleles. The present paper describes experiments in which both starch gel electrophoresis and autoradiography are used to identify three phenotypes of rabbit serum proteins responsible for binding vitamin B12 in vitro. It was found that these three phenotypes are controlled by two allelic codominant genes, at an autosomic locus. Individual serum samples (30 μl), obtained from 385 White New Zealand rabbits varying in age from one month to three years, were incubated with 0.1 ng of vitamin B12[57Co] (specific activity: 180 μCi/μg; Lot 247; Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, England) at 37°C for 30 minutes. Starch gel electrophoresis and autoradiography were performed as described by Geldermann (1970) and Daiger et al. (1975b), respectively. Electrofocusing (pH range 3.5–9.5) was conducted in the 2117 Multiphor apparatus (LKB, Bromma, Sweden) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The resulting pH gradient was measured with a surface pH electrode (Ingold, Zürich, Switzerland).  相似文献   

Abstract: Bradykinin receptors have been subdivided into at least two major pharmacological subtypes, B1 and B2. The cDNAs encoding functional B2 receptors have recently been cloned, but no molecular information exists at present on the B1 receptor. In this article, we describe experiments examining the possible relationship between the mRNAs encoding the B1 and B2 types of receptor. We showed previously that the Human fibroblast cell line W138 expresses both B1 and B2 receptors. In this report, we describe oocyte expression experiments showing that the B1 receptor in W138 human fibroblast cells is encoded by a distinct mRNA ∼2 kb shorter than that encoding the B2 receptor. We have used an antisense approach in conjunction with the oocyte expression system to demonstrate that the two messages differ in sequence at several locations throughout the length of the B2 sequence. Taken together with the mixed pharmacology exhibited in some expression systems by the cloned mouse receptor, the data indicate that B1-type pharmacology may arise from two independent molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract Sensitivity of Escherichia coli bacteria to colicins A and E1 was significantly increased by overproduction of the BtuB receptor protein. The amount of vitamin B12 needed before colicins A and E1 treatment to protect cells against killing was found to be a function of the number of BtuB molecules present at the cell surface. Cells treated by colicins A and E were rescued from killing by addition of vitamin B12 shortly after colicin treatment. The rate of reversal by vitamin B12 may correspond to the kinetics of irreversible binding to BtuB of the various colicins.  相似文献   

The brown algae Lithosiphon pusillus, Ectocarpus fasciculatus and Pylaiella litoralis were cultivated in bacteria-free cultures in artificial sea water, ASP 6F. The growth was tested with different additions of vitamins and other metabolites. Lithosiphon pusillus and Ectocarpus fasciculatus were found to require vitamin B12 for optimal growth. The zoospores of Pylaiella litoralis, when cultured in medium Asp 6F with kinetin added, had an absolute requirement for vitamin B12.  相似文献   

Aims:  To evaluate the efficiency of the vitamin B12-producing Lactobacillus reuteri CRL1098 strain in preventing the symptoms caused by a nutritional cobalamin-deficient diet in pregnant female mice and their weaned offspring.
Methods and Results:  Pregnant female mice were divided into three groups: animals fed with a B12-deficient diet (DD), animals fed with DD plus L. reuteri CRL1098 and animals fed with a B12-sufficient diet. The animals received the different feedings from the end of gestation up to weaning. At the end of the trials, they and their corresponding offspring were bled to determine haematological, immunological and histological parameters. The administration of the pseudovitamin B12-producing strain prevented the symptoms observed in female and weaned young animals fed with a nutritional B12-deficient diet.
Conclusions:  Our data suggest that the pseudovitamin B12 produced by L. reuteri CRL1098 is biologically active and effective in preventing the pathologies caused by the nutritional deficiency of B12 both in pregnant mice and their offspring.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The ability of L. reuteri CRL1098 to prevent a nutritional vitamin deficiency was demonstrated for the first time. The addition of a GRAS micro-organism to complement the B12 content in deficient foods is an interesting biotechnological alternative.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Deprived of vitamin B12, Euglena gracilis strain Z ceases to divide which we believe to be a function of the light regime: division inhibition occurs more quickly in continuous light than in alternating (6L : 6D) light and not at all in total darkness. This phenomenon is dependent on the carbon source; cells grown in glutamate-malate medium do not divide regardless of the culture conditions while dl -lactate as carbon source permits growth in darkness in the absence of B12. Conditions which lead to an increased O2 or decreased CO2 tension in the medium, such as agitation in darkness or incubation in red or white light, result in inhibition of division. This inhibition can be reversed by re-transferring the cells to still culture in the dark or, in the case of light-induced blockage, by the addition of DCMU.  相似文献   

As a versatile cofactor for many enzymes catalyzing important biochemical reactions, vitamin B6 is required for all cellular organisms. In contrast to bacteria, fungi and plants, which have the ability to synthesize vitamin B6 de novo , animals have to take up the vitamin from their diet. Plants are the major source of vitamin B6 for animals. The recent identification of vitamin B6 biosynthetic enzymes PDX1 and PDX2 in plants makes it possible to regulate the biosynthesis of this important vitamin. In this study, we generated Arabidopsis plants overexpressing the PDX1 and/or PDX2 gene and used a liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry method to determine the levels of different forms of vitamin B6 in these transgenic plants. It was found that expression of the PDX genes under control of the CaMV 35S promoter caused only a limited increase in pyridoxine contents in dry seeds but not in shoots or roots. When using the Arabidopsis seed-specific 12S promoter to drive the expression of the PDX genes, the levels of vitamin B6 increased more than twofold in transgenic plants. Our work demonstrates that it is feasible to enhance vitamin B6 content in seeds by metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

The leuV promoter which produces tRNALeu1 in Escherichia coli has been extensively mutagenized in order to determine the effects of altered sequences on promoter efficiency (strength) and on growth-rate-dependent regulation (GDR). Each mutant promoter was ligated with a β-galactosidase reporter gene into the chromosome of a host cell by phage lambda lysogenization. Reporter gene activities were measured for cells growing in selected media at various growth rates. Sequences which flank the ?10 consensus region, when altered, caused remarkable up-promoter effects, increasing efficiency in some cases almost 10-fold. One up mutation which had five successive T residues in the‘discriminator’region completely abolished GDR, whereas several mutations with single base changes in the discriminator had little or no effect on GDR. Another mutation which changed one base in the ?35 region to bring it to consensus increased promoter strength 18-fold and sharply reduced GDR. Chimaeric promoters in which segments of leuV were replaced by segments of the his operon showed that only when the discriminator of leuV is replaced by the his discriminator was GDR-disturbed. AM upstream sequences which were replaced by his sequences had little effect on GDR. Overall, there appeared to be little correlation between promoter efficiency and GDR.  相似文献   

Local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU), as measured by the 2-deoxy-D-[1-14C]glucose technique, reflects local cerebral functional activity. In an effort to elucidate mechanisms of the encephalopathy associated with deficiency of vitamin B12, LCGU was determined in two recently described models of effective B12 deficiency: exposure of rats to subanesthetic doses of nitrous oxide (N2O) and/or administration of 1-amino-cyclopentane-1-carboxylic acid (cycloleucine). Our results show that exposure of adult rats to N2O depresses LCGU selectively in cortical, auditory, and limbic structures, in association with a depression in whole-brain activities of the vitamin B12-dependent methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyl-transferase (EC, methionine synthetase). Cycloleucine has no discernible effect on LCGU in the adult rat and does not change the cerebral activity of methionine synthetase.  相似文献   

Aims:  The ability of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to bind fumonisins B1 and B2 (FB1, FB2) in fermented foods and feeds and in the gastrointestinal tract could contribute to decrease their bioavailability and toxic effects on farm animals and humans. The aim of this work was to identify the bacterial cell wall component(s) and the functional group(s) of FB involved in the LAB–FB interaction.
Methods and Results:  The effect of physicochemical, enzymatic and genetic treatments of bacteria and the removal/inactivation of the functional groups of FB on toxin binding were evaluated. Treatments affecting the bacterial wall polysaccharides, lipids and proteins increased binding, while those degrading peptidoglycan (PG) partially decreased it. In addition, purified PG from Gram-positive bacteria bound FB in a manner analogue to that of intact LAB. For FB, tricarballylic acid (TCA) chains play a significant role in binding as hydrolysed FB had less affinity for LAB.
Conclusions:  Peptidoglycan and TCA are important components of LAB and FB, respectively, involved in the binding interaction.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Lactic acid bacteria binding efficiency seems related to the peptide moiety structure of the PG. This information can be used to select probiotics with increased FB binding efficiency.  相似文献   

Strains of Escherichia coli have been produced which express very high levels of the tRNAleu1 isoacceptor. This was accomplished by transforming cells with plasmids containing the leuV operon which encodes three copies of the tRNALeu1 gene. Most transformants grew very slowly and exhibited a 15-fold increase in cellular concentrations of tRNALeu1 As a result, total cellular tRNA concentration was approximately doubled and 56% of the total was tRNALeu1. We examined a number of parameters which might be expected to be affected by imbalances in tRNA concentration: in vivo tRNA charging levels, misreading, ribosome step time, and tRNA modification. Surprisingly, no increase in intracellular ppGpp levels was detected even though only about 40% of total leucyl tRNA was found to be charged in vivo. Gross ribosomal misreading was not detected, and it was shown that ribosomal step times were reduced between two- and threefold. Analyses of leucyl tRNA isolated from these slow-growing strains showed that at least 90% of the detectable tRNALeu1 was hypomodified as judged by altered mobility on RPC-5 reverse-phase columns, and by specific modification assays using tRNA(m1G)-methyltransferase and pseudo-uridylate synthetase. Analysis of fast-growing revertants demonstrated that tRNA concentration per se may not explain growth inhibition because selected revertants which grew at wild-type growth rates displayed levels of tRNA comparable to that of control strains bearing the leuV operon. A synthetic tRNALeu1 operon under the control of the T7 promoter was prepared which, when induced, produced six- to sevenfold increases in tRNALeu1 levels. This level of tRNALeu1 titrated the modification system as judged by RPC-5 column chromatography. Overall, our results suggest that hypomodified tRNA may explain, in part, the observed effects on growth, and that the protein-synthesizing system can tolerate an enormous increase in the concentration of a single tRNA.  相似文献   

The impact of ozone on the immunity-impairing activity of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was studied. Phagocytosis by rat peritoneal macrophages, which was found to be suppressed in the presence of AFB1, remained unimpaired when the applied AFB1 was pretreated with ozone (1.2 mg 1-1) for 6 min at a flow rate of 40 ml min-1. Hence, application of ozone on AFB1-contaminated foodcrops seems to be a promising preventive measure against any adverse immunological disorder in consumers.  相似文献   

The uptake of [57Co]B13 (cyanocobalamin) by Euglena gracilis strain Z (ATCC 12716) occurred in 2 distinct phases-an initial rapid phase followed by a slower secondary phase. This secondary phase appeared after the saturation of the binding sites involved in the initial rapid phase and was energy-dependent and completely inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenot, KCN and sodium azide. the subcellular localization of labeled cyanocobalamin taken up by the cell was mostly contained in the chloroplast fraction. the time course and the saturation kinetics of B12 uptake by purified chloroplast fraction indicated that this fraction and the intact cell had a similar affinity for the vitamin B12. This suggested that the chloroplasts contained the binding sites for vitamin 12 and might regulate the uptake process in the intact cell. the kinetic properties of the overall 12 uptake mechanism suggested that the initial phase represent the binding of vitamin 12 to the available sites on the chloroplast. the secondary phase may represent the de novo synthesis of new binding sites.  相似文献   

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