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Flow cytometry was used to determine ploidy levels in the Czech and Slovak taxa of the genusPseudolysimachion (W.D.J. Koch)Opiz (=Veronica auct. p.p.,Scrophulariaceae). In total, 123 populations from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine (one locality), Austria (one locality) and Hungary (one locality) were analyzed. InP. maritimum (L.)Á. Löve etD. Löve andP. spicatum (L.)Opiz, two cytotypes were found: diploid (2n=2x=34) and tetraploid (2n=4x=68). In both species the tetraploid cytotype predominated (P. maritimum: 41 tetraploid populations out of 45;P. spicatum: 57 tetraploid populations out of 58). The two cytotypes ofP. maritimum have no taxonomic significance because ploidy level is not obviously correlated with morphology, distribution pattern or ecology. Tetraploid populations ofP. spicatum belong to two morphologically different subspecies, subsp.spicatum and subsp.fischeri Trávní?ek. The diploid cytotype (one population only) should be provisionally classified as a third subspecies ofP. spicatum, which is morphologically similar to the Asian subsp.porphyrianum (Pavlov)Trávní?ek. Only diploid plants (2n=2x=34) ofP. orchideum (Crantz)Wraber were found; all 13 populations that were analyzed belong toP. orchideum s.str. One diploid population sample ofP. spurium subsp.foliosum (Waldst. etKit.)Holub (2n=2x=34) and one tetraploid sample ofP. incanum subsp.pallens (Host)Trávní?ek (2n=4x=68) were also analyzed. In addition, three tetraploid populations of hybrid origin were investigated:P. maritimum ×P. spicatum subsp.spicatum (one population) andP. maritimum ×P. spurium subsp.foliosum (two populations). While hybrid plants ofP. maritimum ×P. spicatum arose from tetraploid parental species, plants ofP. maritimum ×P. spurium probably resulted from a cross between tetraploidP. maritimum and diploidP. spurium. The putative origin and evolutionary importance of polyploids in thePseudolysimachion are discussed.  相似文献   

Data on differentiation of the polyploid complex of Suaeda corniculata (C.A. Mey.) Bunge in East Siberia based on variability of morphological characteristics, karyological analysis, and genetic polymorphism in inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were given for the first time. It was established that the samples studied belonged to three cytotypes: diploids (2n = 2x = 18), tetraploids (2n = 4x = 36) and hexaploids (2n = 6x = 54). The analysis of variability of morphological characteristics by the method of principal coordinates showed division of the samples into three separate groups. On the basis of morphological and molecular-genetic methods, a genetically differentiated diploid population was revealed in Yakutia.  相似文献   

Prunus fruticosa is a rare shrub occurring in Eurasian thermophilous forest-steppe alliances. The species frequently hybridizes with cultivated Prunus species in Europe (allochthonous tetraploid P. cerasus and partly indigenous diploid P. avium). Propidium iodide flow cytometry, distance-based morphometrics, elliptic Fourier analysis and embryology were employed to evaluate the extent of hybridization in six Slovak populations. Flow cytometric analyses revealed three ploidy levels: diploid (P. avium), triploid (P. × mohacsyana) and tetraploid (P. fruticosa, P. × eminens and P. cerasus). In addition, P. fruticosa and P. cerasus, at the tetraploid level, were found to differ in absolute genome size. An embryological evaluation suggested the existence of a triploid block in P. × mohacsyana and significant potential for hybridization among tetraploid taxa (indicated also by a continuous distribution of genome size data and further mirrored by morphometrics). Although hybrids significantly differ in ploidy level and embryological characteristics, they are almost indistinguishable using morphological characters. Hybridization with P. cerasus thus turns out to be a significant threat to wild populations of P. fruticosa compared to the relatively weak influence of P. avium.  相似文献   

The location of 5S and 35S rDNA sequences in chromosomes of four Aconitum subsp. Aconitum species was analyzed after fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Both in diploids (2n?=?2x?=?16; Aconitum variegatum, A. degenii) and tetraploids (2n?=?4×?=?32; A. firmum, A. plicatum), rDNA repeats were localized exclusively on the shorter arms of chromosomes, in subterminal or pericentromeric sites. All analyzed species showed similar basal genome size (Cx?=?5.31–5.71 pg). The most striking features of tetraploid karyotypes were the conservation of diploid rDNA loci and emergence of many additional 5S rDNA clusters. Chromosomal distribution of excessive ribosomal sites suggests their role in the secondary diploidization of tetraploid karyotypes.  相似文献   

Rhizomatosae is a taxonomic section of the South American genus Arachis, whose diagnostic character is the presence of rhizomes in all its species. This section is of particular evolutionary interest because it has three polyploid (A. pseudovillosa, A. nitida and A. glabrata, 2n?=?4x?=?40) and only one diploid (A. burkartii, 2n?=?2x?=?20) species. The phylogenetic relationships of these species as well as the polyploidy nature and the origin of the tetraploids are still controversial. The present study provides an exhaustive analysis of the karyotypes of all rhizomatous species and six closely related diploid species of the sections Erectoides and Procumbentes by cytogenetic mapping of DAPI/CMA heterochromatin bands and 5S and 18–26S rDNA loci. Chromosome banding showed variation in the DAPI heterochromatin distribution pattern, which, together with the number and distribution of rDNA loci, allowed the characterization of all species studied here. The bulk of chromosomal markers suggest that the three rhizomatous tetraploid species constitute a natural group and may have at least one common diploid ancestor. The cytogenetic data of the diploid species analyzed evidenced that the only rhizomatous diploid species—A. burkartii—has a karyotype pattern different from those of the rhizomatous tetraploids, showing that it is not likely the genome donor of the tetraploids and the non-monophyletic nature of the section Rhizomatosae. Thus, the tetraploid species should be excluded from the R genome, which should remain exclusively for A. burkartii. Instead, the karyotype features of these tetraploids are compatible with those of different species of the sections Erectoides and Procumbentes (E genome species), suggesting the hypothesis of multiple origins of these tetraploids. In addition, the polyploid nature and the group of diploid species closer to the tetraploids are discussed.  相似文献   


Key message

Genome-wide association analysis in tetraploid wheat revealed novel and diverse loci for seedling and field resistance to stripe rust in elite spring durum wheat accessions from worldwide.


Improving resistance to stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a major objective for wheat breeding. To identify effective stripe rust resistance loci, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted using 232 elite durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) lines from worldwide breeding programs. Genotyping with the 90 K iSelect wheat single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array resulted in 11,635 markers distributed across the genome. Response to stripe rust infection at the seedling stage revealed resistant and susceptible accessions present in rather balanced frequencies for the six tested races, with a higher frequency of susceptible responses to United States races as compared to Italian races (61.1 vs. 43.1% of susceptible accessions). Resistance at the seedling stage only partially explained adult plant resistance, which was found to be more frequent with 67.7% of accessions resistant across six nurseries in the United States. GWAS identified 82 loci associated with seedling stripe rust resistance, five of which were significant at the false discovery rate adjusted P value <0.1 and 11 loci were detected for the field response at the adult plant stages in at least two environments. Notably, Yrdurum-1BS.1 showed the largest effect for both seedling and field resistance, and is therefore considered as a major locus for resistance in tetraploid wheat. Our GWAS study is the first of its kind for stripe rust resistance in tetraploid wheat and provides an overview of resistance in elite germplasm and reports new loci that can be used in breeding resistant cultivars.

Prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata Link) is a polyploid Chloridoid grass with tetraploid (2n = 40), hexaploid (2n = 60), and octoploid (2n = 80) cytotypes and is a potential dedicated energy crop with promising yields in marginal environments. Efforts to breed prairie cordgrass are currently hampered by the lack of a linkage map, the lack of a Chloridoid reference genome, and the lack of information on inheritance patterns (disomic versus polysomic). Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) was applied to a population of 85 progenies from a reciprocal cross of heterozygous tetraploid parents. A total of 26,418 SNPs were discovered, with a distribution of allele frequencies suggesting disomic inheritance. A filtered set of 3034 single-dose, high-coverage SNPs was used for pseudo-testcross mapping with 63 progenies, resulting in two parental maps of 20 linkage groups containing 1522 and 1016 SNPs and a nearly 1:1 ratio of coupling to repulsion phase linkages, again suggesting disomic inheritance. Genomic contigs from tef, another Chloridoid grass, were used as a bridge to associate genetic markers in prairie cordgrass with unique positions in the sorghum genome, providing a glimpse into synteny between Chloridoids and other grasses. GBS enabled rapid generation of a linkage map that will aid in future breeding and genomics efforts in prairie cordgrass.  相似文献   

Research was undertaken to clarify the taxonomic identity of leaf rust (Pucciniales) fungi on bioenergy switchgrass in the Eastern and Central U.S. We integrated internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) and partial 28S ribosomal RNA gene sequence data from collections taken from cultivated switchgrass and herbarium specimens, including purported aecial and telial states of Puccinia graminicola and Puccinia pammelii. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses revealed four monophyletic clades: Puccinia emaculata sensu stricto (s.s.), P. pammelii, P. graminicola, and Puccinia novopanici. Results also indicated that P. emaculata s.s. was not affecting cultivated, bioenergy switchgrass. Aecidium pammelii and P. pammelii were distinct phylogenetically from P. emaculata s.s. and grouped within a well-supported clade, demonstrating aecial-telial host alternation for P. pammelii between Euphorbia corollata and switchgrass. Aecidium stillingiae on queen’s delight (Stillingia sylvatica)—a purported aecial state host for P. graminicola—shared identical sequences with the recently described species Puccinia pascua. The latter fungus, however, was recovered within a subclade of P. graminicola. Hence, queen’s delight likely is not an aecial host to P. graminicola s.s. Additional molecular studies are warranted to determine species boundaries within the P. graminicola complex. The majority of contemporary collections from cultivated switchgrass were recognized as P. novopanici. Collectively, bioenergy switchgrass is host to at least three phylogenetically distinct species, presenting a significant challenge to the future selection and breeding of switchgrass with improved rust resistance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the geographical and ecological distribution of Allium scorodoprasum cytotypes in Lithuania. 46 populations were studied: environmental variables were recorded and somatic chromosome numbers of 797 individuals from all populations were assessed. Diploids were found in 13 populations in the northern part of the study area, while triploids occurred in 33 populations from the western part of Lithuania. A. scorodoprasum frequently occurred in river valleys, particularly in the rarely flooded high level floodplains or on lower terraces. Only one population was recorded in Alno-Ulmion forest and three on the Glechometalia hederaceae forest edges, while 42 populations occurred in mesophilous or semidry Arrhenatheretalia elatioris, Mesobromion erecti and Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei grasslands. No distinct differences in relative frequencies of diploid and triploid cytotypes in different plant communities were found whereas the soil chemical composition between the habitats of both cytotypes differed statistically. These differences however were indicative of the geographical separation of habitats rather than ecological differentiation between the two cytotypes. The results suggest that there were at least two separate roads of colonization of diploid and triploid A. scorodoprasum into Lithuania.  相似文献   

Measurements of the pollen size in 5 species of Taraxacum sect. Palustria at three levels of ploidy: 2n = 3x = 24 (T. paucilobum), 2n = 4x = 32 (T. vindobonense, T. trilobifolium), 2n = 5x = 40 (T. mendax) and one taxon of unknown number of chromosomes 2n = ? (T. portentosum) are presented in this paper. Obtained results indicate a lack of distinct positive correlation between the pollen size and ploidy in the studied group of plants. Distinct relationship was, however, found between ploidy and the range of pollen size and shape variability. Most variable were the pollen grains of triploid T. paucilobum and the least — those in pentaploid T. mendax. Ranges of pollen variability in tetraploid T. trilobifolium and T. vindobonense and in T. portentosum of unknown number of chromosomes showed intermediate values.  相似文献   

Enzymes of the chalcone synthase (CHS) family catalyze the generation of multiple secondary metabolites in fungi, plants, and bacteria. These metabolites have played key roles in antimicrobial activity, UV protection, flower pigmentation, and pollen fertility during the evolutionary process of land plants. We performed a genome-wide investigation about CHS genes in rice (Oryza sativa). The phylogenetic relationships, gene structures, chromosomal locations, and functional predictions of the family members were examined. Twenty-seven CHS family genes (OsCHS0127) were identified in the rice genome and were found to cluster into six classes according to their phylogenetic relationships. The 27 OsCHS genes were unevenly distributed on six chromosomes, and 17 genes were found in the genome duplication zones with two segmental duplication and five tandem duplication events that may have played key roles in the expansion of the rice CHS gene family. In addition, the OsCHS genes exhibited diverse expression patterns under salicylic acid treatment. Our results revealed that the OsCHS genes exhibit both diversity and conservation in many aspects, which will contribute to further studies of the function of the rice CHS gene family and provide a reference for investigating this family in other plants.  相似文献   

Eutrema edwardsii R.Br. (Brassicaceae) is an arctic-alpine mustard with a circumpolar distribution. Its closest relative, Eutrema penlandii Rollins, is a federally listed, threatened species that is endemic to the Mosquito Range in the Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA. As part of a larger project addressing the systematics of this species complex in North America, we conducted chromosome counts, flow cytometry, and allozyme analysis to test the hypothesis that these taxa comprise an autopolyploid complex. Within that context, it should be noted that a chromosome count has not been reported previously for E. penlandii. Results obtained from mitotic counts obtained for two populations of E. penlandii reveal this taxon to be diploid. Diploidy was confirmed using flow cytometry for an additional 15 individuals representing four populations. Previously published chromosome counts for E. edwardsii reveal a polyploid complex of tetraploid, hexaploid, and octaploid populations for which an autopolyploid origin has been presumed. However, allozyme analysis revealed an allopolyploid origin for E. edwardsii, as evidenced from fixed heterozygosity at six loci. Although our data suggest that E. penlandii is a close relative of one of the progenitors of E. edwardsii, the taxonomic identity of the other progenitor(s) cannot be elucidated from these data. The data reported herein support the recognition of E. penlandii as taxonomically distinct, which has implications for conservation, and reveal cryptic variation within E. edwardsii.  相似文献   

Triticum timopheevii (2n = 4x = 28, GGAtAt) is a tetraploid wheat formerly cultivated in western Georgia. The natural allopolyploid Triticum zhukovskyi is a hexaploid taxon originated from hybridization of T. timopheevii with cultivated einkorn T. monococcum (2n = 2x = 14, AmAm). Karyotypically T. timopheevii and T. zhukovskyi differ from other tetraploid and hexaploid wheats and were assigned to the section Timopheevii of the genus Triticum L. Triticum timopheevii and T. zhukovskyi are resistant to many fungal diseases and therefore could potentially be utilized for wheat improvement. We were aiming to precisely identify all T. timopheevii chromosomes and to trace the evolution of T. zhukovskyi. For this, we developed a set of molecular cytogenetic landmarks based on eleven DNA probes. Each chromosome can now be characterized by two to eight probes. The pTa-535 sequence allows the identification of all At-genome chromosomes, whereas G-genome and some At-genome chromosomes can be identified using (GAA/CTT) n and pSc119.2 probes. The probes pAesp_SAT86, pAs1, Spelt-1, Spelt-52 and 5S and 45S rDNA can be applied as additional markers to discriminate particular chromosomes or chromosomal regions. The distribution of (GAA/CTT) n , pTa-535 and pSc119.2 DNA probes on T. timopheevii chromosomes is distinct from other tetraploid wheats and can therefore be used to track individual chromosomes in introgression programs. Our study confirms the origin of T. zhukovskyi from hybridization of T. timopheevii with T. monococcum; however, we show that the emergence was accompanied by changes involving mostly At-genome chromosomes. This may be due to the presence of two closely related A-genomes in the T. zhukovskyi karyotype.  相似文献   


Key message

Allotetraploidization drives Glu-1Ay silencing in polyploid wheat.


The high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit gene, Glu-1Ay, is always silenced in common wheat via elusive mechanisms. To investigate its silencing and heredity during wheat polyploidization and domestication, the Glu-1Ay gene was characterized in 1246 accessions containing diploid and polyploid wheat worldwide. Eight expressed Glu-1Ay alleles (in 71.81% accessions) and five silenced alleles with a premature termination codon (PTC) were identified in Triticum urartu; 4 expressed alleles (in 41.21% accessions), 13 alleles with PTCs and 1 allele with a WIS 2-1A retrotransposon were present in wild tetraploid wheat; and only silenced alleles with PTC or WIS 2-1A were in cultivated tetra- and hexaploid wheat. Both the PTC number and position in T. urartu Glu-1Ay alleles (one in the N-terminal region) differed from its progeny wild tetraploid wheat (1–5 PTCs mainly in the repetitive domain). The WIS 2-1A insertion occurred?~?0.13 million years ago in wild tetraploid wheat, much later than the allotetraploidization event. The Glu-1Ay alleles with PTCs or WIS 2-1A that arose in wild tetraploid wheat were fully succeeded to cultivated tetraploid and hexaploid wheat. In addition, the Glu-1Ay gene in wild einkorn inherited to cultivated einkorn. Our data demonstrated that the silencing of Glu-1Ay in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat was attributed to the new PTCs and WIS 2-1A insertion in wild tetraploid wheat, and most silenced alleles were delivered to the cultivated tetraploid and hexaploid wheat, providing a clear evolutionary history of the Glu-1Ay gene in the wheat polyploidization and domestication processes.

Most perennial herbaceous plants are able to reproduce vegetatively as well as sexually. Sometimes, such plants may lose the capacity for sexual reproduction. We have studied the case of sterility in triploid populations (2n = 3x = 45) of Gladiolus tenuis M.Bieb. in a considerable part of its area of distribution. Initially, we recorded the presence of a large clone of G. tenuis to the east of the Volga River, as a result of isozyme analysis. We also used AFLP fingerprinting to genotype 55 samples from 10 populations of G. tenuis and one population of the closely related G. imbricutus L. This analysis revealed an extremely low genetic diversity in sterile triploid populations of G. tenuis and a rather high genetic diversity in fertile tetraploid populations (2n = 4x = 60) over most of the area of this species. Genetic distances between fertile and sterile populations of G. tenuis were similar to those between different species of gladioli. It appears that a single sterile genotype has spread vegetatively over 800 km, propagating by daughter corms. The study of the reproductive features of G. tenuis suggests that the cause of sterility may be self-incompatibility between individuals of the clone.  相似文献   

The genome mining of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) revealed a total of 37 putative Dof genes using NCBI BLAST search against the genome with a highly conserved Dof domain. The translated Dof proteins possessed 150–493 amino acid residues with molecular weight ranging from 16.9 to 54.4 kD and pI varied from 4.98 to 9.64 as revealed by ExPASy server ProtParam. The exon–intron organization showed predominance of intronless Dof genes in chickpea. The predicted Dof genes were distributed among the eight chromosomes with a maximum of 9 Dof genes present on chromosome 7 and a single Dof gene was found on chromosome 8.The predominance of segmental gene duplication as compared to tandem duplication was observed which might be the prime cause of Dof gene family expansion in chickpea. The cis-regulatory element analysis revealed the presence of light-responsive, hormone-responsive, endosperm-specific, meristem-specific and stress-responsive elements. Comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of Dof genes of chickpea with Arabidopsis, rice, soybean and pigeonpea revealed several orthologs and paralogs assisting in understanding the putative functions of CaDof genes. The functional divergence and site-specific selective pressures of chickpea Dof genes have been investigated. The bioinformatics-based genome-wide assessment of Dof gene family of chickpea attempted in the present study could be a significant step for deciphering novel Dof genes based on genome-wide expression profiling.  相似文献   

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