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The immune responsiveness of the progeny of BALB/c mice, responsive to M. arthritidis superantigen (MAS), and C57BL/6 mice, nonresponsive to MAS, infected with M. arthritidis during the second half of pregnancy was studied. The investigation revealed that in responsive animals the proliferative response of spleen cells to MAS was suppressed with the level of response to concanavalin A remaining unchanged. The spleen cells of the test mice reacted to syngenic intact cells as to xenogenic ones and suppressed reaction to MAS and the production of interleukin 1 in the culture of spleen cells taken from the intact syngenic animals. The data obtained in this study suggest that after the infection of pregnant BALB/c mice with M. arthritidis immune tolerance to MAS developed in their progeny, which was accompanied by the induction of suppressor cells inhibiting the production of interleukin 1.  相似文献   

Immunological responses of the rat to Mycoplasma arthritidis   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
Arthritis was produced in rats by the intravenous injection of Mycoplasma arthritidis. Metabolic inhibiting antibody and indirect hemagglutinating antibody could not be detected in the sera of arthritic or convalescent animals. Nonmurine species of mycoplasma were capable of inducing metabolic inhibiting antibody in the rat. A hypothesis based upon the possible occurrence of heterogenetic antigens common to M. arthritidis and rat tissue was brought forward to explain these findings. Complement-fixing antibody to M. arthritidis was detected 3 to 4 days after injection and subsequently rose to high levels, depending upon the severity of arthritis and number of organisms injected. Animals that had recovered from intravenous or subcutaneous inoculation with M. arthritidis were resistant to subsequent infections by the organism. Immunity could be passively transferred by the intravenous injection of convalescent serum. Adsorption of the convalescent serum with antigen greatly reduced the complement fixation titer but did not significantly alter the protective properties of the serum. The presence of complement-fixing antibody could not be related to the development of immunity. An avirulent strain of M. arthritidis and a strain previously classified as M. hominis type 2 were capable of inducing resistance to subsequent injection by virulent M. arthritidis.  相似文献   

The effect of a single injection of live M. arthritidis microorganisms on the bone marrow and spleen CFU-S populations was assessed. One of the principal findings is that marrow CFU-S are recruited into cell cycle (as determined by hydroxyurea kill) early after M. arthritidis administration and stay in the cycle for at least 2 weeks thereafter. The peak level of cycling value (47%) was observed on day 4. The duration of increased CFU-S cycling activity was shown to coincide with a time period during which a significant rise in the number of endogenous CFU-S was maintained. The other important finding is that splenic seeding efficiency ("f-factor") declines by 56% one day following M. arthritidis administration. The latter effect could be attributed to the binding of mycoplasmas to the surface of CFU-S as specific rabbit antiserum against M. arthritidis incubated in vitro with the bone marrow cells of infected donor mice caused an up to 48% reduction in the in vivo colony-forming ability of CFU-S.  相似文献   

The in vitro treatment of the mouse spleen cells immunized by the ram erythrocytes with the rabbit and mouse sera against the thermoaggregated mouse immunoglobulins resulted in the inhibition of antigen binding receptors of rosette forming cells. The mouse serum, unlike the rabbit one, induced the inactivation of receptors in rosette forming lymphocytes both in the non-immune and immune mice on the 8th day after the antigenic stimulation. The treatment of bone marrow cells from the intact mice with these sera increased insignificantly the number of hemopoietic colonies in the spleens of lethally irradiated syngenic recipients and stimulated markedly the migration of spleen cells. This may be due both to the direct effect of these sera and to their mediated (through the humoral factor) influence. The inactivation of antigen binding receptors in the spleen rosette forming cells suggests the presence of immunoglobulins on the membrane of B-lymphocytes in the aggregated state or in the form of antigen--antibody complexes.  相似文献   

The phagocytic activity of mononuclear phagocytes of A/J mice and Wistar rats was estimated by the carbon clearance test following injection of Mycoplasma arthritidis. In mice, the overall phagocytic activity was significantly increased at the end of the first week (P less than 0.0001), but the increase was marginal by the third and fourth weeks after injection. A significant increase in the relative weight of liver and spleen was observed even when phagocytic activity had returned to levels similar to those of controls (P less than 0.001). In rats, the overall phagocytic activity was significantly increased until the fourth week (P less than 0.00001). There was not, however, an increase in the relative weight of liver and spleen as observed for the mice. The results are discussed in the context of factors contributing to the pathogenic mechanisms responsible for differences in the patterns of arthritis due to mycoplasma observed in mice and rats.  相似文献   

Abstract The activity of phagocytes from A/J mice was estimated by the carbon clearance test following injection of Mycoplasma arthritidis . Phagocytic activity was significantly depressed 12 h post-infection ( P =0.001) and returned to normal values at 24 h. For animals examined 2 and 7 days post-infection, the overall phagocytic activity increased significantly ( P <10−4). Phagocytic activity gradually decreased and returned to that of the control group by the end of the fourth week. The relative weights of liver and spleen were significantly increased from the 2nd day post infection ( P =0.0028 and P =0.0014 respectively) and remained increased until the end of the experiment. The early depressive effect on phagocytic activity may be related to superantigen activity with the production of mediators such as macrophage deactivating factor. The later expansion of the macrophage population might bring about the stimulation of autoreactive clones of T and B cells and be responsible for the chronic arthritis that developed in the mycoplasma treated mice.  相似文献   

The optimum composition of several serum-free media has been established for a long-term cultivation of hybridomas, lymphoid and erythroleukemic cells. The medium DME/F12 appeared to be the medium of choice. It is necessary to supplement the basic medium with lipid and iron transport proteins (bovine serum albumin, transferrin) and peptide hormone (insulin) for obtaining stable results. However, there are differences in successful growth of examined cell lines under serum-free conditions: some of them acquire saturation density comparable with that of the control medium (hybridomas derived from myeloma Sp2/0-Ag14, cell lines K-562, Raji) but other lines do not (hybridoma derived from myeloma NS0/1, cell lines Namalwa, RPMI 1788, Molt-4). Thus, these serum-free media are not universal, therefore each new hybridoma and cell line should be tested to determine the suitability for them of some proposed media. The high effectiveness of cultivation under serum-free conditions can be presumably achieved by optimization of both qualitative and quantitative composition of the serum replacement and of the basic medium.  相似文献   

When transplanting the bone marrow cells from adult C57BL mice to the lethally irradiated (CBA X C57BL) F1 hybrids of different age, the decrease of the colony forming activity of the stem haemopoietic cells was observed in the spleen of the older recipients, as compared with the 3 months old ones. The joint transplantation of the bone marrow and thymus cells resulted in both the cases in the stimulation of the growth of colonies. The number of endogenous colonies of haemopoietic cells arising in the spleen of animals following the sublethal irradiation was greater in younger hybrids. After the induction of the "transplant versus host" reaction by the lymph node or spleen cells from the CBA mice, the relative weight of spleen and regional lymph node, respectively, in the older recipients exceeded those in the younger ones.  相似文献   

Lysogenization of Mycoplasma arthritidis with the MAV1 bacteriophage increases the virulence of the mycoplasma in rats. The MAV1 vir gene is one of only two constitutively transcribed phage genes in the lysogen. We show here that Vir is a lipoprotein and is located on the outer surface of the cell membrane. To investigate whether Vir is a virulence factor, the vir gene was cloned into the transposon vector Tn4001T and inserted in the genome of the nonlysogen strain 158. The virulence of the resulting transformants was no different from that of the parent strain. Interestingly, all vir-containing transformants were resistant to infection by MAV1. Vir had no effect on MAV1 adsorption. We conclude that Vir is not a virulence factor but functions to exclude superinfecting phage, possibly by blocking the injection of phage DNA into the bacterial cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Study of the toxic properties of the preparations obtained from M. arthritidis has revealed that the cytotoxic activity of M. arthritidis is mainly linked with the cytoplasmic membrane and, partially, with the cytoplasmic fraction. The membrane substances of M. fermentans and the products of its vital activity are toxic with respect to target cells, the component translocated into the culture medium consisting of globular proteins. Interaction of the cytoplasmic membranes of these Mycoplasma species, as well as of the fractions of M. fermentans globular proteins, with rat lymphocytes is accompanied by a cytodestructive effect and an increased permeability for toxic dyes.  相似文献   

The attachment of Mycoplasma pulmonis m53 organisms to mouse and rat synovial cells was examined by using the organisms and the synovial cells treated in various ways. M. pulmonis treated with trypsin attached to the synovial cells, but the organisms treated with pronase, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, or heat did not. These findings suggest that the sites for binding M. pulmonis to the mouse and rat synovial cells are of polypeptide nature. Treatment of M. pulmonis with sialic acid and treatment of the synovial cell sheets with neuraminidase did not affect the attachment. The synovial cell surface for receptors M. pulmonis organisms would be different from those on respiratory cells or erythrocytes for M. pneumoniae or M. gallisepticum. Even nonviable organisms and M. pulmonis membranes attached to the mouse or rat synovial cells. The nature of the receptor of mouse synovial cells would be different from that of rat cells, since rat cells were affected by treatment with formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde, but mouse cells were not.  相似文献   

M. arthritidis suppresses rosette- and plaque-formation in rats infected with this strain of mycoplasma. On the 15th day the immune response was restored in the control and experimental groups of animals. In later stages a strong stimulation of RFC and PFC was recorded, which levelled on day 150. On the contrary, A. laidlawii stimulated RFC and PFC in all stages of infection. A relationship between the phenomena described and pathogenic properties of the mycoplasma is discussed.  相似文献   

The capacity of spleen, thymus, and bone marrow cells of intact (control) and of hydrocortisone-treated mice CBA to induce the lymph node type of graft-v-host reaction (GVHR) in hybrids F1 (CBA X c57bl) was studied. After hydrocortisone injection (2.5 mg per mouse) the donor spleen cells became more active in GVHR, considering the value of lymph node indices and immunoblast content in the regional lymph node as compared with a control group. Following transplantation of thymus cells taken from the hydrocortison-treated donors the immunoblast count was higher, although the lymph node weight remained the same as in the control group. On the contrary, following the transfer of the bone marrow cells from the hydrocortisone-treated mice the lymph nodes enlarged, while the immunoblast count remained as low as in control. Consequently, exogenously conditioned increase in the hydrocortisone level was accompanied by an enrichment of the spleen and thymus cell populations with T-lymphocytes, proliferating in response to H-alloantigens.  相似文献   

Early alterations in the enzyme activities controlling cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) metabolism after the irradiation (800 rad) of mice were found in the lymphoid cells of the spleen and thymus. Postradiation disturbances in these activities' ration induced alterations in cAMP steady-state concentrations in the cell. It was also demonstrated that irradiation reduced lymphoid cell ability to accumulate cAMP in response to isoproterenol administration.  相似文献   

The optimum parameters of the immunoenzyme assay system for the identification of antibodies to M. arthritidis and M. fermentans in the sera of patients with rheumatoid arthritis have been established. The investigation has shown that the products obtained by the ultrasonic disintegration of the biomass of M. arthritidis and M. fermentans can be used as soluble antigens for adsorption on the polystyrene surface of plates. The use of the immunonenzyme assay, specially modified, has made it possible to establish that antibodies to M. arthritidis can be detected in 6.5% of cases, antibodies to M. fermentans, in 41.9% of cases and the association of antibodies to M. arthritidis and M. fermentans, in 41.9% of cases. At the same time antibodies to M. arthritidis have been found to belong mainly to IgM and antibodies to M. fermentans, to IgG or to IgG and IgM simultaneously.  相似文献   

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