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A new strategy for the sequential assignment of backbone proton resonances in larger proteins involving a unique combination of four types of heteronuclear three-dimensional (3D) NMR spectroscopies is reported. This method relies on the uniform labeling of amide nitrogens with 15N and of alpha-carbons with 13C. Heteronuclear 1H-15N TOCSY-HMQC and NOESY-HMQC experiments can reveal connections between cross-peaks arising from the NHi-C alpha Hi-1 and NHi-C alpha Hi connectivities in the finger-print region in in general. They also specifically reveal the sequential amide-amide connectivities among the amide cross-peaks for the alpha-helices. Heteronuclear 1H-13C HMQC-TOCSY and HMQC-NOESY experiments can reveal connections between cross-peaks arising from the NHi-C alpha Hi and NHi+1-C alpha Hi connectivities in the finger-print region in general. The combination of the two sets of results reveals the complete unambiguous sequential connection of cross-peaks for the proton resonances in the peptide backbone. The application of the new strategy is reported for a protein, ribonuclease H, with a molecular weight of 17.6 kDa. 相似文献
Studies on the solution conformation of human thioredoxin using heteronuclear 15N-1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The solution conformation of uniformly labeled 15N human thioredoxin has been studied by two-dimensional heteronuclear 15N-1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Assignments of the 15N resonances of the protein are obtained in a sequential manner using heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC), relayed HMQC-correlated (COSY), and relayed HMQC-nuclear Overhauser (NOESY) spectroscopy. Values of the 3JHN alpha splittings for 87 of the 105 residues of thioredoxin are extracted from a variant of the HMQC-COSY experiment, known as HMQC-J, and analyzed to give accurate 3JHN alpha coupling constants. In addition, long-range C alpha H(i)-15N(i + 1) scaler connectivities are identified by heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC) spectroscopy. The presence of these three-bond scaler connectivities in predominantly alpha-helical regions correlates well with the secondary structure determined previously from a qualitative analysis of homonuclear nuclear Overhauser data [Forman-Kay, J. D., Clore, G. M., Driscoll, P.C., Wingfield, P. T., Richards, F. M., & Gronenborn, A. M. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 7088-7097], suggesting that this technique may provide additional information for secondary structure determination a priori. The accuracy with which 3JHN alpha coupling constants can be obtained from the HMQC-J experiment permits a more precise delineation of the beginnings and ends of secondary structural elements of human thioredoxin and of irregularities in these elements. 相似文献
Brian J. Stockman Annica Euvrard David A. Kloosterman Terrence A. Scahill Richard P. Swenson 《Journal of biomolecular NMR》1993,3(2):133-149
Summary Sequence-specific 1H and 15N resonance assignments have been made for all 145 non-prolyl residues and for the flavin cofactor in oxidized Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin. Assignments were obtained by recording and analyzing 1H–15N heteronuclear three-dimensional NMR experiments on uniformly 15N-enriched protein, pH 6.5, at 300 K. Many of the side-chain resonances have also been assigned. Observed medium-and long-range NOEs, in combination with 3JNH coupling constants and 1HN exchange data, indicate that the secondary structure consists of a five-stranded parallel -sheet and four -helices, with a topology identical to that determined previously by X-ray crystallographic methods. One helix, which is distorted in the X-ray structure, is non-regular in solution as well. Several protein-flavin NOEs, which serve to dock the flavin ligand to its binding site, have also been identified. Based on fast-exchange into 2H2O, the 1HN3 proton of the isoalloxazine ring is solvent accessible and not strongly hydrogen-bonded in the flavin binding site, in contrast to what has been observed in several other flavodoxins. The resonance assignments presented here can form the basis for assigning single-site mutant flavodoxins and for correlating structural differences between wild-type and mutant flavodoxins with altered redox potentials. 相似文献
Determination of the three-dimensional solution structure of barnase using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
The solution conformation of the ribonuclease barnase has been determined by using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The 20 structures were calculated by using 853 interproton distance restraints obtained from analyses of two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser spectra, 72 phi and 53 chi 1 torsion angle restraints, and 17 hydrogen-bond distance restraints. The calculated structures contain two alpha-helices (residues 6-18 and 26-34) and a five-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet (residues 50-55, 70-75, 85-91, 94-101, and 105-108). The core of the protein is formed by the packing of one of the alpha-helices (residues 6-18) onto the beta-sheet. The average RMS deviation between the calculated structures and the mean structure is 1.11 A for the backbone atoms and 1.75 A for all atoms. The protein is least well-defined in the N-terminal region and in three large loops. When these regions are excluded, the average RMS deviation between the calculated structures and the mean structure for residues 5-34, 50-56, 71-76, 85-109 is 0.62 A for the backbone atoms and 1.0 A for all atoms. The NMR-derived structure has been compared with the crystal structure of barnase [Mauguen et al. (1982) Nature (London) 297, 162-164]. 相似文献
The solution structure of chemically synthesized iberiotoxin, a scorpion toxin that blocks Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels, has been determined using 2D 1H NMR spectroscopy. Analysis of the NOEs, coupling constants, and HN-DN exchange rates indicates the structure consists of an antiparallel beta-sheet from residues 25 to 36, with a type 1 turn at residues 30-31, and a helix from residues 13 to 21. The carboxyl-terminal residues form a short, and distorted, third strand of the sheet. The NMR data are consistent with disulfide bonds from residues 7 to 28, 13 to 33, and 17 to 35. The disulfide bridging presents the same profile as in other scorpion toxins, where a Cys-X-Cys sequence in a strand of sheet forms two disulfide bonds to a Cys-X-X-X-Cys sequence in a helix. Three-dimensional structures were generated using the torsion angle space program PEGASUS. The best ten structures had an average rmsd over all pairwise comparisons of 1.49 A. The average rmsd to a calculated average structure is 1.0 A. The resulting structures appear very similar to those of charybdotoxin, a related scorpion toxin. 相似文献
Determination of the three-dimensional structure of the Antennapedia homeodomain from Drosophila in solution by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
M Billeter Y Qian G Otting M Müller W J Gehring K Wüthrich 《Journal of molecular biology》1990,214(1):183-197
The determination of the three-dimensional structure of the Antennapedia homeodomain from Drosophila in solution is described. The techniques used are 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for the data collection, and calculation of the protein structure with the program DISMAN followed by restrained energy minimization with a modified version of the program AMBER. A group of 19 conformers characterizes a well-defined structure for residues 7 to 59, with an average root-mean-square distance from the backbone atoms of 0.6 A relative to the mean of the 19 structures. The structure contains a helix from residues 10 to 21, a helix-turn-helix motif from residues 28 to 52, which is similar to those reported for several prokaryotic repressor proteins, and a somewhat flexible fourth helix from residues 53 to 59, which essentially forms an extension of the presumed recognition helix, residues 42 to 52. The helices enclose a structurally well-defined molecular core of hydrophobic amino acid side-chains. 相似文献
R Powers D S Garrett C J March E A Frieden A M Gronenborn G M Clore 《Biochemistry》1992,31(17):4334-4346
The assignment of the 1H, 15N, 13CO, and 13C resonances of recombinant human interleukin-4 (IL-4), a protein of 133 residues and molecular mass of 15.4 kDa, is presented based on a series of 11 three-dimensional (3D) double- and triple-resonance heteronuclear NMR experiments. These studies employ uniformly labeled 15N- and 15N/13C-labeled IL-4 with an isotope incorporation of greater than 95% for the protein expressed in yeast. Five independent sequential connectivity pathways via one-, two-, and three-bond heteronuclear J couplings are exploited to obtain unambiguous sequential assignments. Specifically, CO(i)-N(i + 1),NH(i + 1) correlations are observed in the HNCO experiment, the C alpha H(i), C alpha (i)-N(i + 1) correlations in the HCA(CO)N experiment, the C alpha(i)-N(i + 1),NH(i + 1) correlations in the HNCA and HN(CO)CA experiments, the C alpha H(i)-N(i + 1),NH(i + 1) correlations in the H(CA)NH and HN(CO)HB experiments, and the C beta H(i)-N(i + 1),NH(i + 1) correlations in the HN(CO)HB experiments. The backbone intraresidue C alpha H(i)-15N(i)-NH(i) correlations are provided by the 15N-edited Hartmann-Hahn (HOHAHA) and H(CA)NH experiments, the C beta H(i)-15N(i)-NH(i) correlations by the 15N-edited HOHAHA and HNHB experiments, the 13C alpha(i)-15N(i)-NH(i) correlations by the HNCA experiment, and the C alpha H(i)-13C alpha(i)-13CO(i) correlations by the HCACO experiment. Aliphatic side-chain spin systems are assigned by 3D 1H-13C-13C-1H correlated (HCCH-COSY) and total correlated (HCCH-TOCSY) spectroscopy. Because of the high resolution afforded by these experiments, as well as the availability of multiple sequential connectivity pathways, ambiguities associated with the limited chemical shift dispersion associated with helical proteins are readily resolved. Further, in the majority of cases (88%), four or more sequential correlations are observed between successive residues. Consequently, the interpretation of these experiments readily lends itself to semiautomated analysis which significantly simplifies and speeds up the assignment process. The assignments presented in this paper provide the essential basis for studies aimed at determining the high-resolution three-dimensional structure of IL-4 in solution. 相似文献
D S Garrett R Powers C J March E A Frieden G M Clore A M Gronenborn 《Biochemistry》1992,31(17):4347-4353
The secondary structure of human recombinant interleukin-4 (IL-4) has been investigated by three-dimensional (3D) 15N- and 13C-edited nuclear Overhauser (NOE) spectroscopy on the basis of the 1H, 15N, and 13C assignments presented in the preceding paper [Powers, R., Garrett, D. S., March, C. J., Frieden, E. A., Gronenborn, A. M., & Clore, G. M. (1992) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)]. Based on the NOE data involving the NH, C alpha H, and C beta H protons, as well as 3JHN alpha coupling constant, amide exchange, and 13C alpha and 13C beta secondary chemical shift data, it is shown that IL-4 consists of four long helices (residues 9-21, 45-64, 74-96, and 113-129), two small helical turns (residues 27-29 and 67-70), and a mini antiparallel beta-sheet (residues 32-34 and 110-112). In addition, the topological arrangement of the helices and the global fold could be readily deduced from a number of long-range interhelical NOEs identified in the 3D 13C-edited NOE spectrum in combination with the spatial restrictions imposed by three disulfide bridges. These data indicate that the helices of interleukin-4 are arranged in a left-handed four-helix bundle with two overhand connections. 相似文献
J D Forman-Kay A M Gronenborn P T Wingfield G M Clore 《Journal of molecular biology》1991,220(2):209-216
The presence of bound water molecules in the solution structure of reduced human thioredoxin has been investigated using three-dimensional 1H rotating frame Overhauser 1H-15N multiple quantum coherence spectroscopy. It is demonstrated that the backbone amide protons of Lys21, Lys39, Lys82, Gly83 and Asn102, as well as the side-chain amide group of Asn102, are in close proximity to bound water molecules. Examination of the high-resolution solution structure of reduced human thioredoxin reveals that these results are best accounted for by four bound water molecules. Subsequent simulated annealing calculations carried out on the basis of interproton distance and hydrogen bonding restraints to the bound water molecules, supplemented by the original set of experimental restraints used in the calculation of the three-dimensional structure of human thioredoxin, permit a more precise localization of the bound water positions. Potential hydrogen bonds to these water molecules are described and a comparison is made to corresponding bound water molecules in the crystal structure of oxidized Escherichia coli thioredoxin. 相似文献
A study of the regular secondary structure elements of recombinant human interleukin-1 beta has been carried out using NMR spectroscopy. Using a randomly 15N labeled sample, a number of heteronuclear three- and two-dimensional NMR experiments have been performed, which have enabled a complete analysis of short-, medium-, and long-range NOEs between protons of the polypeptide backbone, based on the sequence-specific resonance assignments that have been reported previously [Driscoll, P. C., Clore, G. M., Marion, D., Wingfield, P. T., & Gronenborn, A. M. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 3542-3556]. In addition, accurate measurements of a large number of 3JHN alpha coupling constants have been carried out by two-dimensional heteronuclear multiple-quantum-coherence-J spectroscopy. Amide NH solvent exchange rates have been measured by following the time dependence of the 15N-1H correlation spectrum of interleukin-1 beta on dissolving the protein in D2O solution. Analysis of these data indicate that the structure of interleukin-1 beta consists of 12 extended beta-strands aligned in a single extended network of antiparallel beta-sheet structure that in part folds into a skewed six-stranded beta-barrel. In the overall structure the beta-strands are connected by tight turns, short loops, and long loops in a manner that displays approximate pseudo-three-fold symmetry. The secondary structure analysis is discussed in the light of the unrefined X-ray structure of interleukin-1 beta at 3-A resolution [Priestle, J. P., Sch?r, H.-P., & Grütter, M. G. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 339-343], as well as biological activity data. Discernible differences between the two studies are highlighted. Finally, we have discovered conformational heterogeneity in the structure of interleukin-1 beta, which is characterized by an exchange rate that is slow on the NMR chemical shift time scale. 相似文献
Barwin, a basic protein from barley seed of 125 amino acid residues, has been studied by two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This protein is closely related to the C-terminal domain of proteins whose synthesis is induced by wounding, the so-called win proteins. These proteins may, therefore, have a role in the defense against fungal attack. Full assignment of the 1H nuclear magnetic resonances has been obtained for 104 amino acid residues, and 18 amino acid spin systems were partially assigned. Sequence-specific assignment using nuclear Overhauser spectroscopy has been achieved for 122 of the 125 residues. This has revealed that the secondary structure of the protein is dominated by a large four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet consisting of the strands Gln2-Thr9, Lys65-Asn71, Gln77-Arg81, and His113-Val121, a small parallel beta-sheet of the strands Trp48-Cys52 and Asp84-Ala87, which together account for a third of the protein. Sequential effects indicate the presence of three small alpha-helices, Tyr30-Lys38, Leu40-Tyr46, and Thr97-Asp103. The secondary structure in other regions of the sequence is characterized mainly by loops and turns and regions where no regular secondary structure arrangement could be identified. A large number of long-range nuclear Overhauser effects has been identified, and these have been used, together with sequential and intranuclear Overhauser effects, for a calculation of the protein's three-dimensional structure. 相似文献
Essentially complete assignment of the proton resonances in the allergenic protein Amb a V has been made by analysis of two-dimensional NMR experiments. Conformational constraints were obtained in three forms: interproton distances derived from NOE cross-peak intensities of NOESY spectra, torsion angle constraints derived from J-coupling constants of COSY and PE-COSY spectra, and hydrogen bond constraints derived from hydrogen-exchange experiments. Conformations of Amb a V with low constraint violations were generated using dynamic simulated annealing in the program XPLOR. The refined structures are comprised of a C-terminal alpha-helix, a small segment of antiparallel beta-sheet, and several loops. A hydrophobic core exists at the interface of the alpha-helix and beta-sheet. The derived structure accounts for the several anomalous proton chemical shifts that are observed. The structure determined here for Amb a V is topologically similar to the structure determined previously for the homologous allergenic protein Amb t V [Metzler, W. J., Valentine, K., Roebber, M., Friedrichs, M. S., Marsh, D., & Mueller, L. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 5117-5127]; however, significant differences exist in the packing of side chains in the hydrophobic core of the molecules. Comparison of the detailed structural features of these two proteins will allow us to suggest surface substructures for the Amb V allergens that are likely to participate in B cell epitopes. 相似文献
Complete resonance assignment for the polypeptide backbone of interleukin 1 beta using three-dimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
The complete sequence-specific assignment of the 15N and 1H backbone resonances of the NMR spectrum of recombinant human interleukin 1 beta (153 residues, Mr = 17,400) has been obtained by using primarily 15N-1H heteronuclear three-dimensional (3D) NMR techniques in combination with 15N-1H heteronuclear and 1H homonuclear two-dimensional NMR. The fingerprint region of the spectrum was analyzed by using a combination of 3D heteronuclear 1H Hartmann-Hahn 15N-1H multiple quantum coherence (3D HOHAHA-HMQC) and 3D heteronuclear 1H nuclear Overhauser 15N-1H multiple quantum coherence (3D NOESY-HMQC) spectroscopies. We show that the problems of amide NH and C alpha H chemical shift degeneracy that are prevalent for proteins of this size are readily overcome by using the 3D heteronuclear NMR technique. A doubling of some peaks in the spectrum was found to be due to N-terminal heterogeneity of the 15N-labeled protein, corresponding to a mixture of wild-type and des-Ala-1-interleukin 1 beta. The complete list of 15N and 1H assignments is given for all the amide NH and C alpha H resonances of all non-proline residues, as well as the 1H assignments for some of the amino acid side chains. This first example of the sequence-specific assignment of a protein using heteronuclear 3D NMR provides a basis for further conformational and dynamic studies of interleukin 1 beta. 相似文献
W J Metzler K Valentine M Roebber M S Friedrichs D G Marsh L Mueller 《Biochemistry》1992,31(22):5117-5127
Analysis of two-dimensional NMR experiments has afforded essentially complete assignment of all proton resonances in the allergenic protein Amb t V. Conformational constraints were obtained from the NMR data in three forms: interproton distances derived from NOE cross-peak intensities of NOESY spectra, torsion angle constraints derived from J-coupling constants of COSY and PE-COSY spectra, and hydrogen bond constraints derived from hydrogen-exchange experiments. Conformations of Amb t V with low constraint violations were generated using dynamic simulated annealing in the program XPLOR. The refined structures are comprised of a C-terminal alpha-helix, a short stretch of triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet, and several loops. In addition, the cystine partners of the four disulfide linkages (for which there are no biochemical data) have been assigned. The refined structures of Amb t V will allow us to suggest surface substructures for the Amb V allergens that are likely to participate in B cell epitopes and will assist us in defining the Ia/T cell epitopes that interact with the MHC class II (or Ia) molecule and the T cell receptor leading to the induction of the immune response to Amb t V. 相似文献
Comparison of the solution nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystal structures of human recombinant interleukin-1 beta 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The solution structure of interleukin-1 beta determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is compared to three independently solved X-ray structures at 2 A resolution. It is shown that the solution and X-ray structures are very similar, both locally and globally. The atomic root-mean-square (r.m.s.) difference between the solution and X-ray structures is approximately 0.9 A for backbone atoms, approximately 1.5 A for all atoms and approximately 1 A for all atoms of internal residues. The largest differences are confined to some of the loops and turns connecting beta-strands. The atomic r.m.s. distribution of the 32 calculated solution structures about their mean co-ordinate positions (approximately 0.4 A for backbone atoms, approximately 0.8 A for all atoms and approximately 0.5 A for all atoms of internal residues) is approximately the same as the atomic r.m.s. differences between the three X-ray structures, indicating that the positional errors in the atomic co-ordinates determined by the two methods are similar. 相似文献
Determination of the secondary structure of interleukin-8 by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
G M Clore E Appella M Yamada K Matsushima A M Gronenborn 《The Journal of biological chemistry》1989,264(32):18907-18911
The solution conformation of interleukin-8 (IL-8), a small protein of 72 residues with a wide range of proinflammatory activities, has been investigated by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The 1H-NMR spectrum of IL-8 is assigned in a sequential manner and regular elements of secondary structure are identified on the basis of a qualitative interpretation of the nuclear Overhauser, coupling constant and amide exchange data. The IL-8 monomer contains a triple stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet arranged in a Greek key and a long C-terminal helix (residues 57-72). It is shown that IL-8 is a dimer in solution in which the interface is principally formed by six backbone hydrogen bonds between residues 25, 27, and 29 of one monomer and residues 29, 27, and 25, respectively, of the other. As a result, the two units of the dimer form a contiguous six-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet. The secondary structure of IL-8 is similar to that found in the crystal structure of the sequence related protein platelet factor 4. 相似文献
Aesculus hippocastanum antimicrobial protein 1 (Ah-AMP1) is a plant defensin isolated from horse chestnuts. The plant defensins have been divided in several subfamilies according to their amino acid sequence homology. Ah-AMP1, belonging to subfamily A2, inhibits growth of a broad range of fungi. So far, a three-dimensional structure has been determined only for members of subfamilies A3 and B2. In order to understand activity and specificity of these plant defensins, the structure of a protein belonging to subfamily A2 is needed. We report the three-dimensional solution structure of Ah-AMP1 as determined from two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance data. The structure features all the characteristics of the "cysteine-stabilized alpha beta-motif." A comparison of the structure, the electrostatic potential surface and regions important for interaction with the fungal receptor, is made with Rs-AFP1 (plant defensin of subfamily A3). Thus, residues important for activity and specificity have been assigned. 相似文献
Ninety-nine percent 15N-enriched flavins were synthesized and their proton decoupled 15N resonances were observed. The enriched compounds were [1,3-15N]riboflavin, [1,3,5-15N]riboflavin, [1,3-15N]riboflavin 5'-phosphate, [1,3,5-15N]riboflavin 5'-phosphate, and [1,3,5-15N] flavin adenine dinucleotide, [1,3,5-15N] lumiflavin, and [1,3,5-15N] lumichrome. By comparison of their spectra and from th- nuclear Overhauser effect data each 15N resonance peak could be assigned to each 15N nucleus. The order of the chemical shifts well corresponds to that of the calculated pi-electron densities. The N-3 nucleus gives the most intense inverted peak and the N-5 nucleus a small noninverted peak. By changing pH from neutral to alkaline, the chemical shift and the intensity of signal were mostly affected in the N-3 resonance of riboflavin 5'-phosphate. The N-5 signal of flavin adenine dinucleotide showed a fairly large downfield shift with the increase of temperature. These observations can be well interpreted by the chemical structure and the proposed conformation of riboflavin 5'-phosphate and flavin adenine dinucleotide. 相似文献