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Soil diatom communities within two breeding colonies of the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) on Île de la Possession (Crozet Archipelago) were investigated. Samples were collected around occupied and abandoned nests and compared with control samples taken from soils lacking any animal influence. A total of 163 diatom taxa has been identified. Differences in the diatom flora were recorded between the two colonies, but the results show that it is almost impossible to identify a single diatom community typical for albatross-influenced areas. Diatom species composition varied markedly between control samples, occupied and abandoned nests. A turnover in the diatom community (shift from eutraphentic to oligotraphentic taxa) was observed when moving away from both occupied and abandoned nests, although no significant differences in diversity have been found. In summary, soil diatom species composition seems to indicate the impact of animal perturbations. However, it is too early to draw sound conclusions and further studies regarding the topic should be performed to confirm the results of the present study.  相似文献   

Sex differences in lifespan and aging are widespread among animals. Since investment in current reproduction can have consequences on other life-history traits, the sex with the highest cost of breeding is expected to suffer from an earlier and/or stronger senescence. This has been demonstrated in polygynous species that are highly dimorphic. However in monogamous species where parental investment is similar between sexes, sex-specific differences in aging patterns of life-history traits are expected to be attenuated. Here, we examined sex and age influences on demographic traits in a very long-lived and sexually dimorphic monogamous species, the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans). We modelled within the same model framework sex-dependent variations in aging for an array of five life-history traits: adult survival, probability of returning to the breeding colony, probability of breeding and two measures of breeding success (hatching and fledging). We show that life-history traits presented contrasted aging patterns according to sex whereas traits were all similar at young ages. Both sexes exhibited actuarial and reproductive senescence, but, as the decrease in breeding success remained similar for males and females, the survival and breeding probabilities of males were significantly more affected than females. We discuss our results in the light of the costs associated to reproduction, age-related pairing and a biased operational sex-ratio in the population leading to a pool of non-breeders of potentially lower quality and therefore more subject to death or breeding abstention. For a monogamous species with similar parental roles, the patterns observed were surprising and when placed in a gradient of observed age/sex-related variations in life-history traits, wandering albatrosses were intermediate between highly dimorphic polygynous and most monogamous species.  相似文献   

We describe 10 new variable dinucleotide microsatellites in the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans, as well as conditions for multiplexing and simultaneous genotyping sets of loci. Their variability was assessed in two and one populations from the Crozet and Kerguelen archipelagos (southern Indian Ocean), respectively. Two to 13 alleles were detected per population, and the mean gene diversity was around 0.4. The low genetic differentiation suggests that these populations constitute a single panmictic unit. Cross‐species amplification provided some variability at three and five loci in two other marine birds (Bulweria bulwerii and Pagodroma nivea), but none in Calonectris diomedea.  相似文献   

Changes in the plumage of the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans were studied on the Crozet Islands, using a population of birds of known sex and age and including some birds more than 32 years old. Plumage phases of a cross-section of the male and female populations are presented. Males and females fledge with a dark brown plumage. Between the first and fourth year the male's plumage becomes much whiter than the female's. Between five and 15–18 years old the whitening of plumage in either sex develops in parallel though still separated by the extent of the initial divergence. Male plumage probably attains a definitive snowy stage after 30 years while the plumage of the female does not mature beyond an intermediate stage, which is reached after 20 to 25 years. Maturation of the plumage of head, back and wing are compared. In birds of similar age, breeding birds tend to have a whiter plumage than non-breeders. In the oceanic range of the species, white birds, i.e. mostly adult males, favour cold antarctic waters while dark birds, i.e. mostly adult females and juveniles, are observed in warmer subtropical and subantarctic waters. We discuss the possible adaptive significance of the slow maturation in the plumage of the wandering albatross and of the differences in plumage between sexes and between populations.  相似文献   

Burg TM  Croxall JP 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(8):2345-2355
A recent taxonomic revision of wandering albatross elevated each of the four subspecies to species. We used mitochondrial DNA and nine microsatellite markers to study the phylogenetic relationships of three species (Diomedea antipodensis, D. exulans and D. gibsoni) in the wandering albatross complex. A small number of samples from a fourth species, D. dabbenena, were analysed using mitochondrial DNA only. Mitochondrial DNA sequence analyses indicated the presence of three distinct groups within the wandering albatross complex: D. exulans, D. dabbenena and D. antipodensis/D. gibsoni. Although no fixed differences were found between D. antipodensis and D. gibsoni, a significant difference in the frequency of a single restriction site was detected using random fragment length polymorphism. Microsatellite analyses using nine variable loci, showed that D. exulans, D. antipodensis and D. gibsoni were genetically differentiated. Despite the widespread distribution of D. exulans, we did not detect any genetic differentiation among populations breeding on different island groups. The lower level of genetic differentiation between D. antipodensis and D. gibsoni should be reclassified as D. antipodensis. Within the context of the current taxonomy, these combined data support three species: D. dabbenena, D. exulans and D. antipodensis.  相似文献   

Numerous studies of wild animal species have documented that population level responses to environmental change are underpinned by individual level phenotypic plasticity. However, where the relationship between an individual trait and a climate variable occurs when both show a trend over time, phenotypic plasticity may be confounded by ageing. We investigated between and within individual change in laying date in the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans, a long‐lived species experiencing a dramatic decline in population size. Laying date has advanced over the last three decades. A mean‐centering analysis demonstrated that this pattern was driven by within‐individual changes as opposed to appearance or disappearance of phenotypes. Furthermore, a lack of between individual effect suggested the change resulted from ageing as opposed to phenotypic plasticity. Females varied significantly in rate of advance, such that those with low past reproductive rates exhibited a negative temporal trend in laying date, whereas birds with moderate to high past reproductive performance showed little change. The population trend was therefore driven by a subset with low past breeding success. An analysis of effects of timing of breeding on breeding success revealed stabilizing selection for relative laying date. Furthermore, current breeding success was positively related to past success rate, which suggests that there may be indirect selection against plasticity in this population. Our results show that population trends can arise from individual level change unrelated to prevailing environmental conditions, thus demonstrating the importance of longitudinal analyses in the interpretation of climate change effects.  相似文献   

After making foraging flights of several thousands of kilometers, wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) are able to pinpoint a specific remote island where their nests are located. This impressive navigation ability is highly precise but its nature is mysterious. Here we examined whether albatrosses rely on the perception of the Earth's magnetic field to accomplish this task. We disturbed the perception of the magnetic field using mobile magnets glued to the head of nine albatrosses and compared their performances with those of 11 control birds. We then used satellite telemetry to monitor their behavior. We found that the ability of birds to home specific nest sites was unimpaired by this manipulation. In particular, experimental and control birds did not show significant differences with respect to either foraging trip duration, or length, or with respect to homing straightness index. Our data suggest that wandering albatrosses do not require magnetic cues to navigate back to their nesting birds.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal is a key life history trait for the evolution and adaptation of wild populations. Although its evolution has repeatedly been related to the social and environmental context faced by individuals, parent-offspring regressions have also highlighted a possible heritable component. In this study, we explore heritability of natal dispersal, at the scale of the sub-Antarctic Possession Island, for a large-scale foraging seabird, the Wandering albatross Diomedea exulans, exploiting a pedigree spanning over four decades and a maximum of four generations. The comparison of three different methods shows that heritability on the liability scale can vary drastically depending on the type of model (heritability from 6% to 86%), with a notable underestimation by restricted maximum likelihood animal models (6%) compared to Bayesian animal models (36%). In all cases, however, our results point to significant additive genetic variance in the individual propensity to disperse, after controlling for substantial effects of sex and natal colony. These results reveal promising evolutionary potential for short-scale natal dispersal, which could play a critical role for the long-term persistence of this species on the long run.  相似文献   

Wandering albatrosses have been subjected to numerous taxonomic revisions due to discoveries of new species, analyses of morphological data and, more recently, the inclusion of genetic data. The small population of albatrosses (170 individuals including 26 pairs breeding annually) on Amsterdam Island in the Indian Ocean, Diomedea amsterdamensis, has been given species status based on plumage and morphometrics, but genetic data published to date provide weak support and its specific status remains controversial for some authors. We used mitochondrial control region sequence data to elucidate the relationship of the Amsterdam albatross within the wandering albatross complex (Diomedea amsterdamensis, D. antipodensis, D. dabbenena and D. exulans). Three novel haplotypes were present in 35 individuals from Amsterdam Island, and were highly divergent (3.6–7.3%) from haplotypes found in the other three members of the wandering albatross complex. Low levels of genetic variation in Amsterdam albatross likely resulted, at least in part, from a population bottleneck. Geographic isolation in the wandering albatross complex is maintained by high natal philopatry. As Amsterdam Island is the only breeding ground for this critically endangered species, we strongly urge conservation efforts in the area, especially in relation to long line fisheries and other threats such as disease and introduced predators, and it be listed as a distinct species.  相似文献   

The processes driving age‐related variation in demographic rates are central to understanding population and evolutionary ecology. An increasing number of studies in wild vertebrates find evidence for improvements in reproductive performance traits in early adulthood, followed by senescent declines in later life. However, life history theory predicts that reproductive investment should increase with age as future survival prospects diminish, and that raised reproductive investment may have associated survival costs. These non‐mutually exclusive processes both predict an increase in breeding performance at the terminal breeding attempt. Here, we use a 30‐year study of wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) to disentangle the processes underpinning age‐related variation in reproduction. Whilst highlighting the importance of breeding experience, we reveal senescent declines in performance are followed by a striking increase in breeding success and a key parental investment trait at the final breeding attempt.  相似文献   

Seabirds are top predators of the marine environment that accumulate contaminants over a long life-span. Chronic exposure to pollutants is thought to compromise survival rate and long-term reproductive outputs in these long-lived organisms, thus inducing population decline. However, the demographic consequences of contaminant exposure are largely theoretical because of the dearth of long-term datasets. This study aims to test whether adult survival rate, return to the colony and long-term breeding performance were related to blood mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), by using a capture–mark–recapture dataset on the vulnerable wandering albatross Diomedea exulans. We did not find evidence for any effect of contaminants on adult survival probability. However, blood Hg and POPs negatively impacted long-term breeding probability, hatching and fledging probabilities. The proximate mechanisms underlying these deleterious effects are likely multifaceted, through physiological perturbations and interactions with reproductive costs. Using matrix population models, we projected a demographic decline in response to an increase in Hg or POPs concentrations. This decline in population growth rate could be exacerbated by other anthropogenic perturbations, such as climate change, disease and fishery bycatch. This study gives a new dimension to the overall picture of environmental threats to wildlife populations.  相似文献   

Biodiversity currently faces unprecedented threats owing to species extinctions. Ecologically, compensatory dynamics can ensure stable community biomass following perturbation. However, whether there is a contribution of genetic diversity to community responses is an outstanding question. To date, the contribution of evolutionary processes through genotype shifts has not been assessed in naturally co-occurring multi-species communities in the field. We examined the mechanisms contributing to the response of a lake phytoplankton community exposed to either a press or pulse acidification perturbation in lake mesocosms. To assess community shifts in the ecological response of morphospecies, we identified taxa microscopically. We also assessed genotype shifts by sequencing the ITS2 region of ribosomal DNA. We observed ecological and genetic contributions to community responses. The ecological response was attributed to compensatory morphospecies dynamics and occurred primarily in the Pulse perturbation treatment. In the Press treatments, in addition to compensatory dynamics, we observed evidence for genotype selection in two species of chlorophytes, Desmodesmus cuneatus and an unidentified Chlamydomonas. Our study demonstrates that while genotype selection may be rare, it is detectable and occurs especially when new environmental conditions are maintained for long enough to force selection processes on standing variation.  相似文献   

Pollution, loss of habitat, and climate change are introducing dramatic perturbations to natural communities and affecting public health. Populations in perturbed communities can change dynamically, in both abundance and age structure. While analysis of the community matrix can predict changes in population abundance arising from a sustained or press perturbation, perturbations also have the potential to modify life expectancy, which adds yet another means to falsify experimental hypotheses and to monitor management interventions in natural systems. In some instances, an input to a community will produce no change in the abundance of a population but create a major shift in its mean age. We present an analysis of change in both abundance and life expectancy, leading to a formal quantitative assessment as well as qualitative predictions, and illustrate the usefulness of the technique through general examples relating to vector-borne disease and fisheries.  相似文献   

Enantiomers of chiral molecules can undergo interconversion leading to markedly different toxicities, which can introduce significant uncertainty when evaluating biological and environmental fates. However, enantiomerization (the reversible conversion of one enantiomer into the other) related to soil microorganism is rarely understood. For better understanding, S‐triadimefon and R‐triadimefon enantiopure were incubated in different soils with different pH value. Both high‐performance liquid chromatography and high‐throughput sequencing technology were used to explore target analytes quantitatively and microbial taxa related to the conversion process. Results revealed a significant enantiomerization among the soils. The alkaline soil from Beijing had a faster conversion than neutral soil from Changchun, while acidic soil from Wuhan had no conversion. At the same results, analysis of bacteria community showed higher abundance of Arthrobacter and Halomonas genus in alkaline soil than neutral soil after treatments, but the acidic soil was lower. Moreover, Arthrobacter and Halomonas were responsible for converting S‐triadimefon to R‐triadimefon and R‐triadimefon to S‐triadimefon in alkaline and neutral soil, respectively. Thus, these genera may be one of the reasons to explain the enantiomerization in different soils observed in this study. Thus, research at microbial level is necessary for efficient ecological risk assessment of chiral fungicide.  相似文献   

The estimated breeding population of wandering albatrosses on Macquarie Island increased from 17 in 1956 to a maximum of 97 in 1966, and then declined at an average rate of 8.1% per year. Mark-recapture analysis shows that the population is not closed (i.e., subject to immigration and emigration). The decline is correlated with the onset of large-scale fishing for tuna in the southern hemisphere using longlines. The effect of longline mortality on the population dynamics of the wandering albatross is estimated. An annual number of longline hooks in the southern hemisphere tuna fishery of 41.6 million is calculated as the ceiling below which the population would begin to recover.  相似文献   

Worldwide ecosystems are modified by human activities and climate change. To be able to predict future changes, it is necessary to understand their respective role on population dynamics. Among the most threatened species are top predators because of their position in the food web. Albatross populations are potentially affected by both human activities, especially longline fisheries, and climatic fluctuations. Based on long‐term data (1985–2006), we conducted through a comparative approach a demographic analysis (adult survival and breeding success) on four albatross species breeding on the Indian Ocean sub‐Antarctic Islands to assess the relative impact of climate and fisheries during and outside the breeding season. The study revealed that adult survival of almost all species was not affected by climate, and therefore probably canalized against climatic variations, but was negatively affected by tuna longlining effort in three species. Breeding success was affected by climate, with contrasted effects between species, with Southern Oscillation Index having an impact on all species but one. Differences in demographic responses depended on the foraging zone and season. In order to predict population trajectories of seabirds such as albatrosses, our results show the importance of assessing the relative influence of fishing and climate impacts on demography.  相似文献   

Functional stability of microbial communities in contaminated soils   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Functional stability, measured in terms of resistance and resilience of respiration and growth rate of bacteria and fungi, was studied in soils that have been exposed to copper and low pH for more than twenty years. We used treatments, consisting of soil with no or high copper load (0 or 750 kg ha?1) and low or neutral pH (4.0 or 6.1). Stability was examined by applying an additional stress in the form of lead or salt. After addition of lead, respiration (decomposition of freshly added lucerne meal) showed lower resistance at low than at neutral pH and at high copper than at low copper. The most acid and contaminated soil was the least resistant. Respiration showed no resilience after addition of lead. Bacterial growth rate (thymidine incorporation) also showed resistance at low pH but only in soils that were not contaminated with copper. After addition of salt, respiration showed no differences in resistance but the soils without copper contamination showed higher resilience. Bacterial growth rate showed lower resistance at low pH than at neutral pH, the latter in which the growth rate increased by on average 123%. This increase at high pH was faster in soil without copper than in soil with copper contamination in which the growth rate initially decreased and then increased. The effects of secondary stress depended on the nature of the stress (lead or salt) and on the parameter measured (respiration or bacterial growth rate). In general the highest resistance and/or resilience were found in the least contaminated soils with neutral pH and/or no copper contamination. Thus, the microbial communities in the cleaner soils showed the highest functional stability. The results seem to confirm the notion that environmental stress alters ecosystems such that supplementary stress will have stronger impacts than in an unstressed system. The results may also confirm the insurance‐hypothesis that reduced biodiversity due to the first stress negatively affected community stability. As an alternative, we discuss the observed effects in terms of altered energy budget.  相似文献   

Gonadal size and the circulating concentrations of two pituitary hormones (luteinizing hormone and prolactin) and three gonadal steroids (testosterone, progesterone and oestradiol-17β) were measured in two closely related Diomedea albatrosses at South Georgia. The Grey-headed albatross D. chrysostoma , if successful in rearing a chick, usually breeds biennially, whilst the Black-browed albatross D. melanophris normally breeds annually. Direct examination (by laparoscopy) of the gonads showed that the testes of both species underwent annual cycles, whilst endocrine data confirmed that those male Grey-headed albatrosses at the colony in the pre-laying period but not breeding in that year (having bred successfully the previous year) were apparently in full reproductive condition with elevated testosterone levels typical of breeding birds. However, the females of the two species differed markedly. Grey-headed albatrosses, in a year following successful breeding, had undeveloped ovaries with low levels of circulating oestradiol but high levels of progesterone, whereas the Black-browed albatrosses showed a pattern consistent with annual ovarian development. The profiles of gonadal steroids through the breeding season were similar for the males of both species but differences existed between the females. In the female Grey-headed albatrosses, transient peaks of progesterone were present throughout chick rearing but these were absent from Black-browed albatrosses. Prolactin had a similar profile in both species, with uniformly high levels throughout incubation and a rapid fall near the end of the brood-guard period. It is suggested that Grey-headed, like Black-browed, albatrosses are intrinsically annual breeders. However, if a female Grey-headed albatross breeds successfully in one year, then nutritional factors operate to ensure that in the following year the female does not show ovarian development, although the ovary is active in terms of progesterone secretion.  相似文献   

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