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We determined the effect of aromatic aminoacid stimulation of the human extracellular Ca2+-sensingreceptor (CaR) on intracellular Ca2+ concentration([Ca2+]i) in single HEK-293 cells. Additionof L-phenylalanine or L-tryptophan (at 5 mM)induced [Ca2+]i oscillations from a restingstate that was quiescent at 1.8 mM extracellular Ca2+concentration ([Ca2+]e). Each[Ca2+]i peak returned to baseline values, andthe average oscillation frequency was ~1 min1 at37°C. Oscillations were not induced or sustained if the[Ca2+]e was reduced to 0.5 mM, even in thecontinued presence of amino acid. Average oscillation frequency inresponse to an increase in [Ca2+]e (from 1.8 to 2.5-5 mM) was much higher (~4 min1) than thatinduced by aromatic amino acids. Oscillations in response to[Ca2+]e were sinusoidal whereas those inducedby amino acids were transient. Thus both amino acids andCa2+, acting through the same CaR, produce oscillatoryincreases in [Ca2+]i, but the resultantoscillation pattern and frequency allow the cell to discriminate whichagonist is bound to the receptor.


To determine the role of amino acids in the second and third intracellular (IC) loops of the Ca(2+)-sensing receptor (CaR) in phospholipase C (PLC) activation, we mutated residues in these loops either singly or in tandem to Ala and assessed PLC activity by measuring high extracellular [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](o))-induced inositol phosphate accumulation and protein expression by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. Two CaR constructs in the second IC loop, F707A CaR and to a lesser extent L704A CaR, demonstrated reduced activation of PLC, despite levels of protein expression comparable with the wild-type (wt) CaR. Substitution of Tyr or His for Phe-707, but not Leu, Val, Glu, or Trp, partially restored the ability of high [Ca(2+)](o) to activate PLC. Eight residues in the third IC loop were involved in PLC signaling. The responses to high [Ca(2+)](o) in cells expressing CaRs with Ala substitutions at these sites were <35% of the wt CaR. The L798A, F802A, and E804A CaRs were dramatically impaired in their responses to [Ca(2+)](o) even up to 30 mm. Substitutions of Leu-798 with other hydrophobic residues (Ile, Val, or Phe), but not with acidic, basic, or polar residues, produced reduced responses compared with wt. Phe-802 could be replaced with either Tyr or Trp with partial retention of the ability to activate PLC. Glu-804 could only be substituted with Asp or Gln and maintain its signaling capacity. Cell surface expression of the CaRs mutated at Leu-798 and Phe-802 appeared normal compared with wt CaR. Cell surface CaR expression was, however, reduced substantially in cells expressing several mutants at position Glu-804 by confocal microscopy. These studies strongly implicate specific hydrophobic and acidic residues in the second and third IC loops of the parathyroid CaR (and potentially larger stretches of the third loop) in mediating efficient high [Ca(2+)](o)-induced PLC activation and or CaR expression.  相似文献   

The C-terminal tail of the calcium receptor (CaR) regulates the affinity of the receptor for ligand, desensitization, and membrane localization. To determine the role of specific amino acids in the bovine parathyroid CaR in mediating signal transduction and cell-surface expression, we transfected truncated and mutated CaR cDNAs into HEK-293 cells. The ability of high extracellular [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](o)) to increase total inositol phosphate (InsP) production, an index of phospholipase C (PLC) activation, was determined. Receptor expression was assessed by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry. In cells transiently or stably expressing receptors with the C-terminal tail truncated after residue 895 (CaR-(1-895)) or 929 (CaR-(1-929)), raising [Ca(2+)](o) increased InsPs to levels comparable with those of cells expressing wild-type CaRs. There were no PLC responses to high [Ca(2+)](o) (up to 30 mm) in cells expressing CaRs with C-terminal tails of only 3 residues (CaR-(1-866)), even though these receptors were expressed in the membrane. We scanned the residues between Ser(866) and Val(895) using tandem-Ala and single-site mutagenesis. Two point mutants (His(880) --> Ala and Phe(882) --> Ala CaR) showed 50-70% reductions in high [Ca(2+)](o)-induced InsP production. The levels of expression and glycosylation of these mutants were comparable with wild-type CaRs, but both receptors were profoundly retained in intracellular organelles and co-localized with the endoplasmic reticulum marker BiP. This suggested that the signaling defects of these receptors were likely because of defective trafficking of receptors to the cell surface. Modeling of the C-terminal domain of the CaR indicated that His(880) and Phe(882) are situated in a putative alpha-helical structure of 15 amino acids between residues 877 and 891 in the C-terminal tail. Our studies support the idea that specific amino acids, and possibly a unique secondary structure in the C-terminal tail, are required for the efficient targeting of the CaR to the cell surface required for PLC activation.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-sensing receptor: a target for polyamines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Ca2+-sensing receptor(CaR) is activated at physiological levels of externalCa2+(Cao) but is expressed in anumber of tissues that do not have well-established roles in thecontrol of Cao, including several regions of the brain and the intestine. Polyamines are endogenous polyvalent cations that can act as agonists for the CaR, as shown byour current studies of human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) cells transfected with the human CaR. Cellular parameters altered by polyamines included cytosolic freeCa2+(Cai), inositol phosphateproduction, and the activity of a nonselective cation channel. Sperminestimulated Cai transients inCaR-transfected HEK cells, with a concentration producing ahalf-maximal response (EC50) of ~500µM in the presence of 0.5 mMCa2+, whereas sustained increasesin Cai had anEC50 of ~200 µM. The order ofpotency was spermine > spermidine >> putrescine. Elevation ofCao shifted theEC50 for spermine sharply to theleft, with substantial stimulation below 100 µM. Addition ofsubthreshold concentrations of spermine increased the sensitivity ofCaR-expressing HEK cells to Cao.Parathyroid hormone secretion from bovine parathyroid cells wasinhibited by 50% in the presence of 200 µM spermine, a responsesimilar to that elicited by 2.0 mMCao. These data suggest thatpolyamines could be effective agonists for the CaR, and severaltissues, including the brain, may use the CaR as a target for theactions of spermine and other endogenous polycationic agonists.


The calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) mediates feedback control of Ca2+o (extracellular Ca2+) concentration. Although the mechanisms are not fully understood, the CaR couples to several important intracellular signalling enzymes, including PI-PLC (phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C), leading to Ca2+i (intracellular Ca2+) mobilization, and ERK1/2 (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2). In addition to Ca2+o, the CaR is activated allosterically by several subclasses of L-amino acids, including the aromatics L-phenylalanine and L-tryptophan. These amino acids enhance the Ca2+o-sensitivity of Ca2+i mobilization in CaR-expressing HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney) cells and normal human parathyroid cells. Furthermore, on a background of a physiological fasting serum L-amino acid mixture, they induce a small, but physiologically significant, enhancement of Ca2+o-dependent suppression of PTH (parathyroid hormone) secretion. The impact of amino acids on CaR-stimulated ERK1/2, however, has not been determined. In the present study, we examined the effects of L-amino acids on Ca2+o-stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation as determined by Western blotting and a newly developed quantitative assay (SureFire). L-Amino acids induced a small, but significant, enhancement of Ca2+o-stimulated ERK1/2. In CaR-expressing HEK-293 cells, 10 mM L-phenylalanine lowered the EC50 for Ca2+o from approx. 2.3 to 2.0 mM in the Western blot assay and from 3.4 to 2.9 mM in the SureFire assay. The effect was stereoselective (L>D), and another aromatic amino acid, L-tryptophan, was also effective. The effects of amino acids were investigated further in HEK-293 cells that expressed the CaR mutant S169T. L-Phenylalanine normalized the EC50 for Ca2+o-stimulated Ca2+i mobilization from approx. 12 mM to 5.0 mM and ERK1/2 phosphorylation from approx. 4.6 mM to 2.6 mM. Taken together, the data indicate that L-phenylalanine and other amino acids enhance the Ca2+o-sensitivity of CaR-stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation; however, the effect is comparatively small and operates in the form of a fine-tuning mechanism.  相似文献   

We examined the role of protein kinase C (PKC) in the mechanism and regulation of intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) oscillations elicited by an increase in the extracellular concentration of Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](e)) in human embryonic kidney 293 cells expressing the Ca(2+)-sensing receptor (CaR). Exposure to the PKC inhibitors bisindolylmaleimide I (GF I) or Ro-31-8220 converted oscillatory responses to transient, non-oscillatory responses, significantly reducing the percentage of cells that showed [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations but without decreasing the overall response to increase in [Ca(2+)](e). Exposure to 100 nm phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, a direct activator of PKC, eliminated [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations. Addition of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate at lower concentrations (3 and 10 nm) did not eliminate the oscillations but greatly reduced their frequency in a dose-dependent manner. Co-expression of CaR with constitutively active mutants of PKC (either epsilon or beta(1) isoforms) also reduced [Ca(2+)](i) oscillation frequency. Expression of a mutant CaR in which the major PKC phosphorylation site is altered by substitution of alanine for threonine (T888A) eliminated oscillatory behavior, producing [Ca(2+)](i) responses almost identical to those produced by the wild type CaR exposed to PKC inhibitors. These results support a model in which phosphorylation of the CaR at the inhibitory threonine 888 by PKC provides the negative feedback needed to cause [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations mediated by this receptor.  相似文献   

The extracellular Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaR) is a key-player in plasma Ca2+ homeostasis. It is essentially expressed in the parathyroid glands and along the kidney nephron. The distal convoluted tubules (DCT) and connecting tubules (CNT) in the kidney are involved in active Ca2+ reabsorption, but the function of the CaR has remained unclear in these segments. Here, the Ca2+-selective Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-subtype 5 channel (TRPV5) determines active Ca2+ reabsorption by forming the apical entry gate. In this study we show that the CaR and TRPV5 co-localize at the luminal membrane of DCT/CNT. Furthermore, by patch-clamp and Fura-2-ratiometric measurements we demonstrate that activation of the CaR leads to elevated TRPV5-mediated currents and increases intracellular Ca2+ concentrations in cells co-expressing TRPV5 and CaR. Activation of CaR initiated a signaling cascade that activated phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA)-insensitive protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms. Importantly, mutation of two putative PKC phosphorylation sites, S299 and S654, in TRPV5 prevented the stimulatory effect of CaR activation on channel activity, as did a dominant negative CaR construct, CaRR185Q. Interestingly, the activity of TRPV6, TRPV5′ closest homologue, was not affected by the activated CaR. We conclude that activation of the CaR stimulates TRPV5-mediated Ca2+ influx via a PMA-insensitive PKC isoform pathway.  相似文献   

Chang W  Shoback D 《Cell calcium》2004,35(3):183-196
Extracellular Ca2+-sensing receptors (CaRs) are the molecular basis by which specialized cells detect and respond to changes in the extracellular [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]o). CaRs belong to the family C of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Activation of CaRs triggers signaling pathways that modify numerous cell functions. Multiple ligands regulate the activation of CaRs including multivalent cations, L-amino acids, and changes in ionic strength and pH. CaRs in parathyroid cells play a central role in systemic Ca2+ homeostasis in terrestrial tetrapods. Mutations of the CaR gene in humans cause diseases in which serum and urine [Ca2+] and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels are altered. CaR homologues are also expressed in organs critical to Ca2+ transport in ancient and modern fish, suggesting that similar receptors may have long been involved in Ca2+ homeostasis in lower vertebrates before parathyroid glands developed in terrestrial vertebrates. CaR mRNA and protein are also expressed in tissues not directly involved in Ca2+ homeostasis. This implies that there may be other biological roles for CaRs. Studies of CaR-knockout mice confirm the importance of CaRs in the parathyroid gland and kidney. The functions of CaRs in tissues other than kidney and parathyroid gland, however, remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) occurs in smooth muscle as spontaneous SR Ca(2+) release or Ca(2+) sparks and, in some spiking tissues, as Ca(2+) release that is triggered by the activation of sarcolemmal Ca(2+) channels. Both processes display spatial localization in that release occurs at a higher frequency at specific subcellular regions. We have used two-photon flash photolysis (TPFP) of caged Ca(2+) (DMNP-EDTA) in Fluo-4-loaded urinary bladder smooth muscle cells to determine the extent to which spatially localized increases in Ca(2+) activate SR release and to further understand the molecular and biophysical processes underlying CICR. TPFP resulted in localized Ca(2+) release in the form of Ca(2+) sparks and Ca(2+) waves that were distinguishable from increases in Ca(2+) associated with Ca(2+) uncaging, unequivocally demonstrating that Ca(2+) release occurs subsequent to a localized rise in [Ca(2+)](i). TPFP-triggered Ca(2+) release was not constrained to a few discharge regions but could be activated at all areas of the cell, with release usually occurring at or within several microns of the site of photolysis. As expected, the process of CICR was dominated by ryanodine receptor (RYR) activity, as ryanodine abolished individual Ca(2+) sparks and evoked release with different threshold and kinetics in FKBP12.6-null cells. However, TPFP CICR was not completely inhibited by ryanodine; Ca(2+) release with distinct kinetic features occurred with a higher TPFP threshold in the presence of ryanodine. This high threshold release was blocked by xestospongin C, and the pharmacological sensitivity and kinetics were consistent with CICR release at high local [Ca(2+)](i) through inositol trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptors (InsP(3)Rs). We conclude that CICR activated by localized Ca(2+) release bears essential similarities to those observed by the activation of I(Ca) (i.e., major dependence on the type 2 RYR), that the release is not spatially constrained to a few specific subcellular regions, and that Ca(2+) release through InsP(3)R can occur at high local [Ca(2+)](i).  相似文献   

Huang C  Wu Z  Hujer KM  Miller RT 《FEBS letters》2006,580(7):1795-1800
Filamin plays an important role in actin cytoskeleton organization, membrane stabilization, and anchoring of transmembrane proteins. Using short interfering RNA (siRNA) to selectively target the filamin A gene and silence its expression, we studied the role of filamin A in G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling. Silencing of filamin A protein expression was determined by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence. Functional consequences of filamin A gene silencing were measured by studying its role in MAPK signaling pathways activated by the Ca2+ -sensing receptor. This work defines filamin A involvement in GPCR signaling pathways and describes an additional method for studying its function.  相似文献   

Hebert SC  Cheng S  Geibel J 《Cell calcium》2004,35(3):239-247
The gastrointestinal tract is vital to food digestion and nutrient absorption as well as normal salt and water homeostasis. Studies over the last several years have shown that the Ca2+-sensing receptor is expressed along the entire gastrointestinal tract. The potential roles for the receptor in gastrointestinal biology are now only beginning to be elucidated and much work remains. Well-studied physiological effects include regulation of gastric acid secretion and modulation of fluid transport in the colon. It remains to be determined if the Ca2+-sensing receptor is involved in calcium handling by the gastrointestinal tract. The ability of organic nutrient receptor agonists/allosteric modifiers, such as polyamines and L-amino acids, to activate the Ca2+-sensing receptor suggest potential roles in signalling nutrient availability to gastric and intestinal epithelial cells. In addition, polyamines are crucial for normal cell proliferation and differentiation required to sustain the rapid turnover of gastrointestinal epithelial cells and the Ca2+-sensing receptor may be involved in this function. Activation of the colonic Ca2+-sensing receptor can abrogate cyclic nucleotide-mediated fluid secretion suggesting a role for the receptor in modifying secretory diarrheas like cholera. Finally, the Ca2+-sensing receptor has been suggested to provide a mechanism for the effect of calcium intake in reducing the risk of colon cancer.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA encoding a Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaSR) expressed in rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) was identified using rapid amplification of 5'-cDNA ends and primer extension and then cloned into the plasmid vector pCR3.1. The DNA sequence of the DRG CaSR was 99.9% homologous with published rat kidney CaSR in the coding region and 247 bp upstream of the start site but showed little homology 5' to this site, which maps to exonic junction I/II, supporting the hypothesis that CaSR message arises as a splice variant and showing tissue-to-tissue heterogeneity. Western blot revealed a doublet of 140 and 160 kDa in a thyroparathyroid preparation and a single 140-kDa band in DRG. Deglycosylation using N-glycanase increased the mobility of CaSR protein from both DRG and thyroparathyroid, whereas endo-H was without effect, indicating that the DGR CaSR is a mature form of the receptor. A DRG CaSR-pEGFP fusion product was constructed, and when transfected into HEK-293 cells, it was distributed at the cell membrane and resulted in extracellular Ca2+ (0.5-3 mM)-evoked increases in intracellular Ca2+, which in some instances exhibited oscillatory behavior. We conclude that DRG CaSR cDNA arises from tissue-specific alternative splicing of a single gene, that the amino acid sequence of DRG CaSR is homologous to other known CaSRs, and that the DRG CaSR undergoes differential posttranslational processing relative to the thyroparathyroid CaSR and is functionally active when transfected into a human-derived cell line.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP regulates bile formation by binding to P2 receptors on cholangiocytes and stimulating transepithelial Cl(-) secretion. However, the specific signaling pathways linking receptor binding to Cl(-) channel activation are not known. Consequently, the aim of these studies in human Mz-Cha-1 biliary cells and normal rat cholangiocyte monolayers was to assess the intracellular pathways responsible for ATP-stimulated increases in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) and membrane Cl(-) permeability. Exposure of cells to ATP resulted in a rapid increase in [Ca(2+)](i) and activation of membrane Cl(-) currents; both responses were abolished by prior depletion of intracellular Ca(2+). ATP-stimulated Cl(-) currents demonstrated mild outward rectification, reversal at E(Cl(-)), and a single-channel conductance of approximately 17 pS, where E is the equilibrium potential. The conductance response to ATP was inhibited by the Cl(-) channel inhibitors NPPB and DIDS but not the CFTR inhibitor CFTR(inh)-172. Both ATP-stimulated increases in [Ca(2+)](i) and Cl(-) channel activity were inhibited by the P2Y receptor antagonist suramin. The PLC inhibitor U73122 and the inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) receptor inhibitor 2-APB both blocked the ATP-stimulated increase in [Ca(2+)](i) and membrane Cl(-) currents. Intracellular dialysis with purified IP3 activated Cl(-) currents with identical properties to those activated by ATP. Exposure of normal rat cholangiocyte monolayers to ATP increased short-circuit currents (I(sc)), reflecting transepithelial secretion. The I(sc) was unaffected by CFTR(inh)-172 but was significantly inhibited by U73122 or 2-APB. In summary, these findings indicate that the apical P2Y-IP3 receptor signaling complex is a dominant pathway mediating biliary epithelial Cl(-) transport and, therefore, may represent a potential target for increasing secretion in the treatment of cholestatic liver disease.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaSR) is a member of family C of the GPCRs responsible for sensing extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o) levels, maintaining extracellular Ca2+ homeostasis, and transducing Ca2+ signaling from the extracellular milieu to the intracellular environment. In the present study, we have demonstrated a Ca2+-dependent, stoichiometric interaction between CaM and a CaM-binding domain (CaMBD) located within the C terminus of CaSR (residues 871–898). Our studies suggest a wrapping around 1–14-like mode of interaction that involves global conformational changes in both lobes of CaM with concomitant formation of a helical structure in the CaMBD. More importantly, the Ca2+-dependent association between CaM and the C terminus of CaSR is critical for maintaining proper responsiveness of intracellular Ca2+ responses to changes in extracellular Ca2+ and regulating cell surface expression of the receptor.  相似文献   

The cloning of a G protein-coupled, extracellular Ca2+ (Ca o 2+ )-sensing receptor (CaR) has afforded a molecular basis for a number of the known effects of Ca o 2+ on tissues involved in maintaining systemic calcium homeostasis, especially parathyroid gland and kidney. In addition to providing molecular tools for showing that CaR messenger RNA and protein are present within these tissues, the cloned CaR has permitted documentation that several human diseases are the result of inactivating or activating mutations of this receptor as well as generation of mice that have targeted disruption of the CaR gene. Characteristic changes in the functions of parathyroid and kidney in these patients as well as in the CaR “knockout” mice have elucidated considerably the CaR’s physiological roles in mineral ion homeostasis. Nevertheless, a great deal remains to be learned about how this receptor regulates the functioning of other tissues involved in Ca o 2+ metabolism, such as bone and intestine. Further study of these human diseases and of the mouse models will doubtless be useful in gaining additional understanding of the CaR’s roles in these latter tissues. Furthermore, we understand little of the CaR’s functions in tissues that are not directly involved in systemic mineral ion metabolism, where the receptor probably serves diverse other roles. Some of these functions may be related to the control of intra- and local extracellular concentrations of Ca2+, while others may be unrelated to either systemic or local ionic homeostasis. In any case, the CaR and conceivably additional receptors/sensors for Ca2+ or other extracellular ions represent versatile regulators of a wide variety of cellular functions and represent important targets for novel classes of therapeutics.  相似文献   

Laver DR 《Biophysical journal》2007,92(10):3541-3555
The free [Ca2+] in endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ stores regulates excitability of Ca2+ release by stimulating the Ca2+ release channels. Just how the stored Ca2+ regulates activation of these channels is still disputed. One proposal attributes luminal Ca2+-activation to luminal facing regulatory sites, whereas another envisages Ca2+ permeation to cytoplasmic sites. This study develops a unified model for luminal Ca2+ activation for single cardiac ryanodine receptors (RyR2) and RyRs in coupled clusters in artificial lipid bilayers. It is shown that luminal regulation of RyR2 involves three modes of action associated with Ca2+ sensors in different parts of the molecule; a luminal activation site (L-site, 60 microM affinity), a cytoplasmic activation site (A-site, 0.9 microM affinity), and a novel cytoplasmic inactivation site (I2-site, 1.2 microM affinity). RyR activation by luminal Ca2+ is demonstrated to occur by a multistep process dubbed luminal-triggered Ca2+ feedthrough. Ca2+ binding to the L-site initiates brief openings (1 ms duration at 1-10 s(-1)) allowing luminal Ca2+ to access the A-site, producing up to 30-fold prolongation of openings. The model explains a broad data set, reconciles previous conflicting observations and provides a foundation for understanding the action of pharmacological agents, RyR-associated proteins, and RyR2 mutations on a range of Ca2+-mediated physiological and pathological processes.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)-sensing receptor (CaR) stimulates a number of phospholipase activities, but the specific phospholipases and the mechanisms by which the CaR activates them are not defined. We investigated regulation of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) by the Ca(2+)-sensing receptor (CaR) in human embryonic kidney 293 cells that express either the wild-type receptor or a nonfunctional mutant (R796W) CaR. The PLA(2) activity was attributable to cytosolic PLA(2) (cPLA(2)) based on its inhibition by arachidonyl trifluoromethyl ketone, lack of inhibition by bromoenol lactone, and enhancement of the CaR-stimulated phospholipase activity by coexpression of a cDNA encoding the 85-kDa human cPLA(2). No CaR-stimulated cPLA(2) activity was found in the cells that expressed the mutant CaR. Pertussis toxin treatment had a minimal effect on CaR-stimulated arachidonic acid release and the CaR-stimulated rise in intracellular Ca(2+) (Ca(2+)(i)), whereas inhibition of phospholipase C (PLC) with completely inhibited CaR-stimulated PLC and cPLA(2) activities. CaR-stimulated PLC activity was inhibited by expression of RGS4, an RGS (Regulator of G protein Signaling) protein that inhibits Galpha(q) activity. CaR-stimulated cPLA(2) activity was inhibited 80% by chelation of extracellular Ca(2+) and depletion of intracellular Ca(2+) with EGTA and inhibited 90% by treatment with W7, a calmodulin inhibitor, or with KN-93, an inhibitor of Ca(2+), calmodulin-dependent protein kinases. Chemical inhibitors of the ERK activator, MEK, and a dominant negative MEK, MEK(K97R), had no effect on CaR-stimulated cPLA(2) activity but inhibited CaR-stimulated ERK activity. These results demonstrate that the CaR activates cPLA(2) via a Galpha(q), PLC, Ca(2+)-CaM, and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-dependent pathway that is independent the ERK pathway.  相似文献   

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