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Indole acetic acid (IAA/auxin) profoundly affects wood formation but the molecular mechanism of auxin action in this process remains poorly understood. We have cloned cDNAs for eight members of the Aux/IAA gene family from hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. x Populus tremuloides Michx.) that encode potential mediators of the auxin signal transduction pathway. These genes designated as PttIAA1-PttIAA8 are auxin inducible but differ in their requirement of de novo protein synthesis for auxin induction. The auxin induction of the PttIAA genes is also developmentally controlled as evidenced by the loss of their auxin inducibility during leaf maturation. The PttIAA genes are differentially expressed in the cell types of a developmental gradient comprising the wood-forming tissues. Interestingly, the expression of the PttIAA genes is downregulated during transition of the active cambium into dormancy, a process in which meristematic cells of the cambium lose their sensitivity to auxin. Auxin-regulated developmental reprogramming of wood formation during the induction of tension wood is accompanied by changes in the expression of PttIAA genes. The distinct tissue-specific expression patterns of the auxin inducible PttIAA genes in the cambial region together with the change in expression during dormancy transition and tension wood formation suggest a role for these genes in mediating cambial responses to auxin and xylem development.  相似文献   

Involvement of auxin polar transport in flower formation of Arabidopsis thaliana was studied using a pinformed (pin) mutant (Rpin) transformed with the indoleacetamide hydrolase (iaaH) gene and the phenocopy of the pin mutant, which was induced by 9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylic acid (HFCA). The application of indoleacetamide (IAM) did not change aberrant structure of the aerial part of Rpin (pin/pin), but extremely inhibited its root growth. Treatment with IAM increased the endogenous concentrations of free and conjugated IAA in Rpin normal (pin/+ or +/+) due to the expression of the iaaH gene, to 140% and 428% of those in non-treated plants, respectively, and those in Rpin to 378% and 120%, respectively. The activity of IAA polar transport in the inflorescence axis of Rpin remained low even in the presence of IAM, the activity being almost similar, to that in the pin mutant. The activity of IAA polar transport in the HFCA-induced phenocopy of the pin mutant was also extremely low, and it was not restored by the simultaneous application of IAA. Arabidopsis thaliana responded to HFCA applied from 7 to 11 d and from 25 to 29 d after germination in the wild-type plant (Enkheim ecotype) and the late flowering mutant (fb mutant), respectively. These results suggest that the construction of the system of auxin polar transport and its normal activities are essential for the differentiation and the formation of floral meristem in the early growth stage of Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

Polyamine oxidases (PAOs) are FAD-dependent enzymes involved in polyamine catabolism. In Arabidopsis thaliana, five PAOs (AtPAO1-5) are present with cytosolic or peroxisomal localization. Here, we present a detailed study of the expression pattern of AtPAO1, AtPAO2, AtPAO3 and AtPAO5 during seedling and flower growth and development through analysis of promoter activity in AtPAO::β-glucuronidase (GUS) transgenic Arabidopsis plants. The results reveal distinct expression patterns for each studied member of the AtPAO gene family. AtPAO1 is mostly expressed in the transition region between the meristematic and the elongation zone of roots and anther tapetum, AtPAO2 in the quiescent center, columella initials and pollen, AtPAO3 in columella, guard cells and pollen, and AtPAO5 in the vascular system of roots and hypocotyls. Furthermore, treatment with the plant hormone abscisic acid induced expression of AtPAO1 in root tip and AtPAO2 in guard cells. These data suggest distinct physiological role(s) for each member of the AtPAO gene family.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial regulation of flower development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Flower development in plants depends not only on a set of nuclear genes but also on the coordinate action of the mitochondrion. Certain mitochondrial genomes in combination with certain nuclear genomes lead to the expression of cytoplasmic male-sterility (CMS). Both mitochondrial genes that determine male-sterility and nuclear Restorer-of-fertility genes that suppress the male-sterile phenotype have been cloned. Lately, the interactions between mitochondrial and nuclear genes through retrograde signalling in CMS-systems have been dissected. Of special interest are the altered expression patterns of floral homeotic genes in certain CMS-systems. Here, we review the mitochondrial influence on flower development and give examples from CMS-systems developed in Brassica, Daucus carota, Nicotiana tabacum and Triticum aestivum.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the characterization of three novel members of the Arabidopsis shaggy-related protein kinase (ASK) multigene family, named ASKdzeta (ASK), ASKetha (ASK) and ASKiota (ASK). The proteins encoded by the ASK genes share a highly conserved catalytic protein kinase domain and show about 70% identity to SHAGGY (SGG) and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) from Drosophila and rat respectively. SGG is an ubiquitous intracellular component of the wingless signalling pathway that establishes cell fate and/or pattern formation in Drosophila. At least ten different ASK genes are expected to be present per haploid genome of A. thaliana. Different amino- and carboxy-terminal extensions distinguish different ASK family members. Five ASK gene sequences were analysed and shown to be present as single-copy genes in the Arabidopsis genome. A comparison based on the highly conserved catalytic domain sequences of all known sequences of the GSK-3 subfamily of protein kinases demonstrated a clear distinction between the plant and the animal kinases. Furthermore, we established the presence of at least three distinct groups of plant homologues of SGG/GSK-3. These different groups probably reflect biochemical and/or biological properties of these kinases. The differential expression patterns of five ASK genes were accessed by northern and in situ hybridization experiments using gene-specific probes. While ASK is expressed in the whole embryo during its development, ASK expression is limited to the suspensor cells. No signal was detected for ASK, ASK and ASK in developing embryos.  相似文献   

Cell fate in the development of the Arabidopsis flower   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The Arabidopsis flower consists of four concentric whorls of organs. The first (outermost) whorl consists of four sepals and the fourth (innermost) whorl is made up of two carpels. Cell fate in the first and fourth whorls was studied using X-ray-induced yellow ch-42 sectors. Sector boundaries were found to be non-random around the two whorls and four generalizations relating the marked and unmarked tissues were deduced. In the sepal and carpel whorls the smallest sectors of marked and unmarked tissue were found to be one half of a sepal and one half of a carpel, respectively. A detailed frequency-distance map of the floral primordium was made and found to be a ridge with the fourth whorl carpels at the summit and the first whorl transverse sepal pair at the base. Consideration of: the rate of loss of chimerism in the inflorescence meristem, the frequency-distance across the flower and the frequency-distance between successive flowers, was used to produce an abstract model of the inflorescence meristem.  相似文献   

Role of auxin in regulating Arabidopsis flower development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aloni R  Aloni E  Langhans M  Ullrich CI 《Planta》2006,223(2):315-328
To elucidate the role of auxin in flower morphogenesis, its distribution patterns were studied during flower development in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Expression of DR5::GUS was regarded to reflect sites of free auxin, while immunolocalization with auxin polyclonal antibodies visualized conjugated auxin distribution. The youngest flower bud was loaded with conjugated auxin. During development, the apparent concentration of free auxin increased in gradual patterns starting at the floral-organ tip. Anthers are major sites of high concentrations of free auxin that retard the development of neighboring floral organs in both the acropetal and basipetal directions. The IAA-producing anthers synchronize flower development by retarding petal development and nectary gland activity almost up to anthesis. Tapetum cells of young anthers contain free IAA which accumulates in pollen grains, suggesting that auxin promotes pollen-tube growth towards the ovules. High amounts of free auxin in the stigma induce a wide xylem fan immediately beneath it. After fertilization, the developing embryos and seeds show elevated concentrations of auxin, which establish their axial polarity. This developmental pattern of auxin production during floral-bud development suggests that young organs which produce high concentrations of free IAA inhibit or retard organ-primordium initiation and development at the shoot tip. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at This paper is dedicated to Orna Aloni for continuous support and management over many years.  相似文献   

Screening for mutations that alter flower development in Arabidopsis has led to the identification of two general types of genetic loci: those affecting meristem and organ identity, and those affecting growth and development independent of identity. ettin (ett) mutants belong to the latter class and exhibit pleiotropic phenotypes distinct from previously described Arabidopsis mutants. These phenotypes include increases in sepal and petal number, decreases in stamen number and anther locule number, and gross alteration of tissue patterning in the gynoecium. To determine when and how differences in ett floral meristems originate, flower development was compared between the wild type and ett mutants. ett floral meristems exhibit increases in abaxial sepal and petal primordia number without apparent increases in meristem size. Extra sepal and petal primordia develop into normal organs. In contrast, stamen and carpel primordia exhibit alterations in shape and form, subsequent to premature elongation of the terminal floral meristem. Phenotypes are allele-strength dependent. The stigma develops precociously and style differentiation is basally and abaxially misplaced in ett gynoecia. The data are discussed in the context of a model suggesting that two concentric boundaries specify the apical-basal pattern of gynoecium differentiation.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) was first described as a signal transducer for the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) and was later implicated in signal transduction of other members of the Toll-like receptor (TLR)/IL-1 receptor (IL-1R) family. In the meantime, four different IRAK-like molecules have been identified: two active kinases, IRAK-1 and IRAK-4, and two inactive kinases, IRAK-2 and IRAK-M. All IRAKs mediate activation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. Although earlier observations suggested that IRAKs have redundant functions, this hypothesis is now challenged by knockout studies. Furthermore, recent data imply a role for IRAK-1 in tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily-induced signaling pathways as well. The scope of this review is to highlight the specific role of different IRAKs and to discuss several mechanisms that contribute to their activation and regulation.  相似文献   

Xylan is a major component of the plant cell wall and the most abundant noncellulosic component in the secondary cell walls that constitute the largest part of plant biomass. Dicot glucuronoxylan consists of a linear backbone of β(1,4)-linked xylose residues substituted with α(1,2)-linked glucuronic acid (GlcA). Although several genes have been implicated in xylan synthesis through mutant analyses, the biochemical mechanisms responsible for synthesizing xylan are largely unknown. Here, we show evidence for biochemical activity of GUX1 (for GlcA substitution of xylan 1), a member of Glycosyltransferase Family 8 in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) that is responsible for adding the glucuronosyl substitutions onto the xylan backbone. GUX1 has characteristics typical of Golgi-localized glycosyltransferases and a K(m) for UDP-GlcA of 165 μm. GUX1 strongly favors xylohexaose as an acceptor over shorter xylooligosaccharides, and with xylohexaose as an acceptor, GlcA is almost exclusively added to the fifth xylose residue from the nonreducing end. We also show that several related proteins, GUX2 to GUX5 and Plant Glycogenin-like Starch Initiation Protein6, are Golgi localized and that only two of these proteins, GUX2 and GUX4, have activity as xylan α-glucuronosyltransferases.  相似文献   

By screening genome databases, 12 genes encoding membrane proteins homologous to nucleobase-ascorbate transporters (NATs) were identified in Arabidopsis thaliana. A similar number of genes was found in the rice genome. The plant NAT proteins split into five clades (I-V) based on protein multisequence alignments. This classification nicely correlates with the patterns of organ- and tissue-specific expression during the whole life cycle of A. thaliana. Interestingly, expression of two members of clade III, AtNAT7 and AtNAT8, was found to be up-regulated in undifferentiated tissues such as callus or tumors produced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Clade V comprises AtNAT12 possessing a hydrophilic N-terminal extension. Transient expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions in different systems showed that AtNAT12 along with AtNAT7 and -8 are located in the plasma membrane. Mutations in any of the AtNAT genes do not induce phenotypic alterations. The absence of obvious mutant phenotypes in single but also in double and triple mutants suggests a high degree of functional redundancy between AtNAT genes, but might also point to redundant functions provided by genes or pathways unrelated to the AtNATs.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) is essential for normal plant growth and development. The Zn-regulated transporter, iron-regulated transporter (IRT)-like protein (ZIP) family members are involved in Zn transport and cellular Zn homeostasis throughout the domains of life. In this study, we have characterized four ZIP transporters from Arabidopsis thaliana (IRT3, ZIP4, ZIP6, and ZIP9) to better understand their functional roles. The four ZIP proteins can restore the growth defect of a yeast Zn uptake mutant and are upregulated under Zn deficiency. Single and double mutants show no phenotypes under Zn-sufficient or Zn-limited growth conditions. In contrast, triple and quadruple mutants show impaired growth irrespective of external Zn supply due to reduced Zn translocation from root to shoot. All four ZIP genes are highly expressed during seed development, and siliques from all single and higher-order mutants exhibited an increased number of abnormal seeds and decreased Zn levels in mature seeds relative to wild type. The seed phenotypes could be reversed by supplementing the soil with Zn. Our data demonstrate that IRT3, ZIP4, ZIP6, and ZIP9 function redundantly in maintaining Zn homeostasis and seed development in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Niu Y  Jin C  Jin G  Zhou Q  Lin X  Tang C  Zhang Y 《Plant, cell & environment》2011,34(8):1304-1317
Root hairs may play a critical role in nutrient acquisition of plants grown under elevated CO(2) . This study investigated how elevated CO(2) enhanced the development of root hairs in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. The plants under elevated CO(2) (800 μL L(-1)) had denser and longer root hairs, and more H-positioned cells in root epidermis than those under ambient CO(2) (350 μL L(-1)). The elevated CO(2) increased auxin production in roots. Under elevated CO(2) , application of either 1-naphthoxyacetic acid (1-NOA) or N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) blocked the enhanced development of root hairs. The opposite was true when the plants under ambient CO(2) were treated with 1-naphthylacetic acid (NAA), an auxin analogue. Furthermore, the elevated CO(2) did not enhance the development of root hairs in auxin-response mutants, axr1-3, and auxin-transporter mutants, axr4-1, aux1-7 and pin1-1. Both elevated CO(2) and NAA application increased expressions of caprice, triptychon and rho-related protein from plants 2, and decreased expressions of werewolf, GLABRA2, GLABRA3 and the transparent testa glabra 1, genes related to root-hair development, while 1-NOA and NPA application had an opposite effect. Our study suggests that elevated CO(2) enhanced the development of root hairs in Arabidopsis via the well-characterized auxin signalling and transport that modulate the initiation of root hairs and the expression of its specific genes.  相似文献   

Auxin signaling mediated by various auxin/indole‐3‐acetic acid (Aux/IAAs) and AUXIN RESPONSE FACTORs (ARFs) regulate lateral root (LR) development by controlling the expression of downstream genes. LATERAL ROOT PRIMORDIUM1 (LRP1), a member of the SHORT INTERNODES/STYLISH (SHI/STY) family, was identified as an auxin‐inducible gene. The precise developmental role and molecular regulation of LRP1 in root development remain to be understood. Here we show that LRP1 is expressed in all stages of LR development, besides the primary root. The expression of LRP1 is regulated by histone deacetylation in an auxin‐dependent manner. Our genetic interaction studies showed that LRP1 acts downstream of auxin responsive Aux/IAAs‐ARFs modules during LR development. We showed that auxin‐mediated induction of LRP1 is lost in emerging LRs of slr‐1 and arf7arf19 mutants roots. NPA treatment studies showed that LRP1 acts after LR founder cell specification and asymmetric division during LR development. Overexpression of LRP1 (LRP1 OE) showed an increased number of LR primordia (LRP) at stages I, IV and V, resulting in reduced emerged LR density, which suggests that it is involved in LRP development. Interestingly, LRP1‐induced expression of YUC4, which is involved in auxin biosynthesis, contributes to the increased accumulation of endogenous auxin in LRP1 OE roots. LRP1 interacts with SHI, STY1, SRS3, SRS6 and SRS7 proteins of the SHI/STY family, indicating their possible redundant role during root development. Our results suggested that auxin and histone deacetylation affect LRP1 expression and it acts downstream of LR forming auxin response modules to negatively regulate LRP development by modulating auxin homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

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