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Using the massively parallel genetic algorithm for RNA folding, we show that the core region of the 3'-untranslated region of the dengue virus (DENV) RNA can form two dumbbell structures (5'- and 3'-DBs) of unequal frequencies of occurrence. These structures have the propensity to form two potential pseudoknots between identical five-nucleotide terminal loops 1 and 2 (TL1 and TL2) and their complementary pseudoknot motifs, PK2 and PK1. Mutagenesis using a DENV2 replicon RNA encoding the Renilla luciferase reporter indicated that all four motifs and the conserved sequence 2 (CS2) element within the 3'-DB are important for replication. However, for translation, mutation of TL1 alone does not have any effect; TL2 mutation has only a modest effect in translation, but translation is reduced by ~60% in the TL1/TL2 double mutant, indicating that TL1 exhibits a cooperative synergy with TL2 in translation. Despite the variable contributions of individual TL and PK motifs in translation, WT levels are achieved when the complementarity between TL1/PK2 and TL2/PK1 is maintained even under conditions of inhibition of the translation initiation factor 4E function mediated by LY294002 via a noncanonical pathway. Taken together, our results indicate that the cis-acting RNA elements in the core region of DENV2 RNA that include two DB structures are required not only for RNA replication but also for optimal translation.  相似文献   

The ability of an RNA virus to exist as a population of genetically distinct variants permits the virus to overcome events during infections that would otherwise limit virus multiplication or drive the population to extinction. Viral genetic diversity is created by the ribonucleotide misincorporation frequency of the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). We have identified a poliovirus (PV) RdRp derivative (H273R) possessing a mutator phenotype. GMP misincorporation efficiency for H273R RdRp in vitro was increased by 2–3-fold that manifested in a 2–3-fold increase in the diversity of the H273R PV population in cells. Circular sequencing analysis indicated that some mutations were RdRp-independent. Consistent with the population genetics theory, H273R PV was driven to extinction more easily than WT in cell culture. Furthermore, we observed a substantial reduction in H273R PV virulence, measured as the ability to cause paralysis in the cPVR mouse model. Reduced virulence correlated with the inability of H273R PV to sustain replication in tissues/organs in which WT persists. Despite the attenuated phenotype, H273R PV was capable of replicating in mice to levels sufficient to induce a protective immune response, even when the infecting dose used was insufficient to elicit any visual signs of infection. We conclude that optimal RdRp fidelity is a virulence determinant that can be targeted for viral attenuation or antiviral therapies, and we suggest that the RdRp may not be the only source of mutations in a RNA virus genome.  相似文献   

Rotaviruses perform the remarkable tasks of transcribing and replicating 11 distinct double-stranded RNA genome segments within the confines of a subviral particle. Multiple viral polymerases are tethered to the interior of a particle, each dedicated to a solitary genome segment but acting in synchrony to synthesize RNA. Although the rotavirus polymerase specifically recognizes RNA templates in the absence of other proteins, its enzymatic activity is contingent upon interaction with the viral capsid. This intraparticle strategy of RNA synthesis helps orchestrate the concerted packaging and replication of the viral genome. Here, we review our current understanding of rotavirus RNA synthetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that hepatitis C virus (HCV) perturbs the autophagic pathway to induce the accumulation of autophagosomes in cells. To understand the role of autophagosomes in the HCV life cycle, we established a stable Huh7 hepatoma cell line that contained an HCV subgenomic RNA replicon and also expressed a GFP-LC3 fusion protein. The GFP-LC3 protein is localized to autophagosomes during autophagy and served as a convenient marker for autophagosomes. Our results indicate that the silencing of the expression of LC3 or Atg7, two protein factors critical for the formation of autophagosomes, suppresses the replication of HCV RNA. Confocal microscopy studies revealed the localization of HCV NS5A and NS5B proteins, which are two important components of the HCV RNA replication complex, and nascent HCV RNA to autophagosomes. The association of the HCV RNA replication complex with the autophagosomal membranes was further confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation and immunoelectron microscopy studies. Interestingly, inhibition of Class III PI3K activity had no effect on the autophagosomes induced by HCV. These results indicate that HCV induces autophagosomes via a Class III PI3K-independent pathway and uses autophagosomal membranes as sites for its RNA replication.  相似文献   

Dengue virus multifunctional proteins NS3 protease/helicase and NS5 methyltransferase/RNA-dependent RNA polymerase form part of the viral replication complex and are involved in viral RNA genome synthesis, methylation of the 5′-cap of viral genome, and polyprotein processing among other activities. Previous studies have shown that NS5 residue Lys-330 is required for interaction between NS3 and NS5. Here, we show by competitive NS3-NS5 interaction ELISA that the NS3 peptide spanning residues 566–585 disrupts NS3-NS5 interaction but not the null-peptide bearing the N570A mutation. Small angle x-ray scattering study on NS3(172–618) helicase and covalently linked NS3(172–618)-NS5(320–341) reveals a rigid and compact formation of the latter, indicating that peptide NS5(320–341) engages in specific and discrete interaction with NS3. Significantly, NS3:Asn-570 to alanine mutation introduced into an infectious DENV2 cDNA clone did not yield detectable virus by plaque assay even though intracellular double-stranded RNA was detected by immunofluorescence. Detection of increased negative-strand RNA synthesis by real time RT-PCR for the NS3:N570A mutant suggests that NS3-NS5 interaction plays an important role in the balanced synthesis of positive- and negative-strand RNA for robust viral replication. Dengue virus infection has become a global concern, and the lack of safe vaccines or antiviral treatments urgently needs to be addressed. NS3 and NS5 are highly conserved among the four serotypes, and the protein sequence around the pinpointed amino acids from the NS3 and NS5 regions are also conserved. The identification of the functionally essential interaction between the two proteins by biochemical and reverse genetics methods paves the way for rational drug design efforts to inhibit viral RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

NS5B is the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase responsible for replicating hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic RNA. Despite more than a decade of work, the formation of a highly active NS5B polymerase·RNA complex suitable for mechanistic and structural studies has remained elusive. Here, we report that through a novel way of optimizing initiation conditions, we were able to generate a productive NS5B·primer·template elongation complex stalled after formation of a 9-nucleotide primer. In contrast to previous reports of very low proportions of active NS5B, we observed that under optimized conditions up to 65% of NS5B could be converted into active elongation complexes. The elongation complex was extremely stable, allowing purification away from excess nucleotide and abortive initiation products so that the purified complex was suitable for pre-steady-state kinetic analyses of polymerase activity. Single turnover kinetic studies showed that CTP is incorporated with apparent K(d) and k(pol) values of 39 ± 3 μM and 16 ± 1 s(-1), respectively, giving a specificity constant of k(pol)/K(d) of 0.41 μM(-1) s(-1). The kinetics of multiple nucleotide incorporation during processive elongation also were determined. This work establishes a novel way to generate a highly active elongation complex of the medically important NS5B polymerase for structural and functional studies.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the main agent of acute and chronic liver diseases leading to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The current standard therapy has limited efficacy and serious side effects. Thus, the development of alternate therapies is of tremendous importance. HCV NS5A (nonstructural 5A protein) is a pleiotropic protein with key roles in HCV replication and cellular signaling pathways. Here we demonstrate that NS5A dimerization occurs through Domain I (amino acids 1-240). This interaction is not mediated by nucleic acids because benzonase, RNase, and DNase treatments do not prevent NS5A-NS5A interactions. Importantly, DTT abrogates NS5A-NS5A interactions but does not affect NS5A-cyclophilin A interactions. Other reducing agents such as tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine and 2-mercaptoethanol also abrogate NS5A-NS5A interactions, implying that disulfide bridges may play a role in this interaction. Cyclophilin inhibitors, cyclosporine A, and alisporivir and NS5A inhibitor BMS-790052 do not block NS5A dimerization, suggesting that their antiviral effects do not involve the disruption of NS5A-NS5A interactions. Four cysteines, Cys-39, Cys-57, Cys-59, and Cys-80, are critical for dimerization. Interestingly, the four cysteines have been proposed to form a zinc-binding motif. Supporting this notion, NS5A dimerization is greatly facilitated by Zn(2+) but not by Mg(2+) or Mn(2+). Importantly, the four cysteines are vital not only for viral replication but also critical for NS5A binding to RNA, revealing a correlation between NS5A dimerization, RNA binding, and HCV replication. Altogether our data suggest that NS5A-NS5A dimerization and/or multimerization could represent a novel target for the development of HCV therapies.  相似文献   

Paramyxovirus genomes are ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes consisting of nucleoprotein (N)-encapsidated viral RNA. Measles virus (MeV) N features an amino-terminal RNA-binding core and a 125-residue tail domain, of which only the last 75 residues are considered fully mobile on the nucleocapsid surface. A molecular recognition element (MoRE) domain mediates binding of the viral phosphoprotein (P). This P N-tail interaction is considered instrumental for recruiting the polymerase complex to the template. We have engineered MeV N variants with tail truncations progressively eliminating the MoRE domain and upstream tail sections. Confirming previous reports, RNPs with N truncations lacking the carboxyl-terminal 43-residues harboring the MoRE domain cannot serve as polymerase template. Remarkably, further removal of all tail residues predicted to be surface-exposed significantly restores RNP bioactivity. Insertion of structurally dominant tags into the central N-tail section reduces bioactivity, but the negative regulatory effect of exposed N-tail stems is sequence-independent. Bioactive nucleocapsids lacking exposed N-tail sections are unable to sustain virus replication, because of weakened interaction of the advancing polymerase complex with the template. Deletion of the N-MoRE-binding domain in P abrogates polymerase recruitment to standard nucleocapsids, but polymerase activity is partially restored when N-tail truncated RNPs serve as template. Revising central elements of the current replication model, these data reveal that MeV polymerase is capable of productively docking directly to the nucleocapsid core. Dispensable for polymerase recruitment, N-MoRE binding to P-tail stabilizes the advancing polymerase-RNP complex and may rearrange unstructured central tail sections to facilitate polymerase access to the template.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) nonstructural 5A (NS5A) is a pleiotropic protein involved in viral RNA replication and modulation of the cellular physiology in HCV-infected cells. To elucidate the mechanisms of the HCV life cycle, we identified cellular factors interacting with the NS5A protein in HCV-infected cells. Huh7.5 cells were electroporated with HCV Jc1 RNA. Cellular factors associated with HCV NS5A were identified by immunoprecipitation with Dynabead-conjugated NS5A antibody and LC-MS/MS. Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type IIIα (PI4KIIIα) was identified as a binding partner for the NS5A protein. NS5A derived from both genotypes 1b and 2a interacted with PI4KIIIα. NS5A interacted with PI4KIIIα through amino acids 401-600 of PI4KIIIα and domain I of NS5A. Interference of the protein interaction between NS5A and PI4KIIIα decreased HCV propagation. Knockdown of PI4KIIIα significantly reduced HCV replication in Huh7 cells harboring the subgenomic replicon and in Huh7.5 cells infected with cell culture grown virus (HCVcc). Silencing of PI4KIIIα further inhibited HCV release into the tissue culture medium. NS5A may recruit PI4KIIIα to the HCV RNA replication complex. These data suggest that PI4KIIIα is an essential host factor that supports HCV proliferation and therefore PI4KIIIα may be a legitimate target for anti-HCV therapy.  相似文献   

Nodaviruses are a family of positive-stranded RNA viruses with a bipartite genome of RNAs. In nodaviruses, genomic RNA1 encodes protein A, which is recognized as an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) and functions as the sole viral replicase protein responsible for its RNA replication. Although nodaviral RNA replication has been studied in considerable detail, and nodaviruses are well recognized models for investigating viral RNA replication, the mechanism(s) governing the initiation of nodaviral RNA synthesis have not been determined. In this study, we characterized the RdRP activity of Wuhan nodavirus (WhNV) protein A in detail and determined that this nodaviral protein A initiates RNA synthesis via a de novo mechanism, and this RNA synthesis initiation could be independent of other viral or cellular factors. Moreover, we uncovered that WhNV protein A contains a terminal nucleotidyltransferase (TNTase) activity, which is the first time such an activity has been identified in nodaviruses. We subsequently found that the TNTase activity could function in vitro to repair the 3′ initiation site, which may be digested by cellular exonucleases, to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of viral RNA synthesis initiation. Furthermore, we determined the cis-acting elements for RdRP or TNTase activity at the 3′-end of positive or negative strand RNA1. Taken together, our data establish the de novo synthesis initiation mechanism and the TNTase activity of WhNV protein A, and this work represents an important advance toward understanding the mechanism(s) of nodaviral RNA replication.  相似文献   

Most avian influenza A viruses, which preferentially replicate at the high temperatures found in the digestive tract of birds, have a glutamic acid at residue 627 of the viral RNA polymerase PB2 subunit (Glu-627), whereas the human viruses, which optimally replicate at the low temperatures observed in the human respiratory tract, have a lysine (Lys-627). The mechanism of action for this mutation is still not understood, although interaction with host factors has been proposed to play a major role. In this study, we explored an alternative, yet related, hypothesis that this PB2 mutation may alter the temperature-dependent enzymatic polymerase activity of the viral polymerase. First, the avian polymerase protein, which was purified from baculovirus expression system, indeed remained significantly active at higher temperatures (i.e. 37 and 42 °C), whereas the human E627K mutant drastically lost activity at these high temperatures. Second, our steady-state kinetics data revealed that the human E627K mutant polymerase is catalytically more active than the avian Glu-627 polymerase at 34 °C. Importantly, the E627K mutation elevates apparent K(cat) at low temperatures with little effect on K(m), suggesting that the E627K mutation alters the biochemical steps involved in enzyme catalysis rather than the interaction with the incoming NTP. Third, this temperature-dependent kinetic impact of the human E627K mutation was also observed with different RNA templates, with different primers and also in the presence of nucleoprotein. In conclusion, our study suggests that the amino acid sequence variations at residue 627 of PB2 subunit can directly alter the enzyme kinetics of influenza polymerase.  相似文献   

Flaviviruses, such as dengue virus (DENV), depend on the host endoplasmic reticulum for translation, replication, and packaging of their genomes. Here we report that DENV-2 infection modulates the unfolded protein response in a time-dependent manner. We show that early DENV-2 infection triggers and then suppresses PERK-mediated eIF2α phosphorylation and that in mid and late DENV-2 infection, the IRE1-XBP1 and ATF6 pathways are activated, respectively. Activation of IRE1-XBP1 correlated with induction of downstream targets GRP78, CHOP, and GADD34. Furthermore, induction of CHOP did not induce apoptotic markers, such as suppression of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, activation of caspase-9 or caspase-3, and cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. Finally, we show that DENV-2 replication is affected in PERK(-/-) and IRE1(-/-) mouse embryo fibroblasts when compared with wild-type mouse embryo fibroblasts. These results demonstrate that time-dependent activation of the unfolded protein response by DENV-2 can override inhibition of translation, prevent apoptosis, and prolong the viral life cycle.  相似文献   

The dengue virus (DENV) NS3 protein is essential for viral polyprotein processing and RNA replication. It contains an N-terminal serine protease region (residues 1–168) joined to an RNA helicase (residues 180–618) by an 11-amino acid linker (169–179). The structure at 3.15 Å of the soluble NS3 protein from DENV4 covalently attached to 18 residues of the NS2B cofactor region (NS2B18NS3) revealed an elongated molecule with the protease domain abutting subdomains I and II of the helicase (Luo, D., Xu, T., Hunke, C., Grüber, G., Vasudevan, S. G., and Lescar, J. (2008) J. Virol. 82, 173–183). Unexpectedly, using similar crystal growth conditions, we observed an alternative conformation where the protease domain has rotated by ∼161° with respect to the helicase domain. We report this new crystal structure bound to ADP-Mn2+ refined to a resolution of 2.2 Å. The biological significance for interdomain flexibility conferred by the linker region was probed by either inserting a Gly residue between Glu173 and Pro174 or replacing Pro174 with a Gly residue. Both mutations resulted in significantly lower ATPase and helicase activities. We next increased flexibility in the linker by introducing a Pro176 to Gly mutation in a DENV2 replicon system. A 70% reduction in luciferase reporter signal and a similar reduction in the level of viral RNA synthesis were observed. Our results indicate that the linker region has evolved to an optimum length to confer flexibility to the NS3 protein that is required both for polyprotein processing and RNA replication.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5b protein is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase essential for replication of the viral RNA genome. In vitro and presumably in vivo, NS5b initiates RNA synthesis by a de novo mechanism. Different structural elements of NS5b have been reported to participate in RNA synthesis, especially a so-called “β-flap” and a C-terminal segment (designated “linker”) that connects the catalytic core of NS5b to a transmembrane anchor. High concentrations of GTP have also been shown to stimulate de novo RNA synthesis by HCV NS5b. Here we describe a combined structural and functional analysis of genotype 1 HCV-NS5b of strains H77 (subtype 1a), for which no structure has been previously reported, and J4 (subtype 1b). Our results highlight the linker as directly involved in lifting the first boundary to processive RNA synthesis, the formation of the first dinucleotide primer. The transition from this first dinucleotide primer state to processive RNA synthesis requires removal of the linker and of the β-flap with which it is shown to strongly interact in crystal structures of HCV NS5b. We find that GTP specifically stimulates this transition irrespective of its incorporation in neosynthesized RNA.  相似文献   

RNA viruses encoding high- or low-fidelity RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) are attenuated. The ability to predict residues of the RdRp required for faithful incorporation of nucleotides represents an essential step in any pipeline intended to exploit perturbed fidelity as the basis for rational design of vaccine candidates. We used x-ray crystallography, molecular dynamics simulations, NMR spectroscopy, and pre-steady-state kinetics to compare a mutator (H273R) RdRp from poliovirus to the wild-type (WT) enzyme. We show that the nucleotide-binding site toggles between the nucleotide binding-occluded and nucleotide binding-competent states. The conformational dynamics between these states were enhanced by binding to primed template RNA. For the WT, the occluded conformation was favored; for H273R, the competent conformation was favored. The resonance for Met-187 in our NMR spectra reported on the ability of the enzyme to check the correctness of the bound nucleotide. Kinetic experiments were consistent with the conformational dynamics contributing to the established pre-incorporation conformational change and fidelity checkpoint. For H273R, residues comprising the active site spent more time in the catalytically competent conformation and were more positively correlated than the WT. We propose that by linking the equilibrium between the binding-occluded and binding-competent conformations of the nucleotide-binding pocket and other active-site dynamics to the correctness of the bound nucleotide, faithful nucleotide incorporation is achieved. These studies underscore the need to apply multiple biophysical and biochemical approaches to the elucidation of the physical basis for polymerase fidelity.  相似文献   

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