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Due to its highly metalliferous waters and low pH, the Rio Tinto has shown its potential for modelling both acid mine drainage systems and biohydrometallurgical operations. Most geomicrobiological studies of these systems have focused on the oxic water column. A sequence-based approach in combination with in situ detection techniques enabled us to examine the composition and structure of the microbial communities associated with the suboxic and anoxic sediments along the river course and to compare them with the planktonic communities inhabiting the water column. The results obtained with the different approaches were consistent and revealed some major patterns: higher cell density and higher richness (75 vs. 48 operational taxonomic units) in the sediments than in the water column. The microbial communities were related but the river sediments appear to be enriched in certain populations, some of which have not previously been reported in the Rio Tinto basin. The differences detected between sampling stations along the river correlate with certain environmental parameters (e.g. iron concentration gradient). The biological and geochemical data show the importance of the sediments as representing a phase of particular high diversity, probably related to key metabolic processes within both the iron and the sulfur cycles.  相似文献   

The prokaryotic diversity of macroscopic filaments located at the water surface in an extreme acidic environment, Río Tinto (SW, Spain), has been analysed through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), cloning of 16S rRNA genes and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The dominant species present in the macrofilaments were Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Leptospirillum ferrooxidans and Acidiphilium spp., which represented the three main bacterial genera found in the water column of the river. However, our results also showed the presence of other microorganisms not previously detected in the Río Tinto. Within the Gammaproteobacteria class, sequences closely related to the iron-oxidizing bacteria WJ2 and DSM 2392 were found, as well as sequences related to the non-acidophilic genera Aeromonas and Acinetobacter. In addition, two other new phylotypes related to Gram-positive species from the genera Desulfosporosinus, Clostridium and Mycobacterium were identified. The presence of these anaerobic microorganisms strongly suggests that the filaments could originate in the deeper parts of the river as a typical acid streamer attached to the rocks or the sediments and be pulled up towards the surface when they reach certain buoyancy.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic community of the Río Tinto (SW, Spain) was surveyed in fall, winter and spring through the combined use of traditional microscopy and molecular approaches, including Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequence analysis of 18S rRNA gene fragments. Eukaryotic assemblages of surface sediment biofilms collected in January, May and September 2002 were compared from 13 sampling stations along the river. Physicochemical data revealed extremely acidic conditions (the pH ranged from 0.9 to 2.5) with high concentrations of heavy metals, including up to 20 mg l(-1) Fe, 317 mg l(-1) Zn, 47 mg l(-1) As, 42 mg l(-1) Cd and 4 mg l(-1) Ni. In total, 20 taxa were identified, including members of the Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta phyla as well as ciliates, cercomonads, amoebae, stramenopiles, fungi, heliozoans and rotifers. In general, total cell abundances were highest in fall and spring but decreased drastically in winter, and the sampling stations with the most extreme conditions showed the lowest number of cells, as well as the lowest diversity. Species diversity did not vary much during the year. Only the filamentous algae showed a dramatic seasonal change, since they almost disappeared in winter and reached the highest biomass during the summer. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) showed a high inverse correlation between pH and most of the heavy metals analyzed, as well as Dunaliella sp., while Chlamydomonas sp. was directly related to pH during May and September. Three heavy metals (Zn, Cu and Ni) remained separate from the rest and showed an inverse correlation with most of the species analyzed, except for Dunaliella sp.  相似文献   

Bosmina (Cladocera) populations, especially within the subgenus Eubosmina, show a variety of phenotypes that exhibit large differences in body size and shape and antennule length. In some populations, the morphological traits also vary during the season, with the most extreme forms occurring in periods with high densities of certain invertebrate predators. However, while temporal phenotypic variation in other cladocerans, as in the family Daphnidae, has been shown to be an adaptation to reduce the risk of predation by invertebrate predators, the reason for such changes in Bosmina is much less clear. We examined whether certain morphological traits in Bosmina species could act as a defence against invertebrate predators. We tested three Bosmina forms (subgenus Eubosmina), differing in morphology from each other, which are found in lakes together with the predator Leptodora kindtii (Cladocera). Bosmina (E.) longispina has a relatively low and elongated carapace with a caudal mucro, and short antennule, B. (E.) coregoni gibbera has a higher and more protruding carapace without caudal mucro, and a much longer antennule. Finally, B. (E.) coregoni retro extensa has a carapace like that of B. longispina but with no caudal mucro and a much longer antennule. In one experiment, B. longispina and B. gibbera were exposed for 12 h to Leptodora in Petri dishes. In a second experiment, we observed directly the escape efficiency of B. longispina, B. gibbera and B. retro extensa, and the handling time of Leptodora. The two Bosmina forms with more extreme morphological features had a lower death rate and higher escape efficiency than B. longispina. Prey that escaped did so, in most cases, within 5 min. Predator handling time was correlated to predator body length and antennule length of the prey. The results suggests that Bosmina species with extreme morphological traits may be less vulnerable to invertebrate predators. Received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 5 October 1998  相似文献   

Alvinella pompejana, the so-called Pompeii worm (Desbruyères and Laubier, 1980), is found exclusively in association to high temperature venting, at the surface of hydrothermal chimneys of the East Pacific Rise. The main characteristics of this emblematic species is its tolerance to high temperature but its ability to colonize extremely hot substrates has been the subject of much controversy. In the last decade, new tools allowing in situ and in vivo investigation have been determinant in the understanding of the strategies and adaptations required to colonize such an extremely hot environment. New data relative to the characterization of the animal habitat conditions, on one hand, to the molecular adaptations of this organism and the colonization processes by this species, on the other hand, are now available. Advanced methods and tools, that have fostered the physico-chemical characterization of vent habitats in recent years, are first reviewed. Factors controlling the physico-chemical variability of vent habitats and the threats A. pompejana might effectively face are discussed. The exceptional thermotolerance of this species and the maximum temperature it could sustain are then considered in the light of molecular data relative to its collagen stability. Life history traits as well as biological controls on tube micro-habitat conditions are discussed on the basis of new in situ and in vivo experiments and characterization. Finally, the current knowledge and opened questions related to the molecular adaptations to chemical stresses are briefly stated. The ability of Alvinella pompejana to colonize these substrates is far from being fully understood, but the exceptional properties of its extracellular biopolymers and the behavior of the worm can be now considered as major clues in the colonization process. Alvinella pompejana could thus stand at the limits authorized for its biological machinery in a highly dynamic environment where temperature can readily reach lethal values, but where temperature regulation by the animal itself would prevent exposure to deleterious thermal spikes. The dynamic system associating this pioneer species and its associated microflora might be viewed as a key to the subsequent colonization of these environments by less tolerant species, highlighting A. pompejana as a new type of ecosystem bioengineer.  相似文献   

This article will examine the construction and functions of, as well as relationship between, the diverse and changing articulations of Islamophobia. The aim is to contribute to debates about the definition of Islamophobia, which have tended to be contextually specific, fixed and/or polarized between racism and religious prejudice, between extreme and mainstream, state and non-state versions or undifferentiated, and offer a more nuanced framework to: (a) delineate articulations of Islamophobia as opposed to precise types and categories; (b) highlight the porosity in the discourse between extreme articulations widely condemned in the mainstream, and normalized and insidious ones, which the former tend to render more acceptable in comparison; (c) map where these intersect in response to events, historical and political conditions and new ideological forces and imperatives and (d) compare these articulations of Islamophobia in two contexts, France and the US.  相似文献   

The intramembrane-cleaving protease γ-secretase catalyzes the last step in the generation of toxic amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides and is a principal therapeutic target in Alzheimer's disease. Both preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that inhibition of γ-secretase is associated with prohibitive side effects due to suppression of Notch processing and signaling. Potentially safer are γ-secretase modulators (GSMs), which are small molecules that selectively lower generation of the highly amyloidogenic Aβ42 peptides but spare Notch processing. GSMs with nanomolar potency and favorable pharmacological properties have been described, but the molecular mechanism of GSMs remains uncertain and both the substrate amyloid precursor protein (APP) and subunits of the γ-secretase complex have been proposed as the molecular target of GSMs. We have generated a potent photo-probe based on an acidic GSM that lowers Aβ42 generation with an IC(50) of 290 nM in cellular assays. By combining in vivo photo-crosslinking with affinity purification, we demonstrated that this probe binds the N-terminal fragment of presenilin (PSEN), the catalytic subunit of the γ-secretase complex, in living cells. Labeling was not observed for APP or any of the other γ-secretase subunits. Binding was readily competed by structurally divergent acidic and non-acidic GSMs suggesting a shared mode of action. These findings indicate that potent acidic GSMs target presenilin to modulate the enzymatic activity of the γ-secretase complex.  相似文献   

Caesium (Cs) is an alkali metal with chemical properties similar to potassium (K). It has no known role in plant nutrition and it is not toxic to plants at the micromolar concentrations occurring naturally in soil solutions. However, two radioisotopes of Cs (134Cs and 137Cs) are of environmental concern due to their relatively long half-lives, emissions of and radiation during decay, and rapid incorporation into biological systems. There is considerable interest in remediating sites contaminated by these isotopes using phytoextraction and, since the produce from radiocaesium-contaminated areas may enter the food chain, the introduction of `safe' crops that do not accumulate Cs. This article reviews the molecular mechanisms of Cs uptake by plants, and provides a perspective on strategies to develop: (1) plants that extract Cs efficiently from soils (for the phytoremediation of land), or (2) `safe' crops that minimise the entry of radiocaesium directly into the human food chain.  相似文献   

Summary The xynC gene coding for an acetylxylan esterase from the extreme thermophile Caldocellum saccharolyticum was overexpressed in Escherichia coli strain RR28 by cloning the gene downstream from the lacZ promoter region of pUC18 (pNZ1447) or downstream from the temperature-inducible p r p l promoters of pJLA602 (pNZ1600). The protein formed high molecular weight aggregates in induced cells of RR28/pNZ1600 but not in RR28/pNZ1447. The enzyme constituted up to 10% of the total cell protein and was located in the cytoplasmic fraction of RR28/pNZ1447. The acetyl esterase was most active at pH 6.0 and 70–75° C with a half-life of 64 h at 70° C and 30 h at 80° C, respectively.Offprint requests to: P. L. Bergquist  相似文献   

In an aviary experiment, we studied whether body size or habitatfamiliarity of field voles (Microtus agrestis) affected predationrisk by Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius funereus). In the field, wecompared the body size of field voles snap-trapped in good (covered)and poor (open) habitats in 1992 and 1994 to determine whetherthere were habitat-related differences in the body size of voles.In the aviary, large individuals occupied the good habitat significantlymore than small individuals both in the control (owl not present)and experimental treatments (owl present). Furthermore, habitat-familiarvoles inhabited the good habitat more than habitat-unfamiliarvoles did when an owl was present Our field data were consistentwith our aviary data: larger field voles were more frequentlyfound in good habitats than in poor habitats. In the aviary,Tengmalm's owl predation risk was higher for small and habitat-unfamiliarvoles. This suggests that large field voles may have priorityto sheltered habitats. Furthermore, habitat familiarity mayplay a central role in avoiding risky habitats.  相似文献   

Here we compare dental microwear textures from specimens of the fossil genus Mesopithecus (Cercopithecidae, Colobinae) from the late Miocene of Eastern Europe with dental microwear textures from four extant primate species with known dietary differences. Results indicate that the dental microwear textures of Mesopithecus differ from those of extant leaf eaters Alouatta palliata and Trachypithecus cristatus and instead resemble more closely those of the occasional hard-object feeders Cebus apella and Lophocebus albigena. Microwear texture data presented here in combination with results from previous analyses suggest that Mesopithecus was a widespread, opportunistic feeder that often consumed hard seeds. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that early colobines may have preferred hard seeds to leaves.  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of the life history of humans and some other species of social mammals is a long post-reproductive period. This condition is of a physiological nature in females (menopause), whereas in males it is largely of a behavioral nature. We discuss the hypothesis that old, post-reproductive individuals in these species may act as repositories of acquired knowledge, thereby providing an evolutionary benefit for their group. According to this view, the group's investment into the care for their older members is overcompensated by the benefits gained from the experience of these individuals (“senators”). This phenomenon is suggested to be largely independent from the degree of genetic relatedness within the group. We put forward a list of several necessary preconditions for the senator phenomenon to evolve. The presence or absence of these preconditions can be studied empirically.  相似文献   

Packroff  Gabriele  Woelfl  Stefan 《Hydrobiologia》2000,433(1-3):153-156
The occurrence and some important taxonomic problems of heterotrophic protists from extremely acidic (pH 3) environments are briefly discussed. Almost all information on the occurrence of heterotrophic protists from extremely acidic environments is restricted to acid mine drainage (AMD) or streams influenced by AMD. Most of the information is provided for ciliates. Very little information is available on the occurrence of flagellates, rhizopods and heliozoa in this environment. Within the ciliates Urotricha, Vorticella and Oxytricha dominate in acidic mining lakes. Actinophrys sp. is the most important heliozoan in these environments. There are many taxonomic problems which are not solved so far. Live observations and taxonomic methods adapted to the extreme chemical matrix are necessary for correct identification.  相似文献   

An α-carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC isolated from the living fossil sponge Astrosclera willeyana, Astrosclerin, was investigated for its inhibition profile with simple inorganic anions, complex anions and other small molecules known to interact with these zinc enzymes. Astrosclerin is a catalytically highly efficient enzyme, and is inhibited in the low micromolar range by sulfamide, sulfamic acid, phenylboronic acid and phenylarsonic acid, and in the submillimolar range by a variety of anions including fluoride, chloride, cyanate, thiocyanate, cyanide, hydrogen sulfide, bisulfate, stannate, perosmate, divanadate, perrhenate, perruthenate, selenocyanide, trithiocarbonate, diethyldithiocarbamate and iminodisulfonate. Less efficient Astrosclerin inhibitors were sulfate, bromide, iodide, azide, bicarbonate, carbonate, tetraborate and perchlorate (K(I)s of 5.11-30.6mM) whereas tetrafluoroborate was not at all inhibitory. Because Astrosclerin is involved in calcification processes in vivo, its anion inhibition profile may be important for future studies designed to shed light on the physiologic functions of α-CAs in marine organisms.  相似文献   

Studies of mating behaviour have assumed that individuals are at greater risk when paired than when engaged in other activities. Recently, four experimental studies of insects and crustaceans have tested this assumption using predators from divergent taxa. Three of these studies indicate that mating carries no additional risk to the participants. Indeed, the findings suggest decreased vulnerability, relative to other activities, due to decreased predation on one or the other of the mating pair.  相似文献   

Acidobacterium capsulatum, an acidophilic, mesophilic and chemoorganotrophic bacterium, produced an inducible, acidic β-glucosidase in the cellobiose medium. The enzyme was successively purified 109 times by CM-Sepharose, Sephacryl S-200 chromatography and preparative discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme gave a single band at pH 4.3. The enzyme had an optimum pH of 3.0 and optimum reaction temperature of 55°C, being stable from pH 1.5 to 6.0 and at temperatures from 20 to 45°C. No activity was detected above pH 6.5 or above 65°C. The molecular weight of 90,000 was estimated by gel filtration and the enzyme had an isoelectric point of 7.0. The enzyme hydrolyzed aryl-β-glycosides and β-linked disaccharides.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors affecting a species’ population size is crucial for conservation initiatives. Hyraxes are small, gregarious animals, predominantly found on kopjes (rock outcrops) and thus form metapopulation communities. In Tanzania, two species of hyraxes inhabit Serengeti National Park, the rock hyrax Procavia capensis johnstoni and bush hyrax Heterohyrax brucei. This study focuses on the factors that affect hyrax population size, including factors such as human presence, habitat type, kopje size and kopje height. We found that larger and taller kopjes tended to have more hyraxes than smaller ones, while kopjes in wooded grassland had more hyraxes than kopjes in grassland. Human presence often affects species negatively, but in the case of hyraxes, we found that kopjes with human presence had larger populations than kopjes without humans. We discuss possible explanations for this and suggest that human presence is related to fewer predators and higher food availability.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,67(1-3):22-31
Economic decline accompanied by high population growth rates in sub-Saharan African cities has led to an increase in the importance of small-scale agriculture as a survival strategy. These crop or livestock producers should benefit from the urban infrastructure by easier access to inputs and services. This assumption was tested for sheep keeping in Maroua, Cameroon. An intensive survey of 38 urban and peri-urban flocks conducted between November 1994 and March 1995 revealed that management practices and flock productivity differed little from those in rural areas. No significant influence of more intensive management practices on flock productivity was found. A parallel study explored the availability and adequacy of livestock services for urban sheep producers and the effect of these on animal productivity. The main areas of livestock services, i.e. veterinary services, consultation, extension and supply of inputs, were provided by the nine organisations offering livestock services in Maroua. However, the focus of the organisations was on rural cattle rearing and urban sheep producers gained little from the existing knowledge and competence. Among the services used by the 58 sheep owners interviewed in the second study, ‘informal contact with a veterinarian’ was the only factor showing a significant, albeit weak, effect on flock productivity. Nevertheless, flock productivity increased with the frequency of use of most services. In order to fully realize the potential benefits from urban infrastructure, small-scale sheep production needs to be formally accepted as an economic activity and supported by adequate services and an institutional environment.  相似文献   

In many salmon and charr, both 'migratory males' and 'precocious males' are maintained as alternative life-histories within a population. During breeding, precocious males gather around the mating pair of migratory fish and attempt to sneak in the spawning between larger male and female charr. Refuges such as debris and shallow areas may provide shelter from aggressive attacks and allow precocious males to hold positions closer to the pair (nest) and/or sneak more easily during the mating. Here we examine whether the availability of refuges influences the breeding behavior of precocious male parr of the Miyabe charr under experimental and natural conditions. Aggressive attacks directed toward precocious parr by the mating pair or other parr was not influenced by the refuge availability either under experimental conditions or in the wild. We did not find the effect of high refuge availability on the proximity of parr to the nest beyond the experimental conditions where the density of refuges was probably higher than in the natural stream. There were no effects of high refuge availability either on parr's attempts at sneak mating or on their success in spawning. Thus, our results provide little evidence that the refuge availability influences parr sneaking behavior. Other possible effects of high refuge availability, for example, the increase of fertilization success and the decrease of energy expenditure and risk taking, remain to be considered.  相似文献   

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