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Summary The ratio of buffer to wheat bran, incubation temperature and initial pH influence -amylase production byBacillus megaterium 16M under solid state fermentation. The enzyme, with pH and temperature optima at 6.0 and 70°C, is formed at a level of 30,000 units/g dry bacterial bran without coproduction of proteases and cellulases.  相似文献   

Production of cellulases and β-glucosidase was studied using locally-isolated Aspergillus niger on various cheap sources of cellulose like bagasse, corn corbs, computer cards and sawdust, by solid state fermentation (SSF) and by liquid state fermentation (LSF). Enzyme activities were increased about 30–80% by SSF in comparison with conventional LSF. Enzyme production was further improved by various pretreatments, making cellulosic material easily accessible. The best results were obtained with 5 M NaOH treatment.  相似文献   

Summary CMCase and -glucosidase were produced by the mutantNeurospora crassa 40b cultivated on untreated wheat straw in a solid state fermentation. Best enzyme activities were observed when the growth medium was composed of wheat straw mixed with certain mineral solutions at a ratio 1:2 (w/v). A partially purified enzyme preparation showed optimum enzyme activities of CMCase and -glucosidase at pH 4.0 and 5.0 and temperature 50 and 60°C respectively. The apparent Km values for the same enzymes were 16.8 g/l and 1.03x10–4 M respectively. At optimum growth and enzyme assay conditions yields as high as 586.2 U CMCase and 58.4 U -glucosidase per gram of straw were obtained.  相似文献   

Latent-TGF-β: An overview   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Summary Multispecies virtual population analysis is an attempt to take species interactions into account when assessing the status of fish stocks. It was introduced primarily with the aim of lowering the uncertainty in the natural mortality rate as used in single species VPA and to take account of variability between years and ages by calculating inside the model the part of the mortality rate caused by predation. The output of the MSVPA is therefore —in addition to stock sizes and fishing mortality rates as in single species VPA —the amounts consumed of the various species by the predators included in the analysis.The MSVPA model of the predation interactions results in a set of coupled non-linear equations which must be solved for each time step in the analysis. Key parameters in the model are the so-called suitability coefficients, measuring the relative suitability of one species as prey for another species. These parameters must be estimated inside the model and this estimation requires data on the stomach contents of the predators in the model. The MSVPA makes two key assumptions: constant ration size (i.e. independent of time for each species-age combination) and hence fixed weights-at-age and a model of prey selection which leads to a type ii functional feeding response. These assumptions do not hold for all areas and therefore limit the applicability of the MSVPA in its present form.The MSVPA is probably one of the more successful multispecies models in fisheries. Its main application to date has been to the North Sea, and although it has not been used directly as a management tool it has provided input values of parameters used in assessment models as well as valuable insights into the system. For example, it has demonstrated that an increase in mesh size can result in lower long-term yields, an effect opposite to what is predicted if species interactions are ignored. Such insights into the dynamics of the system are useful and MSVPA may therefore have an indirect role to play in management. Nevertheless, due to many uncertainties involved in multispecies modelling in general and MSVPA in particular, it seems doubtful that the use of MSVPA in fisheries management will be much greater in the immediate future than it is at present.  相似文献   

Production of α-amylase from local isolate, Penicillium chrysogenum, under solid-state fermentation (SSF) was carried out in this study. Different agricultural by-products, such as wheat bran (WB), sunflower oil meal (SOM), and sugar beet oil cake (SBOC), were used as individual substrate for the enzyme production. WB showed the highest enzyme activity (750 U/gds). Combination of WB, SOM, and SBOC (1:3:1 w/w/w) resulted in a higher enzyme yield (845 U/gds) in comparison with the use of the individual substrate. This combination was used as mixed solid substrate for the production of α-amylase from P. chrysogenum by SSF. Fermentation conditions were optimized. Maximum enzyme yield (891 U/gds) was obtained when SSF was carried out using WB + SOM + SBOC (1:3:1 w/w/w), having initial moisture of 75%, inoculum level of 20%, incubation period of 7 days at 30°C. Galactose (1% w/w), urea and peptone (1% w/w), as additives, caused increase in the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Classification of microorganisms on the basis of traditional microbiological methods (morphological, physiological and biochemical) creates a blurred image about their taxonomic status and thus needs further clarification. It should be based on a more pragmatic approach of deploying a number of methods for the complete characterization of microbes. Hence, the methods now employed for bacterial systematics include, the complete 16S rRNA gene sequencing and its comparative analysis by phylogenetic trees, DNA-DNA hybridization studies with related organisms, analyses of molecular markers and signature pattern(s), biochemical assays, physiological and morphological tests. Collectively these genotypic, chemotaxonomic and phenotypic methods for determining taxonomic position of microbes constitute what is known as the ‘polyphasic approach’ for bacterial systematics. This approach is currently the most popular choice for classifying bacteria and several microbes, which were previously placed under invalid taxa have now been resolved into new genera and species. This has been possible owing to rapid development in molecular biological techniques, automation of DNA sequencing coupled with advances in bioinformatic tools and access to sequence databases. Several DNA-based typing methods are known; these provide information for delineating bacteria into different genera and species and have the potential to resolve differences among the strains of a species. Therefore, newly isolated strains must be classified on the basis of the polyphasic approach. Also previously classified organisms, as and when required, can be reclassified on this ground in order to obtain information about their accurate position in the microbial world. Thus, current techniques enable microbiologists to decipher the natural phylogenetic relationships between microbes.  相似文献   

Philosophical theories about reduction and integration in science are at variance with what is happenign in science. A realistic approach to science show that possibilities for reduction and integration are limited. The classical ideal of a unified science has since long been rejected in philosophy. But the current emphasis on interdisciplinary integration in philosophy and in science shows that it survives in a different guise. It is necessary to redress the balance, specifically in biology. Methodological analysis shows that many of the grand interdisciplinary theories involving biology actually represent pseudo-integration covered up by inappropriate, overgeneral concepts. Integrationism is not bad, but it must be kept within reasonable bounds. If the present analysis is appropriate, there will have to be fundamental changes in research strategy both in science and in the philosophy of science.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes present knowledge of the synanthropic nitrophilous communities dominated by tall herbs on the basis of the present Artemisietea vulgaris database. Floristic variability was examined also in detrended correspondence analysis. Each cluster was inspected for its ecological and floristic consistency. The final interpretable solution comprises five clusters. Species to clusters fidelity was calculated using ? coefficient. The ecological interpretation of the five groups was based on the average Pignatti indicator values. Groups were compared by using Tukey's honest significant difference test in conjunction with ANOVA. Finally, based on the statistical analysis, we established five alliances: Onopordionacanthii, Matricario-Chenopodion, Dauco-Melilotion, Arctionlappae, and Convolvuloarvensis-Elytrigionrepenti.  相似文献   

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the noncancerous proliferation of the prostate gland associated with benign prostatic obstruction and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) such as frequency, hesitancy, urgency, etc. Its prevalence increases with age affecting around 70% by the age of 70 years. High activity of 5α-reductase enzyme in humans results in excessive dihydrotestosterone levels in peripheral tissues and hence suppression of androgen action by 5α-reductase inhibitors is a logical treatment for BPH as they inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Finasteride (13) was the first steroidal 5α-reductase inhibitor approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). In human it decreases the prostatic DHT level by 70-90% and reduces the prostatic size. Dutasteride (27) another related analogue has been approved in 2002. Unlike Finasteride, Dutasteride is a competitive inhibitor of both 5α-reductase type I and type II isozymes, reduced DHT levels >90% following 1 year of oral administration. A number of classes of non-steroidal inhibitors of 5α-reductase have also been synthesized generally by removing one or more rings from the azasteroidal structure or by an early non-steroidal lead (ONO-3805) (261). In this review all categories of inhibitors of 5α-reductase have been covered.  相似文献   

Summary -glucosidase production was studied in solid-state cultivation by Aspergillus phoenicis on sugar beet pulps. The experiments were carried out in column incubators aerated with humidified air, at 30 °C. Results of physiological studies showed that the production of -glucosidase from beet pulps in the solid state fermentation required : 70% moisture content, initial pH of about 4, and 107 spores/g substrate. -glucosidase produced under these conditions could be removed from the solid medium with water, or stored in the form of a dried fermented product, for a direct use in the saccharification reactions.  相似文献   

A summary of the present knowledge ofBolboforma is presented in this paper. The genusBolboforma contains a diverse group of marine, mostly single-chambered enigmatic microfossils (phytoplankton, possibly Chrysophyta) which produced calcitic monocrystalline spheroidal tests with or without inner cysts and with various types of ornamentation. The genusBolboforma occurs in the time interval between late Early Eocene to Late Pliocene, at middle and higher latitudes, and thus, has not been recorded in Quaternary to Recent Sediments. The genus is represented globally, but the first and the last occurrence of the genus appear to be spatially diachronous in both hemispheres.Bolboforma started in the southern hemisphere at the Campbell Plateau (SW Pazific) during the Early Eocene approximately 53 Ma ago, and the genus lived there until latest Miocene times (5.3 Ma at the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean). The first occurrence ofBolboforma in the northern hemisphere is observed in Upper Eocene Sediments (ca. 36.5 Ma) in the Labrador Sea (North Atlantic), and its youngest occurrence is observed in the Hatton-Rockall Basin (North Atlantic) in the Late Pliocene at 2.84 Ma. Well established and common species permit the definition of nineteenBolboforma zones/subzones. Not all of these are observed in both hemispheres. In the southern hemisphere all four Paleogene zones, but only eight Neogene zones are present, in the northern hemisphere only one Paleogene zone, but fourteen Neogene zones have been determined. Bolboforma distribution, which appears to be broadly bipolar in temperate to cool regions at middle to higher latitudes, aso seems to be linked to the evolution of surface watermasses and their boundaries.   相似文献   

Richard Y ZHAO 《Cell research》2005,15(11):821-822
China has come a long way in fighting against HIV/AIDS epidemic. The Chinese government has taken an active role in combating this detrimental disease and such a welcome attitude by the Chinese government will certainly provide a positive spin on its effort in reducing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in China.  相似文献   

The modern β-adrenergic agonists (β-blockers) possess one or more than one chiral center in their structure. Two enantiomers exhibit distinct pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic behaviors. Current progress in drug designing has resulted in the ability to understand the role of chirality in modern therapeutics. Furthermore, with a greater understanding of the molecular structure of precise drug targets, development of new drugs is directed towards the pure enantiomers instead of its racemates. The present review deals with a discussion on the stereochemical facets of chiral clinical β-blockers. This review provides details of stereo-selectivity in the pharmacological behavior of some of β-blockers and their metabolites. An effort has been made on highlighting the distinction between the therapeutic behavior of the racemic mixtures and pure enantiomers.  相似文献   

Mycorrhiza in sedges—an overview   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Most terrestrial plants associate with root-colonising mycorrhizal fungi, which improve the fitness of both the fungal and plant associates. However, exceptions exist both between and within plant families failing to associate with mycorrhizal fungi or in the incidence and the extent of mycotrophy, which may vary greatly. Sedges are important pioneers of disturbed habitats and often dominate vegetations like wetlands, and arctic and alpine vegetations, in which the mycorrhizal inoculum in the soil is often low or absent. In the past, sedges were often designated as non-mycorrhizal, though limited reports indicated the presence of mycorrhiza in certain species. However, studies since 1987 indicate widespread occurrence of mycorrhiza in sedges. Based on these studies, the family Cyperaceae is no longer a non-mycorrhizal family, but the mycorrhizal status of its members is greatly influenced by environmental conditions. Further, sedges appear to have several morphological adaptations to thrive in the absence of mycorrhizal association. Though mycorrhizal associations have been noted in many sedge species, the ecological role of this association is not well documented and no clear generalisation can be drawn. Similarly, the role of mycorrhizal fungi on sedge growth and nutrient uptake or non-nutritional benefits has yet to be fully ascertained. This paper reviews the current information available on the incidence of mycorrhiza in sedges and the possible reasons for low mycotrophy observed in this family.  相似文献   

The tannase producing strain Aspergillus heteromorphus MTCC 8818 was used in the present study for the production of tannase under solid state fermentation using Rosewood (Dalbergia sissoo) sawdust—a timber industry waste—as substrate. Various physico-chemical parameters were optimized for extracellular yield of tannase. Maximum tannase (1.84 U/g dry substrate) and gallic acid (5.4 mg/g ds) was observed at 30 °C after 96 h of incubation. Czapek dox medium was found to be the best moistening agent, with pH and relative humidity of 5.5 and 70 %, respectively. The constituents of Czapek dox medium were varied to enhance enzyme production. The optimum concentration of modified Czapek dox constituents contained 0.2 % NaNO3, 0.05 % K2HPO4 and MgSO4, 0.15 % KCl. Among the additional salts supplemented to Czapek dox medium, ZnSO4 and CuSO4 were found to have a stimulating effect, with a relative tannase activity of 116 and 111 %, respectively. Glucose as an external carbon source was found to be a repressor of enzyme production.  相似文献   

Invasive species in China — an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
China is a vast country with rich biodiversity, which makes China especially vulnerable to invasive species. It has a long history of introduction of non-native species, especially those with perceived beneficial impacts. Its rapid economic development, including an explosive growth in international trade and transportation, has increased the potential for new introductions. Currently, alien species are widespread in the country, occur in many ecosystems, represent most major taxonomic groups, and are introduced unintentionally as well as intentionally for cultivation. The paper lists various cases of invasive species which have caused significant threats or damages to local natural or artificial ecosystems, and indicates that two example industries (fresh water fisheries and lawn grasses) have brought or tend to bring in many invasive species and hence have caused or will cause changes and loss of biodiversity in local ecosystems. Based on these studies, it is suggested that China combat the problem through enhancing awareness, development of a database on invasive species, strengthening international co-operation, preparing case studies and introducing the necessary legislation, regulations and monitoring.  相似文献   

Mysis relicta has been recognized as an important component of many limnetic food webs. The first approach to studying the feeding habits ofM. relicta was the analysis of stomach contents. Assumptions regarding stomach content analysis have been tested and seasonal feeding estimates ofM. relicta have been reported recently. Laboratory grazing and/or predation experiments have recently been completed usingM. relicta primarily from Lakes Michigan and Tahoe.Mysis relicta is concluded to be opportunistic, capable of utilizing a variety of food resources. It may play an important role in structuring limnetic food webs.  相似文献   

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