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Geno3D: automatic comparative molecular modelling of protein   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Geno3D (http://geno3d-pbil.ibcp.fr) is an automatic web server for protein molecular modelling. Starting with a query protein sequence, the server performs the homology modelling in six successive steps: (i) identify homologous proteins with known 3D structures by using PSI-BLAST; (ii) provide the user all potential templates through a very convenient user interface for target selection; (iii) perform the alignment of both query and subject sequences; (iv) extract geometrical restraints (dihedral angles and distances) for corresponding atoms between the query and the template; (v) perform the 3D construction of the protein by using a distance geometry approach and (vi) finally send the results by e-mail to the user.  相似文献   

3D-models were created and refined for CYP2D6 and for its complexes with ajmalicine and quinidine. The influence of the conformation of the enzyme active site on its interaction with ligands was evaluated by performing three series of molecular docking on selected ajmalicine- and quinidine-like inhibitors. The results suggested that the experimental binding values of ajmalicine- and quinidine-like inhibitors better fit with the energetic terms derived from their interaction with structures of CYP2D6 obtained by, respectively, optimizing the ajmalicine/CYP2D6 and the quinidine/CYP2D6 complexes, rather than exploiting the 3D-strucure of the enzyme not subjected to a ligand-induced conformational change. It suggests the relevance of induced-fit phenomena in the biological system of interest.  相似文献   


The p90 ribosomal s6 kinase 2 (RSK2) is a promising target because of its over expression and activation in human cancer cells and tissues. Over the last few years, significant efforts have been made in order to develop RSK2 inhibitors to treat myeloma, prostatic cancer, skin cancer and etc., but with limited success so far. In this paper, pharmacophore modelling, molecular docking study and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation have been performed to explore the novel inhibitors of RSK2. Pharmacophore models were developed by 95 molecules having pIC50 ranging from 4.577 to 9.000. The pharmacophore model includes one hydrogen bond acceptor (A), one hydrogen bond donor (D), one hydrophobic feature (H) and one aromatic ring (R). It is the best pharmacophore hypothesis that has the highest correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.91) and cross validation coefficient (Q2 = 0.71) at 5 component PLS factor. It was evaluated using enrichment analysis and the best model was used for virtual screening. The constraints used in this study were docking score, ADME properties, binding free energy estimates and IFD Score to screen the database. Ultimately, 12 hits were identified as potent and novel RSK2 inhibitors. A 15 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was further employed to validate the reliability of the docking results.  相似文献   

For the first time, a set of experimentally reported [60] fullerene derivatives were subjected to the 3D-QSAR/CoMFA and CoMSIA studies. The aim of this study is to propose a series of novel [60] fullerene-based inhibitors with optimal binding affinity for the HIV-1 PR enzyme. The position of the template molecule at the cavity of HIV-1 PR was optimized and 3D QSAR models were developed. Relative contributions of steric/electrostatic fields of the 3D-QSAR/CoMFA and CoMSIA models have shown that steric effects govern the bioactivity of the compounds, but electrostatic interactions play also an important role.The de novo drug design Leapfrog simulations provided a series of novel compounds with predicted improved inhibition effect.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthesis is essential for cell growth and viability. The 3-oxoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase II (KAS II) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis catalyses initiation of the fatty acid synthesis pathway by condensation of acyl CoA and mycolic acid during the elongation phase. KAS II is a key regulator of bacterial fatty acid synthesis, and a promising target in the search for potent antibacterial drugs. Homology modelling was used to generate the 3-D protein structure using the known crystal structure, and the stereochemical quality of KAS II was validated. Effective drugs were selected that target the active amino acid residues of KAS II. The drugs thiolactomycin, thiophenone and the multidrug cerulenin isoniazed were found to be more potent for inhibition of M. tuberculosis due to the robust binding affinity of their protein–drug interactions. KAS II enzymes of M. tuberculosis and other species of Mycobacterium are conserved, as revealed by their close phylogenetic relationships. This study may provide new insights towards understanding the 3-D structural conformation and active amino acids of KAS II, thus providing rationale for the design of novel antibacterial drugs.  相似文献   


Brucella melitensis is a pathogenic bacterium responsible for brucellosis in mammals and humans. Its outer membrane proteins (Omp) control the diffusion of solutes through the membrane, and they consequently have a crucial role in the design of diagnostics and vaccines. Moreover, such proteins have recently revealed their potential for protein-based biomaterials. In the present contribution, the structure of the B. melitensis porin Omp2a is built using the RaptorX threading method. This is a 16-stranded β-barrel with an α-helix on the third loop folding inside the barrel and forming the constriction zone of the channel, a typical feature of general porins such as PhoE and OmpF. The preferential diffusion of cations over anions experimentally observed in anterior studies is evidenced by the presence of distinct clusters of charges in the extracellular loops and in the inner pore. Docking studies support the previously reported hypothesis of Omp2a ability to aid maltotetraose diffusion. The monomer model is then assembled into a homotrimer, stabilized by the L2 loop involved in most of the interface interactions. The stability of the trimer is evaluated in three bilayers: pure 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC), pure 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (POPE) and a mixture of 1:1 of POPC/POPE. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations demonstrate the β-barrel-structural stability over time even though a breathing-like motion is observed. Compared to the pure bilayers, the POPC/POPE better preserves the integrity of the protein and its channel. Overall, this work demonstrates the relevancy of the Omp2a model and will help to design new therapeutic agents and bioinspired nanomaterials.  相似文献   

5-HydroxyTriptamine 2A antagonists are potential targets for treatment of various cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disorders. In this study, we have developed and performed a unique screening pipeline for filtering ZINC database compounds on the basis of similarities to known antagonists to determine novel small molecule antagonists of 5-HydroxyTriptamine 2A. The screening pipeline is based on 2D similarity, 3D dissimilarity and a combination of 2D/3D similarity. The shortlisted compounds were docked to a 5-HydroxyTriptamine 2A homology-based model, and complexes with low binding energies (287 complexes) were selected for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in a lipid bilayer. The MD simulations of the shortlisted compounds in complex with 5-HydroxyTriptamine 2A confirmed the stability of the complexes and revealed novel interaction insights. The receptor residues S239, N343, S242, S159, Y370 and D155 predominantly participate in hydrogen bonding. ππ stacking is observed in F339, F340, F234, W151 and W336, whereas hydrophobic interactions are observed amongst V156, F339, F234, V362, V366, F340, V235, I152 and W151. The known and potential antagonists shortlisted by us have similar overlapping molecular interaction patterns. The 287 potential 5-HydroxyTriptamine 2A antagonists may be experimentally verified.  相似文献   



Protein-protein interactions are a pivotal component of many biological processes and mediate a variety of functions. Knowing the tertiary structure of a protein complex is therefore essential for understanding the interaction mechanism. However, experimental techniques to solve the structure of the complex are often found to be difficult. To this end, computational protein-protein docking approaches can provide a useful alternative to address this issue. Prediction of docking conformations relies on methods that effectively capture shape features of the participating proteins while giving due consideration to conformational changes that may occur.  相似文献   

Shakil S  Khan AU 《Bioinformation》2010,4(10):468-472
Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) are the bacterial enzymes that make them resistant to advanced-generation cephalosporins. CTXM enzymes (the most prevalent ESBL-type) target cefotaxime. Aims of the study were: Modelling of CTX-M enzyme from bla(CTX-M) sequences of clinical Escherichia coli isolatesDocking of cefotaxime with modelled CTX-M enzymes to identify amino acid residues crucial to their interaction To hypothesize a possible relationship between 'interaction energy of the docked enzyme-antibiotic complex' and 'minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the antibiotic against the bacteria producing that enzyme'. Seven E. coli strains of clinical origin which were confirmed as PCR-positive for bla(CTX-M) were selected for the study. C600 cells harboring cloned bla(CTX-M) were tested for ESBL-production by double-disk-synergy test. BLAST analysis confirmed all the bla(CTX-M) genes as blaCTX-M-15. Four of the 7 strains were found to be clonally related. Modelling was performed using Swiss Model Server. Discovery Studio 2.0 (Accelrys) was used to prepare Ramachandran plots for the modelled structures. Ramachandran Z-scores for modelled CTX-M enzymes from E. coli strains D8, D183, D253, D281, D282, D295 and D296 were found to be -0.449, 0.096, 0.027, 0.043, 0.032, -1.249 and -1.107, respectively. Docking was performed using Hex 5.1 and the results were further confirmed by Autodock 4.0. The amino acid residues Asn 104, Asn132, Gly 227, Thr 235, Gly 236, and Ser237 were found to be responsible for positioning cefotaxime into the active site of the CTX-M-15 enzyme. It was found that cefotaxime MICs for the CTX-M-15-producers increased with the increasing negative interaction energy of the enzyme-antibiotic complex.  相似文献   


Benzodipyrazoles have been previously evaluated for their in vitro CDK2 inhibitory activity. In the current investigation, we identified a six-feature common pharmacophore model (AADDRR.33) which is predicted to be responsible for CDK2 inhibition. An efficient 3D QSAR (r2?=?0.98 and q2?=?0.82) model was also constructed by employing PLS regression analysis. From the molecular docking studies, we examined the binding patterns of compound 7aa with the target protein and also calculated the binding energy using MM-GBSA calculations. Three hydrogen bonds with Lys 33, Glu 81, and Leu 83 are conserved even after 1000?ps run in a molecular dynamics simulation. We identified the slight displacement in bond lengths and the conformational changes occurred during the dynamics. The results also elucidated the protein residue–ligand interaction fractions which clearly explained the involvement of non-H-bond interactions.  相似文献   

The combination of NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling studies provided the putative bioactive conformation for the analgesic cannabinoid (CB) ligand (−)-2-(6a,7,10,10a-tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethylhydroxy-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyranyl)-2-hexyl 1,3-dithiolane which served as a template in reported three-dimensional quantitative structure–activity relationship (3D QSAR) studies [Durdagi et al., J. Med. Chem. 2007, 50, 2875]. The reported 3D models of the CB1 receptor allowed us to construct a new 3D QSAR model based on theoretical calculations and molecular docking studies. Statistical comparison of the constructed two 3D QSAR studies showed the improvement of the new model. In addition, the new model can explain more effectively the experimental data and thus it can serve more efficiently in the rational drug design of pharmacologically optimized CB analogues.  相似文献   


The 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase-3 (PFKFB3) is a master regulator of glycolysis in cancer cells by synthesizing fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (F-2,6-BP), a potent allosteric activator of phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1), which is a rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis. PFKFB3 is an attractive target for cancer treatment. It is valuable to discover promising inhibitors by using 3D-QSAR pharmacophore modeling, virtual screening, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation. Twenty molecules with known activity were used to build 3D-QSAR pharmacophore models. The best pharmacophore model was ADHR called Hypo1, which had the highest correlation value of 0.98 and the lowest RMSD of 0.82. Then, the Hypo1 was validated by cost value method, test set method and decoy set validation method. Next, the Hypo1 combined with Lipinski's rule of five and ADMET properties were employed to screen databases including Asinex and Specs, total of 1,048,159 molecules. The hits retrieved from screening were docked into protein by different procedures including HTVS, SP and XP. Finally, nine molecules were picked out as potential PFKFB3 inhibitors. The stability of PFKFB3-lead complexes was verified by 40?ns molecular dynamics simulation. The binding free energy and the energy contribution of per residue to the binding energy were calculated by MM-PBSA based on molecular dynamics simulation.  相似文献   

Sugarcane yield and quality are affected by a number of biotic and abiotic stresses. In response to such stresses, plants may increase the activities of some enzymes such as glutathione transferase (GST), which are involved in the detoxification of xenobiotics. Thus, a sugarcane GST was modelled and molecular docked using the program LIGIN to investigate the contributions of the active site residues towards the binding of reduced glutathione (GSH) and 1‐chloro‐2,4‐dinitrobenzene (CDNB). As a result, W13 and I119 were identified as key residues for the specificity of sugarcane GSTF1 (SoGSTF1) towards CDNB. To obtain a better understanding of the catalytic specificity of sugarcane GST (SoGSTF1), two mutants were designed, W13L and I119F. Tertiary structure models and the same docking procedure were performed to explain the interactions between sugarcane GSTs with GSH and CDNB. An electron‐sharing network for GSH interaction was also proposed. The SoGSTF1 and the mutated gene constructions were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and the expressed protein purified. Kinetic analyses revealed different Km values not only for CDNB, but also for GSH. The Km values were 0.2, 1.3 and 0.3 mM for GSH, and 0.9, 1.2 and 0.5 mM for CDNB, for the wild type, W13L mutant and I119F mutant, respectively. The Vmax values were 297.6, 224.5 and 171.8 µmol min?1 mg?1 protein for GSH, and 372.3, 170.6 and 160.4 µmol min?1 mg?1 protein for CDNB.  相似文献   

Background: In recent years, since the molecular docking technique can greatly improve the efficiency and reduce the research cost, it has become a key tool in computer-assisted drug design to predict the binding affinity and analyze the interactive mode. Results: This study introduces the key principles, procedures and the widely-used applications for molecular docking. Also, it compares the commonly used docking applications and recommends which research areas are suitable for them. Lastly, it briefly reviews the latest progress in molecular docking such as the integrated method and deep learning. Conclusion: Limited to the incomplete molecular structure and the shortcomings of the scoring function, current docking applications are not accurate enough to predict the binding affinity. However, we could improve the current molecular docking technique by integrating the big biological data into scoring function.  相似文献   

Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) enzyme plays an important role in the regulation of biosynthesis and oxidation of fatty acids. ACC is a recognized drug target for the treatment of obesity and diabetes. Combination of ligand and structure-based in silico methods along with activity and toxicity prediction provides best lead compounds in the drug discovery process. In this study, a data-set of 100 ACC inhibitors were used for the development of comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) and comparative molecular similarity index matrix analysis (CoMSIA) models. The generated contour maps were used for the design of novel ACC inhibitors. CoMFA and CoMSIA models were used for the predication of activity of designed compounds. In silico toxicity risk prediction study was carried out for the designed compounds. Molecular docking and dynamic simulations studies were performed to know the binding mode of designed compounds with the ACC enzyme. The designed compounds showed interactions with key amino acid residues important for catalysis, and good correlation was observed between binding free energy and inhibition of ACC.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional quantitative structure–activity relationships of 57 2-[(aminopropyl)amino]-4(1H)-quinolinone analogues as Staphylococcus aureus methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) inhibitors with excellent antibacterial profile were investigated and docking studies were performed. The CoMFA analysis provided a model with a q2 value of 0.579 and an r2 value of 0.970, in which the good correlation between the MetRS inhibitory activities (IC50) and the steric and electrostatic molecular fields around the analogues was examined. Two inhibitors (1 and 17) were docked into the binding pocket of Escherichia coli MetRS imported from the X-ray crystal structure of the MetRS-methionine complex, and the details of their interaction with the amino acids of the active site are discussed.  相似文献   

Deep generative models have gained recent popularity for chemical design. Many of these models have historically operated in 2D space; however, more recently explicit 3D molecular generative models have become of interest, which are the topic of this article. Dozens of published models have been developed in the last few years to generate molecules directly in 3D, outputting both the atom types and coordinates, either in one-shot or adding atoms or fragments step-by-step. These 3D generative models can also be guided by structural information such as a binding pocket representation to successfully generate molecules with docking score ranges similar to known actives, but still showing lower computational efficiency and generation throughput than 1D/2D generative models and sometimes producing unrealistic conformations. We advocate for a unified benchmark of metrics to evaluate generation and propose perspectives to be addressed in next implementations.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a leading cause of infectious disease in the world today. This outlook is aggravated by a growing number of M. tuberculosis infections in individuals who are immunocompromised as a result of HIV infections. Thus, new and more potent anti-TB agents are necessary. Therefore, acetolactate synthase (mtALS) was selected as a target enzyme to combat M. tuberculosis. In this work, the three-dimensional molecular model of the hypothetical structure for the ALS catalytic subunit of M. tuberculosis was elucidated by homology modelling. In addition, the orientations and binding affinities of sulfonylurea inhibitors with the new structure was investigated. Our findings could be helpful for the design of new, more potent mtAHAS inhibitors.  相似文献   

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